Chat Log for TTT#109

20:53:20 paulallison:
21:01:37 mrsdurff: sound?
21:01:44 PeggyG: no sound for me yet
21:02:15 Bud Hunt: Hi, room.
21:02:22 mrsdurff: hey susan is here
21:02:27 mrsdurff: hi bud
21:02:29 PeggyG: Hi all
21:02:31 Bud Hunt: Suzie! hi
21:02:34 mrsdurff: hi peggy
21:02:36 Bud Hunt: evening, durff
21:02:38 mnovak: hello
21:02:40 suzieboss: Hi Bud!
21:02:58 mrsdurff: ok everyone say hello to everyone
21:03:01 Bud Hunt: Hi, Brad. Welcome.
21:03:07 BradJolly: Thanks, Bud.
21:03:28 PeggyG: Durff! You crack me up!! :-)
21:03:37 mrsdurff: hi dave
21:03:46 guest478: heyo
21:04:14 mrsdurff: how's bonnie?
21:04:20 guest478: on the couch.
21:04:27 PeggyG: anyone hearing anything yet?
21:04:31 guest478: little scare this week... but turns out all is well
21:04:34 mnovak: no
21:04:36 mrsdurff: but how, not where
21:05:11 mrsdurff: that's the medical, how is the spirit?
21:05:48 guest478: she's makin' 'er... as we get close to the 'good zone' things are getting cheerier
21:05:52 Bud Hunt: Myra - welcome - want to join in the audio?
21:06:08 PeggyG: what audio?
21:06:23 mrsdurff: sound? where?
21:06:37 Bud Hunt: oops - no audio yet.
21:06:39 Bud Hunt: my bad.
21:06:46 SusanEttenheim: almost
21:06:50 mrsdurff: you're making me worry
21:06:51 SusanEttenheim: hi everyone
21:06:59 MyraG: Hi audio tonight. I'll get set up in a few.
21:07:03 guest478: That's ok Susan... starting late is part of ETT policy
21:07:20 Bud Hunt: Hi, Dave.
21:07:21 PeggyG: starting to doubt myself-not a good tech day--froze up on Second Life, now no audio :-(
21:07:22 mrsdurff: fashionable
21:07:40 mrsdurff: hey jakes
21:08:02 guest478: you scared him durff
21:08:08 mrsdurff: i see that
21:08:20 guest478: try that with me... see if it works
21:08:22 mrsdurff: i thought it was the smell of PRN
21:08:23 PeggyG: DEN has a great tutorial/sandbox time tonight and I couldn't get my camera to move!
21:08:29 SusanEttenheim: can you hear us?
21:08:34 suzieboss: nope
21:08:35 mrsdurff: no
21:08:36 PeggyG: no
21:08:38 guest478: casting
21:08:38 gruff: no
21:08:42 mnovak: no
21:08:42 guest478: i hear!
21:08:45 guest478: both sideas
21:09:03 PeggyG: nothing are you on channel A?
21:09:04 mrsdurff: you're special
21:09:07 guest478: channel
21:09:08 guest478: A
21:09:13 mrsdurff: nada
21:09:18 guest478: A
21:09:18 guest478: i'm listening
21:09:24 PeggyG: at last! audio now
21:09:30 guest478: it's all coming together
21:09:32 guest478: LOL
21:09:35 mrsdurff: like i said - special
21:09:40 PeggyG: Woot!
21:09:52 mrsdurff: refreshing
21:09:58 SusanEttenheim: thanks everyone - almost starting
21:09:59 mnovak: can hear now!!
21:10:12 SusanEttenheim: oops forgot to push a button before!
21:10:18 guest478: welcome!
21:10:22 PeggyG: Great-no problem with slow starting :-) It's summer!
21:10:38 mrsdurff: if you can't hear - refresh
21:10:39 SusanEttenheim: not quite for us in nyc peggy but almost
21:10:42 mrsdurff: it works
21:10:51 guest478: Bud's a very cool administrator
21:10:54 guest478: :)
21:10:56 PeggyG: So sorry :-(
21:11:03 SusanEttenheim: hi myra
21:11:06 SusanEttenheim: hi brad
21:11:12 SusanEttenheim: hi durff!
