EdTechWeekly #119

Post-Show description: 

Want to be the master of your own Twitter-like domain? Need to know more about teacher robots? The age of the CD? How to create an online textbook? How Google will soon dominating phones? Rats ... you should have been at the live show on Sunday night at 7:00 p.m. and you would have learned about all this and more. Bummed that you missed the live show? No problem! Just point your browser to http://edtechtalk.com/EdTechWeekly119. Jeff, Dave, John, and Jen review the week's roundup of news and resources in education and technology.

EdTechWeekly #119
March 15, 2009

This Week's Delicious Links

Chat Log Below


18:45:50 JL -> http://www.mebeam.com/edtechtalk
18:46:12 JenM -> http://freeconferencepro.com/
18:55:31 jan smith -> stumbling in... yes
18:56:39 jan smith -> am I hearing a one-side conversation?
18:56:49 PRWood -> Yep
18:57:03 JL -> http://edtechtalk.com/files/Jennifer_Maddrell-voicemail.mp3
18:57:04 JohnS -> http://staff.bbhcsd.org/schinkerj/2006/11/14/edtech-weekly/
18:57:29 jan smith -> I feel like I am riding a bus and listening to some guy on a cellphone.
18:57:48 matt montagne -> audio quality good here
18:57:54 sheila -> It sounds good for me
18:57:55 kcollazo -> sounds good here
18:57:56 Alvin Trusty -> I can't hear JohnS
18:58:08 jan smith -> yes,matt, but we only hear one voice
18:58:12 matt montagne -> I did my first webcast with a second computer last week...it was great to have a "monitor"
18:58:22 PRWood -> I can barely hear the others
18:58:23 matt montagne -> got it jan ;-)
18:58:25 krea_frobro747 -> I hear multiple voices
18:58:32 kcollazo -> I'm hearing all three
18:58:34 krea_frobro747 -> I hear Jeff, Jenn and Dave...
18:58:36 sheila -> ustream vs ETTa?
18:58:37 Alvin Trusty -> No John
18:58:43 jan smith -> Hmm, what's wrong with me...don't answer
18:58:47 krea_frobro747 -> Curious...  how are the agendas set for EdTechTalk?
18:58:48 Alvin Trusty -> He's in Stowe Ohio
18:58:58 matt montagne -> audio levels here are good...all even
18:59:04 jan smith -> I only hear jeff
18:59:06 sheila -> Ustream has all three voices.
18:59:12 PRWood -> Jeff I can hear you very well. The rest are in a deeeeeeep well
18:59:18 matt montagne -> I'm listening via ustream
18:59:24 matt montagne -> ustream levels r good
18:59:24 kcollazo -> good on ustream
18:59:26 jan smith -> I am in A is that it?
18:59:35 PRWood -> I am also in A
18:59:49 JenM -> that you for the feedback!
19:00:17 gail -> and now you are silent as well
19:01:12 JenM -> this is Jeff's first week webcasting ... we are cutting him some slack tonight
19:01:15 JenM -> :)
19:01:22 PRWood -> Here we go!!!!
19:01:25 jan smith -> ok, now in ustream, it works
19:01:49 JL -> Wazzup Johnny S?
19:03:08 matt montagne -> hey there cathy e
19:03:14 PRWood -> Isn't that a song? Do you hear what I hear?
19:04:04 Cathy E -> Hello all.
19:04:11 Cathy E -> Hope you are warm and dry.
19:04:44 jan smith -> Sort of warm, dry sometimes, thanks, Cathy
19:05:07 jan smith -> Welcome to the infinite pre-show.
19:05:11 jan smith -> :)
19:05:33 Margo Jantzi -> Howdy all
19:06:09 dave -> http://davecormier.com/edblog/2009/03/10/the-first-annual-lee-baber-jamb...
19:06:09 Cathy E -> Wahoo, welcome to my NC friends
19:06:10 jan smith -> Hi Margo!
19:06:17 Danita R -> Hey Cathy E!
19:06:27 BronStuckey -> hi ppls
19:07:01 courosa -> nice project, good to hear something like this
19:07:04 matt montagne -> very nice idea
19:07:05 jan smith -> So are these American projects only?
19:07:13 JohnS -> no.
19:07:50 matt montagne -> wow...cold hard cash...nice
19:08:02 jan smith -> :) sounds very cool,
19:09:10 jan smith -> I like the idea of winning community--
19:09:28 JenM -> SXSW: http://www.sxsw.com/ ... and ... http://news.cnet.com/8301-17939_109-10196526-2.html
19:09:40 jan smith -> Isn't that we are doing everyday, winning with community?
