It's Elementary #12 Using RSS (Really Serious Stress relief)

Our guest, Jennifer Dorman, gave lots of great information about using RSS in education.

  1. We defined RSS feeds (sorta like a magazine subscription, but online);
  2. We discussed why you would want to use it as a teacher, and in your classroom;
  3. We shared examples of how we use it (sometimes for ourselves and our professional development, sometimes to automate information given to and from students); and
  4. We talked about opportunities and challenges.

You can find our planning wiki here.

Some featured bookmarks from the show are here:

A more extensive list of bookmark is here on Diigo.

One issue that came up was the lack of RSS on content pages geared towards students. We've used feeds from Highlights, and Discovery Science. If you have other elementary-age content that has an RSS feed, please share it on in our Diigo group, or here as a comment. Thanks!

Chat Log Below


Eastern Time USA
18:50:52 thekyleguy -: G'evening everybody. What is up tonight?
18:52:17 KatStaton -: Hi thekyleguy
18:58:00 MariaK -: We are streaming - can you hear us
18:58:02 KatStaton -: Should I be hearing anything yet? Sry, never done this before.
18:58:48 Durff -: welcome all
18:58:55 Durff -: everyone have sound?
18:59:06 MariaK -: A
19:00:24 Durff -: sound is strong on ETTA
19:00:45 MariaK -: Welcome all
19:01:09 MariaK -: Hello Doug fro snowy NH
19:01:27 doug in victoria, bc -: Hi Maria, saw that some had a snow day today
19:01:38 doug in victoria, bc -: on twitter, earlier today
19:01:51 KatStaton -: Wish we had snow here
19:02:04 Durff -: me too
19:02:09 Durff -: in MD
19:02:16 Durff -: pooh snow maria
19:02:18 KatStaton -: any video to go with this?
19:02:25 Durff -: no video
19:02:34 JoseR -: Hi Folks
19:02:37 alicemercer -:
19:02:43 Sarah S -: We had plenty of snow in Maine - maybe I can send some south. :D
19:02:53 KatStaton -: That would be great!
19:03:40 MariaK -: We have plenty - but not as much as you sarah
19:03:44 JoseR -: It's about 70+ out here in Southern Californina
19:03:51 JoseR -: California
19:03:55 MariaK -: too bad!
19:03:59 Durff -: pooh on CA
19:04:08 alicemercer -: Jose, it's only 50+ here
19:04:18 KatStaton -: 31 here in VA
19:04:34 Durff -: RSS makes my life simple
19:04:40 Durff -: well simpler
19:04:44 cliotech -:
19:06:13 JoseR -: I really found a lot of great info on your wiki Jennifer
19:06:36 khokanson -: hi guys
19:06:40 JoseR -: Hi
19:06:47 Durff -: hi kristin
19:06:51 JoseR -: Where are folks from?
19:06:56 Helen -: good idea for middle schoolers
19:06:56 KatStaton -: Hi Kristin
19:07:21 KatStaton -: Harrisonburg, VA
19:07:42 JoseR -: Cool, What grade do you teach
19:08:13 KatStaton -: I am an ITRT for 3 elementary schools
19:08:30 JoseR -: ITRT?
19:08:50 KatStaton -: Sry, Insruction Technology Resource Teacher
19:09:19 khokanson -: I am from Phila area actually about 40 miles from where Jen is this evening
19:09:49 Durff -: those philly people
19:09:57 alicemercer -:
19:10:13 Durff -: oh, that's me - originally
19:10:36 khokanson -: what about creating page flakes for kindergarten?
19:10:41 thekyleguy -: Hi all from Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan
19:10:55 Durff -: hi canadian
19:11:08 MariaK -: Moose Jaw - Love it!
19:11:36 doug in victoria, bc -: woohooo-Canadians ROCK!
19:11:36 thekyleguy -: lol, am I the only Durff?
19:11:38 KatStaton -: I'll Google Earth that later
19:11:46 thekyleguy -: Right on Doug
19:12:01 MariaK -: hi there Cathy
19:12:08 cathywolinsky -: Hi Maria
19:12:21 doug in victoria, bc -: My fav are the Al Capone stories 'bout Moose Jaw...
