EdTechWeekly#116 - ooVoo Video Test Drive
Dave, John, Jeff, and Jen all back as the we cover the week's EdTech news and resources.
18:32:30 tomshepp -> Hi am I in time for EdTech Weekly
18:32:44 tomshepp -> Cool
18:32:56 tomshepp -> I'm too shy
18:34:48 tomshepp -> Jennifer are you working on any papers now?
18:35:41 tomshepp -> Yep
18:36:10 tomshepp -> I'm DE masters student at AU
18:36:35 tomshepp -> Athabasca University
18:37:18 JenM -> hi ... alec
18:37:33 courosa -> hey Jen
18:37:36 tomshepp -> Interaction is a big thing in DE.
18:37:36 courosa -> is it in 25?
18:38:09 JL -> yep
18:38:40 courosa -> sounds like i missed a good conversation re: openness
18:39:03 courosa -> interaction doesn't mean reading everyone
18:39:12 courosa -> it's reading what's meaningful
18:39:12 tomshepp -> More about the types of interaction and the tech you utilize.
18:39:17 JenM -> yep, alex ... I'm starting the "closed education" movement :)
18:39:31 tomshepp -> screencasting, podcasting, vidcasting, ...
18:39:52 courosa -> @Jen ... I think it started back in early the early 1900's Jen, you're a bit late for that
18:39:57 courosa -> yikes!
18:40:03 JenM -> sorry, alec ... I gave you an "x"!
18:40:22 courosa -> alex = alec as plural or posessive
18:40:34 courosa -> possessive
18:42:05 tomshepp -> Terry Anderson talks a lot about this.
18:42:16 courosa -> why do you have to call it a class or instruction, can you still call it "learning"?
18:43:08 JenM -> yep ... until people are paying $ and have "expectations" ... then things get messier
18:44:14 courosa -> it's that Canadian hum
18:53:31 courosa -> that audio is actually quite good
18:54:06 courosa -> i was just thinking that, like to hang clothes on
18:54:35 tomshepp -> Same here
18:57:11 charlie -> i feel conflicted. wife just made tacos but all we have is Canadian beer labatt blue
18:57:33 Gary -> In order to be truly perfect you would need to make mistakes on purpose so that the rest of the world would not be humiliated.
18:57:52 JohnS -> Drink water, Charlie. It's better than the labatt anyway.
18:58:27 charlie -> @ JohnS you're probably right. But i can't eat tacos without beer. I took an oath a long time ago
18:58:39 Gary -> It is what keeps me sane.
19:00:31 JohnS -> IMHO that doesn't count as beer, so you're screwed either way.
19:01:01 tomshepp -> Kindle 2 is out but not for Canadians
19:02:10 ds -> ooooo oovoo
19:03:24 mrsdurff -> #116 - WOW!
19:03:47 ds -> lol
19:04:04 mrsdurff -> I don't have audio - guess i will refresh
19:04:07 dave -> http://schools-wikipedia.org/
19:04:19 pkolenick -> I'm new, just trying it out.
19:04:34 mrsdurff -> there, that is bettef
19:04:51 courosa -> booooo
19:04:55 courosa -> me too
19:05:04 mrsdurff -> hi alec
19:05:14 mrsdurff -> everyone tweet
19:05:31 courosa -> hey durff
19:05:47 ds -> @durff done
19:06:07 mrsdurff -> hi cathy
19:06:25 Cathy E -> hi all
19:06:30 pkolenick -> Must go now, but will try again. Thx.
19:06:31 mrsdurff -> the print ones are out of date
19:06:33 courosa -> what about the concerns that schools continue to push a model that knowledge is static?
19:07:02 Alvin Trusty -> has anyone seen Professor Wikipedia on YouTube?
19:07:11 mrsdurff -> i think spending $ on out of date encyclopedias is not intelligent
19:07:37 jackiegerstein -> I agree with the rant - content really isn't static
19:07:48 mrsdurff -> he is on a roll now
19:07:53 mrsdurff -> hi jennar
19:08:02 ds -> 'don't get him started' lol
19:08:10 pkolenick -> It's not easy to get up and go, this is pretty good.
19:08:11 mrsdurff -> already did
19:08:20 Jennar -> hello!
19:08:26 mrsdurff -> he does!!
19:08:32 Gary -> Can't find PEI on it.
