21st Century Learning #79: Getting to Know John Schinker

Post-Show description: 

John Schinker from EdTechWeekly fame joined Alex and Vinnie this week. 
We discussed John's background, 21st Century Skills, and technology
professional development in his school district.

John Schinker21st Century Learning #79

Getting to Know John Schinker
October 2, 2009

John Schinker from EdTechWeekly fame joined Alex and Vinnie this week.  We discussed John's background, 21st Century Skills, and technology professional development in his school district. 

We'll be back on the 16th.  See everyone then. 

<Click here for Chat Transcript>

2008-10-02 14:11:29 [Message] matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: hey y'all
2008-10-02 14:11:34 [Message] matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: what happenin
2008-10-02 14:11:35 [Message] VinnieVrotny -> -EdTechTalk: Hey Matt
2008-10-02 14:11:44 [Message] matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: hey vinnie
2008-10-02 14:17:43 [Message] alex.ragone -> -EdTechTalk: Everything sound ok?
2008-10-02 14:18:03 [Message] matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: listening in on ustream and sound here is OK
2008-10-02 14:18:15 [Message] matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: had the shoutcast stream up and that was all good as well
2008-10-02 14:20:37 [Message] alex.ragone -> -EdTechTalk: Thanks.
2008-10-02 14:22:21 [Message] alex.ragone -> -EdTechTalk: Any questions for anyone.
2008-10-02 14:22:58 [Message] alex.ragone -> -EdTechTalk: from anyone.
2008-10-02 14:23:37 [Message] alex.ragone -> -EdTechTalk: Easy web sites via blogging.
2008-10-02 14:23:50 [Message] matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: quest for u guys...how do we move folks away from legacy systems??
2008-10-02 14:24:08 [Message] matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: We have folks who are in love with their old websites...
2008-10-02 14:24:39 [Message] matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: which can only be edited on the LAN and of course have very little in the way of 2 way interactivity
2008-10-02 14:25:41 [Message] matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: always seems to b a challenge regarding legacy systems...whether they be an email system that needs to go away, virtual classroom environs, an old piece of software, etc...
2008-10-02 14:26:08 [Message] matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: hey minhaaj
2008-10-02 14:27:06 [Message] matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: nice approach, John...
2008-10-02 14:27:34 [Message] alex.ragone -> -EdTechTalk: Matt -- we have moved many of those folks over.  Just spent the 1 on 1 time.
2008-10-02 14:28:03 [Message] matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: do some of your teachers just use a blog as a place to just list assigments?? 
2008-10-02 14:28:37 [Message] matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: the challenge comes when trying to provide a coherent learning system for students
2008-10-02 14:29:07 [Message] JohnS -> -EdTechTalk: http://staff.bbhcsd.org/
2008-10-02 14:29:13 [Message] matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: so from a student's perspective, all teachers are at least using the same platform for virtual classroom management...
2008-10-02 14:29:44 [Message] matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: WOW
2008-10-02 14:30:08 [Message] alex.ragone -> -EdTechTalk: Yep.  We have some requirements that are built into our SIS.
2008-10-02 14:30:44 [Message] matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: Amazing...we just have a few smartboards and the support required has been crazy (esp since smart went to their new licensing system for installing the software--this has been support headache)
2008-10-02 14:32:09 [Message] matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: sounds overwhelming to me as well alex!!!
2008-10-02 14:33:47 [Message] alex.ragone -> -EdTechTalk: Info Literacy -- Summarize, Filter, MultiMedia.
2008-10-02 14:34:37 [Message] alex.ragone -> -EdTechTalk: Inovative thinking: New Solutions to problems. 
2008-10-02 14:35:56 [Message] alex.ragone -> -EdTechTalk: Collaboration:  Sharing and working in a team.  Pulling their load.
2008-10-02 14:36:36 [Message] alex.ragone -> -EdTechTalk: World View: Flat World.
2008-10-02 14:36:48 [Message] alex.ragone -> -EdTechTalk: Working collaboratively with someone in a different culture.
