EdTechTalk#62 - Welcome (back) to EdTechTalk


Welcome (back) to EdTechTalk 

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As a new school term begins for many, Dave and Jeff welcome everyone to
This season of EdTechTalk

We will atempt to provide the always evolving answer to the ever challenging question,
"What is EdTechTalk"

and discuss what's ahead this season, including

Major Issue Coverage of DOPA & The Blackboard Patent
Projects EdTechTalkers are involved with

 Chat Transcript Below

18:46:57 JoseR: Hi Jeff
18:55:46 JoseR: Its 100 in West Covina CA, No jacket here!
18:57:47 JenW: LOL
19:01:13 JoseR: There are two speedways out here. Never actually ventured in.
19:01:57 JenW: my friend got to ride at 110 miles today
19:02:06 JenW: she is thrilled :)
19:03:00 dave: hey doug
19:03:03 dave: :)
19:03:08 DougSymington: hi Dave, and all
19:03:14 DougSymington: cam
19:04:25 JasonR: Not getting anyting in the stream...
19:04:50 dave: ?
19:04:54 JoseR: Are you in the skypcast? It works for me.
19:04:54 dave: anyone else?
19:05:01 DougSymington: can't get it here either
19:05:30 JasonR: Tried the stream on two different computers. Nothing coming in. Channel 1. Channel 2. Nothing
19:05:37 JenW: take 2
19:05:49 JoseR: Hey we got a stream!
19:05:50 JasonR: In the Skypecast. Just checking the stream.
19:06:09 DougSymington: now getting channel one
19:06:12 dave: LOL
19:06:13 JasonR: Yup
19:07:52 JasonR: Hey Paul. Hey Lee.
19:07:54 DougSymington: hi Paul and Lee
19:08:02 lee: Hello
19:08:14 Paul_Ellerman: Hi everyone!
19:08:22 lee: hello paul..
19:08:24 dave: hey paul
19:08:28 JoseR: Hi
19:08:43 lee: hello Jose
19:08:47 JasonR: You guys are collaborators.
19:09:06 JoseR: Hi Lee
19:09:16 dave: :)
19:09:46 JoseR: What's that feed again?
19:10:06 JasonR: It's so trippy hearing this live. Used to listen to it as a podcast.
19:10:31 JoseR: live is cool
19:10:44 JasonR: Hey Sharon
19:10:56 sharon_(eebee1): Hi there folks
19:11:00 lee: Jeff, did you get the podsafe music i sent?
19:11:05 lee: hey Sharon!
19:11:16 Paul_Ellerman: Skypecast tonight?
19:11:25 dave: above the chat
19:11:34 JL: http://edtechtalk.com/subscription_options
19:11:51 Paul_Ellerman: ahhh i found it... very tricky
19:12:00 dave: :)
19:12:00 JoseR: Thanks Jeff
19:14:58 JasonR: EdTechTalk...Educational Technology that talks.
19:15:07 JoseR: Yep
19:16:46 JasonR: And it's tautological
19:17:03 JoseR: What?
19:17:04 dave: yes. i thought it was funny
19:17:29 JoseR: taught?
19:19:46 lee: Tautology has at least three distinct meanings: * Tautology (logic), a statement true by virtue of its logical form. * Tautology (rhetoric), use of redundant language that adds no information. * Tautology, needless repetition of an idea, statement, or word. * Truism, an assertion that is so obvious as to add nothing to a discussion.
19:20:18 sharon_(eebee1): what is the elgg website that you are talking about??
19:20:23 JasonR: I like Jose's version better. It's a taughtology.
19:20:32 JenW: yes. link please?
19:20:54 lee: http://educationbridges.net/elgg
19:21:12 JenW: thank you
19:21:23 JoseR: I joined the elgg this week. The same day I greeted my 100 8th graders.
19:22:41 lee: great Jose!
19:22:43 JoseR: Definitely part of my life for a while to come.
19:24:35 lee: Just plain wrong!!
19:24:53 JoseR: 10-4
19:25:20 JasonR: History of virtual learning environments http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_virtual_learning_environments
