IHAQ#5 - Why does Sugata Mitra anger so many educators?

Post-Show description: 

I Have A Question#5
May 4, 2014 
Featured Question:
From +Benjamin L. Stewart     
*Why does Mitra anger so many in education? 

Related Links

Possible Upcoming Questions

  • I think it would be interesting to hear about peoples productivity workflow, what are the ways you work? How does tech help or interfere, are there best practices for curating, organizing and how can we best teach students to form good productivity habits online? This is something I think about every day. With so many choices of tools, how do we narrow down the field and choose the essentials that really help us be more productive, better communicators etc.
  • Do the students have a PLN have they mastered social networking; are they prepared to lead others? How are they forming relationships?
  • How do you find out about cool conferences?
  • Why are fewer people participating in free online conferences, webinars and moocs? over saturation or????
  • What potential does social media have for professional development in education?
  • How about the fight to stay relevant or cutting edge in your field? Anyone feel that it's more challenging by the day?






I Have A Question#5
May 4, 2014 
Featured Question:
From +Benjamin L. Stewart     
Why does Mitra anger so many in education? 


Related Links

Possible Upcoming Questions

  • I think it would be interesting to hear about peoples productivity workflow, what are the ways you work? How does tech help or interfere, are there best practices for curating, organizing and how can we best teach students to form good productivity habits online? This is something I think about every day. With so many choices of tools, how do we narrow down the field and choose the essentials that really help us be more productive, better communicators etc.
  • Do the students have a PLN have they mastered social networking; are they prepared to lead others? How are they forming relationships?
  • How do you find out about cool conferences?
  • Why are fewer people participating in free online conferences, webinars and moocs? over saturation or????
  • What potential does social media have for professional development in education?
  • How about the fight to stay relevant or cutting edge in your field? Anyone feel that it's more challenging by the day?
  • What's New?  (old style ETW link dump)

Visit our Google+ Event Page for details and discussion about next week's question.

