The EdTechWeekly#100 Extravaganza

Post-Show description: 

The EdTechWeekly Crew reviews the Top 100 Links from our first 100 shows.

Top 100 Links from our first 100 shows
October 26, 2008

Our Top 100 Links
25 Faves from
  Dave   Jeff   Jen   John

Chat Log Below

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18:47:51  PeggyG ->  I'm so excited about this show! where's the wiki with all the links--want to get a head start :-)
18:48:30  JL ->
18:48:35  PeggyG ->  30 second miracles! :-) This is going to be fun!
18:48:58  PeggyG ->  delicious links are ok too but they don't automatically save to Diigo.
18:50:35  PeggyG ->  This is hilarious!
18:50:50  PeggyG ->  yes the beginning of the magic!
18:51:22  courosa ->  dave, can you send me those question agian, via email though?
18:51:33  courosa ->  i don't keep my skype transcripts
18:51:36  courosa ->  hi jeff
18:51:51  derrallg ->  hi everyone
18:51:57  courosa ->  nope
18:52:11  courosa ->  thanks dave
18:52:20  PeggyG ->  I agree about the chat history! bookmark tons in Skype
18:52:26  derrallg ->  I have the transcript back to when I met my fiance 2 years ago
18:52:31  ds ->  hey gang
18:52:41  derrallg ->  hey doug
18:52:44  sheila ->  @JL - can I have a headshot of you for Connections? I'm serious . . . a photo please?
18:52:56  courosa ->  i keep my computer on at work non-stop, keep skype on a lot ... but have people through my office, and since I deal with students, I worry about confidentiality issues.
18:53:05  PeggyG ->  @derrallg--that's great! congrats on your marriage! loved your photos!
18:53:09  JL ->  sure sheila
18:53:20  sheila ->  Thanks!  :)
18:53:20  derrallg ->  @peggy thanks
18:53:35  sheila ->  Working on it now and will be back later.
18:53:37  PeggyG ->  :-)
18:53:55  PeggyG ->  now that made me laugh right out loud!! your Halloween costume!
18:54:09  courosa ->  if they could, i'd like that ... feels a bit like leaving my email wide-open
18:54:37  derrallg ->  oh my gosh Jeff has dressed for the occasion
18:54:38  PeggyG ->  we're on the edge of our seats!!
18:54:51  courosa ->  and when i open up skype in a presentation, here come dozens of conversations in front of an audience, issues with that
18:55:24  PeggyG ->  Sheila and I made a deal--we're not clicking on ANY links today. We don't want to crash anything!
18:55:30  courosa ->  haha
18:55:44  courosa ->  you guys crack me up
18:56:05  courosa ->  i was!
18:56:12  derrallg ->  congratulation on show #100, my wife says I have to go hiking now :(
18:56:26  ds ->  love it
18:56:26  courosa ->  you put the P in my PLN
18:56:29  ds ->  priceless
18:56:37  derrallg ->  will listen to the podcast
18:56:40  PeggyG ->  Have fun derrallg! You can listen to archives
18:56:53  derrallg ->  thanks Jeff, oh my gosh
18:56:59  PeggyG ->  honeymoon period :-)
18:57:07  ds ->  lol
18:57:28  courosa ->  i tweeted it out, no NOONE will join us.
18:57:29  PeggyG ->  can hear fine Jen
18:57:59  PeggyG ->  where's the delicious link for today???
18:58:25  PeggyG ->  Hi Liz
18:58:37  JenWagner ->  HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!!
18:58:40  JohnS ->
18:58:50  PeggyG ->  here come the troops!! Hi JenW
18:58:55  JenWagner ->  or is it HAPPY BIRTHDAY!?!?!
18:59:18  JenWagner ->  Jen's moving????
18:59:22  lizbdavis ->  Hi everyone
18:59:22  PeggyG ->  just broke our deal Sheila-had to click on the link for delicious :-)
18:59:53  PeggyG ->  this is going to be a work of art!!!
19:00:16  JenWagner ->  is it 100 links or 1 hour??  whichever comes first??
19:00:19  Ann Oro - njtechteacher ->  Hi all - looking forward to listening while I test some things in the lab at school.
19:00:21  courosa ->  one long speed round
19:00:42  JenWagner ->  Jen sounds far far away
19:01:00  PeggyG ->  drum roll please!!!
19:01:29  lizbdavis ->  I'm having audio problems - you guys are cutting in and out.
19:01:30  JenWagner ->  I am setting my timer!!!   :)
19:01:32  ds ->  bonus marks
19:01:55  lizbdavis ->  Maybe its my connection, is anyone else having troubles?
19:02:03  PeggyG ->  are you on the mebeam stream or ETT-A Liz?
19:02:30  lizbdavis ->
19:02:46  ds ->  too good
19:02:57  PeggyG ->  maybe just try ETT-A-less bandwidth-audio only
19:03:27  JenWagner ->  throwing confetti!!!!  Happy Birthday dear ETT Happy Birthday to you
19:03:52  lizbdavis ->  So am I Twice! SYTYCD
19:03:53  PeggyG ->  Jeff-you look like you're already dressed for the dance show :-)
19:04:00  lizbdavis ->  Yes!!