19:27:33 lee: yea!!
19:27:34 sharon_(eebee1): I have a vision for that too - where can I get more details about it?
19:27:39 JasonR: That's in the US or Canada, Dave?
19:28:03 JasonR: Both?
19:28:04 lee: http://personallearningspace.com
19:28:22 JoseR: Hey I teach US History for 8th graders! I will email in!
19:28:51 sharon_(eebee1): how would you like some students from CAnada?
19:28:56 lee: [email protected]
19:29:05 lee: Wonderful Sharon
19:29:39 JasonR: http://newmediateaching.net/ ?
19:30:00 JL: yep
19:30:36 lee: Some teachers and students from every country would be great
19:30:45 dave: yup
19:30:45 JasonR: Yeah, CMSAcademy. Wondered about that status.
19:30:53 sharon_(eebee1): wow that sounds great too! We need to be supporting each other with best practices
19:31:12 JasonR interested in CMS
19:31:58 lee: for those of us learning drupal.. i am really anxious to continue to learn as well...
19:32:12 JenW: I have no idea what drupal is
19:32:45 lee: http://drupal.org/
19:32:53 JasonR: Drupal: Full-featured content management/discussion engine suitable to setup a news-driven community or portal site.
19:33:03 JenW: :) I know how to find it -- just not how to use it
19:33:07 JL: http://cmsacademy.net/drupal
19:33:15 lee: http://www.cmsacademy.net/drupal/
19:33:20 JenW: they have a lot of nice templates
19:33:20 lee: oops
19:33:25 Paul_Ellerman: I would be interested in that
19:33:31 JasonR: Yeah. Joined the CMSAcademy. I'm in the same place and looking forward to that.
19:33:33 Paul_Ellerman: the webcast academy
19:33:38 JasonR blushes
19:33:53 lee: http://www.cmsacademy.net/elgg/
19:33:57 JenW: Yo Jason!!! <applause>
19:34:18 lee: http://virtualbridges.net/
19:34:34 JasonR: Good luck Dave
19:34:44 JenW: I signed up for the WBAcademy last week -- can't wait to hear that I was accepted. :)
19:34:51 DougSymington: woohooo Calamari and Meno
19:34:56 JenW: or whatever the webcast academy is called :)
19:35:01 JasonR: Musicbridges?
19:35:10 lee: Great project idea, Dave
19:35:16 JasonR: Wohoo Lee
19:35:35 lee: Thanks Jason
19:36:05 lee: September will be the coming out webcast...kicks off the show
19:36:13 lee: yes thats right
19:36:32 Paul_Ellerman: Here is where my current thinking is at...
19:36:37 Paul_Ellerman: http://pellermanlearning.wikispaces.com/
19:37:41 Paul_Ellerman: Teaching Web 2.0 - Learning the Read / Write web
19:38:13 JenW: good luck Paul -- I can't wait to read it. I do a lot with Web 2.0 -- so I shall bookmark your site
19:38:54 Paul_Ellerman: Thnaks Jen W
19:38:59 lee: Yes Paul.. i have some ideas for presentation per our conversation..great project
19:39:11 Paul_Ellerman: I think i am goign to go the Moodle route
19:39:30 JenW: Paul, I do a great deal with K - 6 grade teachers and online collaboration -- so if you ever want to chat, let me know
19:39:47 Paul_Ellerman: Lee, i would not mind hearing your ideas though
19:40:06 lee: yes... i will get up with you on them...
19:41:11 sharon_(eebee1): I would like to intro my friend Ayles-Anne who is also part of the skypecast - she is in Trinidad and Tobago - and was a peer of mine in the EdTech programme at Concordia U in Montreal
19:41:27 JoseR: These USB mics must be cool?
19:41:38 Badzho: hello to every body
19:41:57 lee: Hello Badzho
19:42:10 Badzho: so what are talking abouth here?
19:42:13 DougSymington: have to run, thanks all, have a great week
