Women of Web Show # 24 April 24, 2007, with guest Steve Dembo
Join Cheryl and Sharon as we interview Steve Dembo!
Sharon's Questions:
- What does Discovery Educator Network offer teachers?
- How many members in that network?
- Can you describe the DEN relationship with United Streaming? Is there anything like it for free or lower cost for those in a public school setting without the resources for US?
- Recently (yesterday?) you blogged about your thoughts on Bud the Teacher's question about identity with big orgs for teacher networking for validity (i.e. DEN, Google Academy, Yahoo) - and I thought your observations were interesting - as were the responses - could we throw that question out here and talk a bit about it? It is an interesting phenomenon and one worth exploring....
Tough Questions:
What does DEN have to offer international educators? Being in Quebec, in an isolated subgroup of a minority language, teachers in the English public and private schools do not have those kinds of opportunities available to us (DEN, Google Academy, etc.); are there plans for Discovery to go beyond the American borders? What could you offer Canadians or others?
Cheryl's questions:
1. I noticed a bio about you : Steve
Dembo worked as a Kindergarten teacher for 4 years. Unfortunately,
during that time someone discovered that he knew how to fix a printer.
It wasn’t long after that he became the Director of Technology for the
school. from Lexthink.com
It seems that this is an example of a 21st century mantra, "Be ready to re-invent yourself!"
What kinds of skills, characteristics, traits help you with the constant re-inventing?
2. Your involvement in the k12 online conference:
Mobile Learning Redefined
When I first read and listened to your presentation, I really had a
hard time wrapping my brain around this type of use as an instructional
tool. (Even though I spent 6 weeks becoming a webhead and saw how
people worldwide are using all kinds of technology tools). However, 6
months later, I am seeing this type of instruction oromoted in the
Horizon Project report, coming out in journals, and evidenced these
options by watching students. Can you explain to listeners how this
tool, mobile phones, wireless game stations, and blue tooth
technologies are impacting this digital native?
Do you have any thoughts on bringing more people along to use web
tools? Last week we had doctoral students on and they discussed their
support systems and the requirements they needed for course work. Once
people are nudged most seem to embrace. What else can we do to bring
people along?
The Chat!
Cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: Hello Sandy and Linda, I am getting ready for the show. Be back soon. Hi MO
SandyB -> EdTechTalk: Good evening....
cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: hello all, getting ready for the show.
Simon -> EdTechTalk: Hello
cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: Hi Simon, getting ready
cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: you can do a sound check in a minute, for me.
MGuhlin.net -> EdTechTalk: Hey Steve
Steve Dembo -> EdTechTalk: Evenin'!
sharonp -> EdTechTalk: hi everyone
pam -> EdTechTalk: hello
SandyB -> EdTechTalk: Greetings
Simon -> EdTechTalk: Hi SHaron, how was Mississauga?
sharonp -> EdTechTalk: Hi Simon, Mississauga was fabulous
sharonp -> EdTechTalk: nice of you to have great weather for me!
Simon -> EdTechTalk: we do our best in the GTA!
sharonp -> EdTechTalk: Hi Chrissy
charbeck -> EdTechTalk: good evening all
cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: just got the stream going.
nzchrissy -> EdTechTalk: Hi everyone
nzchrissy -> EdTechTalk: Hi Sharon
Simon -> EdTechTalk: Sharon, Ive been asked to present to some teachers, principals, and superintendants at my board about the Flat Planet Project
sharonp -> EdTechTalk: how wonderful!!
Simon -> EdTechTalk: the hope is that when they see what we are doing at my school that there will be more funding for technology in the classroom
sharonp -> EdTechTalk: http://cs.wikispaces.com/CAIS-BP
sharonp -> EdTechTalk: Simon - I am really excited for you! I don't have that kind of exposure at my school (although I do elsewhere, strangely enough)
Durff -> EdTechTalk: hi folks!!
sharonp -> EdTechTalk: hi Lisa!
MGuhlin.net -> EdTechTalk: howdy
cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: http://www.makebeliefscomix.com/comix.php
cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: http://wiaoc.org/ this is the convergence with VAnce Stevens!
Simon -> EdTechTalk: Sharon, could you point me to any literature on the online collaboration? Or anything else that you think would help me convince them to promote web/tech in the classroom?
JL -> EdTechTalk: http://webheadsinaction.org/wiaoc
cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: Hello to all, just getting started and glad you are here.
sroseman -> EdTechTalk: what was that site
cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: Hello Maria, how is vacation.
sroseman -> EdTechTalk: repeat those wows
sroseman -> EdTechTalk: here
Maria -> EdTechTalk: Vacation is good!
sharonp -> EdTechTalk: http://cs.wikispaces.com/CAIS-BP
cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: http://wiaoc.org The conference call a convergence
cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: www.makebeliefscomix.com
cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: a great site, free, for making your own comic strip
Durff -> EdTechTalk: Apologize? We can't keep up!
sroseman -> EdTechTalk: thanks
charbeck -> EdTechTalk: spresent rocks
charbeck -> EdTechTalk: spresent.com
cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: Steve Dembo is our guest tonight.