19:04:02  PeggyG ->  Woot!!!!
19:04:32  dave ->
19:04:40  JenWagner ->  taking bets now that they do it??  any takers??
19:04:46  JenM ->
19:04:59  courosa ->  I agree, besides Google as a repository.
19:05:11  JL ->
19:05:17  PeggyG ->  lol
19:05:18  JL ->
19:05:25  JohnS ->  EdTech Weekly:
19:05:34  JenWagner ->  is someone counting???
19:05:34  Ann Oro - njtechteacher ->  I'm not getting sound yet. I think I have to try a different computer.
19:05:58  dave ->
19:06:05  JenWagner ->  I will -- we are on 6
19:06:12  PeggyG ->  Ann-try and click on ETT-A
19:06:34  JenM ->  scribd:
19:06:35  JL ->
19:06:37  ds ->  @Ann try this
19:06:53  Ann Oro - njtechteacher ->  I clicked on the Ustream - that seemed to work. Thanks.
19:07:00  JohnS ->  Skype:
19:07:15  ds ->  great--hey Cathy
19:07:33  John Rundag ->  Is anyone keeping count?
19:07:36  dave ->
19:07:38  JenWagner ->  I am  -- this is 10
19:07:45  ds ->  JenWagner is counting
19:08:01  JohnS ->  9
19:08:05  JenWagner ->  nope  10
19:08:09  JenM ->  zotero:
19:08:13  JohnS ->  I'm the multiples of 4
19:08:13  PeggyG ->  if you share links that are only PC or only Mac could you mention that?
19:08:17  courosa ->  What ever happened to Gizmo I wonder vs. Skype.
19:08:33  dave ->  @peggyg that would take research and 'knowledge'
19:08:34  JenWagner ->  lol  want me to repost them all ???
19:08:38  dave ->  you're on the wrong show
19:08:42  dave ->  :P
19:08:42  JL ->
19:08:49  PeggyG ->  I hear deep breathing--too much stress??
19:09:10  JohnS ->  How can Moodle change a school:
19:09:19  courosa ->  neat feature, but I still don't like the quality of dotsub vs. blip.
19:09:43  JL ->  agreed -blip is my fave for not subtitled
19:09:44  drezac ->  what's the skinny on Google for Education as a LMS
19:09:45  drezac ->  ?
19:09:50  PeggyG ->  dotsub seems to take awhile to generate the translated videos
19:09:57  Kimmy ->  Is there audio this evening??
19:09:59  dave ->
19:10:19  JenWagner ->  I don't know why -- but I have 14  --- so I will just delete one.  Now -- which one??
19:10:34  JenM ->  meebo:
19:10:51  ds ->  @Kimmy yes re audio, click on audio stream links on R side of page--u
19:10:57  courosa ->  ICQ!!!
19:11:03  ds ->  ustream and
19:11:04  JL ->
19:11:28  JohnS ->  The Long Tail:
19:12:09  scmorgan ->  I usually listen to you on my itouch all while I run...this is much more fun (watching the video, too!)
19:12:11  dave ->
19:12:43  PeggyG ->  he's a rock star isn't he? Alec
19:12:50  JenM ->  whiteboard:
19:12:59  courosa ->  wow ... a mention in the top 100!
19:13:23  PeggyG ->  stay tuned courosa-there'll probably be more :-)
19:13:29  JL ->
19:13:30  JenWagner ->  I miss those DEMO shows
19:13:50  dave ->  rip
19:13:53  courosa ->  hopefully t4tl gets a refresh coming up in the next course, it needs some work.
19:14:17  Gary ->  @courosa - but still great
19:14:18  drezac ->  thanks! That skrbl link is perfect.
19:14:21  JohnS ->  My Top 10 Google Search Shortcut Tips:
19:14:24  PeggyG ->  Lee's video tutorials live on!! also her delicious bookmarks!! we sure miss her!
19:14:25  JenWagner ->  #20
19:14:31  courosa ->  hear hear ... Lee is missed greatly./
19:14:57  dave ->
19:15:26  JenM ->  twitter:
19:15:26  drezac ->  How about creating your own custom Search engine? Google offers that!
19:15:35  Kimmy ->  no sign of audio buttons on the right side ..
19:15:54  JL ->
19:15:55  courosa ->  olpc still hasn't convinced me that is has done much more than created a new market ... maybe this is the post that will convince me ... I want to be convinced
19:16:02  ds ->  @Kimmy, I'm sorry stream is now running--refresh page
19:16:13  malikrichardson ->  got audio now as well Kimmy...
19:16:20  JohnS ->  Google for Educators:
19:16:20  Kimmy ->  thanks
19:16:28  drezac ->     custom search engine
19:16:41  ds ->  ustream is preferred method--it's buffering on my machine, but I am restreaming
19:16:55  dave ->
19:16:59  drezac ->  By the way, Google makes that free link very hard to find. Thanks for offereing that.
