EdTechWeekly#120 - The Power of Loose Ties
Have you seen the new ginormous iPod Touch? Want a search engine like Yauba to have a safer and more private browsing experience? Need a smarter pen? Like to know what the new IE8 has to offer? Rats ... you should have been at the live show on Sunday night at 7:00 p.m. and you would have learned about all this and more. Bummed that you missed the live show? No problem! Just point your browser to http://edtechtalk.com/EdTechWeekly120 and catch Jeff, Dave, and Jen as they review the week's roundup of news and resources in education and technology.
The Power of Loose Ties
18:52:38 PeggyG -> getting quite an education Jen :-)
18:58:20 Gary -> Homework!
18:58:43 annelisewojo -> What's the topic this evening?
18:58:45 Gary -> Someone is a sadist.
18:58:52 PeggyG -> Trying a new experiment tonight--dropping all the links into Google notebook so I don't end up with 50 open tabs :-)
18:59:32 Cathy E -> I wish I could join you - I have company, I'm multi-tasking
18:59:44 alicia_lewis -> Is the topic homework?
18:59:45 annelisewojo -> gotchya, thank you
19:00:00 PeggyG -> Hi Jackie!
19:00:22 jackiegerstein -> I am also multitasking - have twit live on too - love al of these grassroots live virtual programs!
19:00:25 PeggyG -> Students can print the chat log for documentation :-)
19:00:29 jackiegerstein -> Hey Peggy
19:00:35 alicia_lewis -> Thanks - novice figuring this out ;)
19:00:43 Cathy E -> Actually Dave, my 2 best kindergarten friends have been here all weekend
19:00:52 PeggyG -> Students don't need to suffer more!!
19:00:59 PeggyG -> Hi Kim
19:01:09 kcaise -> hi Peggy
19:01:12 kcaise -> hi everyone!
19:01:20 PeggyG -> @alicia_lewis--you're off to a great start!!
19:01:21 JL -> http://puentesalmundo.net/node/93
19:01:52 alicia_lewis -> Nor is it fair. Thank you for suffering for your art ;)
19:02:26 jackiegerstein -> I am a voicethread fan - but students are not - I tried to get them interested in VT - but no go.
19:03:05 PeggyG -> does dotsub work with Voicethread to provide translations?
19:03:54 DaveC -> My students will participate in about 2 weeks, class doesn't start until 3/31. :-)
19:04:27 dave -> http://me2u.athabascau.ca/elgg/thomassh/weblog/1004.html
19:04:33 jackiegerstein -> Finally joined the EdTech Talk Diigo group
19:04:34 alicia_lewis -> No mike needed, prefer to treat this like Sirius or XM radio if that's ok (be nice to Dave!)
19:05:59 JenM -> Facebook becomes twitter-like: http://www.businessweek.com/technology/content/mar2009/tc20090316_227152...
19:06:10 Gary -> Dave from PEI being called a crackpot by someone in Alberta.
19:06:36 dave -> @gary have certainly been called worse by people in alberta
19:06:49 dave -> but he's from the maritimes
19:06:50 JL -> http://sxsw.com/interactive
19:06:52 Ben Grey -> @dave and America.
19:07:03 dave -> actually... atlantic provinces
19:07:10 Gary -> @dave- we have something in common.
19:07:12 alicia_lewis -> Use twitter (personal) and facebook (for former student contact) and think it's a poor imitation at best. Great for the mobile phone, though
19:07:27 JL -> http://sites.google.com/site/sxsw2009torrent/
19:07:43 Jason R -> Ahoy Ahoy
19:07:57 Ben Grey -> My wife says the new Facebook interface is just okay. Not as good as it was, but not unbearable.
19:07:58 dave -> http://iwbrevolution.ning.com/forum/topics/robert-marzano-and-interactive
19:08:21 Ben Grey -> I hope we're about to get a Dave rant.
19:08:33 annelisewojo -> I personally am not liking the new FB interface.
19:09:18 Ben Grey -> 75% of the time use a teacher-directed technology. How transformative.
19:09:44 Ben Grey -> Marzano is partnering with Promethean, so it's not a surprise.
19:09:57 alicia_lewis -> @annelisewojo - do you use twitter?
19:09:58 JenM -> Check out the ginormous iPod touch: http://www.rexblog.com/2009/03/20/19223
19:10:13 annelisewojo -> yes, @annelisewojo there too
19:10:31 annelisewojo -> twitter professionally... fb personally
19:10:40 jackiegerstein -> And what is the demographics of those schools using the interactive whiteboard - more affluent?? Tend to test better??