19:10:10 Alvin Trusty -> Wasn't Twitter started there two years ago?
19:10:35 courosa -> @alvin think it was twitter's first real demo
19:10:45 BronStuckey -> GaryVee on Ustream right now
19:10:52 JohnS -> Was it 2006 or 2007?
19:10:58 courosa -> jim groom
19:11:22 courosa -> 227
19:11:27 courosa -> march 2007
19:11:34 JL -> http://delicious.com/edtechtalk/
19:11:39 courosa -> although twitter is original from 2006
19:12:00 JL -> http://delicious.com/edtechtalk/ihancock+space
19:12:25 jan smith -> Weren't you guys doing Diigo? Will you still?
19:12:49 JohnS -> http://staff.bbhcsd.org/schinkerj
19:12:55 JL -> http://edtechtalk.com/node/3670
19:13:01 jan smith -> Thanks, yes it does rock.
19:13:44 JL -> http://blobtalk.com/
19:13:46 jan smith -> I think most of life is managed by blob.
19:13:48 courosa -> i dissed the elluminate ppl (and basically all salespeople) at my latest keynote panel - whoops
19:14:07 dave -> @courosa lol
19:14:17 JohnS -> Talks  Pattie Maes & Pranav Mistry: Unveiling the "Sixth Sense," game-changing wearable tech : http://www.ted.com/talks/pattie_maes_demos_the_sixth_sense.html
19:14:32 matt montagne -> google uses a  "blob" like technique to make decisions about which projects should receive more attention from engineers internally
19:15:00 JohnS -> Atlas Gloves: http://www.atlasgloves.org/
19:15:06 matt montagne -> 6th sense thing is pretty cool...scott meech had a great point about how schools are probably already planning to ban it
19:15:29 jan smith -> is there now going to be a verb-blobbing, adj blobbish....?
19:15:31 courosa -> i thought the ability to wordmap people was cool
19:15:55 dave -> http://edtechtalk.com/21cl_97
19:16:32 courosa -> "force community?"
19:16:44 jan smith -> oh that is a big huge question
19:16:48 derek -> i thought the picture taking was fun as well
19:16:56 jan smith -> invitation?
19:17:01 courosa -> oh, you mean like a school ... and we know how those work
19:17:23 jan smith -> intentional community comes from invitation--a sense of purposely welcoming...
19:17:42 JenM -> Diigo buys Furl: http://www.paidcontent.org/entry/419-diigo-buys-furl-web-clipping-servic...
19:18:07 courosa -> me too
19:18:29 courosa -> didn't have tags though ... would have been something had it come up with tags
19:19:01 JL -> http://leopardprogramming.wordpress.com/
19:19:38 JL -> http://pluggedin.wiki.hoover.k12.al.us/
19:19:46 dave -> @courosa like the spear would have been something if it spat bullets?
19:20:29 matt montagne -> light box gallery in moodle
19:21:17 jan smith -> didn't know about light box. thanks
19:21:46 matt montagne -> light box is a very easy install for moodle.
19:21:48 dave -> i'm excited
19:21:53 dave -> i'm wondering where this is going
19:21:59 dave -> some kind of lead up.
19:22:03 dave -> still waiting
19:22:07 Alvin Trusty -> and the Internet could go down.
19:22:11 dave -> wow... some knid of segue
19:22:14 dave -> still waiting
19:22:15 jan smith -> Hi jackie
19:22:16 JohnS -> OpenGoo: http://opengoo.org/index.html
19:22:18 matt montagne -> me=big fan of google apps networks
19:22:19 dave -> woohoo!
19:22:32 jackiegerstein -> Hi Jan - seeing you a lot this weekend - cool!
19:22:53 jan smith -> I'm still in pj's don't tell. :)
19:22:56 matt montagne -> very cool...nice find JS
19:23:08 dave -> http://laconi.ca/trac/
19:25:19 JenM -> Free Conference Pro: http://freeconferencepro.com/
19:25:23 courosa -> jaiku also went open source
19:26:02 courosa -> hidef changed their billing structure, not as good
19:26:22 JL -> https://www.google.com/voice/about
19:26:32 BronStuckey -> hidef - just jacked up their  prices
19:26:41 courosa -> This is how they make their money jen "We make our money in the form of a rebate that we receive from the phone company who hosts our conference servers."
