Conversations Episode 24 1-18-09
Maria Knee and Lisa Parisi welcomed Sheila Adams as an official host of the show. This week the conversation centered around Personal Learning Networks both face to face and online.
Chat Archive:
2009-01-18 11:15:15 [Message] lparisi -> -EdTechTalk: Welcome
2009-01-18 11:15:26 [Message] Porchdragon -> -EdTechTalk: hi
2009-01-18 11:15:56 [Message] Scott Shelhart -> -EdTechTalk: hello Lisa
2009-01-18 11:16:28 [Message] Scott Shelhart -> -EdTechTalk: Topic is FF vs virtual PLN?
2009-01-18 11:17:27 [Message] lparisi -> -EdTechTalk: Yes, Scott.
2009-01-18 11:17:57 [Message] Scott Shelhart -> -EdTechTalk: OK...I can't really contribute.. I do not have a F2F PLN yet.
2009-01-18 11:19:50 [Message] Porchdragon -> -EdTechTalk: how do you define a F2F PLN?
2009-01-18 11:20:09 [Message] Scott Shelhart -> -EdTechTalk: Hi Maria
2009-01-18 11:21:17 [Message] Scott Shelhart -> -EdTechTalk: F2F PLN: People you can collaborate with. Share ideas, provide peer reviews, offer support.
2009-01-18 11:22:04 [Message] Porchdragon -> -EdTechTalk: okay I understand then
2009-01-18 11:22:20 [Message] Scott Shelhart -> -EdTechTalk: How do you define a PLN?
2009-01-18 11:27:45 [Message] Scott Shelhart -> -EdTechTalk: Is the stream on yet?
2009-01-18 11:32:30 [Message] Scott Shelhart -> -EdTechTalk: is anybody hearing audio?
2009-01-18 11:32:38 [Message] pam mcleod -> -EdTechTalk: I dont' hear it
2009-01-18 11:32:56 [Message] Porchdragon -> -EdTechTalk: no audio here
2009-01-18 11:33:02 [Message] Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: No audio yet here
2009-01-18 11:33:11 [Message] susanvg -> -EdTechTalk: no - they are having streaming problems
2009-01-18 11:33:30 [Message] Scott Shelhart -> -EdTechTalk: OK. Mist be gremlins at work again. Just making sure it wasnt my problem.
2009-01-18 11:33:41 [Message] Scott Shelhart -> -EdTechTalk: Oh there it si
2009-01-18 11:33:42 [Message] Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: Yes! Audio
2009-01-18 11:33:57 [Message] susanvg -> -EdTechTalk: we have your audio
2009-01-18 11:34:23 [Message] lparisi -> -EdTechTalk: Audio is up ...ustream should be on too
2009-01-18 11:34:28 [Message] lparisi -> -EdTechTalk: We are ready to start
2009-01-18 11:35:12 [Message] Porchdragon -> -EdTechTalk: yay sound
2009-01-18 11:35:18 [Message] MariaK -> -EdTechTalk: You should have audio in ustream
2009-01-18 11:35:22 [Message] MariaK -> -EdTechTalk: thanks for waiting
2009-01-18 11:36:16 [Message] nhill -> -EdTechTalk: ustream off air for me.
2009-01-18 11:36:53 [Message] sheila -> -EdTechTalk: Any one else getting ustream?
2009-01-18 11:37:10 [Message] Scott Shelhart -> -EdTechTalk: got ustream directly from ustream site... Search for edtechtalk
2009-01-18 11:37:49 [Message] colleenk -> -EdTechTalk: Hi everyone!
2009-01-18 11:37:49 [Message] Scott Shelhart -> -EdTechTalk: ustream audio is a bit lower than itunes feed was, but quality is much better.
2009-01-18 11:37:59 [Message] lparisi -> -EdTechTalk: Hello Colleen
2009-01-18 11:38:08 [Message] derrallg -> -EdTechTalk: hi Colleen
2009-01-18 11:38:11 [Message] nhill -> -EdTechTalk: Yes..I got it straight from Ustream site.
2009-01-18 11:38:14 [Message] pam mcleod -> -EdTechTalk: I agree with Maria
2009-01-18 11:38:17 [Message] lparisi -> -EdTechTalk:
2009-01-18 11:38:39 [Message] Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: It seems harder to build a f2f network because of time constraints
2009-01-18 11:38:45 [Message] pam mcleod -> -EdTechTalk: as tech people, we in small districts are somewhat isolated
2009-01-18 11:38:59 [Message] Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: It's not a valued resource- if you don't give time for it
2009-01-18 11:39:04 [Message] pam mcleod -> -EdTechTalk: ditto Maria!
2009-01-18 11:39:26 [Message] susanvg -> -EdTechTalk: I think my f2f network is for different purposes - my online network provides what I can't get from my f2f network
2009-01-18 11:39:32 [Message] nhill -> -EdTechTalk: do you think that f2f gives you the time constraint.
2009-01-18 11:39:39 [Message] pam mcleod -> -EdTechTalk: we only see each other once a month, and yes, I agree that we see each other more virtually
2009-01-18 11:39:40 [Message] nhill -> -EdTechTalk: It is so hard to get together face to face.
2009-01-18 11:39:50 [Message] Sarah S -> -EdTechTalk: It's wonderful when the two networks can overlap a bit.
2009-01-18 11:39:58 [Message] pam mcleod -> -EdTechTalk: @nhill Time and money - gas money, etc.
2009-01-18 11:40:01 [Message] marragem -> -EdTechTalk: @susanvg same for me
2009-01-18 11:40:18 [Message] Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: Most of the teachers in my school seem to think I'm crazy because of the PLN I talk about
2009-01-18 11:40:37 [Message] marragem -> -EdTechTalk: we created a ning last year
2009-01-18 11:40:38 [Message] pam mcleod -> -EdTechTalk: at my small school, very few would join an online community
2009-01-18 11:40:41 [Message] susanvg -> -EdTechTalk: only when they really see the need for themselves
2009-01-18 11:40:52 [Message] Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: @Lisa I have a moodle set up- locked down- so it can be private. But no one uses it
2009-01-18 11:41:13 [Message] pam mcleod -> -EdTechTalk: however, we have IM inside the school (internal only) and probably about half of the teachers use it with each other. No telephones in classrooms here
2009-01-18 11:41:40 [Message] Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: I set up a ning for gr 7-9, invited all teachers of those kids to join, I think 3 did. But do nothing with it
2009-01-18 11:41:57 [Message] derrallg -> -EdTechTalk: I think you need to have a "critical mass" if you do use something like a Ning our district's Ning that was started in June is not really functioning now
2009-01-18 11:42:04 [Message] jan smith -> -EdTechTalk: Maybe one person can't start these things, at least in a school community....maybe it has to be a a group of 3?
