EdTechWeekly #129

Post-Show description: 

An episode without John, but with great link support from Sharon and Jose.

EdTechWeekly #129
May 24, 2009

This week's Delicious Links

Chat Log Below

18:56:42 JL -> we're on at http://edtechtalk.com/studio
18:57:41 sharonp -> I missed it too.... désolé
18:58:22 sharonp -> she is always good for...
18:59:23 mrsdurff -> k
18:59:30 mrsdurff -> they are done
19:00:40 mrsdurff -> if everyone would twitter now please
19:01:29 ElizabethA -> It's one o'clock in the morning here in France
19:01:40 dougsymington -> tweet winging its way now....
19:01:40 Nina Liakos -> What should I click on to listen?
19:01:41 mrsdurff -> 7pm in USA
19:01:46 Berta -> 6:34 pm in Caracas
19:01:46 JL -> some late night edtech fun
19:01:51 mrsdurff -> nina not on yet
19:02:00 Nina Liakos -> Okay
19:02:01 dougsymington -> 1600 hrs on Vancouver Island
19:02:07 Nina Liakos -> I can't stay long
19:02:17 Nina Liakos -> My family is getting very impatient!
19:02:18 Laine -> WIAOC
19:02:28 Nina Liakos -> 7 pm in Washington DC
19:02:31 mrsdurff -> yes it is
19:02:32 Berta -> ha ha Nina. It is understandable
19:02:39 dougsymington -> go Jl, go JL
19:02:39 mrsdurff -> click the arrow
19:02:54 Laine -> What is the topic?
19:02:55 kcaise -> good
19:02:56 dougsymington -> sounds good from all here
19:02:56 Nina Liakos -> Berta, fabulous presentation, thank you!
19:02:56 mrsdurff -> great
19:03:07 Berta -> Thanks, color twin
19:03:07 mrsdurff -> even that weird guy
19:03:09 Cathy E -> audio is great
19:03:13 Nina Liakos -> :-)
19:03:26 ElizabethA -> aïe - I don't have any sound
19:03:28 jt -> good
19:03:31 Nina Liakos -> do we have audio yet?
19:03:36 mrsdurff -> yes
19:03:40 Berta -> Yes, Ustream
19:03:47 mrsdurff -> click the ustream arrow
19:03:48 Berta -> on right
19:03:51 Cathy E -> @Elizabeth do you see the UStream box on the right?
19:03:52 connect2jamie -> ustream audio is good
19:03:53 ElizabethA -> done
19:03:57 dougsymington -> just about to begin
19:04:00 ElizabethA -> but no sound
19:04:08 mrsdurff -> 3-2-1
19:04:09 Nina Liakos -> I am listening on A
19:04:27 Cathy E -> @Eliz - make sure your speakers are not on mute
19:05:18 dougsymington -> still dissonant for me to hear JMad in Chi-town :)
19:05:21 Cathy E -> @Eliz there is also a picture of a speaker at the bottom or UStream you can adjust volume there
19:05:24 Nina Liakos -> Hi Jeff and Sharon and Dave and jennifer
19:05:35 mrsdurff -> he's kidding
19:05:36 JenM -> hi, nina!
19:05:37 Nina Liakos -> Hi Maru
19:05:38 dave -> http://moblin.org/community/blogs/imad/2009/moblin-v20-beta-netbooks-and...
19:05:47 mrsdurff -> he is very controversial
19:05:48 Berta -> Hi again Maru, thanks a zillion
19:05:55 Nina Liakos -> I suppose I am hearing a lag
19:06:01 Nina Liakos -> but the sound is good so I don't care
19:06:03 Maru -> Hi Berta and Nina, it was my pleasure
19:06:04 JL -> for those who aren't listening yet, the ustream is at: http://edtechtalk.com/studio
19:06:12 Nina Liakos -> Great job moderating, Maru
19:06:18 mrsdurff -> nina there is a 30 second delay
19:06:20 dougsymington -> ustream will have less lag than shoutcast audio
19:06:25 Maru -> Thanks
19:06:27 dougsymington -> latter has about a 30 sec delay
19:06:31 Nina Liakos -> It's OK
19:06:40 Nina Liakos -> I am enjoying the audio and enjoying the chat
19:06:51 JenM -> http://www.livestream.com/blog/?p=1315
19:06:56 mrsdurff -> and we enjoy you nina
19:07:04 Nina Liakos -> :-) Lisa
19:07:15 sroseman -> no audio
19:07:25 dougsymington -> do old mogulus links stillwork I wonder?
