SEEDLINGS 2010-01-21 Strategies for Parent Teacher Conferences

Post-Show description: 

There is an elephant in the room! Teachers are all expected to participate in Parent Teacher Conferences, but are never given an opportunity to practice that or reflect on their practice. Well, SEEDLINGS took an email from an audience member, Bill Rakosnik, from Georgia, and put some questions on the NING and we had a tremendous thoughtful show for you all. Enjoy the podcast and the information.

Join SEEDLINGS as we speak with our guests Karen Abbott from Maine and Bill Rakosnik from Georgia, two veteran teachers who share with us how they prepare for parent teacher conferences, tips to make everyone feel comfortable, ideas on what to do when the conference goes south. The questions from the chat room and the suggestions are must haves for any teacher new to the field and veteran teachers looking to reflect on their practice.

Geek of the Week:

“Geek of the Week” Links for 2010-01-21

The Chat from the Chat Room:

19:25:11 cheryloakes seedlings~ -> Room 1: Welcome, just getting started.
19:27:05 Carolyn -> Room 1: should I be hearing anything at this time?
19:27:13 cheryloakes seedlings~ -> Room 1: nothing yet carolyn
19:27:38 Carolyn -> Room 1: Thanks. I'm new to all this. Here to learn what it's like to be able to listen in live, etc.
19:27:55 alicebarr -> Room 1: Hi Carolyn! Great to see you here!
19:28:05 alicebarr -> Room 1: We'll start in just a few minutes
19:28:09 Carolyn -> Room 1: Hi Alice.
19:28:16 alicebarr -> Room 1: Tonight's topic: Parent Conferences
19:28:39 cheryloakes seedlings~ -> Room 1: do you hear sound Carolyn???
19:28:44 cheryloakes seedlings~ -> Room 1: Hello to all.
19:28:51 Carolyn -> Room 1: nothing
19:28:58 cheryloakes seedlings~ -> Room 1: in about 20 seconds
19:29:39 maureen -> Room 1: Hi Cheryl, et al
19:29:47 cheryloakes seedlings~ -> Room 1: Hello Maureen, any sound yet
19:30:02 maureen -> Room 1: yes
19:30:06 bobsprankle -> Room 1: hi all!
19:30:45 alicebarr -> Room 1: Carolyn: Click the little sound button on the upper right of the page
19:31:22 Carolyn -> Room 1: Ok thanks. Now I can hear
19:31:28 alicebarr -> Room 1: Let us know if you can't get the sound
19:32:39 PeggyG -> Room 1: audio is coming through great for me
19:33:05 cheryloakes seedlings~ -> Room 1: HI Peggy, Carolyn, Maureen
19:33:15 bobsprankle -> Room 1: who's coming in with audio?! :)
19:33:17 Carolyn -> Room 1: Hi All
19:33:30 PeggyG -> Room 1: huge storming in Phoenix AZ right now--may lose my connection :-( lots of rain and very high winds
19:34:10 PeggyG -> Room 1: Hi everyone
19:34:27 cheryloakes seedlings~ -> Room 1: This is a show about Parent Teacher Conferences and strategies for good conferences.
19:34:30 PeggyG -> Room 1: great topic--parent conferences
19:35:02 PeggyG -> Room 1: they had an very interesting coversation about student led parent/teacher conferences on Conversations awhile back.
19:35:20 cheryloakes seedlings~ -> Room 1: You can read Bill's email at the NING.
19:35:45 cheryloakes seedlings~ -> Room 1: This is Karen, from  Maine
19:37:19 maureen -> Room 1: If I think it's going to be a tough conference, I start by saying I need your help to help Susie do ... what works for you at home, etc...
19:37:19 alicebarr -> Room 1: @PeggyG I heard you were going to get tons of snow!
19:37:28 cheryloakes seedlings~ -> Room 1: How long are your parent conference sessions?