2009-01-18 11:42:08 [Message] marragem -> -EdTechTalk: only a couple of teachers haven't joined in our ning. Interestingly, it was the teachers aides, secretaries who were amongst the first to join
2009-01-18 11:42:10 [Message] nhill -> -EdTechTalk: I set up a Ning to try in our Middle school....just starting this week...I'll keep you posted.
2009-01-18 11:42:14 [Message] Sarah S -> -EdTechTalk: I would love to know how to encourage the other teachers in my building / district to try to conect online, whether with other from the district or just creating their own online PLN.
2009-01-18 11:42:40 [Message] nancykeane -> -EdTechTalk: I am not surprised that the aides are more receptive. They feel isolated.
2009-01-18 11:42:42 [Message] Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: Doing a 3 day Diigo workshop next week- so far no one has said they are coming. I was hoping to make a diigo group for my school.
2009-01-18 11:42:46 [Message] Porchdragon -> -EdTechTalk: I'm a NASA MESSENGER Fellow and we have a PLN that meets only once a year, and we are trying to start a VLN
2009-01-18 11:43:36 [Message] susanvg -> -EdTechTalk: There are teachers who are insecure and teach with their doors closed
2009-01-18 11:43:38 [Message] pam mcleod -> -EdTechTalk: @Maureen they have no idea what Diigo is, probably!
2009-01-18 11:44:04 [Message] Sarah S -> -EdTechTalk: Teachers are interested in connecting their kids with other kids, but they don't think to try to connect with other teachers on their own.
2009-01-18 11:44:05 [Message] nhill -> -EdTechTalk: I have a few in my school that want nothing to do with any professional development...
2009-01-18 11:44:06 [Message] Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: @Pam- I explained in a flyer that it's the place I get all the links I send out to them all the time
2009-01-18 11:44:07 [Message] lparisi -> -EdTechTalk: I agree susan
2009-01-18 11:44:18 [Message] pam mcleod -> -EdTechTalk: @Maureen, terminology can really turn people off - but good explanation!
2009-01-18 11:44:23 [Message] nhill -> -EdTechTalk: Let alone working with other teachers.
2009-01-18 11:44:33 [Message] Sarah S -> -EdTechTalk: (Lisa, Ill change color)
2009-01-18 11:44:33 [Message] marragem -> -EdTechTalk: those at my school who haven't joined the ning are those who don't want to connect - they are the teachers who believe their role is to teach - they're done with the learning
2009-01-18 11:44:37 [Message] lparisi -> -EdTechTalk: Anyone want into the conversation
2009-01-18 11:44:55 [Message] jan smith -> -EdTechTalk: The barrier for many in my school would be the idea of "chat"--of communicating with someone you can't see.
2009-01-18 11:44:59 [Message] lparisi -> -EdTechTalk: Sarah we are different had it first, I will change
2009-01-18 11:45:10 [Message] lparisi -> -EdTechTalk: How's that?
2009-01-18 11:45:15 [Message] Porchdragon -> -EdTechTalk: The number one reason i get from teachers from being part of any PLN is lack of time, which is the same excuse they give for doing anything
2009-01-18 11:45:25 [Message] Sarah S -> -EdTechTalk: Perfect. :)
2009-01-18 11:45:31 [Message] Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: When I first looked at twitter it seemed like a bunch of guys talking about what they ate. Then last March I decided to give it another real try and now cannot live without it
2009-01-18 11:45:34 [Message] nhill -> -EdTechTalk: Yes sheila
2009-01-18 11:45:41 [Message] pam mcleod -> -EdTechTalk: fear of writing things online - that comments will be found and used against them. That's a legitimate fear in our town.
2009-01-18 11:45:55 [Message] marragem -> -EdTechTalk: Yes- time is the excuse my staff members give
2009-01-18 11:46:10 [Message] pam mcleod -> -EdTechTalk: we all have the same 24 hours in every day
2009-01-18 11:46:11 [Message] jan smith -> -EdTechTalk: @sarah, I think teachers connecting their classes together, often leads to those online collegial connections.
2009-01-18 11:46:15 [Message] Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: Time is the big excuse that I hear all the time
2009-01-18 11:46:16 [Message] Porchdragon -> -EdTechTalk: It's a legitimate fear everywhere pam
2009-01-18 11:46:18 [Message] nancykeane -> -EdTechTalk: I also didn't get twitter at first but now don't want to be without it.
2009-01-18 11:46:54 [Message] susanvg -> -EdTechTalk: They also have to see the value of connections
2009-01-18 11:47:05 [Message] susanvg -> -EdTechTalk: Or they don't feel they have something to share
2009-01-18 11:47:07 [Message] Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: @lisa I know teachers who are afraid of that as well. I started on the kinderkorner list serv and learned to share back then... now twitter is faster and broader
2009-01-18 11:47:14 [Message] Porchdragon -> -EdTechTalk: Twiter did nt become useful for me for at least 6 months, now i use it all the time
2009-01-18 11:47:19 [Message] nancykeane -> -EdTechTalk: I'm having trouble getting teachers to share lessons even within school
2009-01-18 11:47:26 [Message] pam mcleod -> -EdTechTalk: I have to say that Twitter is almost TOO good - I get a great link every 2 hours or so to look at it!
2009-01-18 11:47:43 [Message] Porchdragon -> -EdTechTalk: LOL I agree @Pam
2009-01-18 11:47:52 [Message] jan smith -> -EdTechTalk: @lisap show your colleagues Dean Shareski's slideshare "Lesson #1: Share"
2009-01-18 11:47:57 [Message] pam mcleod -> -EdTechTalk: @porchdragon @nancykeane took me about a month using Twitter extensively - had to put a lot of effort into it
2009-01-18 11:48:13 [Message] Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: @Pam I was offline all day yesterday and left tweetdeck on- 1300 messages in a day! Not all useful, not all links, but wow!
2009-01-18 11:48:16 [Message] pam mcleod -> -EdTechTalk: @jan Do you have a link to slideshow?
2009-01-18 11:48:20 [Message] Scott Shelhart -> -EdTechTalk: Twitter was hard to get moving. Once I broke 100 followers, the growth and value grew quickly.
2009-01-18 11:48:25 [Message] susanvg -> -EdTechTalk: @lisap - that is powerful - to have a partner through it
2009-01-18 11:48:53 [Message] pam mcleod -> -EdTechTalk: @Maureen I have to turn it off at night or the beeping wakes my children up!
2009-01-18 11:48:57 [Message] Porchdragon -> -EdTechTalk: That's scary @scott because i broke 100 followers yesterday
2009-01-18 11:49:01 [Message] lparisi -> -EdTechTalk: Yes, how do we find mentors for others.
2009-01-18 11:49:13 [Message] Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: I showed the twitterfriends visualization to my asst head, then clicked the out onemore degreee- it is astounding!
2009-01-18 11:49:16 [Message] pam mcleod -> -EdTechTalk: Yes, NHSTE is wonderful - I feel SO MUCH SUPPORT being involved with the Board
2009-01-18 11:49:24 [Message] susanvg -> -EdTechTalk: Many people need to start with the f2f mentor
2009-01-18 11:49:28 [Message] Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: @ pam- mute
2009-01-18 11:49:32 [Message] nancykeane -> -EdTechTalk: Aren't they the same feelings we had when we started blogging?
