EdTechTalk #16 Chat Transcript

EdTechTalk #16 Chat Transcript

[dave] hi jeff
bcgstanley has joined the chat.
[bcgstanley] Hi
[dave] greetings
[dave] how goes it?
[bcgstanley] fine - you've made me want some coffee too now
[bcgstanley] I'm going to get some
[dave] lol
[bcgstanley] I can hear you both loud and clear
[dave] thank you
[dave] graham?
[bcgstanley] that's right - Graham Stanley (16.00)
[dave] Where are you in spain anyway?
[bcgstanley] I'm in Barcelona
[dave] mmm.... barcelona...
[bcgstanley] normally I'm out enjoying the sun at this time...
[dave] never been... only been to salamanca
[bcgstanley] should I try the 64 kb stream?
[dave] it's a little better... but no biggie
Daf has joined the chat.
Bee has joined the chat.
[bcgstanley] Hi again Daf! Hi Bee!
[Daf] hi Bee
[Bee] Hi there!
[Bee] This is fun
[Daf] hello everybody
[dave] hello
[Bee] Hola Graham
[Daf] let me tell you, Bee. jeff interviewed me while I was in Spain, using my cell phone
[Bee] really?
[Bee] this is fantastic
[Bee] As I am never here on Sundays I missed that
[Daf] I was by the swimming pool, having lunch with friends and no computer available
[Bee] fantastic
[bcgstanley] I'm not usually around on Sundays either
sroseman has joined the chat.
[Bee] Is this live?
Sus has joined the chat.
[Daf] yes, it is
[bcgstanley] yes Bee
[Bee] great
[sroseman] hi everyone
[Bee] :waves
[Sus] Voicemail on Skype , it is a pay service
[Sus] which file format did you say Skype voice mail is?
[dave] .dat
[Sus] sounds complicated
[dave] too complicated
[Daf] that's interesting
[sroseman] little/minimal effort..that's the way to go for educators
[Daf] my classes will be starting next week
[Sus] I know we were using a very easy voice mail service in teh past - what was that Daf? Tere used it with her students
[JeffLebow] http://hem.fyristorg.com/matben/
[Daf] Wimba Horizon, sus
[Daf] also Handybits
[Sus] ah, yes, handybits!
Dennis has joined the chat.
[Bee] handy bits
[Daf] I have used both with my students
[Sus] Wimba voicemail is not free
[Dennis] Hi, folks.
[Daf] but you can use the demo
[Daf] hi Dennis :-)
[Dennis] I'm here, but I have to take a bathroom break.
[Daf] I just had a coffee break
[Bee] is Skype windows only? Do not think so
[Sus] Skype is also for mac'
[Sus] but with less features
[sroseman] yes Skype is for the MAc
[bcgstanley] I have a friend I Skype with and he uses a Mac
[Bee] Aaron is on a Mac
[Sus] no no
[JeffLebow] http://share.skype.com/directory/
[Bee] and I talk to him on Skype
[sroseman] I am using it with a G5..latest mac with system x
[JeffLebow] http://share.skype.com/directory/persony_vshow_professional/view/
dave has left the chat.
[Sus] I can login to Skype from either mac or Windows - but we used to have a problem with Skype group conference
[Sus] that's where the revenue for Skype comesin, the pay services
[Daf] math is not my field
[sroseman] ditto
[Daf] I need to have a calculator to be able to add 2 + 2 :-))
[Sus] vSkype beta is still free - webcam conference
[bcgstanley] I've had a 3-way Skype conference call and 2 people were on a Mac
[bcgstanley] Have you tried the webcam facility Sus?
[Sus] Elluminate can use some Math feures
[Sus] features
[Sus] yes, you would need teh very latest version for mac
[Sus] many people have not yet updated
[Daf] I have a participant in my TESOL PP104 who teaches math and would like to hear about math applications on the WEb
[Sus] Nick Noakes is also using mac on Skype
[sroseman] I am using a curent system on the latest MAC..can't do this on my old G3
[sroseman] current
[Sus] yes Susan, you would probably need at least system 10.3.9
[Dennis] I've used Skype on a Mac to contact Jeff LeB.
Dennis has left the chat.