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Vanessa Vaile
here and waiting
Thanks for Vanessa's reminder on FB ... I am here!
Very good, thanks
Hey. I'm listening.
Hello Mr. Lobster Taco man
Alexander Hayes
I'm confused..is there a G+ or other connection to enter live room with or is this obs only?
Geshundheit, John
Audrey ... Sugata Mitra has been accused of being a
Or that one that Jen posted...
Peggy George
Hi everyone! Looking forward to a lively conversation!
Hi everybody
Hey there Peggy!
Peggy George
Hi sarah :-)
Hello Peggy .. always great to have you in the broadcast
I promise, I'm not stalking you today :)
Peggy George
I'm so glad these conversations are back but they really go by fast in only 30 minutes!
Peggy George
hahaha Sarah
can you see the stream, btw?
Peggy George
seeing and hearing great!
I can see it
Peggy George
yes you're streaming
I'm on the edtechtalk live page
Peggy George
I'm on edtechtalk live
Had to hit play
Peggy George
oh boy! Jeff gets to thank himself :-)
Peggy George
what a wonderful holiday!
I like the mustache
Alexander Hayes
Both Khrisnamurti had the same affects on teachers...as at the extreme did Illich.
Audrey Waters is always a year ahead of everyone else.
Kathy Shields
Does anyone know if he was ever an elementary level classroom teacher?
Peggy George
at least a year John
:) Kathy Shields
Kathy Shields
Also, does anyone have the data on the long term progress made by the students from the whole in the wall? Are they employed?
I have a feeling that SM may be a one trick pony?
Nicely stated, Dave
Kathy Shields
I kind of get what he means about facilitating and letting kids learn as opposed to modeling a way of learning and knowing which I think is a more common approach.
Hello Graham
Vanessa Vaile
I remember an article from a local observer on problems like connectivity and bigger kids hogging the computers, not letting younger children have a turn
Vanessa Vaile
poor local connections and girls being pushed out too
Kathy Shields
Yes, so do we adopt a survival of the fittest approach?
LOL I saw the "Granny in the Cloud" talk too
So isn't this just Khan Academy? It has the entire K-12 math curriculum in it. Why can't we just use that?
Vanessa Vaile
from having worked in after school program with middle schoolers in a poor rural community where many did not have access outside school, I have to say it rang very true
Kathy Shields
They are doing this in Alternative HS's. Just a room in a strip mall with a teacher attendant.
Right. Connectivity is a challenge. But in some cases, it may be a smaller challenge than getting good teachers, especially if you can use mobile.
Vanessa Vaile
and would add that any such program should make use of game based learning because that is what they will be looking for...then
I suspect a number of K-12 arenas implement variations on this theme ... at least a few that I have encountered seem to be doing something quite similar, yet using other school personnel as the "granny" guide.
Vanessa Vaile
If mobile is affordable
Peggy George
very helpful clarifications Graham
Vanessa Vaile
Carol, what I hear from K-12 teacher friends is the coming model
every good school starts with a culture of caring
Indeed, Vanessa, and sme have already implemented such ... and for some time now, so they have had the opportunity to fine tune a bit
Peggy George
I think social is a huge part of SOLE
Perhaps the venue ... rural India ... has underscored the efficacy of his "experiment" ... his initial installation
Agreed, Peggy
Nothing can replace a teacher
Peggy George
I would love to have a conversation with Steve Hargadon about his experiences with Black Mountain SOLE
Vanessa Vaile
Carol, unfortunately, too much of the fine tuning has been more of the canned content + analytics varieties
This is exactly the education my daughter had for grades 7-8, and we chose it over traditional school because it was less harmful than the traditional classroom.
Kathy Shields
Ah, so you are saying that it lowers the standard for what students deserve as part of their education.
Interesting, John ... first hand case study ...
thx, Peggy
Peggy George
that is a great point Jeff!
Think New York City ... where there were a number of teachers who were so poor at teaching, that they were sen to "holding lounges" and paid to not teach ... at least a few years ago this was true
Peggy George
I remember hearing that Carol
Can the advantages of automation through technology be applied to education at all?
Peggy George
yes school in the cloud
Alexander Hayes
Data FOR the learner - that's what we are currently looking at the INSPIRE Centre - http://inspire.edu.au
Peggy George
thanks for link Alexander
Peggy George
I think the self-organized learning was his main point
Amen, Jeff.
Alexander Hayes
Agree with Jeff
What is it that we're trying to accomplish with this education thing we keep talking about?
Peggy George
who wants that????
Peggy George
not just do it but apply it to new situations to solve real issues
Kathy Shields
Do the students have a PLN have they mastered social networking; are they prepared to lead others? How are they forming relationships?
Peggy George
oh no!!!!
Jeff Lebow
Everyone feel free to join in. Hangout at: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/ytl/vjVQa1PpcFMN3K7VsM4Gqyx1LtMrtpC6FBSsSjhuMVM=?authuser=0&hl=en_US
Good point Peggy and John
Peggy George
30 minutes is just not long enough for this kind of drilling down!!
Alexander Hayes
thanks folks
Alexander Hayes
20 mins was way too short
Peggy George
if you're going to continue to discuss after wards in post show why not make the show longer???
Peggy George
link dumps are fun!
It's a new rule. We have to be 30 minutes, or it's free.
Peggy George
question for next week?
Yes, Peggy, give us one.
Peggy George
no I don't
Kathy Shields
Good idea. What is really new? How about the fight to stay relevant or cutting edge in your field? Anyone feel that it's more challenging by the day?
Peggy George
Peggy George
yes I am!!!!
Peggy George
your granny :-)
Peggy George
thanks Jeff
Peggy George
not at all offended
Peggy George
very heartwarming
What potential does social media have for professional development in education?
Peggy George
why are fewer people participating in free online conferences, webinars and moocs? over saturation or????
I know that has been tossed about and exists ... just wondering if discrete elements could be discussed ...
Kathy Shields
How do you find out about cool conferences?
Peggy George
are you suggesting that question for next week Kathy? :-)
Kathy Shields
Oh, not exactly, just in general
Peggy George
Vanessa Vaile
Peggy George
yes numbers are definitely growing
Peggy George
Vanessa Vaile
and diy community education projects
Peggy George
the fabulous keynote speakers at the Reinvent Learning conference last week only had 30-50 participants
Conferences may underscore the f2f networking element that may be more appealing to many
Peggy George
way more than that! I go to webinars and hangouts once or twice every day
Peggy George
I think the Roundtable conversations led by Ben Wilkhoff are great! Lots of content, discussion, resources to follow up with and educators to connect with
@peggy ... yes ... Ben does a fantastic job!
Kathy Shields
I think it would be interesting to hear about peoples productivity workflow, what are the ways you work? How does tech help or interfere, are there best practices for curating, organizing and how can we best teach students to form good productivity habits online?
Peggy George
Carol I think the reality is that while people love the f2f more and more they can't afford to travel to them and the rich experience isn't happening locally
Peggy George
another great question Kathy :-)
Kathy Shields
Thanks Peggy! This is something I think about every day. With so many choices of tools, how do we narrow down the field and choose the essentials that really help us be more productive, better communicators etc.
Peggy George
I think it's a great topic that we all struggle with.
Peggy George
how is that so different than what Sugata Mitra advocates?
Right. I think that's the point.
Peggy George
@peggy ... it is REALLY similar, but Dave is working REALLY hard on the support, hand holding, try this, etc.
Peggy George
is it wrong to trick students into writing? :-)
Kathy Shields
If only it worked every time! ha :)
Peggy George
I always tell kids if they can't get around the Internet filter, they're not trying hard enough.
Peggy George
Thanks all ... need to jump off now ... looking forward to finding out what ext week's q will be ...
Peggy George
thanks everyone! one gain lots of stimulating conversation!
Kathy Shields
Goodnight all, I look forward to next time. Hopefully next week.
Peggy George
good night all
Peggy George
6pm for me in Phoenix--still two webinars/hangouts to go tonight :-)
Peggy George
PrincipalCast and a Hangout with educators in Hawaii re Minecraft :-)
Have fun, Peggy! :)
Nite all!