2009-01-18 11:49:45 [Message] lparisi -> -EdTechTalk: I think so Nancy...
2009-01-18 11:49:47 [Message] susanvg -> -EdTechTalk: I'm learning that through a project I'm involved in trying to get collaboration across schools
2009-01-18 11:49:51 [Message] sheila -> -EdTechTalk: @ pam - absolutely
2009-01-18 11:49:55 [Message] lparisi -> -EdTechTalk: how much are you willing to put out there to the world?
2009-01-18 11:50:00 [Message] susanvg -> -EdTechTalk: Some are only willing to begin collaborating within the school
2009-01-18 11:50:02 [Message] jan smith -> -EdTechTalk: The link to Dean's slideshare
2009-01-18 11:50:07 [Message] Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: But actually meeting people from your PLN makes such a big difference- makes you feel more connected.
2009-01-18 11:50:07 [Message] susanvg -> -EdTechTalk: and that is a big step for them
2009-01-18 11:50:09 [Message] lparisi -> -EdTechTalk: Thanks Jan
2009-01-18 11:50:26 [Message] pam mcleod -> -EdTechTalk: @lparisis I try to keep twitter related to Ed Tech and put more personal stuff on Facebook, where I can control it more
2009-01-18 11:50:32 [Message] Scott Shelhart -> -EdTechTalk: you are over 104 :D
2009-01-18 11:51:01 [Message] derrallg -> -EdTechTalk: @mariaK I agree and the PLN helps increase those moments of creativity
2009-01-18 11:51:17 [Message] Porchdragon -> -EdTechTalk: @scott and i can barely handle it now. ineed organization software
2009-01-18 11:51:40 [Message] MariaK -> -EdTechTalk: Who "owns" ideas
2009-01-18 11:51:42 [Message] nhill -> -EdTechTalk: but will hit so many other kids with it.
2009-01-18 11:51:58 [Message] nhill -> -EdTechTalk: You will touch so many others....not just your students.
2009-01-18 11:51:59 [Message] susanvg -> -EdTechTalk: Creative Commons - Lisa - on your wiki
2009-01-18 11:52:12 [Message] lparisi -> -EdTechTalk: It's a google doc right now Susan
2009-01-18 11:52:26 [Message] lparisi -> -EdTechTalk: All my wikis do have creative Commons share alike licenses.
2009-01-18 11:52:31 [Message] jan smith -> -EdTechTalk: I actually wrote a post called Steal this, Please. We have to share
2009-01-18 11:52:44 [Message] susanvg -> -EdTechTalk: @lisap May have teachers who would like to be involved
2009-01-18 11:52:50 [Message] Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: @lparisi- I made a whole bunch of early readers when I taught K, shared them with a few people on a list and now I see them online...sometimes with credit, sometimes not. But if they are useful, it's OK.
2009-01-18 11:52:54 [Message] colleenk -> -EdTechTalk: @jan Do you have a link to that post?
2009-01-18 11:53:08 [Message] lparisi -> -EdTechTalk: SEnd me email addresses, Susan and I will bring them into the google doc
2009-01-18 11:53:34 [Message] susanvg -> -EdTechTalk: @lparisi I'll just contact them first and then send addresses
2009-01-18 11:53:41 [Message] jan smith -> -EdTechTalk: @colleenk
2009-01-18 11:53:45 [Message] lparisi -> -EdTechTalk: Great!
2009-01-18 11:54:01 [Message] colleenk -> -EdTechTalk: @jan Thanks!
2009-01-18 11:54:39 [Message] Cathy E -> -EdTechTalk: It is so hard to get teachers to connect online the very first time
2009-01-18 11:55:32 [Message] jan smith -> -EdTechTalk: I think the place to ask folks to join these things is at the photocopier
2009-01-18 11:55:54 [Message] Porchdragon -> -EdTechTalk: My colleagues keep teasing me about the fact that i mention what i learn from twitter all the time
2009-01-18 11:55:58 [Message] sheila -> -EdTechTalk: @Jan - Good point!
2009-01-18 11:56:31 [Message] jan smith -> -EdTechTalk: A friend joined when she saw me tweeting in my master's class.
2009-01-18 11:57:04 [Message] jan smith -> -EdTechTalk: I tweeted to get info and it came to me--it almost knocked her off her chair.
2009-01-18 11:57:10 [Message] derrallg -> -EdTechTalk: I think part of the problem of what we are addressing is how many teachers look at what they do as a 9 to 5 process
2009-01-18 11:57:21 [Message] lparisi -> -EdTechTalk: Yes, Derrall.
2009-01-18 11:57:32 [Message] lparisi -> -EdTechTalk: Many don't want to do this at night, at home.
2009-01-18 11:57:41 [Message] pam mcleod -> -EdTechTalk: @derrall absolutely. I use twitter into the wee hours
2009-01-18 11:57:48 [Message] Scott Shelhart -> -EdTechTalk: My fist blog post got 16 comments the first day......thanks to twitter and my PLN (and a little help from Vicki Davis)
2009-01-18 11:57:51 [Message] colleenk -> -EdTechTalk: @derrallg Good point! That's the problem I have with my colleagues.
2009-01-18 11:57:53 [Message] susanvg -> -EdTechTalk: I also see teachers (and others) who say - I don't want to look at the computer once I finish work.
2009-01-18 11:58:10 [Message] nhill -> -EdTechTalk: then the kids love it when they get the connection
2009-01-18 11:58:29 [Message] pam mcleod -> -EdTechTalk: @susanvg Yes, and I completely understand the point - I spend way too much time at a computer. I eat breakfast in front of my computer!
2009-01-18 11:58:32 [Message] jan smith -> -EdTechTalk: The coolest thing is when those connections go international: check out
2009-01-18 11:58:33 [Message] susanvg -> -EdTechTalk: @MariaK - do you want another K class (from a remote community in Quebec)?
2009-01-18 11:58:34 [Message] derrallg -> -EdTechTalk: @lisa and if a district/school doesn't provide the PD time to explore it won't happen
2009-01-18 11:58:43 [Message] Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: @susanvg I have teachers who refuse to check their school email on the weekend- not on the clock
2009-01-18 11:58:54 [Message] pam mcleod -> -EdTechTalk: Maria, I'm really shy too! But I always see you talking to people at meetings and conferences
2009-01-18 11:58:59 [Message] susanvg -> -EdTechTalk: @Maureen - I know that well
2009-01-18 11:59:03 [Message] marragem -> -EdTechTalk: @pam mcleod - yes breakfast & sometimes dinner too
2009-01-18 11:59:15 [Message] nhill -> -EdTechTalk: Thanks...I have to check out for dinner at my Mother's house today.
