Teachers Teaching Teachers #161 - 07.29.09 - Summer Special: Submitting Your Own Docs Templates, Japan, and Digital Storytelling

Post-Show description: 

At the beginning of this podcast [0:44 - 18:52] Paul Allison and Susan Ettenheim talk to three Google managers and engineers about a new Docs feature: being able to upload our own templates. We were joined by:

  • Ronald Ho, a Google Docs Product Manager
  • Michael Thomas and Valerie Blechar, Google Docs Templates Engineers

Next up [18:53 - 29:29] are three people from

The East-West School of International Studies

(EWSIS), Ben Sherman, Principal. Paul Allison teaches English at EWSIS, and he is joined in the second part of this podcast by his colleague and two students who had just returned from a 10-day visit to Japan which was sponsored by

Women Welcome Women World Wide



  • David Bantz, Japanese Language teacher at EWSIS
  • Martha and Kwaku, Juniors at EWSIS

Finally we find some (although not nearly enough) time [29:30 - 36:21] to talk with

Larry Newberger


Tech Liaison for the Ozarks Writing Project

(OWP). Larry was excited to report on a 5-day OWP Advanced Institute on Digital Storytelling,

"Trachers Traversing the Technology Highway

, that he had just finished. Don't miss their teachers

Digital Stories




"We squeezed three shows into one," Peggy George said in the chat room toward the end of the webcast. It's a summer special!

At the beginning of this podcast [0:44 - 18:52] Paul Allison and Susan Ettenheim talk to three Google managers and engineers about a new Docs feature: being able to upload our own templates. We were joined by:

  • Ronald Ho, a Google Docs Product Manager
  • Michael Thomas and Valerie Blechar, Google Docs Templates Engineers

Next up [18:53 - 29:29] are three people from The East-West School of International Studies (EWSIS), Ben Sherman, Principal. Paul Allison teaches English at EWSIS, and he is joined in the second part of this podcast by his colleague and two students who had just returned from a 10-day visit to Japan which was sponsored by Women Welcome Women World Wide:

  • David Bantz, Japanese Language teacher at EWSIS
  • Martha and Kwaku, Juniors at EWSIS

Finally we find some (although not nearly enough) time [29:30 - 36:21] to talk with Larry Newberger, Tech Liaison for the Ozarks Writing Project (OWP). Larry was excited to report on a 5-day OWP Advanced Institute on Digital Storytelling, "Trachers Traversing the Technology Highway," that he had just finished. Don't miss their teachers' Digital Stories and VoiceThreads.

Find more videos like this on OWP Advanced Institute

Click Read more to see a transcript of a chat that was happening during the webcast.

