SEEDLINGS show with Carla Arena 2008-12-11

Post-Show description: 

Join Alice,Bob and Cheryl as we interview Carla Arena, webhead, loverof Web 2.0 tools, wonderful educator and creator of EVOonline courses.

Sorry this is so late, but we have been without power since Fridaynight. We are still struggling 4 days later and no sign of power insight.

Here is the Chat:

13:50:47  alex.ragone  Wow -- Look at this chat room.
13:50:52  alex.ragone  I wonder why you are all here?
13:51:24  arvind  hi all, welcome to 21st Century Learning
13:51:51  arvind  good to see so many people here!
13:52:15  alfredtwo  will there be audio or video?
13:52:34  alex.ragone  audio -- in a few moments.  Just finishing things up.
13:52:37  alex.ragone  Set up that is
13:53:32  arvind  we're going to be broadcasting at 2:00pm EST, so on the hour
13:53:35  arvind  Fred, here live!
13:53:45  fredbartels  laurie too :-)
13:53:53  alex.ragone  Fred and Laurie -- Yeah!
13:53:57  arvind  we're broadcasting now, so if people could test the stream that'd be great!
13:55:49  arvind  let us know if you can hear audio, folks
13:55:59  fredbartels  coming thru here
13:56:48  Susan Morgan  Hi guys, I hear you
13:57:21  arvind  thanks Susan
13:57:27  wstites  iChat... no SKYPE
13:58:17  VinnieVrotny  Hey folks. Here via text only, as we aregetting ready for a meeting with our head about our 2009-10 budget.
13:58:48  VinnieVrotny  Looks like a great crew here, am sorry I will be missing the live conversation
13:59:34  Bill Campbell  You can add one more.  Two people listening here.  :)
14:01:10  dburns  Hello all - working fine here - Doug Burns (Saint Andrew's-Sewanee School)
14:02:06  VinnieVrotny  Wow, looks like a great group of folks here. Yes us!
14:02:18  VinnieVrotny  Welcome Peter
14:02:46  peterbaron  Hi!
14:02:47  VinnieVrotny  Welcome Doug. Glad you are here
14:03:21  arvind  Vinnie, glad you're here in the chat, at least :)
14:03:33  dburns  Thanks - glad to be here, first time doing anything like this
14:03:48  VinnieVrotny  Yes, I am glad to be here as well. Looking forward to hearing the audio later.
14:04:12  alex.ragone  Yeah -- Vinnie. 
14:04:35  VinnieVrotny  Hey, Alex. It is a great day to be a co-host at 21st Century Learning
14:04:55  arvind  dburns, welcome, glad you're here
14:05:16  capohanka  We used to play Soccer against Stuart Hall!
14:05:49  alex.ragone  Nice -- we picked a good one
14:06:01  alex.ragone  :) :)
14:06:06  arvind  amazing!
14:06:25  capohanka did you find it?
14:06:25  arvind  any other folks here using Disrupting Class to push thinking at their schools?
14:06:49  capohanka  I have it waiting, wrapped, to be opened on Dec 25th
14:07:04  arvind  capohanka, ha ha! Merry Christmas!
14:07:12  VinnieVrotny  We are actually using Wagner's Global Achievement Gap and getting more traction
14:07:13  Steve Taffee  Our administrative team is reading it. One of the best books I have read in the pas decade.
14:07:24  sarah h  just had to email my director since I just got it for him.
14:07:30  VinnieVrotny  @capohanka a gift for yourself?
14:07:31  sarah h  Hope he'll join in this chat!
14:07:47  dburns  Not yet - I'll recommend it for faculty reading soon
14:08:08  capohanka  yes.  I got it when borders had the 25% teacherday and my sons are making me wait until christmas to open it. should've read it at borders before I left.  :)
14:08:16  Jill Brown  It's on my iPod to listen to over break.
14:08:22  David  Our Admin team is reading it at my behest. And I am reading Wagner's book
14:08:29  VinnieVrotny  @caphanka well, wonder if that gift is going to be returned?
14:08:34  capohanka  i didn't think to get it for my iPod.  Good idea?
14:08:39  Susan Morgan  Finished it a few weeks ago, surprised that Siemens was so negative
14:08:57  jramsden  My H.O.S. will be reading it over break. We'll bring discussions to our admin team retreat in January.
14:09:03  athrockmorton  iI have used Wagner's book as a launching pad for several school discussions
14:09:46  alex.ragone
14:09:53  athrockmorton  i am such a slow reader.  is disrupting class really good?
14:09:55  alex.ragone  The books I gave to my admins and dept.
14:10:13  capohanka that photo...good memories of 31 days too
14:10:42  Susan Morgan  Hi's been a long time.
14:10:59  athrockmorton  morgan? is that new?
14:11:13  Susan Morgan  Oh yeah....Grace, Carter, Morgan, take your pick:)
14:11:25  capohanka  We call her lovingly Susan Grace Carter Morgan at our school.
14:11:29  athrockmorton  good to "see" you!
14:11:33  Steve Taffee  We use Pat's 5 aspects of sustainability all the time here to talk about our future goals.
14:11:48  arvind  Holton Arms podcasts with the Smithsonian:
14:11:54  sarah h  yes, Albert it is that good!  It's really a pretty fast read too.
14:12:13  arvind  Online science fair, fantastic!
14:12:20  jramsden  Here is a great contest that Oracle runs -
14:12:43  Susan Morgan  I agree...important, which is why I wonder whyGeorge Siemens was critical. Thinks it lacks innovative thinking aboutlearning...
14:12:44  alex.ragone  We participate in thinkquest.
14:13:34  athrockmorton  we dod a bi lingual CSI, science, mocktrial cross discipline event
14:14:08  arvind  8 year olds invent wedgie-proof underwear:
14:14:59  Susan Morgan  I am eager to see how our school does with its 20/20 challenge
14:15:59  Jill Brown  We had Jenifer Fox author of "Your Child'sStrengths" speak at our school (Albuquerque Academy). She is a greatspeaker!
14:16:16  arvind  NAIS Annual Conference: The Winds of Change:
14:16:41  Susan Morgan  Pat lends credibility to this idea since he hasbeen leading this for some time--online with his writing and links backin Central States days. He is not new to these ideas
14:16:48  David  How do we lead change when the leadership is often on the wrong side of the paradigm shift?
14:16:50  alex.ragone  How do we manage change to overcome change?
14:17:14  alex.ragone  NAIS is working on a change leadership book.
14:17:26  Susan Morgan  Leadership often focuses on the day to day fires instead of the big picture
14:17:28  sarah h  those in leadership are those for whom the current system worked well.
