Teachers Teaching Teachers #141 - VoiceThread Update with Ben and Steve along with Bill, Mattie, Mary Ellen & Colette - 02.25.09

Post-Show description: 

We asked VoiceThread founders, Steve Muth and Ben Papell to join us on Teachers Teaching Teachers February 25.

We also invited three teachers whose art as educators includes using VoiceThread. Bill Ferriter, Mattie Ettenheim, Mary Ellen Rudolph, Colette Cassinelli and others!

Do you use VoiceThread? Many of us do, and as we grow with this application in our classrooms, it’s great to know that the founders are still there with us, listening and improving their tool.

Perhaps you also received an email from the VoiceThread team earlier this month. Upon their release of “a major update to our Groups feature and want to share how it works and what it means for everyday VoiceThreaders.” They go on to explain that the improvements mean that groups are “persistent,” “borderless,” and “simple.” And they did profide “a Thread showing what’s new and how to use it.” http://voicethread.com/share/343705/.

Fair enough, but this made Susan Ettenheim and Paul Allison feel the need for more conversation! We asked Steve Muth and Ben Papell to join us on Teachers Teaching Teachers February 25.

We also invited four teachers whose art as educators includes using VoiceThread. Bill Ferriter, Mattie Ettenheim, Mary Ellen Rudolph, Colette Cassinelli and others!

Enjoy the podcast.


Click Read more to see a transcript of a chat that was happening during the webcast.


 20:51:03 Paul Allison: http://voicethread.com/#u4473.b303482.i1609395
20:51:07 Paul Allison: Hi
20:51:25 mcarls: Hello
20:51:41 Paul Allison: Susan is probably rounding up the folks for tonight's webcast -- to start in about 10 min.
20:55:30 Scott Shelhart: Hello folks.  ETTA or ustream tonight?
20:57:04 BarbInNebraska: Hi everyone!
20:57:22 applem: Hi
20:57:40 ColetteC: Hello everyone
20:57:47 BarbInNebraska: I forgot, how do you get sound in here?
20:57:49 mcarls: Hello ColletteC
20:58:04 BarbInNebraska: :D
20:58:15 Scott Shelhart: click on of the three links under edtechtalk A
20:58:31 Gretchen: I click - no sound...
20:58:47 ColetteC: Haven't started yet ..
20:59:03 Lee Kolbert: Hi Colette
20:59:07 Gretchen: I was worried! Thanks colette
20:59:17 ColetteC: Hi Lee - nice to "see" you :)
20:59:28 mcarls: I can hear the "Welcome" 's so I hope I'm good.
20:59:31 Lee Kolbert: Sorry, I'm almost late.
20:59:48 Lee Kolbert: traffic at the gym :)
20:59:49 Jeanne: Hi I'm new here. Is this just chat - no voice?
21:00:01 applem: cannot get audio
21:00:13 Bill Ferriter (@plugusin: Hello All!
21:00:16 Lee Kolbert: Oh good. Bill is later than I am.
21:00:16 mcarls: The gym...right, forgot about starting that up for Lent!  : }
21:00:25 SusanEttenheim: hi applem what platform are you using?
21:00:31 Bill Ferriter (@plugusin: Late my behind, Lee....I was here first!
21:00:35 applem: windows xp
21:00:36 SusanEttenheim: how is our sound everyone?
21:01:00 janet: How do you get sound?
21:01:02 Gretchen: No sound
21:01:02 Jeanne: Is there sound?
21:01:02 BarbInNebraska: Yeah! I can hear!
21:01:03 Maureen: We can hear you
21:01:05 SusanEttenheim: hi everyone - can you hear us?
21:01:09 janet: No
21:01:11 applem: no
21:01:22 mcarls: NO, just welcome....welcome...
21:01:29 SusanEttenheim: thanks maureen - do our voices sound even?
21:01:38 Gretchen: Close the sound connection then reopen...
21:01:38 Bill Ferriter (@plugusin: Steve and the Voicethread guys just plain rule.
21:01:41 Maureen: Yes, volume is fine...
21:01:41 janet: How do you get sound
21:01:44 BarbInNebraska: I clicked on the little icon and then opened iTunes
21:01:46 Gretchen: now I can hear!
21:01:59 BarbInNebraska: We are doing a VoiceThread TOMORROW!!!!!
21:02:12 Lee Kolbert: I can't hear anything. Should I?
21:02:16 mcarls: What is it on @BarbInNebraska?
21:02:23 applem: we are doing a voicethread poster session at ICE
21:02:30 Bill Ferriter (@plugusin: My Voicethread resources:  http://digitallyspeaking.pbwiki.com/voicethread
21:02:36 BarbInNebraska: @mcarls, we just finished our big state project, 3rd grade
21:02:37 Jeanne: found sound thank you
21:02:49 applem: now I hear sound :D
21:03:04 Maureen: @Lee click on ETTA- little icon on the right- open with realplayer, or itunes, etc
21:03:22 mcarls: I was curious.  I have Juniors & Seniors going to do family tree and going to try to put family pics into a Voicethread.
21:03:23 ColetteC: Lee - can't you hear from Skype??
21:03:45 Lee Kolbert: no, nobody has added me
21:03:48 BarbInNebraska: @mcarls, Voicethread is a very satisfing project!~
21:03:57 SusanEttenheim: lee what's your skype name?
21:04:07 applem: Made this for the conference http://jointheconversation.wikispaces.com
21:04:08 BarbInNebraska: Thanks for the Tweets!
21:04:08 [email protected]: I can't hear
21:04:15 Lee Kolbert: teachakidd
21:04:25 Bill Ferriter (@plugusin: @plugusin
21:04:27 SusanEttenheim: don't worry bantle1 we'll get you up and running!
21:05:32 SusanEttenheim: lee I"m trying to find you!
21:05:39 mrsdurff: hi kapil
21:05:46 Lee Kolbert: teachakidd
21:05:53 mrsdurff: & Peggy
21:06:03 butwait: Bantle1 probably didn't mean to leave, just didn't "grok" the little door icon.. see, bantle1's back! I can't hear, either, though...
21:06:08 Bill Ferriter (@plugusin: What I like the best about the Voicethread guys is they are very responsive to educator needs.
21:06:09 PeggyG: Hi everyone! So excited to tune in tonight! We used Bill's link in our last Classroom 2.0 LIVE show focusing on VT.
21:06:13 mcarls: THanks for help, now that I have iTunes open I can hear.
21:06:25 Bill Ferriter (@plugusin: They want to make their tool useful to us.
21:06:43 kapil: hi everyone , good morning from India
21:06:50 SusanEttenheim: hi joyce - welcome!
