EdTechWeekly #121

Post-Show description: 

Sharon fills in for a Jen on the move as we cover links and resources related to games, presentations, digital photography, Earth HOur/Day, Twitter, Ebooks, spoiled food & more. 

 EdTechWeekly #121
 (thanks @jonelleg )


18:26:21  Lou ->  Hello
18:27:27  JoNelle ->  came from Twitter. I am K-5 Tech Specialist. seeing what the talk is tonight
18:28:48  JL ->  Hello JoNelle
18:28:58  JoNelle ->  I am getting echo echo
18:29:04  JL ->  EdTechWeekly is a weekly round up of new and resources
18:29:20  jbennett ->  dinner is ready
18:31:41  Lou ->  No echo here
18:32:12  JoNelle ->  I enlarged the ustream . shut down one- thanx
18:32:19  JL ->  good
18:33:36  jbennett ->  love my samson, it was free, but still
18:33:56  amiegamache ->  hello
18:34:13  jbennett ->  i love community goodness
18:34:51  jbennett ->  i've got a pop screen, seems to help
18:35:20  jbennett ->  samson co1u
18:36:33  jbennett ->  i'll skype in, how?
18:37:18  JL ->  +9900827048484880
18:38:25  kwhobbes ->  Okay, now have audio and am in the chat!
18:38:49  kwhobbes ->  what is the topic for this week!
18:39:32  JohnS ->  we just do a fast-paced roundup of news, links, etc.
18:40:08  kwhobbes ->  You have not set topic this week?
18:41:51  JohnS ->  no, we generally don't stick to a single topic. Sometimes we do themes, and occasionally we'll talk about something specific in the post show.
18:42:00  JohnS ->  Any suggestions?
18:42:13  John Rundag ->  I am here!
18:42:36  JL ->  +9900827048484880
18:42:50  kwhobbes ->  not really. When are the twitter links coming!
18:43:11  Lou ->  I snuck in following your tweet
18:43:37  JohnS ->  welcome, Lou. Thanks for joining us. The real show will start at the top of the hour.
18:43:51  kwhobbes ->  I figure I might get on air after listening to your podcasts.
18:44:06  JohnS ->  call jeff. We'll talk to you.
18:44:21  kwhobbes ->  Can't, don't have Skype, on a school computer!!!
18:44:33  kwhobbes ->  I'm lucky I can actually access this.
18:44:40  Lou ->  It's all a real show - even the warm up
18:44:52  John Rundag ->  You're at school, kwhobbes?
18:44:57  JohnS ->  you could just call the Hidef number with a regular phone.
18:45:00  kwhobbes ->  Besides, I'm correcting while I'm listening.
18:45:34  kwhobbes ->  I have 2 sticks in the back of my truck. Just in case a game breaks out of the blue!
18:45:35  JoNelle ->  fromtwitter - I am tech instructor/& k-5 tech specialist(checking by while make dinner) I am harmless
18:46:04  kwhobbes ->  I'm an administrator and blog at www.kwhobbes.wordpress.com
18:46:30  Lou ->  nap = fine!
18:48:56  John Rundag ->  Will Alvin be here, or is he at UF welcoming back the basketball team?
18:49:24  JohnS ->  I think they got home hours ago. Haven't heard from him, though.
18:50:21  dave ->  what's the topic for this week?
18:50:27  sharonp ->  It's the amazing preshow - you started without me!!!
18:51:03  JohnS ->  There you go, John.
18:51:15  kwhobbes ->  In our elearning, we have the students get together for tug-a-war and other combative games just to build community.
18:51:31  sharonp ->  a tug-of-war?
18:51:36  John Rundag ->  Yep! Welcome back Alvin. How was the celebration?
18:52:15  kwhobbes ->  For the teachers, they have to go to each school where they link to be part of the staff meeting.
18:52:16  Alvin Trusty ->  Celebration was great.  The last second shot made #2 on SportCenter's top 10.
18:52:52  kwhobbes ->  @sharonp - sure, it really helps students interact.
18:53:11  John Rundag ->  So cool! And, he is a Logan Elm graduate!
18:53:25  gary ->  Curling?
18:53:41  Alvin Trusty ->  Close - Springfield, Mass.
18:54:00  JohnS ->  I noticed that, Rundag.
18:54:24  kwhobbes ->  No, basketball was invented by a Canadian but in the States.
