Women of Web 2.0, Show #60
Hello and welcome. This show is our 60th show.We invited Scott Rigsby to join us. He is a motivational speaker and you will enjoy and stay on the edge of your seat throughout. I've never seen the chat room so quiet and enthralled. Thanks Scott for a great show, thanks to the chat room too! Plus thanks for sticking with us with the interruptions on the stream. Not sure what was happening, but we kept plugging away and the whole hour is recorded for your listening enjoyment.
The Chat!
20:00:02 dougsymington just kidding :)
20:00:08 sendkathy HAHA
20:00:23 cindy p my boys do that
20:00:29 Durff graduate of 2017 url for pictochat?
20:00:41 cindy p it's part of nintendo ds software
20:01:20 dougsymington Art, there you go again
20:01:25 cindy p try gogofrog.com
20:01:26 dougsymington font of knowledge over there
20:01:56 Linda J community unit
20:02:22 Linda J guess we are kin
20:02:25 sendkathy Elem educators would use the space on the whiteboard
20:02:29 Durff graduate of 2017 read James Paul Gee
20:02:32 sendkathy to allow children to explore
20:02:37 Durff graduate of 2017 then you will know Art
20:02:37 sendkathy engage
20:02:43 sendkathy and take things apart
20:02:46 cindy p museum style piece
20:02:58 sendkathy ecosystems
20:03:00 dougsymington mathematics principles too--being able to walk in and around shapes and such
20:03:05 arthus see Paris :)
20:03:07 sendkathy finding things like in I SPY but three D
20:03:16 sendkathy Yes
20:03:55 Durff graduate of 2017 mmm-the virtual world as the textbook
20:04:12 arthus what if you have a computer in the virtual world?
20:04:17 arthus and then play SL in that..
20:04:20 sendkathy yeah what if?
20:04:26 sendkathy wow
20:04:27 arthus and then get on the computer in there
20:04:27 Durff graduate of 2017 could you?
20:04:29 arthus etc.
20:04:38 sendkathy very deeeep
20:04:51 mariak @arthus - that sounds like an infinity concept
20:04:57 arthus it is
20:05:09 Durff graduate of 2017 i'm calling a cab
20:05:09 arthus actually, not it's not
20:05:14 dougsymington one company, may be NetG is already doing computer labs in SL
20:05:19 sendkathy Ladies and gents, must go, see you all back here at 9! Fun times, thx. What learning isn't distracting?
20:05:24 dgoodman_1958 yes cathy i agree
20:05:25 cindy p AMEN Cathy!
20:05:26 sendkathy bye, cya later
20:05:27 arthus because eventually your SL character would run out of lenonsa
20:05:29 mariak I used to love to set up mirrors so i could search for infinity
20:05:36 dougsymington bye Kathy
20:05:37 Durff graduate of 2017 kathy! loved seeing you!!
20:05:53 arthus I saw infinity the other day
20:05:58 Durff graduate of 2017 maria did you ever find it?
20:06:01 arthus then I looked further
20:06:08 dgoodman_1958 and their audience would be the world
20:06:11 Linda J Thank you everyone! Great Show!!!!
20:06:14 Durff graduate of 2017 where arthus? at educon?
20:06:16 mariak I'm getting closer to infinity - way closer than when I was younger!
20:06:39 Durff graduate of 2017 i'm 12
20:06:41 arthus nope, in binary
20:06:50 arthus I'm 3.14
20:07:14 Durff graduate of 2017 ok that's too deep for me - taking a cab outta here
20:07:17 mariak here's a primary grade level wiki I started http://100thday.wetpaint.com/ maybe some classrooms would want to participate
20:07:45 dougsymington @Durff I'm guessing that cab budget is a big one!
20:07:54 Durff graduate of 2017 our 100th day was Monday
20:08:05 arthus mine would be Spartan
20:08:09 Durff graduate of 2017 @Doug maria is paying
20:08:12 arthus a single white desk
20:08:16 arthus a stool
20:08:17 dougsymington excellent
20:08:20 arthus and an iMac
20:08:23 mariak @durff - no problem - this is more about the concept of counting to 100
20:08:40 mariak @durff - I',m walking
20:08:42 Durff graduate of 2017 i'll share it maria
20:09:25 arthus sneak peak: I might be starting my own regular show soon
20:09:37 Durff graduate of 2017 good
20:09:39 arthus also, I'm going to be webcasting on Super Tuesday
20:09:45 Durff graduate of 2017 'bout time
20:09:54 dougsymington indeed
20:10:11 Durff graduate of 2017 auf Deutsch-doch
20:10:21 dgoodman_1958 more formative assessments - project based learning - testing now is on fragmented learning
20:10:44 arthus define "actual experience"
20:10:48 Diane Brown recall learning...no application of critical thinking skills
20:11:02 dgoodman_1958 too much time on this
20:11:13 arthus is an experience in SL "actual"
20:11:15 Durff graduate of 2017 i don't think it passes the test arthus
20:11:33 arthus darn
20:11:43 Durff graduate of 2017 actual experience is really contrived
20:11:50 Durff graduate of 2017 it has to be
20:11:58 Durff graduate of 2017 school is contrived
20:12:26 Durff graduate of 2017 SL is not contrived enough
20:12:52 Durff graduate of 2017 oh my! it is 8:12!! I gotta go
20:13:07 mariak bye lisa - call a cab!
20:13:31 Durff graduate of 2017 i'll not log out - just go fill the coffee
20:13:41 arthus we lost him
20:13:43 cindy p losing sound...
20:13:46 dgoodman_1958 we need to involve parents more in the classroom so they see how much learning goes on
20:13:56 arthus Durff, what's up for WOW tonight?
