2011-05-19 Seedlings Show 116 with Dr. Carina Self

Post-Show description: 

We are joined by Dr. Carina Self from The University of New Hampshire. Carina is the Assistant Coordinator of the Women's Studies Program and lecturer.

Geek of the week

Links from the Show


 cheryloakes~seedlings -> welcome connect2jamie
 connect2jamie -> Hi friends!
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> Welcome, this evening, we have Carina Self as our guest.
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> Hello PeggyG, welcome
 bobsprankle -> http://www.aschool.us/random/
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> audio check?
 alice barr (SEEDLings) -> Hi Jamie Hi Peggy can you hear us?
 connect2jamie -> yes! I hear you on A
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> great
 connect2jamie -> hi everyone!
 PeggyG -> hi hearing you great!
 PeggyG -> my chat log was slow loading!
 connect2jamie -> I had to load the page twice. Chat log acted funny
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> glad it is working
 PeggyG -> I think I just have too many tabs open :-) hoping I don't lose my connection!
 PeggyG -> we're so glad you're back Bob!
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> I know what you mean Peggy! Ihad to restart my computer!
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> We are glad he is back too. Although we heard that Zoe's concert was awesome.
 PeggyG -> It's a beautiful day here in Phoenix AZ! 72 degrees and windy :-) But it will be back to 85 degrees tomorrow
 alice barr (SEEDLings) -> Sounds so nice. I actually had a fire last night brrr
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> We have had about 10 days of rain, fog, clouds, but 62 degrees today was nice.
 alice barr (SEEDLings) -> Hasn't gotten to 60 yet. Garden beginning to rot
 PeggyG -> oh no! that's sad!
 connect2jamie -> 85* here in Houston today.
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> Oh,  Alice we had 62 today when the sun tried to appear.
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> Oh, Jamie, great report 85 degrees!
 connect2jamie -> It will be 110 soon though, and I'll wish I were in Maine!
 PeggyG -> maybe our cool weather is coming your way connect2jamie :-)
 alice barr (SEEDLings) -> Nice. Weird it was chilly for me!
 PeggyG -> Great to be hearing from another preservice educator!!
 PeggyG -> do you have a link for Carina?
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> Yes, Peggy, we have  much to learn
 alice barr (SEEDLings) -> yes coming
 alice barr (SEEDLings) -> http://www.unh.edu/womens-studies/index.cfm?ID=784B61C4-0759-8EAC-C57E0F...
 PeggyG -> I haven't seen Waiting for Superman yet
 PeggyG -> thanks Alice
 PeggyG -> what's a date movie??
 alice barr (SEEDLings) -> http://gradworks.umi.com/34/70/3470116.html
 alice barr (SEEDLings) -> Date Movie='s going out on a date to a movie
 PeggyG -> aha
 alice barr (SEEDLings) -> http://blogs.edweek.org/edweek/Bridging-Differences/
 PeggyG -> can't wait to hear the solutions :-) talk about pressure!!
 bobsprankle -> lol, peggy
 PeggyG -> kids enter Kindergarten in that phase and then something happens!!
 bobsprankle -> "can't just change things by being a good person"
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> Yes, Peggy, we make them line up to go everywhere.
 PeggyG -> exactly!
 PeggyG -> I think when preservice teachers are immersed in schools as they complete their courses is a great way to help them be realistic and idealistic
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> yes Peggy, and really helps them reflect upon their practice
 PeggyG -> Our Professional Development School program model for preservice education did that and I loved it!
 bobsprankle -> http://blogs.edweek.org/edweek/Bridging-Differences/
 connect2jamie -> LOVE their blog!
 PeggyG -> it looks wonderful! can't wait to explore it
 connect2jamie -> I didn't know they've been doing it for so long.
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> This is great it is like being a fly on the wall.
 PeggyG -> I remember and still own all of those books from the 70's and 80's mentioned in that first blog post (Holt, Kohn, Sylvia Ashton-Warner). They were all part of my university education.
 connect2jamie -> :)
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> Peggy, so true.
 PeggyG -> That was a great Conversations webcast!! Miguel Guhlin asked hard questions. :-)
 connect2jamie -> That conversations podcast ep was really a good discussion. Wish I'd been there!
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> Miguel is so throughtful and he asks probing questions.
 connect2jamie -> He does.
 PeggyG -> the relationships are so important to building trust and community to work through challenging decisions!
 PeggyG -> teaching can be a very lonely profession if you limit yourself to your classroom, grade level and school. that's why PLNs and social media are so valuable to help you get things in perspective!
 connect2jamie -> Amen, Peggy!
