Women of Web 2.0.14
cheryloakes50 - Thu, 2007-02-08 12:39
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Over and Out,
Cheryl Oakes
20:35:57 cheryloakes wow2 -> Hello, just beginning the set up. If I don't respond it is because this window is hidden for the moment. BRB
20:48:14 JenniferW -> -EVO 2007: HELLO
20:48:17 sendkathy -> -EVO 2007: hi
20:48:28 sendkathy -> -EVO 2007: why are they down in edtech talk and we are here?
20:48:52 sendkathy -> ah much better!
20:49:35 cheryloakes wow2 -> Okay, no sound yet.
20:49:56 sharonp -> Hi everyone
20:50:04 JenniferW -> Hi Sharon
20:50:33 JenniferW -> hello Mark
20:50:58 Mark Wagner -> Ok. How'
20:50:59 charbeck -> -EVO 2007: Good evening all
20:51:03 Mark Wagner -> s that?
20:51:06 Mark Wagner -> Hm... no color.
20:51:47 cheryloakes wow2 -> are you getting sound yet
20:51:59 cheryloakes wow2 -> just started the stream
20:52:09 charbeck -> no sound on a but I will refresh
20:52:17 Vicki Davis -> Hey, Chris!
20:52:33 Vicki Davis -> Hello, Simon - I was just watching you on American Idol!
20:52:33 charbeck -> sounding great!!
20:52:35 sendkathy -> [u]sound yes
20:52:48 Simon -> haha!
20:52:50 sendkathy -> yes
20:52:51 Vicki Davis -> :D
20:53:19 Simon -> Vicki, I would send you to the Hollywood of Web 2.0!
20:53:29 Simon -> I enjoy your blog
20:55:37 charbeck -> Have some links to start prepping for the night? Jen the link meister!!
20:55:56 JenniferW -> LOLOL
20:56:00 JenniferW -> as a matter of fact
20:56:09 JenniferW -> http://www.cue.org/scoop/
20:56:10 Vicki Davis -> Hey, you're going to make me jealous! I would say I'm the blog meister -- or even the class blogmeister -- but hey, that's taken.
20:56:32 Vicki Davis -> Simon -- do I get a star?
20:56:34 charbeck -> No one is faster at ctrl c and v
20:56:42 sharonp -> let's hope I cna get in tonight
20:56:46 Mark Wagner -> Here you go, Jen... http://edtechlife.com
20:56:46 Vicki Davis -> Hey, sounds like we need a contest.
20:56:48 sharonp -> not sure why I am echoing
20:57:00 cheryloakes wow2 -> Hello all, trying to get set, how is the sound?
20:57:08 sharonp -> http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.asp?u=963633267540
20:57:09 Vicki Davis -> Oh, Sharon! We need you!
20:57:13 charbeck -> good sound
20:57:15 sharonp -> I need help with this survey
20:57:17 JenniferW -> Tha'ts Mark's blog
20:57:17 cheryloakes wow2 -> thanks chris for the sound check
20:57:21 JenniferW -> the Edtechlife.com
20:57:26 sharonp -> I have so much to say tonight!
20:57:46 sharonp -> Cheryl - give it another try with me
20:58:18 charbeck -> Have you checked this site out
20:58:19 Vicki Davis -> Sharon -- is this a survey I can share on my blog - I'm putting it in delicious!
20:58:23 Simon -> I saw those great presentations on the K-12 Conference Mark did, I'm sure he can handle the juggling!
20:58:39 charbeck -> oopshttp://writetomyblog.com/
20:58:44 JenniferW -> yes, our own Alton Brown
20:58:52 charbeck -> Oops again http://writetomyblog.com/
20:59:04 Vicki Davis -> What is an oopshttp?
20:59:12 Mark Wagner -> You can't hear me anymore?
20:59:14 Vicki Davis -> It sounds like - oops shut up!
20:59:18 JenniferW -> nop-e
20:59:20 JenniferW -> sadness
21:02:11 charbeck -> anyways back to the link write to my blog is one of the best platforms to blog form because it has everything. Math wise it has exponent funcitons and equation possibilities. It is free http://writetomyblog.com/
21:02:26 Vicki Davis -> The technical issues -- remember the world is not flat it is spikey!
21:02:45 sendkathy -> lol
21:03:02 sendkathy -> Lisa Durff says the world is wrinkled
21:03:09 Vicki Davis -> Oh, I like that better!
21:03:18 charbeck -> lol
21:03:27 Vicki Davis -> The world is wrinkled, I'm going to write that down.
21:03:43 sendkathy -> She should be coming on tonight
21:03:51 sendkathy -> Lisa that is
21:03:58 Vicki Davis -> Lisa is a neat person. I've enjoyed reading all of her amazing work.
21:04:04 sendkathy -> me too
21:04:24 Vicki Davis -> Hey, Simon -- be nice to us!
21:04:35 sendkathy -> Lisa and I had a lot of skype trouble earlier
21:04:42 Vicki Davis -> I had some trouble today!
21:04:45 JenniferW -> http://womenofwebchats.wikispaces.com/February+6%2C+2007
21:04:53 JenniferW -> There is OUR WIKI for tonight!!
21:05:49 charbeck -> check out zoho.com It is going to be an essential tool soon.
21:05:53 Cheri T -> woohoo
21:06:11 sendkathy -> yes zoho is fantastic
21:06:17 JenniferW -> http://www.cue.org/ --- this is be the link to our guests for tonight!!!
21:06:53 Vicki Davis -> Will Richardson's MP3 - http://www.elearnspace.org/media/OCC2007/wrichardson.mp3
21:07:00 Vicki Davis -> From connectivism conference yesterday.
21:07:00 sendkathy -> I loved the whole connected learning topic by Will
21:07:25 Simon -> I will, I'm the anti-Simon Cowell:D
21:08:13 Vicki Davis -> YEAH, Simon. We used evoca for flat classroom project to record our introductions.