20:14:41 lthompson Test drives everything
20:14:45 mariak Parents think the scores are measuring what their children are learning and how well the school is doing!
20:14:46 arthus the scary thing: when it gets down to actual school work, I end up being like just every student
20:15:02 arthus (cramming for the test, non-understanding based testing)
20:15:20 mariak Teacher need to find their voice and stand up for what is right for children
20:15:34 dgoodman_1958 yes we do maria
20:15:45 mariak a march on washington is what we need!
20:15:48 cindy p but we need to be singing the same song!
20:15:54 lthompson Thanks this was great
20:15:57 Diane b sounds great
20:16:08 cindy p great show tonight Cathy!
20:16:10 dgoodman_1958 will see you on Thursday evening
20:16:12 mariak think of what that would do -if all the teachers across the country organized and marched
20:16:20 mariak to wahington
20:16:23 sheila I have a big list of things to check out! Thank you!
20:16:24 dgoodman_1958 sorry I missed first half but will tune in Thursday evening
20:16:26 cindy p what an awesome thought
20:17:49 Bill L Thank you all
20:17:50 mariak Is there a web address for cris?
20:18:30 dgoodman_1958 thanks cathy
20:20:09 cindy p I know you're doing great!
20:20:40 cindy p NCWise isn't that bad
20:20:49 Diane b I love NCWise
20:21:03 cindy p It will actually move smoother than you might expect
20:21:12 cindy p Yes Cris should!
20:26:13 Durff - a cabgirl how's this maria?
20:26:26 mariak that is what i was thinkging
20:26:40 Durff - a cabgirl well beat ya
20:26:41 mariak I could be walking girl
20:26:55 mariak or walker
20:26:56 Durff - a cabgirl truw
20:26:59 Durff - a cabgirl true
20:27:12 mariak I have to be ready for the grand canyon by the end of april
20:27:41 Durff - a cabgirl what's in the grand canyon?
20:28:12 Durff - a cabgirl oh know her she comes
20:28:42 Durff - a cabgirl told ya all
20:29:12 Durff - a cabgirl so what is in the grand canyon?
20:29:24 MariaK -walker the bottom!
20:29:38 Durff - a cabgirl i knonw that silly
20:29:48 Durff - a cabgirl also a blizzard
20:29:56 Durff - a cabgirl our principal is there
20:30:04 MariaK -walker going on archeology trip with deb during vacation
20:30:28 Durff - a cabgirl digging for bones
20:30:56 Durff - a cabgirl i gotta check email - be back in a cab
20:34:14 Art Gelwicks Mmmmm...Doritos.
20:38:27 tkidd132 Hola Amigo's
20:42:16 tkidd132 Is there anyone here
20:42:35 tkidd132 I can't see no one's chat
20:43:46 Vicki Davis Hi everyone!
20:43:58 tkidd132 Hello Viki Davis
20:44:13 Vicki Davis Yo @tkidd132 -- I'm so excited about the show tonight.
20:44:24 tkidd132 Yes I am too
20:44:49 tkidd132 How come no one is talkin
20:44:53 Vicki Davis I talked to Scott a moment a go and he's in California filming an inspirational movie.
20:44:59 Vicki Davis We're not quite streaming yet.
20:45:13 tkidd132 Oh ok
20:45:17 tkidd132 Thats why....oh ok
20:45:18 tkidd132 Thanks
20:45:36 tkidd132 Did you see Educon?
20:45:41 tkidd132 It was Awsome!!!
20:46:40 Art Gelwicks Evening Vicki.
20:46:54 Vicki Davis Hi Art! How are you.
20:47:00 Vicki Davis We're coming, Cheryl is getting hooked up.
20:47:07 Vicki Davis Does everyone know who we have on tonight?
20:47:20 Art Gelwicks Just peachy. I just saw your tweet...cool guest.
20:47:52 PeggyG @Vicki Davis-I knew but I forgot--tell me :-)
20:47:52 Vicki Davis He graduated the year ahead of me, we went to school together.
20:48:02 JenWagner Hello Room!!!
20:48:27 Vicki Davis Scott Rigsby -- first double amputee in the world to complete an iron man.
20:49:22 Vicki Davis He is actually a year older than me - 38.
20:49:27 Vicki Davis It should be inspirational.
20:49:56 PeggyG Thanks! Now I remember and am looking forward to hearing from Scott.
20:50:10 PeggyG Sound is coming through great for me on iTunes
20:51:31 Vicki Davis Check the stream everyone.
20:52:44 cindy p Hi everyone!
20:52:47 cheryloakes wow2.0 #60 thanks for joining us, getting things ready
20:53:51 PeggyG I can only hear typing and Cheryl's voice so far
20:54:04 cheryloakes wow2.0 #60 thanks PEggy
20:54:07 dougsymington @Durff too funny re name -- you slay me
20:54:30 Vicki Davis We'll be right back.
20:54:38 cheryloakes wow2.0 #60 thanks peggy, hidden windos
20:54:41 Vicki Davis Hi arthus -- what is the election news?
20:54:56 Vicki Davis Hi chrissy!
20:55:10 nzchrissy Hi everybody!, Hi Vicki
20:55:11 arthus hi Vicki
20:55:18 PeggyG OK :-)
20:55:18 arthus I'll be broadcasting Super Tuesday
20:55:19 sendkathy Hello to all of the usual suspects, long time no c
20:55:35 dougsymington not getting stream here
20:55:40 dougsymington will restart player
20:55:56 PeggyG Lots of new voices :-)
20:56:06 cheryloakes wow2.0 #60 great now all here
20:56:28 jepcke Happy Tuesday All!