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> absolutely, Peggy. It still is a lonely profession for many. And then some people form groups and get stuck in the mire of schools.
 connect2jamie -> As the librarian, many times the things that I think are important are not even on other teachers' radar. It can be very isolating.
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> Yes Jamie! Then, also there comes a teacher who is excited about something that you have tried to introduce and promote and they are able to break through to other teachers.
 connect2jamie -> My PLN keeps me thinking and trying and helps me to reflect on how things are and how things can be.
 PeggyG -> When I retired as a principal I was beginning to see a trend with new teachers coming in that they weren't really interested in community building and taking on responsibilities outside of their classroom. This was in contrast to the veteran teachers who had worked hard to build community for many years.
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> Peggy, that happens with many new teachers until they get tenure.
 PeggyG -> you have such an incredibly important role as a librarian Jamie!
 alice barr (SEEDLings) -> Anyone read this yet? A New Culture of Learning: Cultivationg the Imagintion for a World Of Constant Change.
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> sounds good Alice.
 connect2jamie -> Yes. That does happen, and it is great when it does. I can't imagine how it would be though if I didn't have my online community to discuss and reflect with.
 PeggyG -> no Alice but the title is wonderful!
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> yes, this online group is the best supportive network
 connect2jamie -> That does look good Alice.
 connect2jamie -> Yes it is Cheryl!
 connect2jamie -> Twitter has changed my professional life.
 alice barr (SEEDLings) -> ME too Jamie
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> yes!
 connect2jamie -> And my husband's life, to some extent, b/c he gets to have dinner with all my Maine friends every Thursday!
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> How nice is that!!! Welcome to your husband.
 connect2jamie -> My daughter, home from college, earlier said, "Bob Sprankle. I know that name. Who is he?" I laughed.
 PeggyG -> new teachers are discouraged for many reasons--whether they will even get or keep their job, and struggling with so much public criticism of teachers and schools.
 alice barr (SEEDLings) -> How fun! Welcome Jamie's hubby!
 connect2jamie -> She knows Bob from me being on Twitter & in edtechtalk chat rooms! LOL!
 PeggyG -> love it Jamie!
 alice barr (SEEDLings) -> LOL! So Great!
 bobsprankle -> lol, jamie!
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> Keep spreading the word.
 PeggyG -> I like that point a lot!! we need to reframe how we talk about teachers!
 connect2jamie -> I certainly try to spread the word about online professional communities, but I think networks like Twitter are really hard for people to "get."
 connect2jamie -> At first.
 PeggyG -> what are some of the key words Carina would use to describe teachers in that way?
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> yes, it does require some modeling for some.
 PeggyG -> it's so sad to hear of "teachers of the year" who are exceptional teachers lose their jobs because of seniority and lack of funding!
 connect2jamie -> Haven't had much luck with anyone in my local district. Only one person--and she was wildly connected before she came to the district.
 bobsprankle -> http://www.saveourschoolsmarch.org/
 PeggyG -> what makes her feel that way--we're on the verge of something great...
 connect2jamie -> I hope "big and positive" is right!
 connect2jamie -> I don't really feel that way right now.
 PeggyG -> is it because of the public support for rallying around education? the grass roots movement?
 connect2jamie -> Tell us what makes you feel that we're in a positive place.
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> we will ask her
 connect2jamie -> Things are fairly bleak in TX right now. But final decisions haven't been made by lege yet.
 PeggyG -> they're very bleak in AZ too!
 alice barr (SEEDLings) -> So discouraging right now for education.
 connect2jamie -> My district has done a good job of minimizing the problems that TX districts are having right now, but it is still not good at all, and it's not over. Many, many ppl have lost their jobs.
 PeggyG -> I think people/teachers want to be involved in a positive effort but don't feel like they can make a difference.
 connect2jamie -> I hope you're right
 connect2jamie -> @Peggy I think you're right.
 PeggyG -> yes we are losing many really great teachers!!
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> I think so Peggy, we do the hard work every day. We need community and family members to take on the charge.
 PeggyG -> and those remaining don't feel they can say "I won't take it any more" because they don't want to lose their jobs.
 PeggyG -> I agree Cheryl!
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> right Peggy
 PeggyG -> I love to imagine what it might be like if schools/districts were not allowed to spend money on standardized tests! :-) can you imagine how that might change things???
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> right on Peggy
 connect2jamie -> The road to something else...that's quite a concept. I hope you're right that we will go to a better place. For students and for educators.