Durff -> EdTechTalk: Hey Dembo!!
Durff -> EdTechTalk: Stody?
Durff -> EdTechTalk: Stidgy
Durff -> EdTechTalk: Stodgy
Durff -> EdTechTalk: I'll get it right sometime
sharonp -> EdTechTalk: thanks again Chris
charbeck -> EdTechTalk: thats what networks and friends are for
pams -> EdTechTalk: I finally got the audio!
cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: Hello Chrissy from NZ, glad you are here. Hello Miguel too
alicemercer -> EdTechTalk: Moi aussi
Durff -> EdTechTalk: Dembo is famous AND wears that labcoat
cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: audio is on channel a
nzchrissy -> EdTechTalk: Hi Cheryl - thanks for leaving a message on the voice thread! It's so cool isn't it?
cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: love voice thread
nzchrissy -> EdTechTalk: My students think its great
alicemercer -> EdTechTalk: Please open up, my school is not on unitedstreaming
sharonp -> EdTechTalk: good point alice
sharonp -> EdTechTalk: that was one of my questions
alicemercer -> EdTechTalk: EVERYONE including steve has been VERY friendly, and helpful,
Maria -> EdTechTalk: Hi Cathy - sorry I missed your show tonight
cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: cathy, what is your show called, time, day etc.
Cathy E -> EdTechTalk: Making Connections Tuesdays @ : est
Cathy E -> EdTechTalk: I had audio issues tonight
sendkathy -> EdTechTalk: Steve, is there still a discovery teacher application that involves posting projects?
cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: great title for a show. are the audios somewhere
alicebarr -> EdTechTalk: FF is the mdel most teachers are comfortable with
Maria -> EdTechTalk: yippee!
sroseman -> EdTechTalk: free time..what's that
alicemercer -> EdTechTalk: I spent hours with about teachers getting them on edublogs today.
sharonp -> EdTechTalk: cool alice
alicemercer -> EdTechTalk: BUT it was for prof dev time, lol
alicemercer -> EdTechTalk: SOme came not needing hours!
sendkathy -> EdTechTalk: Teachers are starting to see the value
cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: very nice alicem
Durff -> EdTechTalk: How did it go alice?
alicemercer -> EdTechTalk: AWFUL, lol
Durff -> EdTechTalk: oh dear
alicemercer -> EdTechTalk: Slow day on edublog, slow day on network.
Durff -> EdTechTalk: we had that problem too
nzchrissy -> EdTechTalk: murphy's law
alicebarr -> EdTechTalk: Very slow day on edublog. we had the same experience
Durff -> EdTechTalk: we are on blogmeister
alicemercer -> EdTechTalk: SO they go to sign up. No confirming email, finally I figure out that the school email they used was sending email to spam filter.
alicemercer -> EdTechTalk: So we will remeet next week.
alicebarr -> EdTechTalk: Oh dear!
cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: alice that happened to us in the summer too. with edublogger
Durff -> EdTechTalk: you are determined i see
alicemercer -> EdTechTalk: Steve is letting others doing training...
alicebarr -> EdTechTalk: It seems to have it's moments
alicemercer -> EdTechTalk: Non us teacher.
Cathy E -> EdTechTalk: Steve- we have United Streaming for our district- we love it!
cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: Hi Alex
alicemercer -> EdTechTalk: Steve should talk about the trainings on WebEx that he has open to all...
Linda J -> EdTechTalk: yes we do!!
pams -> EdTechTalk: DEN is great
alicemercer -> EdTechTalk: Yes, good, just what I was going to say.
alicebarr -> EdTechTalk: Steve: I hope you will have more is there a calendar?
alicebarr -> EdTechTalk: The last one with Doug Johnson was great!
alicemercer -> EdTechTalk: Steve is so generous.
sharonp -> EdTechTalk: a calendar would be great
cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: discoveryeducation.typepad.com?
alicemercer -> EdTechTalk: I wish I could have heard. I'm on PDT and they ran at p.m., when I'm still teaching.
nzchrissy -> EdTechTalk: How can NZ do these programmes?
Jeanne -> EdTechTalk: Hello everybody!
cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: Hi Jeanne, welcome
alicemercer -> EdTechTalk: I listened to one during spring break.
sharonp -> EdTechTalk: Hi John!
alicemercer -> EdTechTalk: On google earth, I IMMEDIATELY incoprorated it into my new unit on western expansion.