19:08:32 ds -> JL agree might be thin edge of the wedge re wikipedia
19:08:42 courosa -> the best part of wikipedia currently has nothing to do with the content ... check out the discussion page on each post? Thats' where the action is. Arguments, controversies, and insight into how knowledge is created and negotiated.
19:08:44 JenM -> Stimulus: http://www.eschoolnews.com/news/top-news/?i=57333 ... and ... http://www.computerworld.com/action/article.do?command=viewArticleBasic&... ... and ... http://www.ed.gov/about/overview/budget/news.html#FY2009action
19:09:01 mrsdurff -> hi brmcnaboe
19:09:02 jackiegerstein -> My ratn is that many textbooks are written by a few authors with a few editors - why aren't they put under a microscope like Wikipedia is
19:09:10 bmcnaboe -> hi everyone
19:09:20 charlie -> go porkulus. the former trader in me says buy gold and short the dollar
19:09:28 mrsdurff -> textbooks? who uses them?
19:09:29 ds -> @courosa especially like the notion of "negotiating" esp relevant to knowledge in general, and wikipedia in particular
19:09:56 JL -> https://watershed.ustream.tv/
19:10:05 jackiegerstein -> Not I - but all the other teachers at my school do - a district of 5000 students and they all use textbooks
19:10:21 mrsdurff -> hi dsantur and sroseman
19:10:41 bmcnaboe -> we use textbooks at our school except for bio (online one), and honestly i can't stand reading it onlie
19:10:43 mrsdurff -> no one wanted to tell you JL
19:10:47 tomshepp -> I listen to this podcasts all the time. This is first time live. Is Dave always like this?
19:10:55 dsantur -> Hi there everyone
19:10:56 mrsdurff -> yes
19:10:57 sroseman -> hi mrsdurff
19:11:04 JL -> http://oovoo.com
19:11:06 sroseman -> and company
19:11:06 mrsdurff -> tom unless he is ill
19:11:12 Alvin Trusty -> Usually dave to more whacky than this
19:11:15 ds -> @tomshepp perhaps a we bit more so today, but yes....
19:11:17 dsantur -> oovoo is cool
19:11:19 sharon -> @tomshepp yes, Jen has much editing out to do every week
19:11:33 pkolenick -> Sorry but how do I log out? My 5 year old awaits.
19:11:44 sharon -> wondering how oovoo interfaces with ustream
19:11:47 JohnS -> TeamViewer: http://www.teamviewer.com/index.aspx
19:11:51 mrsdurff -> i hear a beer tab
19:11:52 tomshepp -> Interesting. He is crazier live.
19:12:05 mrsdurff -> it's fun!
19:12:07 JL -> you can close the window or click the little door at the right
19:12:19 pkolenick -> thx.
19:12:41 courosa -> better than Yugma?
19:12:47 mrsdurff -> hi wasilt
19:12:52 mrsdurff -> hi sarah
19:12:53 wasilt -> interested in hearing this
19:13:03 mrsdurff -> do you have sound?
19:13:03 Sarah S -> Hi there! In and out tonight.
19:13:07 Gary -> It takes some getting used to.
19:13:09 wasilt -> John tweeted about this today and I am intersted
19:13:10 JenM -> silly legal stuff ... http://news.cnet.com/8301-17938_105-10167605-1.html ... and ... http://weblogg-ed.com/2009/the-netbook-effect/
19:13:14 Sarah S -> Yes, through ustream.
19:13:30 wasilt -> what about taking over someone screen?
19:13:36 mrsdurff -> @wasilt - do you have sound?
19:13:43 courosa -> Couros Holdings Interational
19:13:51 wasilt -> yes I am listening Sarah S
19:13:58 dsantur -> Call it SMALL Computer hee hee
19:14:00 mrsdurff -> that is Jen
19:14:06 tomshepp -> liltop
19:14:09 wasilt -> mrsdurff - i have sound why?
19:14:24 Gary -> That will work as well as trying to call podcasts something else.
19:14:25 mrsdurff -> just asking - it's a compulsion of mine
19:14:40 mrsdurff -> i think the meds have worn off by now
19:14:50 wasilt -> Schinker- I am enjoying the Wit you made right now. What are you drinking?
19:15:08 JL -> http://www.slate.com/id/2211169/
19:15:17 JohnS -> @wasilt water
19:15:31 wasilt -> oh now that is just wrong
19:15:51 ds -> overkill?