21:11:12 BradJolly: Hi Susan
21:11:19 Bud Hunt: admin? not so much.
21:11:19 MyraG: Hi Susan
21:11:24 BradJolly: I'm hearing nothing.
21:11:26 PeggyG: Great to hear about Bud's experiences!
21:11:42 BradJolly: It says Bitrate: 64Kbps, but no sound.
21:11:47 SusanEttenheim: bradjolly click on edtectalk A
21:11:58 mrsdurff: brad - refresh the page
21:12:06 SusanEttenheim: hi jeff welcome!
21:12:22 SusanEttenheim: are any of you from these programs that Paul is describing?
21:12:29 jeffmason: hello thanks glad to be here
21:12:51 SusanEttenheim: please introduce yourself and say where you live and what you teach?
21:13:04 PeggyG: How did you choose the images for the writing project?
21:13:06 paulallison:
21:13:06 mrsdurff: Brad: click the black icon
21:13:12 Bud Hunt: Myra - who just stepped out for a sec - is a CyberCamper - she's also a fabulous educator working to bring some great tech to her high school
21:13:23 BradJolly: It turned out to be a Firefox problem.
21:13:27 mrsdurff: you should get a player to play the sound
21:13:29 BradJolly: Internet Explorer is working.
21:13:35 SusanEttenheim: are you ok now bradjolly?
21:13:40 BradJolly: Yes, thanks.
21:13:42 mnovak: I am a graduate student at California University of PA.
21:13:44 SusanEttenheim: good!
21:13:45 BradJolly: Firefox 3.0 problem.
21:13:47 jeffmason: NW FL 9-12 biological sciences
21:13:49 mrsdurff: FF is working fine
21:13:49 BradJolly: Thankx.
21:14:34 SusanEttenheim: anyone in the chat room ever go to cybercamp?
21:14:45 SusanEttenheim: Myra.. of course...
21:14:48 PeggyG: NO but wish I had-sounds great!
21:15:11 SusanEttenheim: peggy - maybe you could run one there
21:15:16 SusanEttenheim: hi matt welcome!
21:15:20 matt montagne: hey y'all
21:15:25 SusanEttenheim: what are you doing this summer?
21:15:25 mrsdurff: hi matt
21:15:30 matt montagne: hey susan and durff
21:15:43 Bud Hunt:
21:15:49 Bud Hunt:
21:15:57 jeffmason: Thanks to Bud and Ustream many of us were there without being there
21:16:17 Bud Hunt: And I'm glad you were, jeff - the network really helped us out with CyberCamp.
21:16:28 SusanEttenheim: jeff - say more!
21:16:35 PeggyG: Ooh! I want to see the stream-is the link on the blog?
21:16:48 SusanEttenheim: hi pgoerner welcome!
21:16:55 SusanEttenheim: where and what do you teach?
21:17:10 jeffmason: It was very helpful to see the process of creating a project
21:17:22 Bud Hunt: Hey, phil!
21:17:45 SusanEttenheim: please introduce yourself!
21:18:00 mrsdurff: greetings i'm nobody
21:18:07 SusanEttenheim: welcome suzieboss
21:18:15 SusanEttenheim: durffffff
21:18:22 matt montagne: durff...don't be crazy
21:18:22 suzieboss: hi all
21:18:23 mrsdurff: what?
21:18:24 SusanEttenheim: you on vacation yet?
21:18:40 SusanEttenheim: hi chrissve welcome!
21:18:58 SusanEttenheim: please say where and what you teach everyone?
21:19:07 chrisssve: hello, thank you for the welcome
21:19:19 mnovak: I am a graduate student at California University of PA
21:19:36 mrsdurff: i lead PreK - 12 grade learners in hagerstown, maryland
21:19:45 PeggyG: retired elementary principal and university instructor-Phoenix, AZ
21:19:49 SusanEttenheim: glad you're here mnovak!
21:19:53 SusanEttenheim: thank you peggy!
21:19:56 mnovak: Thanks!
