EdTechTalk#22 - Chat Transcript

 EdTechTalk#22 - Chat Transcript
October 30, 2005

[daf] hi Jeff
[JeffLebow] Hi Daf
elderbob has joined the chat.
[daf] hi bob
[JeffLebow] Hello Elderbob
[elderbob] The early crew
[daf] whose nervous?
dave has joined the chat.
[elderbob] Nervous?
Sus_Nyrop has joined the chat.
[daf] hi Dave
[daf] hi Sus
[dave] greetings
[dave] we're sound testing
[Sus_Nyrop] Granny's here!
[Sus_Nyrop] I can hear you but you sound awful
[elderbob] I hear you.
[daf] the sound is great here
[elderbob] but only once
[Sus_Nyrop] or rather, you make a lot uf scratchy sizzly noise
[elderbob] But I have heard this part before, is this a podcast
[Sus_Nyrop] perhaps the virual audio cable IS missing
[dave] nope
[Sus_Nyrop] you were so nice <yesterday guys
[dave] we're live
[Sus_Nyrop] no echo
[dave] the show starts in 47 minutes
[elderbob] I think it sounds pretty good.
[daf] I have no echo
[daf] the sound is fine here in Caracas :-)
[elderbob] If anything, its a good mike....maybe you need to alter the filters on the mike.
[elderbob] What is the soft ware you are using.
[JeffLebow] EdTechTalk_22_Show_Notes
[Sus_Nyrop] but if you have been using virtual audio cable all the time, how do you think you could do this without?t
[JeffLebow] Info about our set up there
[Sus_Nyrop] do you have a hot air fan?
[elderbob] No, I mean through your soundcard.....are there filters.
[Sus_Nyrop] I think Jeff, your voice is more metallic than usual
Sus_Nyrop has left the chat.
[elderbob] The links in the Show notes for that first entry, dont work.
leeb has joined the chat.
[daf] :hugs Lee
[daf] a new literacy, Jeff,
[leeb] hugs too
[elderbob] Cool.
[daf] well, both sounds are good, but the old sound was much better
[elderbob] I dont see a problem with this way, but maybe if I hear d the other....
[elderbob] DO a test, then vote.
Sus_Nyrop has joined the chat.
[daf] good idea, bob
[daf] M-CH test
[Sus_Nyrop] Hi again
[daf] wb sus
[daf] he he, not messier than my office, I am sure
[Sus_Nyrop] I am waiting to hear some better sound!
[daf] a = old sound
[daf] b= new sound
[leeb] I like the sound fine.
[Sus_Nyrop] C= quality sound
[leeb] b
[Sus_Nyrop] a
[leeb] b
[daf] no, Sus we are voting for old sound and new sound
[elderbob] Boy that was scary.
[daf] lol
[daf] it's halloween!
[elderbob] Time for a toilet break...
derli1212 has joined the chat.
[leeb] :o
[leeb] That was sceeaaary.
[derli1212] hi. how are you all?
[dave] very good
[leeb] *harp*
[dave] how goesit...
[derli1212] :D
[daf] hi deril
[daf] derli, sorry
[elderbob] Is sound still off?
[derli1212] hi. daf, later any workshop?
[daf] no idea
[derli1212] I don't hear voice.
[daf] trrying sound
[leeb] what chat are they looking at?
[Sus_Nyrop] that gave enen more noise, a new moise!
[Sus_Nyrop] flutter flutter knitz knitz
[daf] lol
[Sus_Nyrop] deli is in Taiwan
[Sus_Nyrop] Derli
[derli1212] yes. Taiwan zone pm 10:40
[daf] do you know Aiden, Derli?
[leeb] hi derli
[derli1212] hi. Sus!
[derli1212] yes. I know Aiden.
[daf] :-)
teacherruth has joined the chat.
[dave] hi ruth!
[teacherruth] Hi!
[teacherruth] I don't know how to listen to the live streaming
[derli1212] I hear machine sound "welcome" ? I am too.