21:08:40 charbeck -> Evoca is a great tool to use with students because it is so user friendly
21:08:52 cheryloakes wow2 -> www.evoca.com
21:09:25 JenniferW -> http://www.letterpop.com/
21:09:25 charbeck -> I use evoca to embed voice in blog posts
21:09:33 Durff -> is there a Skypecast or should we listen on the stream?
21:09:48 Simon -> Vicki you have motivated me, I have been in contact with a teacher in London, England. We are planning a collaborative project on a Catholic approachto the environment
21:10:28 Simon -> we are both religious education teachers at Catholic High schools
21:10:29 Vicki Davis -> Oh, exciting, Simon -- send me the wiki when you have it going! Please -- [email protected] -- I've been bookmarking them in delicious and am going to share all of the flat classrooms that are going on!
21:10:44 sendkathy -> Is anyone a member of www.globalgateway.com ?
21:10:50 Simon -> will do
21:11:02 Durff -> Exactly
21:11:05 Vicki Davis -> Hey, lisa we were talking about you -- I like your quote "the world is wrinkled" did you come up with it?
21:11:10 sendkathy -> is that how you matched up with a london school?
21:11:23 Durff -> I think it was indigestion
21:11:28 sendkathy -> lol
21:11:38 sharonp -> canT tell u how frustrated I am
21:11:56 sendkathy -> its probably sjype not you
21:12:35 charbeck -> I bet that it is not -30 in SoCal
21:12:45 JenniferW -> Mike Lawrence -- www.cue.org
21:12:59 Vinnie -> Hey gang, I am looking for someone who can help me with a project Fri Feb 16 from 08:30 to 10:00 CST. I am doing an in-service with my elementary school teachers
21:13:08 JenniferW -> Mike Lawrence Executive Director mlawrence(at)cue.org Mike manages all ongoing and new legislative and outreach programs, committees, affiliates and SIGs, as well as supervising office and staff operations.
21:13:12 Simon -> I matched up with the teacher in London because of the "5 things about me meme" I was looking for other religious education bloggers and found him. So I have to thank Chris Betcher for tagging me. BTW I tagged Mark Wagner!
21:13:14 Mark Wagner -> It's far too hot here actually. 70 degrees here today.
21:13:34 Mark Wagner -> I know! I actually have that on my blog to do list, Simon.
21:13:47 Mark Wagner -> I've got so much more I want to blog than time I have to blog it.
21:13:47 JenniferW -> Mark Wagner CUEtoYOU Coordinator mwagner(at)cue.org Mark coordinates all CUEtoYOU Professional Development events throughout the state.
21:14:08 charbeck -> We hit -40 the past 2 days that is when Farenheight and Celcius are the same!!
21:14:18 Simon -> with the windchill it feels like -25 C here in Toronto
21:15:12 Vicki Davis -> I'm cold and its 40!
21:15:25 Cheri T -> skype was finicky tonight while I was skypecasting with my class
21:15:26 Cathye -> Oh My- I thought it was cold in North Carolina0 32 F Can;t imagine -40
21:15:29 JenniferW -> I am bundled in my robe and its 60ish
21:15:30 charbeck -> I love an 80 degree difference!!
21:15:30 sendkathy -> Yes, I have the heat cranked Vicki
21:15:47 charbeck -> Great weather for blogging
21:16:07 Vinnie -> Today it was a balmy 10 F here in Chicago, finally warm enough for a few inches of snow
21:16:11 sendkathy -> yes, getting cozy with the computer
21:16:12 sharonp -> phew - let's see if this works tonight!
21:16:36 sharonp -> greetings all for the umpteenth time - lots of tech issues tonight
21:16:46 sendkathy -> like what?
21:16:47 sharonp -> I never seem to have them until about 10 min before webcasting!
21:17:03 sharonp -> my mic was echoing on the other computer
21:17:05 charbeck -> Your computer is feeling the pressure
21:17:25 sendkathy -> Murphy's Law
21:17:37 sharonp -> my laptop has burning up today = twice in elluminate fro the connectivism conf and four blog postings!
21:18:03 sharonp -> what channel?
21:18:06 sendkathy -> You really were bruning up the keys today in the conference!
21:18:16 sharonp -> yup - twas much fun!
21:18:17 Vicki Davis -> Boy, you are going to town. I didn't get to hear the conference today. I hope you can get in and tell us how it was!
21:18:19 sendkathy -> edtech1
21:18:40 sendkathy -> Vicki, you were named
21:18:48 sendkathy -> Oh that was yesterday
21:18:50 Vicki Davis -> I wish I had some time to get in there today. The interview with the nanotechnology expert had me learning about carbon nanotubes.
21:18:53 sendkathy -> I was impressed
21:19:08 Vicki Davis -> Yes, I blushed when Will talked about the project -- he contributed video as did Steve Hargadon and David Warlick.
21:19:21 sendkathy -> that was very cool
21:19:26 Vicki Davis -> That is when the students really began to understand the global audience.
21:19:40 sendkathy -> truly
21:19:44 charbeck -> For those of you needing to find a blogging topic watch this video and then bog away http://makeitinteresting.blogspot.com/2007/02/why-20-is-so-important.html
21:19:56 Vicki Davis -> Kathy -- I can't get it in the Camilla Enterprise -- but Right now Thomas Friedman wants to include in his version 3.0 of his book.
21:20:12 JenniferW -> http://www.cue.org/cuetoyou/
21:20:18 JenniferW -> that is how to bring CUE 2 You!!
21:20:18 Vicki Davis -> Oops -- I haven't told anyone yet. It might not happen. So it will be y'alls secret!
21:20:26 sendkathy -> very gratifying I'm sure
21:20:44 Vicki Davis -> I ran through the house screaming on Saturday!