19:17:31  JenM ->
19:18:02  JL ->
19:18:12  courosa ->  but always remember "free" means no money, but we introduce our students to the greatest data mining machine ever ... certainly our future overlords if the present continues.
19:18:23  JohnS ->  Wordpress:
19:18:54  dave ->
19:19:15  drezac ->  what does filehippo do? Checking it out...
19:19:16  John Rundag ->
19:19:27  PeggyG ->  nice mix of tools and articles! Great job!
19:19:37  JenM ->  RSS Aggregator:
19:19:42  JenWagner ->  Link count -- 30
19:19:49  courosa ->  see the student's side of things at
19:19:58  PeggyG ->  :-)
19:20:00  drezac ->
19:20:18  PeggyG ->  love Google Reader but also use NetNewsWire
19:20:20  JL ->
19:20:48  courosa ->  and I was taking notes!
19:20:51  PeggyG ->  don't click! don't click! don't click!
19:21:01  JenWagner ->  just count  with me   we are on 31
19:21:03  JohnS ->  Wikipedia: Academic use:
19:21:04  Maureen/bcdtech ->  wish I could hear! Hughes net thinks I crossed the fair use threshold, so I mostly get buffering... have to listen to audio later.
19:21:29  Ann Oro - njtechteacher ->  @Maureen - clicking the Ustream button in the window on the right worked for me.
19:21:31  courosa ->  windows and their funny little virii
19:21:41  PeggyG ->  thrilled to learn that the entire wikipedia is accessible on Kindle!
19:21:44  dave ->
19:22:01  lizbdavis ->  My audio also is still cutting in and out but I'm hanging in.
19:22:09  courosa ->  i actually bought the print version of this book
19:22:12  JenWagner ->  so to click on a link in Wikipedia is relilable though??
19:22:12  JenM ->  antivirus:
19:22:21  matt montagne ->  audio good here...
19:22:28  Kimmy ->  ditto .cutting in and out
19:22:44  Ann Oro - njtechteacher ->  @courosa Is that on the to read pile?
19:22:50  JenWagner ->  avg is free  :)
19:22:50  courosa ->  my favourite anti-virus software is OS X
19:22:57  JL ->
19:23:01  PeggyG ->  crossing fingers--audio is still good for me! no cutting out yet
19:23:07  Ann Oro - njtechteacher ->  I'm purchasing kapersky for the school this year. I'm glad to hear something good about it.
19:23:10  courosa ->  @ann definitely, and the pile is getting bigger and bigger, need to update my shelfari
19:23:14  Cathyjo ->  @courosa lol
19:23:21  Maureen/bcdtech ->  @ann If my connection was faster I could hear, but they have me slower than dialup to punish me for watching Jakes' tech forum panel this morning.
19:23:23  ds ->  problem with audio stream is here -- audio is really "having a hard tijme keeping up" anyone else (lots of buffering happening here)
19:23:31  JohnS ->  ASUS EeePC pilot project update:
19:23:34  courosa ->  @cathjo :-)
19:23:38  Cathyjo ->  mine is good
19:23:48  Cathyjo ->  im using ustream tho
19:23:49  JL ->  Doug - if you release ETT B - I will start streaming there
19:24:05  Ann Oro - njtechteacher ->  @courosa Looking forward to that Shelfari update.
19:24:13  ds ->  off JL
19:24:15  dave ->
19:24:27  Ann Oro - njtechteacher ->  No buffering for me through Ustream.
19:24:28  Lorna ->  I'm picking up the stream on A with real player
19:24:40  PeggyG ->  photoshop tutorial? sounds fun!
19:24:50  JenM ->  mindmapping:
19:25:12  JL ->
19:25:15  courosa ->  @davec I really like those tutorials and have been wanting to give it to my undergrads ... but just can't, know I will offend someone.
19:25:18  JL ->
19:25:27  drewmca ->  how does compare to mindmeister?
19:25:31  lizbdavis ->  I just switched from the stream to EdtechtalkA via iTunes, still coming in and out. But I'm in a hotel right now. Connection must be slow here.
19:25:44  JohnS ->  Addict-o-Matic:
19:25:45  courosa ->  "in her language"
19:25:47  PeggyG ->  I saw Amanda's video. Incredible story!
19:25:51  courosa ->  it's amazing
19:25:53  JenWagner ->  and we just hit #40 with John S
19:26:09  Maureen/bcdtech ->  My kids like bubblus better than mindmeister-and much better if you are mevedding
19:26:15  dave ->
19:26:21  drewmca ->  mevedding?
19:26:33  Maureen/bcdtech ->  sorry- embedding
19:26:48  lizbdavis ->  Crossing fingers - switched to EdtechtalkB and now seems to be working.
19:26:50  drewmca ->  great!  I've been having problems with that.
19:26:59  JenM ->  mini external harddrive:
19:27:01  courosa ->  i gotta run, how/where will this list be posted?