JohnPederson -> EdTechTalk: evening!
cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: Hello John,welcome
Jeanne -> EdTechTalk: What's the topic for tonight?
nzchrissy -> EdTechTalk: Thank you!!
nzchrissy -> EdTechTalk: We subscribe to the blog
cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: The topic is Discovery Educator Steve Dembo.
JohnPederson -> EdTechTalk: how do i conquer the world? (for dembo)
Jeanne -> EdTechTalk: Thanks, Cheryl!
Durff -> EdTechTalk: good question
Jeanne -> EdTechTalk: Our school is a member of Discovery Schools
alicemercer -> EdTechTalk: Well, you know, they won't disappear during the next dot.bomb.
sharonp -> EdTechTalk: hey John, your question is duly noted
sroseman -> EdTechTalk: I read that, Sharon! Amazing
sharonp -> EdTechTalk: we will await his answer with bated breath....
alicemercer -> EdTechTalk: I like being associated with all of you, lol
Durff -> EdTechTalk: we like having you around alice - your wisdom might wear off on us
sroseman -> EdTechTalk: Here is the story on Joshua Bell
sroseman -> EdTechTalk: Making Connections Tuesdays @ : est
alicemercer -> EdTechTalk: Or something else?
Durff -> EdTechTalk: no, wisdom
sharonp -> EdTechTalk: thanks sue....
sroseman -> EdTechTalk: oops
sroseman -> EdTechTalk: one moment
JohnPederson -> EdTechTalk: :o) true
alicemercer -> EdTechTalk: Connections are difficult, e.g. classroom. ning discussion?
alicebarr -> EdTechTalk: I agree alicemercer, hard to have some of these conversations on ning
Durff -> EdTechTalk: recent discussion? did I miss sth?
sroseman -> EdTechTalk: http://kansascity.com//story/.html
alicemercer -> EdTechTalk: Well, it's new...
alicemercer -> EdTechTalk: I digress...
sharonp -> EdTechTalk: thx sue.... I could probably find the link I read... just a sec
Durff -> EdTechTalk: I looked two hours ago...
Simon -> EdTechTalk: I can relate Steve, I can't believe I've been asked to present to teachers/senior admin about what I am doing in my classroom!
nzchrissy -> EdTechTalk: Have people tried YackPack for conversations?
MGuhlin.net -> EdTechTalk: AliceBarr, what do you mean that its hard to have these discussions on Ning?
Durff -> EdTechTalk: congrats, Simon
Durff -> EdTechTalk: Yack pack
Simon -> EdTechTalk: thanks
Durff -> EdTechTalk: yes
nzchrissy -> EdTechTalk: YackPack is very good
sharonp -> EdTechTalk: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article////AR.html?referrer...
sharonp -> EdTechTalk: incredibly well written article too
Maria -> EdTechTalk: i yacked with jody hayes today
Durff -> EdTechTalk: we use it at our school
Durff -> EdTechTalk: I put it on my blog
nzchrissy -> EdTechTalk: That's great Maria & Durff
alicemercer -> EdTechTalk: I'm still figuring out about ning, but I've made some great connections though, I never would have. I'm too new, and not "known" so I've found others there. And here. If I was still just posting comments on
Durff -> EdTechTalk: the prinicipal's daughter loved it
alicebarr -> EdTechTalk: I think it's a little hard to follow the conversations on Ning because so much is going on all the time. Perhaps it is me and my inexperience with social networking, I'm not sure
nzchrissy -> EdTechTalk: We have it on our wikispace
alicemercer -> EdTechTalk: The big blogs, I'd be lost
nzchrissy -> EdTechTalk: for a collaborative project with Malaysia
Durff -> EdTechTalk: no alice
Maria -> EdTechTalk: I put yackpack on my classroom blog but haven't been called yet
MGuhlin.net -> EdTechTalk: Thanks for sharing. Do you have a blog, AliceBarr?
sharonp -> EdTechTalk: has yackpack improved its quality then?
JohnPederson -> EdTechTalk: :)
nzchrissy -> EdTechTalk: You have to invite Maria - we'll call you!
nzchrissy -> EdTechTalk: invite us
nzchrissy -> EdTechTalk: It's working well for us Sharon
alicemercer -> EdTechTalk: And I have a blog, but MY blog, as opposed to my class blog, is not getting heavy traffic.
Durff -> EdTechTalk: it is somewhat disconnected, alice
MGuhlin.net -> EdTechTalk: Agree with Steve on this. School's create their own irrelevant reality.
sharonp -> EdTechTalk: good to hear, Chrissy - what is the advantage over skype?