19:10:45 Gary -> Ask Steve Jobs in June.
19:11:23 annelisewojo -> that is one ginormous iPod touch
19:11:35 jackiegerstein -> I think it looks fun!
19:11:59 DaveC -> You go sterile?
19:12:00 Ben Grey -> @jackie Great question. All the IWB research has been corollary rather than causal.
19:12:21 Cathy E -> I love my dell mini
19:12:29 JL -> http://www.teachertube.com/view_video.php?viewkey=7b6403a5bb7eac5f4bd4
19:12:30 alicia_lewis -> considering how easily the ipod screens break . . .
19:12:43 Jason R -> Thanks
19:12:46 JL -> http://current.com/items/89891774/supernews_twouble_with_twitters.htm
19:13:01 JL -> http://quietube.com/
19:13:42 dave -> http://chronicle.com/forums/index.php/topic,53245.0.html
19:13:48 Gary -> Quetube is also on Twitter
19:13:58 annelisewojo -> video was funny but puts a bad light on those of using twitter for pln purposes
19:14:00 alicia_lewis -> @PeggyG - now I get it! Moving to a google notebook as my tabs are already full!
19:14:16 PeggyG -> Yes!! so far it's working for me :-)
19:14:31 annelisewojo -> i loaded quitube this weekend...pretty cool....clean white background videos
19:15:11 DaveC -> Quietube is great. You don't have to worry about the ads that appear. Sometimes they're not exactly school appropriate.
19:15:24 alicia_lewis -> Was a music teacher - loved Sibelius and composition programs for kids
19:15:37 alicia_lewis -> Online practicing and theory training programs very useful
19:15:48 Jason R -> "..this classroom has been deprecated by technology"
19:15:51 Ben Grey -> Hmm, fads, IWB, Web 2.0 terminology, 21st Century nomenclature, Dave Cormier
19:16:23 JenM -> Browser stuff: http://chrome.blogspot.com/2009/03/google-chrome-has-new-beta_17.html ... and ... http://www.electronista.com/articles/09/03/20/ie8.launch.stats/ ... and ... http://news.cnet.com/8301-13860_3-10200071-56.html?tag=mncol;posts
19:16:46 dave -> @bengrey [sic] again with the meanness. chatroom attack!
19:17:14 DaveC -> I very much miss my google toolbar in chrome.
19:17:20 sharonp -> Can't wait for chrome for mac
19:17:45 Ben Grey -> Ok, @Dave is amazing. I've seriously never seen someone so good at simultaneously talking and keeping up with the chat room. Serious talent.
19:17:47 JL -> http://mediatedcultures.net/ksudigg/?p=206
19:18:10 kaferico -> I have one! Very cool!
19:18:39 Ben Grey -> "Grocked"?
19:18:59 Jason R -> grok
19:19:03 JL -> http://www.livescribe.com/smartpen/index.html
19:19:04 kaferico -> I use a Smartpen with my online math students
19:19:13 jeffmason -> "stranger in a strange land"
19:19:27 kaferico -> It cost me $150 @ Target.
19:20:08 Gary -> Will it be a fad?
19:20:12 Ben Grey -> The vocabulary is far too advanced for me here.
19:20:26 kaferico -> I will post a link of my class lecures
19:20:27 PeggyG -> Maggie Tsai was using a Smartpen as she interviewed people about Diigo at NECC last year. Really slick!
19:20:27 dave -> http://www.ascd.org/publications/educational_leadership/mar09/vol66/num0...
19:20:37 Jason R -> I used a 3D mouse to make that earthbridges video.
19:20:43 Jason R -> Anyone else use one?
19:20:44 alicia_lewis -> thanks @kaferico - that'd be great!
19:21:07 Ben Grey -> Nicely done, Dave.
19:21:20 JL -> http://catb.org/jargon/html/G/grok.html
19:21:22 Ben Grey -> It's like a Dave blog post.
19:21:44 Jason R -> http://www.3dconnexion.com/
19:21:47 Ben Grey -> ASAP
19:21:50 kaferico -> Link to a brief lecture with my smartpen - http://www.livescribe.com/cgi-bin/WebObjects/LDApp.woa/wa/MLSOverviewPag...
19:21:51 PeggyG -> That whole issue of Ed Leadership is excellent!
19:22:40 JenM -> Sun news: http://www.infoworld.com/article/09/03/17/Sun_enters_the_cloud_1.html ... and ... http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=newsarchive&sid=aWIiXrGajk3w
19:23:02 Ben Grey -> @Dave I wonder if people fear me to be ill based on your self-inflicted moniker of me.