 PeggyG -> think of all of the teachers we could bring back into teaching and all of the things we could buy to support education if we didn't have to spend all of that money on testing!!
 connect2jamie -> In my colleagues' discussions about the scary state of education in our state, I see a troubling disconnect between their views there and the way they vote when it comes down to it. I don't understand it.
 PeggyG -> we believe that so strongly as educators--critical to democracy! why don't politicians and legislators see that/believe that??
 connect2jamie -> @Peggy that is such a wonderful thought!
 alice barr (SEEDLings) -> I know I always wonder... The politicians have been through the system, why don't they want to make it better?
 connect2jamie -> I JUST had that discussion about education and democracy with my father in law last weekend! I don't think he really knows exactly what to do with me sometimes though! :)
 PeggyG -> exactly Alice!
 PeggyG -> they are more interested in being re-elected by people who want to lower taxes
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> but keep the conversations going Jamie!
 alice barr (SEEDLings) -> A lot is becasue of $$$$ and what is valued
 PeggyG -> yes! money!!
 alice barr (SEEDLings) -> Lilly! Perfect timing :)
 PeggyG -> my parents never really understood the things I told them about education but they knew how important teachers were and always voted for teacher raises and supporting education!!
 alice barr (SEEDLings) -> JAmie keep those conversations going! YOu never know where it will come back
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> Alice did you bribe Lilly?
 alice barr (SEEDLings) -> NO not at all. She just sat up, barked and then laid down!
 alice barr (SEEDLings) -> She' a true SEEDling :)
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> Good girl Lilly
 connect2jamie -> The disconnect that I see in my area is that the vast, VAST majority of my colleagues might be described as "neoconservatives." And they seem to be surprised that the ppl that they voted for are now creating a hostile environment for schools through legislation. And yet the politicians made it clear exactly what they planned to do!
 PeggyG -> curriculum has become narrowed by what is on the test
 connect2jamie -> That Lilly!
 connect2jamie -> It is scandalously narrowed, and it's scary.
 PeggyG -> teachers aren't being encouraged or rewarded for thinking--only preparing kids to do well on the tests.
 alice barr (SEEDLings) -> @jamie It's really funny what people vote for and then expect. Of ten they hear what they want to and do the research (kind of like kids!)
 connect2jamie -> It is puzzling.
 PeggyG -> we have to hope and believe and keep working for change!
 connect2jamie -> @peggy I think that's why we're all here!
 alice barr (SEEDLings) -> IT must be starting to work... Look how many more people talking changes in ed on Twitter
 alice barr (SEEDLings) -> Yes Jamie
 PeggyG -> I agree Jamie!
 connect2jamie -> @least ppl are talking about education in the general population. Hopefully that's the beginning.
 alice barr (SEEDLings) -> Agree Jamie
 PeggyG -> how do we move people from only thinking about what's important for their child to why that's important for ALL children?
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> Yes Jamie, even NBC has the little blips about education!!
 alice barr (SEEDLings) -> AH great question!
 connect2jamie -> How do we @Peggy?
 connect2jamie -> That is the central question, I guess.
 PeggyG -> I don't have the answer but I'd love to hear what Carina thinks :-)
 connect2jamie -> me too!
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> Hi Carolyn, welcom
 PeggyG -> Hi Carolyn!
 PeggyG -> information and facts are the last thing they need
 cstanley -> Hi, all - just checking in for a minute!
 PeggyG -> they can find it faster on google than they can get an answer from the person sitting next to them
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> especially when they have efficient searches, that is what we need to teach!
 PeggyG -> true
 connect2jamie -> Absolutely @cheryl!
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> :-)
 PeggyG -> I participated in a 3-day food photography online workshop last weekend and was so inspired by how she modeled and taught us about taking photos that captured story, culture and setting--all about people
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> oh, a great one peggy1
 PeggyG -> her key points were all points that educators believe and know!
 alice barr (SEEDLings) -> How fun peggy! You are amazing! Always learning!
 connect2jamie -> storytelling
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> Peggy is the ultimate life long learner.
 PeggyG -> "be inspired, have an insatiable curiosity, love what you're doing, listen, lead with your heart, trust/follow your instincts, be open" Isn't that what we want for our kids??
 alice barr (SEEDLings) -> YEs she is! Such a great model Peggy!
 cstanley -> I participated in Shout webinar with a scientist in Panama - involving folks in sustainable agriculture - shade grown coffee and cacao - pretty passionate project.
 alice barr (SEEDLings) -> YEs Peggy
 PeggyG -> what a wonderful conversation!!! I don't want it to end!