21:06:51 PeggyG: Colette was our star guest and gave everyone some great suggestions for using VT.
21:06:57 Bill Ferriter (@plugusin: @peggyg:  Quite cool....glad that you found my work helpful.
21:06:57 ColetteC: @ccassinelli started http://voicethread4education.wikispaces.com/ to collect outstanding examples of VoiceThread -- please add your projects
21:06:59 Gretchen: Hey good morning Kapil!
21:07:08 PeggyG: Absolutely Bill!!
21:07:08 SusanEttenheim: lee skype keeps telling  me that teachakidd does not exist!
21:07:23 mcarls: Great wiki for Voicethread
21:08:07 SusanEttenheim: hi gail welcome!
21:08:11 BarbInNebraska: bummer, I got logged out!
21:08:18 Gail Desler: Hi susan
21:08:18 Bill Ferriter (@plugusin: I like that Voicethread allows voice, video and text commenting.  Approachable for all kinds of students.
21:08:23 SusanEttenheim: glad you're back!
21:08:24 ColetteC: Whi here in the chat has made a VoiceThread before?  What subject/level?
21:08:29 Gail Desler: @sandy Hayes - Hi!
21:08:32 Lee Kolbert: I'm skyping with Steve Muth via chat. :) It's ok. I'll follow along in the chat
21:08:48 BarbInNebraska: I'm making a VoiceThread tomorrow with my 3rd graders on our state project
21:08:48 Maureen: I've used them from prek thru 8th grade
21:08:54 joycevalenza: who hasn't Colette
21:09:02 KarenJan: Voice Thread is the most effective tool for differentiated instruction and universal design for learning!
21:09:06 Lee Kolbert: Has anyone tried letting kids use the phone commenting?
21:09:07 SandyHayes: @Gail - back at ya!
21:09:07 PeggyG: http://www.sharetabs.com/?classroom20live02212009  This is a link to all of the links we included in our VoiceThread resources on ShareTabs. Lots of great examples and info.
21:09:08 ColetteC: @joyce :)
21:09:10 Gail Desler: @colette - I'm using VT for a Family LIteracy Night event
21:09:17 joycevalenza: :-) Karen!
21:09:19 Jeanne: I'm in Cath HS and have only made a simple voicethread when I first started using it.
21:09:21 Bill Ferriter (@plugusin: And all kinds of projects---as a LA teacher, I lean heavy on text comments.
21:09:34 mrsdurff: hey joyce valenza is here!!
21:09:38 KarenJan: Great to see you @joyce!!!
21:09:39 joycevalenza: hi!
21:09:44 ColetteC: @Jeanne i teach in catholic ms/hs too
21:09:45 joycevalenza: i love ben and steve
21:09:54 PeggyG: @Gail-would love to hear how your using VT for Family Literacy Night!
21:09:58 Gail Desler: @Joyce and Lisa d - Hello!
21:09:59 BarbInNebraska: I teach at a k-8 Catholic school in Nebraska
21:10:02 Jeanne: ColetteC we should talk about the Cath aspect
21:10:02 joycevalenza: LOVE LOVE LOVE
21:10:05 Jeanne: u too Barb
21:10:10 mrsdurff: don't you dare!
21:10:12 Bill Ferriter (@plugusin: @leekolbert:  Phone comments work great.  Use them for commenting on field trips to Voicethread.
21:10:15 ben: Hi Joyce!
21:10:16 mrsdurff: we will riot
21:10:16 applem: Made sample voicethreads - our  students have made voicethreads for a variety of classes
21:10:24 Gail Desler: @peggy - as part of an EETT grant (enhancing Ed thru Technology)
21:10:32 butwait: I have iTunes open, still no audio. I have made a VoiceThread for a Moodle course on haiku.
21:10:44 mrsdurff: try realplayer
21:11:02 PeggyG: Did parents add comments to the VT?
21:11:07 ColetteC: Pretty excited to play with the new groups feature with my students
21:11:29 Bill Ferriter (@plugusin: That's huge.  "Spending time on planning" is a barrier that many people can't overcome.
21:11:31 joycevalenza: we did hamlet soliloquies recently--remixed shakespeare
21:11:46 PeggyG: that sounds like a really helpful feature--new groups
21:11:47 applem: Used the new groups feature to show a class how to share their VT
21:11:51 Gail Desler: @peggy - we'll be doing that next month.  Right now I'm just introducing it to the teachers and their students
21:12:12 SusanEttenheim: hi butrflygirl welcome!
21:12:15 Bill Ferriter (@plugusin: You know what I'm curious about:  Do Steve and Ben have a background in education?  It sure feels like it.  
21:12:15 Lee Kolbert: I worked with a class here where they did research and uploaded their drafts of the research in a VT. The kids in the research group commented on the drafts.
21:12:18 PeggyG: Thanks Gail. Can't wait to hear how it goes!! Will you blog about it?
21:12:23 Gail Desler: @Susan- what's the VT called?
21:12:33 SusanEttenheim: lee I'm still trying to figure out how to find you! can you skype text me please?
21:12:34 Gail Desler: @Peggy You bet!
21:12:35 [email protected]: I can hear now
21:12:36 ben: Hi Lee
21:12:36 BarbInNebraska: good question Bill
21:12:40 Lee Kolbert: Iin the end, they will be creating their own final VTs.
21:12:51 SusanEttenheim: gail they are starting to be posted in Youth Voices
21:13:01 Mark Carls: Hello Joevans.
21:13:07 Gail Desler: @susan Super! I'll check there
21:13:11 SusanEttenheim: I hope everyone here will consider joining and sharing your VoiceThreads at Youth Voices!
21:13:24 joevans: Hi Mark. John Evans here
21:13:24 butwait: @bantle1 What's your secret to achieving audio happiness here in chat?
21:13:25 Akochan: O
21:13:29 Lee Kolbert: Susan: I've been trying to send you a text and I just tried to call you too.
21:13:44 PeggyG: Hi Joevans! Haven't talked to you in AGES! Great to see you!
21:13:48 Akochan: I'm a new comer to this.  Could anyone explain to me what VT is?
21:13:56 BarbInNebraska: yes, I was blocked on VT earlier this year, but got it unblocked
21:13:59 applem: Is Youth Voices part of VT?
21:14:18 Mark Carls: I thought that was you John.
21:14:29 Bill Ferriter (@plugusin: My struggle has been to show others that transparency and accountability does exist in Voicethread.  That's the key to getting buy in.
21:14:34 Gail Desler: @applem - no it's a bunch of schools across the US collaborating & writing
21:14:43 joevans: Hey Peggy. Just saw you're chat on BT Radio. GOod to "see" you too1
21:14:53 Mark Carls: In Moodle as well now, right?
