Hi Folks,
This is my first foray into forums here so forgive me if I got the topic wrong. I went into the Skype chat and started a conversation about an idea for a show, involving my students (5th grade). Jose quickly picked up on the idea and wanted to get his kids involved too. I would love to do a show, maybe with a different host each time, focusing on issues important to kids. The conversation moved in Skype and I was asked to bring it here. I will be scheduling a brainstorming session as soon as I have a moment to do that. In the meantime, here is what was discussed already. Sorry for the length but I didn't know how else to do this:
8:32:31 PM] Lisa Parisi says: My
kids keep saying they want to come listen to my show. But it's really not for them. So I was thinking maybe I should do a show
for kids...elementary.
8:32:58 PM] Lisa Parisi says: I was
thinking that the first show might be about moving from elementary to middle
school since that's what my kids are thinking about now.
8:33:09 PM] Lisa Parisi says: The
logistics, though, are tough.
8:33:24 PM] Jose Rodriguez says: I
see.... The middle school kids do something similar with youthvoices and also
8:33:24 PM] Lisa Parisi says: Would
they log in? Would the teacher log them
in and chat for them?
8:33:44 PM] Lisa Parisi says: I
thought I might ask a middle schooler to come in as the first guest.
8:33:45 PM] Jose Rodriguez says:
Good questions... Your
8:34:06 PM] Jose Rodriguez says:
Your're asking for an evironment that would be appropriate for them...
8:34:39 PM] Lisa Parisi says:
Well...I think edtechtalk chat room is pretty appropriate if the audience
realizes that these are kids listening.
8:34:50 PM] Lisa Parisi says: It's
not like they would click to something bad.
8:35:04 PM] Jose Rodriguez says: Lot's
to think about.. You do realize that
chat is blocked in many places.. right.
8:35:04 PM] Lisa Parisi says: And a
teacher would have to be with them anyway to access the show.
8:35:15 PM] Lisa Parisi says:
Nope..I didn't/
8:35:24 PM] Lisa Parisi says: I
don't even know if it's blocked for me.
8:35:48 PM] Jose Rodriguez says: My
district is pretty liberal but chat is one of the few things that is blocked.
8:36:03 PM] Lisa Parisi says: Could
I embed the chat into another site...like my website? Would that work around the block?
8:36:09 PM] Jose Rodriguez says:
Skype chat is not..
8:36:32 PM] Lisa Parisi says: But
with skype chat, I am limited to just a few...I don't pay and won't.
8:36:46 PM] Lisa Parisi says: With
edtech chat, many can come in at once.
8:36:53 PM] Jose Rodriguez says: Are
you saying that individual students are coming in to participate live?
8:36:58 PM] Lisa Parisi says: This
could be a weekly or monthly show for elem kids.
8:37:06 PM] Lisa Parisi says:
Well, I'm not sure.
8:37:22 PM] Lisa Parisi says: I'm
thinking about my class...I would have to have my co-teacher log in to view
8:37:30 PM] Jose Rodriguez says: At
this level I would think that they are coming as a class.
8:37:34 PM] Lisa Parisi says: I ws
thinking she would run the chat while they listened
8:37:51 PM] Jose Rodriguez says:
Perhaps share the same login as in:
8:37:51 PM] Lisa Parisi says: So any
questions or comments go through her.
8:38:03 PM] Lisa Parisi says:
Yes...student 1, student 2 and so on
8:38:05 PM] Jose Rodriguez says: and
project chat on the projector
8:38:10 PM] Lisa Parisi says: yes
8:38:44 PM] Jose Rodriguez says: or
use first names.. MrSmithStudentPam
8:39:18 PM] Lisa Parisi says: So
what do you think about the idea?
8:39:19 PM] Jose Rodriguez says: So
interaction would be similar to our shows but guided by teacher..
8:39:24 PM] Lisa Parisi says: Yes...
8:39:41 PM] Lisa Parisi says: Kids
could comment and maybe even get called into the skype call
8:40:05 PM] Lisa Parisi says: One
guest each (week) (month) would talk about...whatever is important to kids
8:40:12 PM] Lisa Parisi says: that's
educational, of course
8:40:26 PM] Jose Rodriguez says: I
thinks it's workable.. I was thinking of changing from 3rd to 5th next school
year. and even having a tech club after school with 4th and 5th graders.. I can
see training at least these kids. and my own class
8:40:31 PM] Lisa Parisi says: Maybe
about cyber bullying or digital citizenship or scheduling your time or...
8:40:51 PM] Jose Rodriguez says:
topics can be endless I agree.
8:41:15 PM] Jose Rodriguez says:
Ms.Parisi,,,, there you go again pushing the envelope...
8:41:21 PM] Lisa Parisi says: Would
you want to co-host? :D
8:41:46 PM] Jose Rodriguez says: I
am game.... want to target Early Fall for first show..
8:42:08 PM] Jose Rodriguez says: and
do once to twice a month with invites
8:42:13 PM] Lisa Parisi says: That
would probably work better than now. Can
only see getting one show in before end of year and would rather start fresh.
8:42:35 PM] Jose Rodriguez says:
When do you end your school year?
