Women of Web 2.0 Show #63

This is the Super Administrator Show with guests Kelly Christopherson, principal of a K-12 school in Eston, Saskatchewan and Chris Lehmann, principal of the Science Leadership Academy, a high school in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Due to some audio and skype issues when we started, the formal show introduction occurs about 8 minutes into the audio.


The Women of Web 2.0 want to thank Maria for the wonderful job at last minute jumping to take the stream. It was her second show of the evening. Thanks Maria. Also, a big thanks to Kathy Shields for sitting in for Jen, while she is away on a sabbatical. Vicki was off for the evening with her family. Sharon held down the fort as moderator. Cheryl was in the chat room, as she was only able to listen from the Mountains. With the Women of Web 2.0, you just never know..... but it is always a great show! Thanks to the folks in the chat room and thanks to our guests. See you next week.

-notes added by Cheryl, page made by Maria. 

Chat from Feb 19, 2008 Below

 20:48:59  sendkathy  Hi all, we have Chris Lehmann on very soon

 20:50:37  MariaK  I'm here kathy/cheryl - if you need me

 20:50:48  PeggyG  I'm really looking forward to hearing Chris!!

 20:51:13  PeggyG  Where is audio coming through tonight? Channel A?

 20:51:33  sendkathy  Need you!!!

 20:51:57  sendkathy  and please join in the conversation, Chris needs to speak with you....!

 20:53:11  sendkathy  We're getting there

 20:54:10  Pat  hello

 20:55:22  sendkathy  Hi all and welcome, Jen sends her HUGS and Grins

 20:56:48  MariaK  setting up the conference call - just a sec

 20:57:02  randyn  audio link please?

 20:57:13  sharonp  we haven't started streaming

 20:57:15  sendkathy  EdtechTalk A

 20:57:27  randyn  will it be under the audio stream on the right?

 20:57:33  randyn  ok, thanks

 20:57:53  randyn  CathyE not joining tonight?

 20:58:58  PeggyG  Any audio yet?

 20:59:26  sendkathy  Maria is just restarted the conference call now

 21:00:03  sendkathy  no stream yet hang on please

 21:00:56  PeggyG  No problem!

 21:01:14  dougsymington  hello all

 21:01:35  nzchrissy  Hi Doug

 21:01:53  rrfournier  Hi Laurie.  We're in the right place?

 21:02:01  Pat  Hi.  I'm new here.  What should I expect next???

 21:02:06  nzchrissy  Hearing the stream now

 21:02:06  janicestearns  Hello @dougsymington

 21:02:21  gatzke  @rr I think so.

 21:02:26  PeggyG  Audio is coming through :-)

 21:02:36  rrfournier  do you have any audio?

 21:02:39  PeggyG  @Pat-welcome

 21:02:50  janicestearns  Yes, hearing it on Channel A

 21:02:52  nzchrissy  stream is edtechtalkA

 21:02:52  gatzke  @rr No do you?

 21:02:55  judi epcke  fingers crossed for bandwidth tonight!

 21:03:06  Pat  @Peggy -- how do I get the stream?  I'm on a Mac

 21:03:11  PeggyG  Great to see all of you

 21:03:14  cheryloakes vacation  Hello all, I am in the mountains and can't stream, so I am guiding the chat room.

 21:03:27  randyn  I don't see the stream, let me refresh

 21:03:31  PeggyG  I listen through iTunes by clicking on the sound symbol on challen A

 21:03:40  Pat  Got it! throught iTunes!

 21:03:40  gatzke  I am on a mac and I got the stream through itunes.

 21:03:42  cheryloakes vacation  Thanks to MariaK for streaming.

 21:03:47  PeggyG  uh--that's channel :-)

 21:03:48  MariaK  can you hear

 21:04:01  nzchrissy  Go Maria!!  You should graduate now

 21:04:03  cheryloakes vacation  Maria the stream sounds great

 21:04:09  PeggyG  Yes-hearing Ch A on iTunes

 21:04:13  sendkathy  Yes, lots of encouragement for Maria!!!

 21:04:17  cheryloakes vacation  I concur, Maira I have your back anytime

 21:04:20  janicestearns  Yeah!

 21:04:23  cfoote  I can't hear anything yet

 21:04:24  Pat  yes

 21:04:27  CheriT  Yup

 21:04:29  joycevalenza  the stream is beautiful

 21:04:31  cheryloakes vacation  Good sounds in teh chat room.

 21:04:31  judi epcke  We hear you!

 21:04:37  bsch1964  yes

 21:04:39  randyn  got the stream :)

 21:04:42  nzchrissy  Stream is nice and clear in NZ

 21:04:47  Ann-NJTechTeacher  Good evening everyone

 21:04:53  cfoote  Hi Ann

 21:05:08  nzchrissy  Hi Ann

 21:05:10  Diane Hammond  Hi folks! Couldn't choose between watching lunar eclipse and listening to WOW tonight! Snowsquall helped me out :-)

 21:05:12  cheryloakes vacation  Hello all, I am in the chat with you tonight, I am in the mountains and cannot stream, and barely can keep the itunes alive.

 21:05:19  janicestearns  Uncheck the moony thing - Hi tech geek speak

 21:05:19  Ann-NJTechTeacher  Nice to see you all here

 21:05:35  cheryloakes vacation  Diane, isn't the lunar eclipse tomorrow/

 21:05:40  cfoote  Hi Cheryl in the mountains!

 21:05:42  Diane Hammond  no

 21:05:42  PeggyG  Hi Cheryl-you can help keep the chat room going :-)

 21:05:50  cheryloakes vacation  I am hiking and camping out tomorrow and hope to see the eclipse.

 21:06:09  janicestearns  Cheryl, that sounds wonderful!

 21:06:10  cfoote  Cheryl...very cool.

 21:06:16  cheryloakes vacation  I am trying to herd cats in the chat room, as my friend  moira says.

 21:06:17  emapey  nice and clear in Uruguay, South America

 21:06:22  rrfournier  Hi Leah!

 21:06:27  PeggyG  @Cheryl--how exciting--hope your sky is clear :-)

 21:06:28  cfoote  HI South America!

 21:06:30  judi epcke  Hey Matt, Did you vote today?

 21:06:37  khokanson  finally not chppy for me

 21:06:46  leahdewhurst  hi

 21:06:49  cheryloakes vacation  Hello all, in the chat, hang in while the Wow2, and friends get things together.

 21:06:50  emapey  @cfoote Hi

 21:06:53  Diane Hammond  Gosh, this is the 19th! Woohoo - eclipse is tomorrow :-)

 21:06:53  Pat  how does the audio stream work?  via Skype?

 21:07:11  matt montagne  Hey Judy-I did vote today...pretty good turnout for it being so cold

 21:07:16  PeggyG  They're using Skype--we just listen on our computers

 21:07:22  cheryloakes vacation  Whew, I will be fine tomorrow with the eclipse.

 21:07:34  Pat  thx

 21:07:39  cheryloakes vacation  Maria, great job! Hi Kathy, Sharon and Kelly< have fun.

 21:07:40  judi epcke  Oh is it cold by you? We had a balmy -8 degrees today

 21:07:49  nzchrissy  Hello Mrs Durff!

 21:07:51  sendkathy  Hi Cheryl!

 21:07:53  cheryloakes vacation  Vinnie, yeah!, gatzke and Durff

 21:07:54  cfoote  lol..just realizing that I woulnd't have known about the eclipse except for the chat right now.

 21:07:57  sendkathy  Third time is a charm

 21:07:57  Kimmy  Hi

 21:08:10  Diane Hammond  Hi Kelly! Hi Chris! So happy the two of you could be here tonight!

 21:08:11  PeggyG  Is someone going to talk about Vicki's webinar tomorrow?

 21:08:15  MariaK  it's most likely me

 21:08:16  Kimmy  I am from Saskatchewan

 21:08:22  matt montagne  very cold here as well...can't wait for spring break!

 21:08:32  Kimmy  ditto

 21:08:32  VinnieVrotny  Hey there guys. Only here for a few moments tonight. WIll have to duck out soon

 21:08:35  khokanson  @peggy what time is her webinar again?

 21:08:38  judi epcke  Don't mess with the stream. It's sounding good. Or it was..

 21:08:42  PeggyG  Sunny and warm in AZ--70 degrees

 21:08:47  matt montagne  we have a little mayday action w/skype I see

 21:08:48  lindanitsche  @emapey Can we chat sometime about connecting with my students? The special areas in my school are focusing on South America and your insight would be grand.

 21:08:54  Kimmy  Love AZ

 21:08:55  Diane Hammond  @kimmy, not from saskatcehwan but from Canada just the same

 21:08:59  Kimmy  wher are you from

 21:09:03  janicestearns  I feel lucky to be in So Cal It was about 65 today.