20:57:22 cheryloakes wow2.0 #60 hello to all of you.
20:57:23 PeggyG Hi all! Great to hear you again. Been getting short clips from Jen and Sharon and Vicki at Edubloggercon :-)
20:58:03 PeggyG Welcome Scott! It's great to meet you!
20:58:09 dougsymington sounding good on stream
20:58:19 Vicki Davis We're about set to go.
20:58:23 cheryloakes wow2.0 #60 good evening susan e
20:58:37 jepcke Hi Matt, How's thee weather in Packerland?
20:58:45 dougsymington whoa 60 shows--well done
20:58:47 SusanEttenheim hi! getting ready for about 100 new students tomorrow but just wanted to stop by!
20:58:49 cheryloakes wow2.0 #60 evening Alice,
20:58:58 Cathyjo Hi folks!
20:58:58 SusanEttenheim I miss not being able to come lately
20:59:01 alicebarr evening
20:59:03 SusanEttenheim congrats on 60!!
20:59:07 nzchrissy Congratulations Team!! 60 shows wow!!
20:59:08 SusanEttenheim you sound great
20:59:14 cheryloakes wow2.0 #60 we miss you too Susan, but we understand
20:59:16 sendkathy The big 6-0
20:59:23 dougsymington don't sound a day over 29
20:59:40 Cathyjo we have an internal clock that says WOW WOW WOW
20:59:46 cheryloakes wow2.0 #60 any one using IE to be in the chat?
20:59:55 cheryloakes wow2.0 #60 That is great cathyjo
20:59:56 SusanEttenheim thats really really funny doug!
20:59:57 ColleenK I am.
21:00:06 dougsymington nope Flock here
21:00:07 SusanEttenheim firefox here
21:00:09 Cathyjo Hi @Colleeen!!
21:00:18 Vicki Davis @Cathyjo
21:00:19 ColleenK Hi Cathyjo!!!
21:00:28 Cathyjo FF here
21:00:35 sheila FF here
21:00:38 PeggyG Is everyone on jetlag from the conference? It sounded incredible and I sure wish I could have been there. Loved Cathy N's blog about it.
21:00:45 schulzt new to this- hanging out and watching- hoping to catch on
21:00:46 JenWagner Hello Room!!!
21:00:49 dougsymington sometimes Vista users have had to follow links on live page
21:00:50 Cathyjo 9:00 and I still need to eat supper
21:00:52 dougsymington for java
21:00:52 Cathyjo growl
21:00:58 dougsymington for chat
21:01:00 MariaK -walker hello jen
21:01:05 JenWagner Hey Colleen -- I think I found your birthday!!! :)
21:01:08 matt montagne hi all...from windy and cold Milwaukee, WI USA!
21:01:10 SusanEttenheim wow great audience here - even when fla returns are starting to come in... impressive!
21:01:15 ColleenK Hey Kagu-Maria!!!
21:01:15 JenWagner Hey MariaK --
21:01:42 JenWagner Maria -- did you read what Colleen said about you at my blog?? It was hysterical -- but very fun too
21:01:46 SusanEttenheim damp here in NYC but it was light at 5pm yeah!!!
21:01:54 SusanEttenheim goooo WOW!
21:01:56 cheryloakes wow2.0 #60 http://www.4teachers.org/
21:02:00 JenWagner Here is our TAG for tonight -- wow2_20080129
21:02:19 JenWagner here is our del.icio.us link http://del.icio.us/WOW2.0
21:02:24 tkidd132 Ok I am back ..
21:02:32 JenWagner TYRONE!!! :)
21:02:35 nzchrissy My last show in the chat, back at work next week to start school year. Will miss the chat dreadfully but will be able to hear the show
21:02:39 JenWagner I ate lunch with you!!!!
21:02:41 Cathyjo Thankyou @PeggyG
21:02:48 tkidd132 Hello Jen
21:02:50 JenWagner Lets choose our COLORS -- first button on the LEFT
21:02:59 tkidd132 Yes you did
21:03:00 JenWagner I feel BLUE
21:03:03 SusanEttenheim fun
21:03:05 Cathyjo weird red
21:03:06 jepcke I've got dark green
21:03:08 nzchrissy Can I have this colour?
21:03:12 matt montagne green
21:03:12 JenWagner this blue
21:03:16 SusanEttenheim humm
21:03:19 emapey Hi all
21:03:23 cindy p hot pink
21:03:24 Cathyjo its cool @nzchrissy
21:03:27 jepcke Hi Ryan
21:03:28 Art Gelwicks I'm secure enough to have this color.
21:03:30 SusanEttenheim mellow color for me tonight
21:03:35 ryanbretag 'ello :-)
21:03:35 JenWagner Hello RYAN and ARt and Susan
21:03:40 CheriT Hi everyone, from central Illinois
21:03:41 nzchrissy Way to go ArT!!
21:03:41 cheryloakes wow2.0 #60 http://maespinternetcafe.wikispaces.com/Classroom+Blogs
21:03:42 jepcke @Art LOL
21:03:42 JenWagner and cathyjo and cindy p and jepcke
21:03:43 JenWagner LOL
21:03:44 SusanEttenheim ohhh art
21:03:46 JenWagner and Cheri T
21:03:47 Cathyjo @ryanbretag did u have a red bull today?
21:03:49 JenWagner and susan e
21:03:53 JenWagner and and and
21:03:54 schulzt aqua- from Nashville
21:03:55 JenWagner EVERYONE!!!
21:04:03 jepcke WOOT WOOT Je
21:04:04 tkidd132 Who is talking
21:04:04 ryanbretag @cathyjo two doubles ;-)
21:04:08 cindy p lots of ands tonight!