19:37:49 maureen -> Room 1: I'm a "special" 10 minutes
19:37:50 PeggyG -> Room 1: there is a LOT of snow around the state but only rain in Phoenix
19:38:08 alicebarr -> Room 1: Ours are 8 minutes with a reschedule if necessary
19:38:12 PeggyG -> Room 1: are conferences were 15-20 mins on the official days
19:38:19 carolteach4 -> Room 1: 10 minutes
19:38:23 alicebarr -> Room 1: It's a high school round robin type event
19:38:26 PeggyG -> Room 1: many teachers scheduled longer conferences on other days
19:38:38 maureen -> Room 1: The younger grade homeroom teachers have 20 minutes- all others are 10
19:38:46 cheryloakes seedlings~ -> Room 1: thanks for the input
19:39:00 alicebarr -> Room 1: Then reschedule individually, BUT lots of e-mail contact before so o surprises
19:39:07 alicebarr -> Room 1: no surprises
19:39:13 Carolyn -> Room 1: 15 min or so (I'm talking as a mom now). As a teacher, I actually teach college, so this is not something I do, obviously
19:39:48 cheryloakes seedlings~ -> Room 1: Thanks Carolyn
19:40:12 PeggyG -> Room 1: the "no shows" were always disappointing to my teachers!
19:40:16 maureen -> Room 1: We go 3-8 pm, then 8-1 next day... lots of 10 minute slots- nonstop
19:40:24 alicebarr -> Room 1: @peggyG Yes, same here
19:40:39 alicebarr -> Room 1: Teachers wonder why parents don't come
19:40:57 cheryloakes seedlings~ -> Room 1: Maureen, same here
19:41:34 maureen -> Room 1: For the "perfect" children- I run out of good adjectives before 10 minutes- but the ones I really need to talk with- mostly 10 min is Ok, can reschedule if need more time
19:42:20 cheryloakes seedlings~ -> Room 1: Hi Sheila
19:42:21 sheila -> Room 1: Hello all!
19:42:22 carolteach4 -> Room 1: At our middle school the kids are divided into teams - about 100 plus kids per team. One of the teams tried having the parent meet with the whole team, so the parent could get a whole picture, but it had limited success, especially with a 10 minute limitation. Of course, parents are able to schedule a meeting with the team during the school day for a longer time period if it's deemed necessary.
19:42:28 PeggyG -> Room 1: we learned we had better conferences if they weren't held at the same time report cards went out--they want to focus on grades if report cards are given out at the conference
19:43:04 maureen -> Room 1: I had a parent totally lose it w/me- total surprise, a few years back. But, I had said the same thing about his child several times and he just plain wanted me to fix it.
19:43:08 carolteach4 -> Room 1: Our conferences in middle school are always held a couple of weeks after grades go out.
19:43:38 maureen -> Room 1: @carolteach24- ours too
19:43:52 alicebarr -> Room 1: Hi Sheila
19:43:59 sheila -> Room 1: Hi Alice!
19:44:27 carolteach4 -> Room 1: I think parents who are going to go to conferences, in the first place, want that face-to-face contact.
19:45:03 maureen -> Room 1: Does anyone have the students there as well? I had a student join a conference this year- he was hanging outside the door. I really liked having him there- whole new perspective.
19:45:03 cheryloakes seedlings~ -> Room 1: I agree carolteach4
19:45:25 sheila -> Room 1: Many of our parents use it as a social gathering. They check who is showing up, catching up, etc.
19:45:40 alicebarr -> Room 1: We do student led conferences in grade 7,8, and 9
19:45:52 carolteach4 -> Room 1: I really think at the middle school age that kids should be in on the conference. After all, what's being said isn't a secret.
19:45:53 cheryloakes seedlings~ -> Room 1: My 3 kiddos had student led conference in elementary and it was great since it was all about ownership of their learning.
19:46:01 PeggyG -> Room 1: I think it's great to have the students in the conference!
19:46:19 alicebarr -> Room 1: It's great for kids and parents!
19:46:23 maureen -> Room 1: @alice I would like to do that as well- esp for that age grp. They need to hear and be heard.
