New Media Literacies Panel at UPEI - September 29, 2007

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New Media Literacies Panel
at UPEI New Media Institute
September 29, 2007


Chat Log Below

14:23:27  JenniferW ->  Its SHARON!!!
14:25:51  carolynf ->  I know the under the radar thing ;)
14:27:14  JenniferW ->  and its WILL
14:28:01  carolynf ->  I've heard this in different ways but I'm getting "this" right now
14:29:03  JenniferW ->  Hi Carolyn
14:29:10  carolynf ->  Hi Jennifer :)
14:29:18  JenniferW ->  isn't this FUN
14:29:28  carolynf ->  It is!  I keep coming back ;)
14:29:32  JenniferW ->  me too
14:29:36  carolynf ->  Like getting to attend ourselves
14:29:42  JenniferW ->  who is this genteman??
14:29:49  JL ->  Sandy...
14:29:55  JL ->  prof here at pei
14:29:59  JenniferW ->  okay
14:30:08  JL ->  researcher involved with the project
14:30:15  JL ->  sorry audio isn't better
14:30:18  JenniferW ->  ustream has no delay -- which is really neat.  I was using it incorrectly
14:30:22  JenniferW ->  OH NO -- it is GREAT
14:30:26  JL ->  hope the archived version is better
14:30:32  JenniferW ->  come on -- we are MILES apart
14:30:34  JL ->  I agree Jdub
14:30:36  carolynf ->  mine is delaing a little.
14:30:45  carolynf ->  delaying
14:30:58  carolynf ->  the video is, not the audio
14:31:03  JL ->  Mr. Cormier - your son has done a great job here
14:31:20  JenniferW ->  yes, the video sometimes is choppy
14:31:33  carolynf ->  Wish I'd heard Sharon's part
14:31:37  JenniferW ->  but it is still FANTASTIC
14:31:45  JenniferW ->  they will go back to Sharon -- HOPE HOPE
14:31:57  JL ->  me too (hear sharon's presentation)
14:32:12  rentre ->  chip of the block.
14:32:14  JenniferW ->  yes, that woud have been great -- hopefuly she podcasted it??
14:32:28  JenniferW ->  and its SHARON!!!  :)
14:35:08  carolynf ->  I know our students would like a virtual web, not sure I would
14:35:40  JenniferW ->  hmmm -- what is a virtual web??  -- did I miss something
14:35:41  carolynf ->  i imagine a web without keyboards next
14:36:02  carolynf ->  well, Sharon was asked about what will be after the semantic web
14:36:09  JenniferW ->  ahhh okay
14:36:11  carolynf ->  and they said something about the virtual web--like secondlife
14:36:16  carolynf ->  for the whole web
14:36:31  carolynf ->  Talk about it in the library world...card catalog that is a virtual catalog of sorts
14:36:40  carolynf ->  where you move through the collection like a character
14:37:18  JenniferW ->  carolyn -- do you still have a card catalog??  with real cards??
14:37:22  carolynf ->
14:37:29  carolynf ->  I meant that figuratively ;)
14:37:35  JenniferW ->  when my other library friend, Carolyn, moved
14:37:38  carolynf ->  we have had an online one for a long time
14:37:49  JenniferW ->  to her new lab -- she made sure she had room for her Card Catalog
14:38:04  carolynf ->  they're good for storing nuts/bolts ;)
14:38:11  JenniferW ->  Hi Lisa
14:38:15  carolynf ->  Hi Lisa
14:38:21  lisaparisi ->  hey jen  how are you feeling
14:38:25  JenniferW ->  grins -- or as she thinks -- CARDS
14:38:37  JenniferW ->  Hi Lisa - I feel miserable............but that's okay
14:38:46  carolynf ->  Sorry to hear than Jen
14:38:49  lisaparisi ->  hi carolyn
14:39:00  lisaparisi ->  well jen...laptop in bed?
14:39:04  carolynf ->  he's right about parents...been thinking about workshops we should be doing for parents
14:39:08  JenniferW ->  nope -- sitting at my computer
14:39:16  JenniferW ->  had to get the Technospud Newsletter done today
14:39:19  lisaparisi ->  is this live?
14:39:22  JenniferW ->  YEP
14:39:22  carolynf ->  yes
14:39:37  lisaparisi ->  who's who?
