
Post-Show description: 

Jeff, Dave, and Jen review the week's roundup of news and resources in education and technology.

EdTechWeekly #118
March 8, 2009

This Week's Delicious Links

Chat Log Below


18:14:44 JenM -> http://delicious.com/edtechtalk/
18:55:49 sharonp -> Hi folks!
18:55:59 Lucas Gillispie -> Hello!
18:56:03 tomshepp -> Hi
18:56:09 sharonp -> no John tonight??
18:56:30 sharonp -> am hearing background fuzziness
18:56:56 tomshepp -> I'm not hearing anything.
18:57:27 Margo Jantzi -> Howdy
18:57:33 kaferico -> Hi all! I'm not hearing anything either
18:57:34 JenM -> thank you, tom .... we are a bit off our game without John tonight
18:57:35 JL -> try clicking play now
18:57:45 sharonp -> @tom am listening thorugh the itunes stream
18:58:22 sharonp -> and now just switched to ustream
18:59:07 tomshepp -> Did not know there was an iTunes stream.
18:59:18 sharonp -> NOT the AK desktop mic??
18:59:20 Lucas Gillispie -> Cathy's here!
18:59:47 sharonp -> @dave mac, think mac
18:59:49 Cathy E -> Hey Lucas - we are spending a lot of time together - tired of me yet?
19:00:02 Lucas Gillispie -> @Cathy E - Not at all! :)
19:00:10 JenM -> Here is my new mic ... http://www.amazon.com/Plantronics-DSP400-Foldable-Multimedia-Headset/dp/...
19:00:28 Cathy E -> OMG - Jeff on a Mac
19:00:34 courosa -> camtwist nice, so is skitch
19:00:43 courosa -> mac pro!!!
19:00:49 sharonp -> Jen is warbly ... a bit
19:01:12 sharonp -> my macbook pro is great.... but am suffering recently from netbook covetousnees
19:01:48 courosa -> My Mac Pro, all loaded up, came up to about 17G :-)
19:02:13 sharonp -> @courosa NOBODY has a macbook pro like you....
19:02:32 krains -> krains
19:02:42 sharonp -> alas, no Dave
19:02:49 sharonp -> there he is!
19:03:05 courosa -> @sharon too bad it doesn't do my work for me
19:03:38 sharonp -> @courosa 16G of RAM and it doesn't do your work for you???
19:04:11 dave -> you could buy land out here for what alec paid for his computer
19:04:39 sharonp -> @dave potatoland ... macbook pro .... tough choice
19:05:14 dave -> http://www.barelyfitz.com/screencast/html-training/css/positioning/
19:05:28 sharonp -> bless you Dave! I need this!
19:05:52 tomshepp -> Have they ever talked about Shortcover ebooks on Chapters?
19:06:00 JenM -> Follow up on the recycle stuff: http://earth911.com/
19:06:04 JS -> Yea vi.
19:06:05 tomshepp -> Wondering about it.
19:06:38 dave -> a JS in the house that is cheering VI i wonder who that might be
19:06:43 sharonp -> at least Jen acknowledged her US-centrism.... appreciate that
19:07:16 JS -> Just walked in the door.
19:07:29 dave -> @JS wanna come in?
19:07:34 JL -> http://edtechtalk.com/taxonomy/term/130
19:07:47 JS -> nah, you kids go ahead.
19:07:49 sharonp -> this HAS to be funny!
19:08:21 sharonp -> (psst.... everyone.... leave a message for Jeff!)
19:08:45 JL -> http://faststone.org/
19:09:32 Alvin Trusty -> I don't think IrfanView is OSS either... just free
19:09:43 sharonp -> awesome, Jeff! Thanks!
19:09:46 dave -> http://drupal.org/project/zen
19:10:45 sharonp -> if I wanted to create a portal for my school.... do you recommend drupal? joomla??
19:11:05 JL -> http://www.recovery.gov/
19:11:28 sharonp -> how about on my server?
19:11:58 JS -> I've used 'em both. Use Wordpress.
19:11:59 sharonp -> both OSS,.... just want to know learning curve
19:12:12 JS -> Unless you REALLY need the extra stuff.
19:12:14 Alvin Trusty -> I'm with JS - WordPress
19:12:27 sharonp -> WP as a portal... hmmm
19:12:39 sharonp -> think I want a CMS.... used opencms in the past
19:13:11 sharonp -> want simple, basic, multiple users to add content
19:13:30 sarah h -> I want our network geeks to set up a CMS for me :p
19:13:44 JenM -> Roku: http://www.crunchgear.com/2009/03/03/roku-now-supports-amazons-video-on-... ... and ... http://www.roku.com/default.aspx ... and ... http://www.amazon.com/gp/video/ontv/start
19:14:00 sharonp -> I want an information system of "disposable info" that does involve multiple emails!!