18:54:30  John Rundag ->  Look at Ping.fm
18:54:50  gary ->  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Naismith
18:55:24  kwhobbes ->  No, there is no way yet to have tweets to go to plurk unless you use ping.
18:55:45  sharonp ->  am trying to visualize thise elearning tug of war idea....
18:55:58  Alvin Trusty ->  Using Google to search Twitter is aweful.
18:56:21  kwhobbes ->  we use the wii and simulate the tug-o-war.
18:56:24  John Rundag ->  Twitter search is a lot better now.
18:57:10  John Rundag ->  Media grasped onto it during Obama's campaign.
18:57:15  kwhobbes ->  okay, the name is Kelly. kwhobbes is just the name I started using when I began blogging three years ago.
18:58:17  amiegamache ->  I like that you can walk away and return at will to twitter
18:58:30  John Rundag ->  Might have some new listeners tonight. EdTechWeekly was mentioned at the Great Seal Network Web 2.0 Conference. Alvin was the guest speaker via IVDL.
18:59:26  John Rundag ->  Sure thing!
18:59:53  Alvin Trusty ->  http://www.netstate.com/states/symb/seals/oh_seal.htm
19:00:09  John Rundag ->  Great Seal Network is a consortium of school districts in 3 counties.
19:00:25  John Rundag ->  http://gsn.k12.oh.us
19:00:52  kwhobbes ->  Or a baby seal anti-hunting group.
19:01:08  John Rundag ->  Happens everyday! :-)
19:02:53  dave ->  http://www.britannica.com/blogs/2009/03/technologys-prophet-its-jean-bau...
19:03:33  kwhobbes ->  Why is I am getting a "Welcome" greeting?
19:03:53  JL ->  chat room noise
19:04:14  JL ->  you can mute it by clicking fourth icon from the right
19:04:16  kwhobbes ->  No, it is a computer generated voice saying "Welcome"!
19:04:41  kwhobbes ->  Thank you JL!
19:04:49  dave ->  @kwhobbes WELCOME
19:04:50  JohnS ->  uh oh. Jmad in the house.
19:05:16  sharonp ->  http://www.teachersfirst.com/feature.cfm
19:05:23  JenM ->  keep up the good work ... listening while we pack :)
19:05:55  JL ->  http://www.earthhour.org/home/
19:05:57  kwhobbes ->  thanks. My link for the week is www.hotchalk.com - using it as a trial for our school.
19:06:19  sharonp ->  @JenM HI!!! Nice to see you here! How is the packing going??
19:06:30  sarah H ->  @kwhobbes--I was wondering about the bike ride algebra module in hot chalk.  have you tried it?
19:06:36  JL ->  http://www.justmeans.com/
19:06:48  kwhobbes ->  No. They don't let me near any math.
19:07:04  BronStuckey ->  It was in Sydney
19:07:07  kwhobbes ->  I am going to pass it on to my senior math teacher.
19:07:08  sarah H ->  ha!  Me either, but I send stuff on to people who speak math.
19:07:16  sharonp ->  Have heard good things about HotChalk - I think my friend Terry Freedman writes regularly for it
19:07:23  JL ->  http://earthbridges.net/
19:07:25  BronStuckey ->  Earth Hour was BIG in Sydney
19:07:41  JohnS ->  Open Source Textbook Maker Flat World Gets Funded: http://www.readwriteweb.com/archives/open_source_textbook_maker_flat_wor... and Flat World Knowledge: http://www.flatworldknowledge.com/  and E-Books Directory: http://www.e-booksdirectory.com/
19:07:53  sharonp ->  I slept through Earth Hour.... so no electricity
19:08:29  BronStuckey ->  green sleep Sharon :-)
19:09:15  dave ->  http://twitter.com/isdown
19:09:26  matt montagne ->  hey y'all
19:09:56  dave ->  http://twitter.com/felloff
19:10:13  LangLabCindy ->  Is the chat archived?  Accidentally logged out and lost the chat (and the links).
19:10:30  BronStuckey ->  my use of twitter changed radically when I started to use TweetDeck - and to use search terms through it
19:10:32  kwhobbes ->  Another place I've been looking at is http://sclipo.com/. It allows you to set up an online class.
19:10:33  Alvin Trusty ->  http://twitter.com/OneInAMillionShotDoc
19:10:35  JohnS ->  Chat will be posted tomorrow morning with the audio.
19:10:47  LangLabCindy ->  Gracias!
19:10:54  Cathy E ->  Go Heels!