19:13:19 murcha -: hello everyone
19:13:25 JoseR -: hi
19:13:27 MariaK -: We have a classroom song that mentions Moose Jaw
19:13:30 KatStaton -: hi murcha
19:14:10 Durff -: how do you all use RSS?
19:14:21 alicemercer -:
19:14:49 KatStaton -: I heard about this in a podcast today, very cool!
19:15:01 murcha -: do you use igoogle as well though
19:15:06 khokanson -: can you share one of your public pageflakes?
19:15:07 alicemercer -:
19:15:25 khokanson -: do your kids make their flakes public...? How do you see them?
19:15:30 Sarah S -: I rss the wikis so I know when kids are updating and I have it on my igoogle home page.
19:15:37 thekyleguy -: Thats right Doug. Capone supposedly used tunnels under Moose Jaw to distill alcohol during prohibition. we have opened the tunnels up for tours
19:16:00 alicemercer -: thekyleguy, are you near border?
19:16:02 thekyleguy -: Would love to hear the song Maria
19:16:11 doug in victoria, bc -: Kyle, just reading bout it on wikipedia
19:16:13 doug in victoria, bc -:
19:16:14 MariaK -: called Places in the World
19:16:17 IDa -: hi
19:16:20 thekyleguy -: 1.5 hours Alice
19:16:24 Jason -: franz feridand was wwi :)
19:16:29 alicemercer -: Close enough for Capone
19:16:39 thekyleguy -: Have you uploaded it
19:16:43 Durff -: hi ida
19:16:46 IDa -: I am new here and I really still dont know what it is about his chat
19:16:53 IDa -: any help please?
19:17:03 Durff -: the sound is to your right
19:17:12 Durff -: click on the black icon
19:17:18 thekyleguy -: IDa click the listen button on the right channel A
19:17:20 doug in victoria, bc -: you've joined "It's Elementary" show in progress
19:17:20 cliotech -: Example of a Pagecast Example of a public Google Reader shared items page
19:17:26 IDa -: where it is play
19:17:34 JoseR -: thanks Doug
19:17:39 doug in victoria, bc -: listen field on R side o this page
19:17:39 Durff -: just click the icon
19:17:55 doug in victoria, bc -: use the black speaker icon
19:18:03 IDa -: where it is written maria
19:18:06 IDa -: knee
19:18:09 Helen -: Great ideas Jennifer. Thanks
19:18:09 doug in victoria, bc -: it will launch default player on your machine for audio stream
19:18:14 cliotech -: Embedded RSS feed on cyberbullying
19:18:48 cliotech -: Here's another example
19:19:03 KatStaton -: My county is driven by fear
19:19:12 KatStaton -: Everything is blocked
19:19:29 doug in victoria, bc -: @Kat too bad, but we hear that a lot
19:19:42 murcha -: whoa we are blocked a heap too, now that we changed ISP's, (Vic, Australia) So annoying
19:19:49 KatStaton -: Very hard to make progress, but still trying!
19:20:00 Durff -: which country Kat?
19:20:02 khokanson -: jen do you have any student examples of flake that tye have created?
19:20:04 murcha -: Hard to educate and use any of the emerging technologies
19:20:19 doug in victoria, bc -: indeed--thank you on behalf your students--for continuing the good fight ;)
19:20:27 thekyleguy -: Kathy is from Moose JAw
19:20:28 IDa -: Durff I still cannt understand , who is speaking
19:20:30 KatStaton -: county, not country, VA, Augusta County : )
19:20:33 MariaK -: I know
19:20:33 IDa -: in
19:20:41 IDa -: are people from this chat or>
19:20:44 Durff -: ida alice
19:20:45 MariaK -: we've already connected - for about a year!
19:20:52 Durff -: alice is talking now
19:21:04 cathywolinsky -: Our first teacher blogging in classblogmeister set up RSS for each student so parents could connect when there are newposts.
19:21:18 Durff -: yes!
19:21:27 IDa -: aha ok thanks
19:21:37 IDa -: but I am stil in amess I guess
19:21:37 Durff -: i have parents who use RSS to keep tabs on their kids
19:21:41 murcha -: What years are elementary or what age groups?
