Women of Web 2.0 Show # 64

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Show #64, Join Sharon, Kathy and Cheryl as we have a great conversation with Chris Lehemann and Arthus.

 20:42:55  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Hi--I forgot who the guests are tonight. :-(

 20:44:15  sendkathy -> -EdTechTalk: Let me see...Chris Lehmann is back for round 2

 20:44:27  sendkathy -> -EdTechTalk: Arthus for a student perspective

 20:44:44  sendkathy -> -EdTechTalk: Talk about edutrends - hence Horizon Report

 20:45:01  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Oh that's great--Arthus has had a busy day posting on twitter today :-)

 20:45:35  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: So glad Chris is back!

 20:45:35  sendkathy -> -EdTechTalk: I noticed, his fingers must be fatigued but he should be ready to talk!

 20:45:58  sendkathy -> -EdTechTalk: Yes!

 20:47:22  sendkathy -> -EdTechTalk: Hi Cheryl!

 20:48:13  cheryloakes wow2.0 -> -EdTechTalk: hello, getting ready

 20:48:53  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Hi Cheryl :-)

 20:49:42  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Thanks for your twitter response about Arthus as guest :-)

 20:50:18  sendkathy -> -EdTechTalk: OO she's scooping me via twitter!

 20:51:23  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Yes :-) sorry I forgot the @Cheryl

 20:51:42  sendkathy -> -EdTechTalk: LOL

 20:52:09  cheryloakes wow2.0 -> -EdTechTalk: hello, how is sound

 20:52:16  sine -> -EdTechTalk: How will this be streamed?

 20:52:20  alicebarr -> -EdTechTalk: Sound is great!

 20:52:30  cheryloakes wow2.0 -> -EdTechTalk: thanks alice,

 20:52:47  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Sound coming through great on iTunes

 20:52:58  cheryloakes wow2.0 -> -EdTechTalk: sine, you can pick up the stream though itunes or windows media and real player

 20:53:08  sine -> -EdTechTalk: got it!  thanks

 20:53:12  sine -> -EdTechTalk: no ustream?

 20:53:16  sendkathy -> -EdTechTalk: Loud and clear?

 20:53:21  cheryloakes wow2.0 -> -EdTechTalk: arthus are you on skype?

 20:53:25  alicebarr -> -EdTechTalk: Loud and clear!

 20:53:30  cheryloakes wow2.0 -> -EdTechTalk: no ustream, have'n't tried that yet

 20:53:34  arthus -> -EdTechTalk: yes I am

 20:53:37  arthus -> -EdTechTalk: arthus.erea

 20:53:57  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: HAHAHA

 20:54:03  sendkathy -> -EdTechTalk: yup

 20:54:04  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Don't go Chris

 20:56:00  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: HAHAHAHA

 20:56:07  chrislehmann -> -EdTechTalk: We've lost Arthus.

 20:56:50  cheryloakes wow2.0 -> -EdTechTalk: hello all, we are 2 min. to show time

 20:57:34  alicebarr -> -EdTechTalk: Snow Day tomorrow cheryl?

 20:57:42  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: I can tell this is going to be a fun, lively conversation!! :-)

 20:57:46  cheryloakes wow2.0 -> -EdTechTalk: only delay i think

 20:57:58  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Sunny and 75 degrees in Phoenix AZ

 20:58:08  sendkathy -> -EdTechTalk: I'm Jeal

 20:58:23  cheryloakes wow2.0 -> -EdTechTalk: welcome maria in show

 20:58:24  cheryloakes wow2.0 -> -EdTechTalk: snow

 20:58:47  randyn -> -EdTechTalk: did anyone here join in for Making Connections tonight?

 21:00:03  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: No I missed making connections--went to the TappedIn web 2.0 conversation

 21:00:15  sendkathy -> -EdTechTalk: I think they wer in SL tonight

 21:00:16  maria in snow -> -EdTechTalk: hello colleen

 21:00:25  randyn -> -EdTechTalk: ok, i didnt join in, they were, so I couldn't join in

 21:00:28  ColleenK -> -EdTechTalk: Is that Maria Knee?

 21:00:35  maria in snow -> -EdTechTalk: yes it is - howdy!

 21:00:45  ColleenK -> -EdTechTalk: LOL...good to see you here!

 21:00:54  sendkathy -> -EdTechTalk: Hi Maria!!

 21:01:03  sendkathy -> -EdTechTalk: You hero

 21:01:22  maria in snow -> -EdTechTalk: @colleen how's my hair?:?

 21:01:38  emapey -> -EdTechTalk: Hi all

 21:01:48  sendkathy -> -EdTechTalk: your hair?

 21:01:54  ColleenK -> -EdTechTalk: Your real hair looks great...not so sure about your avatar.

 21:01:54  maria in snow -> -EdTechTalk: no problem -

 21:02:01  maria in snow -> -EdTechTalk: hehe

 21:02:16  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Yes-thank you Maria! I've already listened to it twice :-)

 21:02:22  maria in snow -> -EdTechTalk: @sendkathy - it's a SL thing

 21:02:26  sharonp -> -EdTechTalk: Feeling any better, Maria? I think we have the same flu

 21:02:27  sendkathy -> -EdTechTalk: ahhh

 21:03:17  maria in snow -> -EdTechTalk: i'm doing a bit better - thanks to good pills!

 21:03:41  maria in snow -> -EdTechTalk: @sharon - must be an online virus!

 21:04:28  matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: Hey @czautcke!

 21:04:58  cheryloakes wow2.0 -> -EdTechTalk: http://www.makebeliefscomix.com

 21:05:01  sharonp -> -EdTechTalk: hey I recognize some names in the room from last night! Welcome

 21:05:44  cheryloakes wow2.0 -> -EdTechTalk: http://web.mac.com/simon_elliott/[email protected]

 21:06:01  matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: I have my XO, but want to put ubuntu on it...

 21:06:05  sendkathy -> -EdTechTalk: http://www.educationfutures.com/2008/02/21/digital-media-and-learning-co...

 21:06:06  cheryloakes wow2.0 -> -EdTechTalk: http://techpsych.blogspot.com   Karen Janowski

 21:06:23  sendkathy -> -EdTechTalk: http://www.epalscorp.com/about/news/press_feb_08_B.html

 21:06:43  cheryloakes wow2.0 -> -EdTechTalk: Here is Vicki's http://mashable.com/2008/02/16/forget-powerpoint-online-presentations/

 21:06:52  cheryloakes wow2.0 -> -EdTechTalk: I hope I have the spaces in the right places

 21:06:52  sharonp -> -EdTechTalk: http://jlerman.wordpress.com/2008/02/24/personal-learning-networks-perso...

 21:07:51  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Last night's parents as partners was great!