21:04:11 ryanbretag budget time hahahaha
21:04:14 CheriT Hi Jen
21:04:15 SusanEttenheim everyone tkidd
21:04:16 Cathyjo @ryan LOL
21:04:21 Art Gelwicks Conjunction junction, what's your function...
21:04:23 SusanEttenheim chery
21:04:24 tkidd132 oh..
21:04:27 SusanEttenheim cheryl
21:04:27 tkidd132 Hey sue
21:04:32 matt montagne ustream working??
21:04:33 tkidd132 oh ok
21:04:37 cindy p can you drop the link in the chat
21:04:39 Durff - a cabgirl quiz time kidd
21:04:39 SusanEttenheim susan ;)\
21:04:40 JenWagner LOL -- nope Matt
21:04:45 tkidd132 Hello Cheryl.....
21:04:46 cindy p duh...sorry
21:04:47 Durff - a cabgirl who do you think it is?
21:04:48 matt montagne ahh
21:04:58 tkidd132 Cheryl
21:04:59 SusanEttenheim hi durff
21:05:04 Durff - a cabgirl right
21:05:05 Vicki Davis Oh I heard you had a great time! Can everyone hear the stream?
21:05:07 Durff - a cabgirl hi susan
21:05:08 CheriT @Ryan B - our temp dropped 50 degrees today - it's on its way to you ... stay inside!!
21:05:09 tkidd132 I thought it was kristin
21:05:10 cheryloakes wow2.0 #60 hi Hello tkidd132
21:05:15 nzchrissy Stream is lovely
21:05:16 Durff - a cabgirl Sharon was great!
21:05:18 Art Gelwicks Hey! She's talking about us!
21:05:19 tkidd132 Hello Sharron
21:05:23 nzchrissy and clear
21:05:33 CheriT Sharon, I watched and listened ... great preso
21:05:35 Cathyjo OFFTOPIC @Jen I have a new kitten named Willow grey tabby w/ remarkable black strips
21:05:38 tkidd132 Hello Sharron
21:05:39 JenWagner http://www.kevin-jarrett.net/blog/
21:05:43 ryanbretag @CheriT it just hit! Yikes!
21:05:43 jepcke Ryan, did u make it to Educon?
21:05:45 JenWagner OHHH CathyJo
21:05:48 JenWagner excellent
21:05:56 PeggyG @Cathyjo--your blog post was so inspirational that I immediately sent it to my tech colleagues because we are beginning to plan our tech conference and I wanted them to see what we should aspire too--participants with your enthusiasm!
21:05:56 ryanbretag @jepcke yep
21:05:58 CheriT @Ryan - take cover :-)
21:05:58 JenWagner Welcome KHokanson and Schulzt
21:06:04 tkidd132 Hey Ryan
21:06:14 Art Gelwicks I iz in u EduCon, redin yur tweets
21:06:15 tkidd132 Hows it in Chicago
21:06:17 ryanbretag Hey @tkidd!
21:06:18 Cathyjo @peggy blushing thanks
21:06:28 Cathyjo hope it was typo free
21:06:31 cathywo @cathyjo, link to your blog post?
21:06:31 tkidd132 My Twitter name is Tkidd132
21:06:32 cheryloakes wow2.0 #60 All of you educons thanks for posting and sharing.
21:06:35 tkidd132 if you don't know
21:06:37 jepcke Chicago is cold, windy and getting worse
21:06:45 Art Gelwicks That's it folks! Show us your twitters!
21:06:45 Cathyjo will try @cathywo
21:06:46 cindy p twitter- misstizzy
21:06:46 ryanbretag @tkidd It just dropped nearly 30 degree and snow is coming down!
21:06:48 Art Gelwicks :O
21:06:55 tkidd132 Wow.....
21:06:57 shoemap My blog is called Yes Tech! shoemap.edublogs.org; twitter shoemap
21:06:58 khokanson Hi guys
21:06:59 tkidd132 Yes
21:07:03 tkidd132 Meg is Awsome
21:07:05 ryanbretag @sharon Your daughter rocks!
21:07:11 jepcke twitter: jepcke
21:07:14 Durff - a cabgirl Meg is really well-spoken
21:07:17 Art Gelwicks Twitter >> ArtGelwicks (Captain Creative, I know.)
21:07:18 sharonp thanks Ryan!
21:07:24 Vicki Davis @ryanbretag - Your blog is looking really amazing!!!
21:07:39 sharonp and Lisa! You folks were so kind to her
21:07:40 dougsymington @Art thought it was "rock star"
21:07:44 ryanbretag @Vicki Davis thank you!
21:07:53 cheryloakes wow2.0 #60 Hey cabgirl! glad you made it
21:07:55 Cathyjo http://technotuesday.edublogs.org/2008/01/28/are-they-real-or-virtual/
21:07:56 tkidd132 like me
21:07:57 Durff - a cabgirl here we are Jen
21:08:06 Art Gelwicks HAH! Keep saying it Doug...maybe it will stick.
21:08:06 tkidd132 Hello
21:08:13 Cathyjo and CATHYJO
21:08:15 JenWagner http://teachweb2.wikispaces.com/
21:08:23 cathywo @cathyjo, thanks!
21:08:35 jepcke Hi Liz
21:08:42 cheryloakes wow2.0 #60 Lizbdavis, you made it off the stage!
21:08:43 Art Gelwicks Liz B's in da house!