20:43:07 david: hello all
20:44:43 SusanEttenheim: Hi Welcome!
20:44:56 SusanEttenheim: are you the david who shared skype info with me today?
20:45:36 david: yes hi susan
20:45:46 SusanEttenheim: hi avalent5 wleocme!
20:45:51 SusanEttenheim: oops welcome
20:46:01 AValent5: Thanks.
20:46:10 AValent5: I'm tony valentin.
20:46:28 SusanEttenheim: hi tony welcome
20:46:32 SusanEttenheim: where and what do you teach?
20:47:02 Paul Allison: Hi
20:47:12 SusanEttenheim: welcome cponce and ericjp
20:47:19 AValent5: We know each other from our ITIS days a couple years ago. I teach History at stuyvesant HS
20:47:32 SusanEttenheim: wow hi
20:47:51 SusanEttenheim: hi mikebogle welcome!
20:48:03 cponce: Hi everyone.
20:50:26 ericjp: hello all
20:50:58 david: hi hi
20:51:03 cponce: hi
20:51:10 AValent5: Hi!
20:52:21 david: Kwaku!!!!!!!!!!!
20:52:47 david: Martha!!!
20:52:51 Martha: Hey
20:52:56 kwaku: hi david
20:52:58 SusanEttenheim: hi everyone!
20:52:59 SusanEttenheim: welcome
20:53:06 Martha: long time no chat
20:53:08 Martha: lol
20:53:23 david: Kwaku, hahaha
20:53:29 kwaku: ?
20:53:46 david: it's me!
20:53:51 david: david bantz
20:56:06 thompsonteaches: Hi, everyone.  Ann from NWP-KSU (Kent State)
20:56:30 thompsonteaches: This is my first time here
20:57:10 thompsonteaches: I see the Ustream window on the right, do I need to do anything other than wait till 9:00 p.m. EST?
20:59:27 david: :{
20:59:34 david: :D
20:59:37 Martha: why the face sensei?
20:59:43 david: ;)
20:59:44 Martha: ^^
20:59:55 david: :p
21:00:09 Martha: *)
21:00:13 Martha: XDDD
21:00:31 kwaku: :(
21:00:46 Martha: ;)
21:02:20 SusanEttenheim: ok hi everyone! can you hear ok?
21:02:37 SusanEttenheim: please introduce yourself! where and what do you teach?
21:03:04 SusanEttenheim: ok everyone.... can you hear ok?
21:03:14 SusanEttenheim: you were all chatting away before :)
21:03:15 Martha: yup, its all good ^_^
21:03:24 SusanEttenheim: thanks Martha
21:03:32 Martha: no problem
21:03:39 SusanEttenheim: ahh well, actually Martha you are listening on skype but everyone else?
21:03:44 SusanEttenheim: hi lisa welcome!
21:03:44 cponce: I'm Carolyn Ponce. I'm at Arkansas State Univeristy.
21:03:47 AValent5: This is my first time using this system. Can you offer a hint on how to hear audio?
21:03:49 SusanEttenheim: where and what do you teach?
21:03:53 SusanEttenheim:  his lisa welcome
21:04:39 SusanEttenheim: ahh a valent - tony welcome! do you see the audio icon?
21:04:51 AValent5: Yes
21:05:17 cponce: I teach music appreciation. I also would like to know how to hear the audio.
21:05:19 SusanEttenheim: just click on that and the audio will open in itunes or whatever other option you want - you will definitely want to hear the audio with the chat
21:05:30 cponce: Do we use the edtech talk A or B?
21:05:36 SusanEttenheim: edtech a please
21:05:44 SusanEttenheim: Hi carolteach4 welcome!
21:05:52 SusanEttenheim: please introduce yourself!
21:05:59 cponce: ok. Thanks. I can hear now.
21:06:05 ericjp: oh snap stream's live
21:06:05 carolteach4: Hi, Susan and all
21:06:19 SusanEttenheim: Ryan from Google Docs is talking too and we are also welcoming Valerie and Michael from Google
21:06:24 SusanEttenheim: ask away everyone!
21:06:46 SusanEttenheim: hi lisa welcome! please introduce yourself where and what do you teach?
21:06:51 SusanEttenheim: tony welcome back
21:06:59 SusanEttenheim: do you have the audio now?
21:07:03 Larry: hi Doris
21:07:08 AValent5: Yes! Thanks!
21:07:10 carolteach4: Oh, so exciting. I am so glad I logged in. I have lots of questions. Templates?
21:07:22 SusanEttenheim: great! please introduce yourself... again :)
21:07:35 SusanEttenheim: yes have you seen templates yet? very cool
21:07:55 AValent5: I'm Tony. Teach History at Stuyvesant HS in NYC
21:08:07 Lisa W: Hey Susan Day job: Teach military Off time: Teach G products at the library to anyone who comes
21:08:19 SusanEttenheim: where lisa?
