JenM - Tue, 2011-02-15 10:55
Post-Show description:
EdTechWeekly #183
February 13, 2011
Jen's Links:
February 13, 2011
Hosts: Dave, Jen, John, and Jeff
Jen's Links:
- College / Life Preparation ... are HS students ready for what is next?
- Some argue no ... http://www.achieve.org/files/AchieveClosingtheExpectationsGap2011.pdf ... and ... http://www.nytimes.com/2011/02/08/nyregion/08regents.html?_r=3&pagewante... ...
- Some refocus the discussion on "prepared for what?" ... http://www.gse.harvard.edu/news_events/features/2011/Pathways_to_Prosper... ...
- ... and raise the concept of "multiple pathways" that some argue dampen expectations and limit options: http://dropoutnation.net/2011/02/02/harvard-graduate-school-education-po... ... and http://dropoutnation.net/2011/02/09/folks-damining-poor-minority-kids-ex...
- http://webheadsinaction.org/
- http://www.freetech4teachers.com/2011/02/seven-free-platforms-for-teachi...
John's Link:
- Horizon Report ... http://net.educause.edu/ir/library/pdf/HR2011.pdf
Taxonomy upgrade extras:
EdTechWeekly #183
February 13, 2011
This week's topics of conversation:
Dave's Link:
Jen's Links:
Chat Log Below
18:38:43 JenM -> Hey, John!
18:46:14 JohnS -> are you kidding? After all that, it required a restart. brb...
18:56:10 JenM -> I scott ... welcome as our first guest of the evening
18:56:25 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr) -> WooHoo!!1 Do I get a prize?
18:58:04 JenM -> virtual pat on the back ... as your prize
18:58:51 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr) -> I am watching
18:59:17 connect2jamie -> Hi all!
18:59:35 connect2jamie -> Good to hear from Jeff!
19:01:19 JenM -> @RickSchwier ... Yay!!!!!
19:01:27 JenM -> Can you see us!!?!?
19:01:33 Rick Schwier -> I can!
19:01:50 PeggyG -> Yes-can see you all! what a treat!!
19:01:58 Rick Schwier -> Howdy! Are you thrilled with your Badgers for knocking off OSU this weekend, Jen?
19:02:15 JenM -> If you can see me, you can see my shirt!!! Yay!
19:03:12 PeggyG -> had to switch over to studio view for a bigger screen :-) much better!
19:03:50 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr) -> I opened Ustream in a new window. Video looking good
19:03:59 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr) -> *Hi Peggy
19:04:04 PeggyG -> Hi Scott
19:04:20 PeggyG -> I opened it in Supersized Studio :-)
19:04:33 PeggyG -> Hi Sheila
19:04:43 Sheila -> Hi all!
19:04:54 PeggyG -> old home week!! welcome back Jeff!! we've missed you!
19:05:29 Sheila -> Wow Effects and all!
19:05:39 PeggyG -> woo hoo!!!!
19:06:35 dave -> https://pub.needlebase.com/actions/visualizer/V2Visualizer.do?domain=twi...
19:06:51 stlouisohio -> i like the ustream
19:11:07 Rick Schwier -> At Purdue, wouldn't it be black or gold?
19:11:59 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr) -> Yay Purdue! My kid was there for the Academic Decathalon this weekend.
19:12:59 tjhouston -> Howdy all.
19:13:25 stlouisohio -> u made it
19:15:12 tjhouston -> I did I did.
19:15:12 dave -> snapp
19:16:35 JohnS -> snapp is awesome. Have we talked about that here before?
19:16:44 Rick Schwier -> I've been playing with SNAPP since you told me about it, Dave. Nice visualization tool, especially when you use it to filter for numbers of connections.
19:17:32 tjhouston -> Im trying to find grasshopper. All I have so far is Delicious Grasshopper Recipes and How to catch a grasshopper..
19:17:35 tjhouston -> any help?
19:18:14 JL -> http://grsshopper.downes.ca/
19:18:28 tjhouston -> TY
19:18:31 dave -> http://grsshopper.downes.ca/description.htm
19:18:35 dave -> doh.
19:18:52 tjhouston -> :)
19:22:05 JenM -> See Jen's Links: http://edtechweekly.wikispaces.com/EdTechWeekly+183
19:23:23 JenM -> http://www.gse.harvard.edu/news_events/features/2011/Pathways_to_Prosper...
19:26:40 cyndidannerkuhn.info -> too much teaching to the test, lack of creative activities
19:27:26 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr) -> It is hard to demonstrate higher level thinking on a bubble test.... therefore we do not test it.
