Teachers Teaching Teahers #228 - A curriculum potpourri with teachers, students, and Erick Gordon - 12.08.10
Paul Allison - Sun, 2011-01-09 07:33
Post-Show description:
We had a lively conversation on this episode of Teachers Teaching Teachers
- Meet Erick Gordon the new director of the New York City Writing Project and the founder of the Student Press Initiative.
- Enjoy the perspectives of a couple of the digital photographers who are in Chris Sloan’s school in Salt Lake City, where they had just published their student magazine, the Bulldog Press on MagCloud for the first time.
- Warm to the thoughts of David Pulling from LSU-Eunice who gives us an update on how his students I-Search papers. In particular we invite you to take a look at this one by Vonda Guidry: “Potential Health Effects of Food Contamination From the BP Oil Spill.” Paul Allison’s high school students and Vonda had a productive dialogue in the comments under her discussion post.
- And of course you don't want to miss Margaret Simon's elementary
school students who have publishing on Voices on the Gulf — and who now
have other ideas, as Margaret explains:
Things are good and busy. Our gifted students present a historical play each year for first graders in the parish at The Shadows, a plantation home on the bayou. There is much involved in preparing and performing, so little else goes on.
My student Kaylie is working on making Clover the Plover a book. She is illustrating it using Paint on the Promethean board. I hope to publish it on Lulu as a fundraiser for the Gulf.
And more! Why don’t you drop by too? We invite you to join us every Wednesday at http://EdTechTalk.com/live at 9:00pm Eastern / 6:00pm Pacific USA (World Times).
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We had a lively conversation on this episode of Teachers Teaching Teachers
20:51:37 Paul Allison: http://paulallison.tumblr.com/post/2148688596/join-us-for-a-curriculum-p...
20:52:51 Paul Allison: My notes for tonights's show were last minute, but here they are: http://paulallison.tumblr.com/post/2148688596/join-us-for-a-curriculum-p...
20:56:05 Paul Allison: Hi Chris.
20:56:18 Chris Sloan: Hi Paul. How are all those letters of rec coming?
20:56:26 Chris Sloan: I feel your pain
20:56:52 Paul Allison: Margaret has a couple of students joining us Aeran (6th) and Kaylie (4th).
20:57:02 SusanEttenheim: hi all
20:57:10 Paul Allison: Hi Susan...
20:57:10 Chris Sloan: Cool. Are one of them the author of the book?
20:57:17 Paul Allison: Kalie.
20:57:32 PeggyG: Hi everyone
20:57:35 Chris Sloan: That should be good talking to a young author
20:58:23 PeggyG: I'm having problems with the chat when I log in with Firefox. Anyone else? I'm using Chrome tonight.
20:58:54 Chris Sloan: Hi Peggy. No problems with chat with Firefox
20:59:13 PeggyG: thanks! guess I need to do some troubleshooting on my end. I'm on a new computer
20:59:29 MGuhlin.org: Is it over or just starting?
20:59:32 PeggyG: hi Miguel! great to see you!
20:59:46 MGuhlin.org: Howdy!!
21:00:00 PeggyG: just about to start
21:00:25 PeggyG: have to listen on EdTeachTalk A
21:00:34 MGuhlin.org: What's the topic?
21:00:54 Paul Allison: We will start soon!
21:01:01 Paul Allison: Topic will be iterative.
21:01:23 PeggyG: big word Paul :-)
21:01:35 MGuhlin.org: Hmm...
21:01:47 MGuhlin.org: If I didn't know you were a writer, that would have given it away!
21:01:49 MGuhlin.org: ;->
21:01:54 PeggyG: http://paulallison.posterous.com/join-us-for-a-curriculum-potpourri-on-t...
21:02:05 PeggyG: there's some background for you Miguel
21:02:48 Chris Sloan: I think the topic is about publishing student work, on-demand magazines and books, and publishing research online at Voices on the Gulf
21:03:02 PeggyG: hearing the audio now :-)
21:03:08 PeggyG: audio is great
21:03:37 MGuhlin.org: i hear the audio! great!
21:04:14 PeggyG: I love it when you have the students on!!
21:04:37 PeggyG: potpourri :-)
21:04:52 SusanEttenheim: hi everyone - how's the sound?
21:05:20 SusanEttenheim: great thanks
21:05:21 MGuhlin.org: @Susan Awesome
21:05:22 PeggyG: http://voicesonthegulf.org/discussion/potential-health-effects-food-cont...
21:05:47 SusanEttenheim: welcome everyone! I was busy fussing around in the background.. so helloo and welcome to our conversation this week!
21:05:49 PeggyG: that's the link to Vonda's blog post
21:07:33 PeggyG: http://voicesonthegulf.org/discussion/clover-plover-picture Clover the Plover
21:08:04 PeggyG: http://www.magcloud.com/browse/Issue/128339
21:08:15 SusanEttenheim: sylvia - sorry my students missed you last week!
21:08:28 SusanEttenheim: they're going to try tonight but not sure they can make it
21:09:02 PeggyG: what an exciting show!!