 PeggyG -> I would love to hear more from Carina!
 connect2jamie -> I'd LOVE to hear more about Carina's work!
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> Carolyn, my students are doing the Shout tree banding project.
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> It is a great project!
 PeggyG -> Lilly was eager!
 cstanley -> @cheryl - cool - can you keep me posted?
 bobsprankle -> http://www.wbez.org/blog/achy-obejas/2011-02-07/how-and-why-those-rogers...
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> sure we are just getting ready to post information
 connect2jamie -> @Bob LOL! podcast retrivers!
 cstanley -> You were great on Classroom 2.0 last Saturday.
 alice barr (SEEDLings) -> LOVE Podcast retrievers!!
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> Thanks so much Carolyn! It was stressful, but a fun stressful.
 PeggyG -> yes Cheryl did an awesome job on Classroom 2.0 LIVE!!! such a wonderful example for teachers!
 alice barr (SEEDLings) -> http://googleblog.blogspot.com/2011/05/and-2011-us-doodle-4-google-winne...
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> OH, thanks, aw shucks!
 alice barr (SEEDLings) -> http://googleenterprise.blogspot.com/2011/05/connecting-educators-throug...
 PeggyG -> I mean it Cheryl!! I've listened to the session twice already and hear new things every time!!
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> Wow, I have to admit, I listened to it on Sunday  to see if I made sense.   :-)
 PeggyG -> those are always such creative designs!!
 bobsprankle -> http://mindshift.kqed.org/2011/05/its-flexibility-draws-one-family-to-vi...
 cstanley -> It's not new, crew, but I've been playing with Evernote. As I was trying to figure it out this afternoon, one of my students suggested I use Dropbox instead - said it was better. Any ideas on that?
 connect2jamie -> Of course you did @Cheryl! You were great!
 PeggyG -> they are really different Carolyn. I use both for different reasons
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> They are a little different. I use both. Dropbox for sharing my own stuff, Evernote for collecting work for students.
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> Thanks Jamie.
 bobsprankle -> http://theinnovativeeducator.blogspot.com/2011/05/think-you-need-to-grad...
 bobsprankle -> http://theinnovativeeducator.blogspot.com/2011/05/teen-takes-control-of-...
 PeggyG -> Dropbox is a place to drop documents/files/videos/photos to share with others to download or collaborate on
 alice barr (SEEDLings) -> http://www.nmc.org/news/nmc/8540 K-12 Horizon Report
 PeggyG -> Lisa Nielsen!
 bobsprankle -> http://theinnovativeeducator.blogspot.com/2011/05/think-you-need-to-grad...
 PeggyG -> I heard the CoSN webinar this week announcing the new K12 Horizon report. So glad it's out!!
 cstanley -> Thanks, Peggy. I do like the ability to use Evernote on the iPad. I imagine you can do the same with Dropbox?
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> http://www.pcworld.com/article/226522/chrome_adds_speechtotext_for_googl...
 PeggyG -> I like Evernote much better but need dropbox for sharing large files
 PeggyG -> both are in the cloud and also on your desktop
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> I agree Peggy
 cstanley -> I would like to convince our school to switch over to Chrome, but our administrator is dedicated to Microsoft and IE.
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> yeah Bob!!
 bobsprankle -> http://www.aschool.us/random/
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> IE doesn't work well with  Chrome.
 cstanley -> I have been following your pictures on Twitter, Bob.
 PeggyG -> There are still things I can't do on Chrome that keep me on Firefox as my first choice for a browser
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> I was presenting in a HS and IE was just not satisfying.
 connect2jamie -> Hooray Bob!
 cstanley -> @Peggy - glad to hear you say that - I still am using Firefox at home.
 PeggyG -> there was a really interesting discussion on EdTech Weekly last Sunday about the Chromebook
 PeggyG -> yeah! congrats Julianne Spang!!
 bobsprankle -> Congrats Julie Ann Spang!!!
 connect2jamie -> @peggy yes there was. $720/yr to rent a device is not going to happen in many, many districts!
 alice barr (SEEDLings) -> Rockin chat room tonight thanks guys
 connect2jamie -> It was GREAT as usual!
 PeggyG -> exactly!!!
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> Bye all, thanks for a great chat!!
 cstanley -> night
 PeggyG -> thanks to all of you!! lots of great things to think about!
 connect2jamie -> wonderful discussion and thanks CArina!
 PeggyG -> good night all!
 connect2jamie -> Night!
 bobsprankle -> thank you all so much!

