WOW2 Show #94 with educators from THE School at Columbia and Lucy Gray

A lively discussion with Lucy Gray who introduces us to  Don Buckley, Karen Blumberg, Andrew Gardner of the innovative school, THE School at Columbia.

Chat Log:


20:53:37 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Hi Lucy and Karen

20:56:27 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: I'm hearing the audio :-)

20:56:56 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Hi Sharon-your sound is great!

20:59:46 [Message] cheri t -> -EdTechTalk: Hi everyone

21:00:41 [Message] karenblumberg -> -EdTechTalk: Sharon has an awesome radio voice...

21:00:56 [Message] cheri t -> -EdTechTalk: sounds like interference

21:01:17 [Message] cheri t -> -EdTechTalk: wonky!

21:01:30 [Message] cheri t -> -EdTechTalk: it's a beard against the mic

21:01:57 [Message] karenblumberg -> -EdTechTalk: Well, Don and I are beardless.

21:02:01 [Message] karenblumberg -> -EdTechTalk: Lucy?  Sharon?

21:02:10 [Message] karenblumberg -> -EdTechTalk: How's your facial hair situation?

21:02:55 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Lucy-hope you'll say something about the upcoming Classroom 2.0 LIVE conference :-)

21:03:04 [Message] LucyGray -> -EdTechTalk: I need to shave. :)

21:03:14 [Message] karenblumberg -> -EdTechTalk: bwahahahaha

21:03:27 [Message] karenblumberg -> -EdTechTalk: my legs could cut glass right now.

21:03:57 [Message] sharon -> -EdTechTalk: hi folks

21:04:11 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Dr. Campbell's presentation was really good!

21:04:12 [Message] ColetteC -> -EdTechTalk: I listened to the Prove It keynote too - it was well done!

21:04:24 [Message] sharon -> -EdTechTalk: holding the fort down without jen

21:06:03 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Any of your conference being streamed next week Lucy? Sounds fantastic!

21:06:21 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: what an all-start lineup!

21:06:29 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: all-star!

21:06:56 [Message] loonyhiker -> -EdTechTalk: hi y'all! had to refresh so i could hear you

21:07:08 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk:

21:07:22 [Message] sharon -> -EdTechTalk: phew so far so good\

21:07:56 [Message] sharon -> -EdTechTalk: stupid Canuck question

21:09:34 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: The collection of election 2008 resources on the Diigo group Lucy started is incredible if you're looking for resources!

21:13:28 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: can hear fine

21:13:37 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Welcome Don

21:14:56 [Message] Maureen/bcdtech -> -EdTechTalk: Are you associated with Bank Street?

21:15:06 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Wow, what an incredible staff! fantastac support for technology!

21:15:09 [Message] LucyGray -> -EdTechTalk: I believe they are across the street from Bank Street

21:15:17 [Message] Maureen/bcdtech -> -EdTechTalk: Thanks Lucy

21:16:03 [Message] colleenk -> -EdTechTalk: Hi everyone

21:16:15 [Message] Maureen/bcdtech -> -EdTechTalk: Hi Colleen

21:16:47 [Message] colleenk -> -EdTechTalk: @bcdtech Christa McAuliffe?

21:17:02 [Message] karenblumberg -> -EdTechTalk: Bank Street is at 112th, just west of broadway, and The School is at 110th and Broadway.

21:17:04 [Message] Maureen/bcdtech -> -EdTechTalk: Still waiting to hear from Admin re $

21:17:05 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Hi Colleen!

21:17:11 [Message] colleenk -> -EdTechTalk: Hi Peggy!

21:17:35 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: what a dream school :-)

21:17:51 [Message] Maureen/bcdtech -> -EdTechTalk: @karen- thanks, just trying to picture it- visited Bank St and City and Country

21:18:51 [Message] colleenk -> -EdTechTalk: @bcdtech Educon? :)

21:19:33 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Do teachers come in to the school prepared to use the technology?

21:19:38 [Message] Maureen/bcdtech -> -EdTechTalk: @colleen- I put it on a list... but think I'll be lucky to get funding for 1 thing this year... $ is very tight at school.

21:19:54 [Message] colleenk -> -EdTechTalk: @bcdtech bummer :(

21:20:26 [Message] karenblumberg -> -EdTechTalk: Don is talking about how we set up our social network using Elgg.