19:15:55 courosa -> the law is not equipped for digital copies, and the influence of media on youth.
19:15:57 charlie -> this is another example of the acts of a few idiots smearing all teenagers as morons
19:16:02 mrsdurff -> hi charlie
19:16:09 dsantur -> Need more digital citizenship awareness to be taught to students.
19:16:12 charlie -> @mrs durff hello
19:16:18 JohnS -> Why the gOS Could Now Hurt Microsoft: http://www.crn.com/software/214501600 and ASUS developing Android-based netbook: http://www.electronista.com/articles/09/02/20/asus.android.netbook/ and Strike Against Free Software: Microsoft Enters Catalonian Schools : http://www.linux-magazine.com/online/news/strike_against_free_software_m...
19:16:26 charlie -> teach digital citizenship instead of being afraid of technology
19:16:31 tomshepp -> I'm more concerned about bullying with electronic devices
19:16:34 charlie -> the internet has no eraser
19:16:36 dsantur -> know what you do will and can affect you later in life in terms of what you post and send images of
19:16:41 jackiegerstein -> I actually want to send a very strong message that naked pictures are not okay to send.
19:16:44 ds -> @charlie thanks for whacking the nail on its head
19:17:09 dsantur -> some students do not know what is appropriate.... Why is that???
19:17:11 charlie -> I'm personally scared of our building fax machine..... anyone at anytime could send something horirble through it..........
19:17:13 mrsdurff -> hi cnansen
19:17:27 ds -> if convicted they have to leave school, and never go near one again
19:17:53 wasilt -> If our generation would of have texting, the same thing would of happened.
19:18:02 tomshepp -> I teach 15 year olds. I hear more about the bullying than naked pics
19:18:19 charlie -> part of being a teenager is not having a fully developed frontal cortex. we had a student three years ago do this. we didn't have her arrested...... we had to meet with the parents and ....... teaching the boys to respect women not forward the pic to all their friends
19:18:24 Alvin Trusty -> What about the person that forwards the picture... is that person guilty of something else?
19:18:29 sharon -> Most of the students I teach know better than to do this! But there are always a few in every crowd...
19:18:36 courosa -> that argument won't get them to stop smokin pot, or driving too fast, etc. ... but yea, in the Phelps generation of digital photography, we just see what we have been doing all along, with a few exceptions, technologies afford new twists on old habvits
19:18:47 dsantur -> Discussion need to occur in schools like "drugs" etc. re: digital citizenship...
19:18:57 tomshepp -> True. It is mostly a few but the impact can be great.
19:19:04 charlie -> in some ways you feel bad for kids that their mistakes are documented forever whereas ours were mostly forgotten
19:19:08 ds -> and the legislators need to wake up along the way -- see PA re cell phones, not the best reaction to sexting, to say the least
19:19:09 Gary -> Hmm - I wonder - spent last evening with people I graduated from high school 40 years ago. The stories were not that different.
19:19:29 bmcnaboe -> @dsantur...digital citizenship discussions....VERY good idea
19:19:57 dsantur -> Thanks.. proactive in younger years...
19:20:21 tomshepp -> Next Ubuntu (server) is supposed to include a cloud computing emphasis.
19:20:21 ds -> @Gary and sure all glad the 'net was 'round "back in the day" that much HAS changed -- as @charlie said no eraser on 'net
19:20:45 courosa -> "fanboy" is the appropriate term
19:21:05 ds -> @Gary *not* around
19:21:14 Gary -> @ds - right - I guess we were not looking at web pages of what we did 40 years ago.
19:21:26 Alvin Trusty -> squeaky chair?
19:21:27 courosa -> Ubuntu will be the shifter, if any Linux distro
19:21:35 ds -> @Alvin lol
19:22:05 tomshepp -> Reading conflicting opinions about Windows7 on mini-notebooks.
19:22:16 dave -> http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/blog/2009/feb/19/twitter-networking...
19:22:35 mrsdurff -> who put onions in his food?
19:22:41 dsantur -> WHAT???
19:23:00 ds -> from the Luddite Institute?
19:23:04 courosa -> sounds like the "if you kiss someone in a bathing suit ..." argument
19:23:08 Gary -> It was not a good argument - the science was very weak.
