Shelly's Wiki
Press Release
Geek of the Week links
alicebarr (SEEDlings) -> Hi Shelly!
bobsprankle -> Hi Shelly!
cheryloakes50 -> Getting things ready! Be here soon
cheryloakes50 ->
cheryloakes50 -> Hi Connect2jamie, welcome
bobsprankle -> hi jamie!
connect2jamie -> Good evening all!
cheryloakes50 -> Evening Peggy, seems to be all good
cheryloakes50 -> Hello Cathy E
alicebarr (SEEDlings) -> Welcome Everyone
PeggyG -> very excited to meet the Maine Teacher of the Year :-)
connect2jamie -> very cool!
cheryloakes50 -> Thanks Peggy, this is going to be fun.
bobsprankle -> hi peggy!!
connect2jamie -> That's one of the BEST things about being a librarian. I get to keep all my kids for 6 yrs!
PeggyG -> Hi everyone! so glad everything is working :-) audio is very clear
cheryloakes50 -> Oh, that is so nice, you really see the developing child.
cheryloakes50 -> Thanks Peg for helping out.
connect2jamie -> @cheryl yes I LOVE that.
PeggyG -> Hall of Flags :-) something new to me
cheryloakes50 -> That is our state house, and the nominees have like a poster session.
alicebarr (SEEDlings) -> At the State House
cheryloakes50 -> All the legislature passes by.
PeggyG -> great idea!
PeggyG -> do the legislators actually show up? :-)
cheryloakes50 -> They have to walk by :-)
PeggyG -> we did something like that in AZ and set it up right on their path to lunch :-) they didn't stay long but we planned some interactive things on the posters to try to hook them
PeggyG -> what a wonderful opportunity!
PeggyG -> what a great quote! you couldn't do this without us :-)
cheryloakes50 -> Isn't that great! The kids get it.
PeggyG -> like that description--lulls and great tidal waves :-)
alicebarr (SEEDlings) -> Our State is so huge
cheryloakes50 -> evening shelia!
alicebarr (SEEDlings) -> Hi Sheila
sheila -> Hi there!
PeggyG -> I definitely agree with that recommendation! Any of the nominees would be exemplary teachers who could speak to pre-service teachers
cheryloakes50 -> Doesn't that make sense to spread those speakers around!
alicebarr (SEEDlings) -> I love that idea... such good models
PeggyG -> do they teach the "Teacher of the Year" about strategies for advocating for education with legislators?
cheryloakes50 -> Bring our student faces to the message of education.
PeggyG -> I heard one of Steve Hargadon's guests say that he didn't believe teachers were being bashed and my mouth fell open!!
alicebarr (SEEDlings) -> Really?? Wow Peggy
cheryloakes50 -> Hm, interesting perspective.
PeggyG -> he was a very well known researcher and author for educational research
cheryloakes50 -> We are still a ripple.
cheryloakes50 -> in the big pond.
PeggyG -> that's why it's so important to learn effective strategies for advocacy
cheryloakes50 -> And marketing! We need to learn how to market our product, our students.
PeggyG -> yes! the news wants to focus on the negative news about teachers and students
cheryloakes50 -> Yes, I like NBC with their positive new bites.
PeggyG -> even when we create great PR with videos, stories, etc. it's hard to get them air time
cheryloakes50 -> Yes, and then who is watching the public access channel. We need to play a a video at the grocery store or the restaurants!
Shelly Moody -> Any PR we put out to the public will plant seeds of thought.
PeggyG -> or in the laundromats where people are waiting for their laundry to finish :-)
cheryloakes50 -> yes! Peggy, great idea. We need to think out of the box.
sheila -> We are talking about a neighborhood campaign. Bring the facts to our neighbors.
cheryloakes50 -> Hi Janice, welcome!!
Janice S -> Thanks. Glad to be here.
alicebarr (SEEDlings) -> Sheila, great idea!