21:08:36 Lisa W: NC, GA and online
21:08:40 SusanEttenheim: mcteach welcome where and what do you teach?
21:08:49 SusanEttenheim: ahh welcome!
21:09:16 McTeach: Hi Thanks Susan! I teach 7th and 8th grade in Northern California
21:09:26 carolteach4: I'm Carolyn - a middle school computer technology integration teacher in CT-and we have google apps for our school. Later, if there is time, I have a question about making email groups -and a question on uploading a new bunch of kids coming in this fall.
21:09:29 SusanEttenheim: nice area! where?
21:10:15 SusanEttenheim: deoff welcome! please introduce yourself!
21:10:36 SusanEttenheim: thompsonteach welcome - where and what do you teach?
21:10:42 SusanEttenheim: hi keri welcome
21:10:49 SusanEttenheim: please jump in!
21:11:19 Keri: Thanks, Susan. Glad to be hear. I direct the Ozarks Writing Project at Missouri State University. Larry's site.
21:11:30 SusanEttenheim: great! welcome keri!
21:12:04 ericjp: do want!
21:12:18 SusanEttenheim: hi sheri welcome!
21:12:27 SusanEttenheim: please introduce yourself!
21:12:38 SusanEttenheim: ericup where and what do you teach? welcome
21:12:54 SusanEttenheim: have any of you tried the gadgets?
21:12:58 david: ooh that wordsearch gadget sounds fantastic
21:12:59 ericjp: K-12 special education in VT
21:13:12 Paul Allison: Does anybody have questions about Google docs.
21:13:31 ericjp: m playing with gadgets now
21:14:17 SusanEttenheim: hi gordon welcome!
21:14:24 SusanEttenheim: where and what do you teach?
21:14:43 Lisa W: Word search template http://bit.ly/eLEMP
21:14:54 SusanEttenheim: thanks lisa!
21:15:11 thompsonteaches: Hi, everyone.  Sorry, got involved trying to find the gadgets!  I teach in Cleveland, OH  I'm with NWP-KSU (Kent State)
21:15:35 Sheri Edwards: I teach Writing to grades 5-8 in Nespelem, Wa
21:15:42 david: hi johnny
21:15:51 johnny: hi
21:15:51 david: ;)
21:15:52 Keri: thompson teaches--tell Alexa that Keri from Missouri says hello
21:16:02 SusanEttenheim: hi johnny and peggy welcome!
21:16:12 Lisa W: Student and Teacher templates http://bit.ly/Y21fB
21:16:16 PeggyG: Hi everyone! Great to be back with you!
21:16:20 thompsonteaches: I teach first grade now.  Taught middle school ELA for many years
21:16:27 thompsonteaches: Will do, Keri!
21:17:23 SusanEttenheim: peggy - please introduce yourself!
21:17:28 Sheri Edwards: I make the copy myself as teacher and share with students.
21:17:40 SusanEttenheim: hi selfreliantllc welcome! where and what do you teach?
21:17:54 SusanEttenheim: sheri - you may not have to do that now with templates!
21:18:07 selfreliantllc: Ah hi - I'm a small e-learning startup in Raleigh, NC
21:18:08 PeggyG: I'm a retired elementary principal and university teacher education instructor who loves to continue learning!
21:18:19 SusanEttenheim: ok- who has a question.. I'm not the only one allowed to ask questions :)
21:18:41 PeggyG: sorry I was late--need to listen a bit before I have questions
21:18:50 SusanEttenheim: welcome self.. .so glad you found us!
21:19:04 SusanEttenheim: are any of you using the new templates yet?
21:20:36 selfreliantllc: Hmm, not sure what brought me here actually, I thought it was something about GoogleDocuments
21:21:13 Sheri Edwards: Yes, the templates are wonderful-- look professional  http://msedwards.pbworks.com/Middle-School-Survey
21:21:40 SusanEttenheim: yes indeed do you hear the Google conversation! Do you have questions!
21:21:47 Sheri Edwards: I don't understand what the students are doing Susan???
21:22:00 thompsonteaches: Not using them yet - trying to figure out how our middle school students or upper elementary kids can use templates
21:22:13 cponce: Sheri - That is really nice looking.
21:22:30 PeggyG: thanks for your survey link Sheri! It looks so professional!!
21:22:40 Sheri Edwards: Thanks to google templates!
21:22:42 selfreliantllc: Actually I don't hear anything - just the chat room
