EdTechTalk#15 - Chat Transcript
EdTechTalk#15 - Chat Transcript
[buth] I hear you
[Sus] I hear you, with a lot of echo Buth
[guest] I hear you fine, also, Buth.
guest has left the chat.
daf has joined the chat.
[daf] hi everybody
[Solfrid] hi daf
[Sus] no big delay I think Rita
[daf] we can hear you, Rita
[daf] :hugs Sus
[Sus] :hugs dear Daf :-))
[daf] I hear no echo
[buth] Here is the URL to our Skyp Project": http://alothman-b.tripod.com/skypeproject_portal.htm
[Sus] thank you Buth
[WorldbridgesHQ] I don't think we hear the echo when Rita speaks...only when she is listening to others speak
[buth] welcome, Sus
[buth] and a direct link to the activities: http://alothman-b.tripod.com/skypeproject_activities.htm
doliver has joined the chat.
[daf] :hugs Dennis
[doliver] Daf! Abrazones!
[daf] :-)
[doliver] I think I caught your flu via e-mail!
[daf] poor you :-(
[doliver] I had some kind of virus / nasty cold last week.
[daf] are you feeling better?
[doliver] But I'm feeling almost human now!
[daf] I am fine now, just loaded with work
[doliver] :o)
[doliver] What I'm hearing about the Rita-Buth project is really exciting.
[daf] I am going to Spain next week and need to have finished the planning of the 2 courses I will be teaching in September
[doliver] Always traveling!
[daf] yes, it sounds very interesting
[doliver] Thank goodness for the Internet, huh?
[daf] right
[doliver] Definitely!
[doliver] My fall classes start tomorrow.
[doliver] Things are starting to come together for the conference in October.
Solfrid has left the chat.
[daf] hmm, I start classes on Sep 19, but need to go back to work on the 12, the day I come back from Spain
[doliver] Wow!
[doliver] Are you planning to be in two places at the same time? ;o)
[daf] I sent Vance the rubric used for the TESOL convention proposals
[daf] he he, I will start on the 13th
[elderbob] From Wikipedia:
[doliver] :o) Sounds like a good idea!
[doliver] I have a copy, too.
[daf] I could not be at TI today (sleeping ;-)
[daf] yes, I remember sending it to you
[doliver] I didn't sleep well last night, so I was there.
[doliver] It begins at 5:00 AM my time.
[elderbob] I cant paste to here.
[doliver] What was it going to be, Bob?
[daf] that is very early, Dennis
[sroseman] 11:00 AM in Canada
[elderbob] I did a google search for lag problems...there is a lot of stuff out there.
[doliver] It sounds to me like a very promising project, Buth.
[elderbob] Apparently lag is a big probblem for Skype.
[doliver] And Rita!
[buth] I hope so, Dennis
[elderbob] \Part of the issue is that it is proprietary.
[doliver] Yes, it's early, but I normally get up pretty early.
[doliver] Insh'allah, Buth!
[Sus] clap clap clap, I heard this so fine
[doliver] Me, too, Sus.
[daf] me too
[buth] heheh, yes, Inshallah, wallah, Denniis
[Sus] were both Rita and Buth connecting from Skype?
[buth] Shukran
[doliver] Buth, please give my congratulations to Rita, too, OK?
[buth] Not now, Sus
[elderbob] and there went the lag.
[doliver] :o) Buth
[sroseman] You are sounding fine now, Jeff
[buth] but will be on Monday..inshalla
[doliver] Afwan!
[elderbob] It is either Buth or Ritas computer or connection.
[Sus] hello again Dave :-)
[elderbob] I beleive it was Rita, and Rita had a microphone and a speaker on.
[Sus] computer crashes are REAL fun indeed
[buth] I think it's me , Bob
[daf] Lee is having problems to connect to the chat and to Skype Worldbridges
[sroseman] would love to check my connection
[elderbob] Jeff we are losing your volume.
[doliver] Interesting, Jeff.
[elderbob] That may be part of the problem.