21:15:07 SusanEttenheim: wow chat is moving fast tonight!
21:15:13 SusanEttenheim: hi lori welcome
21:15:19 Lori From Lincoln: Hi!
21:15:20 PeggyG: This is a very busy night! So many fantastic choices!
21:15:27 BarbInNebraska: How many chatters here?
21:15:37 BarbInNebraska: Hi Lori!
21:15:45 Gail Desler: @peggy Are you going to CUE?
21:15:50 Mark Carls: Need to try that Group feature, that would've made my Pictures around the world project easier!
21:15:51 SusanEttenheim: Youth Voices is not a "part" of VT but we LOVE to share VoiceThreads! http://www.voicethread.com
21:15:56 Lori From Lincoln: Hi Barb!
21:15:59 Lee Kolbert: Groups is awesome! Much easier to manage.
21:16:04 SusanEttenheim: ugh sorry http://www.youthvoices.net
21:16:06 applem: Anybody going to the ICE conference (Illinois)
21:16:08 BarbInNebraska: Lori, reading about all the fun the plurkers are having in Illinois at ICE, we have to do the same!
21:16:13 Mark Carls: Of course, then it got deleted!
21:16:24 PeggyG: No I have to try to participate in CUE virtually (and via Alice Mercer's backchannel chats)
21:16:32 applem: Thanks for the youth voices URL
21:16:41 Lee Kolbert: I'm here!!!!!
21:16:57 Gail Desler: @peggy - I'll be traveling & rooming with Alice
21:17:00 Lee Kolbert: Yes, great project!
21:17:08 Bill Ferriter (@plugusin: What about some kind of list of teachers interested in collaborating through VT?  I can find connections, but can the ordinary teacher?
21:17:12 Lee Kolbert: Let me find a link to details about that project.
21:17:14 Lori From Lincoln: definitely Barb! We need a big Nebraska activity
21:17:23 PeggyG: Great Gail! Can't wait to hear your updates from CUE as they develop
21:17:35 Jeanne: @Gail I'm going to CUE. Can hardly wait.
21:17:51 KarenJan: WE LOVE Voice Thread - would love to hear what students think about it!
21:18:00 mrsdurff: hi h270
21:18:01 butwait: I have iTunes open, RealPlayer open, but don' t know what to tell them to play...sigh.
21:18:04 Bill Ferriter (@plugusin: We could dial up some motivated kids for you in no time....That would be the key to a VT 2.0 group.  
21:18:09 mrsdurff: hi aaron
21:18:32 mrsdurff: butwait refresh
21:18:41 Aaron: Hello, I saw this room left on a tweet and I thought I would poke my head in.
21:18:44 LangLabCindy: @butwait - Try clicking on the speaker icon.  If iTunes is open, you should hear something shortly.
21:18:47 PeggyG: @butwait--did you click on the icon under EdTechTalk-A?
21:18:49 Mark Carls: @Bill Ferriter  That is one reason why I tried to start the voicethread.ning.com group to connect teachers and get teachers one way to connect.
21:18:51 H270: Hi
21:18:58 kapil: @butwait  file -> open -> http://edtechtalk.com/stream1.ram (in real player)
21:19:04 mrsdurff: hi hrmason
21:19:12 Lee Kolbert: @mark carls Great Ning!
21:19:16 Mark Carls: Getting a way to get that Global Collaboration would be great.  I see some in CAPSPACE.
21:19:22 Aaron: So what is the Ed. topic for tonight? Web 3.0 the Semantic web?
21:19:34 mrsdurff: butwait - click on blue icon under ETT A
21:19:36 Aaron: Knitting for problem students?
21:19:39 Bill Ferriter (@plugusin: @markcarls:  It would be great to see Voicethread take the lead on that only to bring all those good beginnings under one umbrella.
21:19:42 Mark Carls: @Lee Kolbert  Great because of people like you who share ideas
21:19:52 PeggyG: @Mark-your Ning is really valuable--we included a link to it in our Classroom 2.0 LIVE ShareTabs last Sat.
21:19:56 applem: The voicethread ning is great
21:20:24 applem: Learned alot from the Classroom Live discussion last Saturday.
21:20:27 Bill Ferriter (@plugusin: @stevemuth is brilliant:  Developing---and being comfortable in----digital relationships is a skill that students need to learn to succeed.  
21:20:38 Mark Carls: How hard would it be to get a Teachers to Collaborate wiki to collaborate?  Collete's has great resources and might have that already?
21:20:39 Gail Desler: @aplem - oh, there's a VT ning? Do you have the link?
21:20:59 Mark Carls: I'm not fast enough to keep up with the chat....man I'm getting old.
21:21:02 PeggyG: @Aaron--the topic tonight is VoiceThread with it's founders and some expert users (Colette!)
21:21:08 joycevalenza: having trouble hearing
21:21:20 Gretchen: EEEECCCHHHHOOOOO
21:21:29 H270: Okay good it's not just me.
21:21:40 KarenJan: @mark - it helps if you click the float and dock icon - then you can make it larger
21:21:40 tjtech: bad echo
21:21:50 Aaron: Oh lovely! I've never used voice thread. I'll look it up and see what I can learn. brb
21:22:05 butwait: @mrsdurff Thank you for your patience... SUCCESS! But apparently now that I'm here, there's an echo... it's all my fault! :-)
21:22:08 Mark Carls: @PeggyG  Thanks for the link in Classroom 2.0.
21:22:35 mrsdurff: hi aaron
21:22:47 mrsdurff: hi cindy
21:22:52 PeggyG: @Aaron--you can check out a bunch of sites re VoiceThread here: http://www.sharetabs.com/?classroom20live02212009
21:22:56 Mark Carls: We did it for 2 schools collaborating on a Wiki and class showed pics of the school and area and did voice in French.
21:23:04 mrsdurff: that's us
21:23:11 LangLabCindy: @mrsdurff hello!
21:23:12 KarenJan: we have used it to create social stories for kids on the autism spectrum
21:23:17 Mark Carls: Funny
21:23:37 KarenJan: video modeling for kids on the spectrum as well - has numerous special education applications
21:23:38 Mark Carls: I've never seen any of my network F2F.
21:23:42 Liz: A lot of teachers don't understand how to teach this global collaboration
21:23:43 applem: @Gail Desler Voicethread for Educators http://voicethread.ning.com
21:23:56 Liz: I think we need more preservice training on this topic
21:23:57 tjtech: @PeggyG thank you for the share tabs link - love the use of share tabs
21:24:08 PeggyG: students love having the authentic audience with VT
21:24:28 applem: also there is a voicethread grooup on diigo
21:24:35 Mark Carls: @Gail Desler  Looking for more educators in there too.
