It’s Elementary #31, Self Directed Learning

Post-Show description: 

Have a listen to the It’s Elementary Team on this international webcast.  We  are joined by Dennis Newsome and Nick Noakes session facilitators for EVOVWLL 2009 and Vance Stevens the original webhead. As we discuss the nuances of self-directed learning and a bunch of other cool stuff, enjoy.


In this international edition of It’s Elementary we are joined by Dennis Newson and Nick Noakes session facilitators for EVOVWLL 2009 and Vance Stevens the original webhead.  We attempted to define what self directed learning is and how it has changed over time. We talked about the importance of learning in a network and building our own Personal Learning Environment (PLE or PLN).  We talked about the structure of the EVO sessions and the role of the facilitators. We evaluated the different tools used in the course such as the wikis, nings and the like. We concluded that it really IS about the people and how we connect in these online spaces. Check out all the great links in the text chat

 20:29:48  Osnacaantab  : Good morning!
 20:42:32  nick  : hi Dennis ...
 20:42:49  Osnacaantab  : Hi.
 20:43:02  nick  : 3am your time?
 20:43:54  Osnacaantab  : 02:45
 20:44:19  nick  : yikes :(
 20:44:51  nick  : Ho Alice, phillip
 20:50:47  Vance  : hello
 20:51:09  nick  : hiya Vance
 20:51:44  Vance  : are we in SL as well for this one?
 20:53:18  Osnacaantab  : I don't think so, Vance.
 20:53:32  nick  : not that I know of
 20:53:55  Vance  : fine I won't stretch my resources
 20:54:06  Alicemercer  : pls check ustream?
 20:55:31  nick  : can hear you on ustream Alice
 20:56:02  nick  : and singing
 20:56:07  Alicemercer  : Is there an echo ?
 20:56:16  nick  : no
 20:56:49  nick  : but can only hear you
 20:57:28  nick  : and not sure how I am supposed to come in to vice
 20:57:32  nick  : voice
 21:00:08  Vance  : hi folks
 21:00:51  nick  : Vance, Jose asked me to be a part of this ... but was not given any details to come in
 21:01:08  nick  : up to you folks ..
 21:01:12  Vance  : who was not given details, you or me?
 21:01:19  Vance  : or him I mean
 21:01:22  nick  : me
 21:01:25  Vance  : sorry, early
 21:01:51  nick  : yep
 21:04:55  ds  : only getting audio from Alice here
 21:05:08  tjtech  : no audio here
 21:05:55  Edith  :  no audio?
 21:05:59  ds  : hey Alec
 21:06:06  Edith  : we are on ustream
 21:06:11  PeggyG  : I'm hearing Alice's voice
 21:06:19  Edith  : do you hear everyone?
 21:06:37  ds  : better now on p/u of voices
 21:06:39  Alicemercer  : Hear everyone now
 21:06:43  Alicemercer  : ?
 21:06:47  Edith  : Edith = durff's other computer
 21:06:49  PeggyG  : voices in the background only
 21:06:52  ds  : yes better Alice
 21:07:06  Alicemercer  : good to go ds?
 21:07:25  ds  : @Alice sounds good
 21:07:48  PeggyG  : very soft voices but can hear allvolume up all the way
 21:08:14  ds  : yes, not ideal but servicable I thinkmay take some time in the editing room postshow
 21:08:31  ds  : but hearing Jose ok here now
 21:09:03  Edith  : nick noakes talking
 21:09:14  Edith  : hear Nick?
 21:09:14  Vance  : no Dennis is talking
 21:09:17  nick  : dennis
 21:09:28  JoseRodriguez  : Hi everyone... just getting in
 21:09:30  Alicemercer  : better?
 21:09:42  Edith  : ok then the tea drinker
 21:09:54  Edith  : he needs to drink coffee
 21:09:57  Vance  : good analogy
 21:09:59  nick  : lol
 21:10:05  JoseRodriguez  : agree.
 21:10:15  Alicemercer  : is volume better
 21:10:15  Vance  : yep
 21:10:18  nick  : yeah remember progammed learning Dennis
 21:10:20  ds  : better in terms of volume, but Alice your typing will be REALLY loud now
 21:10:26  kapil  : hi , can any one drop the audio link here ? edtech audio stream is not working
 21:10:28  Edith  : do you remember programmed learning?