21:21:09 sharonp -> i wow, great news Vicki... someday I will be able to say I knew Vicki before she went really big
21:21:39 Vicki Davis -> I'll always be me -- I hope I don't gain any more weight, either! :D
21:21:46 cueinc -> I'm in!
21:21:48 Durff -> Vinnie - what sort of help?
21:21:52 JenniferW -> HI MIKE
21:22:04 JenniferW -> everyone -- say hi to Mike Lawrence -- CueInc
21:22:07 Vinnie -> Looking for someone to skype in to talk about global connections
21:22:11 Vicki Davis -> Hello Mike!
21:22:14 Durff -> Hi Mike
21:22:19 cueinc -> low bandwidth is the issue here at the "Inn at the Square"
21:22:20 sendkathy -> Hi Mike Hi Mike
21:22:21 cueinc -> Hello all!
21:22:23 JenniferW -> Vinnie -- I can chat with you about this later
21:22:29 Vinnie -> cool
21:22:32 cheryloakes wow2 -> Mike is cueinc
21:22:36 Durff -> What time will that be EST?
21:22:48 Vinnie -> you can send me an email [email protected].
21:22:48 JenniferW -> however I am K6 Collaboration -- but with 39,000 students
21:22:56 JenniferW -> last year
21:22:57 cueinc -> I swear I didn't make up the quote
21:22:58 Vinnie -> No, it is CDT
21:23:15 JenniferW -> cdt???
21:23:20 cueinc -> I just can't find who the original author of the quote is....
21:23:20 Vinnie -> I only have to deal with 180. Lucky me.
21:23:24 Vicki Davis -> Vinnie did you post our chat? Also, will you post your parent training course -- EVERYONE in here needs to go look at it and we need to have you on the show to talk about it. (We'll talk later).
21:23:37 Vinnie -> Central Standard Time, I guess I am hoping for daylight savings
21:23:42 JenniferW -> ahhh
21:23:49 JenniferW -> time is not a factor in my life -- :)
21:23:57 Durff -> I will, I think
21:24:13 sharonp -> I need help from all of you teachers - I made a survey for a conference presentation that I am giving next week at Illinois ONline Conference - Tapping into Social Networks for Prof growth - http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.asp?u=963633267540
21:24:23 Durff -> we have no students, but I'm unsure of the days schedule
21:24:34 Vicki Davis -> Has anyone asked for Second Life in education training?
21:24:43 sharonp -> If you could fill out for me - I would be so appreciative!
21:24:52 Vicki Davis -> Sharon - I posted the survey to my delicious - it will show up in my blog at midnight.
21:25:02 Durff -> okay will do survey after show
21:25:06 alicebarr -> Vicki there is a webhead class on digital gaming which includes second life
21:25:39 Vicki Davis -> I think they meet on Saturday nights -- that is sacred time over here -- kiddie time.
21:25:47 Cheri T -> Vicki, I've wondered how that happens. do you rss your delicious to your blog?
21:25:47 sharonp -> terrific! thanks Vicki!
21:26:11 sendkathy -> Sharon, you're presenting? I signed up to participate
21:26:18 sharonp -> yes
21:26:20 Vicki Davis -> I use feedburner which splices in my delicious feed -- so I have all of the people on that feed who get the delicious links.
21:26:30 sharonp -> Friday Feb 16th at 2 PM EST
21:26:32 Vicki Davis -> The other 100 or so on the other feeds don't get it, just my blog posts.
21:26:49 Vicki Davis -> www.feedburner.com is great!
21:27:00 Simon -> A community college in Ontario is offering credit through Second Life
21:27:06 sharonp -> I have to learn more about feedburner
21:27:13 sharonp -> Simon, which college?
21:27:18 sendkathy -> What do they teach in SL
21:27:28 sharonp -> Ontario is home province for me
21:27:30 Durff -> you have to show ud dummies how Vickie
21:28:08 Vinnie -> I will be posting our chat later this week/weekend. My parent training course is a moodle site (nsparented.org)
21:28:23 Vicki Davis -> Y'all aren't dummies -- I'll see if I can do a step to step but it really guides you through -- it says put in your delicious username and check the box that says add the delicious to the feed.
21:28:30 Simon -> Loyalist, I blogged about it: http://mrocarroll.wordpress.com/2007/02/02/my-thirteenth-post-second-lif...
21:28:32 sharonp -> ahhh
21:28:34 Vicki Davis -> Just sign up for free at feedburner.
21:28:38 cheryloakes wow2 -> vinnie we had 3 parents last night and interest to join your group.
21:28:43 sharonp -> is that in Kingston?
21:28:45 Cheri T -> thanks!
21:29:03 Vinnie -> sharon, where is the illinois online conference? I know about IL-TCE, which I am attending at the end of the month.
21:29:03 Vicki Davis -> I love your group, vinnie. You're doing a great job! Everyone in the chat needs to go see what Vinnie is doing.
21:29:24 Simon -> Bellville
21:29:35 sharonp -> Vicki I was trying to convince my IT director that our school needs to have our website with rss feeds - he thinks it is going to cost too much! What is the cost involved potentially
21:29:59 Vinnie -> Cheryl, that is great. I have my next touchpoint with parent next week
21:30:02 sharonp -> Belleville - ah yes, our pit stop on our way down the 401 to Windsor
21:30:02 Durff -> cost? there's no cost for rss
21:30:09 Vicki Davis -> RSS is free -- go to our site www.westwoodschools.org -- everything that I did is free - I have an old blog post, I'll go get it.
21:30:34 Vinnie -> sharonp, there is no cost. maybe hosting costs for the school web site
21:30:36 Durff -> my RSS seems to have personal problems
21:30:38 sharonp -> http://www.ilonlineconf.org/
21:30:59 Vicki Davis -> http://coolcatteacher.blogspot.com/2005/12/save-time-webmaster-use-rss-f...