[teacherruth] The icons on the right don't seem to help
[daf] hi ruth
[teacherruth] Hi!
[daf] they are trying the sound, Ruth
[leeb] daf, where are jeff and dave looking at chats
[dave] who
[dave] dave and jeff
[dave] we're here
[derli1212] so you said I press live stream! I got it! I am listening it. it's good. Dave and Jeff are talking online!
[dave] yes
[dave] derli... the show starts in about 29 minutes
[derli1212] thanks!
[dave] we're doing sound checks and a pre-show
[leeb] yes, I have both.. I just thought they were seeing things I was not seeing...
[daf] wel, I am having sound again
[teacherruth] IMaybe all the fiddling yesterday muted my sound?
burgosm has joined the chat.
[teacherruth] But I can't even get any player
[leeb] ohhhh. I also keep that open.. i will get it on a floating window so I can watch it as well.
[daf] that is a good idea, Lee
Bee has joined the chat.
[daf] brb
[Bee] cackling and typing witches and warlocks
[burgosm] brb
[Bee] Hi Ruth
[Bee] Long time no see
[Sus_Nyrop] Hello here Ruth!
[Bee] Maybe it is a problem with configuring her speakers
[Bee] is she on a PC?
[daf] back
suriawang has joined the chat.
[elderbob] I am making lots of comments, but no one can hear them.
[Sus_Nyrop] hello Suria
[daf] in Skype, Bob?
[elderbob] No, just here in my living room.
[suriawang] Hello, sus...
[suriawang] Am I late?
[elderbob] Im just talking outloud, and no one hears.
teacherruth has left the chat.
[elderbob] but then no one is arguing either.
[Bee] I hear you
[Sus_Nyrop] you're so welcome, Suria!
[Bee] read you
[suriawang] Is there a Webcast happening, or fixing to happen. I have a really hard time with timezones.
[daf] you can hear the conversation of the pre-show
[elderbob] Suria, you are just in time.
[suriawang] Should I listen at 24kbs or 64kbs?
[Bee] It depends on your connection
[suriawang] K
[elderbob] Are you on a low bandwidth or high bandwidth, Suria.
[burgosm] Is there some way to see which are the 5 people who can talk?
[Bee] Hi Maryanne...are you listening to the webcast as well
[suriawang] So we're listening to pre-show?
[burgosm] Yes, I'm listening.
[Bee] great
[suriawang] :sitting back to listen...
leeb has left the chat.
[Bee] Halloween in the air
[Bee] I must go...now..lunch time here
burgosm has left the chat.
[elderbob] I thought this was the Naughty Boys chat....then i find out its the Nordic Voice Chat.
[elderbob] What a disappointment.
[Bee] See you...good luck with the Nordic conference Sus...I will be here next weekend...so will try to log in
Bee has left the chat.
[elderbob] BYe Bee
burgosm has joined the chat.
[Sus_Nyrop] Hi Maryanne
[burgosm] Hi Sus
[daf] Jeff, ask Vance about the WiAOC conference
[daf] he is the conference man
[JeffLebow] anything specific about wiaoc?
[Sus_Nyrop] Vance is telling al about it now
[daf] yes
[burgosm] What is the regular EdTechTalk time?
[suriawang] elderbob, so what's converging in the "convergence"?
[elderbob] Im still trying to find a way to get ANdy Carvin to call in on that Sunday.
[elderbob] But it doesnt look too likely.
[Sus_Nyrop] Bob - why don't you jump into Skype & I can make room for you
[elderbob] He had them on the Global Learn Day last year.
[suriawang] So What's it about?
[suriawang] Oh, so people are converging?
[daf] The occurrence of two or more things coming together
[elderbob] It came to me in a vision.
[Sus_Nyrop] people, and the technologies connecting us
[elderbob] Converging of technology, societies, humans, etc.
[suriawang] Got it! Very good...
[daf] coming closer
[suriawang] Where is the moodle page?
[elderbob] We might get several people to take turns doing it once per monthr.
tkanders has joined the chat.