14:17:43  VinnieVrotny  Got to go. See you all
14:17:49  alex.ragone  Anticipating reactions and prempting them.
14:17:50  David  Sarah - absolutely correct
14:17:52  arvind  managing change is all about anticipating reactions and ameliorating them
14:17:59  sarah h  @susan--it goes back to Stephen Covey, doesn't it?
14:18:03  arvind  bye Vinnie!
14:18:04  arvind  good luck
14:18:26  sarah h  permission to fail.  Wow.  That is a big one.
14:18:31  Susan Morgan  Permission to fail...may help to alleviate fear
14:18:34  David  Can we wait for that percolation?
14:18:35  alex.ragone  Start small.  Band of brothers.
14:18:38  alex.ragone  Change leadership.
14:18:49  Susan Morgan  @sarah h yes...hadn't thought about that
14:19:03  athrockmorton  how many tech directors move on to headship?
14:19:16  David  few
14:19:23  alex.ragone  @athrockmorton -- We just had one move to assistant head in a NYC school.
14:19:35  Bill Campbell  Until recently, how many tech dirs had a seat on the upper-admin team?
14:19:39  alex.ragone  The dominant culture is agains that shift right now
14:19:39  arvind  Chris Lehman did it, from tech to principal
14:19:43  capohanka  susan...maybe we could "adopt an administrator" atour school and try to get them using the 21st cent tools for their ownbetterment.
14:19:46  alex.ragone  Chris Lehmann was a Tech Coordinator.
14:19:50  capohanka  maybe they will be more open to it
14:19:51  jramsden  But I predict that will change. Much like in industry, we are seeing CIO - CEO...Why not D.O.T. to H.O.S.?
14:20:00  alex.ragone  arvind and I are thinking alike as usual
14:20:06  Susan Morgan  @carey...yes, that's true, might work
14:20:13  athrockmorton  we had a real fight in the tech PGPs toinclude the one about insisting that tech be represented on the cabinet
14:20:34  athrockmorton  "disruptive administration"?
14:20:36  Susan Morgan  Chris Lehmann was also an English teacher at Beacon, wasn't he?
14:20:40  arvind  hi Dave, welcome
14:20:41  fredbartels  robert kegen (harvard) has written a lot aboutchange and change leadership - also hosts a conference on this (fromlaurie, not fred)
14:20:52  sarah h  tech is represented in our operations team, not strategic until just the last couple of weeks.
14:21:07  Susan Morgan  @albert We still "discuss" this here :)
14:21:16  dburns  We've had tech director on admin team for many years - essential
14:21:27  jramsden  @athrockmorton: I'm presenting @ NAIS on just thattopic with Curt Lieneck and Keith Gillete. It's crucial - we believe.
14:21:39  arvind  NAIS's online program:
14:21:47  alex.ragone  Lawyers.
14:21:48  arvind
14:21:59  alex.ragone  Big speakers cost big bucks. 
14:22:14  sarah h  Hi Jason, Sarah Hanawald here.  I didn't know you knew Curt.  Good topic for NAIS.
14:22:39  jramsden  @albert; @susan @sarah h...title "Geek to Great: Improving IT Leadership in Independent Schools"
14:22:40  Steve Taffee  Administrators can't be passive with regard to trying and championing new technologies.
14:22:56  Susan Morgan  @jason thanks
14:23:18  sarah h  ha!  love it!
14:23:21  jramsden  @sarah H...met him at NAIS last year and then on ISENET and moved forward the the topic.
14:24:09  Susan Morgan  Sound in and it me?
14:24:12  Bill Campbell  Audio is going in and out.  Is it just me?
14:24:14  sarah h  me too
14:24:21  athrockmorton  me too
14:24:23  alex.ragone  having some issues.  Gettign better.
14:24:23  jramsden  Audio - same problem here.
14:24:24  alex.ragone  Sorry.
14:24:24  Jill Brown  Nope, not just you.
14:24:29  dburns - same here
14:24:29  arvind  audio coming back now, sorry
14:24:38  alex.ragone  Seems to be better.
14:24:46  athrockmorton  disruptive technology!
14:24:54  Susan Morgan  :)
14:25:04  VinnieVrotny  back for a brief bit so I can capture the chat room and review later
14:25:11  arvind  Teachers of the Future - get your head to nominate you to NAIS!
14:25:15  Susan Morgan  Great news NAIS
14:25:48  arvind  I would love a future, a wikinomics future, asteachers as academic entrepreneurs, to ally themselves with NAIS
14:25:51  arvind  from Pat
14:25:53  Steve Taffee  NAIS carries a lot of weight with our administrators. This is great news, Pat!
14:26:08  alex.ragone  Academics -- getting faculty lectures out there in the iTunes directory.
14:26:30  alex.ragone  All the teachers on the webcast 12-20 minute segments.  Get them up there. 
14:27:04  Susan Morgan  Alex, this is what we talked about on Elluminate in fellows discussion!
14:27:09  arvind  world's best lesson on the first ammendment - get paid for it!
14:27:12  Susan Morgan  Well, not for a cost:(
14:27:20  capohanka  teachers really like free stuff
14:27:26  sarah h  academic entrepreneurs.  Cool
14:27:27  dburns  Question for Pat – As we and our kids are more andmore on-line and plugged in, do we need to worry about less and lessface-to-face time with and among them?  I’m thinking about one idea inMalcolm Gladwell’s Blink – that we learn much from face to faceinteraction that we’re not even aware of…
14:27:33  capohanka  oh, if I got a cut...i'm okay with that
14:27:40  capohanka  i know French!
14:27:44  sarah h  Just emailed my head and told him that PB told him to nominate me. 
14:27:49  athrockmorton  99 cents---sounds like  teacher pay :)
14:28:04  sarah h  Neglected to mention the global nature of the directive;)
14:28:15  jramsden  @sarah h; I second that nomination!
14:28:24  arvind  from Pat: we make sure our board meetings stay strategic
14:28:30  alex.ragone  Nice. 
14:28:46  alex.ragone  Love the conversations in the chat.  Thanks all.
14:28:50  arvind  sarah, awesome!
14:28:52  Jill Brown  Lessons on Teachertube too? - Nice to see the classroom management.
14:29:20  Bill Campbell  Haven't read b
14:30:17  arvind  "we don't call it strategic planning, we call it strategic thinking" - I LOVE this
14:30:20  Bill Campbell  Haven't read Blink, but I used to work for acompany (pre-WWW) that was researching the fact that we get a lot morethrough information communication than form meetings. Is itface-to-face or is it the dynamics of the communication?
14:30:41  Bill Campbell  That was informal communication (not information comm).
