ICVL 2009 - The 4rd International Conference on Virtual Learning

"Learning is evolution of knowledge over time." Roger E. Bohn, 1994

2010 - Towards a Learning and Knowledge Society - 2030 | http://icvl.eu

Virtual Environments for Education and Training, Software and Management for Education

October 30-November 1, 2009


Location of Conference: "Gh. Asachi" Technical University of Iasi, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, 51-53 Dimitrie Mangeron Bd, IASI, cod 700050 ROMÂNIA

Organizers: University of Bucharest and "Gh. Asachi" Technical University of Iasi in cooperation with SIVECO SA company, Bucharest, Romania

Sponsors: National Authority for Scientific Research, SIVECO SA company, Bucharest, Romania

Homepage: http://www.icvl.eu/2009

Email (for abstracts and full papers): vlada[at]fmi.unibuc.ro

Deadline for abstracts: June 30, 2009 | Deadline for Full Paper: AUGUST 1, 2009 | List of Accepted Papers: August 30, 2009

- The development of Research, projects, and software for E-Learning, Software and Educational Management fields;
- To promote and develop scientific research for e-Learning, Educational Software and Virtual Reality;
- To create a framework for a large scale introduction of the e-Learning approaches in teaching activity;
- To assist the teaching staff and ICT professionals in the usage of the modern technologies for teaching both in the initial and adult education

POST-CONFERENCE: The Organisation Committee will elaborate until the ICVL opening, the volume with the conference's papers and the CD (with ISSN). Extended versions of selected papers presented at ICVL will be offered for publishing in the International Journal of Computers, Communications & Control- http://www.journal.univagora.ro/

- The implementation of the Information Society Technologies (IST) according to the European Union Framework-Programme (FP7)
- The development of Research, projects, and software for E-Learning, Software and Educational Management fields;
- To promote and develop scientific research for e-Learning, Educational Software and Virtual Reality;

"Intel® Education" - Learning, Technology, Science (IntelEdu):

Research papers - Major Topics
The papers describing advances in the theory and practice of Virtual Environments for Education and Training (VEE&T), Virtual Reality (VR), Information and Knowledge Processing (I&KP), as well as practical results and original applications.
The education category includes both the use of Web Technologies, Computer Graphics and Virtual Reality Applications, New tools, methods, pedagogy and psychology, Case studies of Web Technologies and Streaming Multimedia Applications in Education, experience in preparation of courseware.

Thank you very much for your attention and, please, circulate this call for papers.

Thank you and best regards,

Mail Address:
Str. Academiei nr.14, sector 1, C.P. 010014, Bucuresti, Romania
Tel: (4-021) 314 3508, Fax: (4-021) 315 6990,

Submitted by: Dr. Marin Vlada
Date received: March 10, 2009