 21:09:03  judi epcke  @matt was in Palm Springs this past weekend to get a little sun time.

 21:09:05  cheryloakes vacation  They are going back in to a skype call, the stream is still going for Maria, you can hear her typing.

 21:09:20  Diane Hammond  @Kimmy - Ontario

 21:09:23  Ann-NJTechTeacher  We had 65 in New Jersey yesterday - what a treat!

 21:09:25  cheryloakes vacation   Hang on the skype should be coming back.

 21:09:37  janicestearns  Is that unusal for NJ?

 21:09:38  matt montagne  @judi you picked a great weekend for that...weather here was terrible

 21:09:38  leahdewhurst  Hi Kimmy, I am from Saskatchewan too

 21:09:41  sendkathy  back soon we hope

 21:09:41  Pat  I'm in Delaware -- 70 yesterday and down to 27 tonight!

 21:09:42  emapey  @lindanitsche Great

 21:09:47  cheryloakes vacation  Maria, I am sweating for you, even though it is 22 degrees F.

 21:09:52  Pat  very unusual

 21:09:55  Ann-NJTechTeacher  Extremely - it's usually in the 40s this time of year

 21:10:02  judi epcke  I'm a little tired of the snow.

 21:10:03  cheryloakes vacation  Pat, it is that cold in Maine too.

 21:10:03  Sarah S  We hit a sunny 40 today in Maine - then the cold front came through and we had snow showers.

 21:10:15  Diane Hammond  Just got back from Mexico - gorgeous there!

 21:10:21  lindanitsche  @emapey twitter id lnitsche   skype id lvnitsche

 21:10:23  nzchrissy  It doesn't snow here, I wish it would

 21:10:25  Pat  Wacky weather all over!

 21:10:26  cheryloakes vacation  Hi Sarah, I am going to go through the chat and see who all is here.

 21:10:30  sharonp  You folks are so patient

 21:10:32  Ann-NJTechTeacher  We're back in the 30s today too

 21:10:33  janicestearns  Lucky you to be in Mexico.

 21:10:36  Durff  maria sounds great

 21:10:42  cfoote  Diane, wow, sounds great!

 21:10:50  Pat  @Ann Where in NJ are you?

 21:10:52  cheryloakes vacation  Maria, he has to accept you as a friend.

 21:11:00  Diane Hammond  It was PERFECT! and i sooo needed a holiday!

 21:11:07  PeggyG  @sharonp--want to tell people about Chris while we wait to connect with him?

 21:11:13  Ann-NJTechTeacher  Up north x138 off the parkway if you're familiar with that

 21:11:25  nzchrissy  You are doing fine, Maria, keep talking

 21:11:31  cfoote  Captain--the engines aren't gonna hold ;)

 21:11:41  Pat  @Ann -- yup,  far away from me -- just south of exit 1!

 21:11:48  MariaK  can you hear now

 21:11:52  judi epcke  Live long and prosper.

 21:11:54  khokanson  GRRR back to chpoppy audio

 21:11:56  cfoote  If Sharon is talking, we can't hear her...I can hear someone.

 21:11:57  janicestearns  Technology sometimes keeps us real

 21:12:00  randyn  hi Cathy E

 21:12:01  cheryloakes vacation  we hear you Maria

 21:12:07  nzchrissy  We can only hear Maria

 21:12:09  bsch1964  mine is fine

 21:12:09  khokanson  like last few weeks

 21:12:09  Ann-NJTechTeacher  @Pat I get down there once a year in September

 21:12:17  cheryloakes vacation  we hear Kathy

 21:12:17  emapey  @lindanitsche skype: emapei twitter: emapey2

 21:12:21  Durff  Kathy sounds good

 21:12:23  nzchrissy  Now I can hear Kathy

 21:12:32  MariaK  can you hear us

 21:12:33  cheryloakes vacation  Kathy who are the guests tonight?

 21:12:43  bsch1964  echoey

 21:12:47  cheryloakes vacation  Maria we hear Kathy, and Maria

 21:12:48  cfoote  I hear someone else now.

 21:12:50  matt montagne  talk to Dennis Richards...he is my superintendant hero figure!

 21:12:50  Durff  yes  maria both sides

 21:12:57  cfoote  I hear 3 diff people ;)

 21:12:58  Durff  sounds good maria

 21:12:59  nzchrissy  Yes we can hear Kelly

 21:13:00  Durff  yup

 21:13:00  cheryloakes vacation  now we hear Kelly

 21:13:02  bsch1964  yes

 21:13:04  Durff  hi kelly

 21:13:05  MariaK  thanks

 21:13:05  Diane Hammond  Yes, hi Kelly!

 21:13:06  judi epcke  YeahWe heard Kelly

 21:13:08  cfoote  I hear Kelly! hi!

 21:13:09  bsch1964  I here you both

 21:13:13  PeggyG  Yes-Chris and Kelley coming through

 21:13:14  Durff  ok time is up

 21:13:16  cheryloakes vacation  There is a delay so you are all heard now.

 21:13:18  Durff  L)

 21:13:23  cfoote  Wow, cool, getting to hear Kelly :) pleased to meet you!

 21:13:23  rrfournier  kelly coming thru

 21:13:24  sharonp  Sharon is not there yet

 21:13:24  sendkathy  We are discussing change and administration

 21:13:28  cheryloakes vacation  we don't hear Sharon yet

 21:13:30  Ann-NJTechTeacher  We're getting a collection of superheros - Dennis belongs on the list

 21:13:50  cheryloakes vacation  Welcome kelly, glad you are here.

 21:14:07  cheryloakes vacation  Great that the chat room is hanging in to listen to the conversation.

 21:14:09  judi epcke  Great to hear from administration

 21:14:16  PeggyG  http://www.practicaltheory.org/serendipity - Chris Lehmann's blog

 21:14:18  cfoote  You had a great post about that today!

 21:14:18  rrfournier  Wow,7

 21:14:26  Pat  Is th class size?

 21:14:30  lindanitsche  I :D

 21:14:37  cheryloakes vacation  Sharon, we hear you, I think.

 21:14:52  cfoote  Okay so when teachers tell us they don't have time...Kelly has time for 7 kids, blogging, being a principal, etc...

 21:14:52  khokanson  wow Kelly I admire you even MORE now

 21:14:55  khokanson  :)

 21:15:05  cfoote  yow...6, 5, 3

 21:15:10  judi epcke  and he's on twitter a lot

 21:15:17  jeffmason  hey! we have 7 too!

 21:15:32  Diane Hammond  Kelly's blog: http://kwhobbes.wordpress.com/

 21:15:46  PeggyG  teenagers are delightful (when they're not your own) :-)

 21:15:47  janicestearns  Thanks for the link to the blog, Diane

 21:16:18  cheryloakes vacation  Hello Wendy, Vinnie,Srenatee, Pam, shelia, Sarah, rrfournier, Randy, Peggy, pat, thanks for joining tonight.

 21:16:29  Wendy  Hello everyone!

 21:16:35  sheila  Hi all!

 21:16:36  Kimmy  Hi everyone

 21:16:53  Ann-NJTechTeacher  Are any of courosa's students in the chat yet?

 21:16:56  cheryloakes vacation  Hi, Nzchrissy,mmkrill, Melinda!!!, loved your last podcast with Chris, Matt, mkm420fritz

 21:16:58  khokanson  have a GREAT asst supt I am trying to get blogging have shared Kelly's & Chris's blogs ANY OTHER GOOD ADMIN BLOGGERS OUT THERE???

 21:17:04  matt montagne  I have a group of girls who I work with who run the silverquill writing forum

 21:17:14  gatzke  Yes I am a student of Courosa's

 21:17:18  sendkathy  Kelly has 7 children from 3- 16 years

 21:17:20  cfoote  Kim Moritz @khokanson

 21:17:23  matt montagne  One of the girls has posted over 1000 stories on the forum!

 21:17:27  PeggyG  Check out Movingforward.wikispaces.com for admin blogs

 21:17:35  Ann-NJTechTeacher  Welcome @gatzke You should find this interesting

 21:17:38  cfoote  @khokanson and the podcasting principal site.

 21:17:39  matt montagne  they manage the forum all on their own!

 21:17:56  matt montagne  these kinds of stories will proliferate...

 21:18:01  sheila  @Matt - that's amazing.

 21:18:13  cheryloakes vacation  Hi luis, Lorna, Linda, LindaJ, leah, Kimmy, Kristen, Joyce, Jeff, Janice, gurliegurl,emapey, Donna, Diane, Cheri, Carolyn, Cathy bsch1964, Ann

 21:18:15  rrfournier  I am also one of Alec's students

 21:18:16  khokanson  Admins need to understand teaching and learning before their teachers can

 21:18:16  matt montagne  can we stay relevant when this is happening

 21:18:20  Ann-NJTechTeacher  @PeggyG Thanks for that link - I hadn't see it before

 21:18:22  Pat  looks like school is just a little part of their portfolio.