19:10:58  BronStuckey ->  Twitter is the nexus of my communities
19:11:39  sharonp ->  http://www.teachersfirst.com/holiday/earthday.cfm
19:11:40  Alvin Trusty ->  I thought these things were called "tags"
19:12:06  matt montagne ->  I really feel as tho the floodgates are about to open up with the open web as a space for authentic student publishing (if it isn't already)
19:12:11  BronStuckey ->  yes I have been following NECC to see people getting ready for the conference
19:12:26  BronStuckey ->  search term "NECC"
19:12:31  dave ->  @alvin whic is that?
19:12:35  matt montagne ->  sharon
19:12:41  kwhobbes ->  If the floodgates are going to open, can someone help me with my correcting?
19:12:47  matt montagne ->  can u record some auido that we could share in Earthcast??
19:12:52  JL ->  http://280slides.com/
19:13:07  Alvin Trusty ->  @dave you've never watch Seinfeld?
19:13:14  Lou ->  it's a great program
19:13:26  dave ->  @alvin nope. wasn't for me.
19:13:33  matt montagne ->  wow...
19:13:40  JohnS ->  Presentation Helper: http://www.presentationhelper.co.uk/
19:13:42  matt montagne ->  looks like ppt or keynote
19:14:22  kwhobbes ->  always remember to hold down the ctrl button when clicking on a link! Otherwise out you go!
19:14:56  John Rundag ->  I tagged 280slides for ett back on Jun 15, 2008
19:15:30  BronStuckey ->  he gurus are just catching you John
19:15:34  Alvin Trusty ->  Yeah on plain black and white!
19:15:48  dave ->  http://twitterfeed.com/
19:16:12  matt montagne ->  I think Facebook has to be getting VERY nervous about the rise of twitter...
19:16:40  John Rundag ->  Didn't Facebook copy Twitter with the new update?
19:16:48  BronStuckey ->  http://bokardo.com/archives/relationship-symmetry-in-social-networks-why...
19:17:09  BronStuckey ->  Good talk about FB and Twitter assymetry
19:17:41  Alvin Trusty ->  If I send my Twitter to Facebook and Facebook sends it back to Twitter, will I crash the Internet?
19:18:23  cyndidannerkuhn ->  what do you use to send Twitter to Facebook?
19:18:35  BronStuckey ->  TweetDeck
19:18:44  Alvin Trusty ->  Facebook has an app for Twitter.
19:18:46  John Rundag ->  Yes, Alvin. Isn't that a loop?
19:18:48  sharonp ->  http://earthinyourhands.earthhour.org/our-earth/
19:18:50  kwhobbes ->  @cyndidannerkuhn, can't you set that on Facebook?
19:18:51  BronStuckey ->  Or set up the Twitter widget in FB
19:19:49  matt montagne ->  that is really, really cool
19:20:03  John Rundag ->  New Tweetdeck has Facebook integration.
19:20:12  cyndidannerkuhn ->  no clue, I do use TweetDeck, but not sure I see where to make my Twitter go to Facebook
19:20:14  sarah H ->  I don't like the feeds though.  I FB socially, Twit prof.  a few crossover people, one feeds his tweets in and I hate seeing things twice, but don't want to toss him out of either stream.
19:20:23  mrboyer ->  60 minutes
19:20:26  dave ->  did everyone catch that swipe from Sharon... w00t
19:20:40  BronStuckey ->  New BETA TweetDeck does it but there is a FB widget too
19:20:51  JL ->  http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/10-websites-for-a-daily-fix-of-sayings-and-...
19:21:07  JL ->  http://www.thinkexist.com/
19:21:15  dave ->  @courosa is a very nice person.
19:21:17  kwhobbes ->  HI Alec, how's Regina?
19:21:20  JL ->  http://www.quotegasm.com/
19:21:24  sarah H ->  sorry. more twit talk from me ;)
19:21:29  courosa ->  nice dave
19:21:41  JohnS ->  Physics Games . Net: http://www.physicsgames.net/  and Maths Stuff from Subtangent: http://www.subtangent.com/maths  and Nobel Prize Educational Games: http://nobelprize.org/educational_games/
19:21:43  courosa ->  hey kelly, things are good here, melty
19:22:05  kwhobbes ->  How was the jerky?