21:20:11 jeffmason: One important thing I learned from Bud's pre-cybercamp podcast was the idea of 'writing in , writing out" as part of the cbercamp experience
21:20:45 BradJolly: Math geek - Longmont, Colo.
21:20:49 SusanEttenheim: suzie where are you and what do you teach?
21:21:00 suzieboss: not teaching now--writer
21:21:10 SusanEttenheim: what kind of writing?
21:21:13 suzieboss: Reinventing PBL book that Bud's group used
21:21:25 SusanEttenheim: oh! welcome!
21:21:34 PeggyG: Is there a link for the pre-cybercamp podcast?
21:21:35 suzieboss: thanks!
21:21:53 mrsdurff: hey derrall
21:21:59 jeffmason: @suzieboss my copy just came in the mail. love it
21:22:12 Bud Hunt: This is almost a cyberCamp reunion in lots of ways - our author's here, some of our network's here - so cool.
21:22:13 derrallg: hey durff - no sound yet, working
21:22:20 mrsdurff: ETT A
21:22:36 PeggyG: Yes
21:22:39 mrsdurff: someone said FF3.0 might be a problem
21:22:47 SusanEttenheim: hi derrallg welcome!
21:22:57 Bud Hunt: I'd recommend that most everyone should buy Suzie's book - and I don't usually make those types of recommendations.
21:22:58 derrallg: hi susan
21:23:03 derrallg: ok got sound
21:23:08 suzieboss: (thanks Bud!)
21:23:09 mrsdurff: sound derrall?
21:23:13 mrsdurff: good
21:23:25 PeggyG: Have my book but would have loved to be able to process it with a group like the cybercamp group :-)
21:23:36 suzieboss: cybercamp used it exactly as Jane and I had hoped
21:23:52 jeffmason: @PeggyG amen
21:23:57 PeggyG: Tell us more about it Suzie
21:24:07 MyraG: As a cybercamper, I really enjoyed the book.
21:24:17 suzieboss: oh, the collaboration is key--chance to process together, etc.
21:24:27 suzieboss: so much better than flying solo
21:24:59 PeggyG: Yes! I'll bet the personal experiences with PBL added a lot to the conversation
21:25:14 derrallg: I would if I could have
21:25:41 jeffmason: @suzieboss @PeggyG hop my school will buy copies for my Tech Lrng Group at school.
21:25:51 jeffmason: hope
21:25:52 suzieboss: :-)
21:26:10 BradJolly: Bud, how many teachers came to CyberCamp?
21:26:39 Bud Hunt: We had 12 teachers and two facilitators. we probably could have run another session - but had to turn folks away due to scheduling and financial reasons
21:26:49 Bud Hunt: didn't want the group too big.
21:26:52 PeggyG: @Jeffmason-that would be fantastic! Such a practical book and something teachers could definitely put to use immediately!
21:27:09 suzieboss: seemed like a nice size--very supportive group, sounded like
21:27:28 Bud Hunt: Peggy and JEff - perhaps you're thinking about building an online book club.
21:27:34 Bud Hunt: I know some folks who'd help you get started.
21:27:37 jeffmason: we hope to do that
21:27:47 BradJolly: @Bud - What grades did the primarily teach? Mostly HS, or pretty much spread throughout K12?
21:28:05 PeggyG: How would an online book club work?
21:28:18 Bud Hunt: @Brad - middle and high school, one elementary this time around - had lots of scheduling conflicts with required training for some new curriculum
21:28:19 jeffmason: @Bud good idea.
21:28:44 SusanEttenheim: do you know I 've been working on it all day
21:29:06 MyraG: Yes, Susan...I use it a log -- different applications
21:29:11 suzieboss: here's one that ISTE ran:
21:29:22 Bud Hunt: @peggy g - you'd need someone to organize - perhaps a blog or a discussion forum in Classroom 2.0, a shared reading schedule, and some readers
21:29:35 derrallg: for me solving with teacher I have to write through interfaces to help them find solutions each one unique
21:29:59 mrsdurff: hi nedra
21:30:18 Nedra: Hi mrs. durff
21:30:24 SusanEttenheim: hi nedra
21:30:30 Bud Hunt: myra - don't be so shy - brag on what you do with some of these tools.