2009-01-18 11:59:16 [Message] Cathy E -> -EdTechTalk: I am looking for Canada connections on 1/28
2009-01-18 11:59:23 [Message] MariaK -> -EdTechTalk: It is something i make myself do - pam - really and truly
2009-01-18 11:59:32 [Message] nancykeane -> -EdTechTalk: Teachers read my email and comment how useful the posts are but 0 teachers have read my blog for them.
2009-01-18 11:59:36 [Message] susanvg -> -EdTechTalk: @Cathy E - for what kind of projects
2009-01-18 11:59:54 [Message] derrallg -> -EdTechTalk: Hi Alec
2009-01-18 11:59:58 [Message] Cathy E -> -EdTechTalk: Our 5th graders are working on a Cananda project
2009-01-18 12:00:02 [Message] MariaK -> -EdTechTalk: @susanvg - Yes 0t connecting with Kindergarten in quebec
2009-01-18 12:00:07 [Message] colleenk -> -EdTechTalk: @LisaP Me, too.
2009-01-18 12:00:07 [Message] jan smith -> -EdTechTalk: @Cathy E I am Canadian--need to chat!
2009-01-18 12:00:08 [Message] Cathy E -> -EdTechTalk: just some general questions
2009-01-18 12:00:10 [Message] courosa -> -EdTechTalk: hey derrall
2009-01-18 12:00:11 [Message] Bobsd46 -> -EdTechTalk: If there was only one tool you could use, either Twitter or Plurk, which would you choose and why?
2009-01-18 12:00:16 [Message] Cathy E -> -EdTechTalk: @ jan
2009-01-18 12:00:17 [Message] Sarah S -> -EdTechTalk: NOT by yourself! Lots of us will be there!
2009-01-18 12:00:18 [Message] Cathy E -> -EdTechTalk: oh yea
2009-01-18 12:00:26 [Message] CharleneBlohm -> -EdTechTalk: Twitter
2009-01-18 12:00:33 [Message] courosa -> -EdTechTalk: I'll connect with you at Educon :-)
2009-01-18 12:00:41 [Message] Cathy E -> -EdTechTalk: @ jan - what is your skype id
2009-01-18 12:00:51 [Message] pam mcleod -> -EdTechTalk: In the past few months of having VLNs on Twitter and Facebook, I have learned a lot about my NH colleagues which I never would have known. Case in point, having a lot in common with Cathy Higgins, state ed tech director (organics, chickens, etc.)
2009-01-18 12:00:59 [Message] CharleneBlohm -> -EdTechTalk: Ease of use is the reason
2009-01-18 12:01:02 [Message] nancykeane -> -EdTechTalk: I wish I were going to Educon but have to go to ALA instead.
2009-01-18 12:01:08 [Message] jan smith -> -EdTechTalk: @jansmith_71, twitter jansmith
2009-01-18 12:01:12 [Message] Scott Shelhart -> -EdTechTalk: @bobsd46 Twitter. It has instant results. Plurk conversations build slowly.
2009-01-18 12:01:21 [Message] lparisi -> -EdTechTalk: Hello Karen!
2009-01-18 12:01:23 [Message] susanvg -> -EdTechTalk: @Cathy E - I work with a variety of teachers across Quebec - finding partners is some of what I do
2009-01-18 12:01:34 [Message] lparisi -> -EdTechTalk: WElcome Alice
2009-01-18 12:01:34 [Message] KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: Hi, Lisa - can't wait to see you this weekend!
2009-01-18 12:01:40 [Message] lparisi -> -EdTechTalk: Me too Karen
2009-01-18 12:01:46 [Message] alicebarr -> -EdTechTalk: Hi all
2009-01-18 12:01:51 [Message] Sarah S -> -EdTechTalk: Hey there Alice
2009-01-18 12:01:55 [Message] KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: Hi, Alice!
2009-01-18 12:01:57 [Message] derrallg -> -EdTechTalk: Become district coordinators that can directly influence district policy
2009-01-18 12:01:59 [Message] colleenk -> -EdTechTalk: HI Karen, Hi Alice
2009-01-18 12:02:15 [Message] alicebarr -> -EdTechTalk: Hi sarah, hi karen, hi Colleen
2009-01-18 12:02:22 [Message] Scott Shelhart -> -EdTechTalk: Do pre-service teachers ever attend the F2F events?
2009-01-18 12:03:02 [Message] Sarah S -> -EdTechTalk: We have a buch of preservice teachers who attend our Maine Ed ACTEM conference every year.
2009-01-18 12:03:10 [Message] Porchdragon -> -EdTechTalk: Some are required by their colleges here
2009-01-18 12:03:19 [Message] Sarah S -> -EdTechTalk: It's a requirement for one or more of their classes . . .
2009-01-18 12:03:25 [Message] Porchdragon -> -EdTechTalk: OOps that was a response to @scott
2009-01-18 12:03:55 [Message] jan smith -> -EdTechTalk: @Bobsd46 are you going to Will Richardson in Victoria?
2009-01-18 12:04:00 [Message] derrallg -> -EdTechTalk: I think the change will happen as the people who value social networks and virtual interactions start entering the teaching profession
2009-01-18 12:04:58 [Message] Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: @Lisa you are lucky to have a co teacher. Many of us are pretty isolated. In my school, there is one teacher/grade.
2009-01-18 12:05:03 [Message] courosa -> -EdTechTalk: @derrall I have a neat group of undergrads this year that are really starting to get into social media ... vs. my grad students (practicing teachers), it's a HUGE difference.
2009-01-18 12:05:11 [Message] KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: I wonder what the average age of PLN is? I think we lean toward older, more experienced educators
2009-01-18 12:05:15 [Message] derrallg -> -EdTechTalk: @lisa I think creating a PLN is like a garden that you need to groom and give the effort to let in grow
2009-01-18 12:05:37 [Message] lparisi -> -EdTechTalk: How beautiful Derrall
2009-01-18 12:05:40 [Message] marragem -> -EdTechTalk: @KarenJan i agree
2009-01-18 12:05:50 [Message] susanvg -> -EdTechTalk: I think that some of what is happening in ed faculties (not many) in connecting the student teachers online will slowly bring ideas into schools
2009-01-18 12:05:51 [Message] nancykeane -> -EdTechTalk: I think meeting so many of you f2f last summer gave me the desire to spend more time with twitter.
2009-01-18 12:05:56 [Message] derrallg -> -EdTechTalk: @courosa will they be able to overcome the inertia of the systems they enter?
2009-01-18 12:05:59 [Message] susanvg -> -EdTechTalk: We need more models in schools
2009-01-18 12:06:10 [Message] Bobsd46 -> -EdTechTalk: @jan smith... not sure about Victoria yet. I am responsible for our BCeSIS implementation and time to do other really good stuff is at a premium.
2009-01-18 12:06:24 [Message] bmullins -> -EdTechTalk: What is the topic today?
