EdTechTalk #80 with Tom Wood, cyber safety advocate

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EdTechTalk #80 with cyber safety advocate, Tom Wood
a 16 year old who helped change govt policy in Oz

December 13, 2007

20:52:51 dave -> hey folks
20:53:03 derrallgq -> hi everyone, need to get rid of that q
20:56:25 derrallg -> i hear the stream
20:58:27 SteveMadsenOz -> twitter: social linking not thinking
20:59:22 DS -> Hi Joyce
20:59:28 joycevalenza -> hey!
20:59:36 derrallg -> @SteveMadsenOz - I feel like it does make me concise thou
21:00:14 joycevalenza -> Tom, this native thing is divisive
21:02:08 dave -> hey dudes
21:02:25 derrallg -> hi dave
21:06:28 euphoniac -> hi room
21:06:34 jeff -> http://www.netalert.gov.au/
21:06:44 dave -> heyz
21:06:54 dave -> everyone have the audio?
21:07:09 euphoniac -> sounds good here
21:07:11 derrallg -> stream sounds good
21:07:20 SteveMadsenOz -> press one of listen links below chat area
21:07:48 dave -> :)
21:08:11 euphoniac -> how old is tom?
21:08:17 Tom Wood -> 16:)
21:08:35 euphoniac -> excellent... talk about interesting learning environment
21:09:51 derrallg -> http://thewoodverdict.blogspot.com/
21:10:55 joycevalenza -> Tom, would you have found some allies among your teachers and librarians before?
21:11:11 euphoniac -> cyberia...
21:11:54 dave -> I see you joyce :)
21:12:00 joycevalenza -> :-)
21:12:01 derrallg -> @euphoniac yes I made interesting connection to it too
21:12:01 SteveMadsenOz -> Many parents can't fly a video machine let alone a computer system
21:12:02 euphoniac -> Hi Cathy
21:12:19 Cathy E -> Hello All
21:12:24 dave -> yoyo
21:12:54 derrallg -> Hi Cathy
21:14:42 joycevalenza -> I just wish we could work on this in a non-adversarial manner
21:14:51 euphoniac -> Tom, how involved are your parents in your personaly internet life?
21:15:00 DS -> Hi Cathy
21:15:29 joycevalenza -> Are non-educators making many of these decisions?
21:16:01 DS -> HI Sarah
21:16:53 dave -> too often here
21:17:11 derrallg -> @joyce in my district I think they are/IT people oversee and we contact them to unblock
21:17:20 joycevalenza -> Tom, you are the poster boy for today's intellectual freedom but we need to make your cause "cleaner"
21:17:54 SteveMadsenOz -> is there a device that is most effective in carrying out teenage cyber bullying?
21:18:06 euphoniac -> @tom: I wish you could talk to every parent in my school
21:18:19 joycevalenza -> No technology can do what communication can
21:18:25 Sarah S -> Hi. We have lots of filter issues, and have to go to the IT person to get things unblocked. Their big issue is that they have to unblock for the whole k-12 district at the same time.
21:18:54 euphoniac -> <--- Bradley
21:18:55 joycevalenza -> We are like the little boy with a finger in the dike
21:18:58 euphoniac -> in NY
21:19:05 dave -> listen to this
21:20:02 Cathy E -> WOW
21:20:11 dave -> no kidding
21:20:25 derrallg -> we fall further and further behind in the US
21:20:29 euphoniac -> which presidential candidate here wants to take that on?
21:20:39 joycevalenza -> good question
21:21:01 SteveMadsenOz -> Oz Fed govt is collecting suggestions from all education sectors currently
21:21:30 euphoniac -> literacy... what a novel concept
21:22:15 SteveMadsenOz -> Oz schools will need wireless infrastructure to cope with the laptops (and technicians)
21:22:27 joycevalenza -> or make learning too compelling to leave
21:22:29 joycevalenza -> we do
21:23:50 SteveMadsenOz -> the State of Victoria has been giving computers to Victorian teachers for years. Has not happened in other Oz states.
21:26:55 euphoniac -> How can we justify giving laptops to kids without educating parents as well?
21:33:15 SteveMadsenOz -> emperors has no clothes?
21:33:34 euphoniac -> children's story... "The Emperor's new cloths"
21:34:34 jeff -> emporer would be blocked by the filter then
21:34:59 dave -> d
21:34:59 dave -> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Emperor's_New_Clothes
21:34:59 dave -> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Emperor's_New_Clothes
21:34:59 dave -> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Emperor's_New_Clothes
21:34:59 dave -> figure of speach from the story
21:37:15 euphoniac -> people are the solution... AMEN
21:37:46 DS -> indeed
21:38:40 euphoniac -> tom, do you feel that teachers can have an adaquate understanding of the internet to effectively control the internet environment of their students, and if so, how do we educate them?
21:38:45 jeff -> http://thewoodverdict.blogspot.com/