 21:18:36  cheryloakes vacation  Hi rrfournier, glad you could come from Alec's class.

 21:18:37  khokanson  which is why I admire Kelly and Chris...they GET IT

 21:18:44  PeggyG  movingforward is one of my favorite 2.0 resources

 21:19:07  matt montagne  admins are KEY...how can we get them to move along?

 21:19:25  cheryloakes vacation  Melinda, how was your conference today? saw your twitter.

 21:19:27  Pat  Is Kelly more constrained by teacher confidence or upper administration expectations?

 21:19:31  PeggyG  @matt-that's the entire focus of the movingforward wikispace site

 21:19:35  gatzke  I am a rookie administrator who encourages the use of technology and new instructional strategies.  I find that I am often asking how can I get teachers to move along.

 21:19:36  jeffmason  Hello back to you cheryloakes

 21:19:48  cheryloakes vacation  Hello Jeff,

 21:19:52  Diane Hammond  Wow - something to celebrate - an administration that doesn't hinder!

 21:19:54  PeggyG  Hooray--welcome Chris!

 21:20:03  Diane Hammond  Welcome Chris!

 21:20:07  mmiller  it was okay, I mentor 4 other principals and we had to work on paperwork, yuk

 21:20:09  khokanson  w00t @chrislehmann in the howse :)

 21:20:12  cfoote  Hi Chris!

 21:20:23  mrbest  Hey Lehmann, how you feeling?

 21:20:28  cheryloakes vacation  hI Karen Jan, and ChrisLehmann

 21:20:35  MariaK  Thanks everyone for your understanding

 21:20:36  cheryloakes vacation  hello Mr. Best

 21:20:56  KarenJanowski  Hi, Cheryl!

 21:20:58  mrbest  hey cheryl

 21:21:01  KarenJanowski  hi everyone!

 21:21:33  cheryloakes vacation  Hello, I am in the chat room tonight.On vacation in the mtns and not enough bandwidth to skype in.

 21:21:38  PeggyG  as a retired elementary principal teachers need to see tech in action that helps them do what they want/need to do and not be perceived as one more add-on

 21:21:50  Pat  Is she getting her car window fixed?

 21:22:02  mmkrill  I'm pushing for a shared vision b/t teachers and admin

 21:22:06  rrfournier  @Laurie-How are you enjoying being an administrator? Overall.

 21:22:07  cheryloakes vacation  OH, Pat, I imagine that would be on the list of to do!

 21:22:13  KarenJanowski  chery, you must be skiing since it's February vacation!

 21:22:17  sendkathy  Chris is High School and urban, Kelly is K12 rural Canadian

 21:22:25  mmkrill  followed by plenty of PD on how to manage a tech filled classroom

 21:22:28  PeggyG  tech is not an "add-on"--must be integrated and carefully selected as appropriate tool for specific learning tasks.

 21:22:32  gatzke  @PeggyG I agree but they also need a certain skill level.

 21:22:34  sendkathy  Chris is in Philadelphia

 21:22:35  cheryloakes vacation  For all in the chat, the show will be a podcast later in the week, and the chat will be available.

 21:22:46  KarenJanowski  meant cheryl

 21:22:52  janicestearns  Thanks, Cheryl

 21:22:58  cfoote  Hi Maria!

 21:23:00  sendkathy  http://mogulus.com/

 21:23:02  cheryloakes vacation  KarenJan, the skiing was great until the rain a couple days ago, but they are making more snow.

 21:23:13  PeggyG  I found when teachers wanted to know how to do something they were eager learners!

 21:23:17  Pat  @gatzke I disagree.  They need a willingness to learn and to share responsibility with their students

 21:23:21  matt montagne  I think we need to stop caling it technology...I know that is a semantics thing, but the term is over used

 21:23:39  gatzke  @Rosanne I really like it. Different but I am getting to do some instructional leadership with one school rather than 50.

 21:23:42  Pat  @matt bravo! 

 21:23:45  mmkrill  @mattt Student centered?

 21:24:06  mmkrill  @matt Fun?

 21:24:07  judi epcke  @matt I agree. It's about teaching/learning.

 21:24:14  Pat  @matt We need to always be committed to using the right tool

 21:24:16  PeggyG  mogolus is very exciting--I put it on my Facebook profile :-)

 21:24:28  sendkathy  cool isn't it!

 21:24:36  khokanson  AMEN MATT.... talk about the TOOL not about the tech

 21:24:41  matt montagne  @all ...I like your ideas...I'm not sure what to replace it with

 21:24:50  cfoote  lolol..cute

 21:24:52  sendkathy  I tried to embed it in my wordpress but the script wouldn't take, any suggestions

 21:25:01  cheryloakes vacation  Yes, Judi, it is about the teaching and learning and the tools, that make it better for students.

 21:25:05  cfoote  I'd like the link to her blog :)

 21:25:11  Ann-NJTechTeacher  @sharonp I was wondering how she felt about "strangers" your twitter friends commenting

 21:25:12  PeggyG  great story Sharon :-) Twitter is quite a learning adventure

 21:25:14  janicestearns  @sendkathy - you might need a plugin

 21:25:15  joycevalenza  i haven't seen meg's blog yet.  cool

 21:25:18  cfoote  She did a great time at Educon

 21:25:24  matt montagne  but we've had technology since the dawn of time..."digital technoloogy" is a recent phenom

 21:25:29  sendkathy  Oh, ok I will search for a plugin

 21:25:35  PeggyG  I also saw her blog via twitter--it was great

 21:25:42  rrfournier  @Laurie-What has been the most challenging issue you have faced as a new administrator.?  If you can share in the chat.

 21:25:43  sendkathy  Or maybe just put it in a text widget

 21:25:52  joycevalenza  i am hearing two streams

 21:25:58  sendkathy  two streams?

 21:26:00  khokanson  so many of the SLA kids have blogs as a requirement of their courses...they don't see it as blogging, but more as ann assignment

 21:26:16  sendkathy  any delay or is it stereo?

 21:26:19  cheryloakes vacation  Joyce, do you have itunes and real player goin?

 21:26:26  joycevalenza  just itunes

 21:26:30  cheryloakes vacation  stream is just fine, and sounds great.

 21:26:38  joycevalenza  if it's jus me, forget it.  i'll explore

 21:26:52  KarenJanowski  it would be good to have Dennisar on tonight as well. he is a superintendent here in MA

 21:26:55  lindanitsche  Play...YES!

 21:26:57  rrfournier  I agree.  We need time to play with the tools

 21:27:03  gatzke  @rr I teach .7 and so trying to keep on top of teaching as well as the endless admin tasks and try to complete grad studies has been challenging.

 21:27:16  Ann-NJTechTeacher  Maybe he'll come on another time (dennisar)

 21:27:24  cfoote  great quote

 21:27:28  matt montagne  @karenjan - I agree, Dennis Richards would be awesome

 21:27:38  cheryloakes vacation  hm, Joyce that is a little strange. 

 21:27:41  bsch1964  good point

 21:27:53  sharonp  Yes, had a chance to meet Dennis at educon2 - deep thinker - lots to think about!

 21:27:57  mkm420fritz  it needs to become part of the system!

 21:28:13  KarenJanowski  he was the asst. super in my town before he got the super job

 21:28:26  cfoote  do you find it hard for teachers to make that leap to start thinking of themselves as learners, Kelly?

 21:28:28  Diane Hammond  Need to re-sahpe the way we evaluate teachers, don't you think?

 21:28:31  gatzke  many people don't even know what web 2.0 is they can't use it if there isn't awareness.

 21:28:33  cfoote  we're having a struggle with that.

 21:28:34  khokanson  y'all are making my application for pricipal cert WAY easier :P

 21:28:45  sendkathy  Good question cfoote

 21:28:50  rrfournier  @Laurie-It's similar as a Learning Leader.  Teach full time and complete the many administrative tasks set out by Learning Council.  I do enjoy working with adults as well as young people. 

 21:28:57  bsch1964  I don't.  I know that I am learning everyday!

 21:29:03  lindanitsche  We  need to encourage innovation.

 21:29:13  Diane Hammond  Instead of evaluating competencies we need to evaluate learing strategies

 21:29:31  VinnieVrotny  got to go now. take care all

 21:29:33  cfoote  Our principal is extremely supportive and encouraging, but still hard to jump that hurdle for some on our staff.

 21:29:42  joycevalenza  it was mogulus!

 21:29:43  sharonp  that is an interesting comment, Diane - about strategies vs competencies

 21:29:45  cheryloakes vacation  nite Vinnie!