21:08:55 lizbdavis Hi everyone got out of rehearsal early and ran home
21:09:00 CheriT @Jen - looks like a great wiki
21:09:09 Vicki Davis http://magazine.edublogs.org/
21:09:09 JenWagner thanks Cheri -- they are working hard on it
21:09:29 tkidd132 yes i was Tired
21:09:36 Cathyjo So is Meg Peters joining us tonight @Sharon
21:09:36 Durff - a cabgirl we're waving back
21:09:45 Art Gelwicks Thank the Lord for Red Bull!
21:09:52 Vicki Davis http://coolcatteacher.blogspot.com/2008/01/how-would-you-use-cell-phones...
21:09:53 Cathyjo and IM IN IT!!
21:09:53 Durff - a cabgirl yuck
21:10:02 PeggyG Yes just today from your twitter :-) Fantastic!
21:10:05 jepcke Sugar Free Red Bull for me!
21:10:08 sharonp Meg is catching up on all her schoolwork she missed over the last few days - preso on Edgar Allen Poe tomorrow
21:10:14 Durff - a cabgirl Thank God for coffee
21:10:22 Cathyjo oh yes @sharon I saw that twitter
21:10:29 cheryloakes wow2.0 #60 Durff, pass a cup to me please:-)
21:10:40 nzchrissy Me too please Durff
21:10:51 Cathyjo @durff moi ausi
21:10:54 Durff - a cabgirl i better go make a big pot
21:10:57 tkidd132 Sounds interesting
21:11:02 tkidd132 Link...
21:11:06 tkidd132 just joking
21:11:06 Art Gelwicks Cellphone enabled internet requires a redesign of most sites for a different UI interface.
21:11:19 tkidd132 haha
21:11:21 khokanson @nzchrissy it is your morning...coffee would keep me up all night
21:11:23 khokanson :)
21:11:32 sharonp all you lucky ducks who use the Internet on your cell
21:11:38 tkidd132 I would love some Coffee right now Kristin
21:11:49 nzchrissy It is wed afternoon for us Kristin. Lovely sunshine and very hot
21:12:01 Art Gelwicks @sharon I would so go into withdrawl without it.
21:12:03 sharonp Kristin - were you pretty tired after the weekend?? YOu and Chris deserved a "snow day" on Monday!
21:12:16 ryanbretag @sharonp you need to see if Beth Ritter Guth still has her Poe stuff up on SL -- great simulation she may be able to capture
21:12:58 JenWagner @ryan -- I had forgotten about that location -- it was a great area
21:12:59 Cathyjo Ahh @megpeters will get a true benfit form this network after all
21:13:03 sharonp @ryan - really?? where would I find that in SL??
21:13:16 tkidd132 is This Ryan
21:13:22 tkidd132 talking
21:13:26 Vicki Davis this is Scott Rigsby on the show.
21:13:38 tkidd132 oh ok....it sounds Like Ryan
21:13:39 JenWagner Hey Vinnie!!!!
21:13:51 PeggyG Funny!
21:13:52 matt montagne paid by the hour, not the mile Scott!
21:13:53 nzchrissy Hi Vinnie
21:13:57 CheriT Hi Alice!!!
21:14:04 ryanbretag hahaha... it does @tkidd
21:14:38 VinnieVrotny Hey there all. Multi-tasking, so I will not be focused in chat room.
21:14:46 khokanson @sharonp did take monday off from the gym ;-)
21:14:51 VinnieVrotny Our guest is a triathlete, yes?
21:16:33 Vicki Davis Camilla is like in the middle of NOWHERE!!!
21:16:39 khokanson @vinnie yes! amazing story
21:16:41 Vicki Davis And in 1986 we're talking super rural.
21:16:52 JenWagner Wekcine TMCGrath
21:16:54 VinnieVrotny his name is?
21:17:04 JenWagner Scott Rigsby
21:17:07 sharonp Scott Rigby
21:17:50 JenWagner welcome therose!!!
21:17:51 CheriT @sharonp - the wind chill here right now is -26 - what's it like up there?
21:17:54 cheryloakes wow2.0 #60 ironman race
21:18:10 nzchrissy Wow, what a story!
21:18:25 JenWagner Hello Carolyn
21:18:25 emapey WOW!!!
21:18:32 VinnieVrotny I am aware of this story. in a recent life, i was a triathlete.
21:18:34 Vicki Davis And he has run an iron man y'all -- that is a full marathon 2.4 mile swim and like an 18 mile bike race.
21:18:36 JenWagner Remember please that there is a 30 second DELAY
21:18:39 cheryloakes wow2.0 #60 i've never seen the chat room so quiet.
21:18:45 sharonp Hi Cheri!!
21:18:53 sharonp Let me check the Mtl weather....
21:18:57 alicebarr @@CheriT Hi there!
21:19:00 JenWagner Welcome PGOERNER
21:19:03 CheriT Hi Sharon!!
21:19:03 Cathyjo we r still trying to process educon rl and virtually
21:19:08 JenWagner Hi Alice -- glad you got home safely!!!
21:19:25 VinnieVrotny Last completed an olympic distance (1K swim, 40 K ride, 10 K run) in under 3:00 hours in 2005!
21:19:26 Durff - a cabgirl ouch
21:19:26 pgoerner Thanks. hello all
21:19:34 CheriT Alice, we're sending you terrible weather ... :(
21:19:40 Vicki Davis Wow Vinnie -- you did that!! Amazing!
21:19:52 alicebarr @JenW Glad you did too! Great to see you!
21:19:54 CheriT Go Vinnie!!!
21:19:57 Cathyjo how old is Rigby?
21:20:02 sharonp only -10C in Montreal - you folks are probably sending that super cold weather our way
21:20:07 cheryloakes wow2.0 #60 thanks vinnie. group effort
21:20:10 alicebarr @CheriT REally? Snow day coming?