LisaMLane -> EdTechTalk: I linked my blog from my Moodle class, but didn't assign anything
alicemercer -> EdTechTalk: It is , I assume that was to Alice b, but I agree
nzchrissy -> EdTechTalk: You can record a message, chat a message or speak live
sharonp -> EdTechTalk: ohhhh
alicebarr -> EdTechTalk: Miguel: I have a few that I use for class purposes. Mine is in progress and will be up soon http://alicebarr.edublogs.org or http://yhsstaff.edublogs.org
nzchrissy -> EdTechTalk: Good when time difference is a problem
Durff -> EdTechTalk: yackpack is liked a walkietalkie
Durff -> EdTechTalk: Skype keeps a log of the text chats
sharonp -> EdTechTalk: good point chrissy
MGuhlin.net -> EdTechTalk: Thanks, AliceBarr...you should write about your ning experience and share that. just a suggestion.
Durff -> EdTechTalk: I'm learning RSS because of Horizon Project
nzchrissy -> EdTechTalk: Students really like leaving a message and hearing a message
alicemercer -> EdTechTalk: I feel like I reach more people here, and on classroom . than on my blog.
alicebarr -> EdTechTalk: Thanks Miguel Good suggestion!
alicemercer -> EdTechTalk: The talk here helps to clarify.
MGuhlin.net -> EdTechTalk: Why AliceMercer?
alicemercer -> EdTechTalk: Oh, maybe they don't like my politics? I don't know? I connect a lot more through commenting.
alicemercer -> EdTechTalk: I get some comments, but not a lot on my blog, whereas here, I'm having a conversation.
LisaMLane -> EdTechTalk: Blogs really are mostly presentation, unless the conversation is integrated.
sharonp -> EdTechTalk: great question about mobile computing devices
LisaMLane -> EdTechTalk: I like the idea of having the discussion in its own column, instead of responses to posts.
sharonp -> EdTechTalk: my students raised that very question today
MGuhlin.net -> EdTechTalk: Hmm...blogs are less about conversation more about presentation
Durff -> EdTechTalk: I leave comments on student's blogs just cause
alicemercer -> EdTechTalk: You have to have an audience, and while I and my husband think I'm fascinating, others haven't
Durff -> EdTechTalk: kids love it
alicemercer -> EdTechTalk: discovered me yet, lol
sendkathy -> EdTechTalk: Cheyl, what are some of the journal you like?
MGuhlin.net -> EdTechTalk: what's your blog address AliceMercer?
sharonp -> EdTechTalk: how can cell phones be used to promote education...
alicemercer -> EdTechTalk: My students have each other and me to prompt the conversation along.
alicebarr -> EdTechTalk: I agree Miguel. I have been using blogs more as a log
Durff -> EdTechTalk: oh, you are fascinating, alice
SandyB -> EdTechTalk: htp://www.techlearning.com/blog///a_problem_with_blogs.php
cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: well I like tech learning.com, :-), I like TIE, eschoolnews, education world
alicemercer -> EdTechTalk: http://mizmercer.edublogs.org, You already link to my class site http://nicholasfifth.edublogs.org
Durff -> EdTechTalk: my kids converse on their blogs
sharonp -> EdTechTalk: interesting viewpoint, Miguel - more about presentation than conversation....
alicemercer -> EdTechTalk: Okay, phones could REALLY bridge the digital divide.
alicemercer -> EdTechTalk: Poor people, and people of color have much more penetration into cell phones than computers
sendkathy -> EdTechTalk: Ok, I get eschool news and ed world I will look into techlearning
cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: Edutopia too
Durff -> EdTechTalk: ahhh, there' a bug in here! spring has spring!
sharonp -> EdTechTalk: yes, Lisa, I would say that my own kids do that too - they are using their facebook and myspace more as an asynchronous chat room
nzchrissy -> EdTechTalk: Durff - my students & I have just started looking at your blog as a model
alicebarr -> EdTechTalk: Soon cell phones will be coputers!
Durff -> EdTechTalk: sprung
alicebarr -> EdTechTalk: computers
MGuhlin.net -> EdTechTalk: Conversation is with yourself <smile>
sharonp -> EdTechTalk: cell phones already are computers
Durff -> EdTechTalk: my blog?
sharonp -> EdTechTalk: when you really think about it
Durff -> EdTechTalk: as a model?
MGuhlin.net -> EdTechTalk: You have a blog Durff?
MGuhlin.net -> EdTechTalk: grin
nzchrissy -> EdTechTalk: yip
Durff -> EdTechTalk: oh dear!
alicemercer -> EdTechTalk: Anyway, Miguel you don't have to read my blog, (now I sound pathetic) but I like ning (eventhough it's chaotic) because I'm seeing new folks I never did before.
Durff -> EdTechTalk: oh Miguel - I have
alicemercer -> EdTechTalk: The unknown, the newbies, etc.