 21:29:47  mkm420fritz  absolutely - re-evaluate the "evaluations" of students and teachers

 21:29:57  mmkrill  Our principal is on board...feels tied down by super

 21:29:59  mkm420fritz  model the use

 21:30:03  cheryloakes vacation  Oh, Joyce you rascal

 21:30:14  joycevalenza  :-)

 21:30:19  PeggyG  networking with other administrators and teachers is sooo important!

 21:30:28  Pat  We need to alleviate the desperation of testing so there is a commitment to learning all year instead of just late in the spring

 21:30:29  sendkathy  Yes, mogulus is annoying because when you go onto the site it starts autoplay! The only drawback!

 21:30:30  khokanson  mmkrill shared your principal's blog today

 21:30:31  cfoote  nodding here.

 21:30:35  randyn  is mogulus similar to uStream?

 21:30:40  rrfournier  How do you get teachers who refuse to use technology to move ahead? 

 21:30:42  janicestearns  Our super is so supportive. We're trying to form the vision and define what it looks like.

 21:30:45  gatzke  I model risk taking and not having the answers....working together to provide support to our learners.

 21:30:55  khokanson  @peggy that is why I am DYING to get blogging administrators together

 21:31:02  Diane Hammond  Some of us old folks are quite with it :-)

 21:31:11  khokanson  teachers don't like to exist on an island..nor do admis

 21:31:20  khokanson  Chris & Kelly are unique

 21:31:21  mkm420fritz  it has to be part of the expectations...faculty mtg announcements/newsletters ONLY come out via email/blog...

 21:31:22  gatzke  @Diane yes we are.

 21:31:26  matt montagne  @khok-an admin blogging network is a wonderful idea...

 21:31:28  cheryloakes vacation  rrfournier, sometimes it comes down to adding a goal that the principal and teacher agree on with the tech tools.

 21:31:33  sendkathy  Here here Diane!!

 21:31:35  PeggyG  yeah, old isn't so bad :-)

 21:31:44  cheryloakes vacation  rrfournier, a goal that is part of the evaluation, with embedded training.

 21:31:44  khokanson  they are OK exisiting on their island examining the tough questions

 21:31:56  matt montagne  is anyone trying to facilitate an admin blogging network?

 21:32:06  mkm420fritz  yes - leadertalk

 21:32:08  lindanitsche  It is about creating a culture that supports the notion that you don't know all of the answers and are willing to work on it.

 21:32:11  cfoote  and also HOW do we get teachers to play?

 21:32:22  khokanson  culture is SO important

 21:32:23  cfoote  ours seem so driven...hard to get them to think of the idea of play!

 21:32:23  bsch1964  yes

 21:32:27  gatzke  I'd sure like to be part of an admin blogging network.  any links?

 21:32:28  joycevalenza  promote risk

 21:32:28  Kimmy  give them time to play

 21:32:35  sharonp  Kelly has started a ning for admins

 21:32:43  joycevalenza  and learning from risktaking!

 21:32:49  PeggyG  leadertalk is an outstanding blog! subscribe to the RSS feed--very active

 21:32:52  mmkrill  @khokanson He's working at the blog - next post = reflection

 21:32:56  cheryloakes vacation  great idea for a ning for admins.

 21:33:06  khokanson  and with PSSA how do admins justify play.... u know I am playing devils advocate here

 21:33:12  cfoote  we have a very "type A" faculty I think...good teachers, but...very driven.

 21:33:17  sendkathy  Yes, how can we get our admins involved?

 21:33:22  srenatee  there are types of teachers--consciously effective; unconsciously effective; consciously ineffective; unconsciously ineffective. Which do you think are "most dangerous" as teachers? least willing to learn?

 21:33:25  lindanitsche  Learning and self-reflection should be a part of every teacher's day - but it isn't necessarily so.

 21:33:28  cfoote  I like that--shared structures

 21:33:35  mkm420fritz  leadertalk.org

 21:33:37  khokanson  common language is ESSENTIAL

 21:33:38  janicestearns  I would like to know about the ning. Is it on his blog. Just saw his blog for the first time here.

 21:33:43  sharonp  Linda you are right on about need for reflection

 21:33:56  gatzke  Thanks mkm420

 21:33:59  PeggyG  self-reflection is critical but people/teachers don't automatically know how to do it--learned that teaching pre-service teachers

 21:34:00  cfoote  good good point, Chris.   Creating that common language important.

 21:34:08  sharonp  @janicestearns - will be sure to ask

 21:34:16  cheryloakes vacation  Reminder, the podcast and chat will be available later in the week.

 21:34:17  KarenJanowski  @lnitsche but should that be mandated or just happen?

 21:34:25  sendkathy  How can we simplify and streamline our systems in schools

 21:34:29  matt montagne  but leadertalk seems to be one blog...I'd like a way for individual admins to easily get together and share blogs with one another...

 21:34:33  sendkathy  Chris talks about John Madea

 21:34:37  MariaK  @cheryloakes (hopefully)

 21:34:37  janicestearns  @sharonp thanks

 21:34:42  PeggyG  I don't believe you can mandate learning

 21:34:45  sendkathy  He wrote Laws of Simplicity

 21:34:50  khokanson  who wrote that

 21:34:53  janicestearns  @matt I like that idea

 21:34:56  matt montagne  Great questions, Chris...

 21:35:00  lindanitsche  @Karen J Mandated doesn't work- supporting, modeling,

 21:35:06  sendkathy  John Madia, Madea?

 21:35:09  bsch1964  wow

 21:35:11  sendkathy  Will look it up!

 21:35:14  lindanitsche  encouraging

 21:35:16  chrislehmann  Madea, I believe.

 21:35:21  KarenJanowski  @lnitsche - agree - so how do we get teachers to reflect willingly?

 21:35:24  cfoote  wow, awesome point

 21:35:24  PeggyG  Leadertalk has lots of administrators posting on the blog--their own posts--not just responses

 21:35:28  matt montagne  @janice...I'm thinking some easy way for admins to share their blogs w/other admins...

 21:35:40  chrislehmann  Sorry if I sound really hoarse, btw... still battling a flu.

 21:35:43  sendkathy  laws of simplicity

 21:35:45  lindanitsche  I think you ask the right questions

 21:35:46  sendkathy  oops

 21:35:57  sendkathy  http://www.lawsofsimplicity.com/

 21:35:59  mmkrill  A pageflakes pagecast full of admin blogs...

 21:36:05  jeffmason  to guests: Most administrators are fearful of loosening restrictions on all things digital. What allowed you to lose your fear?

 21:36:12  Diane Hammond  In a rural community, you never get staff tun-over, do you?

 21:36:18  gatzke  @matt how about an admin twitter following (not a fan of Twitter but this interests me.)

 21:36:22  Diane Hammond  turn-over

 21:36:49  sharonp  Isn't that cool? A school wiki!

 21:36:53  judi epcke  my admin has a hard time embracing twittter. not enough time to 'connect'

 21:36:56  judi epcke  Hi Meg

 21:36:57  gatzke  You are walking the talk....teachers respect that.

 21:36:59  PeggyG  yes-ask the right questions--check out the video later on Learningischange.com

 21:37:01  mmiller  as an admin on twitter and admin twitter following would be awesome

 21:37:04  megormi  hi all

 21:37:08  matt montagne  @gatzke...I like it, but I think most admins will find twitter "weird" at first

 21:37:12  sharonp  A principal who asks his staff to use the wiki

 21:37:15  sharonp  I love it

 21:37:22  Diane Hammond  Once a day - good for you!

 21:37:30  Durff  ahh-sub plans done

 21:37:31  sendkathy  Good question, how do admins feeel about loosening control when it comes to tech

 21:37:37  PeggyG  Tim Tyson required all of his teachers to blog weekly

 21:37:47  Wendy  John Madea on TED  http://www.ted.com/speakers/view/id/155

 21:37:55  Durff  i would fit right in there

 21:38:02  matt montagne  I think we should all slip our adminis a few good books to read this summer

 21:38:06  sendkathy  great thanks for the link!

 21:38:11  judi epcke  @peggyg were the teacers blogging for parents to read for pro develop or ?

 21:38:13  janicestearns  I liked how Tim Tyson started with just posting homework and let it grow ... for some

 21:38:17  KarenJanowski  @matt - what books would you rcommend?

 21:38:24  matt montagne  I think Will Richardson's Blogs, Wikis, etc. should be required summer read for admins

 21:38:24  Durff  mine just read Pinks book

 21:38:24  cheryloakes vacation  send your admins to Melinda Miller, Podcasting principal

 21:38:27  cfoote  @matt montagne  Our principal has started us on a book study on dept chair committee

 21:38:34  gatzke  Time is really important.  I know we don't have near enough.  Most is prescribed.  The time to reflect and really dig deeper isn't there.

 21:38:35  cfoote  we read it over the course of a semseter and discuss.