[elderbob] YOu are coming through niceand clear Ruth
sroseman has joined the chat.
[tkanders] HEllo everyone
[dave] greetings
[tkanders] Bob do I understand you correctly, can you here Ruth?
[dave] yes, ruth is talking now
[tkanders] Ok then is Ruth using a microphone?
[dave] yes
[burgosm] Is this Ruth Vilmi?
[dave] yes
[dave] tkanders - she is in the skype conference
[dave] which is on the live stream
[burgosm] Wow. I've used her web project with me former ESL students. This is cool.
[tkanders] Dave I have been looking for skype, hard to locate
[dave] tkanders... the program?
[dave] it's at skype.com
[Sus_Nyrop] Ruth Vilmi is talking about her conference session for the Nordic voice conference
[burgosm] Hi, Ruth. Yes I can hear you. Yes, Burgos
[burgosm] I'm a retired teacher. I usesd Ruth's page with my hs students in Buffalo, NY
[Sus_Nyrop] Maryanne, jump into Skype
[burgosm] No, thanks. I'd rather hear you.
[tkanders] Thank you Dave, for the tip I am downloading now.
[dave] great
[burgosm] I taught in Buffalo, NY but now will do online courses from Maryland, USA
[burgosm] Yes, that's what we used.
[burgosm] Maybe I should try to skype in.
[Sus_Nyrop] now tereh's room for you maryanne
[JeffLebow] you can skype 'worldbridges'
[Sus_Nyrop] My webcast player is loading SO slowly
[burgosm] the International writing project. I don't know how to get in. I logged on the Skype and and signed in.
[suriawang] What's wrong with American voices? ;-)
[burgosm] Now what?
[burgosm] American voices rule!
[suriawang] What about southern american voices?
derli1212 has left the chat.
[Sus_Nyrop] Maryanne, do I have your skype name?
[burgosm] It's burgosm
[Sus_Nyrop] ok
[Sus_Nyrop] I'll need a reboot, thins are freezing
Sus_Nyrop has left the chat.
[burgosm] Sorry I don't know how to join you.
sroseman has left the chat.
[burgosm] I hear a ring but I need more specific instructions on how to join you.
lbaber has joined the chat.
[tkanders] I am ready to use skype with the group. burgosm can I log your name as well. Just to experience how to manage skype.
[suriawang] Where is the moodle for the convergence?
burgosm has left the chat.
burgosm has joined the chat.
burgosm has left the chat.
Sus_back has joined the chat.
[Sus_back] I hat to reboot
[Sus_back] what IS cop cakes?
[daf] I see you are back
[Sus_back] yes, I am definitely back
[daf] cakes made out of police officers ;-)
teacherruth has joined the chat.
[Sus_back] they always need some cake for their coffee
[Sus_back] Hi Ruth!
[teacherruth] Hi! I'm back
[daf] wb ruth
[Sus_back] so good to see you here & there
[teacherruth] Thanks, you too!
[daf] I am on and off because my dad is not feeling well
burgosm has joined the chat.
[teacherruth] We must learn about this new recording software they mentioned.
[teacherruth] can u type the name of the software?
[Sus_back] "an experience whiwh we should pick up in a quite different way!!!" Sounds entertaining indeed
[Sus_back] niicecast on mac?
tkanders has left the chat.
[Sus_back] kids being sick should NOT be haunted by school teachers intruding their pirvate space; those were my best days
tkanders has joined the chat.
tkanders has left the chat.
[teacherruth] the URL please?
[burgosm] Allen who? Where is that located
[JeffLebow] learnerblogs.org
[teacherruth] thanks
[teacherruth] Is this yours Jeff
[Sus_back] Did you ever use a traditional telephone bridge call and converge it into podcast?'
[teacherruth] mulitiuser worlscast?
[JeffLebow] No, it's James Farmer's
[teacherruth] thanks
[teacherruth] elg? elk?
[JeffLebow] We have used traditional phones in webcasts - audio quality is usually not as good
buthaina has joined the chat.
