SEEDlings 2008-12-4 with Sandy Morgan at

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 Chat Log

callajud ->   Hi is there an event in session?
bobsprankle ->   hello henry
cheryloakes~seedlings ->   hi Sandy
alicebarr (seedling) ->   can you hear us?
cheryloakes~seedlings ->   evening Henry
smorgan03 ->   Hi, Cheryl
bobsprankle ->   hi all
bobsprankle ->   can you hear us?
cheryloakes~ ->   back again
cheryloakes~ ->   any sound yet?
bobsprankle ->   sound?
cbrannon ->   not on my end
cbrannon ->   there we go. now i got it
cheryloakes~ ->   please click on itunes and edtechtalk a
bobsprankle ->   :)
Henry Thiele ->   Hello all :)
cheryloakes~ ->   evening henry, glad you are here.
cheryloakes~ ->   hi dianne, welcome
bobsprankle ->   hi dianne
bobsprankle ->
dianne ->   HI
dianne ->   have you started yet cuz I'm not getting audio?
cbrannon ->   Cool site. Will use the Animals section in my classes.
bobsprankle ->   yes... we've started... do others hear us?
cbrannon ->   I have sound
cheryloakes~ ->    please go to edtechtalk a, click itunes or window media
dianne ->   ok I think I have it
bobsprankle ->   :)
BarbInNebraska ->   Hello!
cbrannon ->   Hey, Barb.
bobsprankle ->   hi barb!
cheryloakes~ ->   Barb I just told your story about looking for reference for students.
BarbInNebraska ->   @cheryl Darn, I missed it!
cbrannon ->   It is very clean looking
cheryloakes~ ->   you can hear it in the podcast.
cbrannon ->   no distractions for the kids!
BarbInNebraska ->   I like that their are NO ads!
cheryloakes~ ->   yes, no ads , very clean looking.
BarbInNebraska ->   @cheryl, thanks, I'll download it!
BarbInNebraska ->   They love to be the 'authority' on a subject.
cheryloakes~ ->   welcome James and Henry, again
James Sigler ->   Hello everybody!
cheryloakes~ ->   yes Barb, it makes them the leader in the subject
BarbInNebraska ->   HI James!
Henry Thiele ->   In and out - it is bedtime around here
BarbInNebraska ->   That's sweet! :-)
cheryloakes~ ->   hi lpatterson! welcome to the conversation
James Sigler ->   What's the topic?
cbrannon ->
alicebarr (seedling) ->   Sandy Morgan @
BarbInNebraska ->
bobsprankle ->   thanks for that barb!
cheryloakes~ ->   I like the simple, pattern of the information at facts4me
James Sigler ->   Did the kids help do research for the site?
cheryloakes~ ->   facts4me is a research site for students
cheryloakes~ ->   evening lee-anneP, welcome our conversation is about research for students
cheryloakes~ ->   young students, elementary
Lee-AnneP ->   greetings from Hong Kong
bobsprankle ->   hello hong kong!
James Sigler ->   But what if the subscription for stockphotos end.  Does the license end?
cheryloakes~ ->   Oh, evening to HongKong!
Lee-AnneP ->   no morning - sick kid so home from work
cheryloakes~ ->   user id for the site=seedlings   and pw is 2008   until December 31, 2008
bobsprankle ->   :)
cheryloakes~ ->   Thanks to Sandy for offering this opportunity to try this facts4me subscription until Dec. 31, 2008
cheryloakes~ ->   If you are listening to this podcast you can contact and try this out.
cbrannon ->   great! wrote it down! thanks!
James Sigler ->   Great! thanks
dianne ->   Awesome- I can't wait to share this with teachers
cheryloakes~ ->   The sample tour shows all the topics at the site.
James Sigler ->   Me students are currently doing research on millipedes, frogs, and crabs
James Sigler ->   *My students
cbrannon ->   Who does the fact checking or where do the facts come from?
James Sigler ->   Like the great pictures and simple language.
cheryloakes~ ->   James, isn't it great! so comfortable for students.
Lee-AnneP ->   is there a way for teachers to recommend topics to be included?
cheryloakes~ ->   Evening Lorna, and welcome.
Lorna ->   hmm parents? missed the link Cheryl
James Sigler ->   Is this like a kid-friendly encyclopedia?
cheryloakes~ ->   We will ask your questions as you present them.
Lorna ->   just started listening
cheryloakes~ ->   This conversation is about young children's research at
Lorna ->   thnx
cbrannon ->   thanks for asking my question!
cbrannon ->   If we subscribe is there a way to help correct any mistakes?
cheryloakes~ ->    sure thing cbrannon it is all about open source conversations!
cbrannon ->   Sounds like she is open to help...that is great!
cbrannon ->   haha
cheryloakes~ ->   Sandy sounds like she is in the trenches with us, doesn't she?
James Sigler ->   How is this subscription-based read-only encyclopedia better than a student-created free wiki of student research?