 21:38:40  mkm420fritz  they need to become part of the network...not read about it! get them involved so they can be part of the learning community - that's how they'll see the power.

 21:38:40  sendkathy  Durff, loved Pinks book and you?

 21:38:41  PeggyG  blogging for both and it was a very strong parent communication tool

 21:38:45  cfoote  It's making a big difference, giving us a unified message

 21:38:46  sendkathy  Breath of fresh air to me

 21:38:50  janicestearns  I loaded podcasts on my Sup's ipod Bit by Bit was one :)

 21:38:52  Durff  no kathy i didn't

 21:39:04  sendkathy  Why not?

 21:39:05  gatzke  I love book circles but not all staff will buy in. 

 21:39:05  Durff  but i did like James Paul Gee's

 21:39:08  judi epcke  @janice did he/she listen to them?

 21:39:09  sendkathy  do tell

 21:39:21  khokanson  @matt is is not about the blog or the wiki thou it is about communitcation and understating  teaching and learning as a process

 21:39:22  janicestearns  Absolutely. He's getting hooked.

 21:39:26  cfoote  @gatzke  Just our leadership team and our dept. chairs are reading the book

 21:39:27  Durff  pink reiterates what i was learning in the early 80s

 21:39:28  mmiller  @cheryl I would love an admin twit network to shoot out questions to, yes I would love to networking with more admin

 21:39:32  Durff  old hat

 21:39:41  cheryloakes vacation  @Janice, I love Bitbybit snow days!

 21:39:43  cfoote  but it's a good start.  gives us common language, like Chris mentioned.

 21:39:43  lindanitsche  @Durff Agreed

 21:39:44  Durff  coffee + cookies = brb

 21:39:47  PeggyG  Tim's site--great principal resources--drtimtyson.com

 21:39:54  sendkathy  I know but...

 21:40:00  sendkathy  We need reminders

 21:40:01  sroseman  twitter is blocked in our school district..shucks

 21:40:01  gatzke  who is going to start the admin twit?  I don't really know how.

 21:40:11  sendkathy  we need to hear things in fresh new ways sometimes

 21:40:20  matt montagne  what about a blended approach to staff book circles?  some f2f, some blog/discussion board reflection, etc?

 21:40:24  janicestearns  Snow days are fun to listent to. Don't have any here. You are all so ambitious.

 21:40:28  khokanson  it is about making practice tramsparente

 21:40:33  KarenJanowski  still no way to set up groups in twitter - we need to bombard them with that request

 21:40:46  mmiller  @gatzke I can add a "twitter" page to my wiki for my MO principals conference workshop

 21:40:50  judi epcke  @mmiller My admin is swarren1000 on twitter

 21:40:56  matt montagne  @khok-totally agree with you on your point about the tools...I just like Will's book b/c it is so practical

 21:41:00  PeggyG  Nichole was an awesome guest!

 21:41:07  gatzke  That's great you have held the staff accountable.

 21:41:08  mrbest  @khokanson:  just pownced you something

 21:41:09  mmiller  @judiepcke THANKS!!!

 21:41:27  cfoote  It's the spider and starfish idea

 21:41:31  gatzke  @miller what would the link be?

 21:41:36  matt montagne  one other problem with web 2.0 and admins is they fear the risk...

 21:41:39  matt montagne  predators

 21:41:40  dgoodman_1958  don't know whats being discussed but we have a newbie principal to Web 2.0 who created a wiki for her teachers to comment on a book she gave them at Christmas "The Present"  She is modeling wiki use -you hoo

 21:41:40  cfoote  has to be integrated into school culture so it's not person -dependent

 21:41:48  courosa  i bet ai missed a great conversation so far

 21:41:50  mmiller  I have had such a hard time coming upwith a book study for the summer I may do a "blog post" study and send out blogs to meet and discuss over coffee

 21:41:56  dgoodman_1958  sorry cfoote-just realized we are the same color

 21:42:01  sharonp  HI Alec.... great conversation tonight!

 21:42:03  PeggyG  drtimtyson.com/blog

 21:42:04  cfoote  @mmiller  do whole new Mind.

 21:42:10  matt montagne  the american media blows up a good potential via fear and panic

 21:42:16  gatzke  I like the idea of a blogpost study.  Let me know the blog.

 21:42:18  dgoodman_1958  this color better

 21:42:19  Durff  alec - we discussing you

 21:42:22  mmkrill  My prin has a book study wiki too.

 21:42:23  KarenJanowski  anyone have network administrators that allow you to access all things 2.0?

 21:42:27  courosa  i'll be reviewing the audio for sure.

 21:42:29  cfoote  so question is--shared vision, how do you get there?

 21:42:31  lindanitsche  Distributed leadership and shared vision

 21:42:35  sendkathy  I'm trying to listen and watch, did I miss something, are you talking about a teacher bookclub run via wiki within a school?

 21:42:42  cheryloakes vacation  mmiller I am thinking of a ning for a discussion for our brain class, may keep it private to get people started.

 21:42:48  mmkrill  I can't get ning unblocked - but ready access otherwise

 21:42:51  PeggyG  no on access to 2.0 tools--very limited

 21:42:56  janicestearns  Give teachers more say and working collaboratively with admins

 21:42:58  sharonp  I had an IT Director who would back me wiht anything... at my former schoool - had dinner with him tonight! Great guy

 21:43:01  mrbest  hi everyone

 21:43:01  courosa  hey durff

 21:43:04  mmiller  http://maespinternetcafe.wikispaces.com/ I will add twitter to this thanks

 21:43:15  cfoote  Hi Tim best!

 21:43:16  khokanson  MRBEST RAWKS

 21:43:20  lindanitsche  @mmkrill I got Ning unblocked but it took some doing

 21:43:21  gatzke  Thanks mmiller

 21:43:23  KarenJanowski  how did the network administrators become the keepers of knowledge?

 21:43:37  cfoote  aw :)

 21:43:46  sharonp  Wow, seems we have some groupies of Tim Best in the house tonight!

 21:43:49  mmkrill  @linda - going one site at a time classroom20 okay, library20 - no?!

 21:43:53  matt montagne  @karenjan - darn good question...

 21:44:06  lindanitsche  @Karen J We gave it to them...??

 21:44:14  Durff  i think it is a question of control

 21:44:19  KarenJanowski  let's take the power back!

 21:44:22  courosa  that would have been a question I asked, good question.

 21:44:28  PeggyG  Tim is just on my mind because he has been the keynote for our AZ conferences this year--last one coming up in May

 21:44:41  cfoote  HI jacob :)

 21:44:41  Durff  hi Jakob!

 21:44:43  dgoodman_1958  hi jacob

 21:44:43  mvank  Hi Jakob

 21:44:51  courosa  maybe handing over control, distributing decision making in schools

 21:44:58  megormi  hi jacob!

 21:45:10  mmkrill  @karen www.edweek.org/dd/articles/2008/01/23/3leadership.h01.html

 21:45:13  PeggyG  IT folks and curriculum folks need to be on the same planning team

 21:45:19  cfoote  Have any of you read the book Starfish and the Spider?

 21:45:25  cfoote  It's about distributed leadership...

 21:45:34  janicestearns  Yes, great book @cfoote

 21:45:38  cfoote  Joyce Valenza recommended it last summer at Necc

 21:45:38  joycevalenza  Chris, what do preservice administrator programs look like these days?

 21:45:42  nzchrissy  I am so lucky here in NZ - I ask my principal and he unblocks

 21:45:44  matt montagne  @jacob - hello from Milwaukee, WI

 21:45:44  gatzke  @courosa That is a great idea but it is not happening

 21:45:47  sharonp  @cfoote - need to put it on my list

 21:45:48  janicestearns  It's on our book list as a district staff.

 21:45:49  KarenJanowski  @mmkrill - thanks i'll read it

 21:45:59  janicestearns  Goes with Results now very well

 21:46:02  chrislehmann  joyce -- I was really lucky to study under Tom Sobol... so I think mine was quite unique.

 21:46:12  Durff  chrissy - you're just intimidating

 21:46:13  courosa  @cfoote I've read it, one I recommend to many students, covers a lot of these issues, and in the greater context of knowledge and power.

 21:46:19  nzchrissy  Each school in NZ has control of it's own network

 21:46:21  joycevalenza  wish we all had such experiences!

 21:46:27  matt montagne  I couldn't believe reading a teacher's blog this week about skype being blockeed...that floored me

 21:46:28  jeffmason  turning teachers loose to the use the tools as they see fit

 21:46:36  Pat  we call it "lucky" when professional educators can use great new tools that they find

 21:46:41  mmkrill  Interesting - this is a tech director twit I just saw http://pghbloggers.org/note/166324

 21:46:58  courosa  hi leah and laurie, good to see you here

 21:47:00  Durff  would be a dream

 21:47:07  jeffmason  ustream is blocked

 21:47:09  gatzke  Hi Alec

 21:47:13  lindanitsche  @matt Skype blocked at my school

 21:47:17  judi epcke  Some posted in twitter today that twitter is blocked in his school because the network guys think it is a 'dating site'.