 21:08:02  matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: Thanks for plug Sharon!!!  It was great speaking with you last nite!

 21:08:03  cheryloakes wow2.0 -> -EdTechTalk: http://web.mac.com/simon_elliott/[email protected]/Home.html

 21:08:25  sendkathy -> -EdTechTalk: Did you many parents?

 21:08:37  sendkathy -> -EdTechTalk: have many parents?

 21:08:38  lorna -> -EdTechTalk: we had 2 parents with us

 21:08:41  matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: @czautcke was involved in Parents as Partners last nite as well...

 21:08:51  matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: @PeggyG-thanks for props!

 21:08:53  sendkathy -> -EdTechTalk: What was the focus?

 21:09:05  chellouise -> -EdTechTalk: Hello!

 21:09:20  lorna -> -EdTechTalk: connecting parents with the classroom using tehnology

 21:09:31  matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: @sendkathy-not totally certain...Alec Corousa and his students were in the chat room for parents as partners

 21:09:39  matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: Hi @lorna!

 21:09:41  sendkathy -> -EdTechTalk: will it be weekly? and is it for a specific school district

 21:09:43  lorna -> -EdTechTalk: hi matt

 21:09:48  cheryloakes wow2.0 -> -EdTechTalk: Hello Steve, Susan, Pam, Peggy, Melinda, Matt, Maria in snow, lorna, linda, jmsd18, emapey, cazutcke, colleen, chellouise, arthus, and alice!

 21:09:54  cheryloakes wow2.0 -> -EdTechTalk: welcome durff

 21:09:58  chellouise -> -EdTechTalk: Hi cheryl

 21:09:59  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: and helping parents learn about internet safety including suggestions for providing parent workshops on this

 21:10:02  Durff -> -EdTechTalk: hi cherly

 21:10:02  lorna -> -EdTechTalk: bi weekly not a school board initiative

 21:10:05  sendkathy -> -EdTechTalk: Hey Durff, coffee in hand?

 21:10:12  Durff -> -EdTechTalk: vcheryl can't type

 21:10:18  maria in snow -> -EdTechTalk: call that cab!

 21:10:19  sendkathy -> -EdTechTalk: @lorna great idea

 21:10:27  Durff -> -EdTechTalk: coffee & cookies

 21:10:36  Durff -> -EdTechTalk: in a cab

 21:10:39  lorna -> -EdTechTalk: @sendkathy thanks

 21:10:42  Durff -> -EdTechTalk: aqlliteration!

 21:10:51  chellouise -> -EdTechTalk: how can we be talking while american idol is on?  LOL!

 21:10:53  sendkathy -> -EdTechTalk: welcome!

 21:10:58  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: I know Arthus loves his Mac :-)

 21:11:00  cheryloakes wow2.0 -> -EdTechTalk: nice Durff, it will keep us on our fingers!

 21:11:04  sendkathy -> -EdTechTalk: and don't let us forget the debates

 21:11:31  Durff -> -EdTechTalk: i want to see id!

 21:11:32  sroseman -> -EdTechTalk: What are your interests outside computers???

 21:11:39  Durff -> -EdTechTalk: passport?

 21:11:54  Durff -> -EdTechTalk: birth certificate?

 21:11:56  maria in snow -> -EdTechTalk: lost audio

 21:12:09  Durff -> -EdTechTalk: hey kidd

 21:12:14  tkidd132 -> -EdTechTalk: Can't believe I made it here...

 21:12:16  maria in snow -> -EdTechTalk: back

 21:12:17  tkidd132 -> -EdTechTalk: Hello Everyone

 21:12:18  cheryloakes wow2.0 -> -EdTechTalk: Karen, your website was one of my wows!

 21:12:20  Durff -> -EdTechTalk: @maria it's the snow

 21:12:27  tkidd132 -> -EdTechTalk: great to be back on Edtechtalk..

 21:12:29  KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: Thanks @cheryl!

 21:12:35  matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: do teachers use presentation tools to enhance lectures?

 21:12:36  cheryloakes wow2.0 -> -EdTechTalk: welcome tkidd, rozansdm1, hi KarenJan

 21:12:38  maria in snow -> -EdTechTalk: we are going tohave power trouble tonight

 21:12:41  sharonp -> -EdTechTalk: want to check out yoru blog Karen!

 21:12:46  tkidd132 -> -EdTechTalk: Good to see you here arthus...:)

 21:12:51  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: wow-sign up months in advance :-(

 21:12:53  matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: no spontaneous access for teachers and learners...that is an issue

 21:12:57  maria in snow -> -EdTechTalk: hello tkidd from maria in NH

 21:12:58  cheryloakes wow2.0 -> -EdTechTalk: glad you are back tkidd

 21:13:02  sharonp -> -EdTechTalk: Kathy has a great question about parent participation

 21:13:04  cheryloakes wow2.0 -> -EdTechTalk: hello Sarah

 21:13:05  matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: the lab model is questionable

 21:13:07  Durff -> -EdTechTalk: gotta finish lesson plans while i listen...

 21:13:11  tkidd132 -> -EdTechTalk: Yes...I have missed alot...

 21:13:15  stevesoko -> -EdTechTalk: @Arthus - does your school offer wireless?

 21:13:24  matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: we have same issues...our lab is scheduled out weeks in advance

 21:13:30  chellouise -> -EdTechTalk: anybody else having trouble with sound being soft?

 21:13:33  lindanitsche -> -EdTechTalk: @durff Same problem here!

 21:13:40  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Is there a life outside of computers :-)

 21:13:42  brenda_muench -> -EdTechTalk: sound?

 21:13:48  brenda_muench -> -EdTechTalk: there's sound?

 21:13:50  KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: @sharonp - especially check out my most popular post - a link on the right side, it's filled with free tools for Universal Design for Learning for all kinds of learners

 21:14:01  tkidd132 -> -EdTechTalk: I have been working on a ComputerFair Project which was today....And I won....3rd place.Under Multimedia Section....

 21:14:03  tkidd132 -> -EdTechTalk: :)

 21:14:04  cheryloakes wow2.0 -> -EdTechTalk: oh, brenda, go to the participation live, look for itunes or real player

 21:14:11  matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: so if something comes up in the class and a teacher wants students to do a little simulation or web reference, that isn't possible in a lab model

 21:14:15  chellouise -> -EdTechTalk: @brenda click on a channel at the right

 21:14:37  sendkathy -> -EdTechTalk: @tkidd what was your project?

 21:14:38  chellouise -> -EdTechTalk: then you can hear the discussion

 21:14:47  tkidd132 -> -EdTechTalk: Web 2.0 Tools

 21:14:53  Durff -> -EdTechTalk: i wonder what his parents would think if they understood

 21:14:54  sharonp -> -EdTechTalk: will do Karen - thanks - am looking for resources for the Qu?©bec LEARN website

 21:14:56  sendkathy -> -EdTechTalk: What did you use?