14:31:04  athrockmorton  Blink's thesis about thin-slicing encompasses face-to face but not exclusively
14:31:06  Jill Brown  RE: Teachertube --video w/ kids tricky. Hmmm.
14:31:23  alex.ragone  Revolution will not happen without professional learning communities.
14:31:32  alex.ragone  Have to be beyond the corners of our schools. 
14:31:36  arvind  pat just said professional learning communities, that's exactly what I'm into these days
14:31:45  alex.ragone  We try to get 'out' of our schools, huh arvind?
14:31:53  arvind  dburns, I'm sorry we can't get to your question, we're out of time with Pat!
14:32:17  alex.ragone  We can learn from Finland. Resources did every week.  Lesson Planning. 
14:32:20  dburns  Gladwell talks about "micro-expressions" that are perceived in physical space only
14:32:26  arvind  Finland dedicated to professional development. Howmuch time does your school give you each week to work on your prof dev?
14:32:32  Susan Morgan  My professional learning community keeps my head spinning these days
14:32:33  alex.ragone  Japan teachers do rounds like medicals schools do.
14:32:37  capohanka  liked his blog about finland
14:32:41  dburns  no problem - thanks!
14:32:42  capohanka  on the nais site
14:32:43  alex.ragone  I do my learning from 9-11 at night:)
14:32:48  arvind  Susan, me too, head spinning
14:32:54  alex.ragone
14:33:03  alex.ragone  Going to have to listen to this again.
14:33:09  David  Collaboration seems to be the key here which is often athithetical to the organization of school
14:33:22  sarah h  @ alex.  Yes.  prob more than once
14:33:30  sarah h  (me, not you)
14:33:36  arvind  Pat's blog:
14:33:45  Susan Morgan  @sarah h thanks for all your great links on ning and diigo:)
14:34:16  sposin  What was the URL Pat just mentioned?
14:34:29  sarah h
14:34:40  sarah h  thanks Susan! I love following you!
14:34:46  arvind  Pat just mentioned
14:34:52  Susan Morgan  Thanks to you all...agree Arvind. He's been on a long time and that validates the conversation
14:34:59  sarah h  you need the www to make it work for some reason
14:35:01  fredbartels  thanks for the interview! enjoyed it :-) (Laurie and fred)
14:35:04  athrockmorton  thanks--great tak.  my first
14:35:04  Susan Morgan  :)
14:35:07  arvind  alex.ragone via Skype if you want to join the convo
14:35:24  dburns  Thank you all - see ya!
14:35:31  Susan Morgan  Thanks again guys....gotta run home :(
14:35:33  Jill Brown  This was great. Thanks.
14:35:39  alex.ragone  Take care, folks.
14:35:47  sarah h  great show!
14:36:19  Bill Campbell  @arvind You've had a great series of shows so far this year.
14:36:28  arvind  thanks, Bill!
14:36:30  Jill Brown  I listen to EdTech Talk all the time!
14:36:44  athrockmorton  got it from ised
14:36:56  Jill Brown  I got the info from ISED, too.
14:36:58  lauriebartels  was most encouraging to hear about some of the initiatives Pat mentioned
14:37:46  jramsden  I'm here in the chat room as well.
14:38:05  Bill Campbell  It was great to hear Pres of NAIS stating theimporance of things I've been hearing and reading among edTech folkslately.
14:38:15  lauriebartels  like the concept of japanese rounds toschools. how do we get our heads to let us do rounds of schools as aregular, ongoing part of our practice?
14:38:19  alfredtwo  I find out about these sessions on Twitter. Is there an RSS feed I should follow for early info?
14:38:54  Jill Brown  ISTE's NECC is dealing with the same issues RE keynotes and presenters.
14:38:57  arvind  Alfredtwo our Google Calendar is here:
14:39:06  Bill Campbell  I hope he can be a conduit to get that on theradar of heads and other admins.  This isn't tech stuff but when itcomes from a "techie" I don't think it is always valued (even if thattechie is on the admin team.)
14:39:45  lauriebartels  arvind are you talking about ken robinson's talk?
14:39:50  Bill Campbell  I meant it is NOT always valued when it comes through a techie.  (y typing is poor today.)
14:39:59  alex.ragone  Bill -- NP. Thanks.
14:40:12  sarah h  one reason it is hard to "get around" is because weare providing education in 45 minute "doses" everyday rather thanchunking.  I'm thinkingback to the discussion on ISENET right now.
14:40:35  sarah h  @ bill.  I totally agree
14:40:45  arvind  the amazing session from last year's POCC that I wanted to share was Tarun Tejpal on courage
14:40:52  athrockmorton  we still have the factory model of schools--terrible structure for what we should do now
14:41:50  jramsden  @alex @arvind; Have you all gone before the NYSAISheads conference to talk about this (always good to get to Mohonk twicea year:-)? I'm slated to do that hear in NC this January (and Pat willbe in attendance). If it goes well I'll share the results on ISENET.
14:42:27  Bill Campbell  The PC vs mainframe analogy was great.  (at least for me)
14:42:57  arvind  Bill, that's really clear, right?
14:43:04  arvind  for us techies, anyways :)
14:43:50  lauriebartels  alex, i agree completely with what you are saying.
14:44:02  alex.ragone  Thanks, Laurie.
14:44:43  sarah h  YES!
14:45:08  Jill Brown  We need to help kids learn how they learn andgive them opportunities to be in control of that with guidance fromtheir teachers.
14:45:18  lauriebartels  i am convinced that we are not going to changeour "traditional" independent schools from the inside. disrupting classhit home on that one.
14:46:08  sarah h  Laurie--you've been doing a lot of interesting thinking on this.
14:46:26  lauriebartels  thanks :-)
14:46:54  Bill Campbell  @laurie  Disrutive change is a hard sell whenwe appear to be doing right by our students from the point of view ofhow many IS are measured on the surface (college placement, etc).
14:46:55  Jill Brown  Good points!
14:47:16  Bill Campbell  I wonder if we need pressure from higher-ed for us to change or do we have to push higher-ed?
14:47:17  lauriebartels  i think independent schools can change but itdepends on the school, its culture, where in the country it is located,etc
14:47:44  lauriebartels  Bill, I agree. It's the "if it's not broke, why fix it" syndrome ;-)
14:48:00  athrockmorton  higher ed is more entrenched than IS world--they are pre-guttenberg
14:48:38  Bill Campbell  @laurie I've read much of DisruptingInnovation yet, but I guess that fits with the example of IBMdeveloping the PC completely outisde of the main business at the time.
14:49:00  Bill Campbell  (That's I haven't read much of Disrupting Class.  Boy, I really can't type today.)
14:49:16  sarah h  @albert yes.  I think about higher ed   in how many areas is a phD needed except to get a university job?