19:27:13  dave ->  we'll post it on your website tomorrow alec
19:27:14  PeggyG ->  shameless self promotion--why not??
19:27:31  courosa ->  thanks dave, great job ETW! gnite.
19:27:34  JL ->
19:28:06  JohnS ->  Protopage:
19:28:06  PeggyG ->  does it talk about earmarks?
19:28:07  Kimmy ->  stream keeps rebufferring
19:28:21  ds ->  @Kimmy apologies,
19:28:27  ds ->  problem was on my end
19:28:36  ds ->  please refresh page and click on Stream B
19:28:38  dave ->
19:28:41  drewmca ->  use protopage a lot -- great for sharing with resources
19:29:02  Lorna ->  OMG not drupal!!!
19:29:06  JenM ->  pdf software:
19:29:12  PeggyG ->  Lullabot is becoming my primary source for Drupal support! bought their DVD
19:29:40  ds ->  follow @funnymonkey in Twitter for Drupal goodness
19:29:44  Lorna ->  by the way I now know how to install drupal with my eyes closed
19:29:55  JL ->
19:30:35  JohnS ->  K12 Online Conference:
19:30:46  PeggyG ->  Lorna is my best and most favorite Drupal support person!
19:31:12  dave ->
19:31:29  Cathyjo ->  finally caught up on k12 today
19:31:34  JenWagner ->  The next one is #50 --- is it okay with you if I stop counting and we just trust them???
19:31:51  JenM ->  presentation how-to:
19:32:03  PeggyG ->  sure JenW--they're right on track!
19:32:25  John Rundag ->  no JenW. Keep counting. lol
19:32:27  JL ->
19:32:27  lizbdavis ->  @jenwagner OK with me:D
19:32:48  John Rundag ->  just kidding!
19:32:53  JenWagner ->  gonna go get something to drink   :)
19:33:00  JohnS ->  15 Coolest Firefox Tricks Ever:
19:33:22  PeggyG ->  wow - audio search on any topic! awesome!
19:33:46  John Rundag ->  Who has the champagne??
19:33:51  dave ->
19:34:02  JohnS ->  Champagne? You should know better, John.
19:34:20  JenM ->  usb portable apps:
19:34:32  John Rundag ->  Beer? :)
19:34:52  JenWagner ->  diet cherry coke here
19:34:52  JL ->
19:35:22  JohnS ->  Educause 7 Things You Should Know About…:
19:35:39  angelamaiers ->  Looking forward to tonights conversation!
19:36:05  dave ->
19:36:34  JenM ->  junk in trunk?
19:37:15  JenWagner ->  I must have missed the show that talked about EDUCAUSE!!   Woo -- wins my vote so far as best reminder link!!!!
19:37:33  JL ->
19:37:53  dave ->  fanboy
19:38:12  JohnS ->  The Common Craft Show:
19:38:19  JenWagner ->  yep the 3 essential questions are Voice Thread
19:38:20  Cathy E ->  Ya'll are awesome - what a great show :D
19:38:44  dave ->
19:39:08  John Rundag ->  loves Oo3
19:39:19  JenM ->  mebeam:
19:39:22  JenWagner ->  I have not upgraded yet
19:39:34  matt montagne ->  Jeff...SWEET Bowtie!!!
19:39:44  Ann Oro - njtechteacher ->  We started using Open Office this year. So far, so good.
19:39:45  JenWagner ->  no duplicates yet Jen
19:39:50  JL ->
19:39:54  John Rundag ->  Oo3 opens .docx files
19:39:55  PeggyG ->  we won't remember if you mentioned it earlier!
19:40:06  Cathyjo ->  FOOT--Ive gotta go. Catch it in the podcast i guess
19:40:12  JenWagner ->  yes, we will Peggy
19:40:16  JenWagner ->  :)
19:40:19  JohnS ->  ReCaptcha:
19:40:23  PeggyG ->  Love the slidecast feature of slideshare!
19:40:43  PeggyG ->  I should have said "I"--not "we"--I won't remember!
19:41:16  dave ->
19:41:28  JenWagner ->  uhoh -- youtube again
19:41:57  JenM ->  Participatory Learning Syllabus:
19:42:03  PeggyG ->  always looking for anti-cyber bullying resources--thanks for the recommendation!
19:42:53  JL ->
19:43:17  PeggyG ->  Sounds like Curtis Bonk would be a great guest on one of the ETT shows!! :-)
19:43:23  JohnS ->  Free Rice:
19:43:37  dave ->  @peggy he was.
19:43:48  DaveC ->  Curtis Bonk was a CPA turned Educational Psychologist.
19:43:50  Cathy E ->  Ohh I love Free Rice
19:43:53  Lisa Parisi ->  Haven't heard of freerice in a long time
19:44:03  PeggyG ->  where and when for Cutris Bonk? want to hear it!
19:44:13  PeggyG ->  freerice is very addictive!!!