PeggyG -> great idea Sheila because there are so many people (who vote) who don't have kids in schools
PeggyG -> I always love the "Principal of the Day" program we had in AZ because it brought prominent community leaders into the school for a day to see all of the great things happening
cheryloakes50 -> I agree Shelly, put the student face out there.
PeggyG -> I had a great day with a President of a local bank in Phoenix! He became a strong advocate for schools/teachers
connect2jamie -> I agree with you Bob.
cheryloakes50 -> Yes, Peggy, that is making connections.
PeggyG -> they begin to understand how much work it is to be a teacher and there are passionate, dedicated teachers who don't trample the kids on the way out the door at the end of the day
sheila -> I saw a flyer at a restaurant in my hometown called "Great Schools and Great Towns Go Hand in Hand!) Very quick easy read.
PeggyG -> great quote Sheila!
cheryloakes50 -> Shelia, that is good.
Janice S -> I heard about your new governer in Maine on NPR today - kind of against unions. Probably an atmosphere to fear.
sheila -> Good point! Back to passion.
PeggyG -> so sorry but I can't stay for the whole session-I'll look forward to listening to the rest on the recording. Fantastic guest! Congrats Shelly!
alicebarr (SEEDlings) -> Bye Peggy! Thanks for coming
alicebarr (SEEDlings) -> Hi Deb
Deb Barrows -> Hello!
bobsprankle -> deb!!!
Deb Barrows -> Sorry to be late
Deb Barrows -> but glad to be here.
cheryloakes50 -> Hi Deb!
cheryloakes50 -> You get a pass for being late today.
Deb Barrows -> HAHA
Deb Barrows -> We are doing so many innovative things in Maine compared to most of the rest of the US but we take it for granted.
Deb Barrows -> So it's hard to celebrate greatness when it's the norm.
cheryloakes50 -> Deb, isn't that the truth, but we always are raising the bar
Deb Barrows -> Yes we are in Maine.
cheryloakes50 ->
cheryloakes50 -> Did you all see Google today, Houdini
Deb Barrows -> I love watching the TED talks.
Deb Barrows -> Yes, Cheryl I did. I was helping someone and they said - that's not the Google I use!
cheryloakes50 -> hee hee
sheila -> @Cheryl - no he disappeared for me! ;) Houdini
Deb Barrows -> Bob - do you know anyone who has presented on TED?
cheryloakes50 -> *)
Deb Barrows -> HAHA - he didn't disappear on my screen - how cool.
sheila -> Kidding!
cheryloakes50 -> what adults can learn from kids
Deb Barrows -> That's great Bob - Redmond is an exciting place - that's where Crick had it's headquaters.
Janice S -> I saw your daughter's presentation and song. She was wonderful!
bobsprankle -> cool, deb!
Janice S -> On the web.
bobsprankle -> we were on Microsoft campus
Deb Barrows -> It's pretty amazing isn't it Bob?
bobsprankle -> yes!!
connect2jamie -> I saw your daughter too Bob. I felt proud of her! Like an internet-auntie! :)
cheryloakes50 -> connect2jamie, that is so cute! internet auntie
connect2jamie -> heehee! I did!
bobsprankle -> that
bobsprankle -> that
bobsprankle -> that's wonderful jamie
bobsprankle -> <sorry for the stutter>
connect2jamie -> LOL!
Deb Barrows -> I was working in a Middle and HS Monday in Carmel, CA. I couldn't believe the bell ran every 42 minutes and everyone moved. I totally forgot about that false envirnment. We need a HS to total redesign their day all based on interest with not more than 3 adults a day.
cheryloakes50 -> Yes, Deb.!!! Hear, hear!
Deb Barrows -> We don't need years of research either.
cheryloakes50 -> That is right, we can do this now.
Deb Barrows -> So, create an alternative school in your HS -
Deb Barrows -> Anyone can apply
cheryloakes50 -> what do you mean anyone can apply? Deb.
cheryloakes50 -> Create a school in a school!