21:30:35 jeffmason: @Bud Did you use the discussion questions in the book? How did it go?
21:30:49 PeggyG: Thanks Suzie-how did I miss that? I'm on SIGTE wiki all the time!
21:31:33 Bud Hunt: @jeff mason - we didn't require them - but referred book groups to them
21:31:35 PeggyG: @Susan-what are you doing with Shelfari? I've seen it but haven't joined.
21:31:39 MyraG: I was able to come up with great ways to work w/ teachers. Collaboration, instruction, and appropriate tech tool.
21:31:48 derrallg: the Nings that we were working on helped them unify the tools
21:31:52 suzieboss: the discussions have ended, Peggy, but the site's staying up a while
21:32:09 SusanEttenheim: hi ehubbell welcome!
21:32:11 mrsdurff: hi ebhubbell
21:32:15 ehubbell: hi all!
21:32:22 PeggyG: I'vee definitely explore it!
21:32:36 PeggyG: oops-fingers on wrong keys!
21:32:38 derrallg: hi ehubbell
21:32:43 MyraG: PBL created great conversatons w/ teachers. Great recommendations for tools to explore for classroom use
21:32:50 Bud Hunt: we had four book groups and they self-led
21:32:52 SusanEttenheim: I'm trying to move all of the "book logs'' to shelfariri
21:32:53 mrsdurff: hi kcaise
21:33:09 SusanEttenheim: hi kcaise welcome
21:33:16 SusanEttenheim: and welcome ehubbell
21:33:37 chrisssve: @Susan is what I use. I am spending time this summer finding ways to use it in the classroom I hope.
21:33:46 MyraG: I use Shelfari for different book groups in library -- genres, summer reads, bestsellers, etc.
21:33:49 kcaise: hi ty
21:33:51 PeggyG: @Susan-can we find your Shelfari site and access it?
21:33:56 SusanEttenheim: we looked at it but thought it was too text heavy
21:34:21 SusanEttenheim: I do everything as just susanettenheim but it is not developed at all.
21:34:28 ehubbell: shoot, not getting any audio
21:34:44 kcaise: ok, thought it might have been just me
21:34:46 SusanEttenheim: hi kcaise welcome
21:34:59 SusanEttenheim: click on edtechtalk A
21:35:02 suzieboss: teacher librarians seem key in this process
21:35:04 SusanEttenheim: then you should hear
21:35:09 mrsdurff: ehubbell did you refresh the page?
21:35:32 PeggyG: Just searched for you but din't come up with any results. Do I have to be a member?
21:35:34 MyraG: The cybercampers felt immediately comfortable w/ asking questions, exchanging ideas. Blog was immediate tool
21:35:38 Bud Hunt: We also considered ehubbel's book for CyberCamp
21:35:45 Bud Hunt: I'm thinking about it for follow up
21:35:52 Bud Hunt: it was present during the institute
21:36:07 PeggyG: Are Cybercampers planning to use the same book talk/blogging process with their students?
21:36:19 SusanEttenheim: peggy I think my account is susanettenheim
21:36:29 ehubbell: ah, there we go!
21:36:40 mrsdurff: excellent
21:36:56 MyraG: @Susan Some are...but most are going to directly use the tools and ideas from the book in the classroom.
21:37:01 suzieboss: sorry all--I have to run off--
21:37:19 suzieboss: great job on cybercamp, Bub--excellent example of PD!
21:37:29 MyraG: Thanks Suzie -- for the book and our ustream during camp!
21:37:36 suzieboss: my pleasure!
21:37:43 SusanEttenheim: buy suzie some again !
21:37:49 SusanEttenheim: hi tjtech
21:37:57 tjtech: Hi!
21:37:58 PeggyG: Helps if you search for members rather than books :-( Now I have to join to access it. After the show :-)
21:38:12 kstevens77: my audio not working. have 2 catch the podcast. try and fix it later. y'all enjoy
21:38:46 BradJolly: Hey! Work in progress (WIP) is a very common term in manufacturing.