19:22:20  gary ->  Can waste even more time than Twitter
19:22:21  Cathy E ->  Ya'll crack me up lol
19:22:48  BronStuckey ->  twitter brings me here each week
19:23:09  courosa ->  @kwhobbes ... they were out! We ended up at a candy store instead, currently eating Pop Rocks.
19:23:21  sarah H ->  60 minutes headline is "the internet is infected" Can't hear the audio
19:23:30  cyndidannerkuhn ->  Twitter teaches ME, or at least the educators I follow teach me
19:23:50  kwhobbes ->  @courosa - Pop Rocks! Didn't know they still made them!
19:23:56  John Rundag ->  Probably about the Conficker virus set to hit on April 1.
19:24:11  sarah H ->  ohh ohh--blood typing game!
19:24:18  jackiegerstein ->  That's Sylvia Martinez's "complaint" educational tools couched in games.
19:24:24  BronStuckey ->  what will Conficker do?
19:24:30  courosa ->  @kwhobbes ... they probably don't. :-) I also bought a Curly Wurly which used to be the Wig Wag, I miss the Wig Wag.
19:24:46  dave ->  http://openedweb.com/blog/2009/03/21/opengoo-web-office/
19:25:47  matt montagne ->  we're getting ready to present a proposal to our school community on Tuesday for switching to Google Apps for EDU for our mail (from firstclass)
19:25:49  JohnS ->  "I also bought a Curly Wurly which used to be the Wig Wag, I miss the Wig Wag." What are you guys talking about? Do I have to start paying attention to the chat?
19:26:45  sharonp ->  http://www.favoritepoem.org/index.html
19:26:47  dave ->  "and asked me if i'd give her a ride"
19:26:51  BronStuckey ->  Curly Wurly --- mmm - yummo
19:26:58  kaferico ->  April is als Math Awareness Month
19:27:16  dave ->  April is dave takes a nap month
19:27:28  courosa ->  @johns Curly Wurly ... so good. Ask @bronstuckley.
19:27:31  JL ->  http://www.chompchomp.com/menu.htm
19:27:38  ujdmc ->  The state of Kentucky will be moving to Microsoft Live.edu state-wide. This will include e-mail, blogs, IM and more along with a 25 GB skydrive and 10 GB of mailbox space for every user.
19:27:44  BronStuckey ->  Let's declare April Curly Wurly month
19:27:48  JL ->  http://mrssmoke.onsugar.com/2959452
19:27:49  ujdmc ->  Live@edu
19:27:55  matt montagne ->  our english dept. is going to do something like that within our school community...basically we're going to invite anyone to do a poetry recording and posting to a central repository
19:27:57  courosa ->  @bron Done!
19:28:04  kwhobbes ->  I'm with @BronStuckey!
19:28:24  JL ->  http://spellr.us/
19:28:45  kaferico ->  Mathematics Awareness Month web site: http://www.mathaware.org/index.html
19:29:21  sarah H ->  okay, the blood typing game is cool.  I just killed the patient though.
19:29:33  JohnS ->  Skype Holds 8% Market Share, Becomes World's Largest Provider Of Long Distance Communications: http://www.geek-news.net/2009/03/skype-holds-8-market-share-becomes.html  and Staying in Touch Internationally, on the Cheap: http://frugaltraveler.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/03/24/staying-in-touch-inte...
19:30:00  courosa ->  Skype may be releasing iPhone app this week ... maybe.
19:30:28  ujdmc ->  and that market is growing daily
19:30:36  BronStuckey ->  I am hard wired to Skype these days
19:30:53  John Rundag ->  New iPhone app for Blackboard is available.
19:31:15  ujdmc ->  yep, use Skype a lot... I also have the Mikogo add-in that allows me to share my screen and share files that integrates well with Skype
19:31:19  kwhobbes ->  @JohnR, can you use it on the ipod touch?
19:31:24  gary ->  My son has used Skype to phone twice from China - a great saving on phone costs!
19:31:26  ujdmc ->  no way
19:31:28  John Rundag ->  Yes
19:31:34  courosa ->  And I don't think we will ever have the need for any more than 640K.
19:31:45  BronStuckey ->  Yes skype makes the world a smaller place
19:32:00  JenM ->  john is a hater ... thank you for being the one to say it, Davey
19:32:11  readerdiane ->  I missed what was said about phoning from other countries
19:32:13  BronStuckey ->  skype is so easy for newbies to take up - intuituve
19:32:17  abevis ->  Use Skype personally with family and professionally
19:32:19  courosa ->  I think Google is too diluted, that's why these smaller(ish) services thrive.