We are joined by Dr. Carina Self from The University of New Hampshire. Carina is the Assistant Coordinator of the Women's Studies Program and lecturer.

Geek of the week

Links from the Show


 cheryloakes~seedlings -> welcome connect2jamie
 connect2jamie -> Hi friends!
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> Welcome, this evening, we have Carina Self as our guest.
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> Hello PeggyG, welcome
 bobsprankle -> http://www.aschool.us/random/
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> audio check?
 alice barr (SEEDLings) -> Hi Jamie Hi Peggy can you hear us?
 connect2jamie -> yes! I hear you on A
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> great
 connect2jamie -> hi everyone!
 PeggyG -> hi hearing you great!
 PeggyG -> my chat log was slow loading!
 connect2jamie -> I had to load the page twice. Chat log acted funny
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> glad it is working
 PeggyG -> I think I just have too many tabs open :-) hoping I don't lose my connection!
 PeggyG -> we're so glad you're back Bob!
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> I know what you mean Peggy! Ihad to restart my computer!
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> We are glad he is back too. Although we heard that Zoe's concert was awesome.
 PeggyG -> It's a beautiful day here in Phoenix AZ! 72 degrees and windy :-) But it will be back to 85 degrees tomorrow
 alice barr (SEEDLings) -> Sounds so nice. I actually had a fire last night brrr
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> We have had about 10 days of rain, fog, clouds, but 62 degrees today was nice.
 alice barr (SEEDLings) -> Hasn't gotten to 60 yet. Garden beginning to rot
 PeggyG -> oh no! that's sad!
 connect2jamie -> 85* here in Houston today.
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> Oh,  Alice we had 62 today when the sun tried to appear.
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> Oh, Jamie, great report 85 degrees!
 connect2jamie -> It will be 110 soon though, and I'll wish I were in Maine!
 PeggyG -> maybe our cool weather is coming your way connect2jamie :-)
 alice barr (SEEDLings) -> Nice. Weird it was chilly for me!
 PeggyG -> Great to be hearing from another preservice educator!!
 PeggyG -> do you have a link for Carina?
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> Yes, Peggy, we have  much to learn
 alice barr (SEEDLings) -> yes coming
 alice barr (SEEDLings) -> http://www.unh.edu/womens-studies/index.cfm?ID=784B61C4-0759-8EAC-C57E0F...
 PeggyG -> I haven't seen Waiting for Superman yet
 PeggyG -> thanks Alice
 PeggyG -> what's a date movie??
 alice barr (SEEDLings) -> http://gradworks.umi.com/34/70/3470116.html
 alice barr (SEEDLings) -> Date Movie='s going out on a date to a movie
 PeggyG -> aha
 alice barr (SEEDLings) -> http://blogs.edweek.org/edweek/Bridging-Differences/
 PeggyG -> can't wait to hear the solutions :-) talk about pressure!!
 bobsprankle -> lol, peggy
 PeggyG -> kids enter Kindergarten in that phase and then something happens!!
 bobsprankle -> "can't just change things by being a good person"
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> Yes, Peggy, we make them line up to go everywhere.
 PeggyG -> exactly!
 PeggyG -> I think when preservice teachers are immersed in schools as they complete their courses is a great way to help them be realistic and idealistic
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> yes Peggy, and really helps them reflect upon their practice
 PeggyG -> Our Professional Development School program model for preservice education did that and I loved it!
 bobsprankle -> http://blogs.edweek.org/edweek/Bridging-Differences/
 connect2jamie -> LOVE their blog!
 PeggyG -> it looks wonderful! can't wait to explore it
 connect2jamie -> I didn't know they've been doing it for so long.
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> This is great it is like being a fly on the wall.
 PeggyG -> I remember and still own all of those books from the 70's and 80's mentioned in that first blog post (Holt, Kohn, Sylvia Ashton-Warner). They were all part of my university education.
 connect2jamie -> :)
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> Peggy, so true.
 PeggyG -> That was a great Conversations webcast!! Miguel Guhlin asked hard questions. :-)
 connect2jamie -> That conversations podcast ep was really a good discussion. Wish I'd been there!
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> Miguel is so throughtful and he asks probing questions.
 connect2jamie -> He does.
 PeggyG -> the relationships are so important to building trust and community to work through challenging decisions!
 PeggyG -> teaching can be a very lonely profession if you limit yourself to your classroom, grade level and school. that's why PLNs and social media are so valuable to help you get things in perspective!
 connect2jamie -> Amen, Peggy!