2009-01-18 12:06:26 [Message] courosa -> -EdTechTalk: @derrall That's always the question
2009-01-18 12:06:34 [Message] susanvg -> -EdTechTalk: Hoping to get to NECC this year and meet some of my online pln
2009-01-18 12:06:45 [Message] Sarah S -> -EdTechTalk: @derrallg Much of what we do doesn't require the district to be on board first - if the new teachers know what and know how, they'll just do it on their own.
2009-01-18 12:06:46 [Message] Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: @Maria Did you start out on list servs?
2009-01-18 12:07:13 [Message] MariaK -> -EdTechTalk: @maureen only one list serve - kinderkorner
2009-01-18 12:07:14 [Message] Sarah S -> -EdTechTalk: I know I'm not waiting for my district to have a clue first.
2009-01-18 12:07:16 [Message] jan smith -> -EdTechTalk: @Bobsd46 'nuff said. What a burden-- such a heavy challenge that system is
2009-01-18 12:07:19 [Message] Bobsd46 -> -EdTechTalk: @Jan Smith... can you remind me of the Victoria date.
2009-01-18 12:07:38 [Message] jan smith -> -EdTechTalk: @Bobsd46 20 Feb Sannich
2009-01-18 12:07:38 [Message] Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: @ Maria- I used to be on KK all the time- ecdivco... one of my previous lives
2009-01-18 12:08:04 [Message] KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: yes, you really have to cultivate your following
2009-01-18 12:08:22 [Message] sheila -> -EdTechTalk: In our educ course - to build community we use a fulll value contract. 4 parts: common goals, don't discount others, don't discount yourself (hard to do as first), communicate what needs to be communicated. Been very useful.
2009-01-18 12:08:26 [Message] derrallg -> -EdTechTalk: @sarah I keep thinking how our "staff development days" are spent working on what a curriculum coordinator has dictated, what if we made schools explore the idea of PLNs rather than some math or language arts exercises
2009-01-18 12:08:29 [Message] Scott Shelhart -> -EdTechTalk: Pick 5 or 10 people to follow, then try Mr.tweet
2009-01-18 12:08:54 [Message] lparisi -> -EdTechTalk: Mr. Tweet sent about 40 people my way
2009-01-18 12:08:54 [Message] KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: there are several teachers in my district who are following me now. I have to be careful what I say since I'm also a school board member!
2009-01-18 12:09:01 [Message] jan smith -> -EdTechTalk: Darren Kurowpatwa (sp) called twitter the dumbest idea you've ever heard that is totally brilliant.
2009-01-18 12:09:03 [Message] alicebarr -> -EdTechTalk: @Scott That's a great suggestion
2009-01-18 12:09:09 [Message] courosa -> -EdTechTalk: You need social connectors in Twitter, not people who simply tell you how to use the tool. Use one person's established PLN to help build the PLNs of others. BUT, be careful about social replication. I would argue that PLNs should look different.
2009-01-18 12:09:13 [Message] lparisi -> -EdTechTalk: That is one of the problems with sharing Karen.
2009-01-18 12:09:18 [Message] Scott Shelhart -> -EdTechTalk:
2009-01-18 12:09:44 [Message] KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: I'm thrilled that they are on Twitter!
2009-01-18 12:09:45 [Message] Porchdragon -> -EdTechTalk: I was one of those Lparisi :)
2009-01-18 12:09:49 [Message] Sarah S -> -EdTechTalk: @derrallg Good point. My principal does have a vision of connecting, so we are able to share these ideas and tools periodically. It's just hard to get the other teachers to invest enough time to get the ball rolling.
2009-01-18 12:09:52 [Message] Cathy E -> -EdTechTalk: I sent out a google doc invite last week and no one could figure out how to get it - ugh
2009-01-18 12:09:58 [Message] Bobsd46 -> -EdTechTalk: @Jan Smith ... Will spoke at the CUeBC conference in Maple Ridge two years ago... very good session. Not too many attended his workshop following keynote though because there was only the beginnings of interest in web 2.0 stuff at the time.
2009-01-18 12:10:01 [Message] jan smith -> -EdTechTalk: @courousa there has to be courage in testing the waters.
2009-01-18 12:10:06 [Message] pam mcleod -> -EdTechTalk: I have seen people say things on Twitter that amaze me - complaining about their schools, threatening to quit, etc.
2009-01-18 12:10:22 [Message] KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: it's good that we can see who follows us when they start
2009-01-18 12:10:25 [Message] Scott Shelhart -> -EdTechTalk: Another tool for folowing...
2009-01-18 12:10:34 [Message] alicebarr -> -EdTechTalk: @courosa Good point. I think teachers in particular need a jumping off point of who too start following
2009-01-18 12:10:39 [Message] Sarah S -> -EdTechTalk: @cathy E I went to the Curriculum coordinator and suggested he use Google Docs for K-12 curriculum documents. Now everyone in the district has to have a Google Docs account. :)
2009-01-18 12:11:25 [Message] pam mcleod -> -EdTechTalk: I have a few parents / other teachers in my school on Facebook - scary, but I hope what I post it intelligent enough that it will be a positive connection, not a negative thing
2009-01-18 12:11:34 [Message] pam mcleod -> -EdTechTalk: Agreed, no students!
2009-01-18 12:11:54 [Message] susanvg -> -EdTechTalk: How is this for irony - we had to teacher our project manager for our online collaboration project that online meetings could replace many f2f meetings
2009-01-18 12:11:55 [Message] KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: how many social tools are you using? it can get overwhelming so I had to say no to Plurk
2009-01-18 12:11:57 [Message] Bobsd46 -> -EdTechTalk: @derrallg I'm doing a PLN workshop in February at our ProD day. It should be fun. Hope to have some of my Twitter network say hi that day.
2009-01-18 12:11:58 [Message] alicebarr -> -EdTechTalk: I have a few students following me
2009-01-18 12:11:59 [Message] jan smith -> -EdTechTalk: @Bobsd46 here is the link: I bet his sessions will be packed :
2009-01-18 12:12:05 [Message] susanvg -> -EdTechTalk: he now uses google docs
2009-01-18 12:12:30 [Message] KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: these social tools have transformed my educational practice
2009-01-18 12:12:30 [Message] pam mcleod -> -EdTechTalk: our state Ed Tech Director and I had a long conversation about professional/personal line blurring in Facebook
2009-01-18 12:12:33 [Message] lparisi -> -EdTechTalk: Karen, I use plurk and twitter regularly
2009-01-18 12:12:39 [Message] susanvg -> -EdTechTalk: @KarenJan - I know what you feel - sometimes I feel like I have to go many places for my PLN
2009-01-18 12:12:44 [Message] Porchdragon -> -EdTechTalk: I have a few students who follow me. It started when I went to visit MESSENGER mission control. They were able to take part in the event. It has built a very strong relationship.
2009-01-18 12:12:48 [Message] derrallg -> -EdTechTalk: Is anyone beginning to use filtering tools for twitter to mimimize the "noise" wondering sometimes I would like to have some strategies for this?
