2011-05-12 Seedlings Show 115 with Chris Bugaj

Post-Show description: 
We are joined by Chris Bugaj, a fellow podcaster who produces the A.T.Tipcast and has just published the book The Fun and Practical Guide to Assistive Technology in Public Schools  He has some great ideas for using Universal Design for Learning methods in school. WE also hear about Chris' other project, Night Stories

We are joined by Chris Bugaj, a fellow podcaster who produces the A.T.Tipcast and has just published the book The Fun and Practical Guide to Assistive Technology in Public Schools  He has some great ideas for using Universal Design for Learning methods in school. WE also hear about Chris' other project, Night Stories

Geek of the Week links

 cheryloakes~Seedlings -> Welcome, getting ready for Seedlings with Chris Bugaj, Assistive Technology, the practical guide in public schools!
 cheryloakes~Seedlings -> Great job.
 PeggyG -> Hi everyone! Audio is great!
 cheryloakes~Seedlings -> Hi Peggy!!
 PeggyG -> Really looking forward to this!!
 alicebarr (Seedlings) -> WElcome Chris!
 attipscast -> hey all
 PeggyG -> Welcome Chris!
 PeggyG -> I spent years in Amherst MA :-)
 attipscast -> My wife is from Georgetown, MA
 PeggyG -> that's so funny but true!! I used to time my drives by the length of the podcast
 PeggyG -> how exciting!!! Zoe is so talented!
 PeggyG -> I knew that Alice
 alicebarr (Seedlings) -> OH OK!
 PeggyG -> :-)
 alicebarr (Seedlings) -> Sorry :)
 PeggyG -> Smackdowns are so much fun!!
 alicebarr (Seedlings) -> I love Smackdowns. Such great fun way to learn
 PeggyG -> is there a link to that smackdown?
 alicebarr (Seedlings) -> Just went to EdCamp Boston Smackdownw
 PeggyG -> was that hosted by Lisa Thumann?
 PeggyG -> what a wonderful title for a book!!
 alicebarr (Seedlings) -> http://www.iste.org/store/product.aspx?ID=655&utm_source=book%2Bshortcut...
 alicebarr (Seedlings) -> @Peggy EdCampBoston hosted by Karen Janowski and LizBDavis. Link is my Geek of the week!
 cheryloakes~Seedlings -> I am the AT team in my school so far.
 PeggyG -> Oh that's right! I think I saved that link... :-)
 BenNYHS -> Hello!
 cheryloakes~Seedlings -> Hi Ben!
 BenNYHS -> How are we on this fine evening?
 PeggyG -> I go to all of the FETC virtual conferences and love them!!
 PeggyG -> Hi Ben
 alicebarr (Seedlings) -> Hello Ben N1
 alicebarr (Seedlings) -> What a great night! Did you run?
 PeggyG -> wow!! that's so exciting!!
 cheryloakes~Seedlings -> Our Guest Chirs Bugaj, who co-authored the Practical and fun guide to assistive technology in public schools
 cheryloakes~Seedlings -> his co author Sally Norton-Darr
 BenNYHS -> Nice, hello Chris
 BenNYHS -> I did run, had a fantastic meet -- Wes broke 5 min (Mrs. Crawford is going to be happy tomorrow)
 alicebarr (Seedlings) -> Woo Hoo! GREAT! YOu guys rock!
 PeggyG -> I especially like the way Karen Jan talks about AT as "reaching all learners" and not just for special ed learners
 alicebarr (Seedlings) -> ME too Peggy.
 PeggyG -> that sounds like a dream book!!
 PeggyG -> the way you describe it makes me want to read it!!
 BenNYHS -> how about student involvement?
 alicebarr (Seedlings) -> hat's JUST what I was going to ask!
 BenNYHS -> haha, not to be critical, just kidding
 alicebarr (Seedlings) -> Funny
 BenNYHS -> sounds great. ive got to go
 alicebarr (Seedlings) -> See ya!
 BenNYHS -> glad i checked twitter so i remembered
 BenNYHS -> adios amigos
 alicebarr (Seedlings) -> Thanks Ben!
 PeggyG -> very clever approach Chris!
 PeggyG -> stories are such a powerful way to learn and remember!!
 PeggyG -> things you don't think about that make a difference! great example!
 attipscast -> http://bit.ly/atbookfb
 cheryloakes~Seedlings -> Facebook Like Page, ISTE has a chapter and Table of contents
 cheryloakes~Seedlings -> iste.org/chewat
 attipscast -> http://iste.org/chewat
 alicebarr (Seedlings) -> WElcome Aaron B
 cheryloakes~Seedlings -> Hello AaronB
 cheryloakes~Seedlings -> The National Tech Plan talks about UDL, Universal Design for Learning!
 AaronB -> hello all
 PeggyG -> I'm surprised at how many teachers aren't familiar with UDL
 PeggyG -> Hi Aaron
 cheryloakes~Seedlings -> http://www.udlcenter.org/advocacy/referencestoUDL
 cheryloakes~Seedlings -> http://cecblog.typepad.com/policy/2010/11/national-education-technology-...
 PeggyG -> that is such a good point! we all have different modalities we prefer to learn
 attipscast -> Thanks Peggy
 PeggyG -> there isn't even a common expectation that all schools/districts will use/implement the Nat Ed Tech Plan! Unfortunately!!
 cheryloakes~Seedlings -> Not yet, right!
 PeggyG -> your enthusiasm is contagious Chris!! love it!
 attipscast -> Thanks Peggy!