19:44:23  dave ->
19:44:59  JL ->  and humbling
19:45:00  JenM ->  OpenEd Syllabus:
19:45:03  DaveC ->  I made one!  Works great, used it on Friday's presentation
19:45:35  PeggyG ->  Wow DaveC-you were using wiimote on your flashmeeting presentation?
19:45:38  JL ->
19:46:05  JohnS ->  Copyright and Fair Use Guidelines for Teachers:
19:47:01  PeggyG ->  I so agree with that point about teachers avoiding the use of tech because they don't understand fair use/copyright
19:47:02  dave ->
19:47:11  dave ->
19:47:28  JenM ->  opening up education (free book):
19:47:34  PeggyG ->  what about PageFlakes???
19:47:36  JenWagner ->  is a PDF of copyright from 2002 -- okay to give to teachers??  does copyright change??  Just wondering
19:47:54  JL ->
19:48:12  JohnS ->  Zamzar:
19:48:45  dave ->
19:49:00  PeggyG ->  hmmm-7zip seems to be only for Windows??
19:49:23  JenM ->  folder share:
19:49:35  Lorna ->  MAcs don't need a compression program
19:49:51  PeggyG ->  thanks Lorna :-)
19:49:59  JL ->
19:50:14  JenWagner ->  anyone know what # we are on??
19:50:28  PeggyG ->  no idea of the #
19:50:29  JohnS ->  Senduit:
19:50:31  JohnS ->  80
19:50:36  Ann Oro - njtechteacher ->  The Simple Wikipedia is great for elementary students.
19:50:56  PeggyG ->  how does senduit compare to YouSendIt?
19:51:09  dave ->
19:51:10  Lisa Parisi ->  I always use Senduit.
19:51:25  Lisa Parisi ->  Works quickly and easily
19:51:30  JenM ->  PhD and Masters and a Distance:
19:51:46  dave ->  OH! are you taknig a phd?
19:51:50  JL ->  that page looks so linuxy -all text, very boring
19:51:51  John Rundag ->  We have 4 classrooms using Ubuntu.
19:51:56  PeggyG ->  I use YouSendIt--14 day storage;2gb upload
19:52:17  JL ->
19:52:27  PeggyG ->  oh oh--a quiz???
19:52:33  Gary ->  I use FileChute for Mac - load to your .Mac account
19:52:35  dave ->  @Jdub i have four links left
19:52:42  DaveC ->  @Jen, thanks for that link.  How did you know I spent about 3 1/2 hours today researching different programs
19:52:50  JohnS ->  Tinyurl:
19:52:58  PeggyG ->  Lorna-have you added it to your Drupal site? sounds cool!
19:53:05  JenWagner ->  This has been a great show -- by the way
19:53:25  John Rundag ->  7 minutes left.
19:53:26  JenWagner ->  7 minutes to go -- 14 links left
19:53:34  dave ->
19:53:51  JohnS ->  We started at 4 minutes after the hour, Jen.
19:54:05  JenWagner ->  just FYI -- if I win the Best Buy Grant again this year, I plan to buy an iphone!!
19:54:10  ds ->  I can vouch for that JS, re start :)
19:54:11  Lorna ->  @Peggy not yet sounds good
19:54:11  JenM ->  Sunday ... must be talking about Athabasca:
19:54:35  JenWagner ->  hmmmm -- JohnS -- from the top of the show or from the 1st link??
19:54:39  JL ->
19:54:42  JohnS ->  top of the show
19:54:43  JenWagner ->  POSEY!!!
19:54:51  PeggyG ->  counting the days until my contract expires so I can get iPhone!
19:55:01  JohnS ->  Truecrypt:
19:55:06  John Rundag ->  get a Mac and use Preview. ;)
19:55:27  PeggyG ->  Yeah John R!
19:55:43  ErnieEaster ->  Preview is great
19:55:44  Lorna ->  Ahhh another mac lover
19:55:51  dave ->
19:56:03  JenWagner ->  uhoh --- should I have kept counting??
19:56:07  ErnieEaster ->  1:1 iBooks in the classroom
19:56:23  JenM ->  BlueTooth Mouse:,en
19:56:50  John Rundag ->  Product or page unavailable
19:56:52  JL ->
19:56:54  JenWagner ->,en
19:57:00  JenWagner ->  try that one Jen
19:57:16  PeggyG ->  oh no-no more Yugma Jeff?
19:57:19  JohnS ->  Pandora:
19:58:03  dave ->
19:58:05  JenWagner ->  so is your music on your computer different than your music on your ipod???  John??
19:58:10  Gary ->  If you are outside the US you hear a lot of things never
19:58:22  JenM ->  Diigo:
19:58:23  matt montagne ->  wow, you all are right on time!!
19:58:25  JohnS ->  don't have an ipod
19:58:31  Kimmy ->  no longer allow access to Pandora for listeners located outside of the U.S
19:58:33  JenWagner ->  we are in the 90's???
19:58:38  PeggyG ->  I'm still excited about Diigo!!!!!