 21:15:06  matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: is Arthus experience at school paper based?  Heavily?

 21:15:08  tkidd132 -> -EdTechTalk: I would say its fair...Jen

 21:16:08  tkidd132 -> -EdTechTalk: Hello Mr.Lehmann.....Hows it going...

 21:16:20  sendkathy -> -EdTechTalk: @tkidd, what was the topic of your project?  Is it posted can we view it?

 21:16:21  chellouise -> -EdTechTalk: read an interesting editorial in THE Journal about teaching to the test

 21:16:40  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: great point Arthus! testing seems to drive so much of what is done in schools

 21:16:43  tkidd132 -> -EdTechTalk: I have not posted it yet but i will......I haven't had the chance yet....

 21:17:06  sendkathy -> -EdTechTalk: ok, no porbelm, I will look forward to seeing it when it's up

 21:17:10  matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: how can we move to a classroom experience that is less reliant upon paper?

 21:17:20  sendkathy -> -EdTechTalk: can't type

 21:17:23  tkidd132 -> -EdTechTalk: Yes.....I am quiet sure you are......lolz....

 21:17:27  cheryloakes wow2.0 -> -EdTechTalk: is the sound louder for you chellouise?

 21:17:55  KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: @mattmontagne - paper based is an obstacle for many kids with disabilities - we have to make the curriculum accessible for them!

 21:18:01  chellouise -> -EdTechTalk: a little bit.  It could be a little bit because of the competition with American Idol.  LOL

 21:18:12  chellouise -> -EdTechTalk: thank you!

 21:18:19  cheryloakes wow2.0 -> -EdTechTalk: hm, how is the leader doing on AI?

 21:18:28  brenda_muench -> -EdTechTalk: thanks for the help cheryl!

 21:18:36  matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: @KarenJan - I agree...I think it crushes students who have organizational issues as well...

 21:18:37  cheryloakes wow2.0 -> -EdTechTalk: sure brendad

 21:18:40  cheryloakes wow2.0 -> -EdTechTalk: brenda

 21:18:41  KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: if we start with the reality that our curriculums are the disability and not the kids we will be at a better place

 21:18:54  chellouise -> -EdTechTalk: @cheryl it's the boys tonight.  So far I like Shakeezee (sp?)

 21:18:55  KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: absolutely1

 21:19:07  chellouise -> -EdTechTalk: ok, back on topic!  LOL

 21:19:11  matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: Hey Derrallg

 21:19:17  derrallg -> -EdTechTalk: hi Matt

 21:19:48  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: ARthus--how did you become so "wise" at your young age??

 21:19:49  matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: I agree...we're afraid of making mistakes...when did this happen?

 21:20:01  Durff -> -EdTechTalk: Amen Mr. Leha

 21:20:03  sharonp -> -EdTechTalk: wow great stuff from Chris

 21:20:06  Durff -> -EdTechTalk: Lehaman

 21:20:17  Durff -> -EdTechTalk: aarg - really can't type

 21:20:18  chellouise -> -EdTechTalk: you are a very astute young man

 21:20:26  brenda_muench -> -EdTechTalk: @matt happened right after the first mistake that got dragged to an admin

 21:20:59  brenda_muench -> -EdTechTalk: my admin doesn't under stand "free range" learning

 21:21:21  KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: @chrislehman - i just ran for school committe in my town and was told i had the voters attention for 15 seconds! ....the 15 seconds before they went into the voting booth

 21:21:24  matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: @brenda...I think you got that one right...

 21:21:57  sendkathy -> -EdTechTalk: freee range learning?  who coined that term?

 21:22:19  brenda_muench -> -EdTechTalk: don't know I just came up w/ it right now.... i think :)

 21:22:20  cheryloakes wow2.0 -> -EdTechTalk: i like open source learning!

 21:22:24  chellouise -> -EdTechTalk: what is free range learning?  is it like free range grazing?

 21:22:28  brenda_muench -> -EdTechTalk: lol

 21:22:34  chellouise -> -EdTechTalk: sorry that was uncalled for...

 21:22:42  KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: how about if we call it accessible learning? that way it is accessible to all learners despite their learning challenges. read/write web offers incredible options

 21:22:48  chellouise -> -EdTechTalk: :_

 21:22:52  matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: open source learning AND teaching...I love that concept!

 21:22:54  chellouise -> -EdTechTalk: oops! 

 21:22:56  brenda_muench -> -EdTechTalk: yes much like free range grazing you learn what you want until you're full

 21:23:08  chellouise -> -EdTechTalk: @brenda  GREAT comeback!

 21:23:13  tkidd132 -> -EdTechTalk: yes....Yes...Great Point There!!

 21:23:18  tkidd132 -> -EdTechTalk: Arthus

 21:23:19  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Wonder how much twitter affects those bite-size bits??

 21:23:57  arthus -> -EdTechTalk: I'm not entirely sure bite-size is bad

 21:24:04  arthus -> -EdTechTalk: or at least for some things

 21:24:07  derrallg -> -EdTechTalk: change state standards into sound bites great

 21:24:19  brenda_muench -> -EdTechTalk: amen! @derrallg

 21:24:24  tkidd132 -> -EdTechTalk: well......

 21:24:40  cheryloakes wow2.0 -> -EdTechTalk: Hello Brian!

 21:24:41  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Maybe they could save those sound bytes on their ipod and replay them while they sleep :-)

 21:24:46  matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: @derrallg-I heard about the school budget funding crisis in CA...is that really going to happen??

 21:24:51  KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: my sound bite when i ran for school committe was "the name of my town deserves an educator!"

 21:24:56  sendkathy -> -EdTechTalk: he actually suggested that too!

 21:25:05  cheryloakes wow2.0 -> -EdTechTalk: nice Karen

 21:25:07  derrallg -> -EdTechTalk: @matt yes, lets not talk about it :(

 21:25:15  bcrosby -> -EdTechTalk: Hi everyone!!!

 21:25:25  brenda_muench -> -EdTechTalk: hi bcrosby!

 21:25:28  matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: @derrallg-sorry to bring that up...I just read about it and was thinking of u

 21:25:37  cheryloakes wow2.0 -> -EdTechTalk: hello brian, how is your school year?

 21:25:50  maria in snow -> -EdTechTalk: test bites

 21:25:54  derrallg -> -EdTechTalk: @matt i'm okay its others I'm worried about

 21:26:16  sendkathy -> -EdTechTalk: yeah test bites!

 21:26:18  bcrosby -> -EdTechTalk: @cheryloakes So far so good -

 21:26:26  tkidd132 -> -EdTechTalk: yes...