19:07:45 dougsymington -> suspect they would....
19:07:47 JoseRodriguez -> Hey there
19:07:55 dougsymington -> hey Jose
19:08:01 JL -> http://www.worldwidetelescope.org/Home.aspx
19:08:11 Berta -> Hi Doug
19:08:27 dougsymington -> Hi Berta
19:08:34 Nina Liakos -> 36 hours online in 3 days so far
19:08:39 JoseRodriguez -> ready in skype I think
19:08:39 Nina Liakos -> It's a record for me
19:08:40 Berta -> Wow, Nina
19:08:49 Nina Liakos -> I really plunged in this time
19:08:50 mrsdurff -> JOSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
19:09:00 ehelfant -> Hi, Jose
19:09:16 Berta -> Hi Jose
19:09:46 Nina Liakos -> I am trying streaming but have no sound
19:09:50 Nina Liakos -> I seem muted
19:09:53 Nina Liakos -> how to unmute?
19:09:54 dougsymington -> heard it here first--think it's already on Twitter Sharon
19:09:57 dougsymington -> congrats
19:10:00 Maru -> Hear you Nina, same here, too many hours this weekend, enjoying every minute of it
19:10:01 sharonp -> http://iwbrevolution.ning.com/
19:10:01 mrsdurff -> i think she just did
19:10:11 mrsdurff -> congrats sharon
19:10:29 JL -> Nina, are you trying to speak or listen?
19:10:33 sheila -> Nice, Sharon!
19:10:34 Nina Liakos -> Back to Room A
19:10:46 Nina Liakos -> just listening
19:10:52 mrsdurff -> on the other hand, my school informed me that i probably don't have a job with them next year
19:11:00 Nina Liakos -> Oh no
19:11:05 Nina Liakos -> Why Lisa???
19:11:11 sheila -> Really?
19:11:11 mrsdurff -> strangley not upset
19:11:18 JoseRodriguez -> http://www.hole-in-the-wall.com/
19:11:19 mrsdurff -> economy
19:11:20 dougsymington -> sorry to hear that @mrsdurff
19:11:32 mrsdurff -> but it is rather freeing
19:11:49 mrsdurff -> i just hate packing is all
19:11:50 Nina Liakos -> If you don't depend on the income it is definitely libeerating
19:12:01 dougsymington -> @mrsdurff give you more time for online pursuits
19:12:01 connect2jamie -> @mrsdurff maybe a new opportunity is around the corner!
19:12:07 Maru -> Thanks Jose
19:12:10 JL -> http://www.ted.com/index.php/talks/sugata_mitra_shows_how_kids_teach_the...
19:12:23 mrsdurff -> people understand i am not unhappy
19:12:27 dave -> http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/1555002
19:12:36 Nina Liakos -> I absolutely love ted.com
19:12:38 mrsdurff -> i skipped it
19:12:40 JoseRodriguez -> Dave did such a coooooooooooooooooool job
19:12:45 Nina Liakos -> It's my favorite site!
19:12:47 sroseman -> regrets durff, come and teach in Canada
19:12:48 mrsdurff -> dave who?
19:12:55 Nina Liakos -> cormier
19:12:56 JoseRodriguez -> he got the record for the wiaoc convergence
19:13:02 mrsdurff -> never heard of him
19:13:04 Nina Liakos -> 49 participants
19:13:07 Nina Liakos -> haha
19:13:19 dougsymington -> @nina she knows all too well. Dave who indeed
19:13:22 sheila -> It was a great session! I was listening on ustream.