19:46:53 alicebarr -> Room 1: @maureen, Really puts them in charge. Great to see how they facilitate
19:47:10 carolteach4 -> Room 1: The more kids are made a part of learning goals and are able to learn about their strengths and weaknesses, the more invested they will be in their learning. That is so for most kids, at least.
19:47:13 alicebarr -> Room 1: Parents often see them in a different light!
19:47:34 maureen -> Room 1: Does anyone have admin join the conference if they are expecting an upset parent and have forgotten their kevlar?
19:47:50 PeggyG -> Room 1: thanks Karen!!
19:47:55 sheila -> Room 1: Kevlar!  :)
19:47:57 bobsprankle -> Room 1:
19:48:15 cheryloakes seedlings~ -> Room 1: Hm, sometimes we may need Kevlar.
19:48:19 bobsprankle -> Room 1:
19:48:21 PeggyG -> Room 1: @maureen--as the principal there were times when teachers asked me to be a part of their conference
19:48:38 bobsprankle -> Room 1: SeedlingsConferenceResources
19:48:44 Carolyn -> Room 1: My kids had/have "portfolio share" time in K - 5 years which is separate from conference but allows the kids to participate
19:48:51 cheryloakes seedlings~ -> Room 1: Help with our Geek of the Week if you want to share.
19:49:21 PeggyG -> Room 1: you're wanting resources for parent conferences, right?
19:49:39 alicebarr -> Room 1: @PeggyG. yes please!
19:49:42 sheila -> Room 1: We've done conferences as a team of core teachers and as individuals. Still haven't found the best combination. Looking forward to going with online gradebooks to better inform parents.
19:50:13 alicebarr -> Room 1: Online gradebooks have had a huge impact for us
19:50:26 cheryloakes seedlings~ -> Room 1: good point Sheila! The online gradebook with student and parent portal, makes it seem so transparent.
19:50:27 alicebarr -> Room 1: Make the conversation easier at conferences
19:50:39 carolteach4 -> Room 1: When I taught English, I was always booked 100%. The advantage of being the computer technology integration specialist is not being too busy on conference nights. I always attend, even though it's not required. The lab is open if folks want to drop in, and I use it to get lots of undone tasks completed.
19:51:05 PeggyG -> Room 1: when you post things on a class blog or website, parents are much better informed and may want to comment on class activities in their conference--then you don't have to start from scratch explaining things
19:51:22 maureen -> Room 1: @carolteach4 I have similar job, and I was booked solid!
19:52:11 carolteach4 -> Room 1: We will be going online with grades in a year or so. The teachers are a little uneasy about how demanding parents will be when they can check in daily.
19:52:19 maureen -> Room 1: Is this a digital portfolio share or ?
19:52:26 sheila -> Room 1: Still hard to get parents to the website or blogs where the information is. Found if I post pictures, the kids will go there and maybe the parents. Hard to get them to read, but will glance at pics. I'm trying to take more pics now.
19:52:29 cheryloakes seedlings~ -> Room 1: good point Peggy, the blog can help make the work transparent.
19:52:42 cheryloakes seedlings~ -> Room 1: Hello mjgormans! thanks for stopping by
19:52:49 alicebarr -> Room 1: @cariolteach4 We spelled it out clearly via principal that grades would not be constantly updated
19:52:59 cheryloakes seedlings~ -> Room 1: Maureen, the portfolio for us is a paper copy.
19:53:04 mjgormans -> Room 1: Glad to be here
19:53:13 carolteach4 -> Room 1: @maureen - what's your secret? I only had two parents come in last conference cycle, and they just came in to tell me how much their kids loved the computer club I run.
19:53:18 Carolyn -> Room 1: This year my oldest is in 6th (middle school is 6, 7, 8) and the students were there the whole time. At our middle school are grades are online
19:53:41 maureen -> Room 1: @sheila- found a website to make an iphone app in 10 min... Trying to get the admin to buyin.. it would put info into hands. And it's 25/yr (99 w/o ads)
19:53:45 carolteach4 -> Room 1: @alice - that's a good idea.