 21:10:31  Alicemercer  : sorry avoiding it
 21:10:38  nick  : ustream link
 21:10:38  Alicemercer  : ustream box
 21:10:47  nick  : on right hadn side
 21:10:49  JoseRodriguez  : only on ustream tonight
 21:11:11  ds  : ETT A and B now running
 21:11:23  JoseRodriguez  : yeah my wife has been taking classes on language.... verbs/ prepositions/ etc
 21:11:27  Alicemercer  : huh? is that you Jose?
 21:11:41  ds  : it's me Alice, quit typing :)
 21:11:55  Alicemercer  : k
 21:12:17  Edith  : hi jackie
 21:12:26  Alicemercer  : bing very quiet
 21:12:31  ds  : @Alice lol
 21:12:39  ds  : didn't hear that at all :)
 21:12:42  JoseRodriguez  : yeah.... with networks...
 21:12:54  JoseRodriguez  : PLN
 21:13:04  Edith  : this new Skype window takes up too much room on my screen
 21:13:08  Vance  :
 21:13:25  Edith  : excellent google jockeying
 21:13:37  ds  : @Edith the new skype is giving me fits toonew interface taking too much "getting usedto" for my liking
 21:13:50  Edith  : doug  i'm durff
 21:13:54  nick  : metaphor?
 21:13:59  Edith  : on the other computer
 21:14:02  PeggyG  : are you talking about the new Mac Skype beta?
 21:14:09  nick  : they were in Hong Kong about that time at CityU
 21:14:19  nick  : oops nope .. 90's in HK
 21:14:21  Alicemercer  : win skype had new ve.
 21:14:25  Alicemercer  : ver
 21:14:43  ds  : @Edith/Durff: gotme, didn't konw you were in Guest456 mode....
 21:15:03  Edith  : i have to keep the computers straight
 21:15:04  PeggyG  : oh okI'm liking the new Mac beta for skype
 21:15:12  ds  : gotcha, good idea
 21:15:36  JoseRodriguez  : I like the berry bush.. but I pick one berry at a time :)
 21:15:59  PeggyG  : great Jose! one berry at a time makes a lot of sense!
 21:16:00  Edith  : learning is a berry bush
 21:16:08  Edith  : now i'm hungry
 21:16:24  ds  : love the concept
 21:16:29  Edith  : i like boysenberries
 21:16:37  nick  : so if you pick berries ... how do you kkep the connections of ideas across distrubted knowledge
 21:16:49  nick  : excuse typos
 21:16:54  Edith  : hey lorna
 21:16:59  Lorna  : Hi
 21:17:01  ds  : @nick certainly, mine too plse
 21:17:07  Edith  : true nick
 21:17:18  Edith  : then they are no longer connected
 21:17:22  JoseRodriguez  : The reflection piece is key
 21:17:33  PeggyG  : I like it when these great resources come to me via RSS feeds and I can pick/choose from those.
 21:17:43  Edith  : nick  what metaphor would you use?
 21:17:46  nick  : yes ... but more than reflection ... nec. but not sufficient
 21:18:05  nick  : neural networks
 21:18:14  JoseRodriguez  : it all sounds ecclectc
 21:18:16  nick  : webs of connection and knowledge
 21:18:19  JoseRodriguez  : ecclectic..
 21:18:34  nick  : coonection to people and ideas
 21:18:53  Edith  : Connectivism course
 21:19:05  JoseRodriguez  : yep... connectivism.. course... coming for a second round in 2009
 21:19:09  nick  : who is our in our job vance?
 21:19:12  ds  :
 21:20:11  Vance  :
 21:20:35  Edith  : hi barb
 21:20:37  Alicemercer  : that would b very german, no?
 21:20:46  Edith  : dock
 21:20:50  Edith  : doch
 21:20:50  PeggyG  : I think the Images4Education course on EVO was an outstanding model for learning. Excellent facilitation and structure!
 21:20:54  Vance  : our in our job is we facilitators
 21:21:00  barbsaka  : hi
 21:21:09  nick  : hmm  then not sure I agree with George ..
 21:21:13  Edith  : barb do you have sound?