19:58:44  JenWagner ->  <----no no to Diigo
19:58:54  JL ->
19:59:14  JenWagner ->  just cuz I am SOOOO content with Delicious
19:59:24  PeggyG ->  you need to listen to Jennifer Dorman's tutorials on Diigo-she really know how to get the most out of it!
19:59:27  JohnS ->  Timez Attack:
19:59:50  JenWagner ->  smiles, heard Jen Dorman at DEN yesterday-     sorry, still not a convert -- but I do respect her very much
19:59:51  PeggyG ->  Timez Attack was a big hit with my grandson!!!
20:00:23  dave ->
20:00:31  PeggyG ->  hahaha
20:00:41  JenWagner ->  uhoh -- I think we are at 92??
20:00:47  dave ->
20:00:49  Ann Oro - njtechteacher ->  I'm still happier with Delicious, myself; although I bookmark into Delicious through Diigo.
20:01:00  JohnS ->  97, jen.
20:01:08  JenWagner ->  hmmmmmm   
20:01:15  JenM ->  OPML of the ETW links on Delicious:
20:01:29  Maureen/bcdtech ->  I like the groups and the weekly updates I get from diigo groups
20:01:59  JL ->
20:01:59  PeggyG ->  I agree Maureen--the groups on Diigo have provided really valuable resources on specific topics.
20:02:12  JenWagner ->  they are going to END RIGHT ON TIME with 1ish minute to spare
20:02:47  JohnS ->  Minesweeper Trailer:
20:03:21  John Rundag ->  Woot
20:03:27  JenWagner ->  HAPPY 100
20:03:37  Maureen/bcdtech ->  @Peggy I signed my gr 7-9 up for accounts on diigo- it may work well for class projects. Haven't had a chance to introduce it yet to them- busy!
20:03:40  PeggyG ->  yahoo!!! what a show!!!! You're the best!
20:03:40  sheila ->  clap; clap!
20:03:51  matt montagne ->  Good stuff y'all...great show
20:03:53  lizbdavis ->  Yay can't wait for Educon 2.1 Be there or be a rhombus!
20:03:58  scmorgan ->  Thanks!!
20:04:02  Cathy E ->  I have set up all my 5th graders with diigo - it is working great
20:04:04  JenWagner ->  what a great show!!!
20:04:05  Gary ->  No!!!
20:04:07  ds ->  great job, and congrats on the milestone
20:04:10  PeggyG ->  Thanks all!!!!!
20:04:12  JenWagner ->  no post show???
20:04:14  Gary ->  Thanks again!
20:04:30  sheila ->  Looking good!
20:04:33  ErnieEaster ->  Thanks - 100 in 60!
20:04:35  JL ->
20:04:36  Cathy E ->  Ya'll make me LOL
20:04:38  JenWagner ->  ohhhh a quiz
20:04:49  Maureen/bcdtech ->  Super show- thank you!
20:04:49  PeggyG ->  We may need to highlight this show in next week's ETT newsletter!!! What a milestone!
20:04:58  John Rundag ->  I put in JohnS
20:05:04  JenWagner ->  Hey Jen where are you getting your degree??
20:05:05  sheila ->  @PeggyG - I did it in 3 tabs!
20:05:10  JenWagner ->  nope -- it is working
20:05:15  John Rundag ->  Not working here
20:05:18  JenWagner ->  Jen????
20:05:21  ds ->  here's my score on the quiz :)
20:05:21  PeggyG ->  I didn't do so well Sheila--but I did use restraint!
20:05:26  JenM ->  logitech ...,EN
20:05:43  PeggyG ->  12 tabs for me
20:05:57  JenWagner ->  I got #2 right!!!
20:06:12  John Rundag ->  works in Safari
20:06:14  ds ->  I put a space in for:edtechtalk for one of my wrongs
20:06:34  PeggyG ->  Where's the answer key???
20:06:52  JenWagner ->  I got that one right
20:07:23  PeggyG ->  too funny!!!
20:07:37  JenWagner ->  I got 5 out of 8
20:07:41  JenWagner ->  that is sad
20:08:08  PeggyG ->  bye  bye partyvan!
20:08:29  JenWagner ->  Anyway -- I got 5 out of 8
20:08:35  JenWagner ->  which I consider pretty good
20:08:43  PeggyG ->  you can just delete that part of the chat log...
20:08:51  dave ->  @peggyg sure we can
20:08:53  JenWagner ->  Going to take the test again with another name
20:09:12  John Rundag ->  I used JohnS, JenW
20:09:13  ds ->  @JS you gotta READ the questions
20:09:15  PeggyG ->  I'm going to take the test after we're off line :-) in private :-)
20:09:18  John Rundag ->  ;)
20:09:21  JenWagner ->  I can print out a CERTIFICATE????
20:09:26  Cathy E ->  75% for me
20:09:27  JenWagner ->  wowow
20:09:40  sheila ->  Should I be getting a 100 for the 100th show?
20:09:44  JenWagner ->  gonna put it on my wall
20:09:50  PeggyG ->  I'm going to try until I get 100%!