[burgosm] Hi Buth
[dave] davecormier.com/edblog
[Sus_back] elgg.net
[teacherruth] Hi Buth! Long time no see!
[dave] the new post describes elgg
[teacherruth] thanks sue
[buthaina] orry for being late, Jeff and Daveand all of course
[Sus_back] I'm trying to become a regular user of elgg to find out how I like that
[buthaina] orry=sorry
[elderbob] and I have to run....see you all next week end.
[teacherruth] bye
[elderbob] 'Remember "Web 2.0 -Appetizers" on Knowplace, next weekend...starting Friday.
[elderbob] knowplace.ca
[elderbob] bye.
[suriawang] That happened to me this week -- splogging!
[teacherruth] OK. Will do!
[teacherruth] Must get to know u
elderbob has left the chat.
[daf] it is happening to my students blogs at blogger
[daf] not so at LiveJournal
[suriawang] I'm finding that info from my blog are appearing on other blogs, which also include lots of unrelated content.
[suriawang] It looks like it's all machine sifted...
[teacherruth] That is very bad.
[suriawang] What's the URL of the blog map?
[burgosm] The EVO sessions are using Frapper for their sites.
[Sus_back] frappr is cool. you can zoom down all the way to local level
[daf] http://www.frappr.com/edubloggers
[buthaina] Hi Professor Ruth, how are you..glad to meet you here
[teacherruth] Thanks Daff
[daf] :hugs Buth
[Sus_back] we have had the good old Bravenet map for years
[buthaina] I am really happy to meet with my First Online Mentor, Ruth Vilmi today :)
[JeffLebow] http://goffice.com
[burgosm] Is there a program similar to Frapper for smaller areas - within counties or cities?
[teacherruth] Thank you Buth! :D
[Sus_back] http://dafnegonzalez.com/wia/wia-map.htm - our old Bravent webheads map from 2002
[daf] the only thing I don't llike about frappr is that you cannot take a screenshot of the whole map
[buthaina] Thanks to Worldbridges for providing such wondwerful educational meetings for all teachers and students in the globe
[teacherruth] You are doing great work now. I'm following you!
[Sus_back] Frappr can zoom in to local level
[daf] Bravenet, Maryanne
[burgosm] Thanks.
[daf] she is, Ruth
[teacherruth] Yes. This is my first time here.
[teacherruth] But Dave and Geoff have been helping me a lot this week.
[teacherruth] Right!
[Sus_back] we want easy tools!
[Sus_back] they have indeed been most helpful with the two od us, Ruth
[burgosm] Where will Siemens and Cross be? here?
[Sus_back] yes , here in edtechtalk on Thursday
[burgosm] Cost? Kost?
[burgosm] Thanks.
[Sus_back] Jay Cross
[teacherruth] I agree Sue
[burgosm] OK
[teacherruth] Must come on Thursday
guitarfreak has joined the chat.
[teacherruth] Yes, welcome to my livecast at 15 GMT
[teacherruth] om Moday
[Sus_back] http://www.nordiskestemme.dk
[suriawang] What's the Convergence URL?
[buthaina] Jeff, are they back..LOL
[teacherruth] Thanks all of you for this session. I presume this chat is logged.
[Sus_back] IS the chat logged, J & D?

osm] Yes, that's what we used.
[burgosm] Maybe I should try to skype in.
[Sus_Nyrop] now tereh's room for you maryanne
[JeffLebow] you can skype 'worldbridges'
[Sus_Nyrop] My webcast player is loading SO slowly
[burgosm] the International writing project. I don't know how to get in. I logged on the Skype and and signed in.
[suriawang] What's wrong with American voices? ;-)
[burgosm] Now what?
[burgosm] American voices rule!
[suriawang] What about southern american voices?
derli1212 has left the chat.
[Sus_Nyrop] Maryanne, do I have your skype name?