21:31:01 sharonp -> that is what i told him, but he is convinced we pay by hits
21:31:15 sharonp -> thanks for the link Vicki!
21:31:18 Vicki Davis -> It is totally FREE! No, you don't pay by hits - show him our website -- we pay $18 a month. Period.
21:31:34 Vicki Davis -> If your IT guy needs to talk to me, I can, but I put everything in the post.
21:31:35 Durff -> many peple think web 2.0 apps cost money
21:31:46 Durff -> I tel 'em it's in my price range
21:31:48 sharonp -> we pay a big company to maintain our site - he is afraid we pay more by hits and downloads
21:31:58 charbeck -> Free is the best part of 2.0. The stuff gets better all the time
21:31:59 sharonp -> cool
21:32:30 sharonp -> the Illinois Online conference is entirely online
21:32:35 JenniferW -> Phttp://www.cue.org/scoop/
21:32:36 sharonp -> uses elluminate
21:32:40 JenniferW -> http://www.cue.org/scoop/
21:32:47 JenniferW -> mark that site for March 1 - 3
21:32:49 Durff -> if you can get people to believe that it is free
21:32:55 JenniferW -> lots of info from CUE conference
21:33:29 Vinnie -> Sharon, I now see about the conference, but unlike k12 online, there is a cost.
21:33:36 sharonp -> yes
21:33:44 sharonp -> I presented last year
21:33:51 sharonp -> an entirely diff kind of crowd
21:34:11 sharonp -> during my orientation with other presenters, there were some there who had never heard of skype!
21:34:14 Durff -> different how?
21:34:45 sharonp -> more business, distance ed trainers. e-trainers for corporate sector
21:34:47 Durff -> oh, I see how different
21:35:04 sharonp -> but college, uni and k-12 as well - and international
21:35:22 sharonp -> it is good fresh audience for web 2.0
21:35:34 sharonp -> for those that are already somewhat techie
21:36:27 Cheri T -> I presented at the IOC 2 years ago - it is a very different group
21:36:48 cueinc -> http://www.hitchhikr.com/index.php?conf_id=47
21:36:50 Cheri T -> it's so diverse that not all the presentations are visited
21:37:04 sharonp -> yes, but I like the way it is archived
21:37:17 sharonp -> you can visit it later - everything is recorded\
21:37:24 Cheri T -> that's great! so easy to visit and share
21:37:35 cueinc -> This is the site I mentioned a minute ago
21:37:37 cueinc -> yeah - awesome
21:37:47 Durff -> thats good for those of us who work for a living
21:37:48 cueinc -> got to love David Warlick!
21:37:58 Vicki Davis -> Information doesn't travel in straight lines -- it is even more true than ever!
21:38:05 Vicki Davis -> David Warlick said that.
21:38:36 Durff -> oh those wrinkles again = sound waves
21:40:16 Durff -> like an Italian - can they talk without their hands? without their visuals?
21:40:45 Vicki Davis -> Like eating with your hands tied behind your back.
21:40:56 Vicki Davis -> You can do it but its not pretty.
21:41:23 sendkathy -> like a movie star without the makeup...who would notice them?
21:41:26 Durff -> says a lot about learning styles and to what traditional schools teach = the wrong style?
21:41:41 Vicki Davis -> I love wikis! These guys are cool!
21:41:45 Cheri T -> I'm presenting at IL-
21:41:49 Durff -> Amen!!
21:42:01 cheryloakes wow2 -> what is your topic cheri
21:42:01 Cheri T -> TCE and we're sendout out a link to our pre-conference wiki
21:42:03 sendkathy -> Cheri what are you presenting?
21:42:14 Cheri T -> that way we can get their questions early
21:42:26 Cheri T -> We're presenting on Web 2.0 tools and applications
21:42:35 Durff -> cool
21:42:47 Cheri T -> they will leave with a blog, a wiki, a podcast, delicious, etc.
21:42:52 sendkathy -> and the list keeps growing
21:42:56 Cheri T -> yes
21:43:10 Durff -> my 7th grade are collaborating on wikis with a class in Missouri
21:43:16 Cheri T -> that's so true
21:43:22 Cheri T -> connectivity
21:43:24 Cheri T -> :-)
21:43:32 sharonp -> cool Durff!
21:43:37 sharonp -> are they excited!
21:43:38 Cheri T -> so cool durff
21:43:40 sendkathy -> yes you must have to keep adding things up to the last minute
21:43:46 Cheri T -> we will
21:43:53 Durff -> it's a small world afteral....
21:44:13 sharonp -> I wrote for eschool news at NECC and blogged the conference
21:44:17 Durff -> They vidoeconference was so much fun for them'
21:44:22 sendkathy -> Conferences have to change
21:44:34 sendkathy -> they are not as accessible as they should be
21:44:48 Vicki Davis -> It can be frustrating.
21:44:56 sendkathy -> you are so right about the lack of connectivity within the conference
21:45:05 sharonp -> they did have "official bloggers" - I was impressed with that
21:45:08 Durff -> people are afraid
21:45:14 Durff -> afraid of change
21:45:28 sendkathy -> true
21:45:29 Durff -> afraid of others taking their stuff
21:45:34 sharonp -> the wireless access was awesome - it literally saved my life when I was ther
21:45:39 sendkathy -> plus they really aren't collaborating
21:45:44 Durff -> they are the opposite of transparent
21:45:53 sendkathy -> opaque
21:46:04 sharonp -> my cell phone wasn"t working and my daughters were home alone that week - at teh conference I could skype them on their cell phones
21:46:18 Cheri T -> also letterpop and bubbleshare
21:46:18 sendkathy -> that really is great
21:46:44 sharonp -> I saw podcasters at NECC, then when I got home, looked for them - there weren"t many!
