Joined by the founders of ETT, as JL calls in "because no one else will argue with Dave" regarding his OER post. We also talk about @NancyWhite 's onlinevisualjams
Talk with Dave Cormier about a blog post of his: OERs Shining Light: new textbook model or harbinger of a new imperialism and the comments it generated. Jeff Lebow joins us (@ the 36:00 minute mark), "because no one else will disagree with Dave" and the brainstorm ensues.
NOTE: Would love to revisit the topic with Dave and Jeff, and whomever else would like to weigh in, on a future show.
We also talk about an episode of onlinevisualjams hosted by Nancy White, from the previous afternoon: Audio / Visuals
Tunes: Remix Culture Addict, Wadidyusay?
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21:01:09 dougsymington -> hey Jen
21:01:25 injenuity -> hey. some crowd!
21:01:26 dougsymington -> audio stream running, and you're the 1st to arrive! Welcome
21:01:29 dougsymington -> lol
21:01:33 dougsymington -> oh ya
21:02:47 injenuity -> this site is always so hard to figure out
21:03:07 dougsymington -> it does take some navigating
21:03:22 dougsymington -> but we've had to mash tools
21:03:28 dougsymington -> to get the functionality
21:03:32 dougsymington -> hi Scott
21:03:40 Scott Shelhart -> Hi there Doug.
21:04:33 Scott Shelhart -> Hello Guest
21:04:34 dougsymington -> sir guest
21:04:35 dougsymington -> welcome
21:06:17 injenuity -> I killed it.
21:06:27 dougsymington -> get in here
21:06:48 injenuity -> does he know I can hear him?
21:06:51 dougsymington -> dougsymington in skype to join convo
21:06:55 Scott Shelhart -> Link to the post we are discussing pleasee...
21:07:04 dougsymington -> stand by
21:07:22 Scott Shelhart -> Roger- 10-4
21:07:27 injenuity ->
21:07:33 Scott Shelhart -> tnx
21:07:51 injenuity -> that's how all blogs are
21:07:55 injenuity -> blogging is a lie
21:07:57 injenuity -> ;)
21:09:11 Scott Shelhart -> Hi Peggy
21:09:49 PeggyG -> Hi Scott--busy night tonight! there were 200 people in the John Palfrey-Born Digital session.
21:10:11 Scott Shelhart -> WOW!
21:10:21 injenuity -> i love OER!
21:10:32 injenuity -> we need more. hire me!
21:11:05 injenuity -> quit making stuff
21:11:32 injenuity -> i'm biting it
21:13:07 injenuity -> and start talking and doing
21:13:32 Lorna -> can you drop in the link?
21:13:44 dougsymington ->
21:14:00 Lorna -> I can hear him
21:14:06 Lorna -> go 4 it
21:16:39 Scott Shelhart -> Jen is stuck in the revolving door.
21:16:55 -> Help! Can't hear audio. Which stream?
21:17:09 Scott Shelhart -> ETTA uppr right corner
21:18:00 injenuity -> I did the graphic recording in a session once
21:18:17 PeggyG -> A & B are definitely more bandwidth friendly.
21:18:59 dougsymington -> JL, in the house
21:19:03 Scott Shelhart -> @MGuhlin Did you find the audio?
21:19:05 dougsymington -> welcome
21:19:21 injenuity -> I have an airplane engineer listening in and he uses curvy and straight
21:19:23 -> Found the aduio but can't get it to play.
21:19:46 Scott Shelhart -> I use the black icon (itunes feed)
21:20:03 injenuity -> ok, husband had this discussion at work today
21:20:05 dougsymington ->
21:20:22 injenuity -> he says the only way you know if he did his job wrong is if the plane falls out of the sky
21:20:24 Scott Shelhart -> thanks doug. MG. click on dave's link
21:20:30 JL -> listening help at:
21:20:31 Scott Shelhart -> dougs link
21:20:57 -> yeah, i tried that already. and again. Nope. will restart.
21:21:40 dougsymington -> hi Kapil, welcome
21:22:18 kapil -> hi everyone
21:22:56 PeggyG -> anytime you say "best way" you'll find a difference of opinion :-)
21:23:16 injenuity -> I would really like to see a poll of the people promoting remixing OER to see how many of them do it
21:23:35 kapil -> are we talking about OER ?
21:24:04 tjtech -> Thank you Doug! :D
21:24:24 PeggyG -> That's what we started talking about kapil -- kind of a free flowing conversation about many things related to OER
21:25:52 kapil -> i did a small project , just remixed science videos from youtube and other video sharing websites , it has 300 science videos , fortunately not many schools in india know any thing about blocking youtube
21:27:19 PeggyG -> @kapil you share some fantastic resources and are doing wonderful things!! thanks for the link!
21:29:38 PeggyG -> welcome back Miguel! hope you have some audio now. You should Skype in :-)
21:29:43 Lorna -> @kapil that is excellent work
21:29:55 -> @PeggyG yes, have audio...zap mamma almost threw me off!
21:30:12 -> Breaks are great!
21:30:19 PeggyG -> hooray! success!
21:30:31 JL -> I nominate Dave to be in charge of musical interludes for ETW
21:30:45 -> cute kids!
21:30:50 tjtech -> very sweet
21:30:55 -> no way! I'm a text freak!