 21:26:34  sendkathy -> -EdTechTalk: Good school nutrition tastie bites of wholesome learning!

 21:26:48  cheryloakes wow2.0 -> -EdTechTalk: my skyping student is doing well in his 2 skype classes, we are starting with another in a couple weeks.

 21:26:58  stevesoko -> -EdTechTalk: @arthus - are many of your circle of friends from your school deeply online?

 21:27:00  cheryloakes wow2.0 -> -EdTechTalk: good one kathy

 21:27:05  cheryloakes wow2.0 -> -EdTechTalk: hello lloydcrew

 21:27:05  sendkathy -> -EdTechTalk: LOL

 21:27:20  KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: Hey, @lloydcrew - this is late for you!

 21:27:22  matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: at Arthus...do you learn more inside of school, or outside of school?

 21:27:24  lloydcrew -> -EdTechTalk: howdy

 21:27:57  stevesoko -> -EdTechTalk: @arthus - that is are your unique in VT or is your experience common at w/ your peers

 21:28:04  lloydcrew -> -EdTechTalk: yes, I'll see how long I last!

 21:28:09  tkidd132 -> -EdTechTalk: Hello Susan

 21:28:12  chellouise -> -EdTechTalk: @Arthus  do your teachers do any extra 2.0 projects for you outside of class to enhance the curriculum?

 21:28:15  cheryloakes wow2.0 -> -EdTechTalk: evening SusanE!

 21:28:18  SusanEttenheim -> -EdTechTalk: hi everyone

 21:28:24  derrallg -> -EdTechTalk: hi Susan

 21:28:25  sendkathy -> -EdTechTalk: VT? VoiceThread or vermont?

 21:28:26  KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: Hi, susan

 21:28:36  tkidd132 -> -EdTechTalk: @ Chrislehmann- Is there a Link to that blog?

 21:28:40  alicebarr -> -EdTechTalk: hi Susan

 21:28:44  stevesoko -> -EdTechTalk: VT = Vermont

 21:28:45  SusanEttenheim -> -EdTechTalk: it's amazing how late it can get when you stay at school until 6!

 21:29:05  sendkathy -> -EdTechTalk: i c

 21:29:21  chrislehmann -> -EdTechTalk: http://www.scienceleadership.org/drupaled/E10C

 21:29:33  chrislehmann -> -EdTechTalk: http://www.scienceleadership.org/drupaled/E10D

 21:29:34  tkidd132 -> -EdTechTalk: Thank you very much :)

 21:29:43  sendkathy -> -EdTechTalk: What in the world are you doing until 6?  Waiting for traffic to subside?

 21:30:08  SusanEttenheim -> -EdTechTalk: lol trying to stay out of the dog house...;)

 21:30:34  sendkathy -> -EdTechTalk: :)

 21:30:38  cheryloakes wow2.0 -> -EdTechTalk: not you susan!

 21:30:59  matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: has anyone seen Two Million Minutes or the trailer at YouTube?

 21:31:02  tkidd132 -> -EdTechTalk: Is this Sharron Peters Speaking...

 21:31:09  tkidd132 -> -EdTechTalk: the person before

 21:31:09  matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: a parent passed that along to me today

 21:31:11  cheryloakes wow2.0 -> -EdTechTalk: yes

 21:31:19  SusanEttenheim -> -EdTechTalk: one of our students is working on a "quality of life" project and asked me to take the survey today that asked if you are a better teacher if your students do better on the tests

 21:31:20  sendkathy -> -EdTechTalk: yes 2 million but didn't watch it all wadya think?

 21:31:24  cheryloakes wow2.0 -> -EdTechTalk: chrisL speaking now

 21:31:27  chellouise -> -EdTechTalk: I missed 2 million minutes at FETC.  It sure sounded good though

 21:31:30  matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: I can't paste the URL to Two Million Minutes

 21:31:34  derrallg -> -EdTechTalk: teach to Bloom not to the test

 21:31:38  sendkathy -> -EdTechTalk: long

 21:31:39  tkidd132 -> -EdTechTalk: ok...I asked because she said she was canadian...I was like....oh...

 21:31:41  tkidd132 -> -EdTechTalk: I know

 21:31:44  matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: @sendkathy...haven't seen it...just trailer

 21:31:46  sendkathy -> -EdTechTalk: Got the point early on

 21:31:47  bcrosby -> -EdTechTalk: Except the tests have many issues - many biases

 21:32:00  chellouise -> -EdTechTalk: is the video online?

 21:32:08  matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: testing companies love the tests...big, big business

 21:32:14  KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: good night  all - husband and I have to have "The Talk" about next year's plans with my son who is a senior. he just got home from play practice

 21:32:21  SusanEttenheim -> -EdTechTalk: the classic was a friend whose son didn't know about 4 legs on a bed... they had futons in a small nyc apt

 21:32:22  matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: @chellouise...just the trailer at YouTube

 21:32:25  cheryloakes wow2.0 -> -EdTechTalk: nite karen

 21:32:30  bcrosby -> -EdTechTalk: Its a bell curve ... if everybody does well then the scores stay the same

 21:32:35  alicebarr -> -EdTechTalk: Bye Karen

 21:32:36  sendkathy -> -EdTechTalk: nighty karenj

 21:32:36  chellouise -> -EdTechTalk: thanks matt

 21:32:53  sendkathy -> -EdTechTalk: My son is a freshman in college

 21:32:53  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Outstanding point, Chris!

 21:33:01  chellouise -> -EdTechTalk: great thoughts Chris!

 21:33:03  matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: Great point, Chris...

 21:33:12  brenda_muench -> -EdTechTalk: are you compassionate and active!!! 

 21:33:17  matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: do we need to measure that?

 21:33:18  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Preparing kids for 2000 days in their lives and not just the 2 days of testing!

 21:33:29  SusanEttenheim -> -EdTechTalk: do you think that this is also affecting the idea of integrity among students - more cheating?

 21:33:31  chellouise -> -EdTechTalk: use PBL to measure it!  WHY do we HAVE to measure it?

 21:33:43  brenda_muench -> -EdTechTalk: PBL???

 21:33:50  stevesoko -> -EdTechTalk: Yes, folks but the testing barn door is already open and it will not be closed. It is a pipe dream to think we are going back anytime soon.

 21:34:03  chellouise -> -EdTechTalk: proect based learning instead of regurgiation of facts

 21:34:06  matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: Longitutidanl studies instead of testing...love that idea!

 21:34:16  derrallg -> -EdTechTalk: @matt yes

 21:34:27  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: WE COULD use performance-based assessments but that is not what is being used with NCLB

 21:34:28  cheryloakes wow2.0 -> -EdTechTalk: hi blutz welcome

 21:34:30  sharonp -> -EdTechTalk: PBL - was why I was aksing questions - Project based learning

 21:34:49  bcrosby -> -EdTechTalk: So we just took the 5th grade CRT tests to test to see if my students learned what they are supposed to learn in fifth grade ... UMMMM there's still 4 months of the school year left ... do you think we might still teach them something in that 4 months???