19:28:33 cyndidannerkuhn.info -> Goog Points Dave
19:28:41 cyndidannerkuhn.info -> Good
19:29:06 stlouisohio -> university should also offer a place to excell once you show mastery in a course
19:30:16 JohnS -> I'm not going to mention that OLPC came out of MIT.
19:32:11 cyndidannerkuhn.info -> and how many kids actually know what they want to do with their lives a 17 or 18.
19:32:30 JohnS -> yep. And part of the problem is that we don't want to force them to make choices that early.
19:32:45 JohnS -> So we end up with a lot of kids ending up majoring in "undecided"
19:33:27 cyndidannerkuhn.info -> do you have a link to that blog about purpose of education, would love to follow
19:33:46 stlouisohio -> and early choices with failer set you up for failing at being able to succeed at college. lots of credits and poor GPA costs you many semesters (of crap classes) to be able to continue your chosen path. sorry soapbox
19:33:51 JenM -> http://edtechweekly.wikispaces.com/EdTechWeekly+183
19:34:19 dave -> maybe i framed it different :)
19:35:44 gary -> My daughter started teachering first year university physics labs this year - her preception is that it takes a great deal of effort to get students to do more than follow instructions.
19:35:45 jackiegerstein -> http://purposed.org.uk/ Heard about this yesterday - following them on Twitter
19:37:15 dave -> bonnie is taking my picture
19:38:42 JohnS -> http://net.educause.edu/ir/library/pdf/HR2011.pdf
19:39:20 jackiegerstein -> Another new initiative - Uncollege self directed higher ed. http://uncollege.org/
19:40:06 dave -> http://www.downes.ca/cgi-bin/page.cgi?post=54807 this is the fun horizon link
19:41:15 dave -> http://www.downes.ca/cgi-bin/page.cgi?post=54820 this is a specific one in that list
19:41:45 JenM -> ... and as his own devil's advocate ... from @JohnS's blog .. http://staff.bbhcsd.org/schinkerj/
19:41:54 jackiegerstein -> LOL on Downes' crib sheet
19:42:25 stlouisohio -> awesome
19:42:30 JohnS -> https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0AsnTaf3AKUJ8dEZZcEJUQjJmM2VXN1N... Here are all of them
19:43:32 PeggyG -> that's a really interesting spreadsheet!! thanks!
19:43:38 cyndidannerkuhn -> and 3/4th of teachers and administrators have never read it or likely never even heard of the report.
19:44:00 dave -> @cyndi but still impacted. because policy is affected by it
19:44:08 cyndidannerkuhn -> true
19:44:39 jackiegerstein -> How so, Dave? We, in the ed tech field, share with others in the edtech field
19:44:49 jackiegerstein -> I don't
19:45:16 jackiegerstein -> Do you think Bill Gates has read the report?
19:45:55 jackiegerstein -> NMC report
19:46:06 PeggyG -> the reports aren't prepared for Bill Gates...
19:46:40 cyndidannerkuhn -> What do you think about Obama proposal for new agency to promote educational technology
19:47:22 stlouisohio -> @cyndi it will be interesting to see what kind of things come out of the new office
19:48:58 cyndidannerkuhn -> I diagree too,
19:49:25 PeggyG -> drum roll!
19:49:50 JL -> http://webheadsinaction.org/
19:50:11 JL -> http://www.freetech4teachers.com/2011/02/seven-free-platforms-for-teachi...
19:51:38 tjhouston -> [u]^--- Good Link...
19:54:17 cyndidannerkuhn -> wiki's are easy, but UGLY!! too ugly!!
19:56:13 stlouisohio -> Moodle for ease of use to beginners
19:56:16 cyndidannerkuhn -> I an using Moodle for a ful semester class with a school district, 50 teachers, but I have to damit, I would rather use my website and have them make a google site or something with their work
19:56:20 tjhouston -> [u]What about google Apps as your LMS? Google Site + Live Documents for Collab? Forms for quizes/tests...
19:56:40 PeggyG -> I heard that!!! :-) I agree! Elluminate
19:56:53 jackiegerstein -> It is going to be called something else - isn't it - now that Blackboard bought it?
19:57:47 jackiegerstein -> Depends is synchronous vs. asynchronous is desire.
19:57:51 jackiegerstein -> if
19:58:09 PeggyG -> Drupal is much more complex to manage than Moodle
19:58:31 JohnS -> yep. That's a Jeff solution, because he's very comfortable managing it.
19:58:54 PeggyG -> so true!