21:24:41 Gail Desler: @applem thanks
21:24:46 PeggyG: Yes there are some great resources in the Diigo group!
21:24:50 SusanEttenheim: hi trudy welcome
21:24:54 Lee Kolbert: That was a great way to introduce people to VT
21:24:56 mrsdurff: hi trudy
21:24:57 Bill Ferriter (@plugusin: I love the idea of creating easy VTs that are approachable to kids.  First experiences are important and easy experiences create early success.
21:24:58 Gail Desler: @I'll join, Mark!
21:25:03 SusanEttenheim: joyce is your sound beteter now?
21:25:03 mrsdurff: hi adina
21:25:06 BarbInNebraska: that is SO cute!
21:25:08 kapil: @everyone : you can login without entering your email IDs, just go ahead with any nick name
21:25:10 joycevalenza: yes, thank you!
21:25:12 Lori From Lincoln: used VT for students to present research on career. Mostly mild moderate and learning disabled.
21:25:17 bmcnaboe: that is very cool
21:25:29 joycevalenza: i love what it does for the reluctant speaker
21:25:32 Gail Desler: Am starting a VT with 3 groups of 4th graders around topic of bullying
21:25:34 SusanEttenheim: hi akochan welcome
21:25:48 Lori From Lincoln: helped with Down's student who stutters terribly
21:25:51 PeggyG: that should be REALLY interesting Gail!
21:25:57 Gail Desler: @adina
21:26:08 adinasullivan: Hi!
21:26:13 Bill Ferriter (@plugusin: "Connect outside of themselves" is a skill that is essential.  Agree or disagree?
21:26:14 H270: My first graders love to hear their own voices. They are fascinated by it.
21:26:22 SusanEttenheim: wow so many people - but could you all please say where and what you teach?
21:26:24 PeggyG: do you find that kids and adults tend to start on VT by typing rather than talking?
21:26:26 applem: good idea - will suggest VT to our Special Ed teachers
21:26:28 joycevalenza: they don't call them social networking tools either
21:26:37 LangLabCindy: @plugusin - Agree!
21:26:44 Lee Kolbert: Will be introducing VT to our multicultural dept.
21:26:48 PeggyG: Right Joyce!! :-)
21:26:49 mrsdurff: hey matt
21:26:50 SusanEttenheim: hi matt- welcome!
21:26:57 KarenJan: one of the best uses of VT was my friend used it with a 1st grader who had selective mutism - had never spoken in class. She used VT to get the student to record her reading so that teacher could assess her reading ability. Up to that point, teacher had never heard the student's voice
21:26:58 Jeanne: Funny we are doing the career project right now too
21:27:00 Mark Carls: @Gail Great, we'd love to have more in there.  And I'd love to hear ways to help people more!
21:27:03 Liz: Love the Cell Phone  use!!!!
21:27:18 Mark Carls: I think we do have to add a Collaborative Project group or something in there.
21:27:21 PeggyG: What a fantastic success story KarenJan!!!
21:27:24 kapil: if anybody can share the economics of voicethreads , difference between basic and free accounts
21:27:40 SusanEttenheim: hi carol welcome!
21:27:42 mrsdurff: hi carol
21:27:45 applem: we use the ed.voicethread account for our school
21:27:48 Mark Carls: Yes @KarenJan  Great story
21:27:50 joycevalenza: imagine a career VT with a page for each profession and collected stories from practitioners on each
21:27:52 Gail Desler: @matt hello
21:27:58 KarenJan: @peggyG - the child's peers said, "She has a beautiful voice." they had never heard it either and were excited for her
21:28:14 butwait: Typing can sometimes come first... Talking is intimidating at first... I've seen that in webinars, too. (Shelley, aka @butwait, academic matchmaker (coll. couns.) in Delaware River Valley
21:28:21 SusanEttenheim: http://voicethread.com/share/261859/
21:28:24 Lee Kolbert: reaching out via VT is VERY Safe if you make the right choices (right for your situation)
21:28:29 Gail Desler: @karenJan - Whew, that's a powerful use!
21:28:30 SusanEttenheim: here's the voicethread from teh met
21:28:35 PeggyG: Wow! I wish VT existed when I had a selective mute child in my school!!
21:28:45 mrsdurff: butwait - not so for kids
21:28:48 Lee Kolbert: You can be as open or secure as you want.
21:28:49 Bill Ferriter (@plugusin: Content is king in any Voicethread project.  Like anything, VT isn't going to engage any kid by itself.  It's just a tool for engaging in conversations around content.
21:28:57 ColetteC: Pricing:  http://voicethread.com/pricing/k12/
21:29:06 KarenJan: @gail, @mark - isn't it a great story? shows the power of VT
21:29:14 mrsdurff: finally
21:29:17 Mark Carls: Thanks @ColetteC  Couldn't find that link.
21:29:23 Gail Desler: @paulrwood - Hi, Paul
21:29:31 barbaramc: Hey Paul
21:29:33 paulrwood: Had Mass this evening @Durff
21:29:34 KarenJan: @paul - great to see you here! have you fully recovered?
21:29:40 Liz: Thanks everyone this has been great!
21:29:40 SusanEttenheim: http://voicethread.com/share/201399/
21:29:51 paulrwood: Good to see everyone. Glad to be here
21:30:03 Mark Carls: @KarenJan  I had a few teachers say how their teachers have gotten students to play their VT presentation instead of talking in front of others
21:30:09 Mark Carls: Hello Mr. Wood.
21:30:13 Bill Ferriter (@plugusin: I've enjoyed using VT in PD with teachers because the tool is so easy to use.  It has the potential to "hook" tech limited teachers.
21:30:16 paulrwood: Hey mark
21:30:21 mrsdurff: paul is here, the party may begin
21:30:25 PeggyG: The most powerful, effective VTs are those that really invite conversation and are not just used as a presentation tool.
21:30:27 ColetteC: I have my students record their narrations ahead of time with Audacity or Gabcast so they can rehearse and practice oral speaking skills
21:30:27 KarenJan: @mark - yes - it levels the playing field for all students
21:30:30 butwait: Wow, my son loves the Met and is totally going to grove on this.
21:30:36 SusanEttenheim: humm who is using VT for art projects in schools?
21:30:39 Lee Kolbert: I was asked to correlate standards to VT. I'm struggling with that because to me, the standards are tied to what you do with the VT. Anyone have other thoughts on this?
21:30:41 paulrwood: Starts singing "let's get it started now..."
21:30:44 joycevalenza: we are
21:30:49 BarbInNebraska: It must be really satisfing for the founders of VT to hear all the great projects being done with their application.