 21:21:33  Vance  : bring it up in the voice chat :)
 21:21:43  barbsaka  : yes, I've got it
 21:21:46  PeggyG  : you learn so much from the other participants and it's so helpful to be able to learn it at your own pace
 21:21:49  barbsaka  : thx for asking
 21:22:15  nick  : .. but maybe I'm not clear exactly what he means ... I see our job as providing a loose framework ...
 21:22:34  ds  : it's a real challenge to strike that balance
 21:22:44  ds  : between "loosely formed" and structure
 21:23:03  ds  : esp for the "selfdirected" learner
 21:23:06  Vance  : isn't a 'loose framework' same as coherence?
 21:23:33  ds  : @Vance I think the learning happens at the edge of coherence
 21:24:03  nick  : that's interesting doug
 21:24:14  ds  : when the learners surprise 'selves, andideallythe educator/facilitator as well
 21:24:24  Vance  : the word was from George Siemens whose 'thing' is connectivism
 21:24:26  Edith  : ning  social networking in facilitating online pd?
 21:24:43  Vance  : so I think he must have meant it in a connectivist way
 21:25:06  barbsaka  : I liked the connectiveness of the ning
 21:25:18  ds  : walled garden re ningand all that entails
 21:25:41  barbsaka  : it was convenient to have comments, events, blogs in one location
 21:25:49  nick  : yes although you can make it all public doug .. so maybe doesnt have to be walled garden
 21:25:51  barbsaka  : but, I often forgot to look at the wiki :)
 21:26:07  nick  : hiya barb
 21:26:14  Alicemercer  : did you try to get feed from wiki barb?
 21:26:28  Edith  : nings are good as protected communities for elementary
 21:26:32  barbsaka  : no :)
 21:26:43  nick  : the wiki hardly changed ... we only updated participants there
 21:26:44  JoseRodriguez  : oh yeah... rss can be king
 21:26:47  Alicemercer  : No, you can't use Ning in elementary it violate TOS
 21:26:49  PeggyG  : on Ning you can choose to follow certain conversations so you don't miss things that are important to you.
 21:27:08  barbsaka  : I think she means elementary skill, not age
 21:27:09  Alicemercer  : for a BIG group, ning is better (200500)
 21:27:15  ds  : @Vance both great points re "new" and rss
 21:27:16  Alicemercer  : oh yeah
 21:27:31  PeggyG  : the RSS feeds are really helpful!
 21:28:58  barbsaka  : I'm just getting familiar with all of it, but I can see advantages of rss
 21:29:06  ds  : however, I found "new" didn't go back far enough for me, if I'd been away for a day or soneed more familiarity with ning, but not sure I want to invest the time....
 21:29:12  kapil  : ning is basically a social network platform , not designed as a learning mgmt system as moodle
 21:29:26  Vance  : true, new was just there, it helped
 21:29:38  Vance  : not comprehensive
 21:29:38  Edith  : i agree kapil
 21:29:54  ds  : and your RSS idea is the key, I think Vance
 21:30:40  nick  : can I jump in when there is a space?
 21:30:43  barbsaka  : Seemed like participants having trouble editing our wiki (BaW) caused a lot of fixingit headaches for facilitators
 21:30:50  Edith  : jump nick
 21:30:55  Edith  : hi matt
 21:30:58  ds  : hey @matt
 21:31:12  nick  : hehe
 21:31:25  Edith  : hi dennis
 21:31:30  JoseRodriguez  : Hey dennis
 21:31:30  matt montagne  : hey DS et all
 21:31:50  barbsaka  : For me, the Ning reinforced the social community of the session
 21:32:01  Alicemercer  : hows the typing sounds ds?
 21:32:14  Edith  : which session were you in barb?
 21:32:33  barbsaka  : twoBaW and VW&LL
 21:32:46  barbsaka  : BaW was mostly yahoo groups & wiki
 21:32:58  barbsaka  : VWLL was Ning, Wiki, and Second Life
 21:33:14  barbsaka  : Obviously, I missed out on most of the wiki for VWLL :)
 21:33:41  ds  : we  used ning and wiki in evo2009pdi  and flickr and youtube
 21:33:41  barbsaka  : I loved the wiki for BaW, but it did seem to add a lot of work for mods
 21:33:56  kapil  : ning:social network , moodle : lms , drupal : content mgmt system , yahoo groups : forum > all are basically created for different purpose. its how we use them for learning
 21:34:10  Edith  : did you know the webheads have a theme song?