19:58:57 cyndidannerkuhn -> I do hate how slow Moodle is
19:58:59 tjhouston -> [u]@PeggyG Agreed. Our district site is district. Wiki so much easier.
19:59:05 sroseman -> agree ..Moodle ..used for an informal course ..with knowschools.ca
19:59:07 tjhouston -> [u]*drupal
19:59:54 sroseman -> once teachers get used to it ..they fully adopt it
20:01:13 PeggyG -> teachers have to be able to depend on it to be working when they need it
20:01:36 PeggyG -> most districts don't have expert Drupal managers
20:02:06 PeggyG -> I'm still listening :-)
20:02:08 Rick Schwier -> Not so!
20:02:18 stlouisohio -> not so
20:02:19 cyndidannerkuhn -> I am still listening too
20:02:34 sroseman -> I am still listening
20:02:39 tjhouston -> [u]Still Here.
20:02:40 PeggyG -> is this a paid version of the new skype?
20:02:57 PeggyG -> rocking John :-)
20:03:18 jackiegerstein -> LOL
20:03:24 Rick Schwier -> Yeh...Skype is working pretty well from this side of the world. I like the look a lot.
20:03:34 jackiegerstein -> Thx - bye!
20:03:36 Rick Schwier -> Thanks for the great show guys.
20:03:42 tjhouston -> [u]Thanks! Great Show.
20:03:46 cyndidannerkuhn -> not sure what my issueis, but I have the streaming video coming in on Chrome and the chat room open in firefox, kinda goofely, but only way I could get it to work
20:03:46 PeggyG -> Skype has worked really well tonight with multi-cams :-)
20:04:01 PeggyG -> good night all! fun show
20:04:10 stlouisohio -> jen is still a spinning icon
20:05:47 stlouisohio -> you did sping out for a little bit
20:05:58 Sheila -> JL's trying to break things again?
20:06:23 cyndidannerkuhn -> thnaks for the resources as alwasy, very interesting. thank you
20:06:24 stlouisohio -> it could be because shes a wisconson fan
20:07:05 stlouisohio -> had to get a little jab in there, even though you won again
20:08:11 JenM -> @stlouisohio ... :)
20:10:03 gary -> Thanks again.
20:10:22 gary -> In
20:10:34 gary -> But ... mostly out.
20:10:56 gary -> It has been 2 years
20:11:11 stlouisohio -> ok time for dinner, have a great night
February 13, 2011
Hosts: Dave, Jen, John, and Jeff
Dave's Link:
Jen's Links:
- College / Life Preparation ... are HS students ready for what is next?
- Some argue no ... http://www.achieve.org/files/AchieveClosingtheExpectationsGap2011.pdf ... and ... http://www.nytimes.com/2011/02/08/nyregion/08regents.html?_r=3&pagewante... ...
- Some refocus the discussion on "prepared for what?" ... http://www.gse.harvard.edu/news_events/features/2011/Pathways_to_Prosper... ...
- ... and raise the concept of "multiple pathways" that some argue dampen expectations and limit options: http://dropoutnation.net/2011/02/02/harvard-graduate-school-education-po... ... and http://dropoutnation.net/2011/02/09/folks-damining-poor-minority-kids-ex...
- http://webheadsinaction.org/
- http://www.freetech4teachers.com/2011/02/seven-free-platforms-for-teachi...
John's Link:
- Horizon Report ... http://net.educause.edu/ir/library/pdf/HR2011.pdf
18:46:14 JohnS -> are you kidding? After all that, it required a restart. brb...
18:56:10 JenM -> I scott ... welcome as our first guest of the evening
18:56:25 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr) -> WooHoo!!1 Do I get a prize?
18:58:04 JenM -> virtual pat on the back ... as your prize
18:58:51 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr) -> I am watching
18:59:17 connect2jamie -> Hi all!
18:59:35 connect2jamie -> Good to hear from Jeff!
19:01:19 JenM -> @RickSchwier ... Yay!!!!!
19:01:27 JenM -> Can you see us!!?!?
19:01:33 Rick Schwier -> I can!
19:01:50 PeggyG -> Yes-can see you all! what a treat!!
19:01:58 Rick Schwier -> Howdy! Are you thrilled with your Badgers for knocking off OSU this weekend, Jen?
19:02:15 JenM -> If you can see me, you can see my shirt!!! Yay!
19:03:12 PeggyG -> had to switch over to studio view for a bigger screen :-) much better!