 21:47:19  sendkathy  ustream blocked for us too

 21:47:19  matt montagne  let people have access...let them make mistakes...what if we Edison was told he couldn't make mistakes.

 21:47:20  jeffmason  googledocs is blocked

 21:47:23  rrfournier  Hello Alec

 21:47:34  lindanitsche  Twitter is blocked at my school too

 21:47:36  courosa  oh, his roseanne, didn't see you there.

 21:47:39  mmkrill  I"m feeling lucky:)

 21:47:47  KarenJanowski  @jeffmason - what's the rationale for that?

 21:47:50  judi epcke  @jeff why? what's the reason googledocs is blcoked

 21:47:57  Ann-NJTechTeacher  I'm lucky really nothing blocked - but it's a private school

 21:48:00  nzchrissy  Some things that use a different port are blocked for us - like ustream.  Our ISP provider worries about security compromises

 21:48:16  jeffmason  students may communicate with each other?

 21:48:18  KarenJanowski  teachers needs to tell students about googledocs - great for collaborative projects that they assign

 21:48:18  courosa  great to see a few eci831 students here, WoW should be a regular part of your PD diet.

 21:48:21  cheryloakes vacation  Twitter and Ning come across our filter as social network, so we have to allow them individually.

 21:48:43  bsch1964  Our schools use u stream for teaching purposes

 21:48:45  matt montagne  chris' point about school wide standardization is excllent

 21:48:47  nzchrissy  Elluminate is also blocked, but most web2.0 tools like voicethread, skype etc are not blocked

 21:48:55  cheryloakes vacation  Thanks to Alec for adding WOw2 as a resource for eci831. I have  been commenting on some of your blogs!

 21:49:04  sendkathy  Yes, and he is helping the teachers use the best tools for the purpose

 21:49:07  Durff  Elluminate is blocked?

 21:49:11  PeggyG  teachers get very frustrated when the tools they are being encouraged to use are blocked in their districts/schools

 21:49:14  Durff  that floors me

 21:49:15  megormi  that is the key, what do you want to do? Then match the tool!!

 21:49:17  courosa  Thanks Cheryl ... so very much appreciated!

 21:49:23  nzchrissy  yes durff - not sure why

 21:49:28  cfoote  focus on the learning not the tools

 21:49:30  cheryloakes vacation  You bet Alec

 21:49:41  Durff  but who could afford it anyway?

 21:49:41  matt montagne  schoolwide standardization will become important when the small pockets start to expand.

 21:49:44  PeggyG  Sometimes the blocks are related to bandwidth and not content

 21:49:49  janicestearns  How much time do your teachers get to collaborate and share together?

 21:49:54  megormi  It is all about teaching and learning, I agree these are tools!

 21:50:03  bsch1964  none

 21:50:07  Ann-NJTechTeacher  "powerful and relevant learning" that's the idea to pass on to admin

 21:50:12  nzchrissy  yes bandwidth here in NZ is not as good as what the rest of the world experiences

 21:50:22  mkm420fritz  jonassen - mindtools - excellent book

 21:50:27  nzchrissy  we are a wee bit behind on that matter

 21:50:32  khokanson  heck I com in over skype and bug ya :P

 21:50:40  KarenJanowski  but please remember that read/write web tools are excellent for differentiated instruction and universal design for learning.

 21:50:42  lindanitsche  Powerful and relevant - that would not be a description of the current test craze

 21:50:43  bsch1964  spend their off time doing it?

 21:50:47  cheryloakes vacation  nzchrissy, but you have a pwoerful voice in the blogosphere!

 21:50:48  sharonp  JOnassen's Mindtools is one of my most favourite books - had HUGE influence on my thinking

 21:50:52  mrbest  honestly, we have a bunch of people on the staff that know various things.  I can go to any of half a dozen people to get ideas

 21:50:53  Ann-NJTechTeacher  @nzchrissy better than dial up speed?

 21:50:56  nzchrissy  not bugging at all Khok!! :)

 21:50:57  mvank  I stop by his office probably about 3-10 times a day

 21:51:01  sharonp  just ordered Jonassen's latest yesterday

 21:51:02  KarenJanowski  our struggling learners greatly benefit from these tools - we have to advocate for our kids

 21:51:12  mrbest  Chase, Hull, Lehmann, VK, everyone's got something to offer

 21:51:12  MariaK  It's not about being the best teacher it's about being the best for the kids!

 21:51:16  nzchrissy  yes Ann better than dialup

 21:51:26  mkm420fritz  @sharonp he rewrote the book and it's very interesting

 21:51:30  khokanson  the BEST thing about SLA is that it is like WORKING with your TWITTER FEED

 21:51:33  cheryloakes vacation  reminder to all, the podcast and chat will be available later in the week. Thanks to MariaK for streaming her 2nd show this evening!

 21:51:39  PeggyG  that's such an important point about competitiveness vs sharing culture

 21:51:42  rrfournier  I work in modified programming and Web 2.0 tools have been great for students who are struggling

 21:51:43  Durff  yes Maria! You got the cab on that one

 21:51:46  judi epcke  SLA = birds of a feather

 21:51:48  lindanitsche  What a supportive and caring place to work

 21:51:49  khokanson  sharing and collaborating is what they DO there

 21:51:50  Ann-NJTechTeacher  When I traveled to Ireland cousins were all on dial up in the country

 21:51:50  cheryloakes vacation  Thanks to all in the chat room for making this evening so robust!

 21:51:52  gatzke  @Maria that's important and educators have to get over that and move to build cultures of sharing.

 21:51:54  MariaK  @durff - oh my

 21:52:06  matt montagne  culture of sharing is good model for students to see as well

 21:52:14  gatzke  absolutely

 21:52:22  matt montagne  govt has given us NCLB

 21:52:24  sharonp  Meaningful Learning with TEchnology?? is that the title t which you were referring mkm420fritz??

 21:52:30  matt montagne  NOOOOOO govt!!!

 21:52:39  mrbest  @matt:  it's huge for us (at SLA).  The kids know that we all hang out a bunch outside of school, and it really helps

 21:52:44  Durff  I think they are stalling

 21:52:52  mkm420fritz  @sharonp i have to go look... he changed the title w/ the updated version

 21:52:59  chrislehmann  The faculty at SLA is very friendly. :)

 21:53:10  MariaK  @matt :p

 21:53:14  Durff  the kids too chris

 21:53:19  Ann-NJTechTeacher  A friendly faculty makes a big difference

 21:53:29  matt montagne  @mrbest...that is awesome!  Our kids need to see the world as a collaborative world...not a world of competition

 21:53:42  gatzke  agreed

 21:53:43  Durff  someone ignored you? oi veh!!

 21:53:47  courosa  Hi Donna. Looks like good representation from Saskatchewan tonight.

 21:53:52  cheryloakes vacation  collaboration, conversations, collaboration

 21:53:59  sharonp  Go Saskatchewan! WOOT

 21:54:03  cheryloakes vacation  Yeah Canada

 21:54:12  gatzke  We are curling in Sask this week.

 21:54:18  MariaK  let's build collaboration in classrooms early on - elliminate competition

 21:54:27  Diane Hammond  Provinces have autonomy over education in Canada. We have standardized testing in Ontario Chris. Better pick another province :-)

 21:54:28  sharonp  not your hair, I hope, gatzke

 21:54:31  donnadesroches  Hi Alec - yeah Saskatchewan!

 21:54:33  matt montagne  growth oriented accountability...I like that

 21:54:36  Pat  @gatske -- yea curling!

 21:54:41  chrislehmann  Rats. I love Toronto. :)

 21:54:43  gatzke  It's a great game played on ice

 21:54:55  PeggyG  Yes! the tools and the collaboration can help teachers to become better at what they do--great focus

 21:55:03  sharonp  Toronto is the city that the rest of Canada loves to hate.... (sorry Diane)

 21:55:14  rrfournier  I love Toronto!

 21:55:16  MariaK  We're making maple syrup this weekend at my house in NH

 21:55:27  sharonp  mmmm maple syrup

 21:55:33  cheryloakes vacation  Maria, I will bring the waffles, homemade

 21:55:34  KarenJanowski  @mariak - can you send some my way!

 21:55:36  Durff  i love real maple syrup

 21:55:38  Ann-NJTechTeacher  @MariaK Is it a huge process?

 21:55:40  Sarah S  @mariak - aren't you early ? enough freeze/thaw for that?

 21:55:46  Diane Hammond  The government of the day used testing to beat up on the teachers.

 21:55:46  gatzke  @Maria I thought maple syrup was a Canadian thing.