21:31:11 ColetteC: @peggy - you need to build in the converstation into the VT
21:31:17 kapil: Can I export  voice threads in a podcast (mp3) or video cast (mov) or a file that i can share with others through other formats ?
21:31:31 PeggyG: @Lee Kolbert-I agree with you about the process being the essential connection to the standards.
21:31:36 Lee Kolbert: yes, you can export to .mov
21:31:38 Bill Ferriter (@plugusin: @kapil :  Yup.  They've got Exports to Quicktime vids.
21:31:39 ColetteC: @Lee start with National Technology standards for students
21:31:47 Gail Desler: Oh, my "doodling" on the masters. Whew
21:31:47 joycevalenza: it is hard to keep that pen straight
21:31:58 mrsdurff: hi shannon
21:32:07 paulrwood: @durff knows how to doodle. Right?
21:32:12 Gail Desler: Helps to have a tablet if you're using the doodler
21:32:13 mrsdurff: nope
21:32:15 SusanEttenheim: hi shannon welcome!
21:32:15 KarenJan: doodle works best with tablet PCs or IWBs
21:32:16 H270: Great resource don't know if it's been mentioned http://voicethread4education.wikispaces.com/
21:32:20 kapil: thats is awesome, so i can take backups of all my voicethread projects in my hard disk
21:32:27 mrsdurff: i know nothing paul
21:32:29 SusanEttenheim: durff did I officially say hi and welcome!
21:32:34 SusanEttenheim: welcome lori!
21:32:52 Bill Ferriter (@plugusin: My students distract themselves with the doodle tool!
21:32:55 mrsdurff: perhaps you could do a video to teach me?
21:32:56 kapil: i just love Backups :-) especially after the gmail outage
21:33:03 barbaramc: Sounds like it is very versatile re learning styles, differentiation
21:33:05 PeggyG: Yes Colette! I think it takes some planning to figure out how to build in that conversation so it really happens.
21:33:05 lorenchuk: I use the doodle tool to highlight or direct the viewer to a place on the page or specific words.
21:33:15 joycevalenza: we  use it for language learning
21:33:23 Lee Kolbert: @Colette Yes, that's what I'm thinking too. Unfortunately, it's the tested standardsfthat those who are asking are interested in.
21:33:31 mrsdurff: hi vofarrill
21:33:45 LangLabCindy: @joycevalenza - can you give an example?
21:34:04 Lori In Lincoln: http://voicethread.com/#q+daycare.b271727.i1426732
21:34:13 Bill Ferriter (@plugusin: @leekolbert:  I tie all my VT work to the LA standards for written and spoken articulation.
21:34:17 Lori In Lincoln: example from Down's student
21:34:18 [email protected]: [i]Hi!
21:34:26 mrsdurff: hi callajud
21:34:26 Mark Carls: Still looking for Art teacher who has done some, probably should've just gone to the Browse at Voicethread.com
21:34:29 joycevalenza: sure german http://voicethread4education.wikispaces.com/
21:34:51 callajud: greetings, joined late
21:35:05 mrsdurff: no worries
21:35:15 Bill Ferriter (@plugusin: I think what I do best for new teachers is attach handouts of "how to" for teachers to every thread.  A template for that would be valuable.
21:35:16 mrsdurff: have sound?
21:35:49 Bill Ferriter (@plugusin: I'd actually hate to see you spotlight presentation oriented VTs simply because it promotes low level use of your tool!
21:35:49 Steve M: please submit some great examples you've got http://tinyurl.com/6yehyg
21:36:02 PeggyG: @Bill-your screencast tutorial on Adobe Connect was an excellent "getting started" resource!
21:36:04 lorenchuk: @plugusin, what do you mean handouts "to every thread"
21:36:06 ben: agrred
21:36:08 mrsdurff: any estimate on # in chatroom tonight?
21:36:14 SusanEttenheim: how true bill!!
21:36:17 Lee Kolbert: This is the project that Ben spoke about earlier. http://weblogs.pbspaces.com/edtech/2009/02/20/a-cross-state-collaborativ...
21:36:37 butwait:  I am running out of tabs, checking out so much awesomeness!
21:36:45 lorenchuk: I find showing a VT to teachers and creating one together gets them hooked
21:36:53 ColetteC: @bill Need to really understand WHY you are using VT for a particular lesson - how does it support student learning
21:37:09 mrsdurff: butwait - save to your delicious/diigo and close
21:37:13 mrsdurff: hi fred
21:37:22 fred_haas: Hi
21:37:25 lorenchuk: It supports students learning most when the students create them
21:37:34 PeggyG: Colette's wikispace is an excellent source for VT examples for all grades, subjects and best practices
21:37:39 KarenJan: @collette - it's a great tool as part of Universal Design for Learning - it can be part of multiple methods of representation, engagement AND expression
21:37:43 mrsdurff: deep resource - neat!
21:37:56 Bill Ferriter (@plugusin: @lorenchuk:  Check the handouts at the end of this VT:  http://ed.voicethread.com/#e20319
21:37:59 Lee Kolbert: Does anyone use Discovery Streaming content with VT's??
21:38:05 SusanEttenheim: http://voicethread.com/share/201399/ from the Metropolitan Museum
21:38:14 ColetteC: http://voicethread4education.wikispaces.com/  general samples
21:38:18 PeggyG: Great idea Lee! Would love to see that!
21:38:38 Bill Ferriter (@plugusin: @leekolbert:  Have a dance teacher who is recording student performances and then having peers give feedback back and forth.  
21:38:41 butwait: @mrsdurff You've got a nice Welcome Wagon vibe going... thank you.
21:38:50 mrsdurff: $%
21:38:51 lorenchuk: @bill thanks! I will.
21:38:52 Lee Kolbert: It's so easy to get your images and video clips from DE Streaming and throw them into a VT
21:38:54 mrsdurff: $5
21:39:06 mrsdurff: payable in lindens
21:39:14 mrsdurff: hi maryellen
21:39:17 paulrwood: @durff keep my tab going.
21:39:20 janet: Is Voice Threads free?
21:39:23 Lee Kolbert: @BillFerriter That's is very innovative!
21:39:34 Gail Desler: @Lee Kolbert - any copyright issues with using DE in VT?
21:39:38 Lee Kolbert: @Janet VT is free!
21:39:40 mrsdurff: yes paul. - you pay in Starbucks
21:39:46 janet: Do you download?
21:39:47 Cal: I wish that all developers had that approach
21:39:55 Gretchen: Only three threads for free though
21:39:59 PeggyG: @Lee-I can't wait to share that suggestion with AZ teachers! We have Discovery Streaming provided by our State Dept. for everyone.