2008-10-02 14:37:11 [Message] matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: those are 4 great bullets on summarizing  new literacies
2008-10-02 14:38:28 [Message] alex.ragone -> -EdTechTalk: District Tech Team -- Formed in 1999 -- Media Specialists, Computer Aids, Students, Parents.   
2008-10-02 14:38:59 [Message] matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: 21.1 century skills!
2008-10-02 14:39:29 [Message] alex.ragone -> -EdTechTalk: :)
2008-10-02 14:39:48 [Message] matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: john...any movement toward a 1:1 environ in your large district??
2008-10-02 14:42:03 [Message] JohnS -> -EdTechTalk: http://staff.bbhcsd.org/schinkerj/archives/2007/09/12/defining-21st-cent...
2008-10-02 14:42:31 [Message] matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: we're starting to talk about the "Tyranny of the AP" here at our school...there is a minor amount of momentum for trashing the AP track
2008-10-02 14:42:50 [Message] matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: colleges and universities are talking bout this as well...not all of course, but some
2008-10-02 14:42:51 [Message] alex.ragone -> -EdTechTalk: Thanks, John.   I looked for that but didn't find it.
2008-10-02 14:43:24 [Message] matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: The AP world/high stakes testing world, is quite an economic juggernaut
2008-10-02 14:45:09 [Message] matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: great story, john...that is awesome
2008-10-02 14:45:26 [Message] matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: the learning continued without us!  I love it
2008-10-02 14:45:30 [Message] alex.ragone -> -EdTechTalk: Nice. 
2008-10-02 14:46:17 [Message] matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: I think we're nearing the point where students arguably are learning more outside of school than inside
2008-10-02 14:46:25 [Message] matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: do u have your mahara playing w/moodle??
2008-10-02 14:46:36 [Message] matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: I know in moodle 2 mahara may b integrated
2008-10-02 14:46:52 [Message] alex.ragone -> -EdTechTalk: He does: http://staff.bbhcsd.org/schinkerj/archives/2008/09/29/mahara/
2008-10-02 14:46:59 [Message] JohnS -> -EdTechTalk: yeah, it will in Moodle 2.0
2008-10-02 14:47:36 [Message] matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: moodle 2 is probably a year out, correct??
2008-10-02 14:47:46 [Message] JohnS -> -EdTechTalk: I do have Mahara and moodle playing kinda nicely.
2008-10-02 14:47:56 [Message] JohnS -> -EdTechTalk: right -- proabably next sumer
2008-10-02 14:48:11 [Message] matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: cool, john
2008-10-02 14:48:14 [Message] matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: reading that post now
2008-10-02 14:48:22 [Message] matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: been playing round with exabis and moofilioo
2008-10-02 14:48:31 [Message] JohnS -> -EdTechTalk: Actually, the mahara server crashed yesterday, so it's down at the moment.
2008-10-02 14:48:40 [Message] matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: chow y'all
2008-10-02 14:48:45 [Message] JohnS -> -EdTechTalk: thanks, matt
2008-10-02 14:52:28 [Message] alex.ragone -> -EdTechTalk: Thanks, Matt.
2008-10-02 14:52:56 [Message] matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: great show...very timely for me as we'll b talking moodle later today with some interested faculty...
2008-10-02 14:56:01 [Message] alex.ragone -> -EdTechTalk: Thanks Matt. 


John mentioned a plugin they use on blogs to have emails sent when there is a new blog post. Is that a Wordpress MU plugin? Sounds like something our parents would like. I've been thinking about using Feedburner's service to do that, but seems like a pain to set up for every blog in our school. We probably have around 30 or so.

We use the Post Notification plugin by Morty Strube.

Honestly, you're probably better off using the Feedburner system and having the teachers sign up themselves if they're interested. With every solution I've found, there have been reliability problems and issues with Wordpress upgrades.


Great podcast. Really liked how John mentioned that some teachers are more likely to embrace technology than others, and those are the ones that he focuses on w/ moodle and web 2.0 and other tools.

Troy White
Director of Product Marketing & Sales
National Council on Economic Education
[email protected]