 21:34:55  chellouise -> -EdTechTalk: so we need to change NCLB?  LOL!!!!!!

 21:34:59  sharonp -> -EdTechTalk: would love to see longitudinal studies on PBL

 21:35:00  matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: Will NCLB go away after the Bush Admin is done? Or is that here to stay for a while?

 21:35:08  stevesoko -> -EdTechTalk: NCLB will be tweeked by the winner in Nov 2008, but it will not go away

 21:35:11  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: YEs!!!! change NCLB!

 21:35:32  chellouise -> -EdTechTalk: @sharonp  that would be good

 21:35:44  arthus -> -EdTechTalk: lol

 21:35:48  tkidd132 -> -EdTechTalk: Hello  BLutz..

 21:36:00  chellouise -> -EdTechTalk: maybe if we could show that it makes thinkers and learners.......nah, too good to be true

 21:36:01  tkidd132 -> -EdTechTalk: Hey Arthus.

 21:36:01  cheryloakes wow2.0 -> -EdTechTalk: hello hockeymom!

 21:36:03  brenda_muench -> -EdTechTalk: too take nclb away the new pres would have to be willing to defend "so you want to leave students behind?"

 21:36:07  tkidd132 -> -EdTechTalk: hows it going

 21:36:07  sharonp -> -EdTechTalk: could it be student-teacher ratio? Having advisories

 21:36:12  matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: NCLB has been hard on the arts I think...the arts are such an essential opportunity for young people

 21:36:27  chrislehmann -> -EdTechTalk: http://www.tinyurl.com/ypffvg

 21:36:28  derrallg -> -EdTechTalk: NCLB needs to be fixed also for ELL learners makes good districts look bad

 21:36:31  sharonp -> -EdTechTalk: our motto here in Qu?©bec is "Success for all"

 21:36:36  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: NCLB has been hard on everything BUT reading, writing and math

 21:36:55  lindanitsche -> -EdTechTalk: Science is coming next!

 21:36:57  cheryloakes wow2.0 -> -EdTechTalk: true, derrall, ELL, and SPED students don't look good in the data

 21:36:59  chellouise -> -EdTechTalk: gotta go put the twins in bed  BRB

 21:37:04  brenda_muench -> -EdTechTalk: true matt - i teach music and so far at my school they've been supportive of keeping me in the building and active w/ the kids

 21:37:11  sharonp -> -EdTechTalk: hi the kyleguy! The Shareski show must be over!

 21:37:11  bcrosby -> -EdTechTalk: @sharonp - Success For All is a very conteversial reading program here!!! : )

 21:37:22  tkidd132 -> -EdTechTalk: I think i saw most of you students ...Mr.Lehmann

 21:37:32  arthus -> -EdTechTalk: schools are a creative business

 21:37:33  thekyleguy -> -EdTechTalk: yep, hi all. Just checking in. Who is your guest tonight?

 21:37:33  lindanitsche -> -EdTechTalk: Art and music are asked to adopt an anchor

 21:37:44  sharonp -> -EdTechTalk: @bcrsoby - wonder if it is related??

 21:37:48  arthus -> -EdTechTalk: and economies of scale don't apply to creative businesses

 21:37:51  cheryloakes wow2.0 -> -EdTechTalk: schools should be a creative business! I agree Arthus

 21:37:54  tkidd132 -> -EdTechTalk: Well arthus..not all of them....

 21:38:03  matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: small school model is a very good one...

 21:38:07  tkidd132 -> -EdTechTalk: they should...

 21:38:09  cheryloakes wow2.0 -> -EdTechTalk: Guests Arthus and ChrisLehmann

 21:38:14  cheryloakes wow2.0 -> -EdTechTalk: hello cindy

 21:38:24  bcrosby -> -EdTechTalk: @sharonp - very scripted - teachers are rated down if they go off scrpt.

 21:38:28  Cindy Seibel -> -EdTechTalk: Hi - just left my class with Alec Couros

 21:38:41  matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: Hey Cindy S!

 21:38:56  Cindy Seibel -> -EdTechTalk: @Matt - just sent you a link - direct Twitter

 21:39:00  sharonp -> -EdTechTalk: @bcrosby - I would find ti hard to believe that they are related, but I should google it to find out

 21:39:01  cheryloakes wow2.0 -> -EdTechTalk: welcome cindy

 21:39:06  cheryloakes wow2.0 -> -EdTechTalk: hi alex r

 21:39:10  SusanEttenheim -> -EdTechTalk: hi alex!

 21:39:14  alexr -> -EdTechTalk: Hi Cheryl and Susan

 21:39:23  bcrosby -> -EdTechTalk: @sharonp - I doubt they're related

 21:39:23  cheryloakes wow2.0 -> -EdTechTalk: tonight Chris Lehmann and Arthus are our guests.

 21:39:31  sharonp -> -EdTechTalk: Tuesday nights are just filled with back to back PD opportunities

 21:39:45  cheryloakes wow2.0 -> -EdTechTalk: Remember the show will be a po dcast by the end of the week.The chat will be available too.

 21:40:36  thekyleguy -> -EdTechTalk: good issues to raise arthus.

 21:40:41  cheryloakes wow2.0 -> -EdTechTalk: Glad you have all made it to the show!

 21:41:22  matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: I've always felt we don't give students enough credit for the things they've learned outside of school

 21:41:28  cheryloakes wow2.0 -> -EdTechTalk: FYI, there are 7, 746, 428 people on skype this evening.

 21:41:31  sendkathy -> -EdTechTalk: true

 21:41:39  matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: I feel as thought those things sometimes aren't valued as much

 21:41:45  lindanitsche -> -EdTechTalk: Closet users with secret identities

 21:42:05  tkidd132 -> -EdTechTalk: Thats a great point Kathy...

 21:42:14  matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: @Cindy S-surfing that DM link right now...thanks for passing it my way.

 21:42:28  brenda_muench -> -EdTechTalk: some of the ppl in athletics in hs have that size of a network even back in the good old days

 21:42:38  SusanEttenheim -> -EdTechTalk: I agree about contacts

 21:42:50  bcrosby -> -EdTechTalk: I switched this week from having my students blog to mainly creative writing kinds of posts to blogging about what they are learning ... we fell on our faces - facts were wrong ... wrong conclusions - great learning experience ... yesterday and today we re-visited and looked at some of their posts ... already vast improvement!!!

