Sydney IT Integrators Group - Term 1
This is a gathering of ICT Integrators from the greater Sydney metropolitan area. This group meets in a different school each time, three or four times each year. The idea is to get a close look at the way each different school approaches the challenge of integrating technology into teaching and learning.
Teachers will hear about what happens in the host school from real teachers in real classrooms. Participants will offer thoughts and experiences from their own schools, and discussions will follow in an informal and shaing atmosphere.
Our Term 1 meeting for 2009 is at Barker College, Hornsby. It will cover a range of topics, including:
AARNet and international video conference
Underwater camera for swim coaching.
Catia and CNC lathe, laser cutter and Adobe Illustrator, 3D Studio Max and 3D printer.
Swinger and video analysis in PDHPE.
Remote weather station and data collection.
Pasco Data Studio, sensors and data collection in Physics, Chemistry and Biology, Andrew McPherson.
The External Classroom - Free Shareware Software for students to use outside the classroom.
Trick or Tweet – what’s the buzz with Twitter
Open discussion. Show-and-Tell.
Taxonomy upgrade extras:
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