19:23:13 mrsdurff -> does one's risk increase with # of followers?
19:23:13 sharon -> Have you seen this cute video? Is it Windows or KDE4? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CPIgEFIv5MI
19:23:16 JenM -> EdTech discussed in Main Stream Media: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-1962958416930816240&hl=en
19:23:23 tomshepp -> uh oh. I just started with Twitter and I use Facebook. 2 strikes.
19:23:26 charlie -> people should spend time finding out what doesn't cause cancer
19:23:45 dsantur -> Couldn't be the pollution... NOOOO computers
19:23:45 ds -> @charlie another one--hope you're on Twitter
19:24:15 cnansen -> @charlie It has been proven that laboratory experiments causes cancer in rats!
19:24:30 ds -> hi Alice
19:24:39 bmcnaboe -> hi ms barr
19:24:41 Jennar -> both previous topics have a fear link- uh oh you might get cancer- uh oh you might not know how to work your OS so you better avoid the new and stay with what you know
19:24:43 mrsdurff -> everyone follow @tomshepp on Twitter
19:24:43 JL -> http://forwardthinkingmuseum.com/
19:24:43 charlie -> @cnansen better notify PETA
19:24:52 mrsdurff -> hi alice
19:24:52 alicebarr -> HI there
19:24:53 dave -> lol
19:24:56 dave -> @durff
19:24:57 alicebarr -> Hi bmcnaboe
19:25:16 alicebarr -> bmcnaboe was tweeting great links!
19:25:17 dsantur -> Cool ;)
19:25:31 ds -> JL is on a roll tonight
19:25:32 JL -> http://explorethecycle.com/
19:25:34 mrsdurff -> give dave that link
19:25:38 ds -> there goes PG-13
19:25:40 dsantur -> not body part thing.. I meant to prior conversation...
19:25:58 Gary -> Teach biology for awhile - body parts are not a big thing.
19:25:59 JohnS -> Bill proposes ISPs, Wi-Fi keep logs for police: http://www.cnn.com/2009/TECH/02/20/internet.records.bill/index.html?eref...
19:26:03 tomshepp -> He dropped that like a hot potatoe
19:26:10 charlie -> when is earth day?
19:26:18 wasilt -> just tagged the site
19:26:22 mrsdurff -> hi dangjavageek
19:26:23 JL -> April 22
19:26:31 mrsdurff -> April 22
19:26:35 Alvin Trusty -> what if my home wireless is open?
19:26:37 dangjavageek -> howdy mrsdurff
19:26:40 charlie -> oh so close to tax day
19:26:50 JL -> Earthcast info at: http://earthbridges.wikispaces.com/
19:27:25 ds -> one compromised db later
19:27:39 courosa -> I'm a Dave Cormier fanboy, love his ranting.
19:27:41 charlie -> the state of Illinois has mandated all schools block Myspace. The bill actually reads with the site by name
19:27:58 ds -> it's a commonwealth
19:28:01 mrsdurff -> hi nycrican2
19:28:05 tomshepp -> What's going on in New Zealand?
19:28:09 dave -> http://creativefreedom.org.nz/blackout.html
19:28:15 nycrican2 -> Hi MrsDuff
19:28:20 alicebarr -> Really it passed???
19:28:21 ds -> my bad
19:28:37 alicebarr -> What will happen when schools try to go 1:1
19:28:46 Alvin Trusty -> @courosa he's even funnier when he starts swearing
19:29:11 tomshepp -> It a case of guilty firsst try and prove it later.
19:29:17 dave -> http://www.cnn.com/2009/TECH/02/17/facebook.terms.service/index.html?ire...
19:29:18 ds -> @dave is the Don Cherry (aka Grapes) of edtech
19:29:43 Gary -> @ds - no funny jacket.
19:30:06 ds -> @Gary give it time....
19:30:27 Gary -> @ds and a higher collar.
19:30:33 ds -> lol
19:30:45 JenM -> Chat on the Fly ... then *poof* it is gone ... http://www.tinychat.com/
19:30:51 brendano'brien -> Hi room - Hi Darrel
19:30:52 tomshepp -> Those crazy Kiwis.
19:30:57 courosa -> much to be learned from this experience on how to do Internet protests well.