[sroseman] sort of a jigsaw grouping, David and Jeff
Bee has left the chat.
Bee has joined the chat.
Dennis has joined the chat.
[Daf] wb, Bee and Dennis
[Dennis] Thanks. I hit the wrong button again.
[sroseman] why not coordinate it with the tappedin mini expos!!
[Dennis] Moving directly to forums can be done, but it requires a lot of managing by the teacher.
[Daf] I use Yahoo Messenger, because the Moodle chat is very rudimentary
[Sus] Moodle chat is slowly updating
[Dennis] Sounds like the project being described will take a lot of management.
[Bee] I cannot use instant messenger at school
[Bee] blocked
[Daf] I have won my struggle for that, Bee
[Daf] my students discuss ideas and to group work in YM
[Bee] we may have it next year...when they switch to XP
[Daf] then they share their chatlogs in the forum with the other grooups
Sus has left the chat.
Sus has joined the chat.
dave has joined the chat.
[Dennis] It's not blocked at my school, but my school is heavily Blackboard-entrenchedÑand getting students away from Blackboard . . .
[Dennis] is a challenge.
[Bee] right
[sroseman] instant messenger is not allowed at our schools I believe
[Sus] and. Balckboard is a challenge in itself
[Dennis] Hear, hear!
[Bee] we managed to have Tappedin...it's true
[sroseman] There is is a mini expo in TI in October..Novemeber is a better date..contact BjB
[Daf] I cannot get to the Tapped In chat at my university because of port 8000
[Dennis] I'm doing a hybrid class and it took almost three weeks to make sure students knew how to log on . . .
[Dennis] move to different parts of the site, etc.
[Bee] just ask the technician to set it to port 8000 I managed that...
[Bee] lol
[Daf] my problem is that I use different computer labs, so they don't want to do it
[Dennis] Not responding to every bit of work is a good point.
[Sus] you may need to have more channels, in case of these port blocks
[Dennis] But you still need to respond.
[Dennis] I do it via announcements.
[Sus] like, knowing how to find people in Tapped In in case they cannot go to the Moodle or YM
[Daf] I answer to group of messages or use the announcement forum
[Dennis] Yes, that works well, doesn't it?
[Dennis] I'm also trying to get some students involved in blogging.
[sroseman] so students are creating the course content
[Daf] yes, I find it easier, and students like it
[Dennis] Same thing: getting them away from waiting to be told what to do isn't easy.
[Dennis] Definitely, SR.
[Sus] I think that having too many different Moodles to follow may complicate your life
[Dennis] Yes, I find it's motivating to students as well.
[sroseman] I need some hand holding for this project..LOL
[Daf] I love the glossary feature in Moodle
[Dennis] So would I!
[Sus] which project Sue?
[Daf] students create their own architectural glossary
[Dennis] Great idea, Daf!
[Bee] Why don't you join our Dekita P2P Exchange? http.//dekita.org/exchange
[Daf] and I do online exercises based on that glossary
[sroseman] for this type of project, Sus
[Daf] or ask students to create their own exos
[Bee] video could be used in field trips
[Dennis] Exos???
[Daf] I need to give my students some guidelines to download their podcasts
[Daf] exos= exercises :-)
[Sus] exos = exercises
[Dennis] Ah. Thanks.
[Sus] :hugs her twin
[sroseman] would like to do this with a grade 5 spec ed class..
[bcgstanley] I can't post photos or videos of our young learner students online, so vlogging with students is difficult
[Daf] can't you ask parents for permission?
[bcgstanley] there's no problem with audio
[Daf] Teresa does that
[Sus] Sue - would your students like to make video, that would be wonderful to hear more about
[sroseman] need to get student permissions
[Dennis] Yes, but Teresa always gets permission when she posts photos.
[Daf] right
[Sus] if teh kids were dressed up as monsters nobody would know them
[Daf] lol
[Dennis] dressed up as monsters: luvit!
[Sus] use face paint
[bcgstanley] that's a great idea sus! lol
[Dennis] Or use simple masks.
[Daf] kids would love that
[Sus] dekita is a student blog exchange project
[Bee] peer to peer
[Dennis] All this talk of takeovers . . . .