19:21:47 JoseR -: RSS to parents is definitely an opportunity
19:21:48 Durff -: and what they do in my class
19:21:59 MariaK -: must be those tunnels in MooseJaw that helps support innovators lol
19:22:08 Jamin -: Hi Durff
19:22:09 doug in victoria, bc -: elementary == k-6, right?
19:22:14 murcha -: How old are elementary students?
19:22:15 Durff -: hi jamin
19:22:23 KatStaton -: K-5 here
19:22:24 alicemercer -: 5-12 years for me
19:22:30 alicemercer -: some move them out of elementary at 11 yo
19:22:38 murcha -: Thanks
19:22:52 murcha -: We call them primary students
19:23:17 JoseR -: my students are 8 and 9 years old
19:23:24 MariaK -: we consider primary ages 5-8
19:23:26 alicemercer -: And that term is understood in America
19:24:04 Durff -: overwhelmed - how true
19:24:14 Durff -: how to evaluate info
19:24:24 stevesoko -: Anybody have difficulty in getting teh CONCEPT of RSS across to others - colleagues, parents, admin. Sometimes they look at me crosseyed.
19:24:26 Durff -: for what is important and what is not
19:24:44 murcha -: absolutely plus blogs, wikis etc
19:24:44 alicemercer -: Steve that is a great point
19:24:44 KatStaton -: yup here too
19:24:54 Durff -: i say it's like a magazine subscription
19:25:15 KatStaton -: Good way of explaining it
19:25:19 JoseR -: Yep the teacher models the use of RSS for the class and allows for students to learn how to read for relevant content
19:25:21 IDa -: collegues have a nice evening I think I am totally nowhere right now
19:25:25 doug in victoria, bc -: brb
19:25:38 Durff -: i subscribe to all the wikisof my learners
19:25:40 alicemercer -: Steve, the RSS in Plain English is great
19:25:42 JoseR -: IDa were you able to listen to audio?
19:25:48 stevesoko -: I have tried lots of ways, subscription, push vs pull technology
19:25:51 IDa -: Well I am trying
19:25:55 alicemercer -: RSS in Plain English
19:25:57 KatStaton -: Ok, I have a blog, how do I create the RSS so people can subscribe?
19:26:01 cathywolinsky -: @Alice, how old are students using google docs?
19:26:07 JoseR -: IDa are you on a Mac or PC?
19:26:13 IDa -: pc
19:26:14 alicemercer -:
19:26:22 alicemercer -: I'm not using google docs yet
19:26:26 alicemercer -: that's Jennifer
19:26:28 murcha -: @IDa I had problems with audio yesterday. Have you been successful in the past. Is your software downloaded completely
19:26:31 Jamin -: RSS is gr8 for newspapers, othr classes podcasts/blogs/wikis.
19:26:34 alicemercer -: BUT i've done wiki's with fifth
19:26:39 cathywolinsky -: Sorry Alice,
19:26:47 Jamin -: Great idea - Google doc RSS feeds!
19:26:48 alicemercer -: or 10 years old
19:26:48 IDa -: I guess it is
19:26:48 JoseR -: IDa do you have itunes , Real Player or Windows Media Player?
19:26:59 IDa -: winwodws mediapalyer
19:27:02 cathywolinsky -: @Jennifer, how old are students using google docs
19:27:22 alicemercer -: I don't know if we dropped this one:
19:27:25 IDa -: well now yes I can hear
19:27:28 cathywolinsky -: @Maria, I sent out your wiki invite to teachers
19:27:29 KatStaton -: Thanks.
19:27:31 Durff -: mine use in middle school
19:27:34 JoseR -: Look at A click on Windows Media icon
19:27:39 stevesoko -: URL for 100th day wiki please!
19:27:47 JoseR -: it should open up your player
19:27:53 MariaK -: thanks cathy
19:27:56 alicemercer -: That last link is resources for teacher on RSS
19:28:02 MariaK -: here's the link to that wiki
19:28:04 Jamin -: What RSS reader do you use in your class guys?
19:28:18 JoseR -: 100th day wiki from?
19:28:19 MariaK -: if anyone is interested
19:28:23 JoseR -: thanks
19:28:32 Jamin -: Personally I use Netvibes but wonder what would be best for my kids.