21:10:34 Paul Allison: http://publishspi.org
21:10:45 Chris Sloan: Here's Sylvia's Youth Foto magazine on MagCloud http://www.magcloud.com/browse/Issue/128633
21:11:24 Chris Sloan: Here's another publication we do at our school. Our student "newspaper" now published on MagCloud too: http://www.magcloud.com/browse/Issue/140120
21:11:32 PeggyG: very impressive magazine!!
21:12:22 Paul Allison: http://publishspi.org/
21:13:10 PeggyG: wow! 150 books!
21:14:34 PeggyG: http://voicesonthegulf.org/discussion/how-clover-plover-and-pip-made-dif...
21:16:55 PeggyG: creative use of techonology to write her book!
21:18:21 PeggyG: the comments about Kaylie's book are wonderful!
21:19:16 PeggyG: if she publishes it on LuLu people could download it as an ebook too
21:19:25 SusanEttenheim: how true!
21:20:04 PeggyG: what a great idea Erin!
21:20:44 PeggyG: different environmental issues with the same characters but different environments--great idea!
21:21:18 PeggyG: http://www.magcloud.com/browse/Issue/128633 Youth Foto
21:21:49 PeggyG: magcloud seems to be an excellent publishing tool
21:24:05 margaretsmn: Something in hand seems to mean more than looking online.
21:24:15 Chris Sloan: We've used MagCloud and Lulu. Lulu I think is better for books.
21:25:12 PeggyG: Hi Matt and mrsdurff!
21:25:20 matt montagne: hey peggyg, et al
21:25:29 mrsdurff: :)
21:25:39 SusanEttenheim: hi matt hi durff welcome!
21:25:43 margaretsmn: is this the magazine on magcloud that sylvia is working on?
21:25:49 SusanEttenheim: yes
21:25:56 Chris Sloan: The MagCloud publications can be viewed on iPads
21:26:01 PeggyG: I always like online because I can get it instantly--don't have to wait for it to come in the mail and don't have to pay shipping :-)
21:26:05 mrsdurff: Froehliche Weihnachten
21:26:11 SusanEttenheim: how true!
21:26:14 PeggyG: that's great to know Chris
21:26:18 margaretsmn: paul, reminder that Aeran is planning a art auction fundraiser.
21:26:27 Chris Sloan: Here's Sylvia's draft of the magazine http://www.magcloud.com/browse/Issue/128633
21:26:36 matt montagne: eBooks and mobile phone access perhaps...
21:26:42 SusanEttenheim: margaret - what is that a fundraiser for?
21:26:50 margaretsmn: i love having a book in hand too.
21:27:11 Chris Sloan: I think print is more reflective; online is more connective
21:27:15 margaretsmn: for national wildlife fund oil spill response.
21:27:26 mrsdurff: right now books can go places the internet doesn't
21:27:28 matt montagne: I have no nostalgia for the physical book...
21:27:29 SusanEttenheim: I love books and am also our librarian but I lOVE LOvE LOVE my iPad and I read more than ever because of it!
21:27:38 mrsdurff: hopefully that will change
21:27:42 SusanEttenheim: ahh
21:27:51 PeggyG: I outgrew my home with all of my books! downsizing now...
21:27:52 mrsdurff: and Kindles are too rich for me
21:27:59 Chris Sloan: yes, I think I'm reading more than ever too. I add audiobooks to the mix.
21:28:03 SusanEttenheim: margaret is there a website for that?
21:28:06 matt montagne: children's books are tough to replicate in the digital world
21:28:15 margaretsmn: nope. not that fancy.
21:28:16 mrsdurff: libraries are wonderful places peggy
21:28:28 mrsdurff: i should know, i'm a librarian
21:28:33 PeggyG: :-)
21:28:34 SusanEttenheim: matt - I think picture books are awesome online
21:28:48 SusanEttenheim: durffff I forgot that!
21:28:52 mrsdurff: Has anyone seen Micheal
21:29:03 SusanEttenheim: what's that Durff?
21:29:04 mrsdurff: Rosen's going on a bear bhunt
21:29:08 margaretsmn: i agree that the collaboration is exciting!
21:29:09 mrsdurff: on youtube
21:29:16 SusanEttenheim: hummm url?
21:29:16 PeggyG: yes I saw that mrsdurff
21:29:24 mrsdurff: he performs his children's book
21:29:36 mrsdurff: our classes use Lulu
21:29:55 SusanEttenheim: ahh cute - going on a bear hunt was oxenbury wasn't it?
21:30:03 mrsdurff: we publish every year, I get a copy cheaply and we aution it off
21:30:20 mrsdurff: yes susan - both people
21:30:28 PeggyG: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ytc0U2WAz4s Bear Hunt by Michael Rosen
21:30:44 mrsdurff: the book says both names
21:30:46 SusanEttenheim: ahh yes thanks Peggy
21:31:03 SusanEttenheim: of course... haha my daughters are almost 22 and 24 now!