19:23:55 JL -> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XwM4ieFOotA
19:24:10 JL -> http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/8-sister-wikis-from-wikipedia-we-should-be-...
19:24:50 JL -> http://www.yauba.com/
19:25:50 dave -> http://mashable.com/2009/03/07/manage-multiple-profiles/
19:25:58 Gary -> I have Opera as my cookie-free browser - use it for that purpose when needed.
19:26:41 PeggyG -> I think that's a brilliant idea!
19:26:50 sharonp -> you want this synchronously??
19:27:13 Gary -> Dave - the topic is "homework"
19:27:16 sharonp -> can we overwrite each other ? :-)
19:27:28 sharonp -> I'm in!
19:27:36 jackiegerstein -> Then have Marzano test the results??
19:27:45 alicia_lewis -> prezi.com? Does that allow mutliple users?
19:28:06 PeggyG -> what time Tuesday? is it during WOW2?
19:28:14 sharonp -> I think we set up an ament and stage a conflict!
19:28:19 Ben Grey -> I'm still confused at JL's usage of the term grok. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/
19:28:22 sharonp -> argument
19:28:35 alicia_lewis -> Jealous. Presenting at a conference that still hasn't negotiated user internet in the conference rooms w/o $8/hr charge. . .
19:28:52 JenM -> Research Cliff Notes of Sorts: http://www.socialresearchmethods.net/kb/index.php#about
19:29:45 jeffmason -> grok -maybe common usage today "wrap ones head around" ?
19:29:48 Ben Grey -> Please make me sound much more intelligent next time you mock me. Podcastattack!
19:29:52 JL -> http://loadimpact.com/
19:30:26 JL -> http://www.esnips.com
19:31:16 dave -> i love @bengrey [sic]
19:31:21 dave -> he's awesome.
19:31:25 Ben Grey -> That's better.
19:32:14 dave -> http://reviews.cnet.com/8301-19512_7-10198184-233.html
19:32:44 Ben Grey -> You could just Spaz the Gooey on Laconica.
19:33:32 Gary -> Keyboard - yes!
19:33:56 JenM -> Adaptive assessment: http://www.aleks.com/
19:34:06 Gary -> That may make the difference for many people.
19:34:55 JL -> http://listentothewalls.pbwiki.com/
19:36:16 kcaise -> what was the link jeff?
19:36:39 Gary -> http://thebrandbuilder.wordpress.com/2009/03/19/how-to-lose-your-job-in-...
19:36:40 dave -> http://docs.google.com/Present?docid=dhn2vcv5_118cfb8msf8&skipauth=true
19:36:47 jackiegerstein -> oops
19:36:55 kcaise -> thanks @gary
19:36:56 JL -> Thanks gary
19:37:25 jackiegerstein -> it is 21 now ; )
19:38:37 Jason R -> Why do people try to communicate critical information by Tweets? If it is important, use email.
19:38:38 Jason R -> Ugh
19:38:45 Cathy E -> What is the purpose of Twitter if it is protected
19:38:48 jackiegerstein -> Have them request a follow
19:39:08 Ben Grey -> Come on, just tell me. Rearrange the letters so I have to decode them, then I'll be responsible.
19:39:27 JenM -> Online bibliography ... http://www.bibomatic.com/
19:39:30 alicia_lewis -> protected my twitter because there was no "green light" from the company and many references. Stayed under the radar in business world
19:39:31 Jason R -> I wrote this important information on toilet paper and flush it down the loo. You did not get it?
19:40:03 alicia_lewis -> Twitter is very useful in a "tweetdeck" or someplace where I can organize them and review them on one page
19:40:05 Ben Grey -> This show has jumped the quick roundup shark, but I like it.
19:40:11 JL -> http://www.directtextbook.com/
19:41:37 Ben Grey -> Ok, I lied Dave. I lack the mental capacity to rearrange the scramble.
19:42:14 Ben Grey -> Laconicalicous.
19:42:54 PeggyG -> what links are you using for them to create their avatars?
19:44:11 alicia_lewis -> Silly question, Dave - your twitter username, if I may? Jen? "JL"
19:44:17 Ben Grey -> He doesn't want to say. It probably has some really weird name.
19:44:21 dave -> davecormier
19:44:22 alicia_lewis -> :)
19:44:31 JenM -> Tweettube for MaxOSX: http://www.tweetube.com/tools/mac
19:45:05 Neil Stephenson -> i just joined twitter yesterday - looking forward to playing with this
19:45:06 JL -> http://www.blellow.com/
19:45:14 Gary -> You did talk about this before but not the mac tool.