[elderbob] Sue has no lag.
[Sus] I can hear Sue
[doliver] I can't.
[elderbob] now no sue.
[doliver] Right.
[buth] I hear you better now, Jeff
[daf] I hear her
dave has left the chat.
[doliver] I hear Leanne fine.
[buth] I hear you very well, Jeff
dave has joined the chat.
[doliver] WB, Dave.
[doliver] Yes, Sue'
[dave] hello
[doliver] Sue's much better now.
[dave] nice to be back
[buth] I like this ""welcome" sounds very welcoming..lol
[doliver] :o)
sroseman has left the chat.
[elderbob] I said "I do", once and wound up married the next day.
[buth] Yes, hear you all, Jeff, Lee and Sue very well
[daf] lol, Bob
[doliver] ROTFL
[Sus] I'm getting short of memory, cannot have too many programs open
[Sus] yes, Jeff, it did
[doliver] Yes, it did.
[Sus] hearing Sue well!
[doliver] Me, too.
[doliver] I agree with Sus, Jeff.
[dave] this has not been a great computer day here in pei
[daf] I have heard everybody with no prob
[buth] Jeff, what was your question? heard you said my name!
[doliver] Ah, well, life's little glitches and challenges keep things interesting.
[Sus] Dave - we're learning a lot from all of this troubleshooting!
sroseman has joined the chat.
[Sus] hi Sue
[sroseman] hi Sus
[Sus] sroseman alias Sue
[sroseman] correct
[buth] Have you heard me too , Daf? was it clear?
[doliver] Ah.
[daf] yes, Buth quite clear
[doliver] Buth: I heard you fine here, but not at WB.
[daf] and Rita, too
[doliver] I'm using FireFox.
[daf] no lags here
[buth] oh, thanks, for saying that Daf..this helps a lot
[daf] :-)
[sroseman] turned it off
[buth] yes, Dave's sound a bit low
[Sus] dave is better now
[doliver] Dave and Jeff are pretty equal now.
[doliver] Unfortunately, now that things are just getting going, I have to leave.
[doliver] Could someone please send me a transcript?
[Sus] Bye Ollie :-)
[sroseman] I turned off the RealPlayer
[doliver] [email protected]
[doliver] Bye, Sus!
[Sus] fine Sue, good girl
[doliver] Hasta que te watcho, Daf.
[doliver] Nice to meet you, Sue.
[buth] yes, much better here too, Dave
[sroseman] though it was off
[daf] hasta luego, Dennis
[doliver] Take care, Dave and Bob and Jeff.
[doliver] Ma'a salaama, Buth.
[WorldbridgesHQ] Bye Dennis
[doliver] Take care all.
[Sus] did you say that Moodle will allow podcasting? You're very low again Dave
[doliver] Te mandarŽ un mesaje, Daf.
[buth] Allah Esalmik, Dennis
[Sus] that helped
[doliver] Shukran!
[daf] bien, Dennis, gracias
[doliver] Bye . . .
[buth] Shukran for talking in Arabic..
[doliver] :o)
[daf] bye
[buth] Bye bye Dennis and take care, habibi
[doliver] My pleasure, Buth. I like Arabic, but I only know "kitchen Arabic," I'm afraid.
[daf] lol
[doliver] Shukran, shukran, shukran for the "habibi."
[buth] noffin worng with kitchen arabic
[daf] I love it!
[elderbob] I missed something about that patch in Moodle...what patch?
[doliver] No--especially if you get to eat lots of good food!
[buth] Afwan, Afwan, anytime Dennis
[doliver] And now . . .
[Sus] hehe, we can hear both of you
[daf] in fact, I love food from all over the world
[doliver] Do vyj zhednyje!
doliver has left the chat.
[buth] And now, ma3a alsamalh , bye, bye Dennis
[Sus] close that door :-)
[buth] Yes, hear you all well here
leeb has joined the chat.
[leeb] finally
[buth] ok, I'm sorry, friends, gtg, my children are here and it's time for lunch, dinner whatever , but it's our main meal here, Lunch
[elderbob] Bye Buth.