21:46:53 sendkathy -> I know
21:46:58 sharonp -> I think we will see a TON of podcasting going on next time
21:47:02 sendkathy -> I tried to search for as many as I could find
21:47:12 sendkathy -> probably
21:47:19 sharonp -> I know Kathy will be podcasting!
21:47:27 sendkathy -> hmmm ya think?
21:47:40 sharonp -> the WOWsers will be podcasting too....
21:47:41 Durff -> do you call your podcast in?
21:47:44 sharonp -> and blogging....
21:47:54 sendkathy -> No, just record on mp3
21:47:55 cueinc -> Tags will help capture relevant podcasts for conferences
21:47:59 sendkathy -> I like to edit a bit
21:47:59 Durff -> how?
21:48:01 sharonp -> you tag it when you upload it to whatever service hosts it
21:48:08 sendkathy -> yes
21:48:13 sendkathy -> makes it easier to find
21:48:22 Durff -> record on whta?
21:48:27 cueinc -> one of the best NECC 06 podcasts was "Live from the NECC Escalator"
21:48:30 cueinc -> just awesome
21:48:31 sendkathy -> ipod
21:48:36 sharonp -> would be nice to have a podcast central
21:48:42 sendkathy -> or other mpp3 recorders even cheaper
21:48:43 Durff -> I don't have an ipod
21:48:47 sharonp -> I use a little olympus recorder
21:48:48 cueinc -> don't need an iPod
21:48:59 sendkathy -> Yes a central place to post all of the necc podcasts
21:49:03 cueinc -> 70-80% of podcasts are viewed/listened to on browsers
21:49:07 sharonp -> yes
21:49:08 sendkathy -> I think they attempted to do that last year
21:49:09 cueinc -> they do, actually
21:49:12 Durff -> I was going to call Gcast and podcast that way
21:49:27 Vicki Davis -> I had a tough time finding podcasts from NECC.
21:49:35 sharonp -> I record on an audio recorder, upload, edit with audacity and the upload to a podcast feeder
21:49:45 sendkathy -> me too
21:50:01 Cheri T -> me too, it was frustrating - they seemed to be there, but weren't
21:50:05 sharonp -> depends on how and what you are podcasting
21:50:10 cueinc -> http://center.uoregon.edu/ISTE/NECC2006/program/podcasting.php
21:50:14 Durff -> I want to buy a recorder like Vickie was talking about on her blog
21:50:27 sharonp -> yeah - iRiver has a good rep
21:50:27 sendkathy -> http://www.successful-blog.com/
21:50:44 Vinnie -> I bought 2 iRivers, they ahve been great
21:51:01 sharonp -> weren"t ready for that - a chorus I hear at my school
21:51:01 Durff -> there aren
21:51:10 Durff -> aren't any around here
21:51:23 Vicki Davis -> I can't find the iRiver yet.
21:51:24 sendkathy -> I have one 2
21:51:31 Durff -> I can't find any one the internet
21:51:32 Vicki Davis -> It is out now -- Circuit City sold out.
21:51:41 sendkathy -> its th iclick has video but only 2gb
21:51:55 sendkathy -> good for podcasts
21:52:04 Durff -> yeah, I know, I went to Circuit City
21:52:32 sharonp -> you miss the face to face aspect, but the content can be very rich
21:52:34 Vicki Davis -> They only have the expensive ones left now. I love my iRiver - it hangs around my neck all day.
21:52:35 sendkathy -> look in amazon
21:52:57 sharonp -> or ebay
21:52:57 Durff -> that's what I want Vickie
21:53:03 cueinc -> and http://www.hitckhikr.com/index.php?conf=13
21:53:07 cueinc -> sorry
21:53:17 Durff -> amazon doesn't have them
21:53:26 cueinc -> http://www.hitchikr.com/index.php?conf_id=13
21:53:26 Durff -> but someday
21:53:27 Vicki Davis -> I think it is on ebay and that is it, but I paid $40.
21:53:39 JenniferW -> hmmm -- mike -- link isn't working right
21:53:43 sharonp -> I know Dave Warlick challenged the attendees at Laptop Institute to contribute notes to a wiki - now sure how they worked out
21:53:52 Vinnie -> i got mine on ebay. $20 for a 1 gb one
21:54:06 sharonp -> pretty good deal Vinnie
21:54:19 cueinc -> http://www.hitchikr.com/index.php?conf_id=13
21:54:24 Vinnie -> it was refurbished and works like a charm
21:54:30 sharonp -> cool
21:54:33 cueinc -> sorry for the dupe post
21:54:41 sharonp -> I buy all kinds of great stuff on ebay
21:54:41 Durff -> we are all attendees if we are involved in the conversation
21:54:42 sendkathy -> I emailed the CIO of our county to find out if she has ablog about her technology plans for our schools...didn't hear back
21:54:45 JenniferW -> hmmm -- maybe its just my 'puter -- but link isn't working
21:55:19 Durff -> it's the weather
21:55:43 Vinnie -> goodnight all
21:55:46 Vicki Davis -> I keep my conference bag for years! Isn't that crazy? I pull stuff out and look at it again, like a photo album.
21:55:50 Vicki Davis -> Night Vinnie.
21:55:52 Durff -> bye Vinnie
21:56:04 Vicki Davis -> Hey, Karen!
21:56:07 Karen Janowski -> off topic but anyone here ever run for school committee?
21:56:11 Karen Janowski -> Hi, Vicki!
21:56:12 cheryloakes wow2 -> bye vinnie i will email
21:56:47 Durff -> it's always there
21:57:04 Durff -> the kids cannot say you didn't do it or say it
21:57:11 Simon -> Semester 2 started yesterday, tomorrow I am going to ask my students to set up a blog
21:57:15 Durff -> there it is in black and white
21:57:20 Vicki Davis -> This is a GREAT discussion with some incredible leaders in conference innovations!
