EdTechWeekly#1 - EdTech New Roundup

September 24, 2006
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Chat Transcript below
(contains links to sites mentioned)

09/24/06 17:52:36 JL: Hello Jen
09/24/06 18:04:39 JL: http://webhuddle.com/
09/24/06 18:07:34 dave: http://www.accessgrid.org/
09/24/06 18:08:26 JasonR: Videoconferencing? Jason's ears perk up.
09/24/06 18:08:44 JL: was anyone else able to access http://webhuddle.com/
09/24/06 18:09:00 Cathy: I was not able to access webhuddle
09/24/06 18:09:17 JenM: http://it.coe.uga.edu/itforum/index.html
09/24/06 18:09:26 dave: yeah... was kinda throwing that one out to you J.
09/24/06 18:10:54 JasonR: :)
09/24/06 18:11:47 JasonR: Sorry, how do we add links to edtechlicious?
09/24/06 18:11:57 Cathy: Oh you have to click join meeting
09/24/06 18:12:14 cheryl_oakes: what is the pword
09/24/06 18:12:34 lee: address again
09/24/06 18:12:37 lee: please
09/24/06 18:12:39 cheryl_oakes: password
09/24/06 18:13:07 Cathy: I'm in web huddle :)
09/24/06 18:13:14 cheryl_oakes: what was the pword
09/24/06 18:13:27 cheryl_oakes: kInd of like Web 2.1
09/24/06 18:13:30 JasonR: zencast?
09/24/06 18:14:05 cheryl_oakes: is your email [email protected]
09/24/06 18:14:30 cheryl_oakes: I was in this AM with webheads pretty sweet
09/24/06 18:16:08 JenM: http://www.textmarks.com/info/overview/
09/24/06 18:16:56 dave: http://mobiled.uiah.fi/
09/24/06 18:17:08 JL: Jason, you've got the huddle
09/24/06 18:17:14 JL: want to see if it works with SL?
09/24/06 18:18:49 JenM: http://elearningtech.blogspot.com/2006/09/personal-and-group-learning-us...
09/24/06 18:20:08 JenM: http://www.ifeedreaders.com/chicklet-creator/
09/24/06 18:22:25 lee: i have enjoyed the hitchhiker..
09/24/06 18:22:32 Cathy: I like it too
09/24/06 18:23:21 JasonR: A lifestyle magazine for the tech-savvy teacher... http://www.edutopia.org/magazine/index.php
09/24/06 18:23:22 lee: can you see the frog in huddle?
09/24/06 18:23:46 JenM: http://hitchhikr.com/index.php?mode=about
09/24/06 18:24:07 JasonR: Anyone heard of Edutopia, from the George Lucas Educational Foundation
09/24/06 18:25:00 JenM: http://www.edutopia.org/
09/24/06 18:25:19 cheryloakes: Oh, yeah, great free magazine
09/24/06 18:25:36 JasonR: Never saw the skypecast URL
09/24/06 18:25:39 cheryloakes: Look for Bit by Bit SEEDLINGS tomorrow, we recorded today.
09/24/06 18:28:40 JasonR: Skypecast URL?
09/24/06 18:28:57 JL: https://skypecasts.skype.com/skypecasts/skypecast/detailed.html?id_talk=...
09/24/06 18:29:28 JasonR: Ho wdo you decide who steers the WebHuddle?
09/24/06 18:30:14 cheryloakes: :D going to eat, brb
09/24/06 18:31:11 Cathy: ok- going to work on lesson plans bb at 8:00
09/24/06 18:31:49 JasonR: Weird, no link to join the Skypecast
09/24/06 18:32:28 JL: I think it expired. I had tried to bring you in to the skype conf, but got a busy signal. I'm going to step away for a few minutes. back shortly
09/24/06 18:32:43 JasonR: NP
09/24/06 18:53:45 Cathy: What was that??
09/24/06 18:54:39 JL: that?
09/24/06 18:54:44 Cathy: The mag
09/24/06 18:54:57 Cathy: tech fashion?
09/24/06 18:55:18 Cathy: thanks
09/24/06 18:55:38 JasonR: http://www.edutopia.org/magazine/index.php
09/24/06 18:56:00 JasonR: They seem to be billing themselves as a lifestyle magazine for the tech-savvy teacher

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