19:13:36 Berta -> It was indeed
19:13:37 JoseRodriguez -> the big E...
19:13:40 Nina Liakos -> An example of how it can be tricky to joke in text
19:13:41 kcaise -> elluminate?
19:13:56 Berta -> Webheads rule
19:14:03 JoseRodriguez -> very true
19:14:14 Nina Liakos -> One thing that really impressed me at this conference is how anlmost everything started and ended almost exactly on time
19:14:18 dougsymington -> think so, on both accounts
19:14:38 kcaise -> :/
19:14:39 mrsdurff -> he said grudgingly
19:14:53 mrsdurff -> it's his free wifi
19:14:55 Nina Liakos -> I felt more comfortable than I did 2 years ago
19:14:56 sroseman -> two cents not heard
19:15:06 sheila -> That free wi-fi!
19:15:11 ElizabethA -> Goodnight people - I have a problem with no sound - too late for me
19:15:11 Berta -> We are amazingly polite, nice, caring, Nina
19:15:11 Nina Liakos -> I think Elluminate worked perfectly this time
19:15:16 mrsdurff -> yeah to simulcasting!
19:15:27 Nina Liakos -> Goodnight Elizabeth
19:15:35 JL -> bon nuit
19:15:41 Nina Liakos -> Yes berta, we are :-)
19:15:46 sroseman -> I used the skype number to hear this evening
19:15:48 Nina Liakos -> We are terrific! (pats self on back)
19:15:56 JoseRodriguez -> true...
19:15:56 dougsymington -> because of wizard(s) behind curtain, huh Jpose?
19:16:01 dougsymington -> Jose
19:16:05 JoseRodriguez -> they had practice
19:16:11 mrsdurff -> you think, dave?
19:16:47 JoseRodriguez -> yeah.... JL.. I even learned a trick or two
19:16:52 Nina Liakos -> When in Rome, do as the webheads do
19:17:04 mrsdurff -> even jose? no way!
19:17:10 JenM -> Future of Online Learning: http://www.futureofeducation.com/forum/topics/the-future-of-online-learning
19:17:14 mrsdurff -> i have been to both
19:17:20 mrsdurff -> and enjoyed both
19:17:47 dougsymington -> me too, on both counts @mrsdurff
19:18:00 JL -> http://www.languagelab.com
19:18:30 JL -> http://webheadsinaction.org/node/358
19:18:32 JoseRodriguez -> ciudad bonita.. that's something I have to go back to
19:18:55 mrsdurff -> get there
19:19:07 mrsdurff -> i need the Lindens
19:19:08 Nina Liakos -> Yes, it's awesome
19:19:14 Nina Liakos -> I have no lindens
19:19:30 sharonp -> http://exelearning.org/
19:19:38 mrsdurff -> i'm with a SLRFL team
19:19:42 mrsdurff -> hi jim
19:19:55 sroseman -> I won all my lindens thro' contests etc
19:20:17 Nina Liakos -> I got so much SL practice in the past 3 days
19:20:22 Nina Liakos -> I really needed that
19:20:36 Nina Liakos -> For 5 months whenever I went to SL I was by myself
19:20:38 Nina Liakos -> boring!
19:20:46 Nina Liakos -> Interaction is the key
19:21:08 Nina Liakos -> Sue, how do you find the contests?
19:21:09 dougsymington -> he's back!
19:21:17 mrsdurff -> For those inworld = please donate Lindens to our pink kiosk-right click on the kiosk & choose"pay". Thank you for your donation to the Second Life Relay for Life http://slurl.com/secondlife/Sacre%20Bleu/84/127/26
19:21:29 Nina Liakos -> Sorry no lindens to donate
19:21:31 JoseRodriguez ->  http://atlantis.crlt.indiana.edu/
19:21:39 sroseman -> aJade's Jazz Lounge has quizzes and they award lindens just for being there
19:21:41 Nina Liakos -> Dave C The Original???