8:43:10 PM] Lisa Parisi says: June
27th is last day.
8:43:21 PM] Jose Rodriguez says: wow
that is kind of late...
8:43:41 PM] Lisa Parisi says: Oh
yes, Then the next day, I get on a plane
to NECC.
8:44:18 PM] Lisa Parisi says: Ok
Jose...I'm going to hold you to this.
Aren't you glad you decided to listen to my idea? :)
8:44:21 PM] Jose Rodriguez says: I
end the week before.. eventhough my 3rd graders are pretty tech savvy not sure
I can pull it off. There typing skills
are pretty rudimentry.
8:44:40 PM] Jose Rodriguez says: I
am excited...
8:44:53 PM] Jose Rodriguez says:
8:45:21 PM] Lisa Parisi says: Me
too. I've sort of been tossing it around
for a few weeks trying to figure out the logistics. Have to check with superintendent too to make
sure it's okay.
8:45:22 PM] Jose Rodriguez says: Ok
it was your idea.. You come up with a cool name.
8:45:54 PM] Jose Rodriguez says:
Same here ... As long as skype is not blocked I am good on my end.
8:46:18 PM] Lisa Parisi says: I
skype often so I know it's not blocked but I never tried edtech chat
8:46:28 PM] Lisa Parisi says:
Name? I'm horrible at names.
8:46:50 PM] Lisa Parisi says: Kidz
8:47:19 PM] Jose Rodriguez says:
Perfect. Done Seconded. Motion Passed.
8:47:26 PM] Lisa Parisi says: LOL
8:48:00 PM] Jose Rodriguez says: my
email is [email protected]
8:48:31 PM] Lisa Parisi says: mine is
[email protected]
8:48:37 PM] Jose Rodriguez says:
I'll be very busy the next until the end of the school year... but I am
interested and we can probably bring others on board.
8:48:53 PM] Lisa Parisi says: The
more the merrier.
8:49:05 PM] Lisa Parisi says: Are
you going to NECC?
8:49:39 PM] Jose Rodriguez says:
Well, probably not.. Too many things going on.. :(
8:50:03 PM] Lisa Parisi says: Too
bad. We could have planned there.
8:50:14 PM] Jose Rodriguez says:
yep.. Are you there all week?
8:50:26 PM] Lisa Parisi says: Yes,
all week.
8:50:39 PM] Jose Rodriguez says: I
know that Maria Knee is going and you'll probably meet up with a bunch of ETT
8:51:09 PM] Lisa Parisi says: I am
planning on running a show from there so I hope all the ETT people will come by
when I do.
8:51:29 PM] Jose Rodriguez says: As
in a Teachers are Talking live report from NECC?
8:51:59 PM] Lisa Parisi says: Yep...love
the name by the way..thanks for telling me how to advertise
8:52:44 PM] Jose Rodriguez says: I
know that Alice Mercer will be going also.. She can probrably come by and help
8:53:07 PM] Lisa Parisi says: Yes,
she is. And my co-host Cheryl will be
8:53:21 PM] Jose Rodriguez says:
Awesome 8)
8:54:00 PM] Jose Rodriguez says: It
looks like another baby is born in the Worldbridges Family Kidz Korner.
I like the z btw.
8:54:13 PM] Lisa Parisi says: Well..
have to be cute for kids
8:54:45 PM] Jose Rodriguez says:
gotta run.. looking forward to getting the project started soon.
8:54:51 PM] Lisa Parisi says: I am
really excited about this... I hope it really works...I hope enough schools can
have the site unblocked for participation.
I guess they can all listen even if they can't chat.
8:54:59 PM] Lisa Parisi says: TTYS
8:55:02 PM] Jose Rodriguez says: We
can do a test run.. just between our classes.
8:55:23 PM] Lisa Parisi says: That
would be a good idea. I am going to
email my supt this week about it.
8:55:36 PM] Jose Rodriguez says: OK
take care, bye
8:55:42 PM] Lisa Parisi says: bye
9:13:01 PM] Worldbridges says: @Lisa
Sounds like a promising idea -
something I've been hoping would be part of Worldbridges for quite awhile. Would love to stream a brainstorm session or
include that as a topic for some ETT show soon.
A few thoughts that occur...
Might we want to
restrict access to the live stream to only participating classes? We can figure out how to password protect the
stream. Could ease some of the privacy/security concerns that will inevitably
arise. The edited audio could be posted
publicly afterward if desired.
@Jen, any legal/security concerns we should be considering?
If there's any problem accessing the ETT chat room, we can
find some alternative that will get through.
Kidz Korner is a fine name, but I wonder if those on the
verge of entering into the 'mature' world of Middle School might prefer to
avoid the use of the word 'kid'. Might
be interesting to see what show names they come up with...
In any event, I'm totally on board - will be glad to do
whatever I can to 'make it so'
9:17:01 PM] Maria Knee says: @lisa -
you might ry to connect with my friend Sheila Adams - she was in the latest WCA
and did an earthcast show with her middle school students - 6th grade , I think
9:21:22 PM] Jose Rodriguez says:
@Jeff Thanks.. I do agree that we need to have a conversation to facilitate
process.. I like the idea of password protecting the stream. And yep name is a bit kiddy...