[burgosm] It's burgosm
[Sus_Nyrop] ok
[Sus_Nyrop] I'll need a reboot, thins are freezing
Sus_Nyrop has left the chat.
[burgosm] Sorry I don't know how to join you.
sroseman has left the chat.
[burgosm] I hear a ring but I need more specific instructions on how to join you.
lbaber has joined the chat.
[tkanders] I am ready to use skype with the group. burgosm can I log your name as well. Just to experience how to manage skype.
[suriawang] Where is the moodle for the convergence?
burgosm has left the chat.
burgosm has joined the chat.
burgosm has left the chat.
Sus_back has joined the chat.
[Sus_back] I hat to reboot
[Sus_back] what IS cop cakes?
[daf] I see you are back
[Sus_back] yes, I am definitely back
[daf] cakes made out of police officers ;-)
teacherruth has joined the chat.
[Sus_back] they always need some cake for their coffee
[Sus_back] Hi Ruth!
[teacherruth] Hi! I'm back
[daf] wb ruth
[Sus_back] so good to see you here & there
[teacherruth] Thanks, you too!
[daf] I am on and off because my dad is not feeling well
burgosm has joined the chat.
[teacherruth] We must learn about this new recording software they mentioned.
[teacherruth] can u type the name of the software?
[Sus_back] "an experience whiwh we should pick up in a quite different way!!!" Sounds entertaining indeed
[Sus_back] niicecast on mac?
tkanders has left the chat.
[Sus_back] kids being sick should NOT be haunted by school teachers intruding their pirvate space; those were my best days
tkanders has joined the chat.
tkanders has left the chat.
[teacherruth] the URL please?
[burgosm] Allen who? Where is that located
[JeffLebow] learnerblogs.org
[teacherruth] thanks
[teacherruth] Is this yours Jeff
[Sus_back] Did you ever use a traditional telephone bridge call and converge it into podcast?'
[teacherruth] mulitiuser worlscast?
[JeffLebow] No, it's James Farmer's
[teacherruth] thanks
[teacherruth] elg? elk?
[JeffLebow] We have used traditional phones in webcasts - audio quality is usually not as good
buthaina has joined the chat.
[burgosm] Hi Buth
[dave] davecormier.com/edblog
[Sus_back] elgg.net
[teacherruth] Hi Buth! Long time no see!
[dave] the new post describes elgg
[teacherruth] thanks sue
[buthaina] orry for being late, Jeff and Daveand all of course
[Sus_back] I'm trying to become a regular user of elgg to find out how I like that
[buthaina] orry=sorry
[elderbob] and I have to run....see you all next week end.
[teacherruth] bye
[elderbob] 'Remember "Web 2.0 -Appetizers" on Knowplace, next weekend...starting Friday.
[elderbob] knowplace.ca
[elderbob] bye.
[suriawang] That happened to me this week -- splogging!
[teacherruth] OK. Will do!
[teacherruth] Must get to know u
elderbob has left the chat.
[daf] it is happening to my students blogs at blogger
[daf] not so at LiveJournal
[suriawang] I'm finding that info from my blog are appearing on other blogs, which also include lots of unrelated content.
[suriawang] It looks like it's all machine sifted...
[teacherruth] That is very bad.
[suriawang] What's the URL of the blog map?
[burgosm] The EVO sessions are using Frapper for their sites.
[Sus_back] frappr is cool. you can zoom down all the way to local level
[daf] http://www.frappr.com/edubloggers
[buthaina] Hi Professor Ruth, how are you..glad to meet you here
[teacherruth] Thanks Daff
[daf] :hugs Buth
[Sus_back] we have had the good old Bravenet map for years
[buthaina] I am really happy to meet with my First Online Mentor, Ruth Vilmi today :)
[JeffLebow] http://goffice.com
[burgosm] Is there a program similar to Frapper for smaller areas - within counties or cities?