14:49:27  Jill Brown  Jenifer Fox would be good. Author of "Your Child's Strengths"
14:49:29  lauriebartels  I am fascinated by the Greenwich Village High School that is starting up next Sept.
14:49:35  specialkrb  yoo hoo!
14:49:49  alex.ragone  Hi SPECIALKRB!
14:50:00  lauriebartels  I'll check with Fred to find out who you are talking about!
14:50:04  arvind  hi karen!
14:50:15  jramsden  Scott McLeod? From...
14:50:15  arvind  you missed the show! but we're in postshow
14:50:17  alex.ragone  How to pull admins into the conversation.
14:50:22  lauriebartels  Are there any folks at schools in Europe, Finland, Japan who could be interviewed?
14:50:23  specialkrb  andrew is listneing too
14:50:38  sarah h  Scott would be good--he could talk about higher ed stuff too
14:51:03  athrockmorton  I want to hear from an IS graduate who isworking in a "future" industry --someone who understands what the newworkplace is like
14:51:05  Jill Brown  Don Knezek
14:51:19  sarah h  If you interviewed a few, they might want to listen to each other and then get drawn in
14:51:27  lauriebartels  What about someone folks from Google or othersimilar type businesses who are also doing stuff in education?
14:51:28  arvind  Scott McLeod on the show a few weeks ago:
14:51:40  jramsden  Opps...missed that one...
14:51:49  Bill Campbell  Someone from Lucas Foundation?
14:51:53  sarah h  hey, I listened to that show and still seconded Jason.  Don't tell
14:52:07  Deirdre Harrison  Anyone using grad students onsite, who are getting their teaching  degrees online?
14:52:10  Jill Brown  some of Obama's new admin staffers RE Technology
14:52:13  arvind  ha ha, Sarah. Been there, done thart
14:52:17  lauriebartels  this has been delightful! nice to be able to"visit" with you during the day. usually we listen over the weekends.
14:52:18  Bill Campbell  Next show at 1:00 PM EST?
14:52:22  arvind  Jill, great idea!
14:52:26  arvind  Next week we'll be an hour earlier
14:52:34  sarah h  I usually listen on the elliptical, much better this way
14:52:35  Deirdre Harrison  Tim O'Reilly thinkg tech peeps should be getting into this admin
14:52:39  specialkrb  thanks. you guys are awesome.
14:52:52  arvind  Tim O'Reilly would be great too. He's no Twitter
14:53:00  arvind  He's on Twitter I mean
14:53:04  Deirdre Harrison  Tim O'Reilly for a NIAS conference...
14:53:04  Jill Brown  ISTE folks met with some of them last week. I'll see if I can get some info to you.
14:53:05  athrockmorton  this is a wild experience for anewbie to edtech talk
14:53:09  lauriebartels  someone from, i think it's called edtechvisions? is that what you just said? anyway, they run the project basedschools.
14:53:16  Bill Campbell  Tell them you had Bassett.  That should help.
14:53:22  jramsden  Hey...Curt Lienick is at the lab school where the Obama children presently attend.
14:53:27  arvind  athrockmorton, join the network! we're fun
14:53:27  sarah h  Hi Albert--we met a few times ages ago. (sarah hanawald)
14:53:49  athrockmorton  asarah--hey! where are you now?
14:54:08  alex.ragone  Peter Gow. 
14:54:09  sarah h  Still in Greensboro, teaching part time, consulting some, being mom some
14:54:21  sarah h  Yes to Peter!
14:54:24  athrockmorton  @sarah  cool
14:54:33  Deirdre Harrison  Tim and Drupal folks
14:54:33  sarah h  where are you?
14:54:36  athrockmorton  Peter is an info guru
14:54:39  lauriebartels  double yes to peter!!!!
14:54:50  arvind  thanks for being here everyone!
14:54:54  arvind  great time today
14:55:01  sarah h  great show, thanks!
14:55:10  jramsden  Awesome. Thanks all!
14:55:16  lauriebartels  ciao
14:55:26  arvind  see y'all another time
14:55:49  alfredtwo  I know people at Microsoft who are involved in education :-)
14:56:34  Deirdre Harrison  Thanks
14:56:53  dburns  Again - thanks to all, great show!
14:57:17  arvind  alfredtwo: pass us some info if you can
14:57:20  Jill Brown  Didn't find any names, but the title President-Elect Obama's Education Policy Transition Team  --
14:57:39  arvind  eeducation transition team? ETT? ed tech talk? :)
14:58:21  Jill Brown  :) Definately EdTech Talk :)
14:58:56  Jill Brown  oops.. Definitely
14:59:12  Jill Brown  Thanks! Bye.
19:25:49  alicebarr  Welcome!
19:29:14  bobsprankle  hi wowater!
19:29:16  alicebarr  WElcome Wings on water
19:29:28  wingsonwater03  hi there, am I early?
19:29:37  alicebarr  NO right on time!
19:29:42  alicebarr  We are just about to start
19:29:48  alicebarr  Do you have audio?
19:29:53  wingsonwater03  good stuff
19:30:12  wingsonwater03  u streaming?
19:30:19  cheryloakes~winter is here  on edtech talk A
19:30:27  alicebarr  Yes we are streaming. Can you hear us?
19:30:40  wingsonwater03  no...not yet....checking...
19:31:32  sheila  I hear you!
19:31:40  alicebarr  Yea! Thanks Sheila
19:31:54  wingsonwater03  nuts....I think I am doing something wrong then
19:32:16  wingsonwater03  sweet. I'm in
19:32:20  wingsonwater03  loud and clear
19:32:22  sheila  Hi all!
19:32:29  cheryloakes~winter is here  \wingsonwater03, please look for edtechtalkA
19:32:33  alicebarr  Wings on Water  Great!
19:32:59  alicebarr  Welcome instructor cloud
19:33:00  cheryloakes~winter is here  Welcome to Carla Arena, Keywest, FL
19:33:06  instructorcloud  Hello
19:33:07  alicebarr  Welcome Carla!
19:33:11  instructorcloud  KEYWEST? I LOVE KEYWEST!!!!
19:33:20  bobsprankle  hi all!
19:33:27  alicebarr  She is lucky!
19:33:41  wingsonwater03  bitter....
19:33:48  instructorcloud  First time here - this is the room about education and technology right?
19:34:00  sheila  Yes @instructorcloud
19:34:01  alicebarr  @instructor cloud yes it is
19:34:04  bobsprankle  yes:)
19:34:06  alicebarr  This is SEEDLings
19:34:11  instructorcloud  which one of you lives in KW?
19:34:18  carlaarena  me
19:34:19  bobsprankle  carla... our guest
19:34:20  alicebarr  Carla lives in KW
19:34:22  instructorcloud  Lucky
19:34:35  alicebarr  Where are you from Instructor?