19:28:35 murcha -: We use google docs with that age group as well as 13 -16 year olds
19:28:37 IDa -: so as I can see everyone is sharing their experinces in teaching or
19:28:39 cathywolinsky -: Thanks for the age on Google docs; we're waiting until middle school
19:28:41 stevesoko -: Thanks, Maria.
19:28:46 murcha -: Doesnt your school provide email addresses?
19:28:49 MariaK -: no prob steve
19:28:59 Durff -: i use gaggle
19:29:05 IDa -: and are this people talking now in any studoi, or anyome can talk as I hear people
19:29:05 JoseR -: Netvibes has that website feel, approrpriate for older studens
19:29:12 murcha -: Love google spreadsheets for collaborative work
19:29:12 Durff -: hi jabrnethy
19:29:20 jabernethy -: howdy
19:29:42 JoseR -: We are using Telephony program Skype. We are in different locations
19:29:50 jabernethy -: only in the chat room
19:29:53 alicemercer -: gmail mizmercer@gmail
19:29:58 Jamin -: Gaggle! i'll check it out.
19:30:00 JoseR -: anyone can join us
19:30:13 IDa -: aha I see, and we who are in this chatroom, we can only chat by writing
19:30:14 alicemercer -: [email protected]
19:30:18 khokanson -: @jan you need to click on the stream to the right
19:30:24 IDa -: and those from skype are in call
19:30:36 JoseR -: IDa: right one :-)
19:30:40 jabernethy -: need to get on differen computer with headphones
19:30:41 JoseR -: on
19:30:44 jabernethy -: hubby not interested
19:30:59 JoseR -: lol
19:31:02 IDa -: well I am sorry for assking to many quastions but it is my first time here
19:31:19 murcha -: how do I get a copy of this chat so I can grab these sites
19:31:21 JoseR -: not at all we always welcome new people
19:31:22 doug in victoria, bc -: @IDa -- don't apologize, ask away!
19:31:24 Jamin -: @IDa - keep asking quesstions!
19:31:36 Durff -: i still ask
19:31:42 murcha -: @IDa I am a newbie too
19:31:45 IDa -: so what is name of the topic
19:31:50 KatStaton -: Me too
19:31:52 IDa -: today
19:31:54 thekyleguy -: good night all. Thanks. See you again in cyberspace
19:31:57 Durff -: and i don't graduate from webcastacademy until 2017
19:31:57 doug in victoria, bc -: me too, not much for answers, but I'm working on my questions ;)
19:32:02 MariaK -: so glad to have everyone here
19:32:05 khokanson -: @jan my hubby is out of town...
19:32:06 Durff -: bue kyleguyu
19:32:14 khokanson -: I am listening to this vs tv
19:32:17 doug in victoria, bc -: cya Kyle
19:32:23 MariaK -: bye kyle
19:32:27 Durff -: show off kristin
19:32:32 thekyleguy -: see ya durff, doug and maria
19:32:40 Durff -: :)
19:32:53 JoseR -: Great Summary Alice
19:33:13 doug in victoria, bc -: brb
19:33:14 murcha -: Yes I like the summary cos I missed the first bit.
19:33:24 IDa -: are this chats always or only ion some special dates
19:33:26 KatStaton -: This has been awesome and lots of great links. Thank you!
19:33:32 JoseR -: anyone like to join us. Give us your skype id
19:33:37 Durff -: you are great
19:33:42 dwalker -: allows you to create an RSS on any page on the web you view
19:33:44 murcha -: anne.mirtschin = skype
19:33:47 khokanson -: hey thanks all
19:33:49 Durff -: come again Kat
19:33:55 IDa -: idadelhysa
19:33:59 dwalker -: You can use that to create RSS on pages you think they should be on
19:34:02 Durff -: you too ida
19:34:02 IDa -: skype
19:34:04 murcha -: hope I can keep on coming once school returns
19:34:05 KatStaton -: I will, thanks. Nite all
19:34:11 Jamin -: Cheers guys :D
19:34:13 Helen -: This has been really good. Thanks all.
19:34:26 stevesoko -: Thanks folks, great show.
19:34:36 Sarah S -: Thanks - great show.