19:54:20 sheila -> Room 1: Last year I did a lot with blogs and at our "celebration of learning" the parents said they had never seen the blogs. (I may have be a little flip with some by the end of the evening. All that work, and  . . . .)
19:54:41 Carolyn -> Room 1: (oops please excuse my spelling mistakes! lol)
19:54:51 bobsprankle -> Room 1: would anyone like to come into the skype call?
19:54:54 maureen -> Room 1: @carolteach4 I had some of these kids in K, many when I taught science gr 1-3 and have rest 4-9... known 'em since they were babes.
19:54:56 sheila -> Room 1: @Maureen - Ohhhh! sounds good!
19:54:59 cheryloakes seedlings~ -> Room 1: Sheila, I have heard that, we try and market, but it is hard to change a behavior so parents look at blogs.
19:56:05 mjgormans -> Room 1: a conference really is a way of making a student aware that they are the center of their plc with a lot of support
19:56:17 maureen -> Room 1: @sheila- try   easy cheesy- if you can get a feed, it's an app, like making a widget.
19:56:30 sheila -> Room 1: @cheryl - so you don't think me getting disappointed was the best approach? :p
19:56:31 PeggyG -> Room 1: This was a great webcast re parent conferences on Parents as Partners-Nov. 2
19:56:35 alicebarr -> Room 1: @mjgormans Nice way of putting it!
19:56:47 cheryloakes seedlings~ -> Room 1: thanks PeggyG, good link.
19:56:57 sheila -> Room 1: Thanks Maureen!
19:57:28 cheryloakes seedlings~ -> Room 1: Sheila, I would be the same with the disappointment.
19:57:35 PeggyG -> Room 1: that sounds so exciting Bob
19:57:43 PeggyG -> Room 1: yes I'm hunkered down :-)
19:57:46 cheryloakes seedlings~ -> Room 1: But, you know Sheila, when people move to town, they comment they love the website, so go figure.
19:57:54 PeggyG -> Room 1: there was some great conversation on the Ning!!
19:58:03 cheryloakes seedlings~ -> Room 1: yes, Peggy!
19:58:19 carolteach4 -> Room 1: Although we've had students sit in on conferences, I don't think we've ever done a student-led conference. It would take a lot of work, but I like that idea of kids showcasing their work and addressing their own needs.
19:58:32 maureen -> Room 1: Pat also teaches kids with special needs- a little dif? or not?
19:58:43 carolteach4 -> Room 1: How many kids in that teacher's class?
19:59:15 PeggyG -> Room 1: I know that a postive parent call early in the year is tremendously valuable!!
19:59:23 Carolyn -> Room 1: @carolteach4 That was exactly what crossed my mind! That sounds like a lot of phone calls!
19:59:39 sheila -> Room 1: Oh and I have a clustr map, so I know others are reading the blogs! I've been more proactive this year. Sent a paper home with student's code names for blogs and login info for quia account and requested signature. Hoping it will help!
19:59:40 maureen -> Room 1: I just sent out mid term comments- made sure to send notes to parents when things had improved since the Dec conference
20:00:01 PeggyG -> Room 1: great idea maureen!
20:00:46 maureen -> Room 1: @sheila- I made it an assignment with 7th grade- set up igoogle page and subscribe to all their teacher blogs- on the igoogle page- not reader- so it's in their face
20:01:33 sheila -> Room 1: @Maureen - so the students have the igoogle page?
20:01:42 cheryloakes seedlings~ -> Room 1: Shelia, that is cool, a map really shows the scope of your blog.
20:01:55 mjgormans -> Room 1: When I have coached (since we collaborate on assignments) I made sure my players were on my conference list. Made the conference even more powerful
20:02:03 cheryloakes seedlings~ -> Room 1: Hello Scott
20:02:10 Scott Shelhart -> Room 1: Hello
20:02:16 PeggyG -> Room 1: this site has lots of great tips for student led conferences
20:02:19 maureen -> Room 1: @Sheila- yes, they setup their own pages, and I checked- all teacher blog subscriptions and 3 of their choice on their home page
20:02:29 cheryloakes seedlings~ -> Room 1: Good idea mjgormans, set the expectation.