21:40:00 tjtech: @ Lee is that ok with Discovery Streaming where it is subscription based?
21:40:13 H270: DE images are okay. Video has to be editable clips
21:40:16 joycevalenza: oops spanish http://voicethread.com/#u2774.b98673.i515631
21:40:26 Gail Desler: @tjtech that's my question too
21:40:31 mrsdurff: hola?
21:40:33 paulrwood: 45 in the room
21:40:33 tjtech: I thought they were particular about how you shared.
21:40:38 lorenchuk: @Gretchen teachers can get unlimited
21:40:42 mrsdurff: 45? wow!!
21:40:42 Bill Ferriter (@plugusin: @collette is right.  We've got to get teachers to think purpose before product or tool.
21:40:59 PeggyG: absolutely!! very important point!
21:41:02 Gretchen: HOW???? I thought it was $10 then you had to pay per student.
21:41:10 PeggyG: the tool must match the purpose!
21:41:19 lorenchuk: There is an educator account
21:41:24 Mark Carls: Saw part of Will Richardson's blog post last week interview done with VT:  http://weblogg-ed.com/2009/interview-with-carol-dweck/
21:41:25 paulrwood: Make sure they think what value does it add to the lesson
21:41:29 callajud: we just started using VT in 8th grade language classes
21:41:33 Lee Kolbert: @gaildesler Yes, you aren't supposed to share the content with non subscribers.
21:41:34 mrsdurff: really need a coffee refill.....brb
21:41:34 kapil: http://voicethread.com/pricing/k12/ - pricing for k12
21:41:57 Gretchen: Where do I find the Educator account information?
21:42:03 PeggyG: VT is perfect for digital storytelling!
21:42:11 Mark Carls: @mrsdurff  While your up......
21:42:14 matt montagne: audio quality is exceptional
21:42:16 SusanEttenheim: hi elyseea and dmkenney welcome!
21:42:28 dmkenney: hello all
21:42:31 SusanEttenheim: mattt - in vt or here?
21:42:40 matt montagne: in here
21:42:42 lorenchuk: @Colette, I still can't find the place to add a thread to my collection
21:42:48 ColetteC: @Bill Totally agree - need to teach the skill of commenting
21:42:51 maryellen rudolph: are there many special ed teachers out there using VT
21:42:56 SusanEttenheim: ahh thanks matt - we've had some problems lately
21:43:12 BarbInNebraska: @maryellen, lori in Nebraska is
21:43:22 Mark Carls: @maryellen  I have heard of quite a few, yes.
21:43:33 Gretchen: What is the link to Bill's site?
21:43:36 BarbInNebraska: @maryellen, I see she is logged in as Lori in Lincoln
21:43:41 joycevalenza: we get that in forums and blogs too
21:43:43 KarenJan: @maryellen - I"m an Assistive Technology consultant and recommend it to special educators all the time - offer VT PD for special education
21:43:55 Lori In Lincoln: oops Barb...what am I doing?
21:44:06 Lori In Lincoln: trying to multitask
21:44:08 Gretchen: AND where do I find the free educator account information???
21:44:27 BarbInNebraska: Lori is using VT with special ed, Maryellen asked who uses it
21:44:30 lorenchuk: @ Gretchen, are you on twitter?
21:44:35 Gretchen: YES
21:44:45 KarenJan: @gretchen - http://voicethread.com/pricing/k12/
21:44:47 butwait: Commenting as citizenship...
21:44:48 Mark Carls: @Gretchen  To upgrade to free Pro account?
21:44:49 maryellen rudolph: This program is wonderfully motivating for students who have communications problems.  
21:44:51 lorenchuk: I am lorenchuk
21:45:01 lorenchuk: @KarenJan, thank you
21:45:13 lorenchuk: @Gretchen did you get that?
21:45:16 KarenJan: @lorenchuk - YW!
21:45:18 callajud: Ed account:http://ed.voicethread.com/
21:45:31 ColetteC: Bill's resource http://digitallyspeaking.pbwiki.com/Voicethread
21:45:36 lorenchuk: I am doing gradwork and can't switch too many screens
21:45:50 paulrwood: http://voicethread.com/pricing/k12/
21:45:56 KarenJan: @maryellen - did u see the story I shared earlier about VT and a 1st grade student who has selective mutism?
21:45:56 Gretchen: YEs - I have a ed.voicethread account but I only saw the paid information
21:46:08 maryellen rudolph: is there any way that  we can each shrare some of our programs with others?
21:46:26 Lori In Lincoln: VT allows student to show off without fear of failure!
21:46:49 Gretchen: It says $10... am I missing something? How do I not pay for the kid's accounts?
21:46:56 ColetteC: Encourage the skills of productive debate & challenges
21:46:59 kapil:  @lori until people start integrating assessments with VTs
21:47:20 callajud: It's $10 for a class for 1 month
21:47:34 lorenchuk: I have my kids use my account, not sure we are talking about the same use.
21:47:38 maryellen rudolph: selective mutism.............might be interesting using her own fun activities and having her explain the activities that they love.
21:47:41 Lori In Lincoln: I used my for state standards for presentation+added notecards to introduce and summarze
21:47:45 Lee Kolbert: one time fee. not for a month
21:47:51 lorenchuk: Let's ask someone else.
21:47:55 KarenJan: one of the things I absolutely LOVE about VT is that it is mistake tolerant
21:48:00 Gail Desler: am copying all Bill F' terminology for teaching "collaborative commenting"
21:48:05 KarenJan: unlike paper
21:48:06 kapil: @gretchen i think its $10(one time) +  $10 /month
21:48:13 mrsdurff: the 'nearly now' time
21:48:16 Mark Carls: @maryellen  You can share at Colette's site http://voicethread4education.wikispaces.com  or  join our Ning group:  voicethread.ning.com
21:48:26 mrsdurff: as per stephen heppell
21:49:01 Gretchen: that is not free... Someone said it is free to educaotrs???? I am so confused.
21:49:17 BarbInNebraska: ditto! about hearing his voice!!!!!!!
21:49:19 tjtech: @Gail Desler I agree it is perfect
21:49:23 Mark Carls: @Gretchen  My fault, I didn't know you were talking about ed.voicethread.
21:49:30 kapil: Vaao we got the new tagline for VT "You sounds like your voice threads"
21:49:34 Bill Ferriter (@plugusin: Kids can find the strand of the conversation that they're most interested in joining.  Not "Held Hostage" by strands that aren't interesting to them.
21:49:35 ColetteC: @gretchen an educator account is FREE, $10 one time fee gets you access to ed.voicethread
21:49:37 PeggyG: @Gretchen-go directly to the source for the k12pricing info on their site.
