EdTechWeekly #138

Post-Show description: 

Without Jen, the boys do their best with this week's edtech news and resources. 

October 11, 2009

This Week's Delicious Links

Chat Log Below

 18:57:11  sheila ->  hi
 19:00:47  Cathy E ->  Never picker apples = picked up pecans
 19:02:40  sroseman ->  Hi Jen and company
 19:03:01  jamie ->  hi all!
 19:03:35  JenW ->  Hey Sue -- and all
 19:03:46  cyndidannerkuhn ->  Hey from Kansas State University
 19:04:30  sroseman ->  waiting for turkey to be done
 19:05:05  PeggyG ->  Happy Thanksgiving to our Canadian friends!!! I can almost smell the turkey!
 19:05:08  jamie ->  Happy Turkey Day in Canada!!
 19:05:17  sroseman ->  thanks
 19:05:26  dave ->  http://picasaweb.google.ca/coarsesalt/Davesfaves#5391474086398189266
 19:05:31  jamie ->  Hope you had a wonderful weekend!
 19:05:54  PeggyG ->  oh wow!!!!!! that looks so good!!!!
 19:06:07  JenW ->  That is a nice looking turkey
 19:06:16  sroseman ->  where is the video
 19:06:27  JL ->  audio only tonight
 19:06:51  PeggyG ->  great testimonial for the internet :-)
 19:06:55  JL ->  http://lifehacker.com/5378494/five-best-windows-task-manager-alternatives
 19:07:00  sheila ->  Yum!
 19:07:16  JL ->  http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb896653.aspx
 19:07:32  JL ->  http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/how-to-backup-archive-all-your-facebook-data/
 19:08:10  JenW ->  ??? what would be my facebook data???
 19:08:14  JohnS ->  Blog Action Day: Thursday, October 15: http://www.blogactionday.org/
 19:08:20  Cathy E ->  No, more FF addons - mine is way too slow as it is
 19:08:40  JenW ->  my bookmarks are on delicious.....my only add on is delicious.   ;0
 19:08:43  JenW ->  :)
 19:09:10  PeggyG ->  it gets to the point where the addon toolbars start filling your screen!
 19:09:53  dave ->  http://kottke.org/09/10/from-sketch-to-photo-instantly-this-is-insanely-...
 19:10:36  Cathy E ->  @John- what was the name of the podcast you mentioned last week - you said we should be listening to it
 19:10:41  PeggyG ->  now that is really cool!!
 19:10:51  JohnS ->  @Cathy Spark, from CBC Radio.
 19:10:56  JohnS ->  cbc.ca/spark
 19:11:31  Cathy E ->  This is so cooool
 19:12:13  PeggyG ->  we really shouldn't trust images :-)
 19:12:52  JenW ->  and what about attribution??  for the images?
 19:13:06  JL ->  http://www.netgen.unimelb.edu.au/outcomes/handbook.html
 19:14:13  PeggyG ->  very nice!! always like to see practice and policy guidelines :-)
 19:14:19  JohnS ->  Teachers' Domain: http://www.teachersdomain.org/
 19:14:59  PeggyG ->  Teachers Domain has incredible video resources!
 19:16:03  dave ->  https://www.photoshop.com/?wf=mobile&promoid=DMGSM
 19:16:03  PeggyG ->  nice alternative to discovery streaming because it's free
 19:17:03  PeggyG ->  don't see the iphone on that list??
 19:17:04  dave ->  http://twitpic.com/user/davecormier
 19:19:03  JL ->  http://edu.googleapps.com/
 19:19:06  PeggyG ->  those are such cute pics! I wish I had a photo editing tool on my iphone yesterday--taking pics from a distance and would love to have cropped and zoomed
 19:19:12  dave ->  @peggy have it on my iphone
 19:19:20  JL ->  http://edu.googleapps.com/
 19:19:27  JL ->  https://www.google.com/support/sites/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=153055
 19:20:03  PeggyG ->  why doesn't it show up as a supported phone on their list? is it a hack?
 19:20:12  JohnS ->  Popurls: http://popurls.com/
 19:20:43  dave ->  @peggyG got it from the app store
 19:20:59  dave ->  for free
 19:21:00  PeggyG ->  great! thanks! I'll check it out
 19:21:42  dave ->  http://www.cnn.com/2009/TECH/10/07/language.facebook.google/index.html
 19:23:34  JL ->  http://www.archiveteam.org/index.php?title=Main_Page
 19:23:39  jackiegerstein ->  Isn't that interesting - an easier way to cheat on foreign language written tests.
 19:23:51  PeggyG ->  found it dave--photoshop.com mobile :-) can't wait to try it out!