2009-01-18 12:12:49 [Message] KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: @lparisi- I know - I'm amazed that you can do both!
2009-01-18 12:12:51 [Message] pam mcleod -> -EdTechTalk: Soem of our teachers have FB pages with photos of bikinis, drinking, etc!
2009-01-18 12:12:54 [Message] alicebarr -> -EdTechTalk: I am actually Ok with students following, but they are HS
2009-01-18 12:12:55 [Message] susanvg -> -EdTechTalk: It's easy to send to all at the same time but not to receive them all
2009-01-18 12:13:01 [Message] lparisi -> -EdTechTalk: I also have toes dipped in a few Nings, ETT, and facebook although I don't think that will last.
2009-01-18 12:13:03 [Message] colleenk -> -EdTechTalk: @susanvg I wish it was all in one location.
2009-01-18 12:13:19 [Message] pam mcleod -> -EdTechTalk: Facebook is more personal with me - would never add a school board member or certain parents! But some I will
2009-01-18 12:13:20 [Message] courosa -> -EdTechTalk: I teach adults, so students in my PLN is a huge part of the way I teach.
2009-01-18 12:13:36 [Message] jan smith -> -EdTechTalk: @Bobsd46 is that the 9th of Feb? I am supporting a presentation by Paul Hamilton--I will be his roadie (sp) he is my only ftf in my pln
2009-01-18 12:13:38 [Message] Sarah S -> -EdTechTalk: @alicebarr I tell them they have to graduate before we can connect on Facebook.
2009-01-18 12:13:48 [Message] Scott Shelhart -> -EdTechTalk: i keep hearing that friendfeed consolodates all of the networks. Anybody use it?
2009-01-18 12:13:50 [Message] derrallg -> -EdTechTalk: @bobsd46 If I see your shoutout I'll respond for sure, I think it's still a valuable way to demonstrate
2009-01-18 12:14:01 [Message] KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: @jansmith - you work with Paul? He's the best!
2009-01-18 12:14:02 [Message] susanvg -> -EdTechTalk: @collenk - we need an agregator for plurk, twitter and facebook - they come into my pageflakes - but it's not smoothe
2009-01-18 12:14:12 [Message] alicebarr -> -EdTechTalk: I feel like it's hypocritical not have students when I am supposed to be teaching them digital citizenship
2009-01-18 12:14:28 [Message] susanvg -> -EdTechTalk: The problem with twitter is if you follow a lot of people it's hard to find when the answer comes
2009-01-18 12:14:29 [Message] colleenk -> -EdTechTalk: I teach HS students and get a lot of requests for FB friendship. Hate having to tell them no but that's what I do.
2009-01-18 12:14:29 [Message] KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: @lparisi - Plurk seems more
2009-01-18 12:14:34 [Message] KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: oops
2009-01-18 12:14:37 [Message] Bobsd46 -> -EdTechTalk: @jan smith... our district day is Feb 19, which was one of the other reasons I now recall why getting to Victoria the next day would be problematic.
2009-01-18 12:14:39 [Message] pam mcleod -> -EdTechTalk: I tried a Facebook/Twitter app which posts to both, but I really don't think my Twitter network wants to hear about my kids, animals, and personal stuff
2009-01-18 12:14:46 [Message] jan smith -> -EdTechTalk: @KarenJan I just love the guy--the personlaity you "get" through his blog is him totally
2009-01-18 12:14:59 [Message] alicebarr -> -EdTechTalk: @SarahS Yes I think I garee with the facebook. Different amount of access to their lives
2009-01-18 12:15:01 [Message] KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: @jansmith - are you a special educator?
2009-01-18 12:15:19 [Message] derrallg -> -EdTechTalk: @susanvg if you use something like tweetdeck you can have a column for replies
2009-01-18 12:15:26 [Message] Scott Shelhart -> -EdTechTalk: I unlinked facebook from twitter and plurk. too confusing
2009-01-18 12:15:48 [Message] Porchdragon -> -EdTechTalk: I tried to join plurk this morning and it said they were not taking ne members
2009-01-18 12:15:50 [Message] lparisi -> -EdTechTalk: I think I am about ready to give up on facebook.
2009-01-18 12:16:01 [Message] lparisi -> -EdTechTalk: REally Porchdragon?
2009-01-18 12:16:04 [Message] pam mcleod -> -EdTechTalk: Here is a nice article about Facebook profile cautions:
2009-01-18 12:16:07 [Message] jan smith -> -EdTechTalk: @KarenJan no, but diverse classroom: he supports my broad UDL needs, and is just a great mentor
2009-01-18 12:16:14 [Message] colleenk -> -EdTechTalk: @lparisi I don't really get FB either.
2009-01-18 12:16:15 [Message] alicebarr -> -EdTechTalk: @susanvg There used to be a Yahoo pipes program for Twitter but it doesn't work anymore. Anyone hav eone?
2009-01-18 12:16:15 [Message] Porchdragon -> -EdTechTalk: yeah, I don't know why
2009-01-18 12:16:19 [Message] susanvg -> -EdTechTalk: @derraillg is tweetdec mac and pc?
2009-01-18 12:16:28 [Message] lparisi -> -EdTechTalk: Give it a week and try again.
2009-01-18 12:16:31 [Message] susanvg -> -EdTechTalk: I like the threading in plurk
2009-01-18 12:16:40 [Message] Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: So, is the answer to f2f PLN to drag them online? Or is it a different beast entirely?
2009-01-18 12:16:50 [Message] bmullins -> -EdTechTalk: I have just started Facebook and I have been participating in Twitter for months. I find that facebook is a social gathering, while Twitter is really more of a an online, constant PD day.
2009-01-18 12:16:54 [Message] Porchdragon -> -EdTechTalk: FB is more for family and friends. twitter is more open
2009-01-18 12:17:04 [Message] derrallg -> -EdTechTalk: @susanvg It's an Abobe air app so I thinkit will work on both, I have a mac
2009-01-18 12:17:21 [Message] pam mcleod -> -EdTechTalk: @porchdragon ditto . My cousins, sister, mom are all on FB. Plus high school friends I haven't seen in 20 years.
2009-01-18 12:17:23 [Message] Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: @Alice- the pipes seem to be working for me again- give it another shot
2009-01-18 12:17:27 [Message] colleenk -> -EdTechTalk: @Maureen Very good question.
2009-01-18 12:17:30 [Message] derrallg -> -EdTechTalk: I think the timeline in Facebook is starting to mature nicely
2009-01-18 12:17:36 [Message] CharleneBlohm -> -EdTechTalk: Yes to earlier FriendFeed question!
2009-01-18 12:17:42 [Message] Scott Shelhart -> -EdTechTalk: Facebook has too much fluff. Invites, virtual drinks, hugs, gifts....
2009-01-18 12:17:53 [Message] bmullins -> -EdTechTalk: I too would like to use more social networking with my class. I find the students are more free writing posts on our wiki than talking out in class.