19:22:01 mrsdurff -> one can buy lindens
19:22:05 DaveC - the original -> @Nina, yes :-)
19:22:09 mrsdurff -> hi courosa
19:22:18 dave -> http://www.spiked-online.com/index.php?/site/article/6024/
19:22:21 kcaise -> i missed that session today
19:22:21 sroseman -> Nina. harder to come by free Lindens now with the downturn in the economy ..
19:22:43 Nina Liakos -> Yeah, harder to get free money everywhere
19:22:47 courosa -> hey durff, is there something to hear here? I just get a blank mogulus channel.
19:22:49 mrsdurff -> you're kidding
19:22:58 mrsdurff -> that is saxcd dave
19:23:01 Nina Liakos -> Hi Alec
19:23:08 courosa -> hey Nina
19:23:08 mrsdurff -> courosa yes
19:23:12 Nina Liakos -> Ti kaneis?
19:23:14 mrsdurff -> click the ustream
19:23:26 courosa -> kala, esi? :-)
19:23:47 Nina Liakos -> kala kai kourasmeni meta apo toses ores
19:23:49 JoseRodriguez -> I'll do one more.... Rodz girlz are waiting for me to be the taxi cab driver to local river....
19:23:57 JenM -> Second life stats for web-voice calling: http://venturebeat.com/2009/05/19/second-life-generates-15-billion-minut...
19:24:05 JoseRodriguez -> and pretty impatient.. :-)
19:24:07 Nina Liakos -> to repeat: http://ninas1stblog.blogspot.com/2009/05/striking-balance.html
19:24:11 mrsdurff -> ok you greek people - speak english
19:24:13 Nina Liakos -> oops sorry
19:24:20 mrsdurff -> oh it is growing
19:24:23 courosa -> ahhh, the link that was tweeted takes you to /studio ... which does not look like this.
19:24:25 Nina Liakos -> I meant to repeat what I said sta ellinika
19:24:30 JoseRodriguez -> I'll do my link dump..
19:24:35 Nina Liakos -> Don't click on that link!
19:24:54 Nina Liakos -> Was anything in SL recorded this weekend? Can it be done?
19:25:40 kcaise -> the microphone is key as well as the acoustics of the room in the house/location you are broadcasting from
19:25:51 Berta -> Good night everyone ;-)
19:25:51 JL -> http://educationaltechnology.ca/couros/1480
19:25:51 mrsdurff -> we just had a fundraiser that raised L$505,247 AND had a man wearing a dress
19:25:54 Nina Liakos -> Some of the SL sound was bad though
19:26:27 Nina Liakos -> :-)
19:26:30 connect2jamie -> That was a fantastc list! Wow! Very useful!
19:26:37 JL -> http://webheadsinaction.org/node/360
19:26:49 mrsdurff -> we made front page of  http://www.sl-newspaper.com/mains.htm
19:27:05 mrsdurff -> could my computer clean the house?
19:27:15 courosa -> thanks. :-)
19:27:44 mrsdurff -> jose is always in trouble
19:27:54 mrsdurff -> oh that was cool
19:27:57 Nina Liakos -> Where on the front page?
19:28:04 mrsdurff -> pecha kucha?
19:28:10 JoseRodriguez -> http://iatefl.britishcouncil.org/2009/sessions/63/iatefl-pecha-kucha-eve...
19:28:29 mrsdurff -> Nina - click main news on left
19:28:29 JoseRodriguez -> http://storychasers.org/
19:28:39 kcaise -> several mini presentations back to back each about 6 minutes, 40 seconds long
19:28:48 JoseRodriguez -> http://www.google.com/friendconnect/home/overview?hl=en_US
19:29:13 JoseRodriguez -> http://eflbridges.net/
19:30:00 JL -> http://puentesalmundo.net/
19:30:10 mrsdurff ->  is that what it means
19:30:24 DaveC - the original -> Hi everyone.  Been away for a while (at least on Sunday evenings) and had time tonight so thought I would come by LIVE and in person (so to speak).  So Hello!!!