[Bee] not only students
[Sus] Bee, you're invited to call on Skype and tell us more about dekita, the call ID is Worldbridges
[Bee] I do not know how to do it...lol
[dave] go to skype.com
[dave] download and install
[JeffLebow] http://www.heymath.net/index.jsp
[dave] and then write worldbridges in the address line
[Daf] you have to download skype, first, then add worldbridges to your contacts
[dave] very easy
[Sus] just start Skype, and add a new contact called Worldbridges, and make a CALL
[Dennis] Yes, very easy indeed. Even I succeeded in downloading and using it.
[Daf] me too ;-)
[Bee] calling
[JeffLebow] http://whitepapers.zdnet.com/abstract.aspx?docid=139351&promo=200010
[Sus] Flatland
[Daf] hear Bee
[Dennis] It's really, really nice to hear your voice, Bee!
[sroseman] clear as a bell
[Daf] that is the echo
[Daf] no delay here
[Sus] I hear Bee, a little low but definitely Bee's voice'
[Sus] Bee- you should turn off teh audiocast
[Daf] sound is great for me
[Dennis] She's a little low to me, also, SusÑbut still very clear.
[Dennis] Well, she WAS. She isn't now. Very hard to hear.
[sroseman] get closer to your mic, BEE
[Sus] Bee, pls turn up your mic vol
[Dennis] Yes, please!
[sroseman] what is the flickr or dekita url
[Bee] http://dontlettomorrowcome.blogspot.com/
elderbob has joined the chat.
[Dennis] Hi, EB.
[dave] hi bob
[elderbob] Good morning, my friends.
[Sus] http://www.dekita.org/
[elderbob] I am getting a bit of a late start.
[Sus] hiya cowboy!
[Daf] hi Bob
[Sus] hear, hear, more vol Bee
[elderbob] But it is great to get up and find this wonderful group of characters on myu screen.
[Dennis] Much better!
[sroseman] it's ok
[Dennis] Hey, EB. Yew awl raht?
[bcgstanley] Hi Bob
[sroseman] greetings, elderbob
[elderbob] I am good, just survived my 40th high school reunion.
[Sus] bravo Bee much louder now
[sroseman] cool
[elderbob] Got in late last night and slept late this morning.
[Sus] sounds like fun bob
[Daf] hangover?
[elderbob] It was marvelouos fun, but I thought about you guys alot.
[Dennis] Where was it, EB?
[elderbob] It was in my home town, that I left 30 years ago
[Dennis] And where was that?
[elderbob] Comanche, Texas.
[Dennis] Hmm. Whereabouts is Comanche?
[elderbob] A small rural town in West Texas.
[sroseman] getting an echo, Jeff
[elderbob] Not far from Abilene, Texas.
[Dennis] It sounds as mystifying to me as Louisville, Illinois (my home town) sounds to everyone else.
[Dennis] Ah, I see.
[Bee] waves bye to everyone
[sroseman] by bee
[elderbob] Bye Bee.
[Dennis] Bye to BeeÑand thanks. The project sounds wonderful!
[Bee] join our mailing list and let's talk about it
[Sus] thanks Bee
[Bee] http://lists.dekita.org/mailman/listinfo/group
[Bee] ciao
Bee has left the chat.
[Sus] Dekita was developed as a project after the EVONline 2005 session on blogs that Bee, rudolph and Aaron were facilitating
[sroseman] amazing
[Dennis] Yes, truly.
[sroseman] how do you spell that project
[Dennis] I think it's SAKAI:
[Dennis] http://www.sakaiproject.org/
[sroseman] Thanks
[Dennis] to the speaker: Have you checked out how community colleges are using CMC?
[Sus] this means that our education will get a backlash in case the edtech is promoting a very tradional school paradigm,
[Sus] UBC has many innovators in the field of edtech, but they many not all collaborate
[sroseman] I used to use the web when it was text based!!!..way back
[sroseman] before netscape
Sus has left the chat.
Sus has joined the chat.
[Dennis] Good points (about the community colleges).
[Dennis] My district is very technology-supportive.
[Dennis] My college uses the enterprise edition of Blackboard.
[Sus] last week, I attended a session with brian Lamb and Michelle Lamberson , from UBC - their headline was something like...