 21:55:56  nzchrissy  we don't have maple syrup here - sounds nice

 21:56:00  MariaK  we'll be blogging about it in march from my kindergarten

 21:56:15  Durff  chrissy it is wonderful

 21:56:20  Diane Hammond  We have one national curriculum in Canada - Science

 21:56:26  Ann-NJTechTeacher  @MariaK - Then I'll learn all about it! :)

 21:56:31  nzchrissy  I guess it would be like our golden syrup??

 21:56:38  Durff  better

 21:56:43  khokanson  SO TRUE

 21:56:53  gatzke  Maple syrup is better than golden

 21:56:54  courosa  I remember FOIL from math ... and that's about it.

 21:56:56  matt montagne  bismarck?

 21:56:56  Durff  golden syrup is like our karo

 21:57:03  Durff  or even king's

 21:57:03  courosa  oh, and BEDMAS

 21:57:05  Diane Hammond  Some of it needed to be forgotten because it's changed!

 21:57:07  mkm420fritz  @sharonp modeling w/ technology: mindtools fro conceptual change

 21:57:13  nzchrissy  what is karo?

 21:57:17  courosa  haven't used FOIL once in my real life.

 21:57:20  cheryloakes vacation  I sure have forgotten 90% of what I learned in  school, but the skills and tools and social networks are the building blocks.

 21:57:22  Ann-NJTechTeacher  @courosa  FOIL and BEDMAS - it's a start

 21:57:26  Durff  like golden syrup

 21:57:28  nzchrissy  what is FOIL

 21:57:31  janicestearns  I liked Chris's post yesterday about not having to enteratain, but to engage.

 21:57:43  mmiller  alyson is loving the smiley faces right now:?

 21:57:51  gatzke  Engagement is key

 21:57:54  MariaK  this is our first run yesterday and today - boil on saturday - have to work until then

 21:57:56  courosa  I was an English teacher ... once. I miss those days.

 21:58:01  Durff  FOIL is an acronym

 21:58:10  nzchrissy  for?

 21:58:12  Ann-NJTechTeacher  Multiply first, outside, inside, last (2x + 3)(3x - 2)

 21:58:13  megormi  agreed engagement, energy, not factoids!

 21:58:15  PeggyG  Wes Fryer has some excellent podcasts/blogs on engagement

 21:58:16  Durff  alec?

 21:58:17  cheryloakes vacation  HI @lyson :-)

 21:58:24  Diane Hammond  The advice that we are consistently getting from the mentors who work with the students in our projects is "find your passion and follow it!"

 21:58:25  KarenJanowski  always admired HS English teachers - they are brilliant in my experience!

 21:58:26  khokanson  they are going to remember the care of learning....

 21:58:43  khokanson  and that learning is a life skill

 21:58:46  courosa  First Outer Inner Last

 21:58:46  cfoote  great point, Chris.

 21:58:56  nzchrissy  ah thanks Alec

 21:58:57  Durff  thank you sir

 21:59:03  courosa  yes, njteacher!

 21:59:15  lindanitsche  I've been talking about the lack of passion and engagement at my school- too much testing going on

 21:59:33  khokanson  oh linda... we need to TALK :)

 21:59:39  megormi  yes, testing is killing engagement, we need a shift!

 21:59:45  nzchrissy  our curriculum is so broad - no exams to teach to until Year 11

 21:59:48  gatzke  testing and assessment, accountability is the talk of the day.

 21:59:59  KarenJanowski  we can still ask our students what is your passion

 22:00:00  khokanson  @megormi the problem isn't the testing ...

 22:00:02  matt montagne  fyi-heavy breathing

 22:00:13  cheryloakes vacation  darth vadar

 22:00:17  nzchrissy  darth is in the hourse

 22:00:17  judi epcke  darth vader

 22:00:19  sendkathy  sorry, think it was me :)

 22:00:21  lindanitsche  We need to learn to trust that passion and engagement with quaility instruction will be successful

 22:00:22  megormi  khokanson expand on that

 22:00:29  Diane Hammond  High quality performance-based testing has the potential to be engaging and motivating.

 22:00:32  cfoote  lol...chris

 22:00:42  cfoote  maybe we should just sing all our lessons ;)

 22:00:44  lindanitsche  We don't need to prove that they are learning with a test three times a week

 22:00:46  Ann-NJTechTeacher  It's easy to blame it on testing but that's not the whole reason

 22:00:48  megormi  LOVE school house rock 71-178!

 22:01:01  courosa  I remember how make a rocket launch in text using Apple Basic.

 22:01:07  janicestearns  Agreed ann-jn

 22:01:11  khokanson  grr can't cut & paste

 22:01:25  Ann-NJTechTeacher  Oh Apple Basic - there's a fond memory - my first language

 22:01:27  megormi  schoolhouse rock sorry 1971-1978! all now on You Tube

 22:01:28  cfoote  Chris had a post about the schedule and how that should reflect your philosophy.

 22:01:32  cfoote  of school.

 22:01:35  courosa  Time has been listed in EVERY Master's thesis I've ever read ... always time. Yet, never a solution for time.

 22:01:40  gatzke  Great question, time is an issue.

 22:01:45  bsch1964  I can not either

 22:01:53  Ann-NJTechTeacher  I have School House Rock on DVD - love them all

 22:01:56  KarenJanowski  @cfoote - yes research shows music/singing helps form neural pathways for long-term memory - not

 22:02:05  KarenJanowski  sorry, remove the not

 22:02:06  Diane Hammond  We can also use our time better.

 22:02:08  PeggyG  singing is so important to learning--my mom has alzheimer's and about all she remembers now are the songs she sang throughout her life--remembers ALL the words and tunes :-)

 22:02:37  courosa  Awwww

 22:02:42  lindanitsche  @PeggyG:D

 22:02:46  sendkathy  Sorry to hear that about your mom, very tough times

 22:02:46  courosa  .. that's terrific Peggy.

 22:02:49  janicestearns  Asynchronous is essential in 21st century

 22:03:12  Durff  only 20 billion neurons that starve for the arts

 22:03:30  matt montagne  teachers need to get more comfortable w/asynchronous learning model

 22:03:36  KarenJanowski  Time is essential - maybe we need to identify where we are wasting it

 22:03:39  Ann-NJTechTeacher  Good nighta all

 22:03:45  cfoote  Good point, KarenJan

 22:03:46  Diane Hammond  If we built more learning time into time tables than teaching time, we'd be moving in the right direction.

 22:03:59  Durff  matt i am aychronous - drives the kids batty

 22:04:02  gatzke  I agree Diane

 22:04:21  kristinhok  hmm frozen firefox

 22:04:26  matt montagne  Durff...you are asyncronous learning machine! 

 22:04:27  Durff  ouch

 22:04:46  Durff  if i would just learn something

 22:05:00  cfoote  lol

 22:05:04  cheryloakes vacation  Great show, Great chats! look for the podcast and chats later.

 22:05:11  PeggyG  that is such a great perspective about coming prepared for learning teams

 22:05:31  matt montagne  this was a great show

 22:05:33  Durff  can we have another hour?

 22:05:33  KarenJanowski  every meeting has to have an agenda and stick to it

 22:05:42  PeggyG  I'm sure the teachers value that productive time!

 22:05:44  matt montagne  I agree...guests are outstanding.

 22:05:49  KarenJanowski  meetings are great time wasters, or can be

 22:05:49  jeffmason  Teacher like being treated like professionals.  High expectations.

 22:06:10  megormi  yes, high expectations are key!

 22:06:18  Durff  i try to get out of all the mtgs i can

 22:06:19  kristinhok  ok so here is my elaboration to understand teaching & learning  you need to understnd how to assess whether students have actually learned what you set out to teache

 22:06:21  courosa  The problem I see is that we are always adding to what teachers do, but we never take away anything.

 22:06:24  judi epcke  teachers need to be facilitators

 22:06:40  jeffmason  @courosa amen

 22:06:41  kristinhok  Assessment comes after a long list of things, none of which should be preparation for assessment and true assessment goes beyond rote memorization and single performance because that is how true learning is demonstrated

 22:06:48  nzchrissy  @courosa same problem in NZ - always adding to curriculum never taking anything out

 22:06:53  gatzke  You are right Alec

 22:06:59  judi epcke  rather than standing in front of the room and talking

 22:07:12  sendkathy  hello all, we are nearing the outro

 22:07:12  cfoote  Hm, would be great for the two of you to do a workshop just on this.

 22:07:17  Durff  but kristin, assessment is continous

 22:07:21  cfoote  on the notion of meetings/time use for principals.

 22:07:24  gatzke  We also do a good job of preparing curriculum documents but not giving the support needed to implement.

 22:07:25  Durff  not an end product

 22:07:29  courosa  yea I think it's both a curriculum issue and a teacher workload issue ... more seems to be better, but the focus is all wrong.