21:20:37 [Message] Maureen/bcdtech -> -EdTechTalk: @colleen- stil waiting- they haven't said no yet.

21:20:59 [Message] colleenk -> -EdTechTalk: @bcdtech Will stay optimistic then :)

21:21:24 [Message] sharon -> -EdTechTalk: sorry havent been in chat much.... hard to be streaming anchor and follow two conversations

21:21:39 [Message] colleenk -> -EdTechTalk: @sharon We understand.

21:22:21 [Message] sharon -> -EdTechTalk: thanks all

21:22:32 [Message] Maureen/bcdtech -> -EdTechTalk: Do you have url for The School?

21:23:07 [Message] sharon -> -EdTechTalk:

21:23:12 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: What a great example of the use of technology with the math project!

21:23:16 [Message] Maureen/bcdtech -> -EdTechTalk: Thanks sharon

21:23:32 [Message] LucyGray -> -EdTechTalk: I love these ideas

21:23:49 [Message] LucyGray -> -EdTechTalk: Ohhh they also need to talk about their field trip guids

21:23:51 [Message] LucyGray -> -EdTechTalk: guides

21:24:48 [Message] Maureen/bcdtech -> -EdTechTalk: Do teachers come into your school with good tech skills or did you have to train?

21:24:50 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: can outsiders view any of the student projects on Elgg?

21:25:07 [Message] LucyGray -> -EdTechTalk: I don't think so...

21:25:31 [Message] LucyGray -> -EdTechTalk: They also have a media server behind the scenes... sort of like their own Flickr for the school community

21:25:40 [Message] LucyGray -> -EdTechTalk: These are great questions, Peggy

21:25:48 [Message] karenblumberg -> -EdTechTalk: there is a username/password to access our social network.

21:26:31 [Message] karenblumberg -> -EdTechTalk: and you need to be invited to join. i set up accounts for each of my 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students.

21:26:39 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: How are the teachers trained to use Understanding by Design? What is their professional development like?

21:26:39 [Message] loonyhiker -> -EdTechTalk: sorry i have to go. will have to listen to the rest in the podcast! thx y'all

21:27:09 [Message] Maureen/bcdtech -> -EdTechTalk: How much time do teachers have to plan and collaborate?

21:27:17 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: UBD is so essential for constructivist curriculum IMHO :-)

21:27:17 [Message] sharon -> -EdTechTalk: wow, am loving this

21:27:57 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: everything is soooo integrated--very impressive!

21:27:59 [Message] Maureen/bcdtech -> -EdTechTalk: @peggy for any curriculum IMHO ;-)

21:28:14 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: :-) I agree Maureen!

21:29:15 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: I'm interested in how parents are involved in the school (as a private school).

21:29:43 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Love it! a Mac museum :-)

21:29:57 [Message] sharon -> -EdTechTalk: hi Vinnie - you are going to love this school!!

21:30:08 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: not verbose at all--very informative!

21:30:26 [Message] VinnieVrotny -> -EdTechTalk: who and what school?

21:30:47 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk:

21:30:58 [Message] Maureen/bcdtech -> -EdTechTalk: Any job openings?

21:31:09 [Message] Maureen/bcdtech -> -EdTechTalk: JK

21:31:39 [Message] karenblumberg -> -EdTechTalk: @maureen not in the tech dept currently....unless you know something i don't know....

21:31:40 [Message] sharon -> -EdTechTalk: sounds like my dream school!!

21:31:55 [Message] sharon -> -EdTechTalk: I teach MS English

21:32:19 [Message] Maureen/bcdtech -> -EdTechTalk: @karen- I'm a country girl... but very jealous of all the cool things I'm hearing.

21:33:00 [Message] LucyGray -> -EdTechTalk: It is a dream school

21:33:05 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: are cell phones allowed and/or used in classrooms for instruction?

21:33:10 [Message] karenblumberg -> -EdTechTalk: Andew is talking about a .kmz file generated by Google Earth.

21:33:20 [Message] LucyGray -> -EdTechTalk: They have a gazillion people on their child-study teams too

21:33:26 [Message] LucyGray -> -EdTechTalk: they just do things right

21:33:27 [Message] karenblumberg -> -EdTechTalk: no cel phones allowed on in school.