21:31:07 mrsdurff: the man has bug eyes
21:31:13 SusanEttenheim: but I remember when that wonderful book was new!
21:31:29 PeggyG: there's so much to think about when you create a book for publication!
21:31:48 matt montagne: @Chris, what type of files do you have to upload to magcloud?? .doc, inDesign, pdf??
21:31:58 SusanEttenheim: I Just don't want to carry around heavy stuff anymore
21:32:00 mrsdurff: maybe a future newberry winner is here among us?
21:32:01 Chris Sloan: you have to upload pdfs
21:32:07 SusanEttenheim: and I love how books look on the iPad
21:32:16 PeggyG: sounds like you may be right mrsdurff!
21:32:34 Chris Sloan: but Word and inDesign convert to pdf
21:32:42 SusanEttenheim: clover the plover... wait til we hear the news in a few!
21:33:04 SusanEttenheim: There is a great magazine doc just created on Google Docs finally!
21:33:13 mrsdurff: yes Chris they do
21:33:32 SusanEttenheim: inDesign is too big a learning curve for us right now
21:33:39 PeggyG: you can create wonderful magazine covers with Flickr Toys (bighugelabs)
21:33:55 Chris Sloan: url for that Peggy?
21:34:03 SusanEttenheim: that sounds interesting peggy
21:34:15 PeggyG: http://bighugelabs.com/
21:34:18 mrsdurff: Peggy is the Google Jockey queen
21:34:25 PeggyG: :-)
21:35:23 matt montagne: one of the best student pubs that I've ever seen: Palo Alto High School's "Paly Voice" http://voice.paly.net/
21:35:35 mrsdurff: a storybook Kallie? (spelling?)
21:36:12 Chris Sloan: @Matt. I second the Paly Voice reference. I actually stopped by their school when I was in the Bay Area just to get a sense for Paul Kandell's approach
21:36:28 PeggyG: http://www.flickr.com/photos/71634097@N00/157031195/in/set-72157594183723916/ this is a simple example of a magazine cover I created with bighugelabs
21:36:52 mrsdurff: "gifted" is rare as it is
21:36:55 Chris Sloan: Nice Peggy
21:36:57 matt montagne: when I google search for things around my area in Palo Alto, often times articles from the student powered "Paly Voice" are returned via google...that is pretty powerful
21:37:14 PeggyG: that is definitely powerful Matt!
21:37:36 matt montagne: we're just a quarter mile from Paly, Chris. Their journalism program is stellar for sure.
21:37:52 Chris Sloan: and Eshter W is there too. She's great
21:38:07 PeggyG: I love the kinds of collaborating you're talking about!
21:38:14 mrsdurff: it must be in the tapwater
21:38:39 matt montagne: Chris, yes, Esther too...they are loaded in the journalism dept!!!
21:39:38 PeggyG: http://youthvoices.net/ in case you're not familiar with YouthVoices, this is the site
21:39:47 mrsdurff: it's past my bedtime folks
21:39:58 matt montagne: nite durff...
21:40:00 Chris Sloan: Yes, I'm a big fan of Youth Voices
21:40:02 PeggyG: good night mrsdurff-so glad you could join us
21:40:12 mrsdurff: night Peggy
21:40:18 PeggyG: I'm a huge fan of Youth Voices too!!
21:42:19 matt montagne: baby callin'
21:42:28 matt montagne: nice checkin' in, folks...
21:42:31 Chris Sloan: Better read that baby a book Matt
21:42:47 matt montagne: yep, Runaway Bunny is on tap!!
21:42:47 SusanEttenheim: good to say hi to you matt!
21:42:47 PeggyG: so good to see you Matt
21:42:57 PeggyG: have fun!
21:44:00 PeggyG: http://issuu.com/ I just discovered Issuu as an online place for publishing books that can be embedded on other sites. Really like it!
21:45:57 Paul Allison: http://voicesonthegulf.org/discussion/potential-health-effects-food-cont...
21:46:09 Chris Sloan: Margaret. I want a copy of the book.
21:46:26 PeggyG: what a wonderful story about Vonda!
21:47:35 margaretsmn: Chris, will keep you in touch about the progress.
21:48:01 margaretsmn: paul, please don't forget about Aeran...
21:48:23 Chris Sloan: thanks
21:48:35 Paul Allison: got it.
21:48:38 Chris Sloan: keep in touch
21:51:49 PeggyG: I remember that girl!! she was very inspiring!
21:52:08 PeggyG: an art auction is a wonderful idea!
21:53:27 Chris Sloan: what's the name of that video Susan
21:53:52 PeggyG: I've been seeing some of their nature photographs on YouthVoices and they are beautiful!
21:54:09 PeggyG: that's a great idea Susan!
21:54:20 SusanEttenheim: I think it's called The Photographers - basic National Geographic magazine... we borrowed it from the other teacher
21:55:27 PeggyG: http://www.amazon.com/National-Geographics-Photographers-Keith-David/dp/... is that the video Susan?