21:39:00 BradJolly: Nothing wrong with it at all, and I like its use in this context.
21:39:15 ehubbell: mcrel starting to use ustream for in-house training. good stuff!
21:39:22 MyraG: If only we had more time for the Wips (Work in Progress) -- to share the explorations. But...we need to have our reunion to share the finished products.
21:40:33 jeffmason: "vlogging in, vlogging out"
21:40:47 MyraG: ...and our projects really changed over the course of camp. As we learned...we added, retooled, and found new content.
21:41:21 Nedra: Is there a link to the wiki he mentions? I joined a little late I may have missed it.
21:41:50 MyraG:
21:41:57 Nedra: Thanks!
21:42:04 SusanEttenheim: thank you myra
21:42:12 matt montagne: Hey, I know that sick feeling you get from not hitting record...nothing worse than that, especially when you had good content...
21:42:21 PeggyG:
21:42:26 MyraG:
21:43:10 MyraG: Cybercampers are planning an informal get together to share our mature projects
21:43:38 PeggyG: Excellent point about 20 minutes! k12online conference is making the same adjustment
21:43:53 Bud Hunt: @peggy - yeah - that was something that I was thinking about, too
21:45:27 PeggyG: Makes a lot of sense and makes us focus on what's important in 20 minutes.
21:45:32 SusanEttenheim: hi kstevens77 welcome!
21:46:07 matt montagne: That is inspiring Lee...I'm sure your students have missed you dearly
21:46:35 PeggyG: Lee-thanks for sharing your story! And here you are! Wonderful!
21:47:06 SusanEttenheim: hi pgoerner welcome!
21:47:08 mrsdurff: she is a brave woman
21:47:08 mnovak: Thank you Lee, a true inspiration!!
21:47:10 PeggyG: Hard story to follow! Incredible testament to Lee's teaching!
21:47:20 SusanEttenheim: please introduce yourself where and what do you teach?
21:47:25 derrallg: hope you don't have to leave again
21:47:36 ehubbell: What a great story. Amazing!
21:47:43 jeffmason: @Lee inspiring! Good thoughs coming your way.
21:48:17 Nedra: Thanks for sharing Lee. Stay strong.
21:48:22 pgoerner: Hello all!
21:49:00 PeggyG: Excellent point. Students frequently come back, even if online, to seek your guidance and expertise. I'm always amazed to hear from my former university students.
21:49:05 MyraG: Hey Phil, welcome back
21:49:13 matt montagne: Lee, what grade level do you teach??
21:49:49 mrsdurff: hi cheryl
21:49:50 SusanEttenheim: hi cheryl welcome!
21:50:12 derrallg: hi cheryl
21:50:18 PeggyG: Just today I heard from a student I had 3 years go who was seeking resources we used in our class. :-)
21:50:32 matt montagne: Lee, explain more about connecting with others out there and how that has helped you with your recovery...of course if you don't mind. How do you feel the virtual world is impacting the medical world? Does it make doctors more sensitive
21:50:37 cheryloakes: hi thanks, trying to upload student videos while I listen
21:50:39 matt montagne: of course, only if you are willing
21:50:46 cheryloakes: Is this the real Lee Baber!!! I've missed you.
21:51:06 PeggyG: What an awesome role model, Lee!
21:51:29 cheryloakes: sorry I am so late Lee.
21:51:34 paulallison:
21:51:44 paulallison: or http;//
21:51:52 derrallg: i missed the banjo
21:52:04 PeggyG: this worked for me
21:52:13 paulallison: thank you
21:52:59 PeggyG: Is the blog private Lee? asks for password and user name.
21:53:18 jeffmason: medupunk
21:53:29 matt montagne: very, very inspiring Lee...thanks for sharing your story
21:54:05 cheryloakes: Lee you so have to check out this blog, a friend of mine
21:54:18 PeggyG: Such an important point-the conversation overrides the focus on technology-they want to know!
21:54:23 cheryloakes:
21:54:45 derrallg: What is happening with Lee's SL space?