21:23:01 SusanEttenheim: ahh self... you need to click on edtechtalk A to listen
21:23:12 PeggyG: I've always used SurveyMonkey but that is expensive and I might be ready to try this.
21:23:40 cponce: PeggyG, are you from New Mexico?
21:23:49 SusanEttenheim: sheri - if you mean my question... each student receives a progress report
21:23:55 PeggyG: I've used Google surveys before but not the templates
21:24:01 PeggyG: No I'm from AZ
21:24:05 Sheri Edwards: Thanks, Susan
21:24:23 cponce: ok.  Google has a survey tool?
21:24:45 ericjp: scripts rule! same way I batch edit photos. go scripts
21:24:50 PeggyG: yes it's Google Forms
21:24:54 Sheri Edwards: cponce -- google has "forms" which are like surveys; turns answers in to spreadsheet
21:25:09 cponce: oh. ok
21:25:32 SusanEttenheim: ok who has a question? How often we actually get the Google people here! Thank you for joining us!
21:25:43 thompsonteaches: I do!  What applications could you suggest for primary teachers?
21:25:58 SusanEttenheim: Say more please...
21:26:06 SusanEttenheim: Do you use Google Docs?
21:26:07 PeggyG: are there any templates for scheduling classes--that was always such a challenge when I was a principal
21:26:32 thompsonteaches: Are there templates the panel could suggest for primary teachers?
21:26:38 SusanEttenheim: ahh ok!
21:27:02 ericjp: oh, I've got a question. Is GoogleDocs integrated with GoogleGroups?
21:27:14 ericjp: can I share docs with a Google Group?
21:27:40 PeggyG: can the results you receive from a survey in spreadsheet format also be converted into graphs? that would be great for primary students
21:28:03 cponce: I used Google Groups last spring with my classes and it doesn't connect (share) with any other application.
21:28:24 carolteach4: I had the students use the SpeakUpAmerica survey to write to the President.
21:29:05 SusanEttenheim: cponce say more please?
21:29:07 PeggyG: are all of these docs created from templates embeddable on wikis?
21:29:43 SusanEttenheim: hi gordon welcome!
21:30:50 Sheri Edwards: I'd like to use Google dons in grades 5-7, but our tech department is concerned about email security; do we need to sign up for email to get to Google Docs?
21:31:02 PeggyG: I've been browsing through the various templates and didn't realize there were so many for schools/teachers. This is awesome!
21:31:03 SusanEttenheim: no sheri you don't
21:31:12 SusanEttenheim: isn't it amazing!
21:31:21 ericjp: awesome question bro
21:31:33 SusanEttenheim: cponce could you say more about your question?
21:31:53 Sheri Edwards: how do you sign up for google docs then for the kids?
21:32:12 carolteach4: @sheriEdwards - If you get google apps for you school - your own domain- you simply upload all of the kids, and the app gives them a google email which you can limit so they can only email others in the domain.
21:32:16 Sheri Edwards: Here is the page where the LEAD goes for letters to the president: http://www.letters2president.org/classes/2152-ms-edwards
21:32:18 cponce: I used Google Group to connect students in Arkansas, Texas, and New Mexico. I could not integrate other google apps with the Group app. i.e. the Calendar application. I'm not sure how else to put the problem. But no big deal.
21:32:35 SusanEttenheim: thanks cponce
21:32:44 ericjp: right. I just wish I could 'Share' with Google Groups and not individual e-mail addresses
21:32:49 Sheri Edwards: Here is the student letter: http://www.letters2president.org/letters/335-our-world-is-at-crisis
21:33:03 carolteach4: You could also just download the Google doc as a word document and then embed it.
21:33:29 Lisa W: You can upload files to the newsgroup
21:33:33 SusanEttenheim: ahhh ericjp did you hear that? coming soon!
21:33:49 ericjp: hooraaay!
21:34:40 Sheri Edwards: How much is google apps for schools?
21:34:57 Sheri Edwards: How much does google apps cost for schools?
21:35:01 SusanEttenheim: free sheri! we did it