21:55:51 SusanEttenheim: That's it!
21:55:52 margaretsmn: Thanks, you all inspire us to keep on with our projects that sometimes hit a wall when we are working alone.
21:56:06 SusanEttenheim: Peggy do you know of others like that?
21:56:19 SusanEttenheim: My students really enjoyed that and I'd like more like that
21:56:37 PeggyG: not off hand Susan
21:56:49 margaretsmn: I believe my students will want to be more collaborative since they've experienced this talk.
21:57:11 PeggyG: http://www.amazon.com/Annie-Leibovitz-Life-Through-Lens/dp/B001C71IEM/re... would this be similar?
21:57:19 SusanEttenheim: I think my students would love to share their environment nature photos in nyc!
21:57:47 SusanEttenheim: maybe - have you seen it?
21:58:02 SusanEttenheim: I need to make another trip to the ICP store!
21:58:02 PeggyG: no but Amazon listed it as something similar
21:58:06 margaretsmn: I've found that revision is really happening when there is publishing involved.
21:58:08 SusanEttenheim: ahhh
21:59:10 PeggyG: http://www.amazon.com/American-Photography-Leonard-Nimoy/dp/B0000DG012/r... look at this one too--American Photography DVD
21:59:35 PeggyG: so true margaretsmn!!
21:59:41 margaretsmn: I need to work on getting Youth voices unblocked.
21:59:59 PeggyG: but it seems the wider the audience the more they care about revising for publishing
22:00:20 PeggyG: I love that concept-Local Lifestyles
22:00:43 Chris Sloan: I just showed Annie Liebowitz Life Through a Lens before I had them shoot family portraits.
22:00:48 SusanEttenheim: yes peggy we use that website
22:00:49 PeggyG: could it be connected with the Main Street USA project?
22:01:07 SusanEttenheim: Didn't she visit your class?
22:01:08 Chris Sloan: Now I'm printing the photos and they'll make Christmas presents out of them
22:01:21 PeggyG: wonderful idea Chris!!
22:01:26 Chris Sloan: photos of the family for the family
22:01:31 SusanEttenheim: that's cute chris!
22:01:38 Chris Sloan: It's the kind of thing families appreciate.
22:01:40 SusanEttenheim: we are actually doing portraits now
22:01:57 PeggyG: awesome Kailee
22:02:05 SusanEttenheim: The students themselves came up with a series of assignments - I'll have to send them to you
22:02:14 SusanEttenheim: What's coming up in your class?
22:02:15 Chris Sloan: We're posting Google Presentations on Youth Voices about what we learned about portrait photography
22:02:27 SusanEttenheim: oh wow that's perfect for us!
22:02:30 SusanEttenheim: when?
22:02:47 Chris Sloan: The started posting today, and will finish up tomorrow.
22:02:50 SusanEttenheim: are you presenting those in class?
22:02:57 SusanEttenheim: what tags are you using?
22:03:04 SusanEttenheim: we'll leave you comments on friday
22:03:17 SusanEttenheim: thursday we have a guest who is doing large format images
22:03:18 Chris Sloan: They already presented those when we were in the middle of shooting the portraits
22:03:27 SusanEttenheim: ahh
22:03:50 Chris Sloan: but now they're posting them on Youth Voices so that others can see what they learned
22:03:54 SusanEttenheim: how do we find them and maybe we can request a video conference for a few we might have questions about/for?
22:04:14 Chris Sloan: yes, let's video conference. We'll talk more
22:04:17 SusanEttenheim: what's next in your class
22:04:38 Chris Sloan: shooting winter for one thing
22:04:44 SusanEttenheim: margaret - will you keep us in touch with the project so we can contribute?
22:04:46 Chris Sloan: they're also shooting winter sports
22:05:03 SusanEttenheim: today someone told me he was working on the four seasons project
22:05:16 SusanEttenheim: haha we don't have any winter yet...
22:05:30 Chris Sloan: yes, my students need to get their winter shot, but they have until January to do it
22:05:35 SusanEttenheim: do you post the winter assignment somewhere?
22:05:52 SusanEttenheim: hum what are you doing in the next two weeks in class?
22:06:15 Chris Sloan: we will, but again, I need to have them tag consistently
22:07:12 Chris Sloan: they're wrapping up Photoshop lessons from Classroom in a Book, and then we're moving on to learning InDesign and Illustrator.
22:07:28 SusanEttenheim: ahh what about digital photography?
22:08:06 Chris Sloan: They'll also do an abstract word assignment. Illustrate an abstract word like joy, friendship... I've got more of a description
22:09:33 SusanEttenheim: ok :)
22:09:42 SusanEttenheim: thanks for joining us peggy!
22:09:46 Chris Sloan: we did it last year too Susan, they're on Youth Voices. I'll send you some links
22:09:56 SusanEttenheim: and margaret keep in touch!
22:09:56 PeggyG: great show!! thanks everyone!!