[teacherruth] Thank you Buth! :D
[Sus_back] http://dafnegonzalez.com/wia/wia-map.htm - our old Bravent webheads map from 2002
[daf] the only thing I don't llike about frappr is that you cannot take a screenshot of the whole map
[buthaina] Thanks to Worldbridges for providing such wondwerful educational meetings for all teachers and students in the globe
[teacherruth] You are doing great work now. I'm following you!
[Sus_back] Frappr can zoom in to local level
[daf] Bravenet, Maryanne
[burgosm] Thanks.
[daf] she is, Ruth
[teacherruth] Yes. This is my first time here.
[teacherruth] But Dave and Geoff have been helping me a lot this week.
[teacherruth] Right!
[Sus_back] we want easy tools!
[Sus_back] they have indeed been most helpful with the two od us, Ruth
[burgosm] Where will Siemens and Cross be? here?
[Sus_back] yes , here in edtechtalk on Thursday
[burgosm] Cost? Kost?
[burgosm] Thanks.
[Sus_back] Jay Cross
[teacherruth] I agree Sue
[burgosm] OK
[teacherruth] Must come on Thursday
guitarfreak has joined the chat.
[teacherruth] Yes, welcome to my livecast at 15 GMT
[teacherruth] om Moday
[Sus_back] http://www.nordiskestemme.dk
[suriawang] What's the Convergence URL?
[buthaina] Jeff, are they back..LOL
[teacherruth] Thanks all of you for this session. I presume this chat is logged.
[Sus_back] IS the chat logged, J & D?
[buthaina] sorry, I missed your talk , teacherRuth
guitarfreak has left the chat.
[buthaina] I will tune to the Webcast, oif course
[teacherruth] I will talk on Mon 7th
[teacherruth] at 15 GMT
[teacherruth] Good
[burgosm] Thanks guys. I learned a lot and apprecite your inivitation to talk with Ruth and you both.
[Sus_back] and I will join you indeed
[JeffLebow] http://davecormier.com/edblog
[buthaina] Great! thanks teacherRuth
[suriawang] What has new literacy become a more popular topic these days.
[buthaina] Unfortunately, I cannot show anyone the Project My students and I did When we Joined Vilmi's IWE project..I was not a Webhead in
[Sus_back] Dave, the link to the Nordic voice conf in your blog is not valid
[dave] k
[buthaina] action then and didn't have the skill to document that project
[suriawang] That's High Tech High School....
[teacherruth] That sounds great.
[Sus_back] pls correct it bwhen you can, it is http://www.nordiskestemme.dk
[daf] I added my students podcasting blog to the frappr blog
[suriawang] But the difference is that students are working the information, not just consuming it.
[daf] frappr map, I meant
[teacherruth] What should I do if I want to Skype in?
[suriawang] kids are widgets...
[daf] just add people's skype ID's to your skype, Ruth
[buthaina] Ruth, just add, the skype name: "worldbridges"
[daf] mine is dafnegon939
[JeffLebow] EdTechTalk_22_Show_Notes
[buthaina] Hayyyyy..good to hear your voice live online here today..
[daf] lol
[buthaina] Judt love this English Accent..:)
[dave] the link is ok... what are you talking about?
[Sus_back] looks like an internal url Dave
[dave] really? where?
[Sus_back] oops, nopw it DOES work, sorry
[dave] hee hee :) i fixed it
[dave] thanks sus
[Sus_back] lol :?
[buthaina] heheh..dave, :)
[buthaina] is this Sus, from the Nordic moodle project?
[buthaina] hehehe, Sus..)
[buthaina] Yes, Ruth a great idea
[daf] our Sus, Buth :-)
Tammy7229 has joined the chat.
[daf] hi Tammy
[Sus_back] at least this gave me another opportunity to mention the URL for http://www.edtechtalk
[Tammy7229] hello, I have just downloaded oddsock software. I am trying to fiqure this whole thing out.
[Tammy7229] This is my first time here.
[burgosm] Thanks for everything. Gotta go.
[Tammy7229] HEllo Sus_back
burgosm has left the chat.
suriawang has left the chat.
[Tammy7229] I can here your voice and Teacherruths, what a greta tool this is.