 21:42:56  matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: good pt. on the friends semantics piece arthus

 21:43:14  sendkathy -> -EdTechTalk: @bcrosby very rewarding

 21:43:18  thekyleguy -> -EdTechTalk: Some people have different networks. For instance I follow many folks who are Montreal Canadian enthusiasts

 21:43:19  tkidd132 -> -EdTechTalk: hahahaha

 21:43:20  cheryloakes wow2.0 -> -EdTechTalk: great brian, reflection! summarize, edit

 21:43:23  matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: Just was contacted by a childhood buddy via facebook yesterday...haven't seen him in 20 years!

 21:43:35  sharonp -> -EdTechTalk: brian - are your students' blog post open for hte world to see ?? Am looking for best practice student blogs...

 21:43:36  sendkathy -> -EdTechTalk: cool!

 21:44:05  jeffmason -> -EdTechTalk: is studicious still alive and well?

 21:44:06  sharonp -> -EdTechTalk: @thekyleguy - are you stalking those Habs fans or are you on their side ??

 21:44:07  bcrosby -> -EdTechTalk: @sharonp http://classblogmeister.com/blog.php?blogger_id=65078

 21:44:20  cheryloakes wow2.0 -> -EdTechTalk: hello Jeff

 21:44:26  sharonp -> -EdTechTalk: Thanks Brian!!

 21:44:27  jeffmason -> -EdTechTalk: hello

 21:44:39  SusanEttenheim -> -EdTechTalk: It doesn't have to be facebook - I had to laugh was working with a student who was talking about her website and I said oh I'd love to see it and she hesitated and teh other girl said um no too personal!

 21:44:48  SusanEttenheim -> -EdTechTalk: we were talking about php!

 21:44:53  bcrosby -> -EdTechTalk: @sharonp - My students 80%+ students of poverty, 60%+ second language learners.

 21:44:55  sendkathy -> -EdTechTalk: I can top that...I went to ASL(american school in london) 30 years ago and they still have me in the alumni database and I was contacted by an old friend! yah, i'm old!

 21:44:58  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: I was able to share one of my twitter contacts with a former elementary student of mine today on facebook-- :-) He's currently attending George Washington U

 21:45:17  stevesoko -> -EdTechTalk: Good point on inch deep Chris

 21:45:45  sharonp -> -EdTechTalk: @brian - WOW! And you have given them a chance to have a voice! Can't wait to read more closely

 21:45:48  SusanEttenheim -> -EdTechTalk: I think it's really great to meet on the basis of shared interests

 21:46:07  jmsd18 -> -EdTechTalk: Arthus - do you think students would use blogs, etc to express their voice to decision makers, given the chance?

 21:46:38  matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: RSS has been an incredible discovery for me this year...

 21:46:57  matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: I really want to get RSS passed along to the students that I work with

 21:47:01  SusanEttenheim -> -EdTechTalk: I'd like to see some Google Reader become assigned shared reading along with that summer book

 21:47:03  Cindy Seibel -> -EdTechTalk: I was contacted through an online site from a woman in Norway that I was in grade 4 with - and I'm not telling how long ago that was!

 21:47:04  bcrosby -> -EdTechTalk: @sharonp - look at the posts from last week when we had a scare that we might not be able to blog anymore - the school district accidently blocked our blog  for one day - and my students blogged about what blogging means to them.

 21:47:34  SusanEttenheim -> -EdTechTalk: that's great bsrosby

 21:47:42  SusanEttenheim -> -EdTechTalk: bcrosby sorry

 21:47:43  Cindy Seibel -> -EdTechTalk: @Susan what a great idea!

 21:47:46  matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: @cindy...re-connecting is so much fun!

 21:48:02  bcrosby -> -EdTechTalk: @sharonp also I blogged about it and gave examples:http://learningismessy.com/blog/?p=412

 21:48:06  sendkathy -> -EdTechTalk: @Cindy that's amazing!

 21:48:25  bcrosby -> -EdTechTalk: http://learningismessy.com/blog/?p=412

 21:48:26  SusanEttenheim -> -EdTechTalk: Is your school paper - both news and literary online?

 21:48:26  brenda_muench -> -EdTechTalk: but decision makers aren't reading those blogs....how do we get them there?

 21:49:07  sharonp -> -EdTechTalk: Chris Lehmann, you might be interested in this graphic in light of what you just said

 21:49:11  sharonp -> -EdTechTalk: http://www.mtl-peters.net/rolecompetencyqep.jpg

 21:49:12  chellouise -> -EdTechTalk: how do you all find the TIME to blog?  I want to...

 21:49:32  matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: "In America you can say what you want, but be careful what you say." I think that was a quote by Ice Cube

 21:49:47  brenda_muench -> -EdTechTalk: @chellouise just keep it small at first- you don't have to write a book for each entry

 21:49:48  bcrosby -> -EdTechTalk: I can't usually listen in on Tuesday nights - this is nice.

 21:49:53  cheryloakes wow2.0 -> -EdTechTalk: chellouise, think of it as time to reflect, which we do, but you are sharing your reflections into conversations

 21:50:08  brenda_muench -> -EdTechTalk: good point Arthus!

 21:50:17  chellouise -> -EdTechTalk: those are good ideas ladies. thanks!

 21:50:25  jeffmason -> -EdTechTalk: do you see a difference between your social network and your learning network?

 21:50:35  cheryloakes wow2.0 -> -EdTechTalk: i like that it is not the tool, but the network behind the tool

 21:50:47  tkidd132 -> -EdTechTalk: Thats a good question...Jeff

 21:50:53  brenda_muench -> -EdTechTalk: @jeff - yes and in some ways i like them seperate

 21:50:55  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: That is such a good point about using the tool where your friends are to express opinions such as political opinions--tool doesn't really matter

 21:51:05  chellouise -> -EdTechTalk: @cheryl  That's what I'm having kind of a hard time developing...

 21:51:40  chellouise -> -EdTechTalk: finding time to network like I want to, and fulfilling all my other duties....overwhelming!

 21:51:48  cheryloakes wow2.0 -> -EdTechTalk: Start small, maybe you would like podcasts instead. A quick audio/verbal reflection. That is how I started.

 21:51:49  SusanEttenheim -> -EdTechTalk: One thing that I think is challenging is to show students how to turn all this networking into action to make the world a better place.

 21:51:51  matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: Twitter is pretty much a professional networking tool for me...starting to use Facebook more, but just for fun

 21:52:31  cheryloakes wow2.0 -> -EdTechTalk: Dr. Cheri, welcome!

 21:52:38  sharonp -> -EdTechTalk: HI Cheri!!

 21:52:40  CheriT -> -EdTechTalk: Hi Cheryl!!!

 21:52:41  chellouise -> -EdTechTalk: hmmmm....contemplative podcast  That's an idea to ponder

 21:52:48  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: @matt - I agree! So much learning/sharing happening on Twitter if you follow the right people :-) I do!