[Sus] Enlivening your courses with RSS
[Dennis] Fascinating!
[Dennis] Yes, it DOES cost a lot.
[Dennis] Navigation is usually not a problem for students in Blackboard once they're initiated into the mysteries of logging on.
[Daf] thanks a lot!
[Dennis] a belated "You're welcome ," SR.
[Dennis] I remember the text-based Web, too, SR.
[Dennis] I created a lot of online materials when it was still primarily text-based.
[Sus] I was happy to be with you again this Sunday
[elderbob] I am off to one of Vance's classes....good to hear from you all...
elderbob has left the chat.
[Dennis] Likewise, EB.
[Dennis] Thanks, Jeff, for another very good session.
[Dennis] Kamsahamnida!
[Sus] Farvel og tak for idag
[Dennis] I'd like to stay longer, but I have other things to do, unfortunately.
[Dennis] Take care, Sus.
[Daf] btw, my friends in Spain were really amazed with the interview 2 sundays ago
[Dennis] Take care, SR.
[Daf] they could not believe I was being webcasted
[Dennis] Mas abrazos, Daf.
[Sus] I need to go out & cook dinner now
[Dennis] And hasta que te wacho, no?
[Daf] si, gracias, Dennis, see you around
[Dennis] Oquei.
[Dennis] Bye, everyone . . . . .
[Dennis] Before I go, thanks again for another stimulating session.
[Daf] I am almost ready for lunch ;-)
[Daf] have a great day, Dennis
[Daf] nice to hear someone in Spain :-)
buthaina has joined the chat.
[Daf] hi Buth
[Dennis] Many thanks, my friend. ÁLo mismo para ti!
[dave] hi buth
[Dennis] Hi and bye, Buth. Sorry, but I need to go! Ma'a al salaama!
[Dennis] And now Dennis vanishes once again into the cybersphere . . . . .
Dennis has left the chat.
[buthaina] Hi Dave , Dennis..ad all
[buthaina] later better than never..sorry I miss the discussions
[buthaina] is this Grhama talking..
[sroseman] yes
[buthaina] ok, thanks
[buthaina] Jan. EVO 2006 sessions are on Jan 16 to Feb 26
[sroseman] alot of students are visual learners
[Daf] yes, and we will offer Becoming a Webhead for the third time
[Daf] yes, I am a visual learner myself
[sroseman] ditto
[sroseman] students seem to learn in short bursts as well 9K TO 3) ANYWAY
[Daf] I think that I would prefer video-podcasts
[sroseman] 1 TO 2 MINUTE PODCASTS
[buthaina] I think it depends on the subject
[sroseman] can we listen to one of the podcasts?
[Sus] and I'm in the team that will try to facilitate a blog workshop in EVO 06
[sroseman] true, buth
[Sus] I guess that students would enjoy create those little two minutes podcasts
[sroseman] yes, sus
[Daf] lucky Graham in Barcelona :-)
[Daf] I love the Paseo de Gracia, Graham
[buthaina] I'm going to moderate a session with Dave winet and on Teaching Online, a session that will involve demo and theory and the prac
[Sus] Daf, I would not want to have a webcam to concentrate on when I do a voice recording - at least not when I am all alone w tech
[buthaina] prac=practice
[Daf] my plan for this trimester is to have students listen to podcast especially created for them,
[Daf] and then have them record their own
[buthaina] Yes, some webheads will be in Tampa..Yeahhh, Jeff that'\s faNTASRTIC
[Daf] I hope to make it this time to TESOL. I attended every year since 1991, until 2002
[Daf] when I went broke ;-)
[Sus] Vance Stevens has been involved in the EVO courses and started his first EVO webheads session in 2002,
[buthaina] sorry, about the Caps..
[Daf] I hope to make it, Buth
[Daf] Vance is not sure if he will make it in 2006
[buthaina] Me too, my case is still under discussion here
[Sus] EVO means Electronic Village Online
[buthaina] YEP
[buthaina] Bye, and thanks Graham
[sroseman] thanks Graham
[Sus] they're pre conference sessions up to the yearly TESOL convention
[Daf] I want to go to Tampa, but I will not miss the one in Seattle, in 2007
[sroseman] gotta go..good session..company is coming
[Daf] Seattle and Boston are my favorite cities in the US
[Daf] lol
[sroseman] Thanks all
[buthaina] YEs,Please, please, please, Jeff, and Dave Come; would be Another Webhaeds example of how the is going to be! not only FUN
[Daf] I will be asking some questions for my page, Jeff
[buthaina] There will be more of what will show how to keep your Fitness
sroseman has left the chat.