20:10:05  JenWagner ->  I don't know who the guy is -- I don't know where Jen goes to college
20:10:14  John Rundag ->  can I turn this in to my LPDC committee???
20:10:15  JenWagner ->  and I don't know which other one I missed
20:10:26  JenM ->  (shhh ... jen ... ODU)
20:10:34  JenWagner ->  I know -- but shame on me
20:10:52  JenWagner ->  can we see POSEY???
20:10:58  JenWagner ->  for 100 seconds please
20:11:10  PeggyG ->  Absolutely John R!! this is the best PD!
20:11:22  dave ->
20:11:24  Cathy E ->  I got Posey - correct - that is the important one!
20:11:28  PeggyG ->  it was a hit and run visitor!
20:11:39  JenWagner ->  hmmm I was thinking on ustream
20:11:59  JenWagner ->  OHMIGOSH -- she is cute
20:12:27  JenWagner ->  no daddy and baby shots yet???
20:12:56  PeggyG ->  such cute pictures!!! thanks for sharing them!
20:14:02  Kimmy ->  cute
20:14:13  RobertoBorda ->  hi all
20:14:29  RobertoBorda ->  great pictures
20:14:49  JenWagner ->  I got that one right
20:14:51  PeggyG ->  Thanks for the GREAT show!!! I'm totally inspired!!
20:15:19  Gary ->  Doug may golf too much?
20:15:26  Gary ->  In Victoria
20:16:01  PeggyG ->  any virtual cake and ice cream?
20:16:08  JenWagner ->  wow, I always wanted to know this
20:17:36  PeggyG ->  see--you need to be careful when you get a job!
20:17:51  JenWagner ->  was John in our drupal classes too??
20:18:15  JohnS ->  no. I don't know drupal
20:18:20  PeggyG ->  this is really interesting history!
20:18:37  JenWagner ->  see, I am not the only one who gets you mixed up
20:21:07  PeggyG ->  this has been the highlight of my weekend--keep smiling and laughing! :-)
20:22:09  PeggyG ->  guess they want extra credit for it Jen??
20:22:32  JenM ->  @Peggy ... could be :)
20:22:48  DaveC ->  It takes a while to get comfortable havnig an online persona
20:23:00  drewmca ->  In a blogging class I lead, teachers want to dive in anonymously first.
20:23:11  PeggyG ->  that's a good term-internet radio show
20:23:45  JL ->  poptech
20:23:52  RobertoBorda ->  I have started a ning for my math classes, but I am keeping it private to begin with
20:23:52  PeggyG ->  I can relate to starting anonymously. That's how I started
20:24:13  drewmca ->  what ages are the students for your classes?
20:24:20  drewmca ->  adults?
20:24:25  RobertoBorda ->  High school
20:24:36  JenWagner ->  Doug -- I agree -- I had no idea I was with them pretty much from the beginning -- but they sounded so polished
20:24:45  JenWagner ->  but they were like CALL IN - so I did
20:24:57  PeggyG ->  Jing Project!!!
20:25:00  RobertoBorda ->  They are comfortable with facebook
20:25:05  drewmca ->  Just starting to look into social networking -- any good tutorials on how to use them with students?
20:25:09  John Rundag ->
20:25:24  RobertoBorda ->  Ning is awesome
20:25:34  John Rundag ->
20:25:42  drewmca ->  how do I find out where to begin?
20:25:44  PeggyG ->  I agree about Ning.
20:25:46  drewmca ->  just jump in?
20:25:48  sheila ->  Still here ... may missing something for the 200 quiz.
20:25:59  RobertoBorda ->  Just go for it
20:26:23  PeggyG ->  start slowly Robert--easy to get overwhelmed at first
20:26:44  RobertoBorda ->  If we truly believe of our students as collaborators Ning is a great way to give them a voice
20:26:54  Lorna ->  Is this show 100+?
20:27:08  drewmca ->  how would that play out in a math classroom?
20:27:11  PeggyG ->  Ning provides many options to grow your social network.
20:27:42  Cathy E ->  You are perfect
20:27:49  drewmca ->  creating online textbook?
20:27:54  RobertoBorda ->  I agree with Peggy it can be overwhelming
20:28:18  DaveC ->  This show in particular, is a great way to stay up-to-date.
20:28:28  Lorna ->  @drewmca
20:28:31  drewmca ->  about the show:  this is where I come to get new stuff.
20:28:44  PeggyG ->  I agree Jen. And you remind me of things I knew and forgot.
20:28:45  DaveC ->  ...and hear ideas about what's new.
20:28:45  drewmca ->   things that might be old to others but new to me
20:28:59  drewmca ->  need that reminder.
20:29:10  DaveC ->  hmmmm, Lorna just posted a link to my blog.  I should be paying closer attention
20:29:14  DaveC ->  :)
20:29:22  PeggyG ->  I like hearing about current articles in addition to tools--both pros and cons of ed tech issues. You do an asesome job of that!
20:29:31  drewmca ->  Thanks, Lorna!  just saw the link.
20:29:36  PeggyG ->  awesome!