MGuhlin.net -> EdTechTalk: AliceMercer, Steve Hargadon will be glad to read your blog. We've been having a polite disagreement on this.
alicemercer -> EdTechTalk: I saw, grin!
alicemercer -> EdTechTalk: I'm a stirrer
Durff -> EdTechTalk: polite?
alicemercer -> EdTechTalk: Now you know.
sendkathy -> EdTechTalk: I can see why you like http://techlearning.com/ Cheryl! You're on the home page!
Durff -> EdTechTalk: since when?
MGuhlin.net -> EdTechTalk: Ban cell phones...read Dean Shareski on this recently
Durff -> EdTechTalk: anyone try Jott yet?
cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: that is why I had the smile kathy.
alicemercer -> EdTechTalk: Yeah, I have a kid in my class (fifth grade) with a cell and no computer.
sendkathy -> EdTechTalk: ahh lol
Durff -> EdTechTalk: a tool for cell phones
cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: Steve Dembo , Vicki DAvis, Miguel G. are all on techlearning
alicemercer -> EdTechTalk: But what to do with them? web content?
Durff -> EdTechTalk: a cell IS a computer
MGuhlin.net -> EdTechTalk: I'm not anymore
MGuhlin.net -> EdTechTalk: I'm out-classed!
Durff -> EdTechTalk: because?
MGuhlin.net -> EdTechTalk: intimidated by Cheryl!
sendkathy -> EdTechTalk: Similar to jott is http://gabcast.com/
cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: no way, is that true?
cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: Miguel you got me going on blogging when I was on sabbatical
MGuhlin.net -> EdTechTalk: yep
MGuhlin.net -> EdTechTalk: ;)
JohnPederson -> EdTechTalk: which video are you referencing?
JohnPederson -> EdTechTalk: link?
cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: pay attention video
Durff -> EdTechTalk: Karl Fisch video
sharonp -> EdTechTalk: http://www.speedofcreativity.org////and-so-it-begins-olpc-deployment/
JohnPederson -> EdTechTalk: k
alicemercer -> EdTechTalk: It is such a small screen
alicemercer -> EdTechTalk: That's my concern...
Durff -> EdTechTalk: the buttons are too small
Durff -> EdTechTalk: on a cell phone
alicebarr -> EdTechTalk: It's a pretty cool device though. WE have one at school!
Durff -> EdTechTalk: for kids especially
sharonp -> EdTechTalk: I can barely text on my cell
sharonp -> EdTechTalk: I am embarrassed to say
Durff -> EdTechTalk: me tpp
Durff -> EdTechTalk: soooo small
Simon -> EdTechTalk: the Toronto District School Board officially banned cell phones this weeek
alicemercer -> EdTechTalk: Hard call on cell phone
alicebarr -> EdTechTalk: You do what Maine did!
sharonp -> EdTechTalk: I am not surprised
Durff -> EdTechTalk: ours don't yet, even if I buy them
sharonp -> EdTechTalk: we are pretty tough on cell phones at my school
alicemercer -> EdTechTalk: We've had "mob" fights with cell phones, and "safety" issues seem to trump all.
Durff -> EdTechTalk: iPods are banned too
alicemercer -> EdTechTalk: Also, not all cells are web capable, or folks may not subscribe.
sharonp -> EdTechTalk: the policy is against all electronic devices
cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: we have that too Sharon
Durff -> EdTechTalk: my phone was free and I can acess
Durff -> EdTechTalk: i'm cheap
alicemercer -> EdTechTalk: Yeah, but don't you have to subscribe?
Durff -> EdTechTalk: i get the lowest pl;an
alicemercer -> EdTechTalk: Getting a web capable is easy,
LisaMLane -> EdTechTalk: Verizon is $/month but uses airtime
Durff -> EdTechTalk: $ per month
LisaMLane -> EdTechTalk: but it is SO slow
Durff -> EdTechTalk: i do not sibscribe
Durff -> EdTechTalk: to the internet
alicemercer -> EdTechTalk: I love google earth
Durff -> EdTechTalk: but i can get it on the phone anyway
alicemercer -> EdTechTalk: Hey, there is an idea.
Durff -> EdTechTalk: if i can, i'm sure the natives can
alicemercer -> EdTechTalk: Okay, I'm getting convinced.
sroseman -> EdTechTalk: Have you heard of twitter
Durff -> EdTechTalk: tweets!
alicemercer -> EdTechTalk: don't start, I have a twitter aversion.
Durff -> EdTechTalk: Jaiku is better
LisaMLane -> EdTechTalk: I'm twitter averse also
Durff -> EdTechTalk: Go to Jaiku
alicemercer -> EdTechTalk: I don't want to be "on" that much. and I"m online a lot.
Durff -> EdTechTalk: http://jaiku.com/
sendkathy -> EdTechTalk: So John, I was just checking out your blog. I like the intersting images you choose to accompany you text. I also enjoy your observations. So what is it really,fuzz?!
cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: any questions from the chat room for STeve?
sendkathy -> EdTechTalk: Did you ask him about discovery educators?
alicemercer -> EdTechTalk: highlights from today's webinair?