 21:52:48  CheriT -> -EdTechTalk: Hi Sharon - woo hoo

 21:52:51  sendkathy -> -EdTechTalk: Just play Enya

 21:52:57  matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: Walk or ride your bike to school!!! Yeah!!!

 21:53:12  cheryloakes wow2.0 -> -EdTechTalk: Chellouise, I started with short 3 min. podcasts to my students, then parents, then blogging

 21:53:19  SusanEttenheim -> -EdTechTalk: hey matt aren't you in Wisc?

 21:53:22  chellouise -> -EdTechTalk: ok, son is pestering me to finish up his eye therapy.  Thanks for the good conversation tonight

 21:53:24  matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: I love riding bike to work...but winter this year has been rough

 21:53:31  matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: @susan...yes, in Wisc

 21:53:35  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Where are the role models for kids to "relax"?

 21:53:40  bcrosby -> -EdTechTalk: Professional collaboration time needs to be valued - we just don't get to do it ... its a waste of a potentially very valuable resource.

 21:53:42  matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: rough winter for a bike communter

 21:53:46  chellouise -> -EdTechTalk: @cheryl Thanks for the food for thought

 21:53:55  cheryloakes wow2.0 -> -EdTechTalk: night chellouise

 21:53:57  chellouise -> -EdTechTalk: Good night all!

 21:54:04  brenda_muench -> -EdTechTalk: night chell

 21:54:09  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: teachers need to be modeling reflection in front of and with the kids

 21:54:16  matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: good to see administrative leadership using alternative transportation

 21:54:32  sharonp -> -EdTechTalk: @PeggyG - absolutely true - and how many of us do that??

 21:54:39  sendkathy -> -EdTechTalk: @PeggyG good point

 21:54:47  matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: siesta!!!

 21:54:49  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: WE have to do it if we say we value it

 21:54:59  Cindy Seibel -> -EdTechTalk: @Peggy right on

 21:55:06  bcrosby -> -EdTechTalk: "You will care about the quality of your work..."

 21:55:31  bcrosby -> -EdTechTalk: "You will care about each other's welfare"

 21:55:40  matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: school calendars...great question!

 21:55:48  lloydcrew -> -EdTechTalk: naptime was my favorite thing in kindergarten!

 21:55:50  matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: year round schools...

 21:56:00  matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: I think that needs to be talked about

 21:56:01  Cindy Seibel -> -EdTechTalk: YES

 21:56:05  cheryloakes wow2.0 -> -EdTechTalk: i think so matt, i would love year round

 21:56:15  matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: 10 month calendar over 12 months

 21:56:17  lindanitsche -> -EdTechTalk: I would stop the nonsense of cleaning out a room just to start over again in Sept

 21:56:18  sendkathy -> -EdTechTalk: Yes I like that 'out there' question Cheryl

 21:56:26  cheryloakes wow2.0 -> -EdTechTalk: something like 9 weeks on, 3 weeks off with a longer 6 week summer.

 21:56:33  matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: 200 day calendar spread out over 12 months

 21:56:39  matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: that makes sense to me

 21:56:44  brenda_muench -> -EdTechTalk: hey my kids do go help w/ the harvest- no joke!

 21:56:46  lindanitsche -> -EdTechTalk: Why put it all away if you just have to get it all out again?

 21:56:53  cheryloakes wow2.0 -> -EdTechTalk: yeahh, that would be good 200 days,

 21:56:56  derrallg -> -EdTechTalk: @matt yes

 21:57:00  matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: kids and teachers are brain dead for the 1st month we're back

 21:57:02  SusanEttenheim -> -EdTechTalk: how about cycles and teachers are on and off

 21:57:07  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: calendars are like requiring all 5-year olds to enter Kdg and then to progress through the grades one year at a time--very artificial structures

 21:57:10  cheryloakes wow2.0 -> -EdTechTalk: in Maine we harvest blueberries and potatoes

 21:57:23  brenda_muench -> -EdTechTalk: lol @ cheryl

 21:57:38  bcrosby -> -EdTechTalk: Pay me to do another month ... month and a half and build in maore field trips, art experiences, music,

 21:57:38  brenda_muench -> -EdTechTalk: we're corn, wheat soybeans out in IL

 21:57:39  cheryloakes wow2.0 -> -EdTechTalk: kids start school in August, have a month off to harvest

 21:57:48  Sarah S -> -EdTechTalk: We harvest tourists too . . kids work in service industry

 21:57:58  cheryloakes wow2.0 -> -EdTechTalk: yes Sarah, good point.

 21:58:09  matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: I would love 3 weeks off in October/early Nov

 21:58:20  matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: there are models like what Chris talks about here in Milwaukee

 21:58:30  derrallg -> -EdTechTalk: I was at a school that had 2 weeks in October and I loved it

 21:58:39  bcrosby -> -EdTechTalk: September/October ... the best weather of the year.

 21:58:42  matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: calendar is a systems issue...needs to be fixed

 21:58:47  brenda_muench -> -EdTechTalk: yes my sis-in law went to Coloado Coll

 21:58:55  brenda_muench -> -EdTechTalk: she loved that model!

 21:58:56  cheryloakes wow2.0 -> -EdTechTalk: unless of course Brian, it is March skiing!:-)

 21:59:05  CheriT -> -EdTechTalk: National University in California does the same - classes meet 4 times a week for 4 weeks

 21:59:09  cheryloakes wow2.0 -> -EdTechTalk: hello James

 21:59:25  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Way back in the 70's I taught in a school where kids were enrolled in school on their actual birthday--not in August and all at the same time--very interesting concept because they didn't advance by age but by assessed learning--hard to explain

 21:59:26  brenda_muench -> -EdTechTalk: plus she knew if she hated a class it would all be over soon

 21:59:28  James Sigler -> -EdTechTalk: Hi

 21:59:43  matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: or perhaps a 9 montho calendar, with Dec-Feb on holiday so wisconsin teachers could go south

 21:59:43  bcrosby -> -EdTechTalk: @cheryloakes ... We could build in a ski week!

 21:59:45  cheryloakes wow2.0 -> -EdTechTalk: interesting Peggy, was it in the US?

 21:59:54  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Yes--Massachusetts

 21:59:55  brenda_muench -> -EdTechTalk: @peggyg that sounds really interesting....

 21:59:56  jeffmason -> -EdTechTalk: The start date in florida is set by the tourist industry .students can't start back to school to early because the staff the theme parks (FL)

 22:00:06  CheriT -> -EdTechTalk: It is a needed shift that U.S. education needs to make - away from wide and shallow to deep learning

 22:00:08  jeffmason -> -EdTechTalk: too

 22:00:12  sendkathy -> -EdTechTalk: What about a ski week of physics learning?