21:35:09 SusanEttenheim: you just have to apply and show your school info
21:35:15 SusanEttenheim: it's great!
21:35:42 Sheri Edwards: carolteach4 -- thanks for the info!  susan-- thanks -- we've got to do this!
21:35:45 carolteach4: I found the process of uploading a whole team of students (100) very easy. I first uploaded the green team. I was able to select all for an email list. Then I uploaded another team (100 additional students) but I could find no easy way to make a separate email group for them without entering each individual name into the group.
21:36:42 ericjp: it's not THAT bad, sure. it just could be easier.
21:36:44 Lisa W: Thanks Ronald, Valerie, and Michael
21:36:45 Sheri Edwards: thank you so much!  I love google
21:36:48 SusanEttenheim: carol would be a great resource for you sheri
21:36:48 PeggyG: fantastic new information! thanks!
21:36:49 carolteach4: I wish there was an easier way to get in touch with Google help. Personal help.
21:36:51 ericjp: and automagic. New people would be added as they join!
21:37:18 SusanEttenheim: carol the google groups have been very helpful to me!
21:37:53 carolteach4: At Sheri Edwards: Google Apps is free. All we had to pay was $10.00 for our domain name.
21:38:03 SusanEttenheim: yes that's what we did too
21:38:24 SusanEttenheim: we're erhsnyc.org so we bought erhsnyc.net for our Google Apps
21:38:35 PeggyG: can you add Google apps to a Moodle site?
21:39:28 PeggyG: Love hearing from Martha again! Heard her voice and recognized it from the Gator Radio show
21:39:45 Sheri Edwards: carol -- I am grammasheri on twitter
21:40:31 carolteach4: @Sheri - I'm cstanley
21:41:06 SusanEttenheim: have any of you travelled to Japan - with or without students?
21:41:25 carolteach4: @Sheri- I'll see if I can follow you later
21:41:31 Sheri Edwards: Peggy Moodle meets google apps: http://education.zdnet.com/?p=2202
21:41:49 ericjp: China, but not Japan
21:42:10 SusanEttenheim: oh last word from our Google guests.. http://edu.googleapps.com that has a great community for teachers to work with others and share ideas!
21:42:11 Sheri Edwards: The Journal:  google apps in moodle  --- http://thejournal.com/articles/2009/02/20/google-apps-for-education-comi...
21:42:26 Sheri Edwards: thanks carol
21:42:51 SusanEttenheim: do you have Japanese in your schools? I wish we did...
21:42:53 Lisa W: notice the differences in respect for family and elders between Japan and US
21:43:19 SusanEttenheim: tony - how is life with you this year?
21:43:24 Sheri Edwards: This sounds like a wonderful trip for the students. What did they found most interesting?
21:43:26 SusanEttenheim: what are you teaching now?
21:43:44 ericjp: did they have to eat anything funny?
21:44:12 PeggyG: thanks for that link Sheri re Moodle-do you know if that is available now?
21:44:47 ericjp: http://www.womenwelcomewomen.org.uk/
21:45:19 PeggyG: @ericjp great project!
21:46:01 SusanEttenheim: thanks ericjp
21:46:58 Lisa W: Did they notice the differences in respect for family and elders between Japan and US? Was there a student of the same age with the families they stayed with?
21:47:20 PeggyG: that's a really funny story!!
21:47:29 ericjp: HAHA
21:47:49 Sheri Edwards: This is the group that is working with google: http://moodlerooms.com/
21:48:13 carolteach4: Oh, my gosh! That is so funny - maybe wasn't funny then, but in retrospect.
21:48:23 cponce: bidet - they have those in Europe also.
21:48:27 Sheri Edwards: Did they attend a school?  What did they find as similar and what different?
21:50:10 carolteach4: I think our media has a lot to do with the lowered level of respect for elders in the US.
21:50:25 ericjp: Aha.
21:50:43 ericjp: carolteach4: in what way?
21:51:31 carolteach4: I think the media often portrays young kids and teens pulling fast ones on adults in the ads and making the elders seem less than intelligent -