19:32:20  BronStuckey ->  *intuituve
19:32:26  John Rundag ->  @courosa Quoting Bill Gates? :) :) :)
19:32:32  BronStuckey ->  *intuitive (last time)
19:32:39  courosa ->  @john ... glad someone caught that. :-)
19:32:40  matt montagne ->  I'm w/u dave
19:32:47  matt montagne ->  itunes = horrible
19:32:49  kwhobbes ->  Anyone know it you can use the Blackboard with the ipod touch?
19:33:21  BronStuckey ->  not ambivalent to Google ruling the world - come on!
19:33:21  ujdmc ->  really? you can't figure out how to use iTunes?
19:33:21  Lou ->  What Linux program could be used instead of itunes
19:33:21  dave ->  http://img301.imageshack.us/img301/9880/miscs.jpg
19:33:21  John Rundag ->  Yes you can, @kwobbes. Should be in the App Store.
19:33:21  dave ->  http://img301.imageshack.us/img301/9880/miscs.jpg
19:33:29  courosa ->  and they got powned!
19:33:33  courosa ->  pwned
19:33:55  BronStuckey ->  Aussie alert
19:33:57  kwhobbes ->  I use itunes all the time. Not that hard to use, @Dave.
19:34:28  Cathy E ->  Can you use an iPod with other software?
19:34:44  matt montagne ->  is ustream audio dead??
19:34:45  BronStuckey ->  itunes is just OK iPhone rocks
19:34:46  dave ->  @kwhobbes it's not a very smart program. and it's painfully constructed to make me buy things
19:34:50  ujdmc ->  to do what Cathy?
19:35:00  Cathy E ->  get your podcast?
19:35:02  courosa ->  Governments should not be in the business of filtering content; content policing is a slippery slope toward mind policing.
19:35:03  sharonp ->  http://www.microsoft.com/student/discounts/theultimatesteal-us/default.aspx
19:35:10  JL ->  shouldn't be matt
19:35:16  JL ->  others still hearing ustream?
19:35:19  kwhobbes ->  @dave - of course - it's an online store!
19:35:27  courosa ->  @matt yes,ustream still workign
19:35:28  Lou ->  Hmmm - slow to get my chat on (yes hearing it)
19:35:32  abevis ->  Audio working fine.
19:35:36  John Rundag ->  @Lou Amarok
19:35:42  JL ->  gov'ts hacked story - http://www.nytimes.com/2009/03/29/technology/29spy.html?partner=rss&emc=rss
19:35:42  dave ->  @kwhobbes not 'of course' it doesn't need to work the way it does
19:36:05  kwhobbes ->  @courosa - then why do they do it all the time for all our Sask schools!
19:36:10  courosa ->  Re: M$, the first hit is always free (cheap)
19:36:17  ujdmc ->  this Microsoft discount program has been available for over 4 years
19:36:21  Lou ->  Fam taking me out to dinner - thanks for letting me join up to now
19:36:34  ujdmc ->  it has nothing to do with the recession
19:36:57  Alvin Trusty ->  Office costs our students $10.  TEN DOLLARS
19:37:00  kwhobbes ->  @dave - itunes is there for people to spend money - the "free" side is to get you there.
19:37:06  courosa ->  They have done this before, this is not really new ... they had the same deal 2 yrs ago. Office apps on the desktop are dead.
19:37:20  sharonp ->  I hear OneNote is quite powerful.....
19:37:32  courosa ->  The desktop OS is next.
19:37:36  ujdmc ->  it is not a "deal" it is an ongoing program that has been going on for over 4 years
19:38:10  ujdmc ->  We rarely have troubles with Office except that it costs money... we have more troubles with other alternatives
19:38:17  gary ->  But even office documents may not be compatible depending on what you use.
19:38:22  sharonp ->  sorry if I shared something old... just thought it was interesting that it included OneNote and a couple others....
19:38:26  kwhobbes ->  @dave - you must be one really crazy guy - so much makes you that way :)
19:38:42  sharonp ->  see, it started a conversation!
19:38:58  abevis ->  What is OneNote?
19:39:01  BronStuckey ->  Ok Curly wurly more interesting than Office
19:39:10  JL ->  http://www.purposegames.com/
19:39:41  JohnS ->  And little Early-Pearly came by in her curly-wurly and asked me if I needed a ride
19:39:50  JL ->  http://cuecast.blip.tv/posts?view=archive
19:39:52  kwhobbes ->  Or they are from central office and what you to return the documents as it was sent.