19:43:04 lisabmarshall: I don't see previous history on this chat,,,only since i joined...
19:43:12 dave: sorry
19:43:12 lisabmarshall: what am i doing wrong
19:43:19 dave: that's in the beta
19:43:25 Paul_Ellerman: What are you looking for lisa?
19:43:37 lisabmarshall: whatever was previously chatted
19:43:41 lisabmarshall: here today
19:43:57 lisabmarshall: only can see the current stuff
19:44:04 dave: sorry lisa
19:44:11 Badzho: thats prety normal i think
19:44:16 dave: we don't have a history on this one
19:44:22 JoseR: The cowbell just rang. Goodnight folks.
19:44:27 Badzho: gn
19:49:29 dave: hi Karen
19:49:38 KarenJanowski: Hi, all
19:49:44 jenw: hello karen
19:50:20 KarenJanowski: what have I missed?
19:50:21 Paul_Ellerman: Nope
19:50:26 Paul_Ellerman: Not for me
19:50:28 lee: I don t see it there
19:50:36 KarenJanowski: I'm so sorry to be late - i just remembered
19:50:39 Paul_Ellerman: I dont see it
19:50:39 lee: it is not showing
19:51:56 Cathy_Evanoff: Lee- my music teacher is going to be interested in music bridges- keep me posted
19:52:08 jenw: the x'd out mikeis till by my name
19:52:17 jenw: is still
19:52:37 jenw: very good promo chat today
19:52:48 sharon_(eebee1): sorry about my mic
19:53:08 sharon_(eebee1): am using a headset but the mic isn't working so am using an independent mic too
19:53:19 dave: JEFF!
19:53:25 sharon_(eebee1): gotta get my act together and find something that works
19:53:27 dave: hey buddy!
19:53:29 jenw: hey Jeff
19:53:37 Jeff_from_Ann_Arbor: Hey guys
19:53:44 Jeff_from_Ann_Arbor: good to check in
19:57:16 dave: http://www.clearone.com/products/product.php?cat=9?=94
19:57:21 dave: fyi
19:58:50 Jeff_from_Ann_Arbor: My skypecast sounds very sporatic compared to the stream.
19:58:58 dave: mmm...
19:58:59 Jeff_from_Ann_Arbor: I am forgetting somehting
19:59:14 JL: how's your connection speed?
19:59:29 Jeff_from_Ann_Arbor: cable is as strong as ever I believe
19:59:51 JL: hmmm
20:00:03 jenw: if I can get moodle to work -- I have great plans :) however, I can't get it working yet
20:00:07 JL: try leaving the skypecast and calling 'worldbridges'
20:00:10 jenw: on my website
20:00:23 JasonR: You are excited or excitable?
20:00:24 sharon_(eebee1): my second year of using moodle - middle school is going laptop
20:00:28 Cathy_Evanoff: I'm excited too- I have a wiki, my principal has an Elgg blog and I have done a few screencast
20:00:50 Paul_Ellerman: Dave, i want to use Moodle for my course
20:00:52 sharon_(eebee1): want to start using wikis and podcasts
20:00:56 jenw: my Online Project wiki's are going pretty well -- teachers are taking to it slowly but they are accepting it
20:01:24 sharon_(eebee1): Jen is IPOP up and running yet?
20:01:36 jenw: we lost someone
20:01:55 jenw: augh -- my mike is off in skype -- :)
20:02:15 Cathy_Evanoff: I hear you in the stream
20:02:20 jenw: IPOP?? No, I think they will have it launched in 2007
20:02:26 jenw: iPOPP
20:02:31 sharon_(eebee1): too bad
20:03:00 jenw: it's okay -- we are still doing the prelim work
20:03:27 lee: hi cathy
20:03:30 lee: hi jen
20:03:32 Cathy_Evanoff: hello
20:03:39 jenw: hi lee
20:03:58 jenw: good chat again -- thank you
20:04:02 Paul_Ellerman: See you later everyone!
20:04:22 jenw: is the virtual bridges -- do you HAVE to be in 2nd life
20:04:30 jenw: I can't run 2nd life
20:04:35 sharon_(eebee1): thanks guys!
20:05:07 Cathy_Evanoff: have a good week
Audio icon EdTechTalk62-2006-09-03.mp30 bytes