Wanna check out some software... build a server in 30min. (after the software install)

Ok... we'll call this an ongoing document. But, basically, this is how you set up a 'server' on an old desktop so you can try out all the new software at the cost of using an old desktop you weren't using anyway. THESE INSTRUCTIONS ARE NOT INTENDED FOR A PRODUCTION (PUBLIC) BOX. Please post questions as comments.

Get the Linux Distribution

  1. First, go to ubuntu.com and download the newest version of Ubuntu.
  2. http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download
  4. You want the newest server version. you want the 'standard computer' or x86 thingy.
  5. download from a 'place near you'. Although this is not compellingly important... it is just considered polite.
  6. You should have a file that looks like ubuntu-7.04-server-i386.iso on your desktop (or wherever you SAVED this file for download) It should be in the 700MB range.
  7. You need to get a CD or DVD and 'burn an image' onto your disk.
  8. Burn an ISO windows, Mac, Linux

Install the Server

Once the image is burnt, you just drop it into your old computer, and follow the pretty simple directions. When you come to instructions you don't understand, write them down and guess. You can figure it out later. The big advantage of a test box is that you don't have to answer to anyone else. If something doesn't work, you can just forget about it.

http://www.debianadmin.com/ubuntu-lamp-server-installation-with-screensh... this is a pretty good guide to doing a LAMP isntallation. LAMP stands for Linux, Apache, Mysql PHP, which is what you want if you want a drupal installation.

Do a quick fix

  1. go to Applications --> Accessories --> Terminal (trust me on this..Atext window will pop up that looks like this
  2. dave@myserver:~$ ### (from here on I'll just put the $ sign)
  3. $ sudo su ### (it will ask for you password, give it to it)
  4. You are now the 'root' user. In a 'real' server environment people frown on this... but this is your own damn box. You can break whatever you like. next
  5. aptitude install vim php5 apache2 mysql-server-5.0 (Just say Y to any foolish questions) and some more stuff once i think about it)
  6. go to firefox and type in localhost in the address line. if a file that says Index Of/ shows up... your server is running.
  7. We may need a few more config things here... more late.

Install Drupal

  1. Go to drupal.org
  2. Get the link for the newest release http://ftp.drupal.org/files/projects/drupal-5.2.tar.gz right now this is the most current. Highlight it and copy the link.
  3. In ubuntu, go to Applications --> Accessories --> Terminal (trust me on this... once you get used to it, you'll thank me for it. I didn't believe the person who told me, and now I'm still thankful.
  4. a text window will pop up that looks like this
  5. dave@myserver:~$ ### (from here on I'll just put the $ sign)
  6. $ sudo su ### (it will ask for you password, give it to it)
  7. You are now the 'root' user. In a 'real' server environment people frown on this... but this is your own damn box. You can break whatever you like. next
  8. $ cd /var/www ### This will cd (change directory) to the directory where your 'websites' live.
  9. $ wget http://ftp.drupal.org/files/projects/drupal-5.2.tar.gz ### This will download the new drupal directly to your new server
  10. $ ls -la ### This will list all of the contents of this directory.
  11. $ tar -zxvf drup (once you get this far, press the TAB key on your keyboard, it will fill in the rest of the text for you)
  12. This will unpack your new drupal installation
  13. $ ls -la
  14. Take a look what is there... you should see something like drupal-5.2
  15. $ mv drupal-5.2 drupal
  16. $ ls -la
  17. this is how you rename things in linux. This will just make it easier to find once you go and try to make a website
  18. $ mysqladmin -uroot create drupaldatabase
  19. (note on above, if you have added a mysql password during the installation process you will need to do a mysqladmin -uroot -p create drupaldatabase (and then give it the password)

Check it Out

  1. go to the browser on your server
  2. Applications --> Internet --> Firefox
  3. in the 'address line' (where urls go) type
  4. localhost/drupal/install.php
  5. And see what happens.