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> absolutely, Peggy. It still is a lonely profession for many. And then some people form groups and get stuck in the mire of schools.
 connect2jamie -> As the librarian, many times the things that I think are important are not even on other teachers' radar. It can be very isolating.
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> Yes Jamie! Then, also there comes a teacher who is excited about something that you have tried to introduce and promote and they are able to break through to other teachers.
 connect2jamie -> My PLN keeps me thinking and trying and helps me to reflect on how things are and how things can be.
 PeggyG -> When I retired as a principal I was beginning to see a trend with new teachers coming in that they weren't really interested in community building and taking on responsibilities outside of their classroom. This was in contrast to the veteran teachers who had worked hard to build community for many years.
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> Peggy, that happens with many new teachers until they get tenure.
 PeggyG -> you have such an incredibly important role as a librarian Jamie!
 alice barr (SEEDLings) -> Anyone read this yet? A New Culture of Learning: Cultivationg the Imagintion for a World Of Constant Change.
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> sounds good Alice.
 connect2jamie -> Yes. That does happen, and it is great when it does. I can't imagine how it would be though if I didn't have my online community to discuss and reflect with.
 PeggyG -> no Alice but the title is wonderful!
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> yes, this online group is the best supportive network
 connect2jamie -> That does look good Alice.
 connect2jamie -> Yes it is Cheryl!
 connect2jamie -> Twitter has changed my professional life.
 alice barr (SEEDLings) -> ME too Jamie
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> yes!
 connect2jamie -> And my husband's life, to some extent, b/c he gets to have dinner with all my Maine friends every Thursday!
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> How nice is that!!! Welcome to your husband.
 connect2jamie -> My daughter, home from college, earlier said, "Bob Sprankle. I know that name. Who is he?" I laughed.
 PeggyG -> new teachers are discouraged for many reasons--whether they will even get or keep their job, and struggling with so much public criticism of teachers and schools.
 alice barr (SEEDLings) -> How fun! Welcome Jamie's hubby!
 connect2jamie -> She knows Bob from me being on Twitter & in edtechtalk chat rooms! LOL!
 PeggyG -> love it Jamie!
 alice barr (SEEDLings) -> LOL! So Great!
 bobsprankle -> lol, jamie!
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> Keep spreading the word.
 PeggyG -> I like that point a lot!! we need to reframe how we talk about teachers!
 connect2jamie -> I certainly try to spread the word about online professional communities, but I think networks like Twitter are really hard for people to "get."
 connect2jamie -> At first.
 PeggyG -> what are some of the key words Carina would use to describe teachers in that way?
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> yes, it does require some modeling for some.
 PeggyG -> it's so sad to hear of "teachers of the year" who are exceptional teachers lose their jobs because of seniority and lack of funding!
 connect2jamie -> Haven't had much luck with anyone in my local district. Only one person--and she was wildly connected before she came to the district.
 bobsprankle -> http://www.saveourschoolsmarch.org/
 PeggyG -> what makes her feel that way--we're on the verge of something great...
 connect2jamie -> I hope "big and positive" is right!
 connect2jamie -> I don't really feel that way right now.
 PeggyG -> is it because of the public support for rallying around education? the grass roots movement?
 connect2jamie -> Tell us what makes you feel that we're in a positive place.
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> we will ask her
 connect2jamie -> Things are fairly bleak in TX right now. But final decisions haven't been made by lege yet.
 PeggyG -> they're very bleak in AZ too!
 alice barr (SEEDLings) -> So discouraging right now for education.
 connect2jamie -> My district has done a good job of minimizing the problems that TX districts are having right now, but it is still not good at all, and it's not over. Many, many ppl have lost their jobs.
 PeggyG -> I think people/teachers want to be involved in a positive effort but don't feel like they can make a difference.
 connect2jamie -> I hope you're right
 connect2jamie -> @Peggy I think you're right.
 PeggyG -> yes we are losing many really great teachers!!
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> I think so Peggy, we do the hard work every day. We need community and family members to take on the charge.
 PeggyG -> and those remaining don't feel they can say "I won't take it any more" because they don't want to lose their jobs.
 PeggyG -> I agree Cheryl!
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> right Peggy
 PeggyG -> I love to imagine what it might be like if schools/districts were not allowed to spend money on standardized tests! :-) can you imagine how that might change things???
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> right on Peggy
 connect2jamie -> The road to something else...that's quite a concept. I hope you're right that we will go to a better place. For students and for educators.