21:20:25 CheriT @Alice - probably, or ice day
21:20:44 Cathyjo must. eat. food. listening from across the room
21:21:10 Vicki Davis He's around 38
21:21:12 sendkathy http://www.delta-sky.com/2007_10/training/
21:21:15 Vicki Davis 38-39
21:21:16 dougsymington inspirational story--amazing
21:21:29 cfoote sorry to keep bouncing in and out..Hi Jen!
21:21:36 cfoote can't get sound working properly
21:22:12 JenWagner Hmmmm
21:22:17 JenWagner is it working now Carolyn
21:22:19 VinnieVrotny @Vicki, yes, I have done that. I mostly do sprint level tri's now. Training for a 8 km with my eldest this spring. Wish I could have more time to train, but this darn Web 2.0 keeps getting in my way!
21:22:30 Vicki Davis ;-) Vinnie
21:22:32 Durff - a cabgirl @cfoote try the blue icon
21:22:54 cfoote I got it, sorry
21:23:02 cfoote firefox kept crashing.
21:23:06 cfoote switched to explorer.
21:23:27 PeggyG switched to Flock-lost chat on Firefox
21:23:35 khokanson @vinnie cold winter weather inteferes with training here :)
21:23:36 tmcgrath I had to switch from firefox to Safari to get in
21:24:07 JenWagner Hello Karen Jan!!!!
21:24:31 PeggyG strange happenings--have dropped the audio on itunes 3 times but was able to get it back
21:24:32 tmcgrath Hi Jen
21:24:33 KarenJan Hey, Jen! how was your return home? great meeting you this weekend!
21:24:41 JenWagner Hey TCMGrath
21:24:53 JenWagner KarenJan -- yes, It was great to see you too!! Sorry we didn't chat more!!
21:25:21 KarenJan Hi, @cathyjo, @cfoote, @cfoote, @durff, etc etc.!
21:25:27 cfoote Hi Karen :)
21:25:31 LindaNitsche Did we lose sound?
21:25:33 Durff - a cabgirl audio dxropped
21:25:34 Art Gelwicks Anyone else lose the stream?
21:25:37 Durff - a cabgirl yes
21:25:37 Cathyjo Hi KarenJan what happended to sound?
21:25:39 dougsymington gone here too
21:25:39 cfoote I think we just did lose the sound
21:25:42 emapey YES
21:25:44 JenWagner It should be back
21:25:45 khokanson yep
21:25:46 VinnieVrotny sound just dropped
21:25:46 Art Gelwicks Ok...I'll sing!
21:25:49 matt montagne it is back
21:25:52 cheryloakes wow2.0 #60 dropping for me
21:25:53 PeggyG me tool
21:25:55 JenWagner Welcome Sheila
21:26:03 KarenJan works again
21:26:06 KarenJan oops
21:26:10 cheryloakes wow2.0 #60 hm, wht should i do? doug
21:26:13 Durff - a cabgirl try blue icon
21:26:18 Durff - a cabgirl going there
21:26:19 LindaNitsche Yes, we're back!
21:26:25 sheila Real player stopped and had to hop out and back.
21:26:29 Durff - a cabgirl oops
21:26:35 matt montagne in and out
21:26:53 KarenJan Hi, LInda, ryan, sharonp, mariak, tmcgrath
21:27:02 dougsymington back here now--may have to stop and restart player those listening
21:27:06 Durff - a cabgirl i think it is back
21:27:09 tmcgrath Hi Karen
21:27:10 PeggyG I stayed logged in and just reclicked on audio to restore to itunes
21:27:15 ryanbretag @ Hi Karen
21:27:20 KarenJan who is speaking just joined?
21:27:25 LindaNitsche Hi Karen. it is so great to "see' everyone.
21:27:35 KarenJan @linda - it's the truth!
21:27:43 KarenJan this doesn't sound like the usual topic
21:27:43 Vicki Davis Scott Rigsby - first double amputee to complete an iron man in the world.
21:27:45 VinnieVrotny @khokanson the reason that they have indoor trainers and treadmills is to allow one to train. Tonight/Tomorrow will be brutal.
21:27:58 Vicki Davis He is an inspirational story.
21:27:58 KarenJan thanks@vicki
21:28:36 LindaNitsche I'm getting goosebumps from his story.
21:28:44 PeggyG What great insight and what tough decisions!
21:28:50 KarenJan presenting an all day pre-conference tomorrow at the ATIA conference
21:28:51 sheila What is the tipping point that turns you away (or towards) depression after an experience like this?
21:28:55 cfoote great that you are trying to inspire others
21:29:03 ryanbretag I second that @Linda
21:29:04 cfoote sheila, maybe finding a purpose for what you do?
21:29:09 cfoote lost sound again
21:29:09 jepcke @sheila great question
21:29:14 cfoote back
21:29:21 Vicki Davis He also speaks to schools and people are just now really finding out his story -- he ran the iron man last year.
21:29:25 cindy p I've got to run ya'll, but hate to leave. I'll catch the podcast. Night all!
21:29:30 Vicki Davis @cindyp - Bye.
21:29:54 Vicki Davis I think all of us have a purpose.
21:30:16 jepcke Some of us don't find that purpose until later in life
21:30:18 Vicki Davis @sheila - We'll get that question for you.
21:30:22 Durff - a cabgirl my
21:30:29 Vicki Davis @jepcke it takes time to find the purpose.
21:30:40 Durff - a cabgirl my purpose is to drink coffee and take cabs
21:31:02 jepcke @vicki and being open/ready to seeing one's purpose
21:31:03 LindaNitsche @Vicki It is discovering what it is - is the challenge in life.