21:34:03 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: with 1:1 laptops they probably don't need the cell phones in class

21:34:37 [Message] LucyGray -> -EdTechTalk: Is there a requirement that teachers HAVE to embed tech?

21:34:47 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: do they all have iPods?

21:35:12 [Message] karenblumberg -> -EdTechTalk: we have many ipods avaiable with the microphone attachments

21:35:41 [Message] Maureen/bcdtech -> -EdTechTalk: Ok sign me up- 7 preps here

21:35:54 [Message] karenblumberg -> -EdTechTalk: @lucy no requirement, but an expectation certainly

21:35:56 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: can you ask them to talk about their parent involvement?

21:36:35 [Message] karenblumberg -> -EdTechTalk: we have an in-house photo server (we use jetphoto)

21:36:46 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: big question--do teachers also have to do duties like recess, bus, etc?

21:36:58 [Message] karenblumberg -> -EdTechTalk: @peggy yes.  i call it lunch doody.

21:37:04 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: hHh

21:37:10 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: HAHAHA

21:37:30 [Message] karenblumberg -> -EdTechTalk: others have roof duty, park duty, bus duty, breakast duty, study hall and the like...

21:37:46 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: is anything blocked at the school-web 2.0 stuff?

21:38:04 [Message] sharon -> -EdTechTalk: good question

21:38:11 [Message] karenblumberg -> -EdTechTalk: no filtering at The School.

21:38:14 [Message] LucyGray -> -EdTechTalk: What's impressive about this group too is that they are all on the sam page for the most part

21:38:17 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: sounds like they have incredible access to the tools!

21:38:40 [Message] karenblumberg -> -EdTechTalk: but we have password protected access to much of our media server stuff.

21:38:54 [Message] LucyGray -> -EdTechTalk: Some of the stuff that they are talking about are foreign to my colleagues still .... the people at THE talk the same lingo, have the same outlook

21:39:09 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: if there's no filtering then I have to ask what kind of parent feedback do they get? any concerns? how addressed? do they use an AUP?

21:39:14 [Message] karenblumberg -> -EdTechTalk: our media server hosts our wiki, photos, videos, wiki, blogs...

21:39:21 [Message] ColetteC -> -EdTechTalk: @Lucy good point - shared vision

21:39:30 [Message] karenblumberg -> -EdTechTalk: we have an AUP. parents and teachers sign it.

21:39:48 [Message] LucyGray -> -EdTechTalk: ROFL

21:39:49 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: I would love to see a copy of the AUP. Is it posted anywhere?

21:39:53 [Message] LucyGray -> -EdTechTalk: I love this

21:39:57 [Message] karenblumberg -> -EdTechTalk: we have some breaches during the year.  we address it like a behavioral problem.

21:40:00 [Message] LucyGray -> -EdTechTalk: Classic

21:40:49 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: What a great story Andrew!

21:41:30 [Message] sharon -> -EdTechTalk: I would so get fired if I did that!

21:41:38 [Message] LucyGray -> -EdTechTalk: LOL

21:41:55 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: how empowering for the students to realize they can change the content on wikipedia!

21:43:11 [Message] Maureen/bcdtech -> -EdTechTalk: PD doesn't work at my school :-(

21:43:30 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: @Sharon-are you referring to the wikipedia work when you said you would get fired for that?

21:43:38 [Message] sharon -> -EdTechTalk: I am dying to know what cloud computing is

21:43:49 [Message] sharon -> -EdTechTalk: @Peggy - yes

21:44:14 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Isn't that sad??? But true for so many of us!

21:44:54 [Message] LucyGray -> -EdTechTalk: Let's hope the new teachers aren't listening to this. *)

21:45:32 [Message] karenblumberg -> -EdTechTalk: @sharon cloud computing as defined by Don, "working remotely and globally and not just saving locally"

21:45:45 [Message] LucyGray -> -EdTechTalk: They are using the Google Apps Ed Edition

21:45:46 [Message] sharon -> -EdTechTalk: I wondered....

21:45:48 [Message] VinnieVrotny -> -EdTechTalk: got to go now. Just coming in for a minute to listen. Sounds great

21:46:01 [Message] sharon -> -EdTechTalk: bandwidth till it hurts.... forget investing in servers

21:46:04 [Message] Maureen/bcdtech -> -EdTechTalk: I like that idea- I am trying to train myself to use google docs more- but don't trust it and back everything up on my hard drive and then on my backup.