Janice S -> I think a SMARTboard works best when just in one classroom. Shared doesn't work as well.
Deb Barrows -> Yes a school in a school and it doesn't have to be just Sp. Ed.
cheryloakes50 -> Yes, Deb. school in a school is a good fiscally responsive way to go. Janice, it is like sharing a camera, you never have it when you need it.
Janice S -> Agreed.
Janice S -> And now you can save it!
cheryloakes50 -> yes
sheila -> My students really like the clickers too! I give 5 questions frequently during the week. Keeps them focused on content and more engaged.
cheryloakes50 -> All these positive changes, are great!
sheila -> A pain to create beforehand but well worth it.
sheila -> Ebay - never thought of that!
Janice S -> Wonder where the seller got them. :)
Janice S -> looking on ebay. Suprised by the variety of clickers available.
sheila ->
sheila -> Absolutely!
cheryloakes50 -> the page with Shelly and we have to brag, Alice Barr as a semifinalist.
Janice S -> Congrats to both of you!
sheila -> Oh, congrats Alice!
Janice S -> Thanks for a great show. Fun to listen live. I need to leave.
cheryloakes50 -> Shelly loves these online sites, Tumblebooks an online subscription
alicebarr (SEEDlings) ->
cheryloakes50 -> Reading A-Z!
alicebarr (SEEDlings) ->
cheryloakes50 ->
cheryloakes50 ->
Deb Barrows -> Very cool
Shelly Moody -> Great recommendation! I will be checking this site out with my students!
Deb Barrows -> Self disclosure - all A-Z books have been converted to Kurzweil 3000 format so if have access to K3000 your student can log in and read the book.
cheryloakes50 -> blog about students and their hike in the Maine Winter Woods
alicebarr (SEEDlings) ->
Deb Barrows -> Cheryl - I so admire you for doing that with students!
cheryloakes50 -> Deb, you would have loved it, they were all smiles even trudging up hill for 2 hours.
Deb Barrows -> You can get a free 30 day A-Z access to try it out.
cheryloakes50 -> They told me today, next year when we go, just tell the kids it is only a 10 min. walk, let them be surprised!
alicebarr (SEEDlings) ->
Deb Barrows -> HAHAHA
cheryloakes50 -> Check out Alice' s link for her google day!
bobsprankle ->
connect2jamie -> Oh wow Alice! That looks like quite a day!
connect2jamie -> K-12 teachers all together?
Deb Barrows -> Wow - it's so great how you include students in all your trainings. I wish more teachers did that.
cheryloakes50 -> Yes, connectjamie it was the whole school
bobsprankle ->
alicebarr (SEEDlings) -> Yes K-12 and support staff.
alicebarr (SEEDlings) -> Students really help us learn!
alicebarr (SEEDlings) -> @Jamie Thanks! It was great!
cheryloakes50 -> Thanks to Shelly for being our guest. Thanks to the chat room!!
connect2jamie -> wow! We're in such a huge district that I can't imagine that. I was just thinking today that the culture in a MS or HS is sooo different than that of an elementary school. I've worked in all 3. I think it might be a good thing for us to do some more "together" things with all levels so that we have more of an understanding of other schools in our district.
cheryloakes50 -> yes, connect2jamie
connect2jamie -> So your google day looks very interesting.
connect2jamie -> Thank you Shelly! Congrats! It was great to hear about you!
cheryloakes50 -> This will be a podcast in the morning!!
bobsprankle -> thank you all!
sheila -> Great discussion! Thanks so much!
connect2jamie -> Always a great way to spend a Thursday evening, Maine tweeps!
Shelly Moody -> Thank you so much for the invitation and conversation!
bobsprankle -> take care all!
cheryloakes50 -> Night!!
connect2jamie -> night!
ds -> Hi all