19:40:08  JohnS ->  Free Software for Schools: http://www.lulu.com/content/286873
19:41:11  dave ->  http://lifehacker.com/5188342/top-10-tools-for-a-free-online-education
19:41:13  matt montagne ->  weird...things totally flaked out on me...but I'm back now and audio is working
19:42:13  John Rundag ->  We have 75 desktops running Ubuntu 8.10.
19:42:32  JohnS ->  Dave's a hater.
19:42:47  sharonp ->  http://www.nea.org/home/12784.htm
19:42:53  dave ->  hate hate hate
19:42:55  dave ->  :)
19:43:01  courosa ->  I'm never going to write a book just because I know Dave will diss it.
19:43:08  dave ->  also a picker a grinner
19:43:19  ujdmc ->  i am a picker and a grinner too
19:43:19  dave ->  I woudl love it Alec...
19:43:22  dave ->  you're nice.
19:43:23  kwhobbes ->  Dan Pink? Taught that last semester in my Social 20 class!
19:43:44  John Rundag ->  If you say picker in Southern Ohio, it means you play the banjo.
19:43:57  matt montagne ->  our school is building a YouTube channel...I think it is going to be a game changer for us
19:44:01  ujdmc ->  I can play the banjo but I main play guitar...
19:44:16  matt montagne ->  ...in a postive way :-)
19:44:19  sharonp ->  https://technologypd.pbwiki.com/session/login?page_name=Smartboards%20%2...
19:44:32  John Rundag ->  Sounds good, Matt! Keep us posted!
19:44:35  JL ->  http://www.morguefile.com/
19:44:49  Alvin Trusty ->  Great pic site.  Used it for years.
19:44:54  sharonp ->  http://technologypd.pbwiki.com/Smartboards+(Part+1)
19:45:02  JL ->  http://www.stilltasty.com/
19:45:22  ujdmc ->  we have this great service where we have a server that has all Discovery channel videos ever made.It is constantly updated and teachers can view the entire videos or parse them and embed in their lesson plans.
19:45:42  Alvin Trusty ->  meat or no meat
19:45:43  courosa ->  you mean there is a limit?
19:45:46  matt montagne ->  @John...will do
19:45:48  ujdmc ->  its called Discovery Education but it is renamed in Kentucky as Encyclomedia
19:45:54  courosa ->  and like if there is like shrimp
19:45:56  courosa ->  or tuna
19:45:59  courosa ->  or chicken
19:46:11  BronStuckey ->  30 minutes
19:46:40  BronStuckey ->  2 hours - ooh no breakfast then?
19:46:50  courosa ->  Dominos Pizza, any kind, can be kept indefinitely as well.
19:46:53  gary ->  But the Shake and Bake does not stiick as well to the chicken
19:46:58  JohnS ->  YouTube EDU: http://www.youtube.com/edu
19:47:06  JohnS ->  QuietTube: http://quietube.com/
19:47:14  John Rundag ->  Since we are on the subject of meat... http://bacolicio.us/http:/edtechtalk.com
19:47:33  BronStuckey ->  we are on a food kick - pizza and curly wurly ;-)
19:47:41  JohnS ->  AV Geeks: http://www.avgeeks.com/our-films-online/
19:48:05  Alvin Trusty ->  duck and cover
19:48:22  courosa ->  haha
19:48:30  kwhobbes ->  pizza is actually best if you leave it over night!
19:48:58  John Rundag ->  They were talking about it on 60 Minutes.
19:49:00  BronStuckey ->  yes @kwhobbles - breakfast of chnmpions
19:49:00  kwhobbes ->  why would you want to watch them?
19:49:12  matt montagne ->  Microsoft has like a 250 K bounty or something
19:49:17  courosa ->  get a mac
19:49:31  kwhobbes ->  @sharonp - nope. Don't worry about with a mac.
19:49:31  matt montagne ->  linux :-)
19:49:33  ujdmc ->  networks will be the main culprits.
19:49:37  BronStuckey ->  why the name Conficker?
19:49:47  matt montagne ->  LOL
19:49:48  kwhobbes ->  because it's a con!
19:49:57  kaferico ->  lol
19:50:01  John Rundag ->  Thank you Sharon!
19:50:18  abevis ->  Enjoyed!
19:50:26  John Rundag ->  Congrats!