14:39:44  JenniferW ->  this is DAVE
14:39:48  JenniferW ->  Cormier
14:39:54  JenniferW ->  Sharon is to his RIGHT
14:39:59  JenniferW ->  she is coming up now --
14:40:01  JenniferW ->  emmmm
14:40:04  JenniferW ->  nope -- that is SANDY
14:40:07  JenniferW ->  a teacher from PEI
14:40:16  JenniferW ->  Will is to his right
14:40:17  carolynf ->  i'm ignorant, what is PEI
14:40:20  JenniferW ->  Sharon is at the End
14:40:24  JenniferW ->  Prince Edwards Island
14:40:26  carolynf ->  been faking it ;) like i know
14:40:27  carolynf ->  lol
14:40:32  carolynf ->  ah, of course
14:40:35  lisaparisi ->  lol
14:40:36  JenniferW ->  Anne of Green Gables
14:40:54  JenniferW ->  its BOB Sprankle
14:40:55  lisaparisi ->  hi bob
14:40:59  carolynf ->  Hi bob
14:41:06  bobs ->  hi jen! thanks for the twitter alert
14:41:08  bobs ->  hi all
14:41:11  JenniferW ->  welcome
14:41:31  JenniferW ->  that is SHARON
14:41:58  bobs ->  sharon!
14:42:01  bobs ->  :)
14:42:08  JenniferW ->  we love sharon!!!
14:42:29  carolynf ->  Hi Cathy!
14:42:37  lisaparisi ->  i am having trouble understanding the voice
14:42:38  JenniferW ->  welcome CathyJo
14:42:48  JenniferW ->  I had to turn my audio up a LOT
14:42:57  carolynf ->  Sharon, hold mic a little closer? ;)
14:42:59  Cathyjo ->  Hi Jen--feeling better?
14:43:00  lisaparisi ->  ahh thanks
14:43:10  JenniferW ->  grins, CathyJo -- not yet, but thanks for asking
14:43:20  Cathyjo ->  fall flu stinks
14:43:27  JenniferW ->  yeppers
14:43:41  JenniferW ->  I think THIS IS WHAT I want host for NECC
14:43:48  JenniferW ->  an "ASK ANYTHING" forum
14:43:54  lisaparisi ->  i would come
14:43:54  Cathyjo ->  cool
14:44:07  JenniferW ->  wouldn't it be FUN??
14:44:08  Cathyjo ->  cant wait for san antonio
14:44:09  lisaparisi ->  i have to finish my proposal
14:44:15  carolynf ->  lisa, me too
14:44:15  lisaparisi ->  what am i doing here?
14:44:17  carolynf ->  lol
14:44:24  JenniferW ->  I have to START mine
14:44:27  lisaparisi ->  lol
14:44:31  carolynf ->  I made a tour guide site for you guys
14:44:33  Cathyjo ->  so many things to distract us, huh
14:44:36  carolynf ->  where to stay, eat, etc.
14:44:44  JenniferW ->  Carolyn -- ar eyou from there??
14:44:46  Cathyjo ->  where is it C
14:44:48  carolynf ->  i'm from Austin
14:44:54  JenniferW ->  ohhh goodie
14:45:00  JenniferW ->  how far is Austin from S/A
14:45:02  carolynf ->  It's on my blog (under NECC notes) tab
14:45:06  Cathyjo ->  ok
14:45:06  carolynf ->  about 1 hour drive
14:45:16  JenniferW ->  okay -- we ARE doing dinner -- OKAY??
14:45:18  lisaparisi ->  blog url please
14:45:24  carolynf ->  ok :)  sounds fun!
14:45:29  JenniferW ->  goodie
14:45:44  JenniferW ->  we want to host a WOW2 show again from NECC
14:45:51  lisaparisi ->  very cool
14:46:00  JenniferW ->  did you come last year Lisa??
14:46:02  lisaparisi ->  this will be my first conf
14:46:07  JenniferW ->  ahhh -- take back
14:46:09  lisaparisi ->  i can't wait
14:46:10  JenniferW ->  and it is JOHN S
14:46:18  JohnSchinker ->  Hey all
14:46:24  lisaparisi ->  hi john
14:46:34  JenniferW ->  hey John -- thanks for the comment on my blog
14:46:50  JohnSchinker ->  *grin*  I love your blog. I comment more there than anywhere else.