2009-01-18 12:18:02 [Message] pam mcleod -> -EdTechTalk: @Scott Yep, I ignore all that FB garbage
2009-01-18 12:18:05 [Message] colleenk -> -EdTechTalk: @Scott I really don't like that aspect of it.
2009-01-18 12:18:05 [Message] jan smith -> -EdTechTalk: I have tried to figure plurk out...confuses me. Feels like I am obliged to maintain it--I want to dip in and out, not babysit my on-line presence
2009-01-18 12:18:30 [Message] KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: my son won't friend me on FB, my two daughters have but I never really use it since I feel like they need something that is theirs
2009-01-18 12:18:36 [Message] Scott Shelhart -> -EdTechTalk: I do have an account. My class prez just found me for mour 25th HS reunion via facebook
2009-01-18 12:19:00 [Message] pam mcleod -> -EdTechTalk: @Scott that's how I got started, my 20th is this year!
2009-01-18 12:19:10 [Message] KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: who is going to educon? finally a chance to meet some of you F2F
2009-01-18 12:19:14 [Message] alicebarr -> -EdTechTalk: @Maureen Thanks
2009-01-18 12:19:15 [Message] pam mcleod -> -EdTechTalk: I was very reluctant, but now am addicted to it - so many friends there
2009-01-18 12:19:16 [Message] lparisi -> -EdTechTalk: ME!!!!
2009-01-18 12:19:37 [Message] KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: @lpairis - Yippee!
2009-01-18 12:19:38 [Message] derrallg -> -EdTechTalk: I don't really use FB that much, but it is the first experience for many people I know so I maintain contact
2009-01-18 12:19:58 [Message] jan smith -> -EdTechTalk:
2009-01-18 12:20:00 [Message] colleenk -> -EdTechTalk: @KarenJan You'll be glad to be rid of me after 11 hours in a car. Ask Alice.
2009-01-18 12:20:04 [Message] Scott Shelhart -> -EdTechTalk: Facebook is manageable....myspace is a trainwreck most of the time.
2009-01-18 12:20:22 [Message] alicebarr -> -EdTechTalk: @KarenJan She is great company :)
2009-01-18 12:20:26 [Message] pam mcleod -> -EdTechTalk: yes, i really don't like myspace
2009-01-18 12:20:27 [Message] KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: @colleenk - i'd loved driving to Conn. with you to see @lparisi - what are you talking about????
2009-01-18 12:20:53 [Message] jan smith -> -EdTechTalk: The amazing thing about the images ning for me is that I know almost no one--very international --Happy to find it.
2009-01-18 12:21:09 [Message] derrallg -> -EdTechTalk: I think that Kevin Honeycut has gotten many teachers who are using Plurk but not twitter
2009-01-18 12:21:12 [Message] pam mcleod -> -EdTechTalk: yes, classroom 2.0 is very friendly, i've been there only a short while
2009-01-18 12:21:16 [Message] alicebarr -> -EdTechTalk: @jan smith That's waht appeals to me as well
2009-01-18 12:21:29 [Message] Scott Shelhart -> -EdTechTalk: I tried hiding my identity for a littlw while, but then realized my digital footprint is a ready-made portfolio.
2009-01-18 12:21:40 [Message] KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: I agree, Lisa!
2009-01-18 12:21:46 [Message] lparisi -> -EdTechTalk: That's how I feel, Scott.
2009-01-18 12:21:48 [Message] pam mcleod -> -EdTechTalk: @Scott I agree with that, too!
2009-01-18 12:22:02 [Message] derrallg -> -EdTechTalk: I think when you look at the numbers for classroom 2.0 it does look intimidating
2009-01-18 12:22:12 [Message] colleenk -> -EdTechTalk: When Plurk went down last week, I was lost.
2009-01-18 12:22:27 [Message] alicebarr -> -EdTechTalk: How do we translate the PLN mocel of challenge to the teachers in our schools?
2009-01-18 12:22:44 [Message] jan smith -> -EdTechTalk: My first really big confusion when I went on-line was the meaning of "friend" Friendship in my off line life is so significant, the "friending" someone was foreign.
2009-01-18 12:22:55 [Message] KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: one thing was interesting this week - teachers were sharing about a conference they went to in December in SC. They talked about the connections they made with people and how they are staying in touch trhough email. I wanted to shout to them - you need to know about Twitter and REALLY get a PLN!
2009-01-18 12:22:58 [Message] derrallg -> -EdTechTalk: @colleenk it is frustrating but I enjoyed taking a bit of a break trying to follow plurk and twitter
2009-01-18 12:23:00 [Message] lparisi -> -EdTechTalk: First, Alice, you need to translate the feeling of challenge...forget the PLN model...just the idea that challenge is good.
2009-01-18 12:23:01 [Message] alicebarr -> -EdTechTalk: We all get that but I have a hard timegetiing others to see the benefits
2009-01-18 12:23:14 [Message] Scott Shelhart -> -EdTechTalk: Starting a blog this month was scary, but I'm getting the hang of it
2009-01-18 12:23:25 [Message] marragem -> -EdTechTalk: Those on my staff who don't get the idea of a virtual PLN are the ones who don't like being challenged or feel the need to challenge themself - they want to stay in their comfort zone
2009-01-18 12:23:44 [Message] Cathy E -> -EdTechTalk: If I did not have ya'll as my PLN I would go crazy - cause not many folks here... get it.
2009-01-18 12:23:48 [Message] derrallg -> -EdTechTalk: I don't like how following these tools has taken me away from my RSS reader
2009-01-18 12:23:51 [Message] KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: I wonder about that - can you be a good teacher and not challenge yourself?
2009-01-18 12:24:03 [Message] jan smith -> -EdTechTalk: @scott what is the url of your blog?
2009-01-18 12:24:14 [Message] colleenk -> -EdTechTalk: @KarenJan I don't see how.
2009-01-18 12:24:19 [Message] lparisi -> -EdTechTalk: Obviously, Karen, those who don't challenge themselves thinkthey can.
2009-01-18 12:24:20 [Message] Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: @marragem The comfort zone is nice, but many of these comfort zones were established 20+ years ago- hard to nudge people out of them
2009-01-18 12:24:22 [Message] KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: some teachers I work with never take initiative - very frustrating. they depend upon others assigning them PD
2009-01-18 12:24:22 [Message] sheila -> -EdTechTalk: @marragem - - I agree
2009-01-18 12:24:29 [Message] Porchdragon -> -EdTechTalk: @KarenJan Not for a very long time
2009-01-18 12:24:32 [Message] derrallg -> -EdTechTalk: @mariak I agree, I don't like that as well
2009-01-18 12:24:40 [Message] MariaK -> -EdTechTalk:
2009-01-18 12:24:58 [Message] alicebarr -> -EdTechTalk: @KarenJan i don't think so
2009-01-18 12:25:17 [Message] KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: great talking with you all - today is DH's birthday and I have to bake a cake
2009-01-18 12:25:23 [Message] susanvg -> -EdTechTalk: I have a f2f pln - but not as much for technology as for other education purposes
2009-01-18 12:25:30 [Message] marragem -> -EdTechTalk: @Maureen - strangely most of these staff members who don't want to move are younger than me - & I'm one of those older staff members
2009-01-18 12:25:34 [Message] pam mcleod -> -EdTechTalk: Sometimes I connect with people online but when we meet in person there is no connection. Very funny!