19:26:53 BronStuckey -> after they were taken over
19:26:54 jackiegerstein -> Google voice is getting a lot of google talk talk
19:27:05 jackiegerstein -> opps twitter talk
19:27:10 JenM -> @thanks alec!
19:27:14 matt montagne -> looks like it is going to work right thru browser
19:27:16 JL -> http://www.kontain.com/#home
19:27:45 matt montagne -> maybe I take that back...not so sure google voice will run thru browser
19:27:49 JohnS -> Whither Windows? OLPC 2 likely to use ARM, not x86: http://arstechnica.com/gadgets/news/2009/03/olpc-project-to-adopt-arm-pr...
19:28:25 jackiegerstein -> I've had a lot of problems with my XOs
19:28:29 courosa -> eeek
19:28:55 JohnS -> OLPCorps: http://laptop.org/en/participate/get-involved/OLPCorps.shtml
19:28:57 matt montagne -> I love what the OLPC did for this market...
19:29:08 matt montagne -> I'm on an HP 2140 right now...awesome, awesome netbook
19:30:00 dave -> http://edactive.ca
19:30:13 jackiegerstein -> Great vision and social cause - kids love the xo's and the get 1 give 1 idea - but havve had problems with the xos in networking and the os
19:30:16 dave -> http://latwit.mac65.com/
19:30:42 dave -> http://funkatron.com/spaz
19:30:44 jan smith -> Why do so many apps have dumb names?
19:30:58 jan smith -> Makes me think of smart cars
19:31:00 Cathy E -> ohh I l ove spaz
19:31:03 jan smith -> very dumb
19:32:04 courosa -> or you can go the corporate way and pull a yammer
19:32:22 JohnS -> true, alec.
19:32:36 alicemercer -> Advantage of twitter, if you don't have a network already, it helps you build one.
19:32:43 JohnS -> difference of self-hosting vs. online.
19:32:47 courosa -> but you do lose a lot as well, I don't think it's all positive.
19:32:53 JL -> http://wefollow.com/tag/education
19:33:14 courosa -> haha
19:33:23 PRWood -> @courosa is awesome!!!
19:33:40 courosa -> funny
19:33:54 jan smith -> Alec, you are tops because of the ballance--fun & serious, also personal
19:33:55 JenM -> Scriblink Whiteboard - click here to try it: http://scriblink.com/index.jsp?act=phome&roomid=1149&KEY=273B025918C5FF2...
19:34:24 courosa -> thanks Jan ... I'll treasure that ... not so much Cormier's foolery. :-)
19:34:57 JenM -> http://scriblink.com/index.jsp?act=phome&roomid=1244&KEY=273B025918C5FF2...
19:35:26 jan smith -> dang, no room for me :(
19:35:31 dave -> me neither
19:35:35 JL -> http://www.httrack.com/
19:36:02 sroseman -> can you post the board link again
19:36:08 sroseman -> crashed
19:36:09 JenM -> Awwww ... seems six is the max in scriblink.com :(
19:36:17 sroseman -> awww shucks
19:36:20 JenM -> http://scriblink.com/index.jsp?act=phome&roomid=1244&KEY=273B025918C5FF2...
19:36:59 JL -> http://howtosaythatname.com/
19:37:19 JohnS -> CK12: http://flexbooks.ck12.org/flexr/
19:37:39 dragot -> LOL... How do you guys find all this stuff... AMAZING!
19:37:45 matt montagne -> one of our students at my school worked on the flexbook project last summer...
19:37:52 dave -> @dragot we don't. users do.
19:37:58 dave -> well... we find some of them
19:38:03 dragot -> :)
19:38:11 matt montagne -> flexbooks are basically seeded content and then you can add
19:38:42 dave -> http://onlinejournalismblog.com/2009/03/11/why-the-kids-dont-use-twitter...
19:38:50 JohnS -> thanks, matt.
19:39:23 alicemercer -> I want to meet strangers...
19:39:35 matt montagne -> JS...we talked about your post at a committe on teaching group that I'm a part of at my school...excellent post
19:39:36 BronStuckey -> Dana Boyd now at Microsoft
19:39:51 JohnS -> Thanks... Need to get more traction with that.
19:39:51 matt montagne -> this is changing...with so many celebs, kids are now using it
19:40:21 jackiegerstein -> Agreed - some of us are more digital than our students - I poo on the digital native argument
19:40:22 matt montagne -> the students that I know open their accounts and follow a ton of celebs...and me too of course ;-)
19:40:28 alicemercer -> they share links...