19:31:01 charlie -> I think Stager had an appropriate quote to apply from educon 2.1 "the worst way to do tech planning is to take teachers who have ignored technology for the last 20 years and then ask them to think about the future" probably applies to politicians as well
19:31:03 ds -> they are, it's the legislators you have to watch out for
19:31:07 ds -> same the world over
19:31:20 JL -> http://www.tinychat.com/9uys
19:31:48 ds -> heard on Thursday that tinychat blocked
19:31:48 bmcnaboe -> tinychat is super cool
19:31:59 charlie -> stinto.net is similar to tinychat
19:32:04 ds -> @dave rant about blocking/filtering in/by schools
19:32:28 ds -> blocked in a particular district, that was....
19:32:45 JL -> http://www.crayola.com/coloring_application/index.cfm
19:32:58 ds -> can - a - da
19:33:27 ds -> fridge art sweet
19:33:30 tomshepp -> My wife is watching the Oscars. They have a glamostrator to illustrate the fashions. A case of tech going to far.
19:33:34 JL -> http://www.dabbleboard.com/draw
19:33:35 Cathy E -> ohh - love that
19:33:41 JohnS -> A Computer Repair Utility Kit You Can Run From a Thumb Drive: http://www.readwriteweb.com/archives/a_computer_repair_utility_kit.php
19:34:05 jackiegerstein -> Dabbleboard vs Nota boarad - still have decided
19:34:23 JohnS -> 10 Lightweight Apps to Make Older PCs Fly: http://www.techradar.com/news/software/applications/10-lightweight-apps-...
19:34:32 nycrican2 -> @JohnS At least they can't block that.
19:34:35 mrsdurff -> hi jenna
19:34:51 tomshepp -> Glary Utilities seems good
19:35:18 mrsdurff -> everyone laugh at John
19:35:18 ds -> that's only become more important @JS would expect some severe pressures on equipment budgets
19:35:20 dave -> http://www.recipezaar.com/recipe/print?id=19892
19:35:32 wasilt -> @schinker- I wonder if the tiny chat is blocked through our filters at BBHCS
19:35:36 mrsdurff -> ooo!
19:35:44 mrsdurff -> who is cooking?
19:35:48 nycrican2 -> :D
19:36:05 JenM -> make a web site (temporarily) mobile ready ... http://www.google.com/gwt/n
19:36:38 JohnS -> @wasilt don't know. Try it and see.
19:36:58 JL -> http://langwitches.org/blog/2009/02/22/top-ten-elementary-learn-by-playi...
19:37:30 mrsdurff -> beware the Darth
19:37:32 wasilt -> Jen M very cool and thank you
19:37:38 bmcnaboe -> camel
19:37:42 ds -> giraffe
19:37:42 mrsdurff -> hi JPerino
19:38:03 wasilt -> I am tagging too many sites tonight
19:38:06 wasilt -> giraffe
19:38:10 mrsdurff -> ijohn!
19:38:10 ds -> lol
19:38:15 JL -> http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn16624-itunes-university-better-tha...
19:38:18 mrsdurff -> hi charlie
19:38:24 JPerino -> hi durff
19:38:25 ijohnpederson -> durff!
19:38:38 charlie -> @jperion. hi jen
19:38:41 Gary -> 4 legs = 4 knees?
19:38:45 mrsdurff -> hi darre;
19:38:49 mrsdurff -> darrel
19:38:49 ds -> hey Darrel
19:38:49 courosa -> i didn't like that study at all
19:38:55 dsantur -> I believe it.. Audio repetition yes
19:38:56 JPerino -> hey charlie
19:39:15 dsantur -> They had to listen better than seeing and hearing it..
19:39:19 ds -> JL
19:39:21 ds -> lol
19:39:23 Jennar -> and students choose WHEN they have the attention to learn something- when you are there maybe you are ready to learn/pay attention/ maybe not
19:39:23 JohnS -> Moogle? Google Apps and Moodle join forces!: http://opensourceschools.org.uk/moogle-google-apps-and-moodle-join-force...
19:39:25 mrsdurff -> oh no, he is pondering
19:39:30 dsantur -> I like podcasting
19:39:35 mrsdurff -> hi miguel
19:39:35 ijohnpederson -> what's this "online learning" thing?
19:39:40 dsantur -> YES Moodle/Google
19:39:42 tomshepp -> I'm researching the podcasting topic now.
19:39:49 ds -> too funny--all podcasts, all the time
19:39:53 jogold -> You can also stop the podcast to take notes, and review when necessary.