19:34:36  instructorcloud  Do you leave town during Fantasy Fest?
19:34:37  bobsprankle  where are you, instructor?
19:34:40  instructorcloud  St. Louis, MO
19:34:46  bobsprankle  snowy?
19:34:49  instructorcloud  Go Rams (oh wait, they suck) nevermind
19:34:52  alicebarr  Well welcome for your fist time!
19:34:54  wingsonwater03  heheheh
19:34:58  alicebarr  first
19:35:06  instructorcloud  It has been snowing but no accumulation
19:35:07  alicebarr  And WOWAter where are you from?
19:35:17  wingsonwater03  outside of Baltimore MD
19:35:30  bobsprankle  my old birthplace :)
19:35:32  alicebarr  Are you getting this yucky weather?
19:35:39  cheryloakes~winter is here  Carla and I met during the
19:35:47  alicebarr  Really bob? I had no idea!
19:35:48  cheryloakes~winter is here  Winter of 2006, WEbheads, becoming a webhead
19:35:51  wingsonwater03  lots of rain. Kids thought we were getting out early for flooding today..
19:35:57  bobsprankle  yeah... baltimore
19:36:03  bobsprankle  till i was 4
19:36:08  alicebarr  Flooding, oh yuck
19:36:54  instructorcloud  [b]Wingsonwater: I am thinking of going toDC the weekend after the Inauguration to visit friends. Do you thinkthe crowds will be gone be then?
19:37:46  wingsonwater03  I think so. You shouldn't have a big problem. Lots of stuff to do.
19:37:48  cheryloakes~winter is here  EVO
19:38:38  instructorcloud  So is the live stream video supposed to start soon?
19:38:41  cheryloakes~winter is here  This is such a good history of how Carla and I met.
19:38:57  cheryloakes~winter is here  there isn't any video streaming tonight, sorry, bandwidth
19:39:03  cheryloakes~winter is here  would be a problem.
19:39:31  instructorcloud  So are most of you teachers in schools or instructors (i.e. teaching adults)?
19:39:39  alicebarr  @instructor cloud, can U hear?
19:39:50  wingsonwater03  3rd grade teacher here
19:39:51  alicebarr  Hey Kern!
19:39:52  bobsprankle  both, instructor
19:39:56  instructorcloud  No, but I have speakers.
19:39:57  sheila  7th grade teacher here
19:39:58  bobsprankle  k-4
19:40:20  alicebarr  There is a link to hear the audio
19:40:29  alicebarr  On the page
19:40:30  instructorcloud  really? what is/where is the link?
19:40:32  sheila  also teach a graduate class for educators who go to Belize.
19:40:35  instructorcloud  oh, cool, thanks
19:40:44  alicebarr  EDTECH TAlk A
19:40:49  Kern  Hey Alice
19:40:54  instructorcloud  oh i see.
19:41:09  alicebarr  Is it snowy up there Kern?
19:41:18  carlaarena
19:41:20  instructorcloud  Do most of you teach technology classes or do you all teach different things?
19:41:21  bobsprankle  hey kern!
19:41:42  Kern  Oh yes, and icey:(
19:41:50  alicebarr  @instructor It's usually a mix of both
19:41:53  Kern  Hey Bob
19:41:55  alicebarr  Hi Peggy G
19:41:56  sheila  HI Peggy!
19:42:05  bobsprankle  hey peggy
19:42:10  cheryloakes~winter is here  Hello this is a webhead discussion with Carla Arena and online meetings.
19:42:11  alicebarr  @Kern Icey here too
19:42:26  PeggyG  Hi everyon! sorry I'm late
19:43:48  carlaarena  brigadeiros
19:44:11  bobsprankle  hi paula!
19:44:17  alicebarr  Welcome Paula S.
19:44:30  Paula S.  Hello!
19:44:32  cheryloakes~winter is here  changing windows be right bac k
19:44:44  alicebarr  Paula do you have audio?
19:45:14  Paula S.  Yes - I can hear now
19:45:25  alicebarr  @ Paula Great
19:45:37  cheryloakes~winter is here  I am back!
19:45:47  alicebarr  @cheryl! Yea!
19:45:58  Kern  nice
19:46:09  mrsdurff  food?
19:46:12  alicebarr  Helo Durff!
19:46:15  mrsdurff  I want food
19:46:19  cheryloakes~winter is here  yes Durff, with coffee
19:46:21  mrsdurff  hi alice
19:46:34  alicebarr  Twitter recepies
19:46:35  mrsdurff  followed carla's tweet here
19:46:45  alicebarr  Hello arvind!
19:46:48  bobsprankle  hi arvind
19:46:49  mrsdurff  hi arvind
19:46:51  arvind  hi all, I'll be in and out, but sounds good!
19:46:57  arvind  hi alic, bob and lisa!
19:46:58  bobsprankle  hi durff!
19:47:04  mrsdurff  hey
19:47:16  arvind  love for Twitter? You know I'm there!
19:47:30  alicebarr  @arvind :)
19:47:45  wingsonwater03  twitter vs AIM. Which is better for educators?
19:47:48  alicebarr  HI Sarah!
19:47:50  bobsprankle  sarah!
19:47:58  alicebarr  @wings I would say Twitter
19:48:05  sheila  TWitter
19:48:05  mrsdurff  i use both wings
19:48:06  arvind  wingsonwater no doubt Twitter, because it's so easy to grow your community and read, read, read
19:48:11  cheryloakes~winter is here  Hello all, welcome and hope you enjoy this worldly virtual conversation.
19:48:17  arvind  AIM is a different tool, for chatting, not microblogging
19:48:25  bobsprankle  @wings.. dif. types of reasons to use both... but twitter so great
19:48:30  Sarah S  Big bonus for having a snow "night" at UMA - I can listen live!
19:48:32  Kern  very different tools
19:48:40  mrsdurff  i use twitter with colleagues and meebo with students/parents
19:48:45  Kern  hey Sarah
19:48:47  cheryloakes~winter is here  Yeah Sarah, what a bonus.
19:49:06  cheryloakes~winter is here  oh, good idea Durff,
19:49:12  mrsdurff  is it snowing yet?
19:49:19  Sarah S  Twitter over AIM for connecting with other educators
19:49:22  alicebarr  Mix of snow and ice
19:49:38  mrsdurff  bbbrrrrrrrrrrrr
19:49:39  Sarah S  Kids - I tend to use iChat.
19:49:51  mrsdurff  i use Skype too
19:50:00  mrsdurff  a few students have it
19:50:02  alicebarr  @Durff Maybe no school tomorrow
19:50:07  mrsdurff  which is great
19:50:20  mrsdurff  i really could use a day off
19:50:28  alicebarr  Me too!
