EdTechTalk #15 - September 11, 2005

 EdTechTalk #15
September 11, 2005
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Wiki's in Education
Katrina Wiki - http://katrinahelp.info/wiki/main.html

Online Tutoring
Using Skype and other VOIP programs for distance tutoring
NYTimes * ARS Technica

Ebay to buy Skype? MSN Article

GoogleTalk - anyone need Gmail invites, email us at edtech at edtech.com

ITunes Phone - Critics Not Fond of Itunes Phone

Bit Torrent How it works

What is Localhost?
Localhost is a program that lets you access a shared, world-wide file system through your web browser. This file system is maintained in a fully decentralized way by all of the computers running Localhost. The program uses BitTorrent technology, and new Distributed Hashtable technology called Kademlia.

OpenSource Info Sites
cmsmatrix.org & opensourcecms.com

What is Software Freedom Day?
Software Freedom Day (SFD) is a worldwide celebration of Free and Open Source Software (FOSS). Our goal in this celebration is to educate the worldwide public about of the benefits of using high quality FOSS in education, in government, at home, and in business -- in short, everywhere! The non-profit company Software Freedom International provides guidance in organizing SFD, but volunteer teams around the world organize their own SFD events to impact their own communities.

Edubuntu & Ubuntu

Screen Capture Video of how to capture screen videos

Education/Technology Podcast - by Tim Lauer
News, Views, and Information About Technology and Education

Firefox - New 1.5 Beta Released - New Features

Firefox Security Vulnerability
Patch available here or...
...To manually change the browser configuration for Firefox or the Mozilla Suite, follow these instructions:
1. Type about:config into the address field and hit Enter.
2. In the Filter toolbar, type network.enableIDN.
3. Right click on the the network.enableIDN item and select toggle to change value to false.
* To verify the fix in your Firefox or Mozilla application, be sure to restart the browser and then follow these steps.
1. Type about:config into the address field and hit Enter.
2. In the Filter toolbar, type network.enableIDN.
3. Ensure that the the value for this item is set to false."
~Instructions provided by Mozilla

Building The EdTech OPML - please post links in comments.
We are building an EdTech OPML (collection of RSS feeds that anyone can import into an RSS newsreader like FeedReader).