21:54:52 mrsdurff: using the tools of technology to ameliorate our conditions in life
21:55:17 matt montagne: I think a blog is an excellent way to share a story such as Lee's...imagine the unpredictable impact that it could have...
21:55:44 matt montagne: perhaps med students could read it, thus becoming more sensitive and understanding at an earlier point in their medical careers
21:56:05 matt montagne: perhaps helping them develop as caring physicians at an earlier stage
21:57:10 matt montagne: the other benefit for Lee I would imagine is that she doesn't have to explain her story over and over and over...its on the blog
21:57:37 Bud Hunt: i know someone else who's used a blog just like you describe, Matt - was very powerful for the whole family.
21:57:55 Bud Hunt: gave them hope and strength and a sense of understanding
21:58:44 SusanEttenheim: hi kimmy welcome!
21:58:53 Kimmy: Hi Susan
21:58:53 PeggyG: Tell us more about cyberacademy
21:59:06 Kimmy: sorry ..late arrrival
21:59:18 SusanEttenheim: glad you're here!
21:59:35 PeggyG: what's going on with Youth Twitter today?
21:59:36 SusanEttenheim: hi stephanie - welcome!
21:59:45 Stephanie Sandifer: Hi there!
22:00:06 mrsdurff: the student comments on Lee's blog are touching.
22:01:03 PeggyG: Have you used Voicethread yet for book talks?
22:01:43 SusanEttenheim: we haven't but I'm looking forward to connecting the Voice Thread folks with the Shelfari!
22:02:16 PeggyG: Tell me more-that sounds fantastic-Shelfari and Voicethread :-)
22:02:50 SusanEttenheim: well, I'm excited about what Shelfari can do but in VoiceThread you could also talk to each other.... anyone out there using Shelfari?
22:03:19 ehubbell: this isn't mine, but it's a great example of elementary using VoiceThread for book talks
22:03:29 PeggyG: I would love to see a VT example of a book talk that really had people exchanging reflections
22:03:40 PeggyG: You are reading my mind!
22:03:52 MyraG: Several tools for cybercamp -- Voicethread, Google Apps, our Virtual Campus (Moodle)
22:03:53 SusanEttenheim: thank you ehubbell
22:03:58 SusanEttenheim: hi jen welcome!
22:04:03 Jen: hi
22:04:47 mrsdurff: no exciting the guest
22:04:50 Kimmy: what was that..textopia ???
22:05:01 mrsdurff: hi lee
22:05:04 PeggyG: the collaborative projects really sound valuable
22:05:14 SusanEttenheim: hypertextopia
22:05:15 cheryloakes: Lee so good to see you here, the real Lee Baber.
22:05:19 lee baber: hi
22:05:22 derrallg: @bud hope you don't mind I have to present on Google and they are beginners so you're wiki intro is perfect, learning so concretely
22:05:23 lee baber: i finally got it
22:05:27 derrallg: hi lee
22:05:29 lee baber: thanks cheryl
22:05:35 Bud Hunt: Welcome to the chat room, lee!
22:05:39 lee baber: hi bud
22:05:46 lee baber: had to use my dell!! :)
22:06:00 Kimmy: yes, hypertextopia ..thanks for the term
22:06:01 cheryloakes: Lee, check out
22:06:25 Bud Hunt: good to see you
22:06:31 cheryloakes: She is my art teacher and an incredible cancer survivor, who has moved to Virginia. Look for her in shows.
22:06:33 Bud Hunt: i'd been out of the loop
22:06:40 lee baber: oh super
22:06:43 SusanEttenheim: - you'll find an interview with the founder in one of the older TTT podcasts
22:06:43 lee baber: i will check that out
22:06:46 derrallg: @lee I finally installed leopard today, can appreciate difficulties getting here
22:06:57 lee baber: hehe
22:07:01 lee baber: Derrall
22:07:08 Bud Hunt: that wa sa good podcast, Susan
22:07:12 lee baber: it seems there is always some curve or another
22:07:15 Bud Hunt: the hypertextopia one
22:07:25 SusanEttenheim: yes
22:07:27 PeggyG: @derralig-how was the installation? I've had Leopard for several months and still haven't had the courage to install it.
