2010-11-18 Seedlings Show 99 with Larry Ferlazzo
My hero, Larry Ferlazzo, joined us at Seedlings, Thursday night. I have admired Larry since early 2006, when I became a Webhead. Larry's name was always mentioned as someone who found the best of the best Web 2.0 tools in order to help English Language Learners. As it turns out my expectations were surpassed. Larry is very thoughtful and reflective and certainly made all of us think during our show! I know you will enjoy this one. No Seedlings show next Thursday, we will all be sitting around the Thanksgiving Dinner table. However, we return Dec. 2, 2010, with Wes Fryer and his daughter Rachel for our 100th Seedlings Show. We are thankful to Worldbridges and EdTechTalk for their continued support, and most of all our listeners!
Join Alice, Bob and Cheryl as we chat with Larry Ferlazzo. All his wonderful links are included in Geek of the Week! Thanks to the chat room, there is plenty of information to support Larry's chat, and all that is happening in the world of our PLN. Have a great Thanksgiving for all who celebrate. We will be back with show 100, Wes and Rachel Fryer, Dec. 2, 2010!
For now, the teaser is the audio placeholder. I will re-post the audio soon.
19:16:04 alicebarr (SEEDlings) Welcome!
19:17:15 alicebarr (SEEDlings) Welcome all we are just getting set up
19:17:18 sratrimmer Hola Hello
19:23:21 bobsprankle hi all!
19:23:25 bobsprankle just getting set up
19:24:07 cheryloakes~seedlings Getting ready
19:25:04 cheryloakes~seedlings Hello Beth, Alisha and Cristina
19:25:14 Beth Holmes Hello!
19:25:18 Alisha Hi
19:25:31 cristinamccoach Hello everyone.
19:25:35 cheryloakes~seedlings Oh, hello lalpaugh
19:26:34 Alisha Sorry I'm new to this. Is there an audio part to this conversation or is it just a chat?
19:27:38 bobsprankle audio coming :)
19:27:45 Alisha okay thanks :)
19:28:40 bobsprankle hi beth
19:28:46 cheryloakes~seedlings do you ahve sound
19:29:00 bobsprankle hi loony!
19:29:04 bobsprankle can you hear us?
19:29:09 Alisha no
19:29:14 Beth Holmes Hi, Bob! I don't have sound.
19:29:15 cristinamccoach Nope
19:29:16 loonyhiker hi there! nosound
19:29:36 loonyhiker i clicked on ETTA and hear u now
19:29:43 bobsprankle working on sound
19:30:06 cheryloakes~seedlings coming back again
19:30:30 cheryloakes~seedlings sound???
19:30:32 bobsprankle can you hear us?
19:30:36 loonyhiker i hear u on ETTA
19:30:47 Beth Holmes No sound.
19:30:57 cheryloakes~seedlings Please click on etta
19:31:10 cheryloakes~seedlings do you hear alice and bob and larry?
19:31:17 cristinamccoach I hear you now!
19:31:20 loonyhiker yes, i hear all yr wonderful voices :)
19:31:57 Alisha where is the ETTA?
19:32:06 cristinamccoach ed tech talk A
19:32:11 Beth Holmes I hear you now!
19:32:20 cheryloakes~seedlings EttA i s on the top right of your page.
19:32:30 Alisha okay got it
19:32:41 connect2jamie Good evening all!
19:33:02 Alisha I got it thanks
19:33:32 cheryloakes~seedlings Hello all,
19:34:14 loonyhiker wow! y'all are so popular lol
19:35:51 cheryloakes~seedlings this is very interesting
19:35:56 cheryloakes~seedlings we are back
19:36:10 loonyhiker i love hearing how y'all work out technical difficulties - great modeling behavior
19:37:03 cheryloakes~seedlings Sue Ettenheim is my mentor,she taught me all this how to juggle
19:37:06 alicebarr (SEEDlings) Whew!
19:37:27 loonyhiker hi Maine from South Carolina :)
19:37:43 alicebarr (SEEDlings) Yea Hi Loony hiker!
19:38:45 connect2jamie Good evening my Maine friends--from Houston
19:38:53 cheryloakes~seedlings We are so excited about our guest Larry Ferlazzo
19:38:58 bobsprankle hi connect2
19:39:06 alicebarr (SEEDlings) Hello connect2Jamie
19:39:21 JackDs01 How do I go to the Larry Fer SEEDLINGS show?