19:50:29  Kern  @alice oooo don't jinx it ;)
19:50:30  mrsdurff  hi peggy
19:50:40  alicebarr  Ooops sorry !
19:51:01  mrsdurff  coffee refill
19:51:06  PeggyG  Having computer issues :-( changed computers and crossing fingers
19:51:08  alicebarr  @ Kern I have my shirt on inside out and backwards
19:51:17  bobsprankle  @alice... lol
19:51:50  Kern  :D is that a good luck charm?
19:51:54  alicebarr  I think EVO was the first place I discovered collaboration
19:52:08  alicebarr  @ Kern Bob said so...
19:52:16  sheila  Power in networks. Several of you helped out with ourkeychain idea for our NH conference. Including Carla!  Thanks to all!
19:52:30  Kern  ok, I'm next . .  .
19:52:34  cheryloakes~winter is here  friendfeed is what Carla uses to manage her networks and Facebook
19:53:06  PeggyG  Would love to hear more about your keychain experience, Sheila. Skype me later. :-)
19:53:12  Kern  microsoft live is coming out with a 'lifestream' service
19:53:17  sheila  Ok Peggy!
19:53:28  wingsonwater03  :)
19:53:37  PeggyG  I just ignore the superpokes, etc. :-)
19:53:43  alicebarr  @Kern what is lifestream?
19:53:53  Paula S.  I'm going to try it -
19:54:25  sheila  Ok, now the big question for all - How much time do you spend on the computer?
19:54:43  PeggyG  I found it helped me to create a Pageflakes page with RSS feeds from my Nings to keep track of them.
19:54:45  cheryloakes~winter is here  8-10 hours a day I think.
19:54:56  alicebarr  @PeggyG Great idea!
19:54:59  Kern  all your feeds go to one place, twitter, status, etc
19:55:07  PeggyG  12-16 hours a day for me on my computer
19:55:10  Kern  trying to find the link
19:55:10  bobsprankle  that's great idea, peggy
19:55:26  Paula S.  8 -10 hrs
19:55:33  alicebarr  @Sheila atleast 10 hours
19:55:45  mrsdurff  i enjoy  bumpin into carla
19:55:58  Sarah S  So . . .@PeggyG . . . did you get your secret elf gift yet?
19:56:06  carlaarena  yes, durff. I love that too
19:56:13  PeggyG  not yet for secret elf...
19:56:30  PeggyG  but I was late getting mine out too
19:56:55  Sarah S  :? It's a little late but coming!:D
19:56:59  cheryloakes~winter is here  not me yet Sarah,
19:57:14  mrsdurff  mine arrive - will get it tomorrow at my friends'home-going to her christmas party-hope it's not edible or her kids willeat it before i get there
19:57:25  mrsdurff  Brazil?
19:57:37  Sarah S  I got mine - lovely chocolates Yum!
19:57:37  cheryloakes~winter is here  yes, Caral is headed back to Brazil.
19:57:38  alicebarr  Carla is moving back to Brazil
19:57:50  PeggyG  Very funny Durff~ good luck with that!
19:57:51  sheila  I got my elf gift on Tuesday!
19:58:08  mrsdurff  thanks Peggy
19:58:20  sheila  Tea and tea infuser.
19:58:33  Kern
19:58:37  PeggyG  nice Sheila! :-)
19:58:41  alicebarr  @Kern Thanks
19:58:43  Sarah S  Thanks @kern for the link
19:58:48  mrsdurff  you belong in our classrooms via skype video chat
19:58:50  Kern  sure thing
19:58:57  PeggyG  such a great point Cheryl--so many of us seem to teach ourselves
19:59:04  alicebarr  @Durff You're right
19:59:06  mrsdurff  with your classes in Brazil!
19:59:24  cheryloakes~winter is here  yes Peggy, and many of us who have been learners are now in the teaching mode
19:59:34  Sarah S  Not only self-taught, but instantly turning around to share with / teach others.
19:59:38  cheryloakes~winter is here
19:59:51  PeggyG  I love the quote "to teach is to learn twice"--think it's so true!
19:59:54  mrsdurff  blogging for beginners - i think i need that
20:00:14  cheryloakes~winter is here is upcoming in January 2009
20:00:51  Sarah S  What's the focus with images?
20:00:57  instructorcloud  Anyone want to link up on LinkedIN? I'm at
20:01:16  instructorcloud  Peggy - totally agree
20:01:28  cheryloakes~winter is here  Sarah, it is about using imagesin the classroom, starting with Flickr and our week is about animoto,and more
20:02:04  cheryloakes~winter is here  using web 2.0 tools and open source
20:02:11  cheryloakes~winter is here  digital story telling
20:02:19  wingsonwater03  animoto is amazing
20:02:24  cheryloakes~winter is here
20:02:38  cheryloakes~winter is here  yes, animoto is a great quick way to share images
20:02:59  PeggyG  love to connect with you on linkedin-I'm
20:03:08  cheryloakes~winter is here  Hey Sharon, welcome so glad you are here tonight
20:03:17  alicebarr  Hello Sharon!
20:03:27  sharonbetts  Hi folks - I'm playing this by (or without ears) - just in chat room tonight
20:03:30  Kern  Hi Sharon
20:03:39  bobsprankle  hi sharon!
20:03:44  PeggyG  Hi Sharon-always great to see you!
20:03:55  cheryloakes~winter is here  Carla Arena, webhead, is with us and giving us a great history of online courses.
20:03:57  sheila  Thanks for sharing the links to the wikis
20:03:59  mrsdurff  Get out the Braille reader..................
20:04:01  Sarah S  Hi Sharon!
20:04:23  sharonbetts  I know Carla from webheads - looking for great notes from you guys
20:04:36  cheryloakes~winter is here  sure thing Sharon
20:04:47  instructorcloud  Any advice - I'm looking to change fromteaching adults to teaching at the High School level. I only have aBusiness Degree - do not have an Education Degree. Also, for somereason, I would really prefer to teach in the inner city - our schooldistrict is struggling as many inner city districts are. Am I crazy?
20:04:58  instructorcloud  (I teach software classes)
20:05:13  bobsprankle  if you want inner city, you'll have NO problem, instructor
20:05:27  mrsdurff  yes you are crazy, but which one of us is not?
20:05:40  alicebarr  @Durff :)
20:05:40  instructorcloud  Bob - that's what one would think. I had aninterview cancelled because the ENTIRE district has a hiring freezeright now!!!
20:05:43  mrsdurff  have you looked at the Kipp Schools?