21:40:23 joycevalenza -> good luck on the exams, Tom
21:41:19 joycevalenza -> what is safe?
21:43:16 joycevalenza -> looks like it
21:43:30 derrallg -> the needs seem immense
21:44:16 euphoniac -> where's the parent's internet primer?
21:44:28 Durff -> we write it
21:44:36 Durff -> we present it
21:44:54 derrallg -> i offered to help my parents with a presentation and 2 out of 60 responded
21:45:28 Durff -> why do parents need to understand?
21:45:51 Durff -> i had 2 as well
21:45:52 derrallg -> they don't follow any guidelines like having the computer in a family area
21:46:06 Durff -> those kids are miles ahead of the others
21:47:06 Durff -> ah - the great joyce valenza is here
21:47:07 euphoniac -> Should Teachers and Students friend each other?
21:47:14 Durff -> i hear her
21:47:19 derrallg -> yes
21:47:37 Durff -> that woman is a great mind
21:48:16 Durff -> plus she teaches in Springfield District - where my dad and step-mom lived
21:49:14 SteveMadsenOz -> Will cyber safety concerns detract us from teaching pedagogies?
21:49:22 derrallg -> i hadn't thought about the kids worrying about being disconnected
21:49:35 Durff -> no steve
21:50:02 Durff -> teach the tech skills thru the cybersafety content
21:50:09 derrallg -> I think of cyber safety beginning with how to use search engines
21:50:19 Durff -> yes
21:50:32 Durff -> and the faculty need to learn too
21:50:54 Durff -> i have had enough of searching spiders for today
21:51:11 Durff -> sci teacher told kids to google
21:51:25 euphoniac -> filtering assumes the internet is unidirectional
21:51:34 Durff -> i led them to identify keywords and use SIRs
21:52:03 Durff -> that is why filtering doesn't work
21:52:07 Cathy E -> I am tied to the Internet and I am VERY old
21:52:14 euphoniac -> Digital Native Vs. Digital imigrant Vs. Digital Tourist...
21:52:27 Durff -> no Cathy - you are very young
21:52:49 Durff -> digital alien here - illegal alien
21:53:01 derrallg -> :)
21:53:05 SteveMadsenOz -> do digital natives know how to deal with cyber bullying?
21:53:06 euphoniac -> no paperwork durff?
21:53:12 joycevalenza -> It's so not an age thing
21:53:16 Durff -> no they don't
21:53:20 joycevalenza -> I want EVERYONE to love me
21:53:30 Durff -> i love you
21:53:35 joycevalenza -> thanks, lisa
21:53:38 euphoniac -> digital natives might know HOW to deal with it... but Digital Tourists don't even have to deal with it
21:53:50 derrallg -> i avoid conflict after so many years of email misunderstandings
21:53:51 Durff -> paperwork?
21:53:52 joycevalenza -> but we are also natives
21:53:53 dave -> grr... digital natives!
21:53:56 dave -> grrrr...
21:54:24 derrallg -> yes dave there it is again popping up in your webcast
21:54:32 dave -> always.
21:57:11 euphoniac -> Tom in '08
21:57:13 SteveMadsenOz -> hacking -> media exaggeration
21:57:23 derrallg -> @tom http://protecht.wikispaces.com/
21:58:02 Durff -> 5 days to vacation
21:58:15 derrallg -> i have another week :(
21:58:23 Durff -> i'm ssorry
21:58:25 euphoniac -> 6 school days here
21:58:49 fang -> darn, sounds like I missed the fun
21:59:05 Durff -> i second the motion
21:59:30 Durff -> educon2.0?
21:59:53 jeff -> raw recording will be available as soon as we wrap
21:59:56 derrallg -> is that in Phili?
22:00:33 Durff -> bye tom
22:00:45 Durff -> yes derrall
22:00:56 Durff -> educon is at SLA
22:01:04 Durff -> in Philly
22:01:11 derrallg -> thanks
22:01:24 derrallg -> i don't enough cheese steaks
22:01:31 derrallg -> eat
22:01:33 jeff -> http://comingofage.blip.tv/
22:01:51 derrallg -> jeff are you setting up for NECC?
22:02:03 Durff -> who said i'm over 20?
22:02:13 Durff -> pooh
22:02:35 Cathy E -> careful
22:02:37 derrallg -> Steal this Book was a great book by AH
22:02:58 derrallg -> me
22:03:11 Durff -> me?
22:03:25 derrallg -> going to NECC to stream
22:03:26 Durff -> oh, i get it
22:03:33 Durff -> so i must be old
22:03:43 derrallg -> no i'm old
22:03:50 Durff -> i'm older
22:04:33 Durff -> thank you
22:04:39 Durff -> adios all
22:04:53 derrallg -> bye everyone thanks for a great show
22:04:54 Cathy E -> night all
22:05:07 jeff -> http://ustream.tv/channel/edtechtalk-video
22:05:12 jeff -> archive of the show there
22:05:34 fang -> that would be sweet - tks
22:05:52 fang -> sweet dreams
22:05:59 DS -> take care all
22:06:12 jeff -> exact link: http://ustream.tv/recorded/au1qZguZAp37pIaQsbxKS68pa3k2rY3j
22:06:26 jeff -> we'll edit it and post on Edtechtalk.com soon
22:06:30 jeff -> thanks all
22:06:35 jeff -> Good night from Bow