19:34:59 murcha -: what was the blogsite again please
19:35:05 murcha -: Coule you just key it into chat
19:35:48 alicemercer -: Marsha click on my id at right and send me your Skype
19:35:51 murcha -: what was the its elementary blogsite please
19:36:15 alicemercer -:
19:36:18 alicemercer -: there.
19:36:32 JoseR -: murcha what was your skype id?
19:36:52 alicemercer -:
19:37:00 Durff -: if anyone wants to join skype call type skype id in chat
19:37:03 alicemercer -:
19:38:03 alicemercer -: Hello!
19:38:14 alicemercer -: We're in post show with Jen Dorman on RSS at Elementary
19:38:34 murcha -: so are you using skype in this post show
19:38:44 JoseR -: yes
19:38:58 alicemercer -: We use it all show to talk to each other.
19:39:02 IDa -: in my counctry right now it is almost 2 am, I hope to see u tomorrow
19:39:05 alicemercer -: Anyone want to know?
19:39:18 Jamin -: opps sorry Murcha..
19:39:19 JoseR -: thank you IDa
19:39:20 khokanson -: some teachers tell their kids that....
19:39:24 IDa -: and about topics
19:39:34 khokanson -: "I have been through ___ grade"
19:39:35 IDa -: how can I knwo waht topics will u be discussing
19:39:37 murcha -: @jamin Was wondering what i had done. I am a learner
19:40:04 alicemercer -: Can't be b.o. online?
19:40:08 Jamin -: @murcha - I found a way to message or ignore others! crazy.
19:40:28 Jamin -: I learn by playing ;)
19:41:04 IDa -: I learn by listening music
19:41:51 jabernethy -: does jennifer mean her own children or her students
19:42:07 Durff -: Jamin have you read James Paul Gee?
19:42:10 JoseR -: her students, I would think
19:42:12 jabernethy -: i think it might be scary to rss feed teenagers
19:42:30 IDa -: goodnight everyone
19:42:33 Jamin -: @Durff - no do you hav a URL?
19:42:36 alicemercer -: Night IDa
19:42:39 Durff -: he has intersting things to say about learning and video games
19:42:41 MariaK -: good night
19:42:45 JoseR -: goodnight
19:42:48 khokanson -: anything that delivers updated content
19:42:52 Durff -: he wrote two books
19:42:57 Durff -: go to amazon
19:43:06 MariaK -:
19:43:09 JoseR -:
19:43:45 Jamin -: @Durff - will do.
19:43:48 Durff -: hi kpaccio
19:44:47 khokanson -: hey Kurt, Hey Bridget
19:45:04 Durff -: kristin you know everyone
19:45:09 khokanson -: ha ha
19:45:15 khokanson -: not EVERYone :)
19:45:21 Durff -: you're famous
19:45:28 Durff -: i think so
19:45:29 Jamin -: @Durff - he is bald! Must be an intelligent person ;)
19:45:32 scmorgan -: Hi Kristin :)
19:45:43 Durff -: who is bald?
19:45:52 Durff -: oh james paul gee? yea
19:45:55 Jamin -: James Paul Gee
19:46:00 Jamin -: hehe
19:46:01 scmorgan -: Do we have access to the google doc?
19:46:05 Durff -: brain cells burned hair off
19:46:08 kpaccio -: <raises hand> follicly challenged
19:46:15 Jamin -: makes sense
19:46:26 Durff -: follicly
19:46:36 Durff -: :)
19:46:49 Jamin -: @Durff stop it he could be watching!
19:47:12 Durff -: i doubt that
19:47:35 JoseR -: Make sure to join us in our next Webcast
19:47:56 JoseR -: Our show is on the 2nd and 4th Monday at 7pm Eastern USA
19:47:59 khokanson -: hey susan :) didn't see you join in
19:48:24 Jamin -: Yeah good idea - scholastic page!
19:48:50 bbelardi -: Hey Kristin! Counting the days 'till PETE&C!!
19:49:32 scmorgan -: I missed the beginning:(
19:49:33 Durff -: me too bbelardi
19:49:49 jabernethy -: me too! Pete & C
19:49:51 Jamin -: Has anyone found a RSS for quote of the day, etc??
19:49:51 khokanson -: @bridget I've got educon and virtual DEN even up by Jen before PETE
19:50:01 khokanson -: it is going to be a BUSY learning winter
19:50:08 bbelardi -: Durff, hoping it will be best yet!