19:40:38 alicemercer -> My sixth graders found a proxy server to listen to YouTube
19:40:53 alicemercer -> They just do it face-to-face
19:40:59 jan smith -> I will be curious to see where this goes--
19:41:02 BronStuckey -> Most kids in Aus use mob phone texting where we use twitter
19:41:14 jackiegerstein -> I don't agree - I think they have IM
19:41:17 alicemercer -> which is NOT efficient, I'm sure that they found out about proxy from hs siblings
19:41:18 matt montagne -> @js...yeah, I agree...I can't say the teachers were too fired up about digi books
19:41:27 jan smith -> they do like their on-line identity and if they build it in the dark they will stay there
19:41:35 matt montagne -> I'm finding that lots of HS students are getting twitter accts now...
19:41:39 JenM -> Apple netbook rumor: http://www.macrumors.com/2009/03/09/touch-panels-for-apple-netbook-ordered/
19:41:47 krea_frobro747 -> Once they experience the "realtime" search relevance, they will become convinced
19:41:49 BronStuckey -> 20 somethings like FB
19:41:59 matt montagne -> how much is the mac netbook going to cost?? 
19:42:08 matt montagne -> I'm going to bet it will b 799 USD
19:42:09 jan smith -> if kids build identity that is open--maybe they will stay open
19:42:46 sheila -> Shuttle launches in T-1:10
19:42:49 Cathy E -> I am testing a Dell mini - $249.00 - love it
19:42:52 alicemercer -> Hey, when I google my name now, the top 5 responses are actually me. 5 years ago it was someone else
19:43:08 matt montagne -> I'm on HP 2140...great computer
19:43:10 alicemercer -> I want to get one of the mini (ASUS or Acer or something)
19:43:12 krea_frobro747 -> Could be similarly priced to the mini
19:43:15 PRWood -> Too high
19:43:22 jan smith -> with a name like jan smith i will stay invisible :)
19:43:32 krea_frobro747 -> agreed.... separate devices
19:43:37 alicemercer -> SmartPhones are not great for typing
19:43:48 jan smith -> mind you, our class blog is #5 on google search
19:43:52 krea_frobro747 -> My eeePC is mostly for travel/meetings
19:43:54 PRWood -> We have decided on teh Acer Aspire one with the new 10.1 in screen. They are great.
19:44:05 BronStuckey -> Shuttle is go!
19:44:05 krea_frobro747 -> Don't use the iTouch/iPhone for travel/meetings....
19:44:08 JL -> http://wefollow.com/
19:44:15 krea_frobro747 -> We follow rocks!
19:44:24 JL -> http://blachan.com/shahi/
19:44:25 matt montagne -> @PR..we demoed the aspire one 8.9" and we loved it...the 6 cell battery allows it to run all day
19:44:30 jan smith -> @prwood how much is the aspire?
19:44:41 JL -> http://creativecommons.org/weblog/entry/13304
19:44:48 PRWood -> We are waiting for our big bid but on Amazon 340
19:44:52 krea_frobro747 -> www.tweetgrid.com also has a photo feature search...
19:45:01 JohnS -> Jam Studio: http://www.jamstudio.com/Studio/index.htm
19:45:46 PRWood -> Currently taking bids on wireless through the whole facility.
19:46:47 dave -> http://elearningtech.blogspot.com/2009/01/12-elearning-predictions-for-2...
19:47:54 JenM -> Some silly links: http://i.gizmodo.com/5166399/happy-30th-birthday-compact-disc ... and ... http://aviary.com/blog/posts/aviary-acquires-digimix ... and ... http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/29634158/
19:48:05 matt montagne -> @prwood...wow, that is a crazy price for that asprie 1...350 includes 10" screen, XP, 1 Gig ram, 160 gig HD,  and 6 cell battery...wow
19:48:37 matt montagne -> http://www.amazon.com/Acer-Aspire-AOD150-1669-10-1-Inch-Netbook/dp/B001Q...
19:48:49 jackiegerstein -> Saw it - yes silly
19:48:52 kcollazo -> @matt  Good for 5th graders?
19:48:57 JenM -> http://www.uopeople.com/
19:49:32 ransomtech -> That robot teacher was more funny than anything else!
19:49:47 JenM -> http://www.latimes.com/news/education/la-me-university9-2009mar09,0,5853...