 21:34:20  Alicemercer  : some of those have elements of the other
 21:34:33  Alicemercer  : forums are in ning, moodle, etc.
 21:34:34  kapil  : yes , a lot of features overlap
 21:34:56  ds  : @kapil to what degree to "personal learning networks" transcend across the tools, do you think?
 21:34:59  barbsaka  : Also, getting requests to "make friends" on Ning makes you feel loved.....
 21:35:07  Alicemercer  : hahaha
 21:35:10  ds  : @barb :)
 21:35:21  Alicemercer  : love that!
 21:35:21  Edith  : them song=
 21:35:29  barbsaka  : which is nice when you're new and struggling with the beginning stuff
 21:35:36  Alicemercer  : I'll share that with Steve Hargadon next week
 21:35:43  Vance  : got to check and see everyone is up here, brb ...
 21:35:48  kapil  : but , for lot of learners , a lot of features in one single system like ning somehow overwhelm
 21:35:49  barbsaka  : Oh, thanks for the themeI missed the live version on BaW and have really regretted it
 21:36:04  Edith  : wait time is a good thing
 21:36:17  Vance  : ok, back
 21:37:20  Edith  : and you left?
 21:38:55  nick  : are our coommunities/networkds having greater overlap .. (Vance's Venn diagram) ... or in fact converging?
 21:38:58  Vance  : just for a moment
 21:39:13  Vance  : definitely converging
 21:39:29  ds  : @Edith has spoken
 21:39:32  nick  : so what does mean for SDL/PLNs?
 21:39:35  Vance  : sometimes drifting
 21:39:40  Edith  : indeed
 21:39:44  ds  : lol
 21:39:46  Vance  : tectonic communities
 21:39:52  nick  : lol
 21:39:57  Edith  : tect who?
 21:41:23  ds  : hi Susan, welcome audio links on right side of page
 21:41:25  Edith  : hi susan
 21:41:28  Alicemercer  : tectonic, or teutonic?
 21:41:33  ds  : the former
 21:41:37  ds  : slow moving
 21:42:10  Edith  : carla ain't slow moving
 21:42:34  susan cutajar  : hello everyone, glad to be visiting again
 21:42:36  JoseRodriguez  : My session was awesome and it gave me that tools to start in Second Life
 21:42:56  Edith  : SL is great
 21:43:02  JoseRodriguez  : I like ETT  Folk
 21:43:15  JoseRodriguez  : and others of course
 21:43:47  barbsaka  : From both sessions, there was enough new material to keep me busy for months...maybe years :) Really AMAZING! Only wish I had more hours each day
 21:44:02  JoseRodriguez  : so if we are still riding the first wave how do we get the second wave... third.... etc. going?
 21:44:28  JoseRodriguez  : She is just more assertive...
 21:45:04  Edith  : community building
 21:45:05  Vance  : waves come in sets
 21:45:19  JoseRodriguez  : ah.. sets. I like that
 21:45:23  ds  : another great visual
 21:45:30  Edith  : how do we build our communities...?
 21:45:36  barbsaka  : Seems to grow every year, as more people become aware, and cost of powerful computers comes down
 21:45:47  JoseRodriguez  : bulid in value with what we got.
 21:45:57  ds  : @barb and cell phones are the next frontier, I think
 21:46:08  Vance  : clap clap
 21:46:32  barbsaka  : they are here (Japan), where computers are often a piece of pretty furniture, but people access web on phone every day
 21:46:39  nick  : yes .. its 3am for Dennis
 21:47:14  ds  : well done Dennis, definitely above and beyond the call of duty
 21:47:18  Edith  : this new Skype is too fun
 21:47:22  Vance  : how do we exploit that Barbsaka?
 21:47:24  nick  : :)
 21:47:36  barbsaka  : still working on it :)
 21:47:58  Edith  : why on the phone?