19:39:39 cheryloakes~seedlings JackDs01, you are here.
19:39:46 alicebarr (SEEDlings) @jackDs01 you are here
19:39:47 connect2jamie I soooo often go to Larry Ferlazzo's blog for links and ideas! Larry ROCKS!
19:39:48 cheryloakes~seedlings please click on etta for sound
19:39:57 bobsprankle same here, jamie!
19:40:14 JackDs01 What is etta?
19:40:23 connect2jamie Ed Tech Talk A
19:40:27 cheryloakes~seedlings that is where you will find sound
19:40:49 connect2jamie Top right--see the little speaker icon?
19:41:00 JackDs01 THANK YOU!
19:41:14 connect2jamie :)
19:43:16 alicebarr (SEEDlings) http://webheadsinaction.org/
19:45:14 alicebarr (SEEDlings) http://tappedin.org/tappedin/
19:47:26 bobsprankle hi laurie
19:47:28 connect2jamie Oh dang! My real life calls! Gotta go, but I'll try to come back. I want to hear more of what Larry has to share!
19:47:37 alicebarr (SEEDlings) http://engagingparentsinschool.edublogs.org/
19:49:09 lauriehowarth Hi, I can't access the live broadcast..
19:49:33 alicebarr (SEEDlings) Hi Laurie: Click on the Edtech A button for sound
19:49:45 lauriehowarth ok will try thanks
19:50:12 alicebarr (SEEDlings) http://larryferlazzo.edublogs.org/
19:51:44 lauriehowarth I am getting an echo and everything is being repeated. is this normal?
19:51:51 bobsprankle http://engagingparentsinschool.edublogs.org/
19:51:59 Beth Holmes So glad to hear Larry tonight. Connecting parents to schooling at any age is critically important.
19:52:28 alicebarr (SEEDlings) http://www.pthvp.org/about.html
19:54:52 Beth Holmes Yes! From the middle school up, the culture often suggests that parents should disengage. There is a subtle hint that parents should "let go."
19:55:21 JackDs01 even 9th to 12th has a HUGE difference in parents showing up to conferences
19:55:51 cheryloakes~seedlings beth you are so right, that is the wrong message for middle and HS
19:58:34 Beth Holmes Finland's Minister of Education credits parent involvement/engagement as one of the key factors contributing to student success.
20:00:23 alicebarr (SEEDlings) http://www.postrank.com/
20:00:47 Larry Ferlazzo Beth, if you have a link to Finland info, I'd love to get it
20:01:44 alicebarr (SEEDlings) http://www.postrank.com/postrank#how
20:01:49 sratrimmer Thanks for introducing me to Webheadsinaction. I'm going to connect with colleagues :)
20:02:29 cheryloakes~seedlings sratrimmer, Webheads changed my life!
20:04:55 cheryloakes~seedlings hello Lorna, welcome
20:05:07 Lorna Hi everyone
20:05:17 sratrimmer what site was that? TEDsomething??
20:05:31 cheryloakes~seedlings TedX
20:05:46 alicebarr (SEEDlings) http://larryferlazzo.edublogs.org/2010/01/30/excerpt-from-my-upcoming-bo...
20:06:10 alicebarr (SEEDlings) http://www.ted.com/talks TED Talks
20:06:19 cheryloakes~seedlings thanks alice for the links
20:06:28 Lorna building good working relationships is critical
20:06:48 cheryloakes~seedlings yes lorna, we so forget that!
20:07:28 alicebarr (SEEDlings) List of TED talks by curriculum subject http://www.historyteachersattic.com/2009/06/ted-talks-demystified-for-te...
20:08:21 alicebarr (SEEDlings) http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=pjGlYH-8AK8ffDa6o2bYlXg and another TED list
20:09:02 Beth Holmes Article: Why do Finland's schools get the best results? Good article/videos. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/programmes/world_news_america/8601207.stm
20:10:51 cheryloakes~seedlings Love that, School is where young people to to see Old people work! Larry Ferlazzo!
20:11:08 cheryloakes~seedlings go to see Old people work!
20:16:01 cheryloakes~seedlings Have you heard of the marshmallow study?