19:30:32 mrsdurff -> hi original dave
19:30:43 Nina Liakos -> I loved the pecha kucha nights
19:30:52 sharonp -> theflip.com
19:30:56 Nina Liakos -> I want to try that at my local WATESOL convention
19:31:10 Nina Liakos -> not sure if I can find willing guinea pigs though--it looks challenging!
19:31:11 mrsdurff -> you are also in the middle of WiAOC - kudos - two birds with one stone
19:31:52 DaveC - the original -> If you're not familiar with woot (aka, http://www.woot.com) check it out. They often have refurb flips for about $70.  Just an FYI to share.
19:31:57 Nina Liakos -> Okay guys--I have to go eat dinner
19:32:06 courosa -> does it have to be the flip, or just portable, USB, cams ... there are now several Sharon ... just wondering if I come across something.
19:32:08 JL -> bon apetit
19:32:10 mrsdurff -> bye Nina
19:32:12 dougsymington -> bye Nina
19:32:14 Nina Liakos -> If you go to the last keynote (Utecht/Cofino) I will see you later
19:32:23 Nina Liakos -> Other hope to see you online
19:32:25 mrsdurff -> k
19:32:26 kcaise -> we just bought 2 refurb netbooks for $149 each
19:32:29 kcaise -> for the kids
19:32:43 kcaise -> here at the house from woot.com
19:32:44 mrsdurff -> XP?
19:32:53 kcaise -> these have linux
19:32:55 courosa -> k
19:33:03 dave -> http://news.cnet.com/8301-17939_109-10246822-2.html?part=rss&tag=feed&su...
19:33:04 Heike Philp -> here is a video recording of an English class in Burkina Faso
19:33:06 Heike Philp -> http://blip.tv/file/2038224
19:33:21 dave -> http://dl.clackamas.cc.or.us/ch104-00/index.htm
19:33:36 dougsymington -> was impressed with how quick it was/is--chrome, that is
19:33:41 mrsdurff -> didn't know you had an official browser
19:33:46 dave -> http://cde.athabascau.ca/online_book/
19:33:57 dave -> http://www.slideshare.net/coarsesalt/community-as-curriculum-slides-afte...
19:34:28 JenM -> Browser Flock: http://www.readwriteweb.com/archives/why_dont_you_love_flock.php
19:34:28 courosa -> talk about LAZY
19:34:37 sharonp -> And I discovered this link this week : http://www.cet.uct.ac.za/FacilitatingOnline  Am wondering how it compares to the athabasca u book?
19:34:41 mrsdurff -> he is courosa
19:34:47 dave -> @courosa was just trying to keep up with you and share(ski)
19:34:48 kcaise -> i love flock
19:34:58 courosa -> I thought shareski and I were lazy ... :-)
19:35:05 Heike Philp -> I took the images and posted them on our community ning site
19:35:21 Heike Philp -> they are awesome
19:35:34 dougsymington -> nope
19:35:42 JenM -> EdTech: http://www.twibes.com/group/EdTech
19:35:45 dougsymington -> sheep?
19:35:52 sharonp -> lemmings
19:35:53 kcaise -> i was wondering the same thing jeff
19:36:06 mrsdurff -> are lemmings in?
19:36:13 dave -> @heike i hope i have a chance in the next couple of days to watch the recording closely... i'm interested in the patterns of hte comments developing
19:36:13 kcaise -> figured someone did a session on friendfeed somewhere
19:36:17 JL -> http://laptoplogic.com/resources/64-things-every-geek-should-know
19:36:17 DaveC - the original -> Just because it is fun to say.
19:36:28 courosa -> @dave My next presentation will be leading 50 people each doing what you did with their own 50 people ... it will be like MLMpresenting.
19:36:45 JL -> http://atlas.lib.uiowa.edu/
19:36:49 dave -> @courosa can't you get your own ideas?