19:14:10 sharonp -> does NOT involve multiple emails
19:14:45 sharonp -> thanks for your input, guys.... love this show
19:14:53 matt montagne -> amazon's video on demand service is pretty decent...not a great library, but OK
19:15:08 sharonp -> does the video on demand work in Canada?
19:15:13 JL -> http://www.copytaste.com/
19:15:36 JenM -> @sharon ... good question?
19:16:00 dave -> http://www.techpluto.com/whitehouse-weekly-address-channel/
19:16:02 sroseman -> that was my question too
19:16:09 sharonp -> is it hulu (?) that is not yet available in Canada
19:16:10 sroseman -> like tinypaste
19:16:23 JS -> http://www.copytaste.com/po14454h
19:17:05 sroseman -> http://tinypaste.com/
19:17:11 matt montagne -> we're paying akamai that is ;-)
19:17:20 JenM -> ustream ... http://www.techcrunch.com/2009/03/05/ustream-launches-mobile-video-broad...
19:17:27 sharonp -> somebody is making $$$  - nice to know when there are rumours we are in a recession
19:17:48 matt montagne -> iPHone app is available
19:17:52 matt montagne -> I have ti
19:17:55 matt montagne -> it is decent
19:18:10 sroseman -> ipodtouch???
19:18:18 matt montagne -> works on ipod touch too
19:18:24 JL -> http://shakespeare.clusty.com/
19:18:24 sroseman -> cool
19:18:46 JenM -> @matt ... cool ... thanks!
19:18:50 JL -> http://www.virsona.com/
19:18:58 sharonp -> I heard there are skype possibilities with the iPod touch....
19:19:09 Cathy E -> Sorry for the in and out - my connection stinks
19:19:20 sharonp -> Shakespeare lives!
19:19:22 matt montagne -> np jen :-)
19:19:42 Alvin Trusty -> The Touch has no camera or microphone... skype would require external mic
19:19:47 dave -> http://www.speakingaboutpresenting.com/audience/twitter-participation-pr...
19:20:07 sharonp -> The second gen Touch has mic possibilities, apparently
19:20:36 Alvin Trusty -> @sharonp - mine doesn't have a mic
19:20:39 sharonp -> @dave which of this do we not know.... have not used?
19:20:42 Alvin Trusty -> it's gen 2
19:20:53 sharonp -> @Alvin doesn't COME with a mic, but has mic possibilities
19:21:13 matt montagne -> twitter going crazy with my students now...
19:21:17 matt montagne -> well, maybe not crazy
19:21:31 Alvin Trusty -> @sharonp - I think you can do a mic on either version
19:21:31 matt montagne -> but students are now creating accounts and using it...
19:21:40 JenM -> Kindle content on your iphone: http://www.amazon.com/gp/feature.html/ref=amb_link_83811991_1?ie=UTF8&do... ... and ... http://www.businessweek.com/technology/content/mar2009/tc2009034_069800.htm
19:21:44 sroseman -> FGood Morning America is using it
19:21:52 Gary -> Twitter is now so popular that the geeks need to move on.
19:21:56 sroseman -> or one of those morning shows
19:21:57 matt montagne -> amazon app is pretty cool...
19:22:00 sarah h -> sort of--but I gave a talk at NCTIES (NC tech conf) on Thursday, and no one in the room who I hadn't stacked in there twittered.  This possibly helps explain something about NC education.
19:22:23 matt montagne -> I just bought a book and put it on my iphone...works well...works well enough taht is
19:22:46 matt montagne -> can do same thing on iPhone that u can on kindle as far as buying books...
19:23:00 matt montagne -> cool, too, because your purchased books get stored on amazon
19:23:10 JL -> http://www.engrade.com/
19:23:44 JL -> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PVA047JAQsk
19:23:47 matt montagne -> so if u lose your iPhone, u still own your content from amazon (well, perhaps not "own" as the content is quite proprietary)
19:24:01 sharonp -> @Alvin - Truphone -
19:24:23 robdarrow -> Poking lets the other person know you were thinking about them in fb
19:24:24 sharonp -> I HATE the poking thing on FB
19:24:27 dave -> http://www.sitepoint.com/blogs/2009/03/03/8-tips-for-surviving-pc-failure/
19:24:29 Alvin Trusty -> @sharonp - thanks.  I will check it out.
