It's Elementary #28, Educon 2.1

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Join us as we discuss Educon 2.1 with the Science Leadership Academy Crew; Chris, Zach and Tim.  Vicki Davies also comes into the conversation with the It's Elementary Team.

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It’s Elementary #28 was a preview of an upcoming conference, Educon2.1. The conference will be held in Philadelphia at the Science Leadership Academy. Chris Lehman, the principal at SLA, was on our show. Also on the show were SLA teachers Tim Best and Zac Chase. One of the innovative sessions will be a virtual session led by Julie Lindsay, Qatar, and Vicki Davis, Georgia. Vicki was on the show to preview her session, which will be a connection between Educon and the Flat Classroom Conference in Qatar. Vicki and Julie will both be in Qatar and connect virtually with Educon. This is modeling the very skills we want the children in our schools to exhibit. More information about our show is available at It’s Elementary on edublogs.

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