22:10:07 Chris Sloan: thanks Peggy
22:10:17 PeggyG: see you next week
22:10:19 Chris Sloan: Looking forward to talking more about the book Margaret
22:10:20 margaretsmn: will do. thanks:)
- Meet Erick Gordon the new director of the New York City Writing Project and the founder of the Student Press Initiative.
- Enjoy the perspectives of a couple of the digital photographers who are in Chris Sloan’s school in Salt Lake City, where they had just published their student magazine, the Bulldog Press on MagCloud for the first time.
- Warm to the thoughts of David Pulling from LSU-Eunice who gives us an update on how his students I-Search papers. In particular we invite you to take a look at this one by Vonda Guidry: “Potential Health Effects of Food Contamination From the BP Oil Spill.” Paul Allison’s high school students and Vonda had a productive dialogue in the comments under her discussion post.
- And of course you don't want to miss Margaret Simon's elementary school students who have publishing on Voices on the Gulf — and who now have other ideas, as Margaret explains:
Things are good and busy. Our gifted students present a historical play each year for first graders in the parish at The Shadows, a plantation home on the bayou. There is much involved in preparing and performing, so little else goes on.
My student Kaylie is working on making Clover the Plover a book. She is illustrating it using Paint on the Promethean board. I hope to publish it on Lulu as a fundraiser for the Gulf.
And more! Why don’t you drop by too? We invite you to join us every Wednesday at http://EdTechTalk.com/live at 9:00pm Eastern / 6:00pm Pacific USA (World Times).
Click Read more to see a copy of the chat that was happening during the webcast.
20:51:37 Paul Allison: http://paulallison.tumblr.com/post/2148688596/join-us-for-a-curriculum-p...
20:52:51 Paul Allison: My notes for tonights's show were last minute, but here they are: http://paulallison.tumblr.com/post/2148688596/join-us-for-a-curriculum-p...
20:56:05 Paul Allison: Hi Chris.
20:56:18 Chris Sloan: Hi Paul. How are all those letters of rec coming?
20:56:26 Chris Sloan: I feel your pain
20:56:52 Paul Allison: Margaret has a couple of students joining us Aeran (6th) and Kaylie (4th).
20:57:02 SusanEttenheim: hi all
20:57:10 Paul Allison: Hi Susan...
20:57:10 Chris Sloan: Cool. Are one of them the author of the book?
20:57:17 Paul Allison: Kalie.
20:57:32 PeggyG: Hi everyone
20:57:35 Chris Sloan: That should be good talking to a young author
20:58:23 PeggyG: I'm having problems with the chat when I log in with Firefox. Anyone else? I'm using Chrome tonight.
20:58:54 Chris Sloan: Hi Peggy. No problems with chat with Firefox
20:59:13 PeggyG: thanks! guess I need to do some troubleshooting on my end. I'm on a new computer
20:59:29 MGuhlin.org: Is it over or just starting?
20:59:32 PeggyG: hi Miguel! great to see you!
20:59:46 MGuhlin.org: Howdy!!
21:00:00 PeggyG: just about to start
21:00:25 PeggyG: have to listen on EdTeachTalk A
21:00:34 MGuhlin.org: What's the topic?
21:00:54 Paul Allison: We will start soon!
21:01:01 Paul Allison: Topic will be iterative.
21:01:23 PeggyG: big word Paul :-)
21:01:35 MGuhlin.org: Hmm...
21:01:47 MGuhlin.org: If I didn't know you were a writer, that would have given it away!
21:01:49 MGuhlin.org: ;->
21:01:54 PeggyG: http://paulallison.posterous.com/join-us-for-a-curriculum-potpourri-on-t...
21:02:05 PeggyG: there's some background for you Miguel
21:02:48 Chris Sloan: I think the topic is about publishing student work, on-demand magazines and books, and publishing research online at Voices on the Gulf
21:03:02 PeggyG: hearing the audio now :-)
21:03:08 PeggyG: audio is great
21:03:37 MGuhlin.org: i hear the audio! great!
21:04:14 PeggyG: I love it when you have the students on!!
21:04:37 PeggyG: potpourri :-)
21:04:52 SusanEttenheim: hi everyone - how's the sound?
21:05:20 SusanEttenheim: great thanks
21:05:21 MGuhlin.org: @Susan Awesome
21:05:22 PeggyG: http://voicesonthegulf.org/discussion/potential-health-effects-food-cont...
21:05:47 SusanEttenheim: welcome everyone! I was busy fussing around in the background.. so helloo and welcome to our conversation this week!
21:05:49 PeggyG: that's the link to Vonda's blog post
21:07:33 PeggyG: http://voicesonthegulf.org/discussion/clover-plover-picture Clover the Plover
21:08:04 PeggyG: http://www.magcloud.com/browse/Issue/128339
21:08:15 SusanEttenheim: sylvia - sorry my students missed you last week!
21:08:28 SusanEttenheim: they're going to try tonight but not sure they can make it
21:09:02 PeggyG: what an exciting show!!