 22:00:14  cheryloakes wow2.0 -> -EdTechTalk: good point

 22:00:24  cheryloakes wow2.0 -> -EdTechTalk: going to start winding down.

 22:00:28  lindanitsche -> -EdTechTalk: Immersing yourself would be great if the teacher had the depth and breadth of knowledge to make connections across subjects or brought in experts who would help do that

 22:00:32  sendkathy -> -EdTechTalk: What about a week of camping to study environmental

 22:00:51  cheryloakes wow2.0 -> -EdTechTalk: I want to go environmental

 22:00:55  CheriT -> -EdTechTalk: @linda - how about a team approach, especially in high school

 22:01:03  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: There were some things that were good in the "good old days" :-)

 22:01:08  lindanitsche -> -EdTechTalk: The only value of short periods according to my son is to end the boredom of one class

 22:01:14  matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: just changed to green

 22:01:19  brenda_muench -> -EdTechTalk: plus we could avoid student overload in that kind of model

 22:01:20  sendkathy -> -EdTechTalk: I think team building and REAl project based learning takes building real relationships

 22:01:20  matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: for enviro slant

 22:01:22  bcrosby -> -EdTechTalk: Many of my students parents are being laid off from the casinos right now which is typical here ... many used to travel to Mexico for 4 to 5 weeks ... don't now because of fear about getting back.

 22:01:28  CheriT -> -EdTechTalk: you don't have to know it all, just help students learn to teach themselves and collaborate

 22:01:29  matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: :)

 22:01:31  chrislehmann -> -EdTechTalk: linda -- I agree...

 22:01:33  James Sigler -> -EdTechTalk:  part of the problem with schools is a curriculum that is too wide and too shallow.

 22:01:38  derrallg -> -EdTechTalk: @matt go green

 22:01:50  matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: @derrall...I'm working on it!

 22:01:54  cheryloakes wow2.0 -> -EdTechTalk: Thanks for your time in the chat room! Another great show. You make the chat room come alive.

 22:02:03  sendkathy -> -EdTechTalk: Casinos are in trouble?

 22:02:11  cheryloakes wow2.0 -> -EdTechTalk: Thanks to Arthus and Chris for their time!

 22:02:13  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: I think the whole way curriculum is organized around subject areas is one of the problems

 22:02:25  CheriT -> -EdTechTalk: I agree Peggy

 22:02:45  stevesoko -> -EdTechTalk: Thanks Arthus, thanks Chris!

 22:02:56  thekyleguy -> -EdTechTalk: good questions to wrap up on

 22:03:05  James Sigler -> -EdTechTalk: You go Arthus.  Great job!

 22:03:12  matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: http://enviroscims.wikispaces.com/Earth+Day   Earth Day 2008 Webcast!  Please consider  participating

 22:03:15  thekyleguy -> -EdTechTalk: well, they don't need to be learning from the edublogosphere

 22:03:16  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: My university students that I taught for several courses at a time would get confused about which course we were in because I kept overlapping content (that's the way I live it)

 22:03:19  bcrosby -> -EdTechTalk: @sendcathy - no ... this time of year in Reno ski season is winding down ... weather keeps tourists from Bay Area away ... will rehire in spring

 22:03:35  sendkathy -> -EdTechTalk: oh its a cycle

 22:03:40  CheriT -> -EdTechTalk: Peggy - where do you teach?

 22:03:47  thekyleguy -> -EdTechTalk: Good perspective to share Arthus, thanks

 22:03:55  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Lots of great conversation tonight!! thanks Arthus and Chris!

 22:03:57  matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: great job everyone!

 22:04:01  brenda_muench -> -EdTechTalk: yay vicki is coming to ICE!!!

 22:04:03  bcrosby -> -EdTechTalk: @sendcathy - exactly

 22:04:05  matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: enjoyed the conversation!

 22:04:08  arthus -> -EdTechTalk: thanks everyone

 22:04:09  Cindy Seibel -> -EdTechTalk: thanks very much Chris and Arthus - goodnight

 22:04:16  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: I just retired but I taught at ARizona State University-west campus

 22:04:17  sendkathy -> -EdTechTalk: @arthus ever heard of the movie Rushmore? by Wes Anderson

 22:04:22  tkidd132 -> -EdTechTalk: Yes..Arthus You Rock!! Mr.Lehmann.Great Job!:)

 22:04:23  James Sigler -> -EdTechTalk: Wow, Palm Springs.  It's freezing here.

 22:04:29  SusanEttenheim -> -EdTechTalk: thank you chris and arthus - thanks WOW!

 22:04:34  matt montagne -> -EdTechTalk: Chris and Arthus...well done

 22:04:35  derrallg -> -EdTechTalk: thanks Arthus and Chris L

 22:04:40  CheriT -> -EdTechTalk: Peggy - I interviewed there in 2002 :-)

 22:04:42  arthus -> -EdTechTalk: @sendkathy No, I never have

 22:04:44  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: My teaching was in a PDS school setting that was based in public school classrooms

 22:04:47  lindanitsche -> -EdTechTalk: Thank you Arthus and Chris- Great discussions and ideas to ponder!

 22:04:52  CheriT -> -EdTechTalk: Peggy - now I'm at Illinois State

 22:04:56  thekyleguy -> -EdTechTalk: @sendkathy is that the same director as Bottle Rocket

 22:04:56  tkidd132 -> -EdTechTalk: This was a very interesting ....

 22:04:58  cheryloakes wow2.0 -> -EdTechTalk: thanks to you all, see you next week! Doug Johnson and Joyce Valenza

 22:05:01  bcrosby -> -EdTechTalk: Thanks Chris and Arthus!!!

 22:05:12  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: @CheriT-WOW-wish you had been hired!!

 22:05:14  sendkathy -> -EdTechTalk: yes, and very offbeat funny

 22:05:22  derrallg -> -EdTechTalk: thanks WOW2

 22:05:25  arthus -> -EdTechTalk: thank you all, wish there was more time to talk, goodnight! :)

 22:05:30  SusanEttenheim -> -EdTechTalk: nite

 22:05:33  CheriT -> -EdTechTalk: @Peggy - I would have like the weather better :-)

 22:05:34  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: I've been looking forward to Joyce V for months :-)

 22:05:35  sendkathy -> -EdTechTalk: night

 22:05:37  thekyleguy -> -EdTechTalk: thanks & g'night

 22:05:41  CheriT -> -EdTechTalk: Joyce is great!!

 22:05:43  James Sigler -> -EdTechTalk: goodnight

 22:05:46  tkidd132 -> -EdTechTalk: No Problem Arthus....I agree

 22:05:48  PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Night all!

 22:06:05  sendkathy -> -EdTechTalk: See you next week.