Durff -> EdTechTalk: talk about his online persona a bit
alicebarr -> EdTechTalk: What wa sthe webinar today?
alicemercer -> EdTechTalk: Sound is going in and out.
MGuhlin.net -> EdTechTalk: What are suggestions Steve has for overcoming the network police?
alicemercer -> EdTechTalk: Ugh, I can't do squat at my school.
alicebarr -> EdTechTalk: EDUCATION!!!!!
Durff -> EdTechTalk: netwoek police
Durff -> EdTechTalk: good name
Durff -> EdTechTalk: i can't either
alicebarr -> EdTechTalk: Exactky Sharon: AMKE Good choices!
nzchrissy -> EdTechTalk: I feel very lucky - we don't have as many issues with network police as you guys do
Durff -> EdTechTalk: so i take my laptop
SandyB -> EdTechTalk: The network guys like to blame the blocks and filters on parental complaints
alicebarr -> EdTechTalk: Make Good Choices sorry
Durff -> EdTechTalk: and go away
alicemercer -> EdTechTalk: What is the concern with wireless?
alicemercer -> EdTechTalk: security wise?
Durff -> EdTechTalk: we have wireless
JohnPederson -> EdTechTalk: if steve were to conquer the world, what would be his first move? (serious questionstion: why do you use twitter?)
alicemercer -> EdTechTalk: Why couldn't they bring in their own laptops with wireless?
Durff -> EdTechTalk: I think it's others taking advantage of it
MGuhlin.net -> EdTechTalk: subscribed to your blogs, AliceMercer and AliceBarr. thx
Durff -> EdTechTalk: kids need a sign on to access via the school's servers
alicebarr -> EdTechTalk: Thank you Miguel!
alicemercer -> EdTechTalk: Thank you, lol
alicemercer -> EdTechTalk: Hopefully you won't be sorry...
alicebarr -> EdTechTalk: I am subscribed to you Miguel
Durff -> EdTechTalk: watch out,Miguel has a forked tongue!
Durff -> EdTechTalk: :)
alicebarr -> EdTechTalk: Yes agree alice mercer... However this motivates me!
MGuhlin.net -> EdTechTalk: Durff, that's it, you're off my blogroll
Durff -> EdTechTalk: Gotcha!
alicemercer -> EdTechTalk: Which of your blogs should I subscribed to Miguel?
MGuhlin.net -> EdTechTalk: darn, what's the name of your blog?
MGuhlin.net -> EdTechTalk: I only have one blog, mguhlin.net
Durff -> EdTechTalk: Thanks Miguel
alicemercer -> EdTechTalk: hmm, okay
MGuhlin.net -> EdTechTalk: you wanted to be off?
MGuhlin.net -> EdTechTalk: hmm
Durff -> EdTechTalk: Durff's Clog
MGuhlin.net -> EdTechTalk: ha
Durff -> EdTechTalk: Blog
LisaMLane -> EdTechTalk: the majority of college instructors don't get it either
Durff -> EdTechTalk: I have class one's at blogmeister
LisaMLane -> EdTechTalk: I gave a web . workshop, and they said, "Oh! Now I know what I don't know!"
Durff -> EdTechTalk: oh dear
MGuhlin.net -> EdTechTalk: We did a preso with the supe and cabinet on podcasting this morning
Durff -> EdTechTalk: so they didn't buy into it?
cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: I like that statement Lisa , I know what I don't know.
MGuhlin.net -> EdTechTalk: they learned how to use the Olympus WS-
MGuhlin.net -> EdTechTalk: I agree with Steve!
LisaMLane -> EdTechTalk: I liked it too, Cheryl -- but all they'd ever heard of was MySpace
sharonp -> EdTechTalk: great job Lisa!
Durff -> EdTechTalk: and how bad it is too
alicebarr -> EdTechTalk: Miguel how did it go?
Durff -> EdTechTalk: not why it is successful
Cathy E -> EdTechTalk: My principal is so supportive- I am so lucky
LisaMLane -> EdTechTalk: it's confusing to have two Lisas here -- I should change my name
Durff -> EdTechTalk: mine is too
Durff -> EdTechTalk: just call me Durff
Durff -> EdTechTalk: it's easier
alicebarr -> EdTechTalk: Woo hoo! Great Cheryl!
LisaMLane -> EdTechTalk: I'm gonna be LisaHistory next time; that's my web name anyway
alicemercer -> EdTechTalk: I wonder how many admin know about podcasting and blogging?