 19:24:03  JL ->  http://mystudiyo.com/
 19:24:09  dave ->  @peggyg it has the awesome
 19:24:19  JL ->  http://mayomo.com/
 19:25:01  JohnS ->  Things That Keep Us Up at Night: http://www.schoollibraryjournal.com/article/CA6699357.html
 19:26:45  Adam G. ->  Good evening! What is the discussion tonight?
 19:26:48  jackiegerstein ->  MyStudiyo was one of my gfited students' favorite online tools - here is an aggregate of ttheir quizzes - http://weewebwonders.synthasite.com/mystudiyo.php
 19:26:55  dave ->  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IrGb__Hw1Ic&feature=player_embedded
 19:27:20  jamie ->  Joyce V and Doug J are indeed awesome!
 19:27:21  JenW ->  I know him!!  :)
 19:27:45  sharonp ->  hey I know that guy!!
 19:27:58  sharonp ->  I think maybe I should watch that
 19:28:03  sharonp ->  I might learn something
 19:28:09  JL ->  http://www.adamsapp.com/
 19:28:33  JL ->  http://www.spicynodes.org/index.html
 19:29:17  JohnS ->  Google PowerMeter's First Device Partner: http://googleblog.blogspot.com/2009/10/google-powermeters-first-device-p... and The Effectiveness of Feedback on Energy Consumption: http://www.eci.ox.ac.uk/research/energy/downloads/smart-metering-report.pdf
 19:29:37  JenW ->  I lost sound but no one else seems to be saying so -- hmmmm
 19:29:55  jamie ->  I lost sound too-- on ustream
 19:30:02  JenW ->  okay -- its back
 19:30:04  PeggyG ->  me too
 19:30:06  sheila ->  Hmm do that with the school?
 19:30:08  cyndidannerkuhn ->  switched to Safari and working better
 19:30:51  jamie ->  mine's back too
 19:31:22  sharonp ->  you can buy those cards in South Africa at the local fish store...
 19:31:25  JenW ->  That could really help a lot of energy issues -- and make us much more aware
 19:31:27  jackiegerstein ->  No problems with sound
 19:31:41  JenW ->  but why the tie into google
 19:31:43  cyndidannerkuhn ->  link to that device?
 19:31:50  dave ->  http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2009/09/24/10-useful-usability-findings-...
 19:31:58  sharonp ->  is it US-specific? or is this for Canada too?
 19:32:01  Adam ->  I don't hear anything on my computer :-/
 19:32:19  sharonp ->  @Adam I am sorry - I am having no probs with audio....
 19:32:52  sharonp ->  @Adam Have you clicked on the Ustream box?
 19:32:53  jamie ->  I stopped ustream and then started it again, and sound came back
 19:32:53  sheila ->  @adam - click on the play button? or reload the ustream?
 19:33:11  JenW ->  Grins -- it says BLUE is the best color for hyperlinks....   :)  I always change mine from blue to be unique.   :)
 19:33:26  PeggyG ->  I scroll on the page :-) am I nobody?
 19:33:29  JL ->  http://www.globalhandwashingday.org/Index.asp
 19:33:36  dave ->  @peggy... uz hilarious
 19:33:38  JenW ->  I had to scroll to get to this page
 19:34:00  sharonp ->  globalhandwashingday has become an everyday experience for me
 19:34:32  JenW ->  what did you mean by NO Canda and USA??
 19:34:57  JL ->  nothing on the global project pages
 19:35:03  jamie ->  Plain soap is prob better than antibacterial
 19:35:05  sharonp ->  my school - and my former school - had hand sanitizer units at multiple places in the school
 19:35:08  JenW ->  As a preschool teacher -- I have to say he is 100% accurate
 19:35:12  PeggyG ->  same for teachers at the start of every school year
 19:35:12  jamie ->  worry about all the antibacterial stuff
 19:35:28  JL ->  http://www.skypito.com/
 19:35:44  sharonp ->  sorry, I disagree with Dave.... I have kids at 3 different schools.... plus my school ..... too many people to catch things from!
 19:35:57  JohnS ->  Computer makers seek to banish boot-up blues: http://www.cnn.com/2009/TECH/10/05/computers.bootup.speed/index.html
 19:36:04  JenW ->  does SKYPE have bad stuff -- -Never had that problem yet
 19:36:09  dave ->  you disagree with the idea that bacterial soap can be dangerous?
 19:36:15  dave ->  that is... antibacterial
 19:36:23  sharonp ->  yes, I disagree
 19:36:34  JenW ->  I agree that bacterial soap would probably be dangerous   :)
 19:36:43  dave ->  your argument didnèt disagree... you said you wanted to use it anyway
 19:37:02  JohnS ->  Flash for iPhone is a Hail Mary pass for Adobe
 19:37:11  JohnS ->  http://infoworld.com/d/developer-world/flash-iphone-hail-mary-pass-adobe...