20:02:37 sheila -> Room 1: @Maureen - Great idea!!!!
20:02:53 carolteach4 -> Room 1: Nooooooooo! I have to pay for each text.
20:03:03 PeggyG -> Room 1: I'm using google voice but not for communicating with parents
20:03:31 PeggyG -> Room 1: the text translation from google voicemails that get sent to emails can be very interesting--some are really hilarious!
20:03:37 maureen -> Room 1: I have it and altho I don't have a cell phone... I put the call me widget on the blog. All our parents have our numbers- and it's OK to call. The widget rings my home phone
20:03:56 carolteach4 -> Room 1: Let's not get too carried away. We are all dedicated teachers who greatly care about our students, but everyone needs some time of their own.
20:04:14 sheila -> Room 1: Thinking of having a parent night to learn more about our 1:1, but want to do it in between sport seasons.
20:04:56 sheila -> Room 1: Maureen - what's the URL for your blog?
20:05:08 carolteach4 -> Room 1: actually that was Alice!
20:05:19 carolteach4 -> Room 1: in response to me
20:05:35 maureen -> Room 1: We havent gone that route... seems like a lot of work. But even when my daughter(27)  was in high school, Gould had online access to grades and comments
20:05:42 mjgormans -> Room 1: I think some parents hover on the hour looking at online grades. I will get an email with in minutes of some postings
20:06:23 PeggyG -> Room 1: sorry I have to leave you--I'll try to add some links to your delicious account. great conversation!!
20:06:26 cheryloakes seedlings~ -> Room 1: mjgormans, at least you know they are checking the grades, good news bad news, huh
20:06:37 cheryloakes seedlings~ -> Room 1: Night PeggyG, stay safe in the storm
20:06:43 sheila -> Room 1: I do have a few parents not online. Any clever ways to keep them in the loop? and not feeling excluded?
20:06:51 alicebarr -> Room 1: @PeggyG Thanks for dropppping by!
20:07:00 PeggyG -> Room 1: thanks!
20:07:05 mjgormans -> Room 1: It really is mostly to the good, but sometimes it stops the kid from taking ownership
20:07:05 cheryloakes seedlings~ -> Room 1: Hm, good question Shelia.
20:07:34 maureen -> Room 1: @sheila- the call me button is still on my test blog... but my main blog is links to almost all the rest of my classes. As soon as I am happy with the call me, it's going on the main page. I just put it on over the weekend. Haven't remembered to check it from school/other phones.
20:07:58 carolteach4 -> Room 1: One comment came up at lunch the other day. A parent was upset when he emailed a teacher and didn't get an immediate response. Guess what! Teachers are teaching the kids - not sitting at their computers watching the emails come in. There have to be realistice expectations for teachers.
20:08:36 maureen -> Room 1: Don't forget about those of us in the boonies... we have no cell service. But we still mail pdfs of stuff out to some parents
20:08:36 alicebarr -> Room 1: @lost connection
20:08:46 mjgormans -> Room 1: We have partnered with our local Walmart and provide a few computers in the store with hook up, also public libraries, and a station in the office
20:09:06 alicebarr -> Room 1: Did we lose the connection?
20:09:17 mjgormans -> Room 1: still hear you
20:09:22 carolteach4 -> Room 1: Skype was terrible on Teacher Teaching Teachers last evening. Tonight's connection is glorious in comparison.
20:09:28 alicebarr -> Room 1: Cheryl can you bring me back in?
20:10:11 maureen -> Room 1: If I responded to emails immediately, my parents would ask me what I was doing checking my email instead of teaching their kids :-)
20:10:18 cheryloakes seedlings~ -> Room 1: I don't see you online alice, hold on
20:10:40 alicebarr -> Room 1: We make it very clear at the beginning of the year that it takes time for teachers to upgrade their grdes
20:10:51 alicebarr -> Room 1: I'll quit and come back
20:11:01 sheila -> Room 1: Active listening. Listen to them thoroughly, when they become tired, summarize their statements,  . . . then state what you are able to do.