 21:48:16  barbsaka  : because more young people use their phones for internet than laptops
 21:48:22  nick  : we build communities by making people get up to speed with community, domain and practice quickly
 21:48:23  barbsaka  : at least here in Asia
 21:48:39  ds  : accessiblitylot easier for many to get a phoneand they come w a network attached
 21:48:47  nick  : and facilitating transition from periphery to core and back out again
 21:49:22  nick  : yay Dennis
 21:50:49  nick  : sure can do for a while
 21:50:59  nick  : lol
 21:51:17  ds  : might as well stay up now Dennis :)
 21:51:27  ds  : and good morning
 21:51:34  Osnacaantabd  : Bye
 21:51:43  nick  : bye Dennis
 21:51:49  ds  : great showthanks to all
 21:51:52  Vance  :
 21:52:11  Edith  : chat room threw me out
 21:52:16  Edith  : the other me
 21:52:43  nick  : Assoc for Advancement of Computers in Education I think
 21:52:45  Edith  : hi jan
 21:52:48  barbsaka  : that's what I've own phone is ONLY a phone :)
 21:52:49  ds  : does everyone use mobile web on their phones? provided you have a phone, of course....
 21:52:56  Alicemercer  : AACE  Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education AACE serves the profession with international conferences, high quality publications,
 21:52:59  jan smith  : Hi all!
 21:53:12  Alicemercer  :
 21:53:18  nick  : HK is similar to Japan
 21:53:25  barbsaka  : I imagine so
 21:53:35  Edith  : hi james
 21:53:53  Eurominuteman  : hi
 21:53:58  barbsaka  : In the 3rd edition of my children's textbook, we included a (IMO) very cool CD Rom
 21:53:59  Vance  :
 21:54:04  Eurominuteman  : yawn
 21:54:06  barbsaka  : However, few use it
 21:54:21  Edith  : i don't use mobile web on my phone
 21:54:28  Edith  : phone is too old
 21:54:48  barbsaka  : The kids tell me that their parents don't know how to play disks on the family computer
 21:54:49  ds  : I had a buddy of mine, a REAL ludditeextolling the virtures of the iPhone yesterdaythe power of marketing
 21:55:10  ds  : virtues too
 21:55:20  barbsaka  : BUT, they spend so much time in transit that even kids are quite good at browsing the web on phones
 21:55:39  barbsaka  : When I wanted to purchase a phone that only made calls, I got the strangest looks from the clerk
 21:56:01  ds  : @barb too funny, but doesn't surprise me
 21:57:01  barbsaka  : Barbara has to hook up headphones
 21:57:11  barbsaka  : Is there a skype number to call in on?
 21:57:31  nick  : but kids are different .. they will expect mobile web ...
 21:58:06  ds  : opera mini is a great browser: I've had good success with it on blackberry
 21:58:09  nick  : the I can do everything is around what we do ... not what kids/teens do on mobiles nec.
 21:58:15  barbsaka  : or how do I connect?
 21:58:26  barbsaka  : barbara.sakamoto
 21:58:28  ds  : @barb Alice will call you
 21:58:42  barbsaka  : ok
 21:59:36  barbsaka  : oops wrong button
 22:00:05  nick  : hey barb
 22:01:10  nick  : bye all ... take care
 22:01:34  Edith  : take care nick
 22:01:50  ds  : cya nick
 22:01:55  ds  : missed him
 22:02:02  ds  : hey James
 22:02:07  Edith  : you scared him away
 22:02:15  Eurominuteman  : hi ds
 22:02:25  jan smith  : gtgmeeting my daughter to test yugma on skype :)
 22:03:07  James Sigler  : Hey everybody
 22:03:18  ds  : hey James
 22:03:40  Eurominuteman  : 4am, i'm not awake
 22:04:04  Eurominuteman  : my ghost is here
 22:04:10  Vance  :
 22:04:11  James Sigler  : Just got back from watching school board meeting, so missed the show :(
 22:05:02  Edith  :  well pooh
 22:06:35  Vance  :
 22:06:36  kapil  : just posted some learnings on my blog for "its elementary 24 feb"  pretty rough right now,
 22:06:39  Edith  : nite
 22:06:40  Vance  : great preso
 22:07:07  ds  : oops
 22:07:33  Vance  : bye bye
 22:07:42  ds  : take care all
 22:07:50  ds  : @Alice what happened?
 22:08:12  James Sigler  : nice seeing ya'll
 22:08:47  ds  : you too, take care all and see you again soon
 22:29:10  Alicemercer  : You still there ds?
 22:29:13  Alicemercer  : I went to eat dinner
 22:29:18  Alicemercer  : the show was over