21:57:39 Vicki Davis -> Can you imagine this -- the power given to teachers via their blogs and podcasts to make a difference in ways such as this!
21:57:41 Karen Janowski -> durff sorry but I just got on, what are you talking about?
21:57:47 Durff -> where are you Simon?
21:57:58 Simon -> Toronto, Canada
21:58:04 Durff -> my classes could blog with yours
21:58:12 sendkathy -> simon I commented on your SL post
21:58:23 sendkathy -> now I must go, night all
21:58:28 Durff -> Karen = conferences
21:58:29 JenniferW -> night Friend
21:58:30 Vicki Davis -> I sent your SL post onto my feed.
21:58:34 sharonp -> good night Kathy - nice to see you again!
21:58:36 Vicki Davis -> goodnight Kathy!
21:58:36 Simon -> just read it, good night
21:58:39 sendkathy -> cya next Tuesday
21:58:49 Simon -> Durff, what grade?
21:58:49 JenniferW -> yup
21:58:51 Karen Janowski -> thanks
21:58:57 Durff -> email me Simon = [email protected]
21:59:03 Durff -> iipos
21:59:23 Durff -> [email protected]
21:59:33 Vicki Davis -> What a great attitude for a presenter to have!
21:59:36 Simon -> will do
21:59:44 Durff -> seondd one is the rtight one
21:59:49 Durff -> my i;m cold
21:59:59 Vicki Davis -> Here is the wiki for tonight -- http://womenofwebchats.wikispaces.com/February+6%2C+2007
22:00:08 Simon -> got it
22:00:10 Karen Janowski -> Vicki, noticed you've been prolific again on your blog! you said you weren't going to post as much!
22:00:25 Durff -> she lied
22:00:32 Karen Janowski -> which is great!
22:00:38 Durff -> she can't help herself
22:00:39 cheryloakes wow2 -> wow look at the chat! very busy and big
22:00:42 Karen Janowski -> Vicki has so much to say that is of value to all of us!
22:00:55 Durff -> absolutely
22:01:09 Simon -> Anyone have a blogging platform recommendation for students, I was thinking of learnerblogs.org
22:01:26 sharonp -> smartboards!
22:01:37 Durff -> [email protected] or [email protected]
22:01:40 sharonp -> have the survey results from our students about smartboards!
22:01:55 Durff -> wow that was fast
22:01:56 Karen Janowski -> sharon - share!
22:02:03 sharonp -> high percentage believed smartboards improveed their learning]
22:02:09 sharonp -> 89% -ish
22:02:10 Karen Janowski -> in what way?
22:02:12 cueinc -> [email protected]
22:02:14 Durff -> numberrs?
22:02:16 Vicki Davis -> Oh, Karen -- although prolific, I've been spending more time per post.
22:02:17 JenniferW -> thanks Mike
22:02:28 Vicki Davis -> And I promised George Siemens that I'd be a context filter.
22:02:31 Durff -> 15?
22:02:36 Durff -> I want i
22:02:37 sharonp -> you know, I have to go back and look at the question and the results
22:02:38 Karen Janowski -> you are amazing!
22:02:39 Vicki Davis -> I've got a whammy of a post about the new media I'm working on.
22:02:40 cueinc -> "Bright Lights, Powerful Teaching" is what we call the Projector workshop
22:02:41 Durff -> just one
22:02:49 sharonp -> it was presented at a staff meeting just yesterday
22:02:52 Vicki Davis -> So, I always have my hot blog post that I work on.
22:03:11 Durff -> I love your posts!
22:03:16 Karen Janowski -> Sharon, did they give specific comments?
22:03:21 Karen Janowski -> what exactly improved?
22:03:23 Vicki Davis -> What a great name of the projector conference!
22:03:25 Durff -> I have them in my RSS agregator
22:03:28 sharonp -> don"t think so
22:03:34 cheryloakes wow2 -> i want to take the projector workshop
22:03:47 sharonp -> I would have asked diff questions myself.... but the questions were pretty straightforward
22:03:48 Vicki Davis -> I have a projector and I want to take the workshop.
22:04:02 Durff -> I want a screen
22:04:04 Vicki Davis -> We missed you! Something about this hour in Canada!
22:04:11 Vicki Davis -> I have a smart board that someone is coming to install!
22:04:11 Karen Janowski -> sharon - what were the questions?
22:04:13 Durff -> my blind is falling down
22:04:26 Vicki Davis -> Blind?
22:04:28 sharonp -> I couldn"t teach without my projector or smartboard!
22:04:44 Durff -> I don't have a screen
22:04:50 Durff -> I have a window blind
22:04:51 sharonp -> this is my third year with a smartboard in the classroom - haven't touched chalk in years!!
22:05:10 Vicki Davis -> I have one waiting to be installed.
22:05:14 Durff -> wow - i want a swmartboard too!
22:05:15 Karen Janowski -> sharon, in our town, every high school teacher has a smartboard in their classroom. Only about 50% use them and less than use the all the features that improve student performance.
22:05:19 sharonp -> you will love it
22:05:28 Vicki Davis -> Had money to buy it but not install it! Finally got the money to install it -- kind of nuts!
22:05:31 sharonp -> what a shame
22:05:38 Karen Janowski -> yes!!!!
22:05:39 Durff -> ship one up here - i;ll use it
22:05:47 Vicki Davis -> My husband although he is an engineer doesn't have time to install everything for me!
22:05:54 Vicki Davis -> Oh, its going in within the next two weeks.
22:05:56 sharonp -> I don't use it every moment - but every day almost for sure - if just to present links and such
22:06:06 Karen Janowski -> i have two kids in high school and every day I ask them if their teachers use the SMartboards!
