EdTechBrainstorm25a Chat Transcript
EdTechTalk25a Chat Transcript
March 2, 2006
[DougSymington] hi Jeff
March 2, 2006
[Jeff_From_Ann_Arbor] Hi Doug - What's happening tonight?
[DougSymington] nothing much
[Jeff_From_Ann_Arbor] Are you hosting?
[DougSymington] yes
[Jeff_From_Ann_Arbor] Sounds like our buddies had a rough go on the web site!
[DougSymington] indeed--nasty business to be sure
[DougSymington] want to skype in?
[Jeff_From_Ann_Arbor] I may be a little rusty but will go get my headphones
[Jeff_From_Ann_Arbor] Are you EdTechTalk?
[DougSymington] yes
[Jeff_From_Ann_Arbor] do you want to skype me or should I skype you.
[DougSymington] call me please
dave has joined the chat.
[dave] hello gentlemen
[dave] how goes it?
[DougSymington] hey there--skype in
[dave] on the phone with bon...
[dave] will come when ic an
maria has joined the chat.
[DougSymington] Hi Maria
[maria] hi doug
[maria] i'm from NH
[DougSymington] welcome, thanks for joining
[DougSymington] please skype edtechtalk if you'd like to join the discussion
[maria] so sorry to hear about the server trouble
[maria] can't skype - no headphones
[DougSymington] thanks, it's been quite a week
[maria] i have lots of the audio files but it looks like you folks have them all
[DougSymington] thanks, yes we're pretty lucky there
[maria] i think the we need to help kids know about net safety as soon as they school
david has joined the chat.
[maria] anwde need to help their parents understand as well
[dave] hi david
david has left the chat.
[dave] bye david :)
[maria] i teach kindergarten and we talk about age appropriate issues
Rising_From_The_Ashes has joined the chat.
[dave] jeff?
[Rising_From_The_Ashes] YEs
[dave] ha
[DougSymington] join us on skype
[maria] hi jeff
[maria] what kind of portfolio ideas did you have, Ann Arbor Jeff
Rising_From_The_Ashes has left the chat.
[Jeff_From_Ann_Arbor] Mac Mall Part#: 596527 Mfr.Part#: U2-KMP3-256 Manufacturer: Kanguru Solutions $47.99 Quoted Price - ($45.00 x 15 = $675)
[Jeff_From_Ann_Arbor] Maria - I will share a post but mostly will focus on Elgg and Moodle.
[Jeff_From_Ann_Arbor] I have a few projects of Kdg - 4th grade projects and process
[maria] i'm interested since i'm trying some "digital portfolio" projects in my classroom
[Jeff_From_Ann_Arbor] I would like to hear more about it. Can we check in later?
[maria] i'd be interested in knowing more as you go along and I'd be glad to share as well
[Jeff_From_Ann_Arbor] email me at [email protected]
[maria] thanks - I'm a great fan of the things you share - i've been listening since late summer
[Jeff_From_Ann_Arbor] I will look forward to connectinga nd sharing?
[maria] thank you - i wish i knew what to use for headsets with my ibook
[maria] do usb headsets work well
[maria] wtha do you recommend
[maria] my friend kathy malsbendan wants me to get on board with skype
[Jeff_From_Ann_Arbor] yes very well I have ordered Mac Mall Part#: 757580 Mfr.Part#: 980356-0403 Manufacturer: Logitech $25.99 Quoted Price - ($25.00 x 10 = $250) <http://www.macmall.com/macmall/shop/detail~dpno~757580.asp>
dave has left the chat.
[Jeff_From_Ann_Arbor] http://macul.org/conferences/2006/conferencehighlights.html
Rising_From_The_Ashes has joined the chat.
[Jeff_From_Ann_Arbor] http://macul.org/conferences/2006/conferencehighlights.html
[maria] yes
[maria] she's coming to NH
[maria] in april
[maria] good night you guys-glad to hear edtech talk talking again
[DougSymington] thanks Maria take care
[maria] i love the flash drive ideas
[maria] i'm using my ipod in my room with the kinders
[maria] me three
[maria] i'm in the trenches too
[maria] bye
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