[Sus] bye bye Buth
[buth] Thanks, Jeff and Dave for your effort, and talk to you soon
[WorldbridgesHQ] Thanks Buth, talk to you soon
[buth] bye, bye..:-)
[buth] :-) ok
buth has left the chat.
[elderbob] Why dont you put a forum up?
[leeb] Are you all hearing the talk
[daf] yes, we are
[Sus] I'm listening in Real Player
[daf] I am using WMP
[sroseman] I am on a Mac as well sys X G5
[Sus] it is experimental and for shoe of us who like this sort of ongoing testing and troubleshooting, this is ok, but for many ...
[Sus] this is too much of a challenge perhaps
[sroseman] I can be reached at [email protected]
[leeb] I am using skype now but it was iTunes... it kept pausing to reload.
[leeb] I am on a powerbook g4
[sroseman] I am on a G5
[Sus] I've borrowed a windows XP computer, but I was brought up with using Mac so I like to get all sorts of info about using mac as w
[WorldbridgesHQ] http://edcasts.com/
[daf] that is wonderful, Jeff
[Sus] cool!
[daf] I want to use podcasting with myarchitecture students
[Sus] you could invite med as your guest Daf :-))
[daf] sure, Sus :-)
[dave] http://teach42.com/2005/01/06/podcasting-its-easier-than-you-think
[daf] I am eagerly waiting for that, Jeff
[daf] great!!!
[Sus] and we're planning a conference for Nordic teachers called Nordic Voice, we may want to include a podcast for this project
[Sus] now, I will need to go start cooking dinner! I'll stay in touch!
[Sus] Daf sounds fine
[sroseman] I will be off! I will go thro' the teach42 instructions..looks clear and doable
[Sus] :D
[dave] great
[dave] mmm... dinner
[dave] i like dinner
[Sus] salmon & hot potatoes Dave :-)
[dave] yummy
[Sus] you did!! Cool Daf
[Sus] I wanna have an iPod too
[leeb] Daf, just friday I was telling an esl teacher who just arrived this year at our school about the webheads.
[Sus] a big one!!
[elderbob] What podcasting plug in....?
[Sus] now you're moving away Jeff
[daf] that is wonderful
[elderbob] Do you have an address?
[leeb] She is from Argentina and I assured her she could get on some sites from our Argentina webheads to feel closer to home!
[WorldbridgesHQ] http://playpen.monte.nsw.edu.au/
[daf] sure Lee
[sroseman] signing off
sroseman has left the chat.
[leeb] Another teacher is asking me about doing a project on architecture. Of course I thought of you daf..
[leeb] I will show her your site.. then maybe we can arrange a meeting on line.
[elderbob] You keep calling it a patch, is it in a resource or....
[elderbob] I dont find it.
Sus has left the chat.
[daf] I am back to the webcast
[elderbob] Daf, thanks for the link, and Thanks to dave....I will check out the podcast potential...I have had interviews on Moodle for a w
[dave] http://opensource.mediagonal.ch/moodle/patches/podcasting
[elderbob] \while, but I m a bit curious about why you would want to put it in moodle.
[elderbob] You already have it as subscriber ware...?
[elderbob] Thanks for the link, Ill check it out.
[daf] I have bookmarked it
[daf] can we attend Buth and Rita's webcast?
[elderbob] Thanksguys and gals...for a good morning.
elderbob has left the chat.
[daf] Yes, Lee we can arrange a meeting
[daf] sorry I had not read your message
[daf] well, I am back to work, see you guys
[leeb] bye daf
daf has left the chat.
[leeb] What is subscriberware
[dave] it's ware for a subscriber...
[dave] it's software that is only available to people who have registered as members to a community
[leeb] ok, and What is the down side of moodle..
[dave] the down side...
[dave] it needs a server to host it
[dave] which you either need to own, rent or have someone let you use
[dave] which often costs money
[dave] other than that, it's a very very good piece of software
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