2009-01-18 12:25:50 [Message] pam mcleod -> -EdTechTalk: Sometimes there is a huge connection in person
2009-01-18 12:25:57 [Message] jan smith -> -EdTechTalk: Happy day, KarenJan
2009-01-18 12:26:00 [Message] susanvg -> -EdTechTalk: @marragem - I'm in the over 50 crowd - feel more of a digital native than my own children
2009-01-18 12:26:01 [Message] KarenJan -> -EdTechTalk: see you all!
2009-01-18 12:26:09 [Message] lparisi -> -EdTechTalk: Bye Karen..see you soon
2009-01-18 12:26:11 [Message] derrallg -> -EdTechTalk: @karenjan I hate that "give me the answers" rather than seek that's part of why classrooms are the way they are still
2009-01-18 12:26:23 [Message] pam mcleod -> -EdTechTalk: I was in engineering school in the early 90's when the internet was starting up - only geeks and wierdos were online, and it was pretty scary who I befriended then
2009-01-18 12:26:33 [Message] colleenk -> -EdTechTalk: Bye, Karen. See you Friday!
2009-01-18 12:26:35 [Message] Porchdragon -> -EdTechTalk: yay plurk let me sign up!
2009-01-18 12:26:39 [Message] pam mcleod -> -EdTechTalk: Now it is "normal" people who are online!
2009-01-18 12:27:11 [Message] colleenk -> -EdTechTalk: @Pam Or do we just *think* we're normal? j/k
2009-01-18 12:27:27 [Message] jan smith -> -EdTechTalk: @pam and it just takes one bad story to poison--dispite 1 000 000 great positive connections
2009-01-18 12:27:31 [Message] marragem -> -EdTechTalk: @susanvg - my 20-something chn don't get what I'm doing, neither do their friends
2009-01-18 12:28:12 [Message] pam mcleod -> -EdTechTalk: @derralg Hmm, following blogs and Nings has made me rely more on my RSS reader. Not Facebook. But I also aggregate Twitter updates via RSS.
2009-01-18 12:28:12 [Message] Scott Shelhart -> -EdTechTalk: I stop and help people that are broke down.
2009-01-18 12:28:43 [Message] nancykeane -> -EdTechTalk: But we teach our students to be wary of people you "meet" online
2009-01-18 12:28:46 [Message] Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: My daughter - now 27, told me that I was not talking to "real people".
2009-01-18 12:28:52 [Message] pam mcleod -> -EdTechTalk: Oh, yeah - as a freshman in college, I met hackers online! My best friend and I were responsible for our college's first acceptible use policy in 1990!
2009-01-18 12:29:48 [Message] jan smith -> -EdTechTalk: My first skype was with Sue Waters--she has helped me so many times.
2009-01-18 12:29:48 [Message] pam mcleod -> -EdTechTalk: news report came out very recently that internet really isn't as unsafe as we seem to believe
2009-01-18 12:29:55 [Message] susanvg -> -EdTechTalk: We're unreal - that's better than real
2009-01-18 12:30:02 [Message] derrallg -> -EdTechTalk: @pam my RSS reader I have some of my feeds for the Ning forums there as well but I used to regularly read, David W., Will R. Jeff U., I'm much more haphzard about reading blog writers
2009-01-18 12:30:18 [Message] jan smith -> -EdTechTalk: @susanvg love that:)
2009-01-18 12:30:35 [Message] pam mcleod -> -EdTechTalk: @derralg Me too, because you have to go there to read them. I'm trying to force myself to look at my RSS reader recently.
2009-01-18 12:30:44 [Message] marragem -> -EdTechTalk: and you value learning
2009-01-18 12:30:46 [Message] Maureen -> -EdTechTalk: Well I've met a few you- I know Maria and Shelia are real, met Lisa at NECC, etc, met Colleen, so I just take it on faith that the rest of you are real too.
2009-01-18 12:31:01 [Message] pam mcleod -> -EdTechTalk: Maria and Sheila know I am real, LOL!
2009-01-18 12:31:22 [Message] jan smith -> -EdTechTalk: @Sheila "value" yep
2009-01-18 12:31:25 [Message] derrallg -> -EdTechTalk: @pam that's what I need to do more of, thinking I need to delete all the feeds and start over
2009-01-18 12:31:30 [Message] Porchdragon -> -EdTechTalk: lost audio
2009-01-18 12:31:34 [Message] Bobsd46 -> -EdTechTalk: Thoroughly enjoyed it today. Thanks...
2009-01-18 12:31:35 [Message] susanvg -> -EdTechTalk: wish I could be at educon
2009-01-18 12:31:36 [Message] Scott Shelhart -> -EdTechTalk: ustream gone
2009-01-18 12:31:48 [Message] derrallg -> -EdTechTalk: LIve show from educon :)
2009-01-18 12:31:50 [Message] jan smith -> -EdTechTalk: Thanks all, great conversation.
2009-01-18 12:31:51 [Message] Sarah S -> -EdTechTalk: Guest hosts!
2009-01-18 12:31:58 [Message] susanvg -> -EdTechTalk: Others could listen to Thomas L Friedmann who will be streaming from the Flat Classroom Conference
2009-01-18 12:32:07 [Message] Porchdragon -> -EdTechTalk: Thanks for a nice chat!
2009-01-18 12:32:11 [Message] susanvg -> -EdTechTalk: 9:15 EST
2009-01-18 12:32:14 [Message] lparisi -> -EdTechTalk:
2009-01-18 12:32:17 [Message] Sarah S -> -EdTechTalk: Watch for all of the Educon coverage and tweets, etc!
2009-01-18 12:32:18 [Message] susanvg -> -EdTechTalk: Saturday
2009-01-18 12:32:33 [Message] marragem -> -EdTechTalk: Thanks for the chat - I'm going back to bed!
2009-01-18 12:32:37 [Message] Scott Shelhart -> -EdTechTalk: Nice show. I made a few new contacts....thanks
2009-01-18 12:32:46 [Message] derrallg -> -EdTechTalk: thanks for the show, great discussion
2009-01-18 12:32:50 [Message] nancykeane -> -EdTechTalk: Off to shovel the snow! Thanks guys.
2009-01-18 12:32:59 [Message] Bobsd46 -> -EdTechTalk: @scott... what is your twitter id?
2009-01-18 12:33:27 [Message] lparisi -> -EdTechTalk: Bye All
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