20:11:26 maureen -> Room 1: I have rescheduled and arranged a meeting- usually with all of the child's teachers. It's usually not just w/me
20:11:45 cheryloakes seedlings~ -> Room 1: thanks for feedback carolteach4
20:11:55 mjgormans -> Room 1: Trying to show all that there is positive and with everyone together there will be success
20:12:57 carolteach4 -> Room 1: Conferences that are confrontational should not be allowed.
20:13:19 sheila -> Room 1: When they have exhausted their thoughts, they are less emotional and start to feel heard. Doesn't mean that you will do what they want, now's the time you state what you can do and why.
20:13:40 cheryloakes seedlings~ -> Room 1: Sheila, that is a good point.Listen.
20:13:44 maureen -> Room 1: Sometimes it's hard not to get defensive- not useful. Truly try to take a deep breath and believe that everyone is really trying their best. .. and say that and try to regroup if possible
20:13:47 mjgormans -> Room 1: Shelia, I agree, active listening
20:14:00 carolteach4 -> Room 1: It's awfully hard not to take it personally, but you can't.
20:14:52 sheila -> Room 1: If they are that upset, you can't take it personally.
20:15:00 maureen -> Room 1: @carolteach4- but sometimes it is personal... not helpful- but it's true.
20:15:06 carolteach4 -> Room 1: That sound like a good idea, Bob.
20:15:11 mjgormans -> Room 1: Always keep in mind that it is not a personal thing for parent and child
20:16:06 sheila -> Room 1: A lot of good info comes from TET - Teacher Effectiveness Training. Also a PET book, Parent Effectiveness Training
20:16:17 sheila -> Room 1: Good point about comparing students!!!
20:16:53 maureen -> Room 1: uh-oh.. I do that- the excel stuff I do with 7th grade is always hard for them...but I warn them and try to give them strategies to help.
20:17:02 mjgormans -> Room 1: I agree, I have sat in team conferences where one of the teachers was very negative and set it up for lack of success. (have to make sure team conf are not a gang attack
20:17:43 sheila -> Room 1: TET -
20:17:47 maureen -> Room 1: When you start getting the 4th child from the same family, it's hard not to compare
20:18:31 cheryloakes seedlings~ -> Room 1: good point mjgormans, as educators we need to be team builders
20:18:34 carolteach4 -> Room 1: @maureen - love to know what you do with excel. I just did an Excel exercise with 7th graders based on a science lab  they did - By Golly By Gum - determining unchewed and chewed mass of gum and percentage of sugar - done in Excel with formulas and 2 logical graphs.
20:19:07 carolteach4 -> Room 1: The kids LOVED it. They think Excel is COOL! Loved the fill-down formula.
20:19:20 sheila -> Room 1: Sounds like fun!
20:19:21 cheryloakes seedlings~ -> Room 1: carolteach4, that sounds fun.
20:19:51 Carolyn -> Room 1: Ok - glad it's being brought up!! Someone had to say it - economically depressed districts etc. Brings entire set of its own issues to the table
20:19:58 cheryloakes seedlings~ -> Room 1: continue parent/teacher conference conversation at the seedlings ning
20:20:01 sheila -> Room 1: What no definitive answers?  :o
20:20:13 alicebarr -> Room 1: :)
20:20:24 cheryloakes seedlings~ -> Room 1: There is no  money in definitive answers :-)
20:20:41 alicebarr -> Room 1: Maine Gamers 4 Charity. Streaming 24 hours of gaming at Raising funds for Saving the Children Haiti Earthquake Fund. #meg4c #haiti
20:20:47 maureen -> Room 1: @carolteach4 This year I am using gforms right now- making forms, collecting data, quick analyze, use google lookup and google squared. Will do basic formulas later. I am very picky with them about labeling axes- using units- not random names.
20:21:14 cheryloakes seedlings~ -> Room 1: Maureen, good point.