22:07:36 derrallg: that needs a wikipedia entry bud
22:07:50 Kimmy: Take the plunge..Leopard works
22:07:53 Bud Hunt: what's that, Derrall?
22:08:03 derrallg: @peggy it went ok but need to update
22:08:22 derrallg: @bud the definition of hypertextopia was what I was thinking
22:08:27 PeggyG: @Kimmy-thanks for the encouragement. I've seen it working on other people's Macs but am afraid to lose a functioning laptop!
22:08:35 matt montagne: I find teachers balk on blogging due to the age old, "I don't have enough time.
22:08:52 matt montagne: Teachers won't blog unless administrators'll get a few, but it won't be systemic
22:08:54 Bud Hunt: @matt - yeah - so we gave them the time. For some, it was helpful.
22:09:12 matt montagne: and of course systems changes need to happen...teachers need google R and D time...
22:09:18 Bud Hunt: @matt - noone will blog b/c others are - they'll blog/writecreate because they find value in it
22:09:29 PeggyG: @matt-you make a good point about admin support and modeling
22:09:47 SusanEttenheim: hi dmaclean welcome!
22:09:53 SusanEttenheim: hi matthew welcome
22:09:53 derrallg: we forced the teachers on our district ning to blog for the past three days
22:09:59 SusanEttenheim: hi kim!
22:10:12 matt montagne: @bud...but they need modeling... they need to be inspired...we have teachers who go to conferences because our prinicipal is way into it and encourages it...the same can happen for blogging...
22:10:16 KimBrosan: hello
22:10:37 PeggyG: I think teachers will continue blogging if they find value in it, but sometimes they need some "encouragement" to get started-even a requirement :-)
22:10:41 SusanEttenheim: where and what do you teach?
22:10:42 Bud Hunt: @matt - certainly, modeling and support is good - but that's not enough. need an internal motivation, too
22:10:43 Kimmy: @Peggy, we have updated two computers ..with problems
22:10:45 Nedra: @derrallg how did that go?
22:11:04 matt montagne: @bud...agreed...I think we're pretty much on the same page there...
22:11:14 Bud Hunt: me, too, I suspect -
22:11:24 PeggyG: That sounds like a nice transition.
22:11:27 derrallg: @nedra the writing spread to forums and comments so we'll see if there is any momentum
22:11:43 lee baber: i had no trouble with Leopard install...only strugled with my use of some of the more adavance webcasting settings
22:11:46 Kimmy: Define place based education please
22:11:48 KimBrosan: @Susan I'm a high school librarian in central PA
22:12:09 Nedra: @derrallg It will be interesting to see how it turns out
22:12:10 derrallg: lee I'm afraid to fire up nicecast/audacity, etc.
22:12:16 PeggyG: @lee did you have to update lots of apps?
22:12:18 SusanEttenheim: oh Kim! we're just looking for high school students to share in this fall - please email me!
22:12:25 lee baber: oh..not so many
22:12:57 lee baber: @Peggy..i did not have much time spent there
22:12:58 PeggyG: Post it on friendfeed :-) Please :-)
22:13:06 lee baber: it was all pretty point and click updates
22:13:12 Kimmy: Using Leopard does not require any updating of apps I believe @ Peggy
22:13:13 PeggyG: That's very reassuring. Thanks Lee!
22:13:26 matt montagne: gr8 show everyone...really enjoyed it...
22:13:36 matt montagne: will there be additional T3 shows this summer??
22:13:48 matt montagne: or do u go on hiatus??
22:13:51 SusanEttenheim: yes- all summer matt
22:13:54 lee baber: Yes...Kimmy ..I think is right. I used the updates for mostly advanced apps
22:13:57 derrallg: @matt is that Tcubed?
22:13:58 PeggyG: @Kimmy--you haven't seen my Dock :-) Tons of apps!
22:14:00 lee baber: like photoshope
22:14:08 matt montagne: wow, susan...that is great....
22:14:10 KimBrosan: @Susan I'll see if I can find some kids who would participate. New to school but will know my moving up 8th graders
22:14:25 matt montagne: @derrallg...yup, T Cubed!!