22:06:10 sharonp -> it integrates with powerpoint quite well
22:06:23 Vicki Davis -> I have a projector with a stand -- I enjoy it and use it heavily -- when its smart -- oh baby!
22:06:25 Karen Janowski -> do you use the recording feature?
22:06:33 Durff -> I want a Smartboard workshop
22:06:41 Karen Janowski -> that works very well for the students who benefit from repetition and review
22:06:53 Karen Janowski -> great UDL tool
22:06:55 sharonp -> I find it still a bit teacher-centric - we are a laptop school - so a lot of our clas time is devoted to hands-on with the laptop
22:07:13 Durff -> lucky people
22:07:15 Karen Janowski -> Durff - i'll give you one!
22:07:19 Karen Janowski -> where r u?
22:07:20 Durff -> ok
22:07:29 Durff -> I'll take it
22:07:36 Vicki Davis -> My kids do so much up front, they'd love it.
22:07:38 Durff -> Hagerstown
22:07:41 sharonp -> I rarely use the recording feature - my kind of teaching does not lend itself to that!
22:08:12 Karen Janowski -> keep in mind that your students might benefit from it - even snippets like when you say "this is really important, you need to get this!"
22:08:14 sharonp -> my kids BEG to be up at the smartboard
22:08:15 Durff -> we all had to share one computer for our vidoeconference
22:08:35 Karen Janowski -> sharon what do u teach?
22:08:39 sharonp -> English
22:08:40 Vicki Davis -> Could I combine it wtih my recorded podcasts?
22:08:56 sharonp -> the recorded bit becomes a screencast
22:09:08 Durff -> videopodcasts?
22:09:23 Vicki Davis -> Oh -- I forgot to post the hyperlink to my class' interview with the nanotechnology expert today -- http://odeo.com/show/8023413/1079340/download/InterviewWithNanotechnolog...
22:09:27 Vicki Davis -> Talk about changes coming!
22:09:32 sharonp -> can't recall what format they save as - mov files maybe?
22:09:37 Karen Janowski -> avi
22:09:48 sharonp -> ahhh
22:09:56 sharonp -> see it has been a while!
22:09:57 Durff -> .avi
22:10:13 Karen Janowski -> durff, does your school have smartboards? It they do, you can download the software for your home computer
22:10:13 cueinc -> http://www.cue.org/macworld/
22:10:18 sharonp -> that's cool Jen!
22:10:29 Vicki Davis -> Karen -- Durff's first name is Lisa -- FYI -- she's a great blogger too!
22:10:39 Karen Janowski -> thanks vicki!
22:10:40 Durff -> no we have no smartboards
22:10:41 Vicki Davis -> She coined the phrase -- "The world is wrinkled."
22:10:43 Karen Janowski -> what's the url?
22:10:48 Karen Janowski -> lol
22:11:09 sharonp -> thanks Mark and Mike
22:11:10 Durff -> she is not a great blogger
22:11:41 Cheri T -> thanks guys - from another Californian
22:11:45 Cheri T -> see you at NECC
22:11:57 sharonp -> cool workshop topic! We were just talking about INternet safety today at the Connectivism conference - much interest in that!
22:12:10 Vicki Davis -> She -- Lisa -- you blog -- or maybe I just read your comments.
22:12:23 Cheri T -> yea!
22:12:26 Vicki Davis -> Aren't you a blogger Lisa? Drop in the URL.
22:12:33 sharonp -> all over the world!!
22:12:43 sharonp -> NECC is quite international!
22:12:46 Cheri T -> to those who have been given much, much is required
22:13:05 Durff -> durffsblogspot.?
22:13:16 Vicki Davis -> http://edubloggercon.wikispaces.com/
22:13:27 Durff -> kids are at blogmeister, Karen
22:13:27 sharonp -> I wish!!
22:13:35 sharonp -> I will be envious!
22:13:47 Vicki Davis -> That must be what I read, Lisa. From way back.
22:13:49 sharonp -> I wish I will be in California for CUE!
22:13:49 Durff -> I can't paste into the chat
22:13:56 Durff -> butr now I can copy
22:14:02 cheryloakes wow2 -> i want to go to CA
22:14:07 Vicki Davis -> Ctrl + V doesn't work!
22:14:11 Vicki Davis -> ?
22:14:19 Durff -> nope
22:14:23 Vicki Davis -> I want to go to every conference everywhere -- but I love my students!
22:14:29 Durff -> maybe someday
22:14:51 Durff -> that's why I want to podcast to them
22:14:59 Mark Wagner -> Thanks, all!
22:15:05 Cheri T -> thanks guys
22:15:08 Durff -> Thank you Mark
22:15:27 Durff -> Thank you Mike
22:15:29 Simon -> Thanks Mark
22:15:31 Cheri T -> great job everyone
22:15:48 Vicki Davis -> Great night! It has been a wonderful show and a wonderful chat -- you in the chat room are superstars!
22:16:03 lee baber -> thanks mark and mike
22:16:04 Durff -> Hey kathy
22:16:06 lee baber -> good job
22:16:08 Karen Janowski -> thanks to everyone!
22:16:15 Mark Wagner -> :)
22:16:16 Durff -> when should we try again nexct week?
22:16:35 cheryloakes wow2 -> hi alice
22:16:50 alicebarr -> Hi cheryl Great show!
22:17:05 JenniferW -> yes
22:17:10 JenniferW -> thanks for being here
22:17:13 cheryloakes wow2 -> thanks
22:17:31 cheryloakes wow2 -> thanks all for being here in the chat podcast will be up in 24 hours.
22:17:35 Durff -> it's the weather!