20:21:43 mjgormans -> Room 1: Thanks Alice, be sure to check it out
20:21:58 sheila -> Room 1: Maureen, I want to be in your classes!
20:22:06 carolteach4 -> Room 1: @maureen - can we share lessons? I'm not sure I really understand what you are doing, but it sounds interesting and important.
20:22:19 bobsprankle -> Room 1:
20:22:53 cheryloakes seedlings~ -> Room 1: great plan Bill
20:22:55 maureen -> Room 1: We're doing bake sales all week- kids raised 1000 1st day- don't know what today's take was. They are collecting in the car line at drop off and pick up
20:23:16 cheryloakes seedlings~ -> Room 1: Maureen, what a good idea captive audience
20:23:38 maureen -> Room 1: @cheryl- literally:D
20:23:39 carolteach4 -> Room 1: By the way, any teacher who has a SmartBoard in their school is allowed to use SmartNotebook10 software which has a record function like Camtasia.
20:24:16 bobsprankle -> Room 1:
20:24:16 maureen -> Room 1: I wish we could afford discovery streaming.
20:24:27 mjgormans -> Room 1: Putman Website looks interesting
20:24:43 carolteach4 -> Room 1: We have Discovery Education at our school. Great - just attended the DENSCIconn on January 9
20:25:06 mjgormans -> Room 1: SCIconn was awesome, loved those polar bears
20:25:11 cheryloakes seedlings~ -> Room 1:
20:25:24 maureen -> Room 1: @carolteach4- me too- virtually. Too lazy to drive down to Hartford when I can listen in my pjs
20:25:59 alicebarr -> Room 1:
20:26:00 maureen -> Room 1: Waiting for the black bear to give birth...
20:26:31 carolteach4 -> Room 1: @maureen - I'd wanted to revist the museum ever since I went on a field trip with the 7th graders - I got free admission into the museum and had fun playing. I figured I could catch what I missed from the stream in the archives later.
20:26:45 cheryloakes seedlings~ -> Room 1: Melinda Miller said to say hi tonight! She is applying for the Google Administrators Academy, we wish her luck.
20:26:51 maureen -> Room 1: @alice- how much ?
20:27:24 maureen -> Room 1: I used  last night.. it was 25/yr
20:27:59 maureen -> Room 1: Didn't publish it... just played. Now I have a new one to play with
20:28:10 bobsprankle -> Room 1:
20:28:53 bobsprankle -> Room 1:
20:28:59 carolteach4 -> Room 1: I nominated Richard Byrne's blog as my favorite blog at contest.
20:29:12 cheryloakes seedlings~ -> Room 1: yeah, thanks carolteach4!
20:30:09 mjgormans -> Room 1: Thanks Bill
20:30:51 carolteach4 -> Room 1: Here's a problem. I uploaded a newslette to Google Docks as a Word document - no conversion. It was a newsletter with two section breaks to go from one column to two and back to one. It uploaded as 3 different pages, and I couldn't figure out how to put it back together out in Google docs.
20:31:05 carolteach4 -> Room 1: newsletter Google docs
20:31:19 cheryloakes seedlings~ -> Room 1: carolteach4, interesting about page breaks.
20:31:22 maureen -> Room 1: Has anyone used airmouse in the classroom to control your computer while you walk around?
20:31:45 alicebarr -> Room 1: @maureen The math teachers in middle school have them and like them
20:32:09 maureen -> Room 1: @alice- I have to play with it more, not well coordinated at the moment
20:32:24 carolteach4 -> Room 1: Thanks to all of you.
20:32:25 alicebarr -> Room 1: HArd to manage for sure!
20:32:36 Carolyn -> Room 1: Thanks all
20:32:54 sheila -> Room 1: This was a great show! Thanks for all the ideas and all your efforts!
20:32:57 maureen -> Room 1: Thanks
20:33:00 alicebarr -> Room 1: Thank you All!
20:33:08 cheryloakes seedlings~ -> Room 1: Thanks and goodnight.
20:33:18 maureen -> Room 1: See you in Philly.. some of you