19:24:45 JS -> Heading over to FB now to start poking people.
19:24:54 sharonp -> @Alvin - would you believe one of my gr. 8 students pointed this out to me? (she knows I am a geek)
19:25:16 matt montagne -> I still think "the cloud" is "safer" than local storage
19:25:24 matt montagne -> I'm becoming big fan of box.net
19:25:35 Gary -> Doesn't everyone back up twice a week to 2 different external drives?
19:25:37 sharonp -> @dave LIke my students "Oh! I lost my assignments I owed you"!
19:25:38 Alvin Trusty -> Mesh is all most people need for instant backup.
19:25:52 sharonp -> I point my students to the cloud
19:26:28 sharonp -> I am starting to think I need to ask my students to fwd their stuff to gmail.... the laptops are dropping like flies
19:27:14 JenM -> Journal to Review? http://www.ncfr.org/journals/marriage_family/review/how.asp ... and ... http://web.njit.edu/~bieber/review.html ... and ... http://www.psychologicalscience.org/observer/getArticle.cfm?id=2157
19:27:27 krea_frobro747 -> I use dropbox for file back-up and collaboration...  www.getdropbox.com
19:27:28 James Sigler -> @Gary Why bother with exteral drives?  Just back them to CD-R right?  ;)
19:27:31 kchichester -> I use Mozy.com $5.00/month unlimited backups
19:27:51 krea_frobro747 -> I really like the publish feature also...
19:27:56 JS -> @James you could use tape... :-)
19:28:08 sharonp -> I think it is great there are so many services on the cloud where we can backup our stuff.... I need to start insisting on this with my students
19:28:19 JL -> http://www.edsocialmedia.com/
19:28:38 JL -> http://proofgroup.com/
19:28:45 JenM -> Here is my online backup http://www.idrive.com/
19:28:50 sharonp -> what to do with those humongous video projects, though?? That take over 1 GB of space??
19:29:17 dave -> http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/29534317/
19:29:19 sarah h -> and, of course, you can follow edsocialmedia on twitter, since no one's mentioned twitter in 2 seconds
19:29:24 ujdmc -> yep, i have over 1 TB of data and music... no option but redundant local hard drives for backup
19:29:24 matt montagne -> @sharonP...those projects are an issue as far as backups go, no question about it...
19:29:29 sarah h -> ha--I have to type faster
19:29:45 sharonp -> @sarah h THAT was telepathic!
19:30:25 ujdmc -> is twate [sp?] now in the urban dictionary?
19:30:33 sharonp -> OH! YOu should have heard one of my colleagues on twitter.... mentioned that it was all about WHO is in your network
19:30:41 Alvin Trusty -> @sharonp - a DVD costs 25 cents.  I copy my video to DVD as a backup to my hard drive copy.
19:30:56 kchichester -> with Mozy.com you get 2 gigs free and unlimited size backup for $5.00 month.
19:31:09 JS -> 2 external drives. One at home, one at work.
19:31:29 ujdmc -> just as annoying is the constant race on how many followers either you are following or are following you
19:31:31 JenM -> Apple Desktops? http://www.apple.com/pr/library/2009/03/03consumer.html
19:31:33 jackiegerstein -> Just like TV - if you don't like the media - turn it off!
19:31:53 ujdmc -> They announced updates to just about anything
19:32:08 ujdmc -> they offer across the board.
19:32:19 ujdmc -> My wife for Photography
19:32:20 kchichester -> Husband just bought Desktop for at home business.
19:32:22 sharonp -> @Alvin Would you believe.... (I find this ridiculous) that my school only allows the macbooks to burn CDs, but has barred teh macbooks from burning DVDs??
19:32:26 Alvin Trusty -> I bought a desktop last year.
19:32:26 ujdmc -> bug 24" iMac
19:32:26 matt montagne -> desktops still for desktop publishing photoshop types
19:32:32 ujdmc -> big
19:32:37 sarah h -> my dad--in his 70's.  Needs a big screen.
19:32:44 JS -> Laptops surpassed desktops in the US 3 years ago. http://news.zdnet.com/2100-9584_22-146603.html
19:32:49 sheila -> I know an older couple bought one. Don't want to move it.
19:32:50 sharonp -> a netbook vs a desktop?? hmmm
19:33:04 kchichester -> Cheaper. My son and I both have laptops though.
19:33:07 ujdmc -> and not every lives in a location where wirless is so readily available
19:33:10 Alvin Trusty -> @sharonp - of course I belive it.  They probably block USB flash drives too.