22:17:54 alicebarr -> Loved Will Richardson in Connectivism
22:18:01 Durff -> Kathy and I had problems earlier this evening
22:18:04 cheryloakes wow2 -> can't wait to hear it
22:18:05 alicebarr -> I will use it with my teacher class
22:18:15 cheryloakes wow2 -> oh good
22:18:16 Cheri T -> i did it
22:18:21 Durff -> I get to hear him Sunday!!
22:18:29 cheryloakes wow2 -> was it good Cheri?
22:18:39 Cheri T -> the survey?
22:18:48 Durff -> oh, there's a link
22:18:52 Cheri T -> yes - some good questions
22:18:54 cheryloakes wow2 -> oh, I was talking Will Richardson
22:18:57 Cheri T -> sorry
22:18:58 Durff -> it wax mailed to me
22:19:12 Durff -> he did
22:19:18 Cheri T -> bummer
22:19:22 alicebarr -> It was and you should listen to the recording
22:19:42 Karen Janowski -> one thing - since I'm so connected because of talks like this, blogging etc. I forget that most of education is clueless about Web 2.0. My own kids high school doesn't use any of the tools. You guys all need to be cloned!
22:19:46 Durff -> I see what you're saying....
22:19:46 cheryloakes wow2 -> i will be doing that tomorrow and on my trip to Cape
22:19:49 sharonp -> http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.asp?u=963633267540
22:20:05 lee baber -> kathy and durff.. i can tellyou what you did wrong on the skypecast..with nicecast
22:20:19 lee baber -> to not have both sides of the recording if you like
22:20:27 Durff -> what?
22:20:39 lee baber -> do you have nicecast open now?
22:20:42 cheryloakes wow2 -> Karen, same thing for our kids and I am in the high school and working at bringing the tools to them
22:20:53 alicebarr -> 212 participants
22:21:05 cheryloakes wow2 -> wow, that is incredible
22:21:12 Cheri T -> I'm doing a workshop with Illinois State faculty on Zoho on Friday - we'll see how many show up
22:21:24 Durff -> Ino it's not open
22:21:29 cheryloakes wow2 -> good luck cheri T!
22:21:31 lee baber -> ok
22:21:33 Cheri T -> thanks
22:21:40 Durff -> I don't think I downloaded it
22:21:41 Cheri T -> our skype cast went great!
22:21:45 lee baber -> well.. i twill do a video here tonigth and post it
22:21:46 Karen Janowski -> cheryl you have high school age kids?
22:21:53 lee baber -> on webcast academy tomorrow
22:21:55 Durff -> I downloaded Simplecast
22:21:56 Karen Janowski -> and you can't impact the high school?
22:21:58 lee baber -> with the answer to that question
22:22:01 Cheri T -> best wishes jen
22:22:02 cheryloakes wow2 -> my boys are in college, but I work at all three levels
22:22:05 Durff -> how can we wncourage you?
22:22:30 sharonp -> please participate and pass out the survey to friends in your social network
22:22:40 cheryloakes wow2 -> I am impacting the high school, kids come and thank me for teaching something about web 2.0, and that they got 100 on projects.
22:22:49 Cheri T -> wow!
22:22:52 Karen Janowski -> that speaks to the value and success!
22:22:52 lee baber -> durff.. i will skupe im you the link directly.. ok?
22:22:52 Cheri T -> so cool
22:22:54 Durff -> lucky
22:22:56 cheryloakes wow2 -> teachers thanking me since kids are finishing projects in record time
22:23:00 alicebarr -> Cool Cheryl!
22:23:03 Durff -> ok
22:23:08 Karen Janowski -> awesome, cheryl
22:23:15 cheryloakes wow2 -> so little changes
22:23:15 Durff -> do I need Nicecast?
22:23:18 cheryloakes wow2 -> thanks
22:23:30 Karen Janowski -> Vicki, that is incredible!
22:23:33 Cheri T -> yahoo!
22:23:41 Cheri T -> me too
22:23:50 Durff -> scxreaming? oh dear....
22:23:58 Cheri T -> I know what you mean
22:23:58 Karen Janowski -> you all are so inspiring!
22:24:15 Karen Janowski -> thanks for all you do to change the education world!
22:24:23 Cheri T -> whoa
22:24:31 cheryloakes wow2 -> thanks for our great audience, you make us continue
22:24:47 Karen Janowski -> got to go home and go to bed!
22:24:51 Durff -> My faculty don't ever go near the blogs or wikis
22:25:23 Karen Janowski -> Vicki, they need to be taught but they pick it up so quickly.
22:25:29 Vicki Davis -> You are inspiring too - Karen.
22:25:44 Vicki Davis -> Yes, they do pick it up very quickly and you can't sit in front and say click here and then there.
22:25:56 Durff -> You ARE SO INTELLIGENT!!!!
22:25:57 Vicki Davis -> You have to start and direct and then move quickly.
22:25:59 Karen Janowski -> I taught adult ed and said please, let me work with the kids! it was exhausting teaching adults!~
22:26:35 alicebarr -> Thanks Ladies, got to go to bed! Cheryl see you Thurs.
22:26:41 Vicki Davis -> Goodnight.
22:26:47 cheryloakes wow2 -> bye alice
22:27:08 Karen Janowski -> what a fun night!
22:27:29 Cheri T -> gotta go out of battery
22:27:30 Durff -> 2-17?
22:27:45 Durff -> bye Cheri
22:28:17 Durff -> night ladiexs
22:28:50 Durff -> 2-6
22:29:02 JenniferW -> night lisa
22:29:21 Durff -> 2-19 is a Mon
22:29:21 JenniferW -> next week -- Taped
22:29:26 JenniferW -> week after that -- Live
22:29:30 Durff -> night Jen
22:30:17 Durff -> night all!
22:31:54 lee baber -> Hi Jenn
22:32:31 JenniferW -> hi Lee
22:34:23 lee baber -> nite all
22:34:25 Simon -> good night all
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