 PeggyG -> think of all of the teachers we could bring back into teaching and all of the things we could buy to support education if we didn't have to spend all of that money on testing!!
 connect2jamie -> In my colleagues' discussions about the scary state of education in our state, I see a troubling disconnect between their views there and the way they vote when it comes down to it. I don't understand it.
 PeggyG -> we believe that so strongly as educators--critical to democracy! why don't politicians and legislators see that/believe that??
 connect2jamie -> @Peggy that is such a wonderful thought!
 alice barr (SEEDLings) -> I know I always wonder... The politicians have been through the system, why don't they want to make it better?
 connect2jamie -> I JUST had that discussion about education and democracy with my father in law last weekend! I don't think he really knows exactly what to do with me sometimes though! :)
 PeggyG -> exactly Alice!
 PeggyG -> they are more interested in being re-elected by people who want to lower taxes
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> but keep the conversations going Jamie!
 alice barr (SEEDLings) -> A lot is becasue of $$$$ and what is valued
 PeggyG -> yes! money!!
 alice barr (SEEDLings) -> Lilly! Perfect timing :)
 PeggyG -> my parents never really understood the things I told them about education but they knew how important teachers were and always voted for teacher raises and supporting education!!
 alice barr (SEEDLings) -> JAmie keep those conversations going! YOu never know where it will come back
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> Alice did you bribe Lilly?
 alice barr (SEEDLings) -> NO not at all. She just sat up, barked and then laid down!
 alice barr (SEEDLings) -> She' a true SEEDling :)
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> Good girl Lilly
 connect2jamie -> The disconnect that I see in my area is that the vast, VAST majority of my colleagues might be described as "neoconservatives." And they seem to be surprised that the ppl that they voted for are now creating a hostile environment for schools through legislation. And yet the politicians made it clear exactly what they planned to do!
 PeggyG -> curriculum has become narrowed by what is on the test
 connect2jamie -> That Lilly!
 connect2jamie -> It is scandalously narrowed, and it's scary.
 PeggyG -> teachers aren't being encouraged or rewarded for thinking--only preparing kids to do well on the tests.
 alice barr (SEEDLings) -> @jamie It's really funny what people vote for and then expect. Of ten they hear what they want to and do the research (kind of like kids!)
 connect2jamie -> It is puzzling.
 PeggyG -> we have to hope and believe and keep working for change!
 connect2jamie -> @peggy I think that's why we're all here!
 alice barr (SEEDLings) -> IT must be starting to work... Look how many more people talking changes in ed on Twitter
 alice barr (SEEDLings) -> Yes Jamie
 PeggyG -> I agree Jamie!
 connect2jamie -> @least ppl are talking about education in the general population. Hopefully that's the beginning.
 alice barr (SEEDLings) -> Agree Jamie
 PeggyG -> how do we move people from only thinking about what's important for their child to why that's important for ALL children?
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> Yes Jamie, even NBC has the little blips about education!!
 alice barr (SEEDLings) -> AH great question!
 connect2jamie -> How do we @Peggy?
 connect2jamie -> That is the central question, I guess.
 PeggyG -> I don't have the answer but I'd love to hear what Carina thinks :-)
 connect2jamie -> me too!
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> Hi Carolyn, welcom
 PeggyG -> Hi Carolyn!
 PeggyG -> information and facts are the last thing they need
 cstanley -> Hi, all - just checking in for a minute!
 PeggyG -> they can find it faster on google than they can get an answer from the person sitting next to them
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> especially when they have efficient searches, that is what we need to teach!
 PeggyG -> true
 connect2jamie -> Absolutely @cheryl!
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> :-)
 PeggyG -> I participated in a 3-day food photography online workshop last weekend and was so inspired by how she modeled and taught us about taking photos that captured story, culture and setting--all about people
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> oh, a great one peggy1
 PeggyG -> her key points were all points that educators believe and know!
 alice barr (SEEDLings) -> How fun peggy! You are amazing! Always learning!
 connect2jamie -> storytelling
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> Peggy is the ultimate life long learner.
 PeggyG -> "be inspired, have an insatiable curiosity, love what you're doing, listen, lead with your heart, trust/follow your instincts, be open" Isn't that what we want for our kids??
 alice barr (SEEDLings) -> YEs she is! Such a great model Peggy!
 cstanley -> I participated in Shout webinar with a scientist in Panama - involving folks in sustainable agriculture - shade grown coffee and cacao - pretty passionate project.
 alice barr (SEEDLings) -> YEs Peggy
 PeggyG -> what a wonderful conversation!!! I don't want it to end!