21:53:10 carolteach4: I wish I could quote a different ad, but I can't. I also think there is an expectation of entitlement generated by ads talking about kids running up their parent's cell phone bills - and how grandparents need to pay for the grandkids' college.
21:53:42 carolteach4: Have the students taken photographs and uploaded them to a site where we can see them????
21:53:45 SusanEttenheim: I wonder what tv is like in Japan
21:53:52 Martha: facebook!
21:53:55 Martha: XD
21:54:04 carolteach4: Oh, I
21:54:06 SusanEttenheim: what is xd martha?
21:54:19 Martha: its a laughing face
21:54:19 carolteach4: I'm still resisting Facebook and MySpace.
21:54:26 Paul Allison: http://ozarkwp.ning.com/page/digital-stories
21:54:27 SusanEttenheim: ahhh
21:54:29 SusanEttenheim: tnx
21:55:14 carolteach4: What a wonderful experience for the students and the host families.
21:55:29 PeggyG: You should try Facebook @carolteach4--lots of fantastic ed tech folks to connect with there
21:55:37 SusanEttenheim: so many topics to talk about !
21:55:59 carolteach4: What a great show you guys pulled together for the middle of the summer!
21:56:10 Martha: I'll sift through the pictures and see if I can get any up on Youth Voices...
21:56:12 Larry: www.ozarkwp.ning.com
21:56:24 PeggyG: that would be great Martha!
21:56:33 SusanEttenheim: thanks Martha!
21:56:43 SusanEttenheim: carolteach4 - so much going on!
21:56:51 ericjp: oh why ty larry
21:56:54 Paul Allison: http://ozarkwp.ning.com/page/digital-stories
21:56:56 carolteach4: Thanks, Martha. Have you ever used Shutterfly or Flicker?
21:57:00 Sheri Edwards: I'm on facebook, but really do not like the interface --- all the games and "what kind of thunderstorm are you" things drive me crazy! I turn them off.  Remember to change all your settings because facebook can use your photo in ads if you don't say No.
21:57:11 david: martha and kwaku
21:57:15 david: i would love to see your pictures too
21:57:22 Martha: ok
21:57:26 kwaku: k
21:57:40 Sheri Edwards: thank you, martha and kwaku -- love hearing you discuss your experiences.
21:57:40 Martha: a lot of them are of food...
21:57:42 carolteach4: @Sheri- I have so much on my plate right now that Facebook will have to wait.
21:57:43 PeggyG: I agree Sheri! I ignore all of the games and widgets
21:57:44 Martha: lol
21:57:54 ericjp: thanks Martha, thanks kawku! :D
21:57:56 david: what about the food?
21:57:59 SusanEttenheim: hi gail! welcome - how's your summer?
21:58:04 PeggyG: food is a universal language :-)
21:58:09 ericjp: *kwaku
21:58:10 Martha: food is great
21:58:15 Martha: ^_^
21:58:29 Gail Desler: Hi Susan - sorry I'm joing so late
21:58:40 SusanEttenheim: glad you're here!
21:59:12 SusanEttenheim:  http://ozarkwp.ning.com/page/digital-stories
21:59:20 SusanEttenheim: have you seen these projects?
21:59:22 carolteach4: What is the listserve link? Can anyone join?
21:59:38 SusanEttenheim: it is a listserv for the writing project
21:59:55 Gail Desler: Yes - Larry rocks!
22:00:02 carolteach4: Oh, o.k. Is that on the ning?
22:00:11 SusanEttenheim: Paul - Gail - can anyone join that listserv?
22:00:19 PeggyG: that's such an important distinction--not technology institute but storytelling
22:00:30 SusanEttenheim: hi benny welcome!
22:00:36 SusanEttenheim: where and what do you teach?
22:00:39 Larry: http://docs.google.com/#folders/folder.0.0B6YtEVGMQiDIY2FlNmMwMTItNjY4YS...
22:00:40 PeggyG: you can get totally consumed by the technology and lose track of the story you want to tell
22:00:52 Keri: Yes, it was digital storytelling, but we are thinking that next year it might be a technology institute.
22:00:54 benny: Hello from Humboldt Canada
22:01:00 Gail Desler: Hmm...not sure, Susan.  They might need to be NWP folks
22:01:05 carolteach4: I really think that is an important message. It is the story that counts - kids can choose any type of technology they know and love to get it produced.
22:01:11 ericjp: students don't often need a lot of technical education anyway