19:49:48 JL -> http://www.disambiguity.com/10-social-skills-for-community-designers-thi...
19:50:09 matt montagne -> @kcollazxo...absolutely!  These "netbooks" are real computers that work great!
19:50:42 JL -> https://voxli.com/
19:50:53 matt montagne -> this is how I made my HP 2140 Netbook a "desktop" http://www.flickr.com/photos/mjmonty/3350143436/
19:50:57 jan smith -> tried this today
19:51:11 JohnS -> Ubit: Office 2003 menus for Office 2007: http://www.ubit.ch/software/ubitmenu-languages/
19:51:38 JohnS -> My Fax: http://www.myfax.com/free/
19:52:09 JenM -> All our links for tonight in one place: http://delicious.com/edtechtalk/20090315
19:52:23 jan smith -> great idea!
19:52:30 matt montagne -> GREAT show y'all!!!
19:53:29 jackiegerstein -> thanks!
19:53:55 dragot -> thanks.. first time listener.  great show.
19:54:06 BronStuckey -> thx everyone - lots to chew on this week!
19:54:14 jan smith -> now time for the infinite post show.
19:54:17 Joe -> First live show - usually podcast, thanks
19:54:22 phawkenson -> Thank you!  I'll drop in again.
19:54:47 JL -> https://voxli.com/tqre
19:54:51 Joe -> much better
19:54:56 jan smith -> you have to download voxli
19:55:06 Joe -> less research needed to find links
19:55:10 Danita R -> I like the live better - you can participate in the chat room
19:55:39 JohnS -> It's a very different show, isn't it? Much more fun live.
19:55:42 jan smith -> @danita it can get a little weird in the chat.
19:55:56 sroseman -> What was that robot link???
19:56:02 jan smith -> Someone always have to take on a Durff persona.
19:56:17 Danita R -> @jan LOL - can get a little fast :D
19:56:23 JenM -> http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/29634158/
19:56:27 jan smith -> http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/29634158/
19:56:29 Danita R -> oops, too many smilies
19:56:37 matt montagne -> link for jamboree dave??
19:56:51 JohnS -> http://davecormier.com/edblog/2009/03/10/the-first-annual-lee-baber-jamb...
19:57:14 Danita R -> Go ahead and talk about it now - we're listening!
19:58:13 jan smith -> now, would it be better to ask for feedback than evaluation?
19:58:37 JL -> not as quick and easy as I thought, but I'm good to go if anyone wants to play
19:58:54 jan smith -> Maybe at certain points in evolution of projects
19:59:00 JL -> https://voxli.com/tqre
20:01:25 jan smith -> and what does winning community mean?
20:02:04 jan smith -> That second is what you really want, and people need a mentor to do it
20:02:34 jan smith -> It is happening of the side of my desk, in my district anyway
20:03:58 matt montagne -> would b good tie in to our 18 gmt earthcast planning meeting next sunday
20:04:15 dave -> http://edactiveca
20:04:17 jan smith -> A canadian will be on the ISS in a few months
20:04:18 dave -> http://edactive.ca
20:04:19 matt montagne -> earthcast at the point where we need to do some practice streaming and so forth
20:04:32 sheila -> @Matt - I put notes from today on wiki.
20:04:43 matt montagne -> thanks sheila...
20:07:34 JohnS -> http://demo.twidori.com/
20:08:06 matt montagne -> I like that theme...cool
20:10:44 matt montagne -> it is a nice way to get people away from email for some conversations that should b more open
20:11:17 matt montagne -> no reason that some of these conversations that we have should b locked up in a linear email conversation
20:11:22 matt montagne -> much more 3D
20:12:58 matt montagne -> nite y'all
20:13:03 sroseman -> does not work with Safari and the Mac
20:13:04 phawkenson -> tks.  I wrote the links down and will check them out when I have more time. 
20:13:09 kcaise -> ok, cool!
20:13:10 jan smith -> Thanks for all your hard work, I appreciate the learning
20:13:19 sheila -> Thanks all!  Saw glad to be done with winter - 6 snow days is enough!
20:13:23 sroseman -> THANKS!! Off to ski in Colorado
20:13:26 jan smith -> Do they wear special spandex for that?
20:13:32 phawkenson -> bye
20:13:34 Danita R -> night all!
20:14:06 JenM -> Nite all! Thank you for hanging in to the bitter end :)
20:14:08 BronStuckey -> bye
20:14:10 Cathy E -> Maybe we will see the sun this week!
20:14:21 JL -> Thanks al