22:14:42 MyraG: Just want to add: Bud's CyberCamp was a great collaboration opportunity for teachers -- but more important to make a long term learning community for sharing, learning, and support.
22:15:07 MyraG: ..and we learned a lot, too! :o)
22:15:08 PeggyG: @MyraG-that's for adding that! That sounds really powerful!
22:15:41 PeggyG: Lee it is so great to have you back with us!
22:15:54 derrallg: its just nice to hear your voice lee
22:16:08 Bud Hunt: Special thanks to all the foks here in the chatroom and the TTT team - isn't it great to be a part of this community?
22:16:19 SusanEttenheim: thank you!
22:16:26 PeggyG: Yes! This is an awesome learning community!
22:16:43 KimBrosan: hehe I guess I got here a little late, sorry!
22:16:48 lee baber: Thanks Peggy
22:16:51 lee baber: and all
22:17:01 ehubbell: this was wonderful! thank you all!
22:17:03 lee baber: I really REALLY appreciate it
22:17:05 SusanEttenheim: every week - same time.. here 9-10pm est
22:17:06 chrisssve: thanks for the nice program. good night
22:17:08 mrsdurff: Lee - loss for words here - love you
22:17:08 matt montagne: lee...gr8 point...I think we are all (esp. me) too serious sometimes
22:17:11 lee baber: night
22:17:16 derrallg: thanks Bud for giving a great idea for my Preso on Monday :)
22:17:19 lee baber: thanks durff and thanks for your comment on the blog
22:17:21 lee baber: :)
22:17:22 PeggyG: Your conversation has made us all want to be part of your summer institutes and cybercamp!
22:17:28 KimBrosan: I'll try to make it more regularly, thank you.
22:18:09 MyraG: Thanks all...and thanks again, Bud, for CyberCamp -- planning on CyberCampII
22:18:25 PeggyG: YES!!!
22:18:28 Bud Hunt: Oh - there'll be another cybercamp
22:18:35 Bud Hunt: and you're all invited
22:18:45 PeggyG: LOL!
22:18:52 mrsdurff: i want s'mores
22:19:09 derrallg: Bud are you going to reacreate/present cyber camp ideas at NECC?
22:19:25 derrallg: recreate
22:19:28 PeggyG: Virtual seats would be fantastic!
22:19:30 Bud Hunt: @derrallg: I don't have anything planned - but I can and will if there's a space for it.
22:19:46 derrallg: like at uplugged
22:20:01 derrallg: unplugged oh my gosh my typing
22:20:05 PeggyG: a teaser to keep us coming back :-)
22:20:10 matt montagne: gr8 show y'all
22:20:11 Nedra: @Bud that would be great to hear more at NECC
22:20:20 Bud Hunt: Sure - what would make sense?
22:20:24 Bud Hunt: an unplugged session?
22:20:36 PeggyG: Planning in the open, Bud :-)
22:20:36 Stephanie Sandifer: @Bud if not in a formal session -- good for EduBloggerCon or unplugged session
22:20:45 PeggyG: Yes unplugged session!
22:20:47 derrallg: there are some open times
22:20:53 Nedra: @Bud uplugged
22:21:00 jeffmason: thnx to all
22:21:02 PeggyG: Thanks all! Great conversation!
22:21:03 mrsdurff: nite
22:21:08 Nedra: Thanks great show
22:21:09 SusanEttenheim: night all!
22:21:12 Bud Hunt: okay - I guess I'm going over to that wiki to sign up for a session
22:21:18 derrallg: night
22:21:19 Stephanie Sandifer: 'nigh all
22:21:20 KimBrosan: thank you again I'll be back!
22:21:21 PeggyG: Yeah Bud!
22:21:25 Bud Hunt: thanks for the push
22:21:31 Bud Hunt: great talking to everyone
22:21:32 Bud Hunt: take care
22:21:36 lee baber: you too bud
22:21:38 lee baber: night
22:21:39 derrallg: bye
22:21:45 lee baber: bye derrall
22:21:47 PeggyG: Night
22:21:53 derrallg: bye lee