20:05:47  instructorcloud  So I'll have to wait
20:06:00  mrsdurff  no i don't think so
20:06:02  bobsprankle  oh man @instructor... crazy times
20:06:15  instructorcloud  Mrs Duff. LOL
20:06:17  mrsdurff  bob is a crazy driver
20:06:18  PeggyG  @instructorcloud-the challenge for teaching in HS is the "highly qualified" requirement from NCLB
20:06:30  instructorcloud  what is NCLB?
20:06:35  mrsdurff  that is public
20:06:45  mrsdurff  there are so many other options
20:07:03  alicebarr  @instructor Maybe there's an online opportunity for you?
20:07:04  PeggyG  No Child Left Behind
20:07:07  sheila  @Carla - Years ago, I heard Brazil was moving to open source for the whole country. Has that happened?
20:07:10  mrsdurff  Kipp, charter, parochial, private, etc
20:07:40  carlaarena  not really, but there's a movement
20:07:44  mrsdurff  there they go again talking food
20:07:49  instructorcloud  alice - online? meaning elearning?
20:08:04  alicebarr  @instructor yes
20:08:20  instructorcloud  sheila - what is Open Source? same as in programming?
20:08:30  sharonbetts  tried to get stream - found headphones - didn't run for me what are you using
20:08:37  sheila  Yes, open source programs
20:08:45  mrsdurff  click on the black icon
20:08:57  alicebarr  Sharon I am listening in iTunes
20:08:58  mrsdurff  your computer will do the rest
20:08:59  sharonbetts  open source is software that is free and available to be edited
20:09:08  instructorcloud  I had to click the Windows MEdia icon, the black icon didn't work
20:09:24  cheryloakes~winter is here  You have heard of k12onlineconference, well in January the Electronic Village online ishappening.
20:09:48  instructorcloud  alice - where could I research those type of opportunities?
20:09:52  cheryloakes~winter is here
20:09:53  mrsdurff  sounds like fun
20:09:57  instructorcloud  a dog just barked LOL
20:10:01  instructorcloud  did you hear that?
20:10:03  mrsdurff  woof
20:10:15  mrsdurff  you're hearing things
20:10:18  cheryloakes~winter is here  we have dogs and kids and husbands and wives in the background it is all part of the show
20:10:20  bobsprankle  @instructor... that's a staple with our shows lol
20:10:22  alicebarr  @instructor, maybe Virtual High School would be a place to start?
20:10:37  instructorcloud  oh, is cheryl the one doing the show? is this live?
20:10:40  sharonbetts  it was my dogs - my mic works, just not my stream - ha
20:10:41  mrsdurff  had to walk through that door you left open
20:10:42  instructorcloud  LOL
20:10:45  carlaarena
20:10:45  alicebarr  YEs this is live
20:10:58  mrsdurff  there, you heard it again
20:10:59  instructorcloud  I have a Jack Russell Terrorist Mix
20:11:04  instructorcloud  In Dog We Trust
20:11:06  PeggyG  yes Chery is moderating the live session :-)
20:11:06  Kern  part of the atmosphere
20:11:10  sharonbetts  @alicebarr I saw Virtual HS on the ACTEM agenda
20:11:10  alicebarr  terrorist  :)
20:11:25  cheryloakes~winter is here  I am webcasting and hosting, but Bob and Alice are here to.
20:11:29  alicebarr  @sharon are you using it?
20:11:31  mrsdurff  the flip keynote
20:11:41  cheryloakes~winter is here  thanks for helping PeggyG!
20:11:49  instructorcloud  sharon - what kind of dog?
20:12:01  PeggyG  Isn't it just incredible to have these international connections and experiences?? I love it!
20:12:07  sharonbetts  I have two leonbergers - big barks
20:12:11  cheryloakes~winter is here  Yes, durff, we were the flip camera gang.
20:12:19  mrsdurff  :)
20:12:28  instructorcloud  leonbergers? I've never heard of that breed. I thought I had heard of them all
20:12:30  mrsdurff  and well done too
20:12:39  cheryloakes~winter is here  Thanks Durff.
20:12:39  sharonbetts  @PeggyG - just saw a webcast between a classroom and a lady in antarctica today
20:12:42  PeggyG  I use the K12online presentations for years!
20:12:54  PeggyG  was that Sheila's webcast?
20:13:01  instructorcloud  I want to get assigned for a short term project in antartica. How cool!
20:13:07  PeggyG  I didn't see it today
20:13:10  mrsdurff  bbbbbbbrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
20:13:28  alicebarr  @sharon was it Sheila's group and teacher?
20:13:29  sharonbetts  @instructorcloud - see them here
20:14:02  sharonbetts  @alicebarr - no a group following the vendee globe - we are doing that this year
20:14:58  PeggyG  in Phoenix the weather doesn't keep us in :-) 67 degrees today and beautiful!
20:14:59  sheila  @sharon - our 8th grade teacher just got back last week from Antarctica. We may do some webcasts later.
20:15:32  bobsprankle  did kern lose power?
20:15:33  instructorcloud  @sharonbetts - mine are at
20:15:46  alicebarr  MAybe or kids to go to bed
20:15:54  instructorcloud  Awwww, big furry babies!
20:15:57  sheila  FYI - teacher on icebreaker headed to McMurdo is doing a webcast at
20:16:10  alicebarr  Get ready for Geek of the Week!
20:16:20  alicebarr  Coming up in a minute!
20:16:22  mrsdurff  I specialise in lurking
20:16:34  carlaarena  they are more than welcome!
20:16:39  PeggyG  when is that webcast Sheila?
20:16:47  cheryloakes~winter is here  good for collaborating
20:16:49  sharonbetts  @sheila  thanks for the link
20:16:53  mrsdurff  you've heard of educational specialist? i'm a lurking specialist
20:16:54  cheryloakes~winter is here  Carla and her Geek of the week
20:17:05  instructorcloud  Peggy - I'm headed to Tuscon in January! Can't wait
20:17:06  sheila  Webcast - MOnday, 12:30 pm EST - earlier for you Peggy.
20:17:10  alicebarr
20:17:11  cheryloakes~winter is here
20:17:20  sharonbetts  and Carla's Geek is?  yammer - oh love it
20:17:31  PeggyG  Thanks Sheila. 2 hours earlier now for me.
20:17:34  cheryloakes~winter is here  oh boy something new!
20:17:50  sheila  I go by Durff time! :)
20:18:11  cheryloakes~winter is here  good idea Shelia, Durff time
20:19:28  sharonbetts  the one thing i do not miss leaving the classroom is the schedules
20:20:06  instructorcloud  huh? Institutional email?
20:20:11  instructorcloud  what does she mean?