19:40:04 dsantur -> WHEN???
19:40:18 courosa -> can't wait until the proprietary LMS is done, done, done
19:40:27 ds -> @jogold very true--review (or catch up) a big part of 'casts
19:40:47 ds -> @courosa too true Alec
19:40:49 courosa -> droogle is a data-base of drink recipes
19:40:50 dave -> http://www.internettime.com/2009/02/elearning-is-not-the-answer/
19:40:57 nycrican2 -> Me too, I do not like Blackboard or Angle.
19:41:03 ijohnpederson -> seriously interesting...among the next things on my todo list
19:41:10 wasilt -> @schinker-saw this on Mashable earlier this week
19:41:10 miguelcorsi -> hi evryone, just listening
19:41:11 ds -> do they have droogle goggles?
19:41:29 ds -> hi Miguel
19:41:40 dsantur -> Yes, you need both.. contact with person a social community
19:41:55 ds -> it's about the social, no matter the medium
19:42:20 JenM -> Update on US Digital Conversion: http://news.google.com/news?oe=utf-8&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&clie...
19:42:39 dsantur -> Yikes.. we did in RI
19:43:01 courosa -> just in time ... for TV to die, and for this move to be obsolete
19:43:02 wasilt -> Have to put kids to bed, good night all and thanks so much for the great links
19:43:18 ds -> @wasilt take care
19:43:20 JL -> http://mind42.com/
19:43:25 dsantur -> ME TOO
19:44:22 JL -> http://www.tweetcc.com/
19:44:38 ds -> hi Kim
19:44:45 JL -> http://www.podcastingnews.com/2009/02/18/tumblr-adds-audioblogging-via-p...
19:44:51 nycrican2 -> How totally cool.
19:44:53 kcaise -> hi doug
19:44:56 kcaise -> hi everyone
19:44:57 JenM -> @ijohn ... go cheeseheads, go cheeseheads!
19:45:22 JohnS -> Facebook for Parents: http://www.facebookforparents.org/index.html
19:45:24 ijohnpederson -> @jenm yell next time you are home, we need to meet
19:45:37 nycrican2 -> Hi Kcaise
19:45:46 courosa -> cool
19:45:48 JenM -> will do! probably in the late spring / early summer-ish time frame!
19:45:53 dsantur -> Good idea..
19:45:55 kcaise -> hi nycrican
19:46:09 JohnS -> Fences: http://www.stardock.com/products/fences/
19:46:13 kcaise -> parents as partners is having a session on facebook for parents tomorrow night
19:46:21 nycrican2 -> Hi Jpederson
19:46:23 ds -> cool, have to make sure Lorna and Matt hear 'bout the FB group
19:46:29 ds -> they're doing a show tomorrw eve
19:46:34 Cathy E -> I love fences
19:46:37 ijohnpederson -> facebook = cancer
19:46:44 dsantur -> I would never find it...
19:46:54 kcaise -> i sent her that link last week while lorna was working on preparing for it
19:46:57 nycrican2 -> :D
19:47:02 JPerino -> facebook = crackbook
19:47:08 JL -> http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_animal_has_four_knees
19:47:08 ds -> @Kim cool, thx
19:47:20 dsantur -> Thanks so much..
19:47:29 dsantur -> In closing, I am glad I only have two knees...
19:47:30 ds -> heard a neat comparison of FB and Twitter, on Twitter this week
19:47:48 kcaise -> what was the comparision doug?
19:47:55 ds -> something about FB being the needy friend, and Twitter the cool one, who knows all the latest stuff
19:47:56 charlie -> later all thanks for all the info
19:47:58 courosa -> thanks all
19:48:02 Cathy E -> Jeff is like the wizard
19:48:06 dsantur -> Thanks first time visitor.. :)
19:48:20 nycrican2 -> Thanks, also first time visitor.
19:48:28 JohnS -> Thanks for joining us!
19:48:38 ijohnpederson -> yay first timers!
19:49:03 James Sigler -> Linux already has mulitple desktips instead of needing fences
19:49:04 tomshepp -> This is the first time I have listened live.
19:49:07 JPerino -> thanks for the warm welcome!
19:49:11 JenM -> hi, first time visitors!