 19:37:13  JenW ->  OH -- please say that is true    :)
 19:37:34  sharonp ->  I have been sick way too often.... I used it all the time in Africa - wasn't sick at all...... have had two viruses since back in NA..... was sooooo sick alll last year.....
 19:37:47  dave ->  so your saying that you want to use it anyway
 19:37:51  dave ->  that's fine
 19:37:57  JohnS ->  Upload your PDFs in Google Docs: http://googledocs.blogspot.com/2008/06/upload-your-pdfs.html
 19:37:58  sharonp ->  I will use it a ton more than I used to....
 19:38:01  dave ->  but that doesn't mean that antibacterial soap is not dangerous
 19:38:02  PeggyG ->  that's very exciting news about flash for iphones!
 19:38:24  sharonp ->  I don't use anti-b soap as much as I use hand sanitizer
 19:38:33  JohnS ->  WinToFlash: http://wintoflash.com/home/en/
 19:38:34  sharonp ->  yay, for flash for iPhones
 19:38:37  Adam ->  @sheila Thanks, but where is the upstream link?
 19:38:59  sharonp ->  hey, swine flu has already gone through one of my kids' schools - I take it seriously
 19:39:05  sheila ->  ustream?
 19:39:09  jackiegerstein ->  Missed that - how will I get Flash on my iPhone?
 19:39:14  Adam ->  Yes, ustream I meant.
 19:39:23  sheila ->  Can you hear yet?
 19:39:24  PeggyG ->  it's coming Jackie--not here yet
 19:39:31  Adam ->  No I can not.
 19:39:42  jackiegerstein ->  :?
 19:39:45  cyndidannerkuhn ->  I agree, read that study
 19:39:47  sheila ->  It's the blackbox of to the side. It has a small play buttion
 19:39:53  dave ->  http://www.cnn.com/2009/HEALTH/10/05/depression.adhd.internet.addiction/...
 19:39:56  JL ->  also on ETT A if Ustream is not cooperating
 19:40:05  jackiegerstein ->  I am one of those who are biologically pre-determined
 19:40:34  sharonp ->  now Dave, I agree with you on that
 19:40:43  Adam ->  Ah, I got audio! THANK YOU!!
 19:40:51  sheila ->  :)
 19:40:52  sharonp ->  self-medication
 19:40:59  PeggyG ->  congratulations Adam!!
 19:41:05  Adam ->  Lol. Thank you. Ha ha.
 19:41:09  sharonp ->  exactly, education not isolation
 19:41:17  jamie ->  Yes Dave! good point! And so true
 19:41:21  cyndidannerkuhn ->  goog point, teach them to drive "the Internet"
 19:41:30  sheila ->  @PeggyG Thanks for your insight this morning! Much appreciated.
 19:41:38  Adam ->  What do you all think about the swine flu? Should schools close immediately?
 19:41:48  sharonp ->  oh we see the alcohol connection even in QC between other provinces
 19:41:51  JL ->  http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/life_and_style/education/article6869552...
 19:41:55  Adam ->  *When there is a local breakout?
 19:41:56  JL ->  http://openlearn.open.ac.uk/
 19:42:18  JL ->  http://pbskids.org/cyberchase/games/calculator/index.html
 19:42:18  sharonp ->  I think we same principle applies - education - if you have a fever, stay home!!!
 19:42:34  sharonp ->  wash your hands, use hand sanitizer tec
 19:42:35  sharonp ->  etc
 19:42:36  JL ->  http://www.theoworlds.com/halloween/
 19:42:37  Adam ->  @sharonp I agree.
 19:42:57  JenW ->  WAIT -- I have another one too
 19:43:15  sheila ->  Hi NancyKeane!
 19:43:17  sharonp ->  I have seen a huge difference in how students are handling themselves this year from last uear
 19:43:21  JohnS ->  Easier to Understand than Wave: http://easiertounderstandthanwave.com/
 19:43:39  sharonp ->  hey, am having fun with my wave
 19:43:41  nancykeane ->  Hi Sheila. I'm a bit late tonight!
 19:43:45  JenW ->  we are not whining -- we are just dealing with change
 19:44:14  cyndidannerkuhn ->  I hate when site paly music and don't let shut off
 19:44:20  sharonp ->  hey, if I could learn how to use a mobile phone this past summer, I can learn the WAVE
 19:44:22  JenW ->  I just shut the page
 19:44:44  PeggyG ->  I would love to have the opportunity to learn WAVE!! no invitation yet
 19:44:58  nancykeane ->  But I want my wave invite!
 19:44:58  cyndidannerkuhn ->  Good show thatks guys, nice stuff
 19:45:08  sharonp ->  @dave am I missing something?? Anti-bacterial soap is dangerous because...???