19:50:20 jabernethy -: educon here, too
19:50:23 MariaK -: Hello Cathy E
19:50:39 Cathy E -: Hello all
19:50:44 bbelardi -: @kristin--I wish every day I could treck it out to EduCon! I'll be looking for updates!!
19:50:51 jabernethy -: kristen, wanna do Manyunk on sat. night
19:50:52 alicemercer -:
19:50:55 scmorgan -: I'm looking forward to EduCon
19:51:00 JoseR -: quote of the day? Probably site specific I would do a google search and just add feeds
19:51:09 alicemercer -: has the magic orange square
19:51:34 alicemercer -: Lots of widgets for quote of the day
19:51:38 alicemercer -: to pickup a feed
19:51:42 alicemercer -: widgetbox
19:51:47 Jamin -: Found one!
19:51:48 khokanson -: @jabernathy used to live in Manyunk :) am waiting to see what Chris Lehman gets cooked up for Sat night
19:51:52 alicemercer -: Yeah!
19:52:09 alicemercer -: Darn, 404 page on that one Jamin
19:52:17 Jamin -: 404??
19:52:37 alicemercer -: Problem loading page
19:52:53 Jamin -: Hmm
19:53:17 alicemercer -: schoolnamegrade3@gmail
19:53:23 scmorgan -: I agree with Jennifer...I'm trying to set up Google Reader on my students' laptops
19:53:32 alicemercer -: [email protected]
19:54:16 jabernethy -: @kristen my daughter lives there now. i'll be staying with her
19:54:43 bbelardi -: Has anyone else's district created an in-house portal?
19:54:44 JoseR -: great tips Alice
19:54:52 khokanson -: @jan in Manyunk how FUN I LOVED living there
19:55:11 JoseR -: inhouse portal? as in intranet?
19:55:28 Jamin -: Why can' I paste URLs into this chat?
19:55:43 bbelardi -: no, as in an host rss feeds?
19:55:50 Durff -: Jaman
19:55:53 JoseR -: not sure it depends on your browser, What are you using?
19:55:55 Durff -: open a Word
19:55:56 jabernethy -: @kristen She's 26. She likes it. Traci and I are staying with her
19:56:00 Durff -: paste there
19:56:10 Durff -: drag link into chat window
19:56:30 khokanson -: very can take the train from there in to SLA really easily
19:56:39 Durff -: pj party at kristin's
19:56:45 bbelardi -: @joseR IE
19:56:47 Durff -: sounds like fun
19:56:51 Jamin -:
19:56:56 Durff -: let's ALL go
19:57:00 Jamin -: @Durff thanks girl
19:57:00 jabernethy -: awesome. i'll have to check it out
19:57:18 JoseR -: OK seems that firefox is more friendly for pasting url's
19:57:35 Jamin -: I'm using Flock.
19:58:48 Jamin -: Blogs/wikis/podcasts/quotes/newspapers ...any other good RSS feeds for my class blog??
19:59:02 doug in victoria, bc -: thanks for another great show all! great stuff
19:59:02 bbelardi -: THANKS JEN!!!!!
19:59:17 kpaccio -: Bravo!
19:59:20 JoseR -: Thanks everyone, Goodnight
19:59:29 Durff -: bye jose
19:59:32 khokanson -: @durff no pj party at my house...I am staying downtown...
19:59:40 Durff -: pooh
19:59:42 khokanson -: you know me...don't want to miss any educon fun
20:00:06 Durff -: better not have any weather
20:00:08 khokanson -: ok all gotta go scramble kids to bed
20:00:10 khokanson -: night all
20:00:12 MariaK -: can't wait til educon - khokanson- you'll have to be a guest on Jan 28th
20:00:17 Durff -: bye kristin
20:00:22 Durff -: thatnks!
20:00:24 bbelardi -: see you soon, @khokanson!
20:00:33 Helen -: Bye all!
20:00:40 Durff -: yes maria!
20:00:50 Durff -: bye helen
20:00:52 alicemercer -:
20:02:11 euphoniac -: just missed it...
20:02:15 euphoniac -: darn
20:02:21 euphoniac -: nice outro
20:02:22 Jamin -: Thanks guys...