19:36:53 courosa -> Ponzicasting
19:36:54 dougsymington -> like the concept Alec--you need to do pay-for-view on that one!
19:37:04 JL -> http://beta.spezify.com/
19:37:09 dave -> pyramidcasting?
19:37:12 mrsdurff -> is that like Fonzicasting?
19:37:31 dougsymington -> @mrsdurff--not as cool
19:37:43 courosa -> I don't like Wolsfram because it doesn't nkow me ... how can I trust a search engine that doesn't know my name.
19:37:45 mrsdurff -> sigh
19:37:50 kcaise -> some of the tweets it pulls are full of profanity so be cautious of using with students
19:37:56 courosa -> @doug now you're thinking
19:37:58 JL -> http://www.businessweek.com/technology/content/may2009/tc20090518_532031...
19:38:37 ehelfant -> @coursoa @dave I think I'll try doing that with a gorup of kids next august with groups of kids at night in an integrated conusmerism unit...
19:39:02 ehelfant -> @courosa will bug you about that idea this summer
19:39:44 courosa -> @ehelfant That would be prett neat ... I'd love to get students to each try this, and compare - http://dearjanesample.wordpress.com/2008/05/19/fun-with-brands/
19:40:01 courosa -> re: consumerism
19:40:04 kcaise -> and featured in the newsletter
19:40:11 dougsymington -> here we go
19:40:13 mrsdurff -> tell us sharon
19:41:15 kcaise -> in the special celebrations section of the newsletter
19:41:15 courosa -> woohoo Sharon
19:41:23 sroseman -> congrats
19:41:26 sheila -> Congrats Sharon!
19:41:33 sharonp -> thanks!
19:41:42 sharonp -> has been quite a year...
19:41:43 JenM -> yay to Sharon!
19:41:54 kcaise -> this has been your year sharon
19:42:06 JL -> http://webheadsinaction.org/
19:42:14 mrsdurff -> At 01:00:00GMT the final WiAOC2009 session is Kim Cofino & Jeff Utecht at http://www.learningtimes.net/wiaocevent2.html
19:42:30 sharonp -> I feel so badly I missed everything this weekend
19:42:40 sharonp -> feel as though have been off the grid lately
19:42:56 courosa -> i want the piano playing cat to take ETW out one night
19:43:07 dougsymington -> lol
19:43:07 kcaise -> yeah!!!!
19:43:07 JL -> http://webheadsinaction.org/wiaoc09
19:43:31 sheila -> How things have changed - first telegraph message sent 165 years ago today.
19:43:32 mrsdurff -> so smooth
19:43:49 mrsdurff -> i have to take the trash out
19:45:04 courosa -> prounced "pe-chak-cha"
19:45:17 Maru -> I have to leave, too many hours online this weekend and enjoyed every bit of it
19:45:58 Maru -> Bye Lisa and everyone
19:46:34 JL -> http://real-english.com
19:47:56 kcaise -> is nano gong like audacity
19:48:03 JL -> it's web based
19:48:18 JL -> http://gong.ust.hk/gong510/nanogong.html
19:49:07 courosa -> would be tough to do it with a cold audience
19:49:22 dougsymington -> too true Alec
19:49:57 sroseman -> information overload for me .. I hope I can cope with NECC
19:49:58 sheila -> Need to reboot - Thanks so much for another great show!
19:50:41 ehelfant -> is nanogong like vocaroo
19:51:17 JL -> I think nanogong is run from your own server - vocaroo on vocaroo's
19:51:28 courosa -> that was probably useful
19:52:13 courosa -> and, there's probably a very strict range of # of people where it is optimal
19:53:09 DaveC - the original -> Whilteboards become part of the slideshow.  Chats are backchannel.  People often think that where chat is backchannel, their comments are in the forefront if they do it on a whiteboard/post/slideshow.
19:53:24 sharonp -> I would have not been able to delete someone else;s work..... unless it was Dave's