14:46:55  Cathyjo ->
14:47:00  JenniferW ->  LOL -- is that a good thing???
14:47:08  carolynf ->  Here is the link
14:47:09  JohnSchinker ->  I also posted about one of your posts -- not sure if you got a pingback
14:47:11  carolynf ->  whoops
14:47:20  JenniferW ->  hmmm -- how do I pingback??
14:48:17  lisaparisi ->  i just sent a request to join carolyn
14:48:43  JohnSchinker ->  With many blogs, if you post your own blog post referring to someone else's post, it shows up as a comment on the original. At least that's my understanding.
14:48:58  JenniferW ->  ijohnpederson is mentioning he will be on TV with his son at a football game
14:49:05  JenniferW ->  oh -- really??
14:49:13  JenniferW ->  I shall have to find out more about pingbacks
14:49:42  lisaparisi ->  speaking of blogs...thanks again Jen...twice in one week!
14:49:51  JenniferW ->  your show was GREAT
14:49:59  lisaparisi ->  colleen will never come on my show if i keep getting so much attention!
14:50:02  JenniferW ->  the book part is unbelievable!!!
14:50:08  lisaparisi ->  thanks
14:50:17  JenniferW ->  remind her that she is only talking with you 3
14:50:30  lisaparisi ->  well next time topic is math communication..she said she is coming
14:50:36  lisaparisi ->  as a guest
14:50:42  JenniferW ->  yep I saw it written on TWITTER
14:51:06  carolynf ->  Lisa, join me where? :)
14:51:12  lisaparisi ->  the wiki
14:51:17  carolynf ->  Sharon's very in touch with classroom teachers
14:51:20  carolynf ->  ok :)
14:51:39  lisaparisi ->  but i'd love to join the dinner at necc ;)
14:51:51  JenniferW ->  of course --- YOU ARE INVITED
14:51:58  JenniferW ->  I am driving in with my 7 seat van
14:52:06  JenniferW ->  room for everyone!!
14:52:09  lisaparisi ->  i would fly car
14:52:16  carolynf ->  I'll have a car too :)
14:52:24  JohnSchinker ->  *sniff* I wanna go...
14:52:28  carolynf ->  I was thinking about--finding some place that has a really big room
14:52:33  JenniferW ->  John -- where do you live??
14:52:35  carolynf ->  where we could have a great/giant edublogger dinner
14:52:37  JohnSchinker ->  Ohio.
14:52:45  lisaparisi ->  that would be so much fin carolyn
14:52:49  lisaparisi ->  fun
14:52:50  JohnSchinker ->  Not going to work, though. I CAN go in '09.
14:52:51  lisaparisi ->  or fin
14:52:53  JenniferW ->  ahhh I would have picked you up if you were in AZ, NM or TZ
14:52:54  lisaparisi ->  whatever
14:53:03  JohnSchinker ->  You can stop by on your way :-)
14:53:16  JenniferW ->  yeah -- just turn LEFT at TX to get to OHIO??
14:53:34  JohnSchinker ->  Sure. "How do you find America?" "Turn left at Greenland."
14:53:54  JL2 ->  For those who might have missed some of the non-stop action here at PEI, raw archives are at:
14:54:08  JohnSchinker ->  Who is on the panel besides Dave and Sharon?
14:54:20  JenniferW ->  Will and Sandy
14:54:25  JL2 ->  did you hear that John?
14:54:26  JenniferW ->  Sandy is a teacher in that area
14:54:32  JohnSchinker ->  Yes...
14:57:38  carolynf ->  until they live that, I like that distinction
14:58:11  carolynf ->  good idea to focus on the positive.  so many roadblocks sometime
14:58:14  carolynf ->  good strategy
14:58:38  carolynf ->  ok, gang, i have to go
14:58:50  JenniferW ->  night carolyn
14:58:53  JenniferW ->  see you later
14:58:53  carolynf ->  must leave the house!
14:59:01  carolynf ->  ok :) bye bye :) feel better!