21:31:05 tmcgrath Not the typical topic but his experience of overcoming challenges toachieve success within his life, is something that we can all learn from when we feel that we are beaten down by our own personal challenges
21:31:06 sheila And some people don't recognize their purpose, but others can see it.
21:31:12 dougsymington have to run--wonderful show, look forward to archive--take care all
21:31:19 Vicki Davis Right now we all need inspiration -- this is a tough time of year.
21:31:20 JenWagner Thanks DOUG
21:31:25 JenWagner Welcome PaulPam2
21:32:01 emapey Hi PaulPam2
21:32:01 khokanson what a great quote...if you open doors I will run through them
21:32:10 jepcke Without trials, we don't know what we are TRULY capable of
21:32:12 khokanson kind of applies to everyone..
21:32:13 cfoote I recall that magazine cover
21:32:19 cheryloakes wow2.0 #60 that is a great quote
21:32:42 PaulPam2 hello everyone
21:32:46 cfoote wow.
21:32:50 Vicki Davis @PaulPam2 - Hello!
21:33:03 cfoote Have to go for a bit folks. Inspiring story.
21:33:10 Vicki Davis @cfoote - Bye.
21:33:12 JenWagner Night Carolyn
21:33:20 cfoote bye all, bye jen :) and vicki!
21:33:30 Vicki Davis We are recording but they said the stream is skipping a little. Just stick with it.
21:33:33 JenWagner Thanks everyone for dealing with the streaming issues!!!
21:33:34 cheryloakes wow2.0 #60 sorry it looks like our stream is skipping, but this is recorded folks.
21:34:00 Vicki Davis He has a great story about how the teachers and leaders in his high school life helped him through these times.
21:34:26 jepcke No worries Jen/Cheryl/Vicki that's the way it goes --- ergg! Technology (shaking fist)
21:34:33 PeggyG keep losing the stream-rebuffering--hate to miss anything!
21:34:45 Vicki Davis Oh but the thought we can all be communicating like this for free is amazing!
21:35:20 cheryloakes wow2.0 #60 hang in , it keeps coming back, but very odd
21:35:52 lizbdavis He sounds much younger.
21:36:14 KarenJan hi, liz!
21:36:53 PeggyG Is there a URL for the Runner's World article? Archived???
21:36:54 JenWagner gonna go try to find the magazine article
21:37:05 Vicki Davis www.scottrigsby.com
21:37:06 CheriT My sound keeps rebuffering too - is that happening with all the feeds? or just iTunes?
21:37:16 arthus it is happening to me
21:37:20 arthus (itunes)\
21:37:24 JenWagner http://www.scottrigsby.com/
21:37:26 sheila realplayer too
21:37:27 nzchrissy it's happening in NZ too
21:37:31 cheryloakes wow2.0 #60 it is our stream to the server, sorry
21:37:39 emapey winampa also
21:37:46 CheriT @cheryloakes - thanks
21:37:46 cheryloakes wow2.0 #60 i am able to record this
21:38:02 JenWagner http://www.runnersworld.com/article/0,7120,s6-243-297--12344-0,00.html
21:38:16 Vicki Davis Thanks Jen.
21:38:16 ryanbretag This gentleman is quite powerful. He is grounded in a way that is shocking for someone that has gone through this. I really, really appreciate the show going this direction tonight. Thanks Ladies!!
21:38:44 KarenJan hi @lloydcrew!
21:38:46 cheryloakes wow2.0 #60 you bet, Scott is great
21:39:04 cheryloakes wow2.0 #60 don't let anyone squish your dream, like this one too.
21:39:11 PeggyG @Jen--Thanks!
21:39:35 JenWagner @PeggyG -- most welcome!!!
21:40:10 lizbdavis Is he married? Does he have a family? Iron man training takes a lot of time. How does he balance that?
21:40:21 Vicki Davis No, Scott isn't married.
21:40:28 Vicki Davis He has a very large family here in Camilla.
21:40:33 Vicki Davis I'll ask. ;-)
21:41:45 nzchrissy I love that, climb your mountain and cross your finish line - wow so powerful
21:41:50 jepcke So much wisdom in a man so young
21:42:02 cheryloakes wow2.0 #60 he needs to write a book
21:42:44 jepcke @cheryl great idea
21:42:45 emapey lost stream
21:42:52 cheryloakes wow2.0 #60 oh, stream gone
21:43:03 cheryloakes wow2.0 #60 re connecting
21:43:15 CheriT He said he was writing a book
21:43:24 Durff - a cabgirl audio gone
21:43:33 VinnieVrotny Going to leave, since sound is so flaky. Maybe I'll go for a run. Feeling insprired.
21:43:37 cheryloakes wow2.0 #60 reconnectiong
21:43:40 VinnieVrotny Good night all
21:43:48 cheryloakes wow2.0 #60 the podcast will be fine
21:43:52 cheryloakes wow2.0 #60 nite vinnie
21:43:55 jepcke Vinnie DON'T go outside!
21:43:56 CheriT @Vinnie - run inside :-)
21:44:46 ryanbretag My stream went down -- DANG!
21:44:51 CheriT me too
21:44:58 nzchrissy me too
21:45:02 cheryloakes wow2.0 #60 trying again
21:45:07 emapey me too
21:45:19 cheryloakes wow2.0 #60 we are back
21:45:48 cheryloakes wow2.0 #60 but skipping
21:46:08 ryanbretag Good night all! Thank you Mr. Rigby for perspective.
21:46:09 cheryloakes wow2.0 #60 going to stop the stream, and finish the recording. sorry folks
21:46:12 PeggyG @Jen-can you post that article link on del.icio.us? It's not working for me right now.
