For the past year, SEEDLINGS has shown up as Alice Barr's webcast academy project. We are ready to move forward to a more consistent time slot. We have talked to Lisa Paresi about webcasting alternate Thurs. when she is not producing her Thur. show. The time slot we are requesting is Thurs. 7:30-8:30 EST, just before Doug's show!! Here is our information.
- What is your show concept? The show is SEEDLINGS,which is a show by teachers for teachers. The premise of the show is to provide online conversations with purpose. We have a focus for each show, share our GEEK of the week, sometimes chat with a guest, and fun while learning! We have been involved with this show for the past ..... months. We have had periodic shows with Alice Barr streaming as part of webcastacademy, but would like for formalize this with Alice and Cheryl sharing the streaming. If you would like to listen to a sample, go to Bob Sprankle's page. There are other samples here as well.
3. How often do you plan to broadcast? We plan to broadcast weekly throughout the school year, North American school year.
4. Why do you want your show to be an EdTechTalk show, rather than hosting it on your own or using a different network? We want to remain with this community because this community has given so much to us, and we want to give back to this community. We do like the interactive chat room that EdTechTalk has available.
5. How does your show fit in to the EdTechTalk community? What will it contribute? What do you hope to gain from participation in the community? This show is a non profit show, and would complement the offerings in the edtechtalk channel. We plan to produce shows of interest to K-12 educators about 21st Century Literacy tools with many ideas that will fit in a classroom around content and literacy standards.
6. What kind of support would you need to get started? We would need a
time to stream the show, up to date passwords and such.
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and snow days too?
Snow Days, impromtu!
We will be having snow day shows, those are so much fun.
Cheryl Oakes
Collaborative Content Coach
Wells Ogunquit Schools
Wells, ME 04090
Women of Web 2.0
Seedlings... What took so long?
What took so long?
You know how things happen.... usually for a reason we get involved with things and then the connections allow for other connections. Such is the case, it was the timing, so glad to be here.
Cheryl Oakes
Collaborative Content Coach
Wells Ogunquit Schools
Wells, ME 04090
Women of Web 2.0
Still Cultivating Great Ideas!!!
So amazing to watch the SEEDlings grow and flower! I am looking forward to continuing to learn with and from you as we have done lo these many years -- nearly a decade of SEEDing the ground with your exuberant knowledge and joyous being. Bloom on! jen, original gardener
Blooming on!
Jen, the Master Gardener,
Thanks so much for gathering us up and putting us in the same garden bed, so many years ago. Our connections we made through the original SEED project will live on through our SEEDLINGS project. So happy to keep the garden going.
Cheryl Oakes
Collaborative Content Coach
Wells Ogunquit Schools
Wells, ME 04090
Women of Web 2.0
Hooray for Seedlings!
I am so pleased that you all are going to webcast here at EdTechTalk on a fairly regular schedule! I hope to join in live before too long. Your experiences and discussions about webcasting and the value of the live community adding so much to the conversations has been motivating and inspirational to me personally to utilize webcasting more. I enjoy listening to your show offline and will look forward to a live webcast version in the weeks ahead. Thanks for your leadership and willingness to always share your experiences as well as great ideas.
Regular schedule, finally!
Thanks Wes, we are very excited to have a schedule. It is tough to get going, but once we smooth out our schedules this will be great. We would love to have your join us, we will be in touch.
Cheryl Oakes
Collaborative Content Coach
Wells Ogunquit Schools
Wells, ME 04090
Women of Web 2.0
thanks Seedlings - looking forward to the webcasts!
Thanks to all!
Thanks to all for the well-wishes! Thanks for joining us and we look forward to having you in the chat room as well as on the show!
Take care,