14:59:03  lisaparisi ->  i must get going on my proposal
14:59:07  lisaparisi ->  go to bed jen
14:59:11  JenniferW ->  lol
14:59:13  lisaparisi ->  bye carolyn
14:59:14  JenniferW ->  yes mum
14:59:39  JenniferW ->  this was excellent
14:59:52  JenniferW ->  and it keeps going
14:59:52  bobs ->  BTW all, Seedlings live show at 20:30GMT (streaming somewhere here)... K12 Online Conf. discussion with hopefully Darren, Wes, Sheryl, Lani
15:00:19  JenniferW ->  this is the way ALL conferences should end
15:00:41  JenniferW ->  imho
15:01:12  JohnSchinker ->  bobs... THAT BobS! Shesh, I didn't know were in the company of such giants! :-)
15:01:32  JenniferW ->  he was saying the same thing about you JOHN
15:01:57  JohnSchinker ->  : rolls his eyes. Bit by Bit was the second edtech podcast I ever listened to.
15:01:58  JenniferW ->  :)
15:02:14  JenniferW ->  really///  wow -- did you hear that Bob??
15:02:34  Cathyjo ->  Bob's the MAN
15:02:39  bobs ->  cool john!
15:02:42  bobs ->  hehe
15:02:42  arthus ->  who's presenting?
15:02:50  JohnSchinker ->  It was the live one with Jeff in the audience, and it was right after listening to the ETT that Bob referred to.
15:02:59  JenniferW ->  its ending -- but it was Sharon, Dave, Will, and Sandy
15:03:00  JohnSchinker ->  I realized right away that this was a very connected community.
15:03:04  JenniferW ->  CLAPPING!!!!!
15:03:30  JenniferW ->  this was THE BEST THING EVER
15:03:32  bobs ->  clapping!
15:04:29  arthus ->  this whole thing was definitely great... ustream
15:04:40  JenniferW ->  yep -- puts it in a ENTIRELY new perspective
15:05:14  arthus ->  definitely... I can't wait to see more examples of this
15:05:43  JenniferW ->  whats next??
15:06:05  arthus ->  isn't the conference over...
15:06:10  JenniferW ->  sadness
15:06:18  arthus ->  :(
15:06:26  arthus ->  but k12online is coming up
15:06:29  JenniferW ->  excellent way to end a conference
15:06:43  JenniferW ->  yes, but K12 will seem so dififerent now
15:06:49  JenniferW ->  after spontaneous conferencing
15:06:58  JenniferW ->  I loved this UStream
15:07:03  Cathyjo ->  got to go its been great logging in and out today.
15:07:09  JenniferW ->  bye CathyJo
15:07:15  JenniferW ->  tell SHARON hello!!!!
15:07:22  Cathyjo ->  by--get well soon
15:07:23  arthus ->  bye
15:07:27  JenniferW ->  I shall - I promise
15:07:39  arthus ->  i think k12online really needs some more interactivity pumped into it
15:07:45  JenniferW ->  tell SHARON I am very proud of HER!!!
15:08:07  JenniferW ->  yep -- I agree
15:08:16  JenniferW ->  especially after seeing this
15:08:25  JenniferW ->  not just hearing it -- but seeing it
15:08:31  arthus ->  I think a really interesting conference would be a conference/unconference hosted in Second Life (perhaps using Second Life)
15:08:42  JenniferW ->  they had one -- during the summer
15:08:48  JenniferW ->  too many glitches though to work out
15:09:05  JenniferW ->  I attended 2 classes -- interesting but still tech difficulities
15:09:06  arthus ->  maybe OpenSim
15:09:14  JenniferW ->  perhaps -- I need to check that out
15:09:38  JohnSchinker ->  That would be cool. What would a virtual conference physically look like in OpenSim?
15:09:45  JenniferW ->  :)
15:10:00  JenniferW ->  especially if the venue is Hawaii
15:10:02  JenniferW ->  :)
15:10:04  JohnSchinker ->  Would we model it after things we know (conference room), or would it be totally different?
15:10:15  arthus ->  I think proboably a combo of both
15:10:23  JL ->  thanks all
15:10:25  JenniferW ->  and that is I guess the end..............
15:10:31  JL ->  signing off from PEI
15:10:31  JenniferW ->  TOTALLY AWESOME
15:10:34  JenniferW ->  thanks so much
15:10:36  arthus ->  like, Island setting with conference rooms inside it
15:10:40  JohnSchinker ->  I'll see everyone tomorrow night.
15:10:44  JenniferW ->  nope -- lets meet on the beach
15:10:47  JenniferW ->  yep -- tomorrow night
15:10:51  arthus ->  haha
15:10:52  JenniferW ->  until then -- goodbye
15:11:02  rentre ->  Bye Jeff