21:46:17 ryanbretag Rigsby
21:46:37 Vicki Davis If you have a question -- we'll ask him -- we'll have to finish as a podcast.
21:46:42 cheryloakes wow2.0 #60 sorry gang, going to continue with Scott, and post later.
21:46:44 JenWagner I will Peggy
21:46:45 Vicki Davis Please give us your questions.
21:46:46 PeggyG So sorry to see it end--powerful message!!
21:46:50 JenWagner thanks for reminding me
21:46:55 Vicki Davis And we'll ask him -- we'll keep recording for another 14 minutes.
21:47:05 cheryloakes wow2.0 #60 sure thing
21:47:22 emapey bye all
21:47:37 cheryloakes wow2.0 #60 bye thanks for coming
21:47:43 lizbdavis By everyone. Miss you all.
21:47:58 PeggyG Great! I'm so glad Scott came to share his story and message with us!
21:48:11 JenWagner Peggy - I delicioused it
21:48:15 JenWagner thanks for reminding me
21:48:18 cheryloakes wow2.0 #60 oh, back for a bit
21:48:31 Vicki Davis Ok, we're back.
21:48:36 khokanson :( audio so choppy this eve
21:48:43 sheila Was Scott this driven as a child?
21:48:49 PeggyG Awesome! Does Scott keep a blog anywhere?
21:48:54 lloydcrew Hi Karen
21:48:57 khokanson too bad because he is SO INSPIRATIONAL
21:49:14 cheryloakes wow2.0 #60 we are still recording and keeping this going.
21:49:14 tmcgrath Thanks for sharing your story Scott...It's very inspirational! I look forward to readiing your book!
21:49:24 cheryloakes wow2.0 #60 he doesn't have a blog, likes to talk not write
21:49:30 khokanson Vicki can you ask him if he was always this driven
21:49:36 PeggyG Then podcasts are perfect for him :-)
21:49:56 Vicki Davis I know the answer to that Kristin - I knew him in high school -- he was about football.
21:50:01 Vicki Davis ;-)
21:50:08 nzchrissy Thanks for sharing your story with us Scott. Very inspiring.
21:50:23 CheriT bye everyone - have a safe evening
21:50:34 Vicki Davis Anything he sets his mind to, he has always done well. But as for being "mr. perfect" neither he (nor I) were in high school.
21:50:40 cheryloakes wow2.0 #60 sorry about the stream
21:50:59 tmcgrath So he was competitive ...
21:51:04 Vicki Davis I wish I could get him to gcast.
21:51:10 Vicki Davis Yes, he lifted weights like a fiend.
21:51:20 Vicki Davis to be 135 lbs when he started and not super tall.
21:52:26 PeggyG Maybe someone will video one of his talks with students--that would be fantastic to watch!
21:52:54 Vicki Davis He is making an inspirational video now.
21:53:12 PeggyG Yeah!
21:53:39 PeggyG You never know the incredible influence you may have as a teacher on a student--his coach was amazing!
21:53:58 cheryloakes wow2.0 #60 that is why he is here, to remind us of that
21:54:43 cheryloakes wow2.0 #60 shelia, our stream is skipping sorry
21:55:12 sheila How would he describe himself when he was in grade school?
21:56:38 PeggyG This conversation reminds me a lot of the story about the Animal School!
21:56:49 sheila How can we successfully instill self-esteem in younger children to help them carry through the middle and high school years?
21:57:29 cheryloakes wow2.0 #60 right peggy,
21:57:30 sheila Do you need a low point to stop and reflect and react?
21:57:38 JenWagner thank you EVERYONE for being a part tonight!!!
21:58:00 Vicki Davis School turnarounts are the topic next week.
21:58:06 JenWagner Hey Alice
21:58:08 cheryloakes wow2.0 #60 hm, low point, we have no where to go but up
21:58:17 alicebarr Hi Jen
21:58:21 PeggyG Animal School video is really worth watching--
21:58:44 PeggyG http://www.raisingsmallsouls.com
21:58:57 cheryloakes wow2.0 #60 skipping again, on the stream,
21:59:56 PeggyG I think we often protect kids from real life consequences so they don't learn how to overcome challenges.
22:00:23 Vicki Davis This has been a great session, thank you so much!!!!
22:00:34 Vicki Davis thank you for sticking around!!! We appreciate it!
22:01:01 PeggyG Scott's message emphasizes how important it is to face these challenges and work to overcome them and "cross their finish line" :-)
22:01:06 JenWagner Good night all
22:01:09 JenWagner I will be gone for Feb
22:01:12 JenWagner see you in MARCH
22:01:14 sheila I really enjoyed it! Thanks WOW2 and Scott! :)
22:01:24 cheryloakes wow2.0 #60 Jen, talk to you online and in twitter
22:01:35 JenWagner Yep -- I will be around just not on WOW2!!!
22:01:41 cheryloakes wow2.0 #60 Have a great month, Jen.
22:01:50 PeggyG Thanks everyone! See you next week.
22:02:08 PeggyG Keep us posted on the video and book
22:02:12 tkidd132 Good Night everyone
22:02:27 cheryloakes wow2.0 #60 good night and great chat room as always.
22:02:35 cheryloakes wow2.0 #60 the show will be up on Thurs. with the great chat
22:02:36 tkidd132 YEs....Cheryl
22:02:42 tkidd132 ok great
22:02:46 tmcgrath Thanks everyone... Good Night!
22:02:50 tkidd132 Im outta Here!!! :)
22:03:26 PeggyG He REALLY is impacting kids!
22:03:35 Vicki Davis Thank you everyone!
22:03:54 Cathyjo NITE ALL
22:04:00 alicebarr NIght all thanks
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