21:10:34 Paul Allison: http://publishspi.org
21:10:45 Chris Sloan: Here's Sylvia's Youth Foto magazine on MagCloud http://www.magcloud.com/browse/Issue/128633
21:11:24 Chris Sloan: Here's another publication we do at our school. Our student "newspaper" now published on MagCloud too: http://www.magcloud.com/browse/Issue/140120
21:11:32 PeggyG: very impressive magazine!!
21:12:22 Paul Allison: http://publishspi.org/
21:13:10 PeggyG: wow! 150 books!
21:14:34 PeggyG: http://voicesonthegulf.org/discussion/how-clover-plover-and-pip-made-dif...
21:16:55 PeggyG: creative use of techonology to write her book!
21:18:21 PeggyG: the comments about Kaylie's book are wonderful!
21:19:16 PeggyG: if she publishes it on LuLu people could download it as an ebook too
21:19:25 SusanEttenheim: how true!
21:20:04 PeggyG: what a great idea Erin!
21:20:44 PeggyG: different environmental issues with the same characters but different environments--great idea!
21:21:18 PeggyG: http://www.magcloud.com/browse/Issue/128633 Youth Foto
21:21:49 PeggyG: magcloud seems to be an excellent publishing tool
21:24:05 margaretsmn: Something in hand seems to mean more than looking online.
21:24:15 Chris Sloan: We've used MagCloud and Lulu. Lulu I think is better for books.
21:25:12 PeggyG: Hi Matt and mrsdurff!
21:25:20 matt montagne: hey peggyg, et al
21:25:29 mrsdurff: :)
21:25:39 SusanEttenheim: hi matt hi durff welcome!
21:25:43 margaretsmn: is this the magazine on magcloud that sylvia is working on?
21:25:49 SusanEttenheim: yes
21:25:56 Chris Sloan: The MagCloud publications can be viewed on iPads
21:26:01 PeggyG: I always like online because I can get it instantly--don't have to wait for it to come in the mail and don't have to pay shipping :-)
21:26:05 mrsdurff: Froehliche Weihnachten
21:26:11 SusanEttenheim: how true!
21:26:14 PeggyG: that's great to know Chris
21:26:18 margaretsmn: paul, reminder that Aeran is planning a art auction fundraiser.
21:26:27 Chris Sloan: Here's Sylvia's draft of the magazine http://www.magcloud.com/browse/Issue/128633
21:26:36 matt montagne: eBooks and mobile phone access perhaps...
21:26:42 SusanEttenheim: margaret - what is that a fundraiser for?
21:26:50 margaretsmn: i love having a book in hand too.
21:27:11 Chris Sloan: I think print is more reflective; online is more connective
21:27:15 margaretsmn: for national wildlife fund oil spill response.
21:27:26 mrsdurff: right now books can go places the internet doesn't
21:27:28 matt montagne: I have no nostalgia for the physical book...
21:27:29 SusanEttenheim: I love books and am also our librarian but I lOVE LOvE LOVE my iPad and I read more than ever because of it!
21:27:38 mrsdurff: hopefully that will change
21:27:42 SusanEttenheim: ahh
21:27:51 PeggyG: I outgrew my home with all of my books! downsizing now...
21:27:52 mrsdurff: and Kindles are too rich for me
21:27:59 Chris Sloan: yes, I think I'm reading more than ever too. I add audiobooks to the mix.
21:28:03 SusanEttenheim: margaret is there a website for that?
21:28:06 matt montagne: children's books are tough to replicate in the digital world
21:28:15 margaretsmn: nope. not that fancy.
21:28:16 mrsdurff: libraries are wonderful places peggy
21:28:28 mrsdurff: i should know, i'm a librarian
21:28:33 PeggyG: :-)
21:28:34 SusanEttenheim: matt - I think picture books are awesome online
21:28:48 SusanEttenheim: durffff I forgot that!
21:28:52 mrsdurff: Has anyone seen Micheal
21:29:03 SusanEttenheim: what's that Durff?
21:29:04 mrsdurff: Rosen's going on a bear bhunt
21:29:08 margaretsmn: i agree that the collaboration is exciting!
21:29:09 mrsdurff: on youtube
21:29:16 SusanEttenheim: hummm url?
21:29:16 PeggyG: yes I saw that mrsdurff
21:29:24 mrsdurff: he performs his children's book
21:29:36 mrsdurff: our classes use Lulu
21:29:55 SusanEttenheim: ahh cute - going on a bear hunt was oxenbury wasn't it?
21:30:03 mrsdurff: we publish every year, I get a copy cheaply and we aution it off
21:30:20 mrsdurff: yes susan - both people
21:30:28 PeggyG: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ytc0U2WAz4s Bear Hunt by Michael Rosen
21:30:44 mrsdurff: the book says both names
21:30:46 SusanEttenheim: ahh yes thanks Peggy
21:31:03 SusanEttenheim: of course... haha my daughters are almost 22 and 24 now!
21:31:07 mrsdurff: the man has bug eyes
21:31:13 SusanEttenheim: but I remember when that wonderful book was new!