 22:07:35  Diane Hammond  Assessment needs to come first. Plan the assessment and then plan the learning that must occur to get there.

 22:07:37  cheryloakes vacation  Great show, see you all next week

 22:07:41  sendkathy  We started a little (alot) late so 5 more minutes of the fabulous discussion

 22:07:50  nzchrissy  yes Diane, that is the way

 22:07:56  kristinhok  yikes no WONDER firefox crashed 29 tabs :)

 22:07:56  joycevalenza  must run, sorry, thank you all!!!!

 22:07:57  Durff  yes dianne

 22:08:02  jeffmason  @courosa when I'm asked to do one more thing I ask back what is it that I'm doing now that you would like me to set aside?

 22:08:05  sendkathy  29 tabs!

 22:08:06  matt montagne  SLA sounds like they've got the google R & D thing going on...I'm jealous

 22:08:07  KarenJanowski  love the third space concept

 22:08:08  sendkathy  Sounds like a record

 22:08:09  megormi  @kristinhok Agreed, we should know exactly where learners are, not on high stakes test

 22:08:13  Durff  before, during, after

 22:08:15  PeggyG  @Diane--the heart of Backwards Design-Understanding by Design :-) Yeah!

 22:08:15  courosa  I'd throw away curriculum if I could, start with something more basic: numeracy, literacy, critical and creative thinking, ... start there and then be flexible on curriculum.

 22:08:23  matt montagne  staff parking  LOL

 22:08:24  sendkathy  Was one of the tabs IE?  maybe thats what did it lol

 22:08:26  mrbest  I wish we had a parking lot

 22:08:32  Diane Hammond  @peggy YES!

 22:08:43  janicestearns  Must plan for tomorrow's Google Earth workshop tomorrow. Always by the seat of my pants. Gotta go. Thanks for the great conversation. I've missed it.

 22:08:49  courosa  great response jeff, we have to say no.

 22:09:12  Sarah S  @courosa Great idea on the non-curriculum option

 22:09:13  lindanitsche  Even if we do know where learners are, we are being required to administer tests like Dibels for district purposes

 22:09:35  KarenJanowski  @lnitsche - what do you think of Dibels?

 22:10:02  lindanitsche  @KarenJ Don't think much of it

 22:10:04  courosa  both incredible blogers!

 22:10:04  jeffmason  @courosa I just learned that word this year

 22:10:13  courosa  add another g in there.

 22:10:20  Diane Hammond  Inspiring blogs both of them!

 22:10:23  mvank   Love it

 22:10:27  chrislehmann  Thank you! :)

 22:10:27  megormi  @kristinhok Question, are we usig the Dibels data, or just collecting it? Just a question...

 22:10:27  PeggyG  Great question Sharon

 22:10:30  mmiller  is dibels how you collect data to show where students are? How do you know where students are as learners? Prof. judgement?

 22:10:42  lindanitsche  It is being used for purposes it is not designed for

 22:10:42  mvank  Chris always talks about and follows through with transparency

 22:10:51  mmiller  I see

 22:10:56  lindanitsche  Running records

 22:11:04  lindanitsche  Literature discussion checklist

 22:11:05  courosa  Everyone of my students knows you blog Kelly, and all of my admin faculty, and many, many more. We need more admin bloggers.

 22:11:09  KarenJanowski  seems to be giving a great deal of credibility

 22:11:13  cfoote  lol..i always tell people who are worried about getting in trouble for their blogs, that probably no one in their school will really read it.

 22:11:17  mmiller  We use running records as well

 22:11:20  cfoote  I'm joking, but it seems too true.

 22:11:34  Durff  my principal's daughter told me he (principal) read my blog

 22:11:40  Durff  i think i died

 22:11:50  mvank  Schools need to be transparent if they're going to be sustainable because as soon as something occurs behind closed doors you're hiding the rationale  whichtakes away the sustainability

 22:11:54  cfoote  lol, durff

 22:11:57  kristinhok  the best is when his KIDS quote his blogg

 22:12:06  Durff  yup

 22:12:38  kristinhok  use twitter to grip :)

 22:12:41  KarenJanowski  now that i'm on the school committee, have to be more careful about what I blog about

 22:12:44  kristinhok  gripe

 22:12:52  sendkathy  Thank you all for being here tonight and being willing to wait for the crew to gather

 22:13:00  Wendy  Nite.

 22:13:09  PeggyG  @KarenJanowski--that must be a very challenging line to walk

 22:13:14  Durff  i know that feeling

 22:13:16  lindanitsche  Thank you it's been a great evening of conversation

 22:13:25  megormi  so glad I could drop in, thanks for your great work!

 22:13:36  KarenJanowski  @peggyG - very tough - I want to change everything, that's why I ran, but change is very slow

 22:13:51  jeffmason  blogs = conversation

 22:13:54  PeggyG  You're perfect for that job! Good luck!

 22:13:59  sendkathy  Chris back next week and Arthus

 22:14:02  KarenJanowski  THank you1

 22:14:06  sendkathy  student centered

 22:14:09  Durff  arthus?

 22:14:14  Durff  neat

 22:14:21  KarenJanowski  too me, it's always about the students first

 22:14:23  Durff  NH i thought

 22:14:26  courosa  but that's a good point, what happens if someone doesn't like your ideas from what they have read on your blog ... when you go for a job assignment. In some ways, it's a blessing, I many not want to work with people with radically different views. Hard to say.

 22:14:30  lindanitsche  Will Meg join us?

 22:14:31  MariaK  vermont

 22:14:40  emapey  @lindanitsche I am foollowing you in twitter

 22:14:45  sendkathy  We need people to get Sharon's daughter on with encouraging words

 22:14:46  Durff  ok i need to take a cab

 22:14:54  MariaK  to vermont

 22:14:55  sendkathy  twitter Meg or respond on her blog

 22:14:58  PeggyG  Thank you so much to Chris and Kelley--really valuable to hear your administrative insights--you are awesome administrators!

 22:15:01  megormi  another great MEG??

 22:15:07  chrislehmann  someone post her URL in the chatroom! :)

 22:15:10  sendkathy  Naturally

 22:15:16  lindanitsche  Will you resend the link to Meg;s blog?

 22:15:25  KarenJanowski  goodnight all!

 22:15:31  jeffmason  transparency (blogs) is a double-edge sword

 22:15:36  kwhobbes  Great job Chris. Thanks for sharing!

 22:15:42  megormi  send it again, Meg's need to stick together!

 22:15:51  chrislehmann  You too! Thrilled to share the chat with you, Kelly!

 22:15:56  sendkathy  Maria, you are so great!!! Thank a million

 22:16:06  sendkathy  Thank you Chris and Kelly wonderful

 22:16:07  Diane Hammond  Kelly and Chris - keep up the great work guys! Thanks for the conversation!

 22:16:08  KarenJanowski  twitter is transparent as well, blog yourself & Twitter - you will find all your twits which is scary

 22:16:11  courosa  Thanks all, that was wonderful, sorry I missed the first half.

 22:16:19  PeggyG  You always find the most interesting guests for your show! I never want to miss it! :-)

 22:16:22  nzchrissy  good night from your tomorrow here in NZ - great guest, go Maria with the streaming!!

 22:16:30  donnadesroches  Thanks Kelly and Chris - great show - lots of good info and ideas

 22:16:31  nzchrissy  guests I mean

 22:16:33  jeffmason  Thanks to all1

 22:16:46  cfoote  Thanks Chris and Kelly--gave me lots of ideas to share back at campus

 22:16:48  PeggyG  night all

 22:16:49  cfoote  inspiring!

 22:16:50  KarenJanowski  thank you Chris and kelly

 22:16:54  cfoote  Get well, Chris!

 22:17:06  gatzke  Thanks all!

 22:17:11  chrislehmann  thank you, Carulyn! My voice is shredded. :)

 22:17:23  chrislehmann  (ugh... Carolyn...)

 22:17:24  cfoote  sounds like it, Chris!

 22:17:26  chrislehmann  I can't type.

 22:17:26  kwhobbes  Do you have a cold or something?

 22:17:26  Durff  nite ye all!

 22:17:31  cfoote  no problem ;)

 22:17:36  sharonp  http://burnttoastinsidejokes.blogspot.com/
 22:17:46  sharonp  That is Meg's blog address
 22:17:52  cfoote  thanks sharon :)
 22:18:06  [email protected]  thanks
 22:18:20  Diane Hammond  Thanks WOW ladies - great show as usual!

 22:18:23  matt montagne  enjoyed the talk everyone

 22:18:28  matt montagne  have a good nite
 22:18:58  kristinhok  night all\
22:19:05  cfoote  night Kristin!
22:19:08  cfoote  night all!
 22:21:11  sendkathy  night!
 22:21:16  sharonp  Night all