WOW2 Show #97 with guest Sharon Betts

Sharon Betts, experienced educator and ed techie extraordinaire, shares her global projects with us!


Chat Log:


     20:55:40      sroseman -> -EdTechTalk: hi Jen
     20:58:37      JenW -> -     Hey Sue
     20:59:30      sroseman -> -     hi there
     20:59:42      sharonp -> -     Hi Susan and Cathy
     21:02:05      Cathy E -> -     Yea, Welcoma Dr. Palma
     21:02:18      Cathy E -> -     you will love this group
     21:02:32      Cathy E -> -     Do you have audio?
     21:03:20      JenW -> -     Hello everyone -- we are just waiting for our guest to join us
     21:03:24      JenW -> -     we will be right with you
     21:04:45      cheri t -> -     Hi everyone!!! Tweet your friends to join us
     21:05:35      JenW -> -
     21:06:04      JenW -> -     our delicious for tonight is:
     21:06:20      JenW -> -
     21:07:17      palmaada -> -     Hi everyone!  Glad to be with you.
     21:07:19      JenW -> -     Sharon's links:
     21:07:45      JenW -> -
     21:08:10      JenW -> -
     21:08:44      cheri t -> -     Hi Liz - you're doing some great stuff! My doc students are mesmerized :-)
     21:10:40      JenW -> -     Jen's Links:
     21:11:55      Liz Kolb -> -     @cheri Thank you for the compliment!  I can say the same of you
     21:12:20      cheri t -> -     @Liz - thanks - we should work on something together
     21:12:21      JenW -> -
     21:13:59      JenW -> -
     21:16:34      sharonp -> -     My big news - two more XO laptops donated to me to send to Africa... I was sooooo touched
     21:17:58      JenW -> -     excellent
     21:19:25      JenW -> -
     21:20:38      Liz Kolb -> -     Do high school studnets like Ning or is it not close enough to Facebook/MySpace?
     21:20:43      JenW -> -
     21:20:52      JenW -> -     Liz --I don't know --
     21:21:04      JenW -> -     sorry
     21:21:49      cheri t -> -     @Liz - My guess is that HS students prefer what they use socially, not what we choose for them to use
     21:21:50      JenW -> -     DELICIOUS FOR TONIGHT:
     21:21:52      sharonp -> -     hmmm.... you know, I think students tend to see onlien spaces used for education as not "their space" but a school space, but that's okay... they like they are using online spaces for different purposes
     21:22:28      Cathy E -> -     Sharon, your site is full of great resources - can't wait to dig deeper
     21:22:35      JenW -> -
     21:22:50      sharonp -> -     wow, I want Sharon's job!
     21:23:28      Liz Kolb -> -     I agree with Sharon, I wonder if they set up a separate facebook for a class project--so it would not intrude with their private space?
     21:23:55      sharonp -> -     it has been done!
     21:24:13      cheri t -> -     @Liz - I think a big issue is that they may not want "adults" in their space
     21:24:22      sharonp -> -     My school which doesn't filter *anything* has decided to ban FB - as if it is the source of all evil
     21:24:30      JenW -> -     are you hearing distortion in the skype
     21:24:32      Liz Kolb -> -     Would love to know the student's reactions.
     21:25:16      Liz Kolb -> -     @cheri agreed.  But I wonder if they should at least understand the public/private nature of the tool?
     21:26:18      JenW -> -     Hey @Paul
     21:26:26      paulrwood -> -     Good evening.
     21:26:54      cheri t -> -     @Liz - they really need that input - my undergrads don't know how to participate in a professional discussion online
     21:27:34      cheri t -> -     any questions for Sharon B?
     21:27:37      Liz Kolb -> -     For Sharon B...what are some of the best web tools (besides wikispaces) that have been helpful for your project?
     21:28:22      Cathy E -> -     Time is the biggest issue -
     21:28:56      JenW -> -     listen for your question Liz in 20 seconds or so
     21:29:06      palmaada -> -     Thank you for letting me share in this session.  I am in awe of the good things that you all are doing.  You have motivated me tremendously!
     21:29:18      Liz Kolb -> -     @Cheri Agreed.  My undergrads-same problem.