[Sus] in 2005, Elderbob arranged a webheads get'together in Austin Texas, and connected with webheads onlinefrom a restaurant
[JeffLebow] I'll be standing by
[JeffLebow] Daf
[Sus] he has a blog for that event
[JeffLebow] Any questions now?
[Daf] no, not now, I need to start thinking first, he he
[buthaina] Yes, Jeff, please..one question here
[Daf] I need to have lunch to be able to think ;-)
[buthaina] Any idea why I can't open my Skype?
[JeffLebow] Yes Buth?
[dave] mmm... lunch
[JeffLebow] What's for lunch Daf?
[dave] that's a good idea
[dave] i think i'm off for lunch too!!!
[Daf] no idea, going out with family
[buthaina] I have downloaded Skype Beta yesterday from another PC and now I can't open Skype on this PC
[dave] jeff and or i will bearound
[dave] feel free to contact sometime today.
[Daf] sure, i will
[buthaina] ok, thanks, Dave
[JeffLebow] Hmmmm. Not sure why that would be.
Sus has left the chat.
[Daf] see you later, and thanks for everything. I love the introduction to the webcast ;-)
[JeffLebow] I haven't actually tried the Beta version yet.
[JeffLebow] Thanks Daf.
[Daf] bye folks
Daf has left the chat.
[JeffLebow] Bye Daf.
[JeffLebow] Sorry to be pretty useless on this question, Buth.
[buthaina] do you think it is related or this is why I can't open my skype on this pc
[JeffLebow] I can only suggest re-installing the previous version
[buthaina] i can't se the relationship but thought you might know
[buthaina] Yes, good idea, Jeff, thanks
[buthaina] will do..
[buthaina] :)
[buthaina] And about the courses Jeff, pls
[JeffLebow] Hope it works
[JeffLebow] Yes?
[buthaina] yes, I'm sure it will.
[JeffLebow] the course?
[buthaina] yes
[JeffLebow] What's the question?
[buthaina] heheh
[buthaina] ok
[buthaina] I'll email you, i think it's better t in an email..ok, thanks again Jeff, Dave and later
[JeffLebow] OK. I'll standby. Talk to you soon
[buthaina] and really hope to see you in Tampa
[buthaina] :)
[buthaina] thanks
[JeffLebow] I'd love to be there. Hope we get the OK from TESOL to play
[buthaina] bye
[JeffLebow] Would be very exciting to meet my webhead buddies in person
[JeffLebow] bye
[buthaina] Talk to Vance, he's in a liason committee, and co-founder of the CALL-IS and is a past Cahir of CALL
[buthaina] past chair of CALL-IS
[buthaina] bye
[buthaina] wow, the wonder of Webcasts..
[buthaina] Thanks, Jeff..this is the recording , right?
elderbob has joined the chat.
[buthaina] You are still On the Air..sorry
[buthaina] Hi Bob..how are you?
[elderbob] Hi Buth, I must have missed Vance's chat for the Multilit class.
[buthaina] Me too, :(
[buthaina] I arrived at the end when they were done
[elderbob] I think he had the time wrong in the syllabus.
[buthaina] hope we can get the TI chatlog
[elderbob] I thought it was after Worldbridges.
[buthaina] usually, WBridges is the last activity we do
[elderbob] I talked to Daf, an she said that they were there only a short time, and it was only Holly , Vance and she.
[elderbob] 'I really wasn't prepared, but I hate missing the first meet.
[buthaina] And , WBridges usually publish the dialogue script later on their portal page
[buthaina] hope to read that too
[buthaina] It's free via LearningTimes, Dave
[buthaina] Wimba is free via LearningTimes, guys
[buthaina] You can send a voice message from ther using Wimba, and it's free to join LearningTimes
[buthaina] eBob, Jeff, Dave Warlick has developed his BlogMeister..it's much better now..