21:31:29 PeggyG: there's so much to think about when you create a book for publication!
21:31:48 matt montagne: @Chris, what type of files do you have to upload to magcloud?? .doc, inDesign, pdf??
21:31:58 SusanEttenheim: I Just don't want to carry around heavy stuff anymore
21:32:00 mrsdurff: maybe a future newberry winner is here among us?
21:32:01 Chris Sloan: you have to upload pdfs
21:32:07 SusanEttenheim: and I love how books look on the iPad
21:32:16 PeggyG: sounds like you may be right mrsdurff!
21:32:34 Chris Sloan: but Word and inDesign convert to pdf
21:32:42 SusanEttenheim: clover the plover... wait til we hear the news in a few!
21:33:04 SusanEttenheim: There is a great magazine doc just created on Google Docs finally!
21:33:13 mrsdurff: yes Chris they do
21:33:32 SusanEttenheim: inDesign is too big a learning curve for us right now
21:33:39 PeggyG: you can create wonderful magazine covers with Flickr Toys (bighugelabs)
21:33:55 Chris Sloan: url for that Peggy?
21:34:03 SusanEttenheim: that sounds interesting peggy
21:34:15 PeggyG: http://bighugelabs.com/
21:34:18 mrsdurff: Peggy is the Google Jockey queen
21:34:25 PeggyG: :-)
21:35:23 matt montagne: one of the best student pubs that I've ever seen: Palo Alto High School's "Paly Voice" http://voice.paly.net/
21:35:35 mrsdurff: a storybook Kallie? (spelling?)
21:36:12 Chris Sloan: @Matt. I second the Paly Voice reference. I actually stopped by their school when I was in the Bay Area just to get a sense for Paul Kandell's approach
21:36:28 PeggyG: http://www.flickr.com/photos/71634097@N00/157031195/in/set-72157594183723916/ this is a simple example of a magazine cover I created with bighugelabs
21:36:52 mrsdurff: "gifted" is rare as it is
21:36:55 Chris Sloan: Nice Peggy
21:36:57 matt montagne: when I google search for things around my area in Palo Alto, often times articles from the student powered "Paly Voice" are returned via google...that is pretty powerful
21:37:14 PeggyG: that is definitely powerful Matt!
21:37:36 matt montagne: we're just a quarter mile from Paly, Chris. Their journalism program is stellar for sure.
21:37:52 Chris Sloan: and Eshter W is there too. She's great
21:38:07 PeggyG: I love the kinds of collaborating you're talking about!
21:38:14 mrsdurff: it must be in the tapwater
21:38:39 matt montagne: Chris, yes, Esther too...they are loaded in the journalism dept!!!
21:39:38 PeggyG: http://youthvoices.net/ in case you're not familiar with YouthVoices, this is the site
21:39:47 mrsdurff: it's past my bedtime folks
21:39:58 matt montagne: nite durff...
21:40:00 Chris Sloan: Yes, I'm a big fan of Youth Voices
21:40:02 PeggyG: good night mrsdurff-so glad you could join us
21:40:12 mrsdurff: night Peggy
21:40:18 PeggyG: I'm a huge fan of Youth Voices too!!
21:42:19 matt montagne: baby callin'
21:42:28 matt montagne: nice checkin' in, folks...
21:42:31 Chris Sloan: Better read that baby a book Matt
21:42:47 matt montagne: yep, Runaway Bunny is on tap!!
21:42:47 SusanEttenheim: good to say hi to you matt!
21:42:47 PeggyG: so good to see you Matt
21:42:57 PeggyG: have fun!
21:44:00 PeggyG: http://issuu.com/ I just discovered Issuu as an online place for publishing books that can be embedded on other sites. Really like it!
21:45:57 Paul Allison: http://voicesonthegulf.org/discussion/potential-health-effects-food-cont...
21:46:09 Chris Sloan: Margaret. I want a copy of the book.
21:46:26 PeggyG: what a wonderful story about Vonda!
21:47:35 margaretsmn: Chris, will keep you in touch about the progress.
21:48:01 margaretsmn: paul, please don't forget about Aeran...
21:48:23 Chris Sloan: thanks
21:48:35 Paul Allison: got it.
21:48:38 Chris Sloan: keep in touch
21:51:49 PeggyG: I remember that girl!! she was very inspiring!
21:52:08 PeggyG: an art auction is a wonderful idea!
21:53:27 Chris Sloan: what's the name of that video Susan
21:53:52 PeggyG: I've been seeing some of their nature photographs on YouthVoices and they are beautiful!
21:54:09 PeggyG: that's a great idea Susan!
21:54:20 SusanEttenheim: I think it's called The Photographers - basic National Geographic magazine... we borrowed it from the other teacher
21:55:27 PeggyG: http://www.amazon.com/National-Geographics-Photographers-Keith-David/dp/... is that the video Susan?
21:55:51 SusanEttenheim: That's it!
21:55:52 margaretsmn: Thanks, you all inspire us to keep on with our projects that sometimes hit a wall when we are working alone.