     21:29:22      JenW -> -     thanks Palmaada
     21:30:45      paulrwood -> -     Not grade assess!
     21:30:56      sharonp -> -     good point Paul!
     21:31:12      cheri t -> -     @Paul - uhhhh ... that's what I meant :-) ... of course
     21:31:56      Liz Kolb -> -     Thanks Sharon
     21:32:45      paulrwood -> -     I do the same thing all the time.
     21:33:15      Cathy E -> -     I have been working with my teachers on a wiki for 3 years
     21:33:24      Cathy E -> -     finally some of them are coming around
     21:33:52      sharonp -> -     wow, so that is how long it takes for buy=in
     21:33:54      sharonp -> -     ?
     21:33:58      paulrwood -> -     Ugh! Homework!
     21:33:58      cheri t -> -     @Cathy E - congratulations!! It's exciting to share in their excitement
     21:34:37      Liz Kolb -> -     Agree with @CathyE this is the first year (after 3 years) that my students are voluntarily using our Wiki
     21:35:06      Cathy E -> -     I just never give up- keep pushing, keep bringing it to their attention
     21:35:25      Cathy E -> -     yea, that was my principal that was here
     21:35:33      Cathy E -> -     first time visitor -
     21:35:33      cheri t -> -     I am just now seeing fellow teacher ed faculty starting to come on board - and it's been 3 years here too
     21:35:35      sharonp -> -     my students seem to get on board faster
     21:35:53      cheri t -> -     @Cathy E - Welcome!! Thanks for coming in
     21:35:53      Cathy E -> -     she never got the audio tonight - but at least I got her in the chat:)
     21:36:08      JenW -> -     smiles we did mention that she was here
     21:36:29      sharonp -> -     I got the physics teacher not only into a moodle but into a wiki too
     21:37:06      Cathy E -> -     YOu Maine people are awesome
     21:37:09      cheri t -> -     My strategy has been to get the doc students on board - so when they GA with the faculty they drag them in
     21:37:27      tami -> -     @cheri That's what we do!!
     21:37:43      cheri t -> -     Yea, Tami!!! Star doc GA
     21:37:52      tami -> -     Ah, thanks!
     21:38:00      paulrwood -> -     Introduced wiki's this year and we have some that are going gangbusters and others are a bit slow but moving.
     21:39:20      Cathy E -> -     We are having so much fun embedding Google spreadsheet forms in our wiki (thanks to JenW)
     21:39:44      JenW -> -     I always smile when I remember that conversation CathyE
     21:40:02      paulrwood -> -     May have to import JenW to Dallas for some lessons and PD at my school
     21:40:19      jan smith -> -     I just took a course through Know School, and I am in one now!
     21:40:19      JenW -> -     don't tease    :)
     21:40:44      jan smith -> -     BC is free.
     21:40:49      JenW -> -     I know the way to TEXAS!!!  :)
     21:41:11      cheri t -> -     any questions, anyone?
     21:41:14      paulrwood -> -     Are you talking and eating at the same time Jen W
     21:41:25      JenW -> -     nope -- Mac is quite close
     21:41:29      JenW -> -     can't you hear him
     21:41:44      paulrwood -> -     Haha. I would love to have you come to Dallas for some lessons
     21:41:57      JenW -> -     @paulrwood -- We will talk!!!
     21:42:09      paulrwood -> -     Good deal
     21:42:50      sharonp -> -     ah yes, KnowSchools are for BC educators
     21:43:06      paulrwood -> -     Selection process is painful
     21:43:33      JenW -> -     selection for what??
     21:43:36      JenW -> -     welcome rsculin
     21:43:43      paulrwood -> -     NECC Ihelped this year
     21:43:58      cheri t -> -     @Paul - when do we find out?
     21:44:05      JenW -> -     I heard NEXT WEEK
     21:44:09      JenW -> -     but that is a rumor
     21:44:10      sharonp -> -     why was selection painful ? good or bad?
     21:44:33      paulrwood -> -     SOme have been saying December. I was only part of a selection committee for a particular strand
     21:44:41      JenW -> -     Ohhhhhh
     21:44:45      JenW -> -     I won't ask which strand
     21:45:04      sharonp -> -     lots of good stuff? or mediocre.... or??