21:49:56 Mark Carls: At Voicethread.com you can apply for a free Pro account for educators.
21:50:01 Gail Desler: @tjtech - Such great observations and tips!
21:50:08 mrsdurff: is that Skype doing that?
21:50:21 PeggyG: http://voicethread.com/about/k12/
21:50:27 mrsdurff: i had audio problems using skype today
21:50:51 Bill Ferriter (@plugusin: That's what I like the best about VT---y'all are responsive times ten to the needs of K12.
21:50:51 lorenchuk: How can we tell who is talking?
21:51:05 mrsdurff: wondered if it was skype, my computer, the connections, the isp, or sth else
21:51:08 lorenchuk: I am not able to tell and would love to.
21:51:09 SusanEttenheim: that was ben and now steve is talking
21:51:17 Mark Carls: Are they archived on ed.voicethread.com if a student deletes the thread, or is it gone!
21:51:21 lorenchuk: Thank you
21:51:31 dmkenney: VT has timely responsive support
21:51:32 SusanEttenheim: :)
21:51:36 Mark Carls: Had that happen a few times and they thought it was just erasing one picture
21:51:38 Lee Kolbert: those companies that listen to us will be around for awhile!
21:51:49 mrsdurff: bingo
21:52:06 kapil: I wish other services involve educators for product development as VT
21:52:08 ben: Ha! u promise Lee...
21:52:20 Bill Ferriter (@plugusin: Nice, @stevemuth:  Meeting "niche audiences" is impossible without help.
21:52:59 PeggyG: do a search for voicethread on the EdTechTalk.com site and you'll find several interviews with Ben and Steve that tell the story about how VT developed. They show how responsive VT has been to educator requests!
21:53:01 Lee Kolbert: You can tell which companies (whose clients are educators) are listening to educators. You can tell those who don't listen.
21:53:04 lorenchuk: @Bill, I love that niche audiences are also nuanced - multidimensional
21:53:06 Bill Ferriter (@plugusin: Those horror stories ruin our ability to convince school leaders that tech investments are worthwhile.
21:53:37 Bill Ferriter (@plugusin: @lorenchuk :  Cool phrasing "nuanced and multidimensional"
21:53:53 lorenchuk: :)
21:53:58 mrsdurff: baby steps are no fun
21:54:02 tjtech: Absolutely
21:54:26 mrsdurff: i like all the kids to use the tools from day one
21:54:29 lorenchuk: This group is a great example for that phrasing
21:54:31 Lee Kolbert: @billferriter You're so right. 2 steps forward, 1 step back.
21:54:36 mrsdurff: and they then teach me
21:54:46 mrsdurff: we gallop
21:54:55 callajud: we tried first with 1 class, then added another.  I'm running workshops for teachers tomorrow so others can explore and think about how they might use.
21:55:00 mrsdurff: giant leaps - not baby steps
21:55:25 Carol Broos: after students use voicethread, they want to verbally comment, no more typing.
21:55:27 Mark Carls: GREAT points @ColetteC
21:55:34 KarenJan: @durff - yes, baby steps leave us in the dust behind out students!
21:55:38 mrsdurff: one giant leap for mankind
21:55:41 KarenJan: our students
21:55:52 mrsdurff: not one baby step for mankind
21:56:04 Bill Ferriter (@plugusin: I'm not sure the level of content is there yet, Paul...
21:56:13 PeggyG: Yes Carol! Once they get some practice they become very comfortable with the audio comments!
21:56:14 Lee Kolbert: Perfect for little kids too. I have a 1st grade class that created a thread to wish a class in England a happy new year.
21:56:20 mrsdurff: all learners need to take gaint steps
21:56:22 kapil: @carol : i still see a lot of value in text comments. it helps them to organize their thoughts well
21:56:25 lorenchuk: Great job, thank you everyone. I need to sign off but will see you again.
21:56:27 Carol Broos: I agree students go to youtube first
21:56:33 Mark Carls: I've started with VT and even using PPT's just to make sure you at least have a page at the end where all of your pictures came from.
21:56:36 joycevalenza: they become part of our collection
21:56:39 matt montagne: there was an article somewhere about how many students are beginning their research at YouTube
21:56:47 joycevalenza: as "learning objects" and models
21:56:51 Lee Kolbert: We kept it private so that all the adults involved were completely comfortable.
21:56:54 Bill Ferriter (@plugusin: Does VT struggle to balance their need for customers with their need for maintaining quality control over content?
21:57:19 dmkenney: like the cloning feature
21:57:26 Mark Carls: I do as well.
21:57:42 Bill Ferriter (@plugusin: "I do to," said Dolly the Sheep.
21:57:43 paulrwood: @mark I need to take lessons from you.
21:57:58 kapil: Not many students use Youtube of search in developing countries like India due to bandwidth constraints
21:58:02 PeggyG: What a valuable feature--cloning!
21:58:05 ColetteC: Love the idea of sharing a clean copy - like a template for a jumping off point for new projects
21:58:15 ben: exactly
21:58:16 Mark Carls: @paulrwood  Follow @Lee Kolbert and others in here..... I'm learning and get extended time!
21:58:19 PeggyG: fantastic jumping off point!
21:58:21 Carol Broos: That is fabulous. I am going to have to look at the cloning
21:58:25 matt montagne: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/01/18/business/media/18ping.html?_r=2&partne...
21:58:45 Lee Kolbert: Hi Carol. We were talking about your project!!
21:59:00 butwait: Wondering if folks have ideas about about ideal size of a participating student group?
21:59:12 Gail Desler: Thanks, Matt
21:59:21 Bill Ferriter (@plugusin: I'm all kind of down with making my content available to anyone.  Add it to @shareski's "resovior" of ideas.
21:59:29 PeggyG: some VTs have hundreds of participants--depends on your purpose
21:59:33 SusanEttenheim:  Learning and Working in the Collaborative Age: A New Model for the Workplace | Edutopia
21:59:40 dmkenney: I'm working with 5 fifth grade ELL students on an Immigration Project. Perfect size...
21:59:44 Bill Ferriter (@plugusin: @butwait:  Ideal size is whatever teacher is comfortable with supporting and moderating.
21:59:50 ColetteC: @buwait - to start off with I like to place classroom groups in learning circles of 4-5 before opening up VT to larger groups - safer, more interaction
21:59:51 SusanEttenheim: have you seen this fabulous video from Pixar
22:00:05 Carol Broos: I have used VT in two collaboration projects, students love it and it is easy to sue
22:00:07 Carol Broos: use
22:00:28 butwait: @Bill @ColetteC Thanks, that's helpful.
22:00:55 butwait: Room of Suits of Armor VoiceThread! W00t!