19:03:50 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr) -> I opened Ustream in a new window. Video looking good
19:03:59 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr) -> *Hi Peggy
19:04:04 PeggyG -> Hi Scott
19:04:20 PeggyG -> I opened it in Supersized Studio :-)
19:04:33 PeggyG -> Hi Sheila
19:04:43 Sheila -> Hi all!
19:04:54 PeggyG -> old home week!! welcome back Jeff!! we've missed you!
19:05:29 Sheila -> Wow Effects and all!
19:05:39 PeggyG -> woo hoo!!!!
19:06:35 dave -> https://pub.needlebase.com/actions/visualizer/V2Visualizer.do?domain=twi...
19:06:51 stlouisohio -> i like the ustream
19:11:07 Rick Schwier -> At Purdue, wouldn't it be black or gold?
19:11:59 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr) -> Yay Purdue! My kid was there for the Academic Decathalon this weekend.
19:12:59 tjhouston -> Howdy all.
19:13:25 stlouisohio -> u made it
19:15:12 tjhouston -> I did I did.
19:15:12 dave -> snapp
19:16:35 JohnS -> snapp is awesome. Have we talked about that here before?
19:16:44 Rick Schwier -> I've been playing with SNAPP since you told me about it, Dave. Nice visualization tool, especially when you use it to filter for numbers of connections.
19:17:32 tjhouston -> Im trying to find grasshopper. All I have so far is Delicious Grasshopper Recipes and How to catch a grasshopper..
19:17:35 tjhouston -> any help?
19:18:14 JL -> http://grsshopper.downes.ca/
19:18:28 tjhouston -> TY
19:18:31 dave -> http://grsshopper.downes.ca/description.htm
19:18:35 dave -> doh.
19:18:52 tjhouston -> :)
19:22:05 JenM -> See Jen's Links: http://edtechweekly.wikispaces.com/EdTechWeekly+183
19:23:23 JenM -> http://www.gse.harvard.edu/news_events/features/2011/Pathways_to_Prosper...
19:26:40 cyndidannerkuhn.info -> too much teaching to the test, lack of creative activities
19:27:26 Scott Shelhart (@kd9sr) -> It is hard to demonstrate higher level thinking on a bubble test.... therefore we do not test it.
19:28:33 cyndidannerkuhn.info -> Goog Points Dave
19:28:41 cyndidannerkuhn.info -> Good
19:29:06 stlouisohio -> university should also offer a place to excell once you show mastery in a course
19:30:16 JohnS -> I'm not going to mention that OLPC came out of MIT.
19:32:11 cyndidannerkuhn.info -> and how many kids actually know what they want to do with their lives a 17 or 18.
19:32:30 JohnS -> yep. And part of the problem is that we don't want to force them to make choices that early.
19:32:45 JohnS -> So we end up with a lot of kids ending up majoring in "undecided"
19:33:27 cyndidannerkuhn.info -> do you have a link to that blog about purpose of education, would love to follow
19:33:46 stlouisohio -> and early choices with failer set you up for failing at being able to succeed at college. lots of credits and poor GPA costs you many semesters (of crap classes) to be able to continue your chosen path. sorry soapbox
19:33:51 JenM -> http://edtechweekly.wikispaces.com/EdTechWeekly+183
19:34:19 dave -> maybe i framed it different :)
19:35:44 gary -> My daughter started teachering first year university physics labs this year - her preception is that it takes a great deal of effort to get students to do more than follow instructions.
19:35:45 jackiegerstein -> http://purposed.org.uk/ Heard about this yesterday - following them on Twitter
19:37:15 dave -> bonnie is taking my picture
19:38:42 JohnS -> http://net.educause.edu/ir/library/pdf/HR2011.pdf
19:39:20 jackiegerstein -> Another new initiative - Uncollege self directed higher ed. http://uncollege.org/
19:40:06 dave -> http://www.downes.ca/cgi-bin/page.cgi?post=54807 this is the fun horizon link
19:41:15 dave -> http://www.downes.ca/cgi-bin/page.cgi?post=54820 this is a specific one in that list
19:41:45 JenM -> ... and as his own devil's advocate ... from @JohnS's blog .. http://staff.bbhcsd.org/schinkerj/
19:41:54 jackiegerstein -> LOL on Downes' crib sheet
19:42:25 stlouisohio -> awesome
19:42:30 JohnS -> https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0AsnTaf3AKUJ8dEZZcEJUQjJmM2VXN1N... Here are all of them
19:43:32 PeggyG -> that's a really interesting spreadsheet!! thanks!