Lee-AnneP ->   thanks for asking my question - can you put email address into chat plse
James Sigler ->   Can students contribute?
cheryloakes~ ->   No ads, and a pattern of information is what I think.
cheryloakes~ ->   [email protected]
James Sigler ->   @Cheryl pattern of information?
cheryloakes~ ->   A photo, A title, a simple beginning, middle , end and it looks so appealing to kids, to me.
James Sigler ->   Often, teachers do hold the students back from researching on the internet, esp primary students
James Sigler ->   True looks very kid-friendly
Henry Thiele ->   has anyone used quintura for kids?
cbrannon ->   Yes. Clean is really good...especially for my "special students"
cheryloakes~ ->   Henry, what is the url for quintura and what grade level?
Henry Thiele ->
cheryloakes~ ->   thanks Henry will check later
Henry Thiele ->   It is a visual search engine, so even the little guys can drill through it - probably 2-6 on the text and k-6 on images
James Sigler ->   Oh, love the prominant citation info
cheryloakes~ ->   thanks Henry!
James Sigler ->   not transformative, but filling a need in the derth of kid-friendly sites for research
bobsprankle ->   right, james
cheryloakes~ ->   but transformative from teaching in the classroom and now from the web.
Lee-AnneP ->   will be sharing with primary colleagues in HK!
cheryloakes~ ->   thanks Lee-AnneP, sharing is what it is about.
Lee-AnneP ->   Is the subscription price the same for US and International schools - what about the time difference?
James Sigler ->   true, it may transform the practice of those teacher who hold their elementary students back from internet research
cheryloakes~ ->   will get that question Lee AnneP
cbrannon ->   Leeanne. the site says you can request a different time frame.
James Sigler ->   Going to add it to our school bookmarks
Lee-AnneP ->   would also be good for secondary kids with learning needs
cheryloakes~ ->   yes, Lee-AnneP, for English as second language is where Sandy started
James Sigler ->   Can students contribute?
Lee-AnneP ->   sorry gotta go to Dr - been great to participate
cheryloakes~ ->   bye Lee-AnneP, thanks for coming
Lee-AnneP ->   will listen to rest via podcast
cheryloakes~ ->   it willbe posted tomorrow
cheryloakes~ ->   The chat will be posted to, with all the great links.
James Sigler ->   Just friendly site?
James Sigler ->   Student-friendly site?
James Sigler ->   Can students contribute for free?
cheryloakes~ ->   evening n2teaching, welcome
n2teaching ->   Thanks!
James Sigler ->   Woof!
cheryloakes~ ->   thanks James, we need the cue
dianne ->   Thanks Sandy! Keep up the great work. All students will benefit! Nite
cheryloakes~ ->  Sandy's Geek
n2teaching ->   Just got home and found Alice's Plurk. I suppose you are finished now?
cheryloakes~ -> is her other one
dianne ->   guess I should stick around :?
cheryloakes~ ->   we are just at geek of the week
alicebarr (seedling) ->
cbrannon -> I can use it if I dont have firefox with google reader?
James Sigler ->   don't they call that
alicebarr (seedling) ->   @james I like it becasue it pulls things out of my RSS Reader
James Sigler ->   Yeah!  no student e-mails
cheryloakes~ ->    hi bmuench!
bobsprankle ->
James Sigler ->   @alice automatically?  Wow!
James Sigler ->   Dabbleboard sounds great!
alicebarr (seedling) ->   @James yes It's amazing!
cheryloakes~ ->
James Sigler ->   Would be great for syncronous collboration between 3 classes
alicebarr (seedling) ->   Just lost audio
cheryloakes~ ->   yes james would be goo
alicebarr (seedling) ->   BRB
James Sigler ->   Yeah Missouri!
James Sigler ->   Oops there want audio
James Sigler ->   Ok back
cbrannon ->   I now have 7 pages open to go and check out....thanks!
cheryloakes~ ->   good luck with the 7 pages.
alicebarr (seedling) ->   Hey Ben!
BarbInNebraska ->   That's a nice story!
cheryloakes~ ->   Evening Ben!
bmcnaboe ->   hello!
James Sigler ->   My students are putting their research onto our class wiki this week
cheryloakes~ ->   so glad you all joined us
cbrannon ->   Yesh, I have a private wiki going for the body systems...
cbrannon ->   audio again
cbrannon ->   Yeah, not yesh
James Sigler ->   @cbrannon great!
cbrannon ->   Got to go......thank you....I'm on twitter as cbrannon if you want to check me out and my class wiki
cbrannon ->   bye!
cheryloakes~ ->   getting ready for the ending, thanks all
bobsprankle ->   thanks to all!
cheryloakes~ ->   join us next week for Carla Arena
James Sigler ->   good show!  :)
cheryloakes~ ->   thanks for being here.
n2teaching ->   Thanks for having us!
cheryloakes~ ->   bye all
bobsprankle ->   bye all
James Sigler ->   nite all