21:46:23 [Message] sharon -> -EdTechTalk: wouldn;t work in Africa, but could work here

21:47:15 [Message] Maureen/bcdtech -> -EdTechTalk: It's tough for those of us who cannot get the bandwidth though- out in the sticks here

21:47:57 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: big paradigm shift but very effective way to do it! :-)

21:48:03 [Message] Cathy E -> -EdTechTalk: @Maureen not many sticks here, but I am in the middle of nowhere - hard to connect

21:48:06 [Message] tjtech -> -EdTechTalk: is a great site to try out cloud computing. (Free)

21:48:45 [Message] Maureen/bcdtech -> -EdTechTalk: Just met with my tech committee today- at the end of the meeting said I felt like I was going in circles- same recs every year for last 7 years...

21:48:50 [Message] karenblumberg -> -EdTechTalk: Don is saying that we took teachers to NECC for the last two years.

21:48:56 [Message] karenblumberg -> -EdTechTalk: paid for out of our tech budget.

21:49:27 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: @Maureen-that does get discouraging!!

21:49:33 [Message] sharon -> -EdTechTalk: thanks tjtech for the link!!

21:49:52 [Message] tjtech -> -EdTechTalk: :)

21:50:05 [Message] Maureen/bcdtech -> -EdTechTalk: @peggy new head this year, so perhaps there will be a light at the end of the tunnel.

21:50:21 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Yeah! hope that makes a difference!

21:50:57 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: still would like to know the role parents play in the school :-)

21:51:17 [Message] Maureen/bcdtech -> -EdTechTalk: I gave out some flips this year- big hit and got used constantly- at first...

21:51:42 [Message] dgrice -> -EdTechTalk: "The Tube" is that a media hosting solution for schools?

21:52:01 [Message] karenblumberg -> -EdTechTalk: @dgrice no, it's our inhouse answer to youtube

21:52:02 [Message] sharon -> -EdTechTalk: flips are awesome

21:52:04 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: flip cams are so easy to use and a great way to capture failry spontaneous learning!

21:52:23 [Message] karenblumberg -> -EdTechTalk: we upload videos, tag them, and thus allow kids to search for them and embed them.

21:52:27 [Message] alexragone -> -EdTechTalk: Hey Folks.  Just saw the post.  Logging in now.

21:52:33 [Message] alexragone -> -EdTechTalk: Watch out for Karen -- she's trouble.

21:52:41 [Message] LucyGray -> -EdTechTalk: LOL

21:52:47 [Message] karenblumberg -> -EdTechTalk: @alexragone Hey! and Shush!

21:53:02 [Message] alexragone -> -EdTechTalk: Just look at her flickr feed.  You'll understand:)

21:53:04 [Message] dgrice -> -EdTechTalk: @karenblumberg Software on your server?

21:53:27 [Message] Maureen/bcdtech -> -EdTechTalk: My kids are mid 20s and use FB, SMS- not much else

21:53:28 [Message] karenblumberg -> -EdTechTalk: we have software on our server for download (anything on our image)

21:54:20 [Message] Cathy E -> -EdTechTalk: my own kids 18 and 19 don't know what a wiki is

21:54:31 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: we keep hearing that (and it's true)-the digital natives may use technology but they don't know how to use it to learn.

21:54:45 [Message] sharon -> -EdTechTalk: @PeggyG I agree

21:54:46 [Message] Maureen/bcdtech -> -EdTechTalk: We just need better names for web 2.0 tools- ppl just laugh at me when I speak web 2.0

21:55:19 [Message] LucyGray -> -EdTechTalk: I agree

21:55:26 [Message] karenblumberg -> -EdTechTalk: that's our goal, to use avaiable technologies in an academic and responsible way.

21:55:40 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Google has integrated so many tools in one location. Really helps!

21:56:19 [Message] Cathy E -> -EdTechTalk: I love my wikispaces

21:56:21 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: what's discouraging to me is when the "tech leaders" aren't using the web 2.0 tools themselves :-(

21:57:11 [Message] Cathy E -> -EdTechTalk: yes, Peggy there are many

21:57:22 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: I agree about the graduate students!