19:43:38 cyndidannerkuhn -> and 3/4th of teachers and administrators have never read it or likely never even heard of the report.
19:44:00 dave -> @cyndi but still impacted. because policy is affected by it
19:44:08 cyndidannerkuhn -> true
19:44:39 jackiegerstein -> How so, Dave? We, in the ed tech field, share with others in the edtech field
19:44:49 jackiegerstein -> I don't
19:45:16 jackiegerstein -> Do you think Bill Gates has read the report?
19:45:55 jackiegerstein -> NMC report
19:46:06 PeggyG -> the reports aren't prepared for Bill Gates...
19:46:40 cyndidannerkuhn -> What do you think about Obama proposal for new agency to promote educational technology
19:47:22 stlouisohio -> @cyndi it will be interesting to see what kind of things come out of the new office
19:48:58 cyndidannerkuhn -> I diagree too,
19:49:25 PeggyG -> drum roll!
19:49:50 JL -> http://webheadsinaction.org/
19:50:11 JL -> http://www.freetech4teachers.com/2011/02/seven-free-platforms-for-teachi...
19:51:38 tjhouston -> [u]^--- Good Link...
19:54:17 cyndidannerkuhn -> wiki's are easy, but UGLY!! too ugly!!
19:56:13 stlouisohio -> Moodle for ease of use to beginners
19:56:16 cyndidannerkuhn -> I an using Moodle for a ful semester class with a school district, 50 teachers, but I have to damit, I would rather use my website and have them make a google site or something with their work
19:56:20 tjhouston -> [u]What about google Apps as your LMS? Google Site + Live Documents for Collab? Forms for quizes/tests...
19:56:40 PeggyG -> I heard that!!! :-) I agree! Elluminate
19:56:53 jackiegerstein -> It is going to be called something else - isn't it - now that Blackboard bought it?
19:57:47 jackiegerstein -> Depends is synchronous vs. asynchronous is desire.
19:57:51 jackiegerstein -> if
19:58:09 PeggyG -> Drupal is much more complex to manage than Moodle
19:58:31 JohnS -> yep. That's a Jeff solution, because he's very comfortable managing it.
19:58:54 PeggyG -> so true!
19:58:57 cyndidannerkuhn -> I do hate how slow Moodle is
19:58:59 tjhouston -> [u]@PeggyG Agreed. Our district site is district. Wiki so much easier.
19:59:05 sroseman -> agree ..Moodle ..used for an informal course ..with knowschools.ca
19:59:07 tjhouston -> [u]*drupal
19:59:54 sroseman -> once teachers get used to it ..they fully adopt it
20:01:13 PeggyG -> teachers have to be able to depend on it to be working when they need it
20:01:36 PeggyG -> most districts don't have expert Drupal managers
20:02:06 PeggyG -> I'm still listening :-)
20:02:08 Rick Schwier -> Not so!
20:02:18 stlouisohio -> not so
20:02:19 cyndidannerkuhn -> I am still listening too
20:02:34 sroseman -> I am still listening
20:02:39 tjhouston -> [u]Still Here.
20:02:40 PeggyG -> is this a paid version of the new skype?
20:02:57 PeggyG -> rocking John :-)
20:03:18 jackiegerstein -> LOL
20:03:24 Rick Schwier -> Yeh...Skype is working pretty well from this side of the world. I like the look a lot.
20:03:34 jackiegerstein -> Thx - bye!
20:03:36 Rick Schwier -> Thanks for the great show guys.
20:03:42 tjhouston -> [u]Thanks! Great Show.
20:03:46 cyndidannerkuhn -> not sure what my issueis, but I have the streaming video coming in on Chrome and the chat room open in firefox, kinda goofely, but only way I could get it to work
20:03:46 PeggyG -> Skype has worked really well tonight with multi-cams :-)
20:04:01 PeggyG -> good night all! fun show
20:04:10 stlouisohio -> jen is still a spinning icon
20:05:47 stlouisohio -> you did sping out for a little bit
20:05:58 Sheila -> JL's trying to break things again?
20:06:23 cyndidannerkuhn -> thnaks for the resources as alwasy, very interesting. thank you
20:06:24 stlouisohio -> it could be because shes a wisconson fan
20:07:05 stlouisohio -> had to get a little jab in there, even though you won again
20:08:11 JenM -> @stlouisohio ... :)
20:10:03 gary -> Thanks again.
20:10:22 gary -> In
20:10:34 gary -> But ... mostly out.
20:10:56 gary -> It has been 2 years
20:11:11 stlouisohio -> ok time for dinner, have a great night
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