[daf] nice listening to French
[dave] merci
[dave] Sa fait longtemp d la derniere fois que j'ai parle en francais
[Sus_back] c'etait excellent, vraiment!
[dave] merci bien!
[Sus_back] I recall you were talking often about Ruth's work when you started as a webhead, Buthy
[daf] it all sounds so familiar to me, Ruth and Buth :-(
[Sus_back] Daf, would you like to jump in now, I could jump out
[daf] no, dear, stay where you are ;-)
[JeffLebow] We can kick Dave out... he doesn't mind
[dave] i'll drop out
[JeffLebow] Here we come Daf
dave has left the chat.
[daf] jeff, I was turning off the webcast
[JeffLebow] I knew I wouldn't have to say anything to you. You are a veteren
[JeffLebow] veteran
[JeffLebow] Do you have a headset?
[Sus_back] Daf
[Sus_back] s not got any headset today
[daf] no, my headset is not here, my son took it ;-)
[JeffLebow] Daf, if possible you can mute your mic while not speaking... although the echo isn't so bad now
[Sus_back] this means we can hear sweet bird's twittering from your garden!
[daf] better now?
[JeffLebow] yes
[daf] :-)
[Sus_back] almost perfect!
[JeffLebow] Where did you go Daf?
[daf] I was not listening, so I hang up to be able to listen ;-)
[JeffLebow] Please skype back in whenever you like... I like the bird song background
[daf] lol
[daf] I am listening while preparing some web pages for the Becoming a Webhead session 2006
[JeffLebow] http://alothman-b.tripod.com/sus_chat_090.htm
[teacherruth] matrix?
Jason has joined the chat.
[JeffLebow] Hello Jason
[Jason] hi there :)
[daf] hi Jason
[JeffLebow] Are you listening to the show?
[Jason] is it still on?
[JeffLebow] The 'post-show'
Jason has left the chat.
Jason has joined the chat.
[Jason] i am now :)
[Jason] i wanted to tune in today but i woke up too late... :)
[Jason] too much age of empires III last night...
Jason has left the chat.
Jason has joined the chat.
[Sus_back] hello Jason, I am Sus in denmark
[Jason] hi. :) this is Jason....I am a high school history teacher from Helena, Montana, USA
[Sus_back] and, are you listetning to the post edtechtalk?
[Jason] i am
[Sus_back] you're listening to TESOL teachers Ruth Vilmi in Finland and Buthaina Alothman in Kuwait
[Jason] i wanted to tune in earlier, but it started rather early in the morning for me on a sunday :)
[Jason] are they using skype?
[Jason] the sound quality is wonderfully clear
[JeffLebow] http://www.geocities.com/esl_efl_ku
[Sus_back] yes, we're on a Skype conference talking
[Jason] hello :)
[Jason] i am not on a machine with skpe at this point, but i am happy listening for now
[daf] thanks Buth, Ruth, Sus, Jeff and Dave
[daf] bye everybody
[teacherruth] M<ny thanks to our losteniners and most of all to Geoff and Dave
daf has left the chat.
[Sus_back] this cwas the craziest session!
[teacherruth] Right! But again it was great, esp. great to meet Buth here. Sad to hear her stories though.
[Sus_back] bye for now, hubby is grumpying from the kitchen region!!
Sus_back has left the chat.
[teacherruth] Now I must eat and prepare for tomorrow's workshop
[teacherruth] Not sure how to quit.
[buthaina] Tank again, Jeff and Dave for your effort, time, and great support, as always.
[buthaina] Tank=Thanks
[JeffLebow] Thanks to everyone... a great marathon show
[teacherruth] I guess I just close the window?
[buthaina] Look forward to listening to the webcast done earlier today. And to the coming one with Ruth and Sus.
[teacherruth] Luckily I live alone and have no one to boss me any more!
[buthaina] Bye Bye, all..
[JeffLebow] It's being re-webcast now
[teacherruth] Bye Buth
[JeffLebow] Bye Buth