 19:45:15  KarenJan ->  should i care I don't have a wave invite? what am i missing?
 19:45:22  PeggyG ->  too funny JL!!
 19:45:32  sharonp ->  LOL
 19:45:38  JenW ->  OHMIGOSH
 19:45:39  sheila ->  them
 19:45:42  JenW ->  get him sharon
 19:45:46  sheila ->  them's fighting words
 19:45:49  sharonp ->  how old are Dave's kids?? How old are mine??
 19:45:58  JenW ->  @KarenJan -- it is a new toy -- with possibilities
 19:46:02  PeggyG ->  that's right...just call names and don't try to education!! hmmm..
 19:46:07  JenW ->  but still in WAY newbiebeta zone
 19:46:14  JL ->  'worldbridges' is hosting if you want to yell at Dave
 19:46:15  jamie ->  soaps with triclorisan have been linked to strengthening bacteria
 19:46:20  sharonp ->  so why bother with innoculation shots?
 19:46:29  JenW ->  Sharon -- call in    :)
 19:46:32  JenW ->  not tonight
 19:46:38  sharonp ->  sometime soon?
 19:46:40  JenW ->  WOW3   not tonight
 19:46:42  PeggyG ->  wow3 is starting in 2 weeks
 19:46:45  KarenJan ->  @jenw - what possibilities - have you tried it?
 19:47:03  sharonp ->  hey, it is Cdn Thanksgiving
 19:47:04  JenW ->  @karenjan -- yes, I am frustrated but learning
 19:47:06  sharonp ->  be respectful
 19:47:06  PeggyG ->  we're giving you time for post-show discussion
 19:47:27  KarenJan ->  Sharon - happy Thanksgiving!
 19:47:53  Cathy E ->  Have to run - my daughter told my husband today that he has lost me to Ed......edtechtalk
 19:47:56  JenW ->  @karenjan -- the ability to chat (but not sure that is its main goal) is both very powerful --
 19:47:58  JenW ->  yet very confusing
 19:48:04  sharonp ->  okay, I buy the antibiotic arg - am very careful about taht
 19:48:04  PeggyG ->  funny Cathy E!!
 19:48:16  JenW ->  But right now -- it is really REALLY in preview -- (you can't do much)
 19:48:22  KarenJan ->  @jenw - what's different about the other ways to chat that makes it something everyone wants?
 19:48:38  sharonp ->  gee I can't wait till WOW3 starts and I can say anything I want about DAve
 19:48:40  dave ->  http://ltc.umanitoba.ca/moodle/course/view.php?id=69
 19:48:47  PeggyG ->  yes Sharon!
 19:48:47  JenW ->  @karenjan --- imagine google docs in text boxes with A LOT of people
 19:48:59  JenW ->  ability to add pictures, files, etc
 19:49:02  KarenJan ->  @jenw - ok, thanks!
 19:49:03  JenW ->  immediately --
 19:49:13  KarenJan ->  so who's getting the shot?
 19:49:16  jackiegerstein ->  Going to love the Sunday double features
 19:49:18  JenW ->  but still in newbie mode still
 19:49:28  JenW ->  I am not getting a flu shot
 19:49:31  sharonp ->  can I put in a plug for my preso for the CCK09 PLN conf on Tuesday?
 19:49:33  jackiegerstein ->  Me either!
 19:49:42  jackiegerstein ->  Go for it Sharon
 19:49:53  sharonp ->  am co-presenting with my South African colleague
 19:49:54  JenW ->  QUESTION FOR THE GUYS!!!  Please
 19:50:29  PeggyG ->  yes Sharon!! is it being streamed?
 19:50:32  JenW ->  Question:  do you -- in your wealth of links -- have an online photo editor (close to Photoshop) that allows layering??  for free??  has to be online   I tried SumoPaint and it is not consisten
 19:50:44  sroseman ->  tell us more about wow3, Jen
 19:50:50  PeggyG ->  does photoshop express allow layering?
 19:51:09  jamie ->  Maybe pixlr ? @JenW
 19:51:20  JenW ->  pix L r??
 19:51:35  JenW ->  I need it to be 100% online @PeggyG for a online session
 19:51:46  PeggyG ->  ohotoshop express is completely online
 19:51:52  PeggyG ->  can't type!!
 19:51:53  jamie ->  http://pixlr.com
 19:52:06  JenW ->  That looks possible
 19:52:13  sharonp ->  It wil be in Elluminate
 19:52:21  jackiegerstein ->  adios
 19:52:23  PeggyG ->  thanks Sharon
 19:52:26  jamie ->  good night all!
 19:52:39  sheila ->  Thank you all!
 19:52:47  sharonp ->  hey great show again guys!
 19:52:58  sroseman ->  au revoir et merci