19:49:23 JenM -> we hope it is not your last :)
19:49:25 ds -> soapstone igloo cool
19:49:33 kcaise -> i don't know wht it is either jeff
19:49:43 ds -> lol
19:49:55 jackiegerstein -> Look it up in your hard copy of WIkipedia - the one for schools
19:50:01 ijohnpederson -> i'm scared re: this soapstone thing
19:50:03 dangjavageek -> dr. hook song, right, "wonderful wonderful soapstone"
19:50:08 ds -> true JL mo stone than soap
19:50:18 Gary -> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steatite
19:50:20 dangjavageek -> no wait, that was "soup stone" - never mind...
19:50:28 tomshepp -> Not forced. I was curious since I listen to the podcast on my ipod.
19:50:33 ijohnpederson -> i am jenm's assigned student
19:50:55 James Sigler -> Welcome fist timers :)
19:50:58 JenM -> thank you iJohn
19:51:00 ijohnpederson -> you kids rock
19:51:02 kcaise -> fonoma.com/
19:51:12 James Sigler -> Does the soapstone igloo have a shower?
19:51:21 JL -> http://edtechtalk.com/studio/oovoo
19:51:21 tomshepp -> This is hilarious.
19:51:23 sroseman -> What's the link again
19:51:24 ds -> do you trust the guy who sent you this link, kinda thing?
19:52:16 ijohnpederson -> Does this oovoo look infected?
19:52:30 tomshepp -> I'm not sure it is safe to join them anyway.
19:53:27 JPerino -> see you next week....
19:53:40 dangjavageek -> "starting ooVoo please wait..."
19:53:46 ds -> maxed out
19:53:51 ds -> wouldn't let me in
19:54:27 tomshepp -> Chat room has reached the max
19:54:36 Cal -> "please wait".... is all I'm getting
19:55:23 ijohnpederson -> starting oovoo, please wait...on mac
19:55:28 Gary -> Just keeps telling me to wait.
19:55:36 judibea -> I can't leave voice message--sorry
19:55:44 Cal -> Max users when I tried to get back in
19:56:47 judibea -> Are you all ed tekk educators?
19:57:05 judibea -> LOL
19:57:28 ds -> couldn't get the oovoo to see cam, hear mic
19:57:42 ds -> no $$$ here either JenM
19:57:44 bmcnaboe -> high school student at public high school
19:57:46 judibea -> How about headaches --- trying to learn!
19:57:53 bmcnaboe -> alice barr is our tech integrator
19:57:58 ds -> changed those JS, but didn't take
19:58:02 judibea -> Alice on Twitter?
19:58:04 JenM -> @ds ... come on!
19:58:07 ds -> changed to headset and all
19:58:17 JenM -> ah ... rats
19:58:18 mrsdurff -> $, what is $ ?
19:58:30 Cathy E -> Aww you are very lucky to have Alice
19:58:32 ds -> there he is
19:58:43 ds -> that does it
19:58:49 mrsdurff -> where?
19:58:53 Gary -> Starting ooVoo please wait.....
19:58:55 ds -> what's that link again?
19:59:00 ijohnpederson -> one day, this internet is going to be big
19:59:00 mrsdurff -> go for it doug
19:59:12 bmcnaboe -> haha... yes I know
19:59:34 mrsdurff -> http://edtechtalk.com/studio/oovoo
19:59:37 judibea -> What is avadaska?
19:59:47 sr -> won't load
19:59:49 ds -> athabasca
20:00:00 ds -> university in Alberta, Canada
20:00:06 mrsdurff -> try again sr
20:00:08 Gary -> An on-line virtual university in Alberta
20:00:17 sr -> trying
20:00:33 mrsdurff -> maybe close it and reopen?
20:00:55 sr -> did that ..no luck
20:00:59 judibea -> NING thing? is that what you asked? what's up with NING
20:01:08 mrsdurff -> no knee
20:01:24 mrsdurff -> animals with four knees
20:02:32 mrsdurff -> yeah doug!
20:02:48 JohnS -> If anyone else wants to jump in, I can bow out...
20:07:44 JenM -> sorry ... jeff lost the stream ... "see" you all next week
20:07:46 JohnS -> Sorry, folks. Jeff lost his connection, so the stream went down.
20:15:03 tomshepp -> Sorry about that. Laptop overheated and shutdown.
20:16:16 tomshepp -> Enjoyed the show. Bye.
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