Staffing EdTechTalk

Update: Oct. 5, 2008
Community development plans described below are in limbo for now. Below is a discussion about this from the EdTechWeekly#97 post-show. We will likely continue discussing  next steps soon.  In the meantime, we'd welcome any feedback and/or participation interest.
In order to form a more sustainable community and establish an organizational structure that will preserve EdTechTalkyness while supporting scalable growth, we propose the following governance branches and positions, and send out a call for participation to all corners of the Interwebs. (Info about joining the ETT Team below)

Eachorganizational branch of ETT will work as a team, sharing general tasksand 'cross-training', but individuals will have specific areas ofresponsibility. This structure will evolve and adapt based on communityneeds and staffing availability. Currently, EdTechTalk operates as anot-for-profit entity and as such, no one receives financialcompensation for any of these duties. Terms of office for the initialslate of positions is tentatively set at one year beginning Jan. 1,2009.



  • approve/terminate shows
  • approve finance/budget proposals, projects
  • amend policies, terms of use, etc
  • steer the general direction of community development


  • Board Director/Coordinator of Community Planning
  • Coordinator of Sustainability (finance, revenue, advertising)
  • Coordinator of Community Standards (Policy, standards, etc.)
  • Coordinator of Special Projects
  • Director of Operations
  • Director of Content
  • WB and/or EB Liaison
  • Members at large?



Keep the server, website & other infrastructure running andserving the communities needs.


  • Director of Operations*
  • Server admin/ Coordinator of Security
  • Web Site Coordinator -- CMS/Drupal/Design
  • Coordinator of Operational Support -- HELP!
  • Coordinator of External & Future Technologies -- oversee external services and new tools?

Content Production


Oversee production of webcasts, resources, and other kinds of content


  • Director of Content*
  • Coordinator of Communication -- newsletters, email, skype chats, etc.
  • Moderation Coordinator -- (approve comments, address forum issues)
  • Coordinator of Training & Specifications - new host orientation, audio specs, tagging standards, etc.

* also serves on Board of Trustees

If you are interested in any of these positions, please answerthe following questions. You can do so publicly by adding a text,audio, and/or video comment below or privately by sendingyour comments (in whatever media) to manager at edtechtalk dot com.

  • In what ways have you been involved with EdTechTalk thusfar?
  • What do you value most about ETT and your participation in the community?
  • In what ways would you like to see EdTechTalk evolve?
  • Which position(s) are you most interested in holding? Which others would you be willing to hold? Is there a position not on the list that you'd be interested in? Would you be interested in participating on one of the organizational teams, but prefer not to have an official position?
  • Why do you want to (are you willing to ) take on this (these) position(s)?
  • Please feel free to include any additional information you consider relevant.


* In what ways have you been involved with EdTechTalk thusfar?
I hang around and annoy dave. I haven't graduated from webcastacademy.
* What do you value most about ETT and your participation in the community?
The people. The community is about the connections we have with people here.
* In what ways would you like to see EdTechTalk evolve?
Develop an academy for conference streaming services where we could learn how to provide conferences with streaming on edtechtalk. Then any money we generate or even a portion could be put towards ETT costs.
* Which position(s) are you most interested in holding?
Moderation Coordinator - I think I might actually be able to do that one.
Which others would you be willing to hold?
Would you be interested in participating on one of the organizational teams, but prefer not to have an official position? yes
* Why do you want to (are you willing to ) take on this (these) position(s)? it's a dirty job but someone has to do it. :)


Not sure where this stands now, but I want to become more involved in ED Teach Talk. I just took a new position at Kansas State University working with pre-service teachers and want to become an example for them. So, I need to walk the walk and do what am telling them to do, so I am willing to volunteer and get more involved if you need me.