EdTechTalk#52 - EdTech News & Vacation Possibilities

July 2, 2006
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A roundup of weekly EdTech news and a discussion of possibilities for EdTech fun and learning during summer (or winter) vacation.
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Show Notes & Chat Transcript Below

Thanks for feedback EricWoods  of Mindspace Solutions
Audio feedback about ETT47 - The O'Reilly 'Web2.0 conference' issue
Blogging about ETT34 

Podcast Awards - Nominations now being accepted

Telephony News
New versions of Gizmo  & Jajah

Other News

Teen  Ringtone inaudible by 'older folks'

Darcy's Anti-spam adventure and Akismet review 

Yahoo Messenger and Microsoft Live make nice 


NECC Conf - July 5~7, Bloggers (quite a few EdTechTalkers)
NECC Webcast Site

SupportBlogging! has been set up to provide an opportunity for students, teachers, administrators, parents, and others to help promote an understanding of the benefits of educational blogging. 

Top Ten Cool Gadgets

Html & CSS

Chat Transcript

19:07:46 dave-on-air: hi doug
19:07:56 DougSymington: hey guys
19:17:21 DougSymington: not yet will do
19:17:37 DougSymington: re old guy sound, but I don't hold out much hope ;)
19:24:15 dave-on-air: http://weblogs.elearning.ubc.ca/brian/archives/028562.html
19:27:25 dave-on-air: http://www.techeblog.com/index.php/tech-gadget/top-10-coolest-designer-g...
19:35:17 Brad_Hicks: Hi guys
19:35:23 dave-on-air: hi brad
19:35:50 dave-on-air: hi lyndall
19:35:55 Brad_Hicks: getting a new show oiff the ground here
19:36:04 Brad_Hicks: off*
19:36:06 dave-on-air: oh yes?
19:36:30 Brad_Hicks: yep - Paul Reid has enrolled as an intern - another teacher from west aust
19:36:49 Brad_Hicks: we are going to do a web 2.0 show for west aussie teachers
19:37:09 DougSymington: Great to hear
19:37:11 Brad_Hicks: his site is http://www.digitalchalkie.com
19:39:44 Brad_Hicks: not sure if relay is going to fit in in my time zone
19:39:45 dave-on-air: hey jen
19:39:59 Brad_Hicks: I may be working when you do it
19:40:14 JenW: Hi
19:41:46 Brad_Hicks: that's exactly what I'm trying to do dave
19:42:07 JL: We will schedule relays at different times. We will definitely schedule at least one at an Oz friendly (Brad friendly) time
19:42:46 Brad_Hicks: Thanks Jeff
19:43:03 Brad_Hicks: Need to start with giving some hosting advice for CMS
19:45:12 dave-on-air: agreed
19:45:39 Brad_Hicks: Thanks guys, I have been looking at bluehost and some others - I plan to get that set up in the next week or so
19:45:49 Lyndall: Chaos is good
19:46:44 Brad_Hicks: dave - I need a change in my permission on newmediateaching.net so that I can post some entries
19:46:44 JL: https://skypecasts.skype.com/skypecasts/skypecast/detailed.html?id_talk=...
19:48:28 SusanEttenheim: hi all
19:48:33 Brad_Hicks: Hi Susan
19:48:38 DougSymington: hi Susan
19:49:09 SusanEttenheim: not hearing anything on channel 1 - am I missing something?
19:49:32 Brad_Hicks: A while back you guys mentioned a service that could transcribe audio cheaply, maybe out of India, do you know/remember what that service is?
19:50:09 JenW: ?? I can't link to SKYPE from here -- it isn't an active link. Any help??
19:50:46 JL: you can also try calling +99001110001697106
19:50:59 JL: or go to skypecasts.skype.com and click 'on now'
19:50:59 Brad_Hicks: Thanks Jeff
19:51:06 SusanEttenheim: tnx
19:51:48 Brad_Hicks: making you guys earn your keep today :)
19:52:06 JL: Susan, would you like to join in to discuss CMSAcademy details
19:52:51 Brad_Hicks: hey Lyndall - we are starting a new webcast from West Aust next week - Digital Chalkie webcast!
19:53:50 SusanEttenheim: seem to be having a little trouble - not hearing the skypecast yet
19:55:41 SusanEttenheim: ok- we can now hear but don't have headsets tonight
19:55:49 SusanEttenheim: hi
19:55:57 SusanEttenheim: up in Mass with my Dad tonight
19:56:00 SusanEttenheim: listening
19:56:10 SusanEttenheim: no headsets tonight but will join in on chat
19:56:23 JL: ok
20:01:01 JL: Hello Harold, skypecast at: https://skypecasts.skype.com/skypecasts/skypecast/detailed.html?id_talk=...
20:05:38 JasonR: I'll be at NECC virtually via a videoconference
20:07:07 JenW: jason == where are you going to really be while you are virtual in SD?
20:07:45 JenW: thank you
20:08:32 SusanEttenheim: hi harold I can talk to you in the chat room tonight
20:08:49 JasonR: It's part of NECC, KÐ12 Interactive Videoconferencing Showcase Sessions
20:08:58 JL: http://static.flickr.com/65/154687149_cb3dca8094_o.jpg
20:09:04 JasonR: http://center.uoregon.edu/ISTE/NECC2006/program/search_results_details.p...
20:09:22 JasonR: Not open to non-attendees :)
20:09:25 JasonR: :(
20:09:30 JasonR: Wrong smiley
20:12:15 Harold: OK, Susan
20:17:30 SusanEttenheim: great - I'll go to Atlanta
20:19:38 JasonR: http://center.uoregon.edu/ISTE/NECC2007/
20:22:07 JL: http://www.inspiration.com/newsletter/DEC05pdfs/FlashesNews0512Insp.pdf
20:22:49 JL: http://www.inspiration.com/companyinfo/pressreleases/index.cfm?fuseactio...
20:25:48 JasonR: OK, check this out for NECC webcasts... http://www.kzowebcasting.com/necc/
20:25:49 SusanEttenheim: thanks sorry
20:29:09 JasonR: Also this for NECC webcasts... http://web.uoregon.edu/ISTE/NECC2005/program/webcasting.php#schedule
20:29:57 SusanEttenheim: ok a couple of questions - fixed the pop up issue
20:30:16 SusanEttenheim: but now my skype has no ask for microphone button anymore.. any thoughts?
20:31:09 JasonR: Oops, that last link was for NECC 2005
20:31:39 JasonR: Anyone ever heard of this outfit? http://www.kzowebcasting.com/
20:33:42 USSROVER: susan what type computer mas or windows
20:33:52 USSROVER: mac*
20:36:31 JasonR: http://www.kzowebcasting.com/necc
20:37:23 SusanEttenheim: http://www.cue.org/
20:39:59 JL: testing
20:40:00 JenW: testing
20:40:05 Harold: seems ok to me
20:40:06 SusanEttenheim: testing
20:41:04 JasonR: secondlife.com
20:41:13 JasonR: http://www.secondlife.com
20:41:25 JL: http://edtechtalk.com/EdTechTalk45
20:41:37 USSROVER: Jason you a member of 2dn life?
20:41:48 JasonR: Calamari Ricardo in SL
20:41:52 JL: http://worldbridges.net/SL_Spaceflight_Museum_Tour
20:42:05 SusanEttenheim: Susany Sellery
20:43:44 JL: I'm Meno Rich in SL, btw
20:44:10 JenW: good to see you all again
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