20:30:04  RobertoBorda ->  It would very cool to have mentors for different tools
20:30:08  Lorna ->  I'm Dace C's advertising and promotion agent
20:30:13  Lorna ->  dqave
20:30:15  Lorna ->  DAve
20:30:32  PeggyG ->  so true about the tools changing--you find something you love and then it disappears or starts charging money!
20:30:37  drewmca ->  @roberto -- I like that.  
20:31:17  PeggyG ->  that is such a great point Jeff! we need to quote that somewhere!
20:31:25  DaveC ->  AND you are talking about current uses for it in the classroom, not just "hey, here's a tool."
20:32:16  drewmca ->  using the tool well -- that's why I come back and listen.
20:32:21  PeggyG ->  I think that makes so much sense--if you find something that works for you and does what you need it to do, why keep trying more?
20:33:04  RobertoBorda ->  By keeping ourselves up to date we are getting fresh water so we can learn and collaborate with our costumers (students)
20:33:04  DaveC ->  That's why I still use 'vi' for editing...
20:33:34  drewmca ->  I like the 'back to basics' episode as a resource
20:33:44  drewmca ->  something I could forward to teachers easily.
20:33:51  PeggyG ->  great idea! bring together all of the show hosts to highlight things!
20:34:30  PeggyG ->  my "real" job is ETT newsletter :-)
20:34:42  JenM ->  @peggy :)
20:34:45  drewmca ->  I like the 'one way' idea -- more approachable for new people.
20:34:48  PeggyG ->  love being a retired volunteer :-)
20:34:53  John Rundag ->  there's a newsletter???
20:35:07  JohnS ->  There's a newsletter, John.
20:35:07  Lorna ->  I will always be a newbie
20:35:20  PeggyG ->  newbies need basics
20:35:25  RobertoBorda ->  we need models
20:35:27  JohnS ->  If you are logged in to, look at your profile. You ca subscribe there
20:35:35  DaveC ->  aaah, the never ending questions.  What do I do?  Where can I find it? When can I learn it?
20:35:38  PeggyG ->  a quick review of lots of things is hard for newbies
20:35:46  Lorna ->  newbies need mentors
20:35:57  PeggyG ->  yes Lorna!!! mentors!
20:36:07  RobertoBorda ->  @Lorna I agree
20:36:13  DaveC ->  @Lorna, very cool. A virtual tech integration team
20:36:15  sheila ->  as a newbie - a comfortable place for lurking first.
20:36:54  drewmca ->  basics, modeling, lurking -- all things I've heard from teachers beginning with this stuff
20:37:00  PeggyG ->  a show on how to manage time zone issues would be really great for someone to do--maybe a Jing tutorial??? that's such a challenge for online collaboration
20:37:00  drewmca ->  and things I do myself.
20:37:08  RobertoBorda ->  we need support and encouragement to try new tools
20:37:18  Gary ->  Sometimes "oldies" just like to lurk also.
20:37:30  JohnS ->  Gary, when are we going to get you on the show?
20:37:42  PeggyG ->  multi-tasking is out :-)
20:37:57  Gary ->  Hmm - when my retirement actually takes effect.
20:38:10  drewmca ->  great show, all.  Thanks for doing this.  It helps me every time I listen.
20:38:15  Cathy E ->  I'm trying to get back to Making Connections - a good place for newbees
20:38:32  PeggyG ->  Definitely Cathy E!
20:38:40  Cathy E ->  since I've updated my verizon USB my connection speed has not been great
20:38:46  sheila ->  @CathyE - definitely!
20:38:55  JL ->  I concur Cathy
20:39:03  PeggyG ->  oops!
20:39:12  JenM ->  yeah, Cathy!
20:39:13  JL ->  How's the connection these days Cathy
20:39:20  DaveC ->  Yes, kind of a "how to build your PLN"
20:39:27  Cathy E ->  it has been very bumpy tonight
20:39:28  PeggyG ->  I don't answer 800 calls these days
20:39:58  DaveC ->  No, political is exempt
20:39:58  PeggyG ->  no-do not call lists don't apply to political calls
20:40:20  RobertoBorda ->  Twitter is a great way to connect
20:40:28  Gary ->  Political parties are exempt but you can ask them to take you off their list
20:40:30  John Rundag ->  agrees with PeggyG. I get 2-3 calls a day
20:40:32  PeggyG ->  Tina Fey will live on!!
20:40:51  RobertoBorda ->
20:40:58  RobertoBorda ->  Ty
20:41:02  PeggyG ->  wonderful conversation! Have a great week!
20:41:11  Lorna ->  ciao
20:41:13  PeggyG ->  thanks all!
20:41:18  ds ->  thanks all, have a great week
20:41:19  DaveC ->  thanks, bye.
20:41:24  sheila ->  Been fun!  Thanks
20:41:26  RobertoBorda ->  bye
20:41:31  John Rundag ->  bye everyone
20:41:34  Gary ->  Thanks again!
20:41:48  JL ->  Thanks all