21:57:25 [Message] Maureen/bcdtech -> -EdTechTalk: @cathy love wikispaces too- but multiple editors can cause problems in class...and of course the kids have to click save, and they forget

21:58:05 [Message] dgrice -> -EdTechTalk: @PeggyG ...and many tech leaders still give students grades in "computer"

21:58:33 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: anything being done with second life or virtual worlds there? I know they only go through 8th grade.

21:58:37 [Message] Maureen/bcdtech -> -EdTechTalk: One of our art teachers used mandalas- digital ones last year- worked beautifully and kids posted work on wiki along with artist's statements

21:58:41 [Message] sharon -> -EdTechTalk: If digital portfolios are "old school", we so missed that!!

21:59:10 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: @dgrice--so true!

21:59:24 [Message] Maureen/bcdtech -> -EdTechTalk: @dgrice- I give grades in computer... one of the grades is how well they helped others learn new skills.

21:59:56 [Message] alexragone -> -EdTechTalk: Where's Gina? 

22:00:10 [Message] LucyGray -> -EdTechTalk: Here's a project that Andrew and I worked on... he did a nice video on blogs and wikis for this.

22:00:15 [Message] LucyGray -> -EdTechTalk:

22:00:18 [Message] Maureen/bcdtech -> -EdTechTalk: @dgrice- I also grade collaboration ... hard skill for MS kids to master.

22:00:29 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: good point Maureen. we shouldn't assume that grades are grading the "wrong thing"

22:00:35 [Message] alexragone -> -EdTechTalk: If Blogs are so 2004, I'm in big trouble.

22:00:51 [Message] dgrice -> -EdTechTalk: @Maureen but should a computer grade carry the same weight as a grade in Math or Literature?

22:01:11 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: @speters-thanks for asking the question about global collaboration!

22:01:20 [Message] LucyGray -> -EdTechTalk: Didn't Don go to India?

22:01:41 [Message] LucyGray -> -EdTechTalk: Oh yeah right

22:01:50 [Message] Maureen/bcdtech -> -EdTechTalk: @dgrice- our grades are weighted- class 4x/wk is worth twice as much as 2x/wk... goes by time- not subject matter

22:02:52 [Message] Maureen/bcdtech -> -EdTechTalk: This was a great show- thank you!

22:03:03 [Message] dgrice -> -EdTechTalk: Thanks all.

22:03:24 [Message] LucyGray -> -EdTechTalk: Thank you THE people!

22:03:48 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: It would be fantastic to visit the school! Thank you so much for telling us about it!

22:04:02 [Message] Cathy E -> -EdTechTalk: great show

22:04:29 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: think that's a good decision about election night---no show :-)

22:05:07 [Message] dgrice -> -EdTechTalk: Rushton is great!

22:05:13 [Message] LucyGray -> -EdTechTalk: Isn't he?

22:05:41 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Excellent job Sharon doing all the roles!! :-) Wonderful show!

22:05:45 [Message] alexragone -> -EdTechTalk: Thanks, All!

22:05:55 [Message] alexragone -> -EdTechTalk: Great to hear some NYCers out there.

A lively discussion with Lucy Gray who introduces us to  Don Buckley, Karen Blumberg, Andrew Gardner of the innovative school, THE School at Columbia.

1 22:01:41 [Message] LucyGray -> -EdTechTalk: Oh yeah right

22:01:50 [Message] Maureen/bcdtech -> -EdTechTalk: @dgrice- our grades are weighted- class 4x/wk is worth twice as much as 2x/wk... goes by time- not subject matter

22:02:52 [Message] Maureen/bcdtech -> -EdTechTalk: This was a great show- thank you!

22:03:03 [Message] dgrice -> -EdTechTalk: Thanks all.

22:03:24 [Message] LucyGray -> -EdTechTalk: Thank you THE people!

22:03:48 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: It would be fantastic to visit the school! Thank you so much for telling us about it!

22:04:02 [Message] Cathy E -> -EdTechTalk: great show

22:04:29 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: think that's a good decision about election night---no show :-)

22:05:07 [Message] dgrice -> -EdTechTalk: Rushton is great!

22:05:13 [Message] LucyGray -> -EdTechTalk: Isn't he?

22:05:41 [Message] PeggyG -> -EdTechTalk: Excellent job Sharon doing all the roles!! :-) Wonderful show!

22:05:45 [Message] alexragone -> -EdTechTalk: Thanks, All!

22:05:55 [Message] alexragone -> -EdTechTalk: Great to hear some NYCers out there.