21:31:02 PeggyG -> what an adorable picture!!
21:31:35 kapil -> - its a great resource for OER
21:31:53 injenuity -> I have a 2 year old poking me in the eye, so I should probably go
21:32:08 injenuity -> thanks for letting me backchannel
21:32:26 dougsymington -> thank you
21:32:41 PeggyG -> impressed with how easily you slipped in that music to the stream!
21:33:36 dougsymington -> ty
21:33:43 dougsymington -> @Peggy
21:34:44 PeggyG -> I'm having a hard time shifting my paradigm from the open education philosophy of the 60's and 70's to OER and internet.
21:35:16 kapil -> i read somewhere that around 300 universities around the world are thinking about doing something on the lines of MIT OCW
21:35:59 kapil -> not sure about the number
21:36:17 PeggyG -> :-) Jeff
21:37:10 kapil -> great point
21:37:22 -> The Internet is the system, unfettered and unmoderated. Should we make everyone filter out what isn't relevant?
21:37:24 guest478 ->
21:37:49 guest478 -> @miguel but is anyone really able to filter for everyone?
21:37:52 -> Why should you force others to drink from the firehose? Bringing order to chaos is human
21:38:49 -> @guest478 sure...gimme the I really want students to wade through the rest?
21:38:55 -> How's that for oppositional? ;->
21:39:05 PeggyG -> good job Miguel!
21:39:44 -> Internet=chaos, AcademicER=Order, OER=Chaos/Order Blend
21:41:28 -> Rhizomatic -
21:43:07 -> Higher level = charter schooling content on the web. The rest make do with OER. OER is better because it's accessible by the masses and updated more? is this wisdom of crowds?
21:44:03 PeggyG -> really intrigued by your thoughts Miguel! sure wish you could join the skype call
21:45:19 -> @PeggyG I think better writing than I do speaking. Sorry. Anyways, just playing with ideas...I'm not putting forward a point of view that i understand deeply.
21:45:49 -> who is "me?"
21:45:56 -> I'm late.
21:46:04 PeggyG -> but I think I understand you--lot of deep thoughts going on here
21:46:22 dougsymington ->
21:46:49 PeggyG -> do you think it isn't sustainable because it doesn't generate funding?
21:47:03 -> Dave Cormier! Duh!
21:47:26 kapil -> i once approached MIT for distributing MIT content in DVDs in India as most people dont have good enough bandwidth for watching videos online
21:48:10 kapil -> i got permission for 1000 copies but its very expensive to replicate DVDs
21:49:25 guest478 ->
21:49:38 PeggyG -> LOL!!
21:51:09 Lorna -> want their money's worth
21:51:50 PeggyG -> Just saw the Cormier citation on the Rhizome (philosopahy wikipedia entry :-)
21:52:17 guest478 ->
21:53:03 PeggyG -> I had a hard time finding the students who wanted to be in control of their own learning in my univrsity :-(
21:53:20 dougsymington -> hard after all that spoon-feeding
21:53:31 Lorna -> link not working on my computer
21:53:45 PeggyG -> didn't work for me either
21:54:00 ->
21:54:24 kapil -> i see a huge value in OER for developing countries as long as it is not top down
21:55:02 PeggyG -> how could OER be top down?
21:55:41 -> how could i setup edtechtalk live on a district moodle?
21:55:51 Lorna -> blush
21:55:53 -> you know, learning conversations available 24/7
21:56:07 Lorna -> cheer
21:56:08 kapil -> for me , ETT is attending university and doing one of the best master degree course in edtech
21:56:40 Lorna -> I agree kapil
21:56:52 PeggyG -> Lorna and her team are awesome facilitators!! I always marvel at how they manage their conversations on their show!
21:57:29 -> ustream is, I want to share EdTechTalk discussions with a schedule and people click to listen
21:57:45 PeggyG -> it is for me too kapil!
21:57:54 Lorna -> there is a calendar
21:58:15 Lorna -> awe ds wants to be on Pasp
21:58:19 Lorna -> any time
21:58:34 Lorna -> we are doing a speakers corner on MOnday night
21:58:48 PeggyG -> probably the best way to share the discussions is via recordings
21:58:49 kapil -> it usually starts at 7 am here in india, ETT is making me disciplined :-)
21:58:53 Lorna -> everyone is welcoe me to join
21:58:54 -> yep...RSS. I'll do that.
21:58:59 Lorna -> welcome
21:59:11 guest478 -> I'm a Mr.
21:59:13 guest478 -> :)
21:59:23 -> Awesome, thanks!
21:59:53 kapil -> i want to summarize ETT episodes in 100 words through a wiki for quick reference
21:59:58 Lorna -> man I learned way too much tonight
22:00:12 PeggyG -> saw someone's Netvibe's page of feeds for all of his Nings--it was a great model
22:00:26 kapil -> let me see how we can take that forward
22:00:47 PeggyG -> thanks for the stimulating conversation!
22:01:53 dougsymington -> thank you Peggy and all
22:01:55 kapil -> thanks
22:01:57 PeggyG -> night all!
22:02:37 dougsymington -> take care all, bye for now
22:03:17 PeggyG -> name of the tune again?
The link to Dave's post is
The link to Dave's post is broken.