19:33:12 James Sigler -> Desktops still cheaper than desktops for the power
19:33:14 ernie easter -> I've got a 24 inch iMac with 500gig hd
19:33:14 littlejohnny -> if you do graphics, beware colour duplication on laptops vs. desktops
19:33:16 JL -> http://teachingwithted.pbwiki.com/
19:33:31 sroseman -> more bang for your buck with a desktop
19:33:33 JL -> http://lab.arc90.com/experiments/readability/
19:33:42 matt montagne -> I'm on HP 2140 10" netbook right now...lovin' it...for me it has been the best netbook I've used to date
19:34:05 sharonp -> @Alvin nope, haven't blocked flashdrives.... am looking for all the portable apps I can for the students' flashdrives
19:34:10 James Sigler -> laptops take up less room than the huge desktop monitors in classrooms
19:34:13 ujdmc -> plus you can do multiple screens with desktop for more multi-tasking
19:34:15 jackiegerstein -> http://teachingwithted.pbwiki.com/ is my initiative - I hope to get more collaborators!
19:34:19 dave -> http://cooper-taylor.com/blog/2008/08/50-ideas-on-using-twitter-for-educ...
19:34:21 ernie easter -> I love my 24 inch iMac for the real estate when working on documents pulled from web pages as well as other docs. Can put up 3 pages at the same time
19:34:23 sharonp -> @matt What is the cost on that??
19:34:55 sharonp -> I admit that I hook up my macbook pro to my 19 inch monitor so I can have two screens....
19:34:57 dave -> @amystephens
19:35:29 sharonp -> hmmmm joomla v drupal....
19:35:33 dave -> http://OpenSourceCommunity.org
19:35:53 sharonp -> screen size depends on what you do....
19:35:57 matt montagne -> @sharonP...it is a demo unit...but it is expensive...160 gig HD, win XP, 1 Gig RAM, 10.1" display, about $500...which is a bit pricey IMO
19:35:57 JenM -> Net Neutrality: http://news.cnet.com/8301-13578_3-10187067-38.html
19:36:07 ujdmc -> try more than two monitors though... for coding, viewing and then also running anything else
19:36:20 sharonp -> @matt which is about 700 CAN
19:36:29 JS -> They have to get to $300. That's the price point for transformational change.
19:36:33 ujdmc -> my wife is afraid I am going to wall paper tmy office walls with monitors
19:36:38 sharonp -> however, have heard good things about the HP mini
19:36:53 sharonp -> @ujdmc What a great idea!
19:37:03 ujdmc -> i think so but she does not
19:37:05 JL -> http://www.sciam.com/article.cfm?id=5-ways-to-spot-a-fake
19:37:14 jackiegerstein -> No problem - I just want collaboration - I want it to be collective
19:37:15 sharonp -> @JS in my dreams $300.... sigh
19:37:58 JS -> Then give up on XP, reduce the screen size as necessary, etc.
19:38:05 matt montagne -> @sharon and JS...true, this is pricey...but the performance of this computer equals a regular laptop...I think the price needs to b $300, but still needs to b fast
19:38:09 kchichester -> Do you guys use the Diigo links too?
19:38:18 krea_frobro747 -> it's 8:40 here in Korea....
19:38:23 sharonp -> I think about how transformational laptops are over desktops for places like African classrooms (and others) where computer labs are BIG targets for thieves ... security of classroom labs costs more than the tech
19:38:32 krea_frobro747 -> we have no time change here...
19:38:37 ujdmc -> and Oreo time here in Murray, KY
19:38:40 krea_frobro747 -> Jjim-jil-bang!!!
19:38:51 ujdmc -> sure!
19:38:52 matt montagne -> @JS...taking XP off in favor of SUSE linux only decreases the price by $25-$50 USD
19:39:09 sharonp -> oh... Jeff.... you sure just kicked the soapbox in my direction!
19:39:36 matt montagne -> @DC...thanks for lead on Joomla edu-contact on twitter
19:39:41 James Sigler -> @Matt good for you!  Go Linux!
19:39:50 JL -> If anyone wants to chime in, skype 'jefflebow'
19:40:03 ujdmc -> I liked this link this week... http://www.21centuryconnections.com/node/653
19:40:08 matt montagne -> @james...we are going to config this HP 2140 next week to dual boot XP and Ubuntu or EduBuntu
19:40:13 JS -> @Matt but once you do that, you need Office, and then (typically) a lot of other proprietary software.
19:40:35 ujdmc -> I think I can use that link to help sell to my fellow district administrators
19:40:37 James Sigler -> Dinner time!  Bye all