19:50:41  John Rundag ->  Will you be using OLPCs?
19:50:44  BronStuckey ->  anoth good session thx guys and gals
19:50:59  sarah H ->  Thanks guys--great show!
19:51:02  jdeyenberg ->  Thanks - my first episode ever...loved it and will tune in again...my delicious site has many more links now!
19:51:05  gary ->  Dave wants to go to Nigeria for OLPC distribution.
19:51:11  BronStuckey ->  TWB ROCKS!
19:51:23  sharonp ->  thanks @Bron!
19:51:37  abevis ->  How long is the show?
19:51:48  JL ->  never ensds
19:51:49  JL ->  ends
19:51:56  readerdiane ->  What grade level schools will you be visiting in Africa?
19:51:59  JL ->  we just take 6 day 23 hour breaks :)
19:52:31  JL ->  All are welcome to skype in - say hello, share resources, ask questions harrass Dave
19:52:41  JL ->  +9900827048484880
19:52:45  BronStuckey ->  I am looking to find a niche to volunteer in TWB
19:53:01  JohnS ->  twbcanada.org
19:53:34  courosa ->  hardware dropping
19:53:37  matt montagne ->  LOL
19:53:55  BronStuckey ->  I am a member of TWB - just looking to find where I can contribute
19:54:20  courosa ->  not just export of laptops, the export of culture ... booo
19:54:30  courosa ->  but yea, but what sharon is talking about, much different
19:55:04  matt montagne ->  I understand Dave's point, but feel as tho the original mission of OLPC is noble
19:55:48  courosa ->  OLPC is so 2005, the current is 2LPC
19:55:59  JohnS ->  *laugh*
19:56:12  dave ->  @matt i think that was more about proving a point (negroponte ect... have been trying to prove the point that 'technology can change culture' since the early 80s)
19:56:59  dave ->  There may have been something noble in the original idea 25 years ago... but I think it was more about bragging rights at the MIT media labs
19:57:36  readerdiane ->  But didn't it push for the cheaper laptops for all.
19:57:38  JohnS ->  still worth it, even if they never actually got one into the hands of a student. they spawned the whole netbook industry.
19:57:52  JohnS ->  That's bringing hardware prices down for everyone.
19:57:56  JL ->  abevis, are you having an existential crisis?  Looks like you tried to ignore yourself :)
19:58:40  dave ->  @readerdiane absolutely. it had a lot of really great side effects. best possible scenario is what happened. it changed the technology, provided a lot of great presss for the kind of stuff Sharon is doing and ultimately failed in selling millions of laptops.
19:59:03  BronStuckey ->  very cool
19:59:36  readerdiane ->  Who supports TWB?
19:59:45  JohnS ->  you do.
20:00:00  sroseman ->  what about the personal safety issues  ..
20:00:05  Cathy E ->  I keep hearing "welcome" - all skype sounds are mute....what is it?
20:00:10  BronStuckey ->  Yes I am a member - but not sure how to find a way in to contribute from Aus
20:02:40  dave ->  gonna fly dudes
20:02:49  JL ->  ciao
20:03:43  LDJ ->  Protecting Against the Rampant Conficker Worm http://www.pcworld.com/article/157876/protecting_against_the_rampant_con...
20:04:22  sroseman ->  common sense rules
20:04:46  matt montagne ->  Sharon and JS better take their meds so they don't catch that worm in Africa ;-)
20:04:56  BronStuckey ->  he he
20:05:13  matt montagne ->  I'm teasing, yes...
20:05:37  matt montagne ->  just kidding...I'm just jealous...but looking forward to hearing the stories about your work
20:06:48  BronStuckey ->  great to hear about it
20:07:06  James Sigler ->  Zzzzz
20:07:24  gary ->  Good luck with the malaria - you don't want it!
20:07:48  BronStuckey ->  You can tweet from there so we can be with you - little by little
20:07:49  sarah H ->  no--just watching LeBron James
20:07:49  sroseman ->  sounds terribly exciting!!
20:08:00  matt montagne ->  ask them if they
20:08:07  BronStuckey ->  ciao4now everyone
20:08:08  readerdiane ->  My students appreciated hearing about your experiences
20:08:10  matt montagne ->  ask them if they'd like to participate in Earthcast10
20:08:19  matt montagne ->  we need people ;-)
20:08:21  gary ->  Thank you again.
20:08:43  sarah H ->  goodnight--great show