 PeggyG -> I would love to hear more from Carina!
 connect2jamie -> I'd LOVE to hear more about Carina's work!
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> Carolyn, my students are doing the Shout tree banding project.
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> It is a great project!
 PeggyG -> Lilly was eager!
 cstanley -> @cheryl - cool - can you keep me posted?
 bobsprankle -> http://www.wbez.org/blog/achy-obejas/2011-02-07/how-and-why-those-rogers...
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> sure we are just getting ready to post information
 connect2jamie -> @Bob LOL! podcast retrivers!
 cstanley -> You were great on Classroom 2.0 last Saturday.
 alice barr (SEEDLings) -> LOVE Podcast retrievers!!
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> Thanks so much Carolyn! It was stressful, but a fun stressful.
 PeggyG -> yes Cheryl did an awesome job on Classroom 2.0 LIVE!!! such a wonderful example for teachers!
 alice barr (SEEDLings) -> http://googleblog.blogspot.com/2011/05/and-2011-us-doodle-4-google-winne...
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> OH, thanks, aw shucks!
 alice barr (SEEDLings) -> http://googleenterprise.blogspot.com/2011/05/connecting-educators-throug...
 PeggyG -> I mean it Cheryl!! I've listened to the session twice already and hear new things every time!!
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> Wow, I have to admit, I listened to it on Sunday  to see if I made sense.   :-)
 PeggyG -> those are always such creative designs!!
 bobsprankle -> http://mindshift.kqed.org/2011/05/its-flexibility-draws-one-family-to-vi...
 cstanley -> It's not new, crew, but I've been playing with Evernote. As I was trying to figure it out this afternoon, one of my students suggested I use Dropbox instead - said it was better. Any ideas on that?
 connect2jamie -> Of course you did @Cheryl! You were great!
 PeggyG -> they are really different Carolyn. I use both for different reasons
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> They are a little different. I use both. Dropbox for sharing my own stuff, Evernote for collecting work for students.
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> Thanks Jamie.
 bobsprankle -> http://theinnovativeeducator.blogspot.com/2011/05/think-you-need-to-grad...
 bobsprankle -> http://theinnovativeeducator.blogspot.com/2011/05/teen-takes-control-of-...
 PeggyG -> Dropbox is a place to drop documents/files/videos/photos to share with others to download or collaborate on
 alice barr (SEEDLings) -> http://www.nmc.org/news/nmc/8540 K-12 Horizon Report
 PeggyG -> Lisa Nielsen!
 bobsprankle -> http://theinnovativeeducator.blogspot.com/2011/05/think-you-need-to-grad...
 PeggyG -> I heard the CoSN webinar this week announcing the new K12 Horizon report. So glad it's out!!
 cstanley -> Thanks, Peggy. I do like the ability to use Evernote on the iPad. I imagine you can do the same with Dropbox?
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> http://www.pcworld.com/article/226522/chrome_adds_speechtotext_for_googl...
 PeggyG -> I like Evernote much better but need dropbox for sharing large files
 PeggyG -> both are in the cloud and also on your desktop
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> I agree Peggy
 cstanley -> I would like to convince our school to switch over to Chrome, but our administrator is dedicated to Microsoft and IE.
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> yeah Bob!!
 bobsprankle -> http://www.aschool.us/random/
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> IE doesn't work well with  Chrome.
 cstanley -> I have been following your pictures on Twitter, Bob.
 PeggyG -> There are still things I can't do on Chrome that keep me on Firefox as my first choice for a browser
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> I was presenting in a HS and IE was just not satisfying.
 connect2jamie -> Hooray Bob!
 cstanley -> @Peggy - glad to hear you say that - I still am using Firefox at home.
 PeggyG -> there was a really interesting discussion on EdTech Weekly last Sunday about the Chromebook
 PeggyG -> yeah! congrats Julianne Spang!!
 bobsprankle -> Congrats Julie Ann Spang!!!
 connect2jamie -> @peggy yes there was. $720/yr to rent a device is not going to happen in many, many districts!
 alice barr (SEEDLings) -> Rockin chat room tonight thanks guys
 connect2jamie -> It was GREAT as usual!
 PeggyG -> exactly!!!
 cheryloakes~seedlings -> Bye all, thanks for a great chat!!
 cstanley -> night
 PeggyG -> thanks to all of you!! lots of great things to think about!
 connect2jamie -> wonderful discussion and thanks CArina!
 PeggyG -> good night all!
 connect2jamie -> Night!
 bobsprankle -> thank you all so much!