21:56:06 SusanEttenheim: Peggy do you know of others like that?
21:56:19 SusanEttenheim: My students really enjoyed that and I'd like more like that
21:56:37 PeggyG: not off hand Susan
21:56:49 margaretsmn: I believe my students will want to be more collaborative since they've experienced this talk.
21:57:11 PeggyG: http://www.amazon.com/Annie-Leibovitz-Life-Through-Lens/dp/B001C71IEM/re... would this be similar?
21:57:19 SusanEttenheim: I think my students would love to share their environment nature photos in nyc!
21:57:47 SusanEttenheim: maybe - have you seen it?
21:58:02 SusanEttenheim: I need to make another trip to the ICP store!
21:58:02 PeggyG: no but Amazon listed it as something similar
21:58:06 margaretsmn: I've found that revision is really happening when there is publishing involved.
21:58:08 SusanEttenheim: ahhh
21:59:10 PeggyG: http://www.amazon.com/American-Photography-Leonard-Nimoy/dp/B0000DG012/r... look at this one too--American Photography DVD
21:59:35 PeggyG: so true margaretsmn!!
21:59:41 margaretsmn: I need to work on getting Youth voices unblocked.
21:59:59 PeggyG: but it seems the wider the audience the more they care about revising for publishing
22:00:20 PeggyG: I love that concept-Local Lifestyles
22:00:43 Chris Sloan: I just showed Annie Liebowitz Life Through a Lens before I had them shoot family portraits.
22:00:48 SusanEttenheim: yes peggy we use that website
22:00:49 PeggyG: could it be connected with the Main Street USA project?
22:01:07 SusanEttenheim: Didn't she visit your class?
22:01:08 Chris Sloan: Now I'm printing the photos and they'll make Christmas presents out of them
22:01:21 PeggyG: wonderful idea Chris!!
22:01:26 Chris Sloan: photos of the family for the family
22:01:31 SusanEttenheim: that's cute chris!
22:01:38 Chris Sloan: It's the kind of thing families appreciate.
22:01:40 SusanEttenheim: we are actually doing portraits now
22:01:57 PeggyG: awesome Kailee
22:02:05 SusanEttenheim: The students themselves came up with a series of assignments - I'll have to send them to you
22:02:14 SusanEttenheim: What's coming up in your class?
22:02:15 Chris Sloan: We're posting Google Presentations on Youth Voices about what we learned about portrait photography
22:02:27 SusanEttenheim: oh wow that's perfect for us!
22:02:30 SusanEttenheim: when?
22:02:47 Chris Sloan: The started posting today, and will finish up tomorrow.
22:02:50 SusanEttenheim: are you presenting those in class?
22:02:57 SusanEttenheim: what tags are you using?
22:03:04 SusanEttenheim: we'll leave you comments on friday
22:03:17 SusanEttenheim: thursday we have a guest who is doing large format images
22:03:18 Chris Sloan: They already presented those when we were in the middle of shooting the portraits
22:03:27 SusanEttenheim: ahh
22:03:50 Chris Sloan: but now they're posting them on Youth Voices so that others can see what they learned
22:03:54 SusanEttenheim: how do we find them and maybe we can request a video conference for a few we might have questions about/for?
22:04:14 Chris Sloan: yes, let's video conference. We'll talk more
22:04:17 SusanEttenheim: what's next in your class
22:04:38 Chris Sloan: shooting winter for one thing
22:04:44 SusanEttenheim: margaret - will you keep us in touch with the project so we can contribute?
22:04:46 Chris Sloan: they're also shooting winter sports
22:05:03 SusanEttenheim: today someone told me he was working on the four seasons project
22:05:16 SusanEttenheim: haha we don't have any winter yet...
22:05:30 Chris Sloan: yes, my students need to get their winter shot, but they have until January to do it
22:05:35 SusanEttenheim: do you post the winter assignment somewhere?
22:05:52 SusanEttenheim: hum what are you doing in the next two weeks in class?
22:06:15 Chris Sloan: we will, but again, I need to have them tag consistently
22:07:12 Chris Sloan: they're wrapping up Photoshop lessons from Classroom in a Book, and then we're moving on to learning InDesign and Illustrator.
22:07:28 SusanEttenheim: ahh what about digital photography?
22:08:06 Chris Sloan: They'll also do an abstract word assignment. Illustrate an abstract word like joy, friendship... I've got more of a description
22:09:33 SusanEttenheim: ok :)
22:09:42 SusanEttenheim: thanks for joining us peggy!
22:09:46 Chris Sloan: we did it last year too Susan, they're on Youth Voices. I'll send you some links
22:09:56 SusanEttenheim: and margaret keep in touch!
22:09:56 PeggyG: great show!! thanks everyone!!
22:10:07 Chris Sloan: thanks Peggy
22:10:17 PeggyG: see you next week
22:10:19 Chris Sloan: Looking forward to talking more about the book Margaret
22:10:20 margaretsmn: will do. thanks:)
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