22:01:17 Keri: The grants we received from other sites were focused supporting place-based writing and community inquiry.
22:01:18 Sheri Edwards: I started the Trail of Tears story -- it will grab you!
22:01:28 Keri: I agree--the story is important.
22:01:30 PeggyG: where is it Sheri?
22:01:31 ericjp: they know how to work the camera so it makes sense to focus on story
22:02:06 SusanEttenheim: carolteach4 - do you know your local Writing Project?
22:02:12 Sheri Edwards: peggy it is at the owp lning link above
22:02:19 SusanEttenheim: Gail how could we find it for Carolteach4?
22:02:19 Sheri Edwards: it's the second video
22:02:33 cponce: Was this institute outside of the summer institute?
22:02:33 Gail Desler: Carol, where do you live?
22:02:52 Keri: yes, this institute was outside the summer institute.
22:02:57 PeggyG: thanks I'll look for it
22:03:07 Gail Desler: Carolteach4 - where do you live?
22:03:12 Paul Allison: http://ozarkwp.ning.com/page/voice-threads
22:03:31 carolteach4: @Sheri -Where is the Trail of Tears story? on that ning link?
22:04:07 carolteach4: @Gail -I live in Connecticut - teach in Bethany,CT
22:04:08 PeggyG: 2nd story I think
22:04:32 cponce: Was it the same Fellows from the summer institute or a seperate group of people? I'm sorry if this was said already, I had stepped away from the computer.
22:04:56 Gail Desler: @carolteach4 if you go to nwp.org, you can click on a map that'll take you to your nearest WP site
22:05:13 SusanEttenheim: great - thank you gail!
22:05:13 Keri: These were TC's from previous years and TC's who had just completed SI.
22:05:25 Sheri Edwards: Peggy: here is a direct link to the trail of tears video: http://2009owpai.fliggo.com/video/Taon6OKO
22:05:32 carolteach4: @Gail - thanks. Love NPR.
22:05:33 david: thanks to all of you for listening to martha and kwaku talk about japan
22:05:35 cponce: ok.
22:05:38 cponce: Thanks
22:05:38 Keri: We also had a teacher from Alaska. She lives in the area, but teaches in AK during the year.
22:05:45 ericjp: any time david
22:05:51 carolteach4: Sorry, you said NWP - sight read/
22:05:56 david: :D
22:06:08 PeggyG: @Larry-what is on the Google Docs folder? it won't load for me--says no items
22:06:43 carolteach4: I think I belong to that the Teachers of English NING - I am a former English teacher and once an English Teacher, always an English teacher.
22:07:01 PeggyG: these have been fantastic conversations tonight!! it could have been 3 separate shows :-)
22:07:17 Sheri Edwards: Yes -- always an English teacher
22:07:28 AValent5: I can't wait to get your comments on Voicethread.
22:07:29 carolteach4: Please, please have a show dedicated to setting up Google apps for school and then how to manage it once you've got it. I found it very hard to find answers to personal questions in the forums.
22:07:29 Larry: The doc is our schedule
22:07:31 Sheri Edwards: Thanks for all the guests today -- each one could use an hour!
22:07:58 carolteach4: Summer is an uptime for me - been studying all day- all summmer, really.
22:08:01 Sheri Edwards: ditto carol's comment
22:08:07 AValent5: Great Job guys! Take care and hope to meet again- same time same station.
22:08:15 PeggyG: would love to hear more on these topics in future shows
22:08:28 SusanEttenheim: tony come back next wed!
22:08:30 carolteach4: Again - please - Google Apps management
22:08:35 Sheri Edwards: gotto go have dinner with grandkids -- thanks all ---
22:08:40 AValent5: Will do Susan
22:08:47 SusanEttenheim: night all! thank you!
22:08:56 PeggyG: I agree carolteach4--I'd like to delve deeper into google apps management too!
22:09:10 Gail Desler: Night all
22:09:12 carolteach4: Thanks, everyone! What a terrific show!
22:09:15 carolteach4: Where in Maine?
22:09:16 PeggyG: good night everyone
22:09:33 carolteach4: Thanks Jeff and Dave.
22:09:43 carolteach4: Thanks, Susan -I'll be in touch.
22:09:45 Martha: Night everyone!