19:45:45 dave -> http://twitfave.com/
19:45:49 alicia_lewis -> @Neil Stephenson - have fun! Recommend tweetdeck
19:46:13 PeggyG -> I'm excited to try TweetTube!! Sounds great!
19:46:34 Ben Grey -> @Neil What alicia said. TweetDeck is great.
19:46:37 alicia_lewis -> THANK YOU!!!!
19:46:43 PeggyG -> Google notebook worked great! got through whole show without crashing!
19:46:45 kaferico -> :D
19:46:59 Neil Stephenson -> http://thinkinginmind.blogspot.com
19:47:10 Ben Grey -> Eh.
19:47:23 DaveC -> I should start using "Marlin Beach", which is just a rearrangement of "Chamberlain" :-)
19:47:25 Neil Stephenson -> oooh post show
19:47:38 Ben Grey -> Ben Grey is my stage name.
19:47:46 sharonp -> Dave a crackpot? That has gotten old, hasn't it?
19:48:28 alicia_lewis -> ok, gotta finish taxes - thanks so much -and keep the twitter announcements coming!
19:48:31 JL -> call in Ben - want some front row seats to sparring
19:48:40 PeggyG -> Sounds like Ben Grey needs to Skype in to defend himself!!
19:48:47 Ben Grey -> Dave is more of a postmodern relativist.
19:48:55 Gary -> Posted this to Twitter but just because it shows the dangers of using twitter: http://www.foxtrot.com/
19:49:09 Ben Grey -> Some relationships can't be explained.
19:49:24 Jason R -> We are still not dead on Info Island. I thought the Webcastatorium would be gone by now, but they have not deleted it yet.
19:49:25 Ben Grey -> Money. Or fame. Or a Cubs mug.
19:50:02 Ben Grey -> Wait, what is the debate about again?
19:50:40 Ben Grey -> 1. I never said it was an insult. Funny that you associated it that way.
19:50:46 Ben Grey -> I sound very hot.
19:51:33 Ben Grey -> I forgot to put in a number 2.
19:51:41 PeggyG -> Where are you moving Jen?
19:51:58 Ben Grey -> Moving to Chicago?
19:52:21 Ben Grey -> And they would all be brilliant.
19:52:38 JenM -> @peggyG ... heading back to Chicago
19:53:01 PeggyG -> Thanks Jen. Sounds like you're excited about the move. :-)
19:53:02 Jason R -> If you come to FL let me know
19:53:24 Ben Grey -> The circuit?
19:53:55 Ben Grey -> It's going to be Ben Grey is brilliant.
19:53:57 PeggyG -> Can we have an ETT meetup at NECC this year? It would be great to meet folks f2f!!
19:54:12 jackiegerstein -> That's a great idea Peggy
19:54:23 Gary -> Except at Athabasca U?
19:54:43 Ben Grey -> I've always been intimidated by his Canadian brilliance.
19:54:55 PeggyG -> No snow here--90 degrees in AZ!
19:55:04 Jason R -> 80 degrees here
19:55:25 Gary -> 1 C here.
19:55:34 Ben Grey -> No snow in Chicago.
19:55:53 PeggyG -> love that idea! we can drop links live during the show :-)
19:56:17 Ben Grey -> Guess that means Jen, Dave and John are getting outsourced.
19:56:29 Ben Grey -> Absolutely.
19:56:38 rheinard -> hi guys
19:56:59 Ben Grey -> It might even work better than the voicemails.
19:57:30 PeggyG -> ETT mugs were one of the most popular gifts on the Elfster gift exchange this year!!
19:57:38 Ben Grey -> And what was my response?
19:58:36 Ben Grey -> But they're funny.
19:58:39 Jason R -> Podcast of the Blue: http://coralnotesfromthefield.blogspot.com/2009/03/podcast-of-blue-0.html
19:59:04 Jason R -> A community of ocean bloggers. Model loosely on Worldbridges. Thanks for the inspiration.
19:59:16 Ben Grey -> The sound of my little guy crying in the background won't add to the ambiance.
19:59:28 Jason R -> $90/hour
19:59:39 PeggyG -> Thanks all!
19:59:44 Jason R -> JK
19:59:49 DaveC -> Thanks guys
19:59:55 kcaise -> night all
20:00:05 dave -> night folks!
20:00:13 Gary -> Thanks again.
20:00:17 JL -> thanks all
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