20:20:23  bobsprankle  school email
20:20:30  sharonbetts  using my wing tonight - it doens't have itunesyet - could have been the problem - will install when done here
20:20:44  carlaarena
20:20:52  instructorcloud  Bob - meaning if I do not have a .edu email I couldn't join various groups?
20:20:57  PeggyG  @Sharon-what's a wing?
20:21:09  mrsdurff  these names carla!
20:21:18  sharonbetts  Meant Wind - netbook from MSI - really like it
20:21:38  PeggyG  OH-new for me-PC?
20:21:41  bobsprankle  not sure, instructor
20:22:17  sharonbetts  @PeggyG - PC, but coming out in Linux next month
20:22:21  alicebarr  HI Kimberley
20:22:24  alicebarr  Hi Gail
20:22:28  alicebarr  WElcome
20:22:29  Kimberley  Hi Alice
20:22:32  sharonbetts  Hi Gail
20:22:32  wingsonwater03  the doodle thing is crazy weird!
20:22:36  alicebarr  We are doing Geek of the Week
20:22:41  Kimberley  Doodle???
20:22:45  gail  hi all
20:22:53  sheila  Lost power to computer only . . .
20:22:57  sharonbetts  like the doodle thing - doing a session on crazy named tools this goes in my SimplyBox
20:22:57  alicebarr
20:23:02  PeggyG  Hi Gail
20:23:06  alicebarr  @SHeila weird
20:23:06  Kimberley  what's this doodle thing?
20:23:12  instructorcloud  OMG this is like google on crack
20:23:18  instructorcloud  doodlebuzz that is
20:23:52  carlaarena
20:23:55  sheila  Battery died without notice.
20:24:24  alicebarr
20:24:56  PeggyG  Bob what a great link! I'll bet the kids love it!
20:25:06  carlaarena  fantastic, Bob
20:25:13  instructorcloud  is there a way to get a list of links fromthe show tonight? I missed a huge chunk of it due to a big argumentbetween the kids and the boyfriend. They don't understand why we won'tpay for them to live in their own apartment. LOL
20:25:16  PeggyG  Does it make them want to create their own raps?
20:25:20  wingsonwater03  that is Awesome!!!!!!
20:25:59  sharonbetts  oh what fun - gotta show this to music teachers
20:26:03  alicebarr
20:26:11  cheryloakes~winter is here  instructorcloud, we have the showposted at and with the links in delicious
20:26:24  PeggyG  @intsructorcloud-the chat log will be posted after the show
20:26:35  PeggyG  I was using webspiration today! love it!
20:26:47  sharonbetts  picked up mywebspiration at Christa McAuliffe - thanks for the reminder
20:27:02  PeggyG  free so far :-)
20:27:30  alicebarr
20:28:22  mrsdurff  WHAT?
20:28:29  cheryloakes~winter is here   From Kern Kelley!! Thanks Kern.
20:28:31  PeggyG  that looks like a fantastic resource Alice! can't wait to explore it!
20:28:36  mrsdurff  I ALWAYS have too much to do!!
20:28:40  alicebarr  lost audio?
20:29:22  cheryloakes~winter is here  alice I tried to bring to you back
20:29:41  sheila  Heard the googleearth car was around taking photos this fall. In NH.
20:29:42  PeggyG  the mapping link didn't work-can you check it?
20:30:15  sharonbetts  blogged this one the other day - it is great
20:30:22  wingsonwater03
20:30:40  mrsdurff  I want a delay!
20:30:48  wingsonwater03  please lord....!!!!!
20:30:51  mrsdurff  the snowday special
20:31:00  PeggyG  thanks-that link worked for me :-)
20:31:07  wingsonwater03  delay delay
20:31:12  sharonbetts  we are having sleety snow here - foothills of maine
20:31:24  mrsdurff  all sounds good here
20:31:32  cheryloakes~winter is here  lost alice again.
20:31:39  Kern  hey back again :)
20:31:45  Kern  I did, sorry
20:31:48  sheila  when is the snowday special?
20:31:49  Kern  thanks
20:31:54  sheila  :)
20:32:03  mrsdurff  i started a rumor sheila
20:32:06  cheryloakes~winter is here  we will post on twitter if there is a snowday show
20:32:10  instructorcloud  any of you on twitter?
20:32:21  sharonbetts  sharonbetts on twitter
20:32:22  mrsdurff  are you kidding?
20:32:22  cheryloakes~winter is here  cheryloakes50=twitter
20:32:24  wingsonwater03  wingsonwater03   twitter
20:32:25  instructorcloud
20:32:27  sheila  and I"m keeping it going . . .
20:32:32  PeggyG  love the idea of a snowday special :-)
20:32:43  bobsprankle  thank you!
20:32:45  instructorcloud  this is really cool. I found out about it on Twitter
20:32:47  mrsdurff  mmmm
20:32:51  sharonbetts  gonna work from home if kids out
20:32:53  instructorcloud  this show, that is
20:32:59  bobsprankle  all
20:32:59  Kimberley  Are the geek of he week links found on delicious
20:33:07  mrsdurff  SEEDLINGS Snowday Special
20:33:10  Kern  Is there going to be a snowday special tomorrow? (is there is a snowday?)
20:33:12  cheryloakes~winter is here  yes, all the links will be posted
20:33:19  mrsdurff  great alliteration
20:33:29  cheryloakes~winter is here  we might be in school, but we shall see???
20:33:31  instructorcloud  you say goodbye
20:33:34  instructorcloud   and I say hello
20:33:37  instructorcloud  hello hello
20:33:38  PeggyG  really fun show! always love hearing from Carla-she is so inspirational and positive!
20:33:42  mrsdurff  by bye
20:33:46  sharonbetts  "
20:33:59  sharonbetts  by guys
20:34:08  sheila  Thank you Carla! and SEEDlings!
20:34:14  instructorcloud  by Key WEst!
20:34:15  Kern  hey sharon, did you get the Memo link?
20:34:17  mrsdurff  she earned me an 'A' last summer
20:34:36  bobsprankle  goodnight all
20:34:37  carlaarena  thanks, guys
20:34:41  PeggyG  Bye everyone! Great talking with you all!
20:34:48  instructorcloud  nice meeting everyone!!!!
20:34:52  mrsdurff  night off to work
20:34:54  cheryloakes~winter is here  great show, thanks for being with us this evening
20:35:01  Kern  nite
20:35:04  wingsonwater03  thanks
20:35:06  cheryloakes~winter is here  You will see this posted tomorrow.
20:35:11  instructorcloud  time to hit the Hot Tub
20:35:16  sheila  night!
20:35:35  PeggyG  enjoy your day off tomorrow :-)
21:37:40  Robert  Missed the show...