20:16:13 Lorna yes
20:16:26 Lorna very tempting to eat the marshmallow :)
20:21:59 Beth Holmes Larry, have you read MIND IN THE MAKING by Ellen Galinsky? She goes into detail about FOCUS and SELF-CONTROL, one of 7 Essential Life Skills. She discusses helping children learn to delay gratification - using the marshmallow exercise.
20:22:18 cheryloakes~seedlings thanks beth!
20:22:28 cheryloakes~seedlings I will ask him.
20:22:34 Lorna @beth that is an excellent resource
20:24:15 Beth Holmes Galinsky's work focuses on the young child - but it is fascinating to see how the essential skills for the 21st C can be developed in very, very young children.
20:24:55 Larry Ferlazzo Yes, I'm familiar with Galinsky's book and like it alot
20:25:51 cheryloakes~seedlings Thanks for the links everyone!
20:26:32 Alisha is there a link to this marshmallow study?
20:26:35 alicebarr (SEEDlings) http://larryferlazzo.edublogs.org/2010/11/18/the-best-the-best-lists-on-...
20:27:34 Alisha okay thanks :)
20:27:41 cheryloakes~seedlings hello cmantin, welcome
20:27:53 cmantin Hello all
20:28:10 connect2jamie Hi @cmantin
20:29:56 Beth Holmes Larry, I just found your post Great New Video on “Marshmallow” Test! I have not seen this video. I am so glad to have this! THANK YOU!
20:29:59 alicebarr (SEEDlings) http://beta.middlespot.com/index.php#
20:31:03 alicebarr (SEEDlings) http://simplebooklet.com/index.php
20:34:34 connect2jamie GREAT links! Thanks so much Larry!
20:34:39 alicebarr (SEEDlings) http://www.engadget.com/2010/11/18/tiktok-and-lunatik-ipod-nano-watch-ki...
20:35:25 alicebarr (SEEDlings) http://oldnorth.com/tories/
20:37:21 bobsprankle http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/news/2010/11/what-google-knows-about-...
20:37:42 Beth Holmes Alice! TikTok and LunaTik....definitely geeky.
20:37:52 connect2jamie Perfect link for my Am History tchrs! Great timing for me too! Thanks Alice!
20:38:20 alicebarr (SEEDlings) Your welcome. Let me throw another in too US Hostory for Google earth Hang on
20:38:27 bobsprankle https://sites.google.com/site/middleschoolpoetry/home
20:38:33 alicebarr (SEEDlings) http://www.wwnorton.com/college/history/america8/full/historytours.aspx
20:38:35 cheryloakes~seedlings https://sites.google.com/site/middleschoolpoetry/home http://www.wallwisher.com/wall/zQvg8NPQe4
20:39:08 cheryloakes~seedlings http://www.wallwisher.com/wall/zQvg8NPQe4
20:39:16 alicebarr (SEEDlings) @connect2Jamie See link http://www.wwnorton.com/college/history/america8/full/historytours.aspx
20:40:53 alicebarr (SEEDlings) Everyone go out and buy your holiday Geek gifts!
20:40:55 connect2jamie Another great one @alice Thanks!
20:41:02 alicebarr (SEEDlings) Welcome!
20:41:14 Alisha thanks so much Larry!
20:41:34 connect2jamie Great evening as always!
20:42:04 connect2jamie WooHoo! 100 shows! Congrats!
20:42:18 cheryloakes~seedlings Thanks to all in the chat! We love you!!! Thanks to Larry for all his inspiration.
20:42:50 Beth Holmes I love Seedlings! It is so relaxing - and I always learn a lot. Larry, I learned from you tonight! Loved the "geeky" tips! Thanks to all. Have a great Thanksgiving!
20:43:01 alicebarr (SEEDlings) Thanks Beth!
20:43:09 alicebarr (SEEDlings) Thank you to Larry!!!
20:43:13 bobsprankle thanks all!
20:43:15 connect2jamie Love your snow days! :)
20:43:28 alicebarr (SEEDlings) :)
20:43:32 cheryloakes~seedlings night!
20:43:43 bobsprankle goodnight all
20:43:45 connect2jamie Thanks Larry! It was GREAT!
20:43:49 Beth Holmes Bye!
20:43:52 connect2jamie Happy Turkey Day!
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