 attipscast -> http://bit.ly/udlexplained (short video explaining UDL)
 PeggyG -> technology has provided so many new options for varied learning styles!
 PeggyG -> Karen Janowski did an awesome webinar for us on Classroom 2.0 LIVE a couple of months ago!
 alicebarr (Seedlings) -> And Cheryl Oakes is on this weekend !! Whoo Hoo!
 PeggyG -> http://live.classroom20.com/1/category/karenjanowski/1.html
 PeggyG -> Yes and CHERYL OAKES is our FEATURED TEACHER on Saturday!!! So excited!!
 cheryloakes~Seedlings -> Ah shucks, Peggy
 cheryloakes~Seedlings -> http://www.techmatrix.org/
 PeggyG -> I love the StudyCasts that Brent Coley creates for his students! http://www.mrcoley.com/studycast/
 PeggyG -> The AZ K12 Center has created an awesome technology matrix aligned to standards with videos of examples of different levels of tech implementation
 cheryloakes~Seedlings -> link?
 PeggyG -> http://azk12.org/technology.html
 PeggyG -> we're hoping to have them share it on Classroom 2.0 LIVE very soon
 alicebarr (Seedlings) -> Wow! Great link
 PeggyG -> I love the tiered approach
 PeggyG -> http://azk12.org/tim/index.shtml this is the direct link to the matrix
 PeggyG -> have you ever heard the song about snow days on Teacher Therapy? it's great!
 alicebarr (Seedlings) -> No
 cheryloakes~Seedlings -> http://en.wordpress.com/tag/differentiated/
 PeggyG -> http://www.amazon.com/Teacher-Therapy-Judy-Domeny-Bowen/dp/B00004C4S0
 PeggyG -> that cd has a lot of really fun songs for teachers!!
 PeggyG -> I think I have them all memorized :-)
 cheryloakes~Seedlings -> never heard that snow days teacher therapy
 PeggyG -> it's a wonderful gift for student teachers :-)
 cheryloakes~Seedlings -> Hello treelady, welcome
 alicebarr (Seedlings) -> Hi treelady
 treelady -> Thanks! I just noticed this on twitter and thought I would observe.
 alicebarr (Seedlings) -> Welcome!
 treelady -> Thank you very much!
 cheryloakes~Seedlings -> Thanks, we are talking about Assistive Technology, UDL with Chris Bugaj
 cheryloakes~Seedlings -> There is an audio, if you look at the top right of the page, click on the ETTA sound symbols
 PeggyG -> that is so true Chris!!
 PeggyG -> there are still lots of teachers who are just beginning to learn about web tools and tech integration
 cheryloakes~Seedlings -> yes Peggy and we keep cheering them on!
 PeggyG -> absolutely Cheryl!
 PeggyG -> that's a great way to validate the PD experience so the district will accept the credits
 cheryloakes~Seedlings -> very thoughtful way for PD
 PeggyG -> good point Cheryl!
 PeggyG -> webcasts can be downloaded to ipods and you don't have to listen to them via the internet
 alicebarr (Seedlings) -> Great point Peggy
 PeggyG -> nightlifestories.net???
 alicebarr (Seedlings) -> http://www.nightlightstories.net/
 PeggyG -> nightlightstories.net
 PeggyG -> thanks!!
 alicebarr (Seedlings) -> http://explore.org/
 PeggyG -> what a brilliant idea!!!
 alicebarr (Seedlings) -> http://edcampboston.posterous.com/
 PeggyG -> great geeks of week!! as always!!
 PeggyG -> Meg Wilson presented several times at the Mobile Learning conference and she was awesome! I loved her epub presentation!
 attipscast -> ePub files is on my personal list to learn a lot more about
 alicebarr (Seedlings) -> @peggy Meg did a great job and now Ben M has an iPad becasue of what he learned from her!
 cheryloakes~Seedlings -> http://phet.colorado.edu/en/simulations/category/new
 PeggyG -> I can see why!!! she made it look so easy to produce epubs!
 alicebarr (Seedlings) -> I know! She is SO enthusiastic!
 alicebarr (Seedlings) -> SHe will be a great ADE
 cheryloakes~Seedlings -> http://edreach.us/2011/05/09/edceptional-show-8-speaking-universally-wit...
 cheryloakes~Seedlings -> http://edreach.us/category/edceptional/
 PeggyG -> like that term-edceptional :-)
 PeggyG -> so true Cheryl!!!
 PeggyG -> too humble Chris!!!
 PeggyG -> you are doing amazing things!!!
 attipscast -> <blush>
 PeggyG -> we need to have Chris come and share with Classroom 2.0 LIVE!!!!
 alicebarr (Seedlings) -> YEs I think so Peggy!
 cheryloakes~Seedlings -> Thanks for being a part of our show! Yeah
 cheryloakes~Seedlings -> Thanks to Chris, and Edtechtalk, Worldbridges.
 attipscast -> Woot!
 PeggyG -> Thank you so much for sharing your insights and enthusiasm Chris!! Fantastic webcast! Thanks Seedlings for always discovering so many great educators to share with us!
 PeggyG -> yeah!!!! Can't wait!
 PeggyG -> http://live.classroom20.com  12:00noon EDT Sat. May 14
 attipscast -> THANK YOU SO MUCH!
 cheryloakes~Seedlings -> Good night all
 PeggyG -> good night all!
 attipscast -> Peggy you awesome!
 PeggyG -> I love being a cheerleader!
 alicebarr (Seedlings) -> Thanks Peggy!