10:55:59 PM] Lisa Parisi says: Jose,
you liked the name an hour ago. ;)
10:56:23 PM] Lisa Parisi says:
Really, I am not hooked on any name right now but would love to have a
discussion about how it would all work.
10:57:07 PM] Lisa Parisi says: Guess
we should have this discussion before I go to my boss about it.
10:57:17 PM] Lisa Parisi says: I
want to go with all the questions answered.
10:57:51 PM] Lisa Parisi says: Could
there be a new page in edtechtalk that would be just for kids? Then the archived shows could be there but
they couldn't get anywhere else.
10:59:20 PM] Lisa Parisi says: And I
would love it if the host could rotate...kind of like a different class each
show hosts. Would that be feasible do
you think?
11:02:51 PM] Lorna Costantini says: I
thknk that this is a phenomal idea
11:03:30 PM] Lorna Costantini says:
right can't type can't spell
11:04:44 PM] Maria Knee says: Lisa -
it is a great idea. there should be a discussion so that all the issues/ideas
can be brought up and thought through
11:05:28 PM] Lisa Parisi says: I
would love that. How do we go about
having that discussion?
11:06:23 PM] Lorna Costantini
says: make it a brainstorm show
11:06:50 PM] Lisa Parisi says:
Ahhh...Don't think I'll make it to any shows this week so it will have to wait.
11:08:11 PM] Maria Knee says: Set a
time for the discussion, brainstorm show. Put the invite / announcement out for
folks to see and let it roll! You never know where you'll end up. Don't expect it
to be predictable! :D
11:08:36 PM] Lorna Costantini says:
11:08:48 PM] Lisa Parisi says: You
mean I should set the show? Does that
mean I have to stream the show. :D
11:09:26 PM] Lorna Costantini says:
some one will step up to the plate
11:09:28 PM] Lisa Parisi says: Next
week is more open...so I think I will set something up for then.
11:09:39 PM] Lisa Parisi says: You
will, Lorna? ;)
11:09:43 PM] Lorna Costantini says:
11:09:48 PM] Maria Knee says: you
have a whole community to help you!
11:09:53 PM] Maria Knee says: don't
you stream?
11:09:58 PM] Lisa Parisi says: Yes...
11:10:14 PM] Lisa Parisi says: But
it takes me so long to set everything up...still not so easy for me to do
11:10:16 PM] Maria Knee says: My
friend Sheila would be interested
11:10:30 PM] Maria Knee says:
well...there are folks who can help!
11:10:32 PM] Lisa Parisi says: Good,
could use all the help
11:10:38 PM] Lorna Costantini says:
count me in if u need me
11:10:52 PM] Maria Knee says: May
not happen immediately....lots of stuff going on for me
11:11:07 PM] Lisa Parisi says: Jose
and I were talking about next year...fall
11:11:17 PM] Lisa Parisi says: That
gives us all summer to work out the bugs
11:16:40 PM] Maria Knee says: It
gives us a chance to talk at NECC
11:16:47 PM] Lisa Parisi says: Oh
11:17:12 PM] Lisa Parisi says:
BTW...I want to stream a show from NECC live...I would love all my ETT friends
to come
11:17:17 PM] Lisa Parisi says: :)
11:17:26 PM] Maria Knee says: ISTE
ust announced my award - I guess it is true.
11:17:41 PM] Lisa Parisi says: So
cool...I love telling people about you
11:18:03 PM] Maria Knee says: oh -
at few shows from NECC would be fun - the WOW2 show was a blast last year
11:18:18 PM] Lisa Parisi says: So I
11:18:30 PM] Lisa Parisi says: I
didn't know if anyone else had one scheduled
11:18:36 PM] Maria Knee says: well -
I'm off - need sleep
11:18:54 PM] Lisa Parisi says: And
not knowing how the whole conference works, I wouldn't know how to schedule a
show now
11:19:03 PM] Lisa Parisi says:
G-nite Maria
11:20:43 PM] Lisa Parisi says: I'm
heading out too. Will schedule a
brainstorming session soon.
[8:55:33 AM] John
Schinker says: Suggestion: Post the transcript from last night's skype chat on
ETT, along with the details for the discussion. Encourage community members to
chime in with comments. That will at least give everyone a place to start with
the discussion.
It sounds like you're aiming for something that would happen
during school, which may be very challenging to schedule. You'll have to be
creative with details on that.
I'm also concerned about keyboarding skills with kids in the
chat. I guess it depends on the age of the kids. There's a huge difference
between second grade and fourth grade. It would be cool to bring in as many
voices as possible, though that's technically pretty challenging.
You should also brainstorm half a dozen or so topics, just
so you get a feel for what the whole thing is about, rather than just focusing
on transition to a new school.
Without volunteering anyone -- this might be something
Sprankle would be interested in. He certainly has a lot of experience with
putting kids' audio online, and may be able to help avoid some of the pitfalls.
Skype messages are supposed to be short, aren't they? Sorry
about that....
students as webcasters