     21:45:17      paulrwood -> -     Very laborious. Took me 8 hours to review 21 proposals of which they were going to take 2
     21:45:25      sharonp -> -     yowsa
     21:45:32      cheri t -> -     holy moley
     21:45:35      JenW -> -     no way
     21:45:46      paulrwood -> -     SOme were great some were not even close
     21:46:04      JenW -> -     could you guess who some of the presenters might be??
     21:46:17      cheri t -> -     any more questions for Sharon B?
     21:46:29      JenW -> -     Hey Vinnie
     21:46:37      kcaise -> -     +++
     21:46:38      cheri t -> -     Hi Vinnie
     21:46:42      paulrwood -> -     I know the ranking of the 21 in our group but I don't know the final decision
     21:46:45      sharonp -> -     HI Vinnie
     21:46:47      VinnieVrotny -> -     Hey there gang.
     21:46:50      kcaise -> -     sorry, puppies typing
     21:47:13      VinnieVrotny -> -     Had to get away from the family. They are beating me up for being too public on my twitter updates
     21:47:22      sharonp -> -     LOL
     21:47:23      Liz Kolb -> -     Thanks Ladies/sharon B!  Enjoyed it.
     21:47:36      cheri t -> -     *)
     21:47:46      cheri t -> -     @Liz - thanks for coming
     21:48:57      rscullin -> -     Thanks for letting me listen in, here.
     21:49:17      jan smith -> -     will Sharon be doing another Know Schools course.
     21:49:25      JenW -> -     so vinnie your family looks over your shoulder -- or do they twitter as welll?
     21:49:26      rscullin -> -     When is the next topic/meeting/session?
     21:49:34      JenW -> -     Next Tuesday night for us
     21:49:46      JenW -> -     but if you go to the main page of edtechtalk -- they have shows every day
     21:50:10      rscullin -> -     Excellent. Thanks.
     21:53:33      VinnieVrotny -> -     @jenW no, I have kept my updates public and they check once in awhile. Tonight, they were none to happy.
     21:53:45      jan smith -> -     Great, glad to hear it!
     21:53:48      VinnieVrotny -> -     GTA was excellent
     21:54:13      JenW -> -     GTA in March 2007 was so long ago
     21:54:16      JenW -> -     I want to go again
     21:54:26      cheri t -> -     @Vinnie - I'm so jealous - couldn't make it up there for GTA or a couple of weeks ago for Lucy's gathering
     21:54:44      sharonp -> -     I am so jealous, no GTA in Canada yet ... :-(
     21:55:16      jan smith -> -     @sharonp time for us to start lobbying!
     21:55:24      JenW -> -     I think the GTA in 2007 was still new google -- SO MUCH has changed
     21:55:43      cheri t -> -     any last questions for Sharon B?
     21:55:58      paulrwood -> -     we have to ween ourselves off?  No way!!
     21:56:27      JenW -> -     I wish they would let us go again to GTA
     21:56:30      sharonp -> -     OH MY! just counted my nings.... over 20 ??!! how did that happen?
     21:56:33      jan smith -> -     Could you drop one more link in that would connect us with the heart of all the stuff she is doing?
     21:56:41      paulrwood -> -     I get the shakes just thinking about that
     21:56:53      sharonp -> -     I think I need to prune
     21:57:08      JenW -> -
     21:57:20      jan smith -> -     Thanks Jen
     21:57:33      VinnieVrotny -> -     @cheriT couldn't make it to classroom 2.0 either. Too many things going on.
     21:57:35      JenW -> -     just added it to delivious
     21:57:47      Cathy E -> -     yea, another great show
     21:57:52      JenW -> -
     21:57:54      cheri t -> -     @Vinnie - had to sacrifice and go to Orlando :-)
     21:58:38      paulrwood -> -     Thanks Ladies. You are always great.
     21:59:22      JenW -> -
     22:00:30      JenW -> -
     22:02:00      cheri t -> -     Thank you everyone - see you all next week - bring your friends
     22:03:18      JenW -> -     thanks so much for being here!!
     22:03:25      JenW -> -     we look forward to seeing you next week
     22:03:31      JenW -> -     PLEASE take care until then!!!
     22:04:20      jan smith -> -     bye!