22:00:59 Lee Kolbert: Many people need templates to get started. Cloning helps a lot.
22:01:28 kapil: do we have tag features with voice threads - that will help people to find useful VTs
22:01:30 PeggyG: I remember Harry Wong saying the one who does all of the work does the learning--we need to have the students creating these!
22:01:41 butwait: Hey, Met... let kids vote on which VoiceThread you do next?
22:01:49 dmkenney: @PeggyG  so true!
22:02:03 Mark Carls: What are some upcoming ideas or thoughts for VT?
22:02:12 Gail Desler: Great session tonight. Thanks everyone
22:02:39 Lee Kolbert: very true
22:02:41 PeggyG: can't wait until you post the chat log and recording!! Definitely want to see/hear this again!
22:02:46 Lee Kolbert: give it a whirl
22:02:49 Lee Kolbert: spread VT LOVE
22:03:06 Mark Carls: How about getting it on Wikipedia.org ?
22:03:10 SusanEttenheim: there's LOTS of VT love here!
22:03:12 joycevalenza: i am doing a paper on teens and social network
22:03:14 butwait: Dr. Sumpin has a certain ring...
22:03:20 PeggyG: Dr. Bill!!! Yes! That's a perfect dissertation topic!
22:03:23 Mark Carls: Great night, thanks for the invit
22:03:26 BarbInNebraska: LOL< spreading VT love!
22:03:27 Mark Carls: e
22:03:28 Bill Ferriter (@plugusin: @kapil: Yup.  Tagging is definitely an option.
22:03:31 Lee Kolbert: DR. Bill LOL
22:03:40 paulrwood: Thanks. THis is great sorry I didn't get here sooner.
22:03:45 Lee Kolbert: Mr. Bill (Oh NO)
22:03:52 ben: Ha
22:04:15 Bill Ferriter (@plugusin: @leekolbert:  You're the first digital friend that has popped the OH NO MR Bill on me.
22:04:29 Lee Kolbert: I'm so glad it was me!
22:04:30 ben: going old school Lee
22:04:30 PeggyG: VT lends itself to action research!
22:04:33 kapil: @bill i have done my masters thesis in collaborative tagging  , i think this is the best way if you have  diverse people in the community
22:04:45 Lee Kolbert: I'm showing my age!
22:04:51 [email protected]: Great information for my research ...Thanks!
22:04:56 Mark Carls: @Lee Kolbert  Thanks for the props on our Ning group, I see quite a few with you as their friend.
22:05:13 Bill Ferriter (@plugusin: @kapil:  Is your thesis online?  I'd be interested in seeing it.  "Collaborative tagging" as a vehicle towards collective intelligence.
22:05:19 Mark Carls: I have to look into Groups moer with VT.
22:05:35 Lori In Lincoln: My parents of special needs students are SO thankful!
22:05:38 Gretchen: Use a Ning for the group on Sp. Ed. collabration
22:05:57 Lee Kolbert: I love Ning. Perfect social network and creating a VT Ning was brilliant. Why didn't Steve or Ben think to do that? HUH?
22:05:59 ColetteC: Next best feature:  Add to "MyVoice" placing another person's VT on your main page
22:06:02 kapil: @bill : yes bill , its open source now :http://www.kapilbhatia.com/software-reuse-and-folksonomy-tagging/
22:06:03 KarenJan: @maryellen - it's great for video modeling and social stories as well, many SLPs love it
22:06:13 Mark Carls: Gotta Run, thanks for coming in here and for sharing everyone.
22:06:17 Bill Ferriter (@plugusin: @benpapel and @stevemuth:  The fact that you care about making a difference is cool.  
22:06:30 carolyn foote: We used it for our Vietnam projects
22:06:41 ben: Thank you Bill.
22:06:43 Lori In Lincoln: Pitching VT to my speech lang paths...
22:06:56 SusanEttenheim: continue the conversation in response to this podcast!
22:06:59 KarenJan: @maryellen - some special educators use VT with augmentative communicative devices
22:07:09 joevans: ENjoyed the conversations and back channel chat. Love VT and its many applications for students and learners of all ages.
22:07:18 SusanEttenheim: it will be posted at both edtechtalk.com and teachersteachingteachers.org
22:07:22 Lee Kolbert: @Colette, Creaet a NING for them
22:07:25 Gretchen: Set up a Ning
22:07:30 mrsdurff: isn't there a ning group for VT on Classroom 2.0 ?
22:07:37 Lee Kolbert: oh, that wasn't Colette, sorry
22:07:42 carolyn foote: I'm not sure @mrsdurff
22:07:46 PeggyG: KarenJan is!!!
22:08:27 carolyn foote: Ah, cool idea to share them.
22:08:30 dmkenney: Can you post the wiki address again?
22:08:46 dmkenney: Great idea
22:08:47 PeggyG: I love the rating system Colette! Very helpful!
22:08:59 Lee Kolbert: Great idea, Colette
22:09:01 butwait: Ning: http://voicethread.ning.com
22:09:10 callajud: super
22:09:19 kapil: hey i have just created a short summary of  VT ideas discussed in this particular show at my blog - http://tinyurl.com/dkmmjs - its little rough but it help
22:09:20 mrsdurff: http://voicethread4education.wikispaces.com/
22:09:29 dmkenney: thanks @mrsdurff
22:09:38 mrsdurff: $5
22:10:05 Bill Ferriter (@plugusin: And to all, a good night!
22:10:09 Lee Kolbert: I'll be there!
22:10:11 PeggyG: @KarenJan-people are looking for special educators using VT-can you help?
22:10:14 ben: Thank you everyone
22:10:16 dmkenney: perfect...
22:10:22 Lori In Lincoln: Will be at NECC with bells on!
22:10:29 carolyn foote: Thanks!
22:10:30 mrsdurff: thank you!!
22:10:37 joycevalenza: night all!
22:10:38 PeggyG: Thanks everyone!! Fantastic show and conversation!!
22:10:40 callajud: thanks1
22:10:40 KarenJan: yes, I know a lot of special educators using VT
22:10:41 butwait: G'night, all... great stuff.
22:10:41 callajud: 1
22:10:48 dmkenney: Very useful!
22:10:50 Steve M: thanks so much all
22:10:53 mrsdurff: nite!!
22:11:03 ColetteC: @Karen Shoud the link say SpecialEd on wiki or something else??
22:11:03 adinasullivan: Thanks all
22:11:06 SusanEttenheim: night all!
22:11:34 kapil: thanks great introduction to VTs
22:11:49 H270:  Thank you and good night. This was way better than American Idol!
22:14:17 kapil: tommorow we are going to have edtech brainstorm, same time, jump in and share your ideas