Durff -> EdTechTalk: hi alice again
alicebarr -> EdTechTalk: We have a technology continuum
alicemercer -> EdTechTalk: Hello
LisaMLane -> EdTechTalk: I just found out today the principal at my kid's school doesn't get it
LisaMLane -> EdTechTalk: another parent asked me to be on the tech committee
Durff -> EdTechTalk: you get to tell him
LisaMLane -> EdTechTalk: Anyone know where I can find a good elem school basic website I can show them?
nzchrissy -> EdTechTalk: We don't have any standards to follow for technology as such - is that the same for anyone else?
alicemercer -> EdTechTalk: Lisa, do they do automated phone system.
cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: http://www.weskids.com bob sprankle
Charlene C. -> EdTechTalk: What about ISTE's standards?
LisaMLane -> EdTechTalk: yes, alicemercer, they do
Durff -> EdTechTalk: why can't we bring Starbucks into the classroom for blogging
alicemercer -> EdTechTalk: You can show mine: http://nicholasfifth.edublogs.org
nzchrissy -> EdTechTalk: No we don't have ISTE standards
alicemercer -> EdTechTalk: shoehorn them into podcasting.
LisaMLane -> EdTechTalk: thanks, alicemercer, I will, but just a basic HTML site?
alicemercer -> EdTechTalk: Suggest that they save them online.
alicemercer -> EdTechTalk: Not basic.
Durff -> EdTechTalk: Steve Dembo style
alicemercer -> EdTechTalk: It's a blog, and EASIER than when I did HTML coding.
Durff -> EdTechTalk: then i am not in my right mind
Durff -> EdTechTalk: thank you steve
pruffing -> EdTechTalk: i agree with steve about Twitter
alicebarr -> EdTechTalk: LisaM Lane here is another http://yes.yarmouth.k.me.us/Pages/YSD_YESResource/index
LisaMLane -> EdTechTalk: *I* know that :)
LisaMLane -> EdTechTalk: perfect, alice, I have to start small
LisaMLane -> EdTechTalk: they have an awful site no one updates because the principal maintains control and knows nothing
alicemercer -> EdTechTalk: Blogging is easier in many ways. You can set it up as static.
sharonp -> EdTechTalk: sharon needs a twitter audience..... anyone out there??
cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: lisa look at classblogmeister for lots of pages at different levels
Durff -> EdTechTalk: i am
LisaMLane -> EdTechTalk: Alice, I'll use yours to show the potential!
nzchrissy -> EdTechTalk: I don't get twitter either
alicemercer -> EdTechTalk: Lisa, if they are doing robo calling, they can podcast.
alicebarr -> EdTechTalk: Thanks Lisa
JohnPederson -> EdTechTalk: :)
nzchrissy -> EdTechTalk: value wise that is
alicemercer -> EdTechTalk: LIsa, if I get some teachers at my school started, I'll try to let you know about it.
LisaMLane -> EdTechTalk: true, alice, I hadn't thought of that
sharonp -> EdTechTalk: twittervision
alicemercer -> EdTechTalk: I think they there is much more tech penetration in phone usage
alicemercer -> EdTechTalk: Sorta like the points that Steve was making about cell
alicemercer -> EdTechTalk: get them where they are already using tech, and get it to the web, cause everything has some connection to it now.
Cathy E -> EdTechTalk: I keep going back to jaiku
Durff -> EdTechTalk: I like Jaiku
LisaMLane -> EdTechTalk: I blogged that twitter is the text version of what I hear them do on their cell
Linda J -> EdTechTalk: great show! Thank!
sharonp -> EdTechTalk: I don't know about jaiku
Linda J -> EdTechTalk: Thanks!!
Durff -> EdTechTalk: already?
nzchrissy -> EdTechTalk: I don't know anything about Jaiku either
Janice Stearns -> EdTechTalk: Great conversation. Thanks!
SandyB -> EdTechTalk: Thanks for the great input
LisaMLane -> EdTechTalk: thanks so much! and thanks alice and alice for the help!
cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: thank you for all coming tonight, what a great show!
alicemercer -> EdTechTalk: np
Durff -> EdTechTalk: http://jaiku.com/
alicebarr -> EdTechTalk: Thanks all!
nzchrissy -> EdTechTalk: ta for the link durff
cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: next webinar May , Discovery Educator
sharonp -> EdTechTalk: thanks Cheryl
alicebarr -> EdTechTalk: Topic Cheryl?
cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: webinar tomorrow, podcasting
sharonp -> EdTechTalk: one for tomorrow - podcasting
Durff -> EdTechTalk: time?
alicemercer -> EdTechTalk: I wish I could see it.
cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: steve will get the url
alicemercer -> EdTechTalk: sigh...
pruffing -> EdTechTalk: i am signed up for tomorrow's with Jannita and podcasting
Durff -> EdTechTalk: school night = /
cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: may rd, looking at great Star educators
Durff -> EdTechTalk: boohoo
nzchrissy -> EdTechTalk: It's a public holiday for us today
Durff -> EdTechTalk: tomorrow?
nzchrissy -> EdTechTalk: your tomorrow our today
nzchrissy -> EdTechTalk: It's Wed here
Durff -> EdTechTalk: where are you?
nzchrissy -> EdTechTalk: New Zealand
Durff -> EdTechTalk: wow
nzchrissy -> EdTechTalk: I'm from the future!
alicemercer -> EdTechTalk: There is no average educator, lol
cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: chrissy how is it on Wed.
Steve Dembo -> EdTechTalk: If you want to cathc tomorrows webinar, you can register at http://cs.wikispaces.com/CAIS-BP
Durff -> EdTechTalk: yes in more ways than one
Steve Dembo -> EdTechTalk: wait
Steve Dembo -> EdTechTalk: that's not it!
nzchrissy -> EdTechTalk: It's a lovely day here - It's ANZAC day
Cathy E -> EdTechTalk: @nzchrissy- are you a teacher?
alicemercer -> EdTechTalk: The webinair on google earth was stunning!
Durff -> EdTechTalk: what is it?
nzchrissy -> EdTechTalk: Yes I am - Year s
Maria -> EdTechTalk: how do I post a link in the chat room
cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: what is anzac
nzchrissy -> EdTechTalk: Google cool
alicemercer -> EdTechTalk: So elementary roundtable next week?
Steve Dembo -> EdTechTalk: Try again http://tinyurl.com/bfmvr
nzchrissy -> EdTechTalk: ANZAC - Australia New Zealand Air Corps
cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: pretty sure it is the roundtable
Durff -> EdTechTalk: post a link by using Word
nzchrissy -> EdTechTalk: celebrate the soldiers that fought for us at Gallipoli
Durff -> EdTechTalk: paste into Word, then drag into chat room
Simon -> EdTechTalk: I love Tuesday nights!
cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: thanks and see you next Tues.
alicemercer -> EdTechTalk: The air corps during WWII
nzchrissy -> EdTechTalk: Yes WW
alicemercer -> EdTechTalk: holding the eastern front for the British Empire, thankless task...
nzchrissy -> EdTechTalk: .am Dawn Parades
alicemercer -> EdTechTalk: awww.
nzchrissy -> EdTechTalk: Its cool - the younger generation turn up and are really interested in the history
sroseman -> EdTechTalk: cool chat
cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: alright, folks, we are winding down.
pruffing -> EdTechTalk: thank you
nzchrissy -> EdTechTalk: So many cool links today
Maria -> EdTechTalk: http://classblogmeister.com/blog.php?blogger_id= trying to post my classroom blog
Maria -> EdTechTalk: thanks durff!
Cathy E -> EdTechTalk: Maria- when do you go back to school?
cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: cathy, can't wait to listen to your podcast. I'll do that when I get off line
Maria -> EdTechTalk: The kiddos will be back on Monday - it seems like we've been out forever
sharonp -> EdTechTalk: good night everyone!! Great chat - thanks for sharing!
cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: thanks all.
JohnPederson -> EdTechTalk: good night everybody
Steve Dembo -> EdTechTalk: Is it weird that despite doing numerous podcasts and presentations, I still get nervous when interviewed?
Steve Dembo -> EdTechTalk: heh
cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: steve, you did a great job, not nervous at all
pruffing -> EdTechTalk: thanks for the planet earth webinar today steve
Steve Dembo -> EdTechTalk: Good, I fooled you all! Thanks again, this was a blast!
JohnPederson -> EdTechTalk: off to conquer the world...
Charlene C. -> EdTechTalk: thanks!! Great job tonite
alicebarr -> EdTechTalk: Great job gals
Steve Dembo -> EdTechTalk: @john :)
cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: oh, y ou can still hear me typing. bye
nzchrissy -> EdTechTalk: Brilliant show - again!
JohnPederson -> EdTechTalk: ;
cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: thanks all, you make the show too
Cathy E -> EdTechTalk: Maria- I will email you this week- we are going to the beach on Monday
cheryl wow -> EdTechTalk: Maria, I'll leave you a webkins message. xoxoxo
Maria -> EdTechTalk: I have yackpack on my blog - maybe we can chat a bit when we all get back to school
nzchrissy -> EdTechTalk: Maria we would love to chat with you
nzchrissy -> EdTechTalk: on yackpac
Maria -> EdTechTalk: I just have the freebie yackpack - is that what you use for your projects
nzchrissy -> EdTechTalk: Yes it is
nzchrissy -> EdTechTalk: all free
Maria -> EdTechTalk: do you want to try it out now?
nzchrissy -